The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 22, 1916, Image 2

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Omnty Oftlctai Riper
JUNE 23rd and 24th, Presents
America's Beautiful Actress
In a Stirring Play by Hector Turnbull
5-1 Oc
1 . fi
Ev.::V 4 v :v;-.i . rw
Mnlru'il iv the P.w Olliiv t MUIsIhito,
Oiciii, ! m ill ttmltrt.
.iiliscriilii'ii. Ji.jn ) i ritimim.
Mik INN ; t
In the death of pioneer Thos.
Tucker the state of Oregon has
lost a citizen of inestimable
worth. He was of the mould of
pioneer greatness and he was the
sturdy son of a sturdy pioneer
stock. His father be ton him
was a pioneer son of Indiana,
and Thoa. Tucker followed the
hercditieal tendency of following
new trails to new lands. He
found Oregon nnd lived a worthy
life in his adopted state. As a
citizen he had few equals, and
his gpnuine worth has never
been questioned. He was just
in nil things a:nt no country
could have a proud r boast than
to say that its greatest citizen
ship w as of that class of men
represented by Mr. Tucker.
It is a safe proposition that
those chaps who have criticised
'resident Wilson for not jump
ing on Mexico will be the very
lat to en!it, and it will not be
unlikely that many of them will
now take the attitude of "little
Americans." These are the fel
I iws who are big Americans un
til trouble ensues and thev then
ant on the "criticism board"
and to be delegated on the
"home guard."
E 11 Ingledut" to Oina Head'
uid, same as nbove UKK)
C W Hanta to KSolnweis. U
a Orus Brown d I c 10000
Geo Higgle to tleo K l!ton,
2. lit! a sec 1) t U n r t w . . . . L'U5
U V, I'osz to 11. it tie M Posz,
lilt) a sec 4t Ilni'lw,.,. 1
Kva Derby to Ida Schu!.. 111.-
SxllK) ft blk Li F drove... 1000
J U llailev to I'rnnk l'ailey.
80 a sec 2U t o n r I w ..'..1000
Oregon Iron & Steel Co to
U Ij Smart. r a Rosewood
Acre Tracts . 10
C V Merrill to Shute Savings
Hank, his int in Mary H
Merrill realty 10
Kmma Smith to Kate Hornby
lots 5 & n lot 0 blk 4
Oak (Jrove
Uov Stratton to Clara .laeoby
lot 10 blk I I' & M ad Hbo
Geo A l'atterson to Walter
Hannan. Dtkl-H It lot 2
Wehrung's ad blk 1U) Hbo.
HIk Furniture & Hdwr to
Same, lot 1 blk S l & M ud
M S Allen to Belle Messmger
1 a on 7th & Baseline, Hbo 4.10
Edith Dillard to Frank Dit-
lard. tr l! Fruitful lands ...
J W Haines to li Hansen, f0.
lU a Henry Noland die ..
F Townsend to Meta Town
send, und ! int in 1.5 a
Brugger Tract
Mary llorwin to Klnora tluv-
ton..r0H)t; ft bk a FairviewlOOO
Lois M Johnson et al to W A
Services at the Baptist Church,
Sunday. June 25. E. A. Smith,
pastor; Sunday School at 10 a.
m ; preaching at It, theme. "A
Great liw;" Juniors at 3:!W p.
m.; Voting People's Meeting, at
7 p. m.; preaching at H, subject,
"Calling and Election." I'rayer
meeting Thursday evening.
Everyone cordially invi'ed.
Marriage licenses were issued
this week to John Eggiman, of
Multnomah county, and Lulu
Bremer, of this county: H. Edw.
Boge and Lyda Mercy Lang
nacher. both of this county; Mel
vin J. Bounds, of Skagit county.
Wash., and Anna T. Frm, or
this county.
D. W. Griffith
"A pip fat
of Tuxrdo i
a wonder
fully pUa$'
ant form of
tobuuo n
mild and
Coming Sunday Only, June 25th
"The Badger Game"
And a Big Two-Part Comedy
"Unlucky Luke"
It is n str.inge thing - but not
'sostrange that every big news
paper wanting the U S. to
"shot" its guns and get int) the
European War. is supporting
Charles Evan Hughes. These
are facts that every peace lover
in America should ponder o'er.
Just analyze this, and then you
can tind out what it means to
your own satisfaction.
The grand jury it-turned an
indictment against Bert II. Nich
ols and Martha (ihrisL wile of J.
IM. Ohrist, the charge being
(statutory. The two are from
j Clackamas county, and have
I been at a wood camp In Wash
ington county. Their trial will
take place July 5.
John Walters and Elsie Haum-
irarten were granted license to
wed Sutunlay by Clerk Luce.
The groom is one of the lessees
of the Ernest Lyons place, north
east of the city, nnd the bride's
parents reside near llolbrook,
Deyond Cornelius Pass,
Friday, June ,10. Is the
'tclust day for nine or ten
m.tnthd tl.nt unit nnn nmiutilt l)r.
IOiI.dwp Ynn nuild an blind in
. . ; les than half the time. A word
111 i to the wise is not netessary
For Sale-45.000 kale plants.
Bergen Floral Co., Hillsboro.
Rlizaheth Clarissa 1) u wife of I II. H. Hal!, of Shady Brook.
Thos. R Davis, .1 I at Kocka-1 was greeting friends here today.
way. June 21. afi.r an iMnessofj Luernermann. of above
several montns. lie wile ami , Banks, was in town today.
nustiann went
Shaw. t72 a Johnson est
ad Beav-Ueedviile .....
J B Hibbard to W A Shaw,
1512 t'S a in Wadi County
; coast the
the benefit I
3 4th
j Children's Parade of the Nations, July 3rd
J Industrial and Automobile Pageant, July 4
Ball Games, Races, Amusements of all Kinds
Good Pyrotechnic Display in the Evening
Special Train Service. Reduced Rates.
. tlllW SJlLnJ 1
s. p. & p. n. & u.
All, except the P. K. & N.. trains
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Main Street.
Forest Grove Train li:50 a. m
McMinnville Train 7:li
Sheridan Train 10:03
Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m
McMinnville Train 2:15
Forest Grove Train 4:10
Eugene Train 4:55
McMinnville Train 6:40
Forest Grove Train" 9:50
Eugene Train 8:15 a. m.
McMinnville Train 10:03
Forest Grove Train 11:59
Forest Grove Train 3:14 p. m
Sheridan Train 4:33
Forest Grove Train 6:40
McMinnville Train 7:15
Forest Grove Train 9:00
McMinnville Train 12:15
All trains stop or. flag at Sixth
and Main; at North Kange and
Fir streets, Sixth and Fir Sts.,
and at Tenth street.
Steam Service from old depot at
foot or Second Street
P. K. & N. Train 4:30 p. m.
P. R4 & N. Train 9:15 a. m.
Motor Car Service
To Buxton 12:25 p. m.
To Timber 4:20
From Timber 9:55 a. m.
From Buxton 2:19 p. m.
Beach Special
To Tillamook, Saturday, 3:02 p.m.
From Tillamook, Sun., 9.22 p.m.
Josephine Robb toE D Curtis
3 075 a Cunis ad F Grove $1
Richard Hornby to Kmma
Smith, lot 1 blk 4 Onk
Grove ad Hbo 750
E J Wilkinson to I S McDan
ifil, 108x200 fet-t. approxi
mately, Bee 3f) t 1 n r 3 w. 10
B Thurnher to Wm A Thurn
her, n w J n w and lot 3
sec 3 t 2 s r 3 w 1
B T Flint to II L Flint. IIO'J.-
82 a T D Humphreys d I c 10
Ruth Realty to North Plains
School District. 8 lots blk
16 North Plains 1
F L Lichty to Emma JIarnel,
10.79 a sen ',C t 1 n r 2 w.. 1
Same to Same, 8 39 a same
i section 1
A M Ellsworth to M J Doyle
100 a sec 9 t 1 sr4 w 3200
Amanda Samiaon to C Doro
thy Boldrick. 5 a H Bux
ton Sr d I c 10
C F Schmidtke to F E
Schmidtke. 3.2(55 a F Grove 10
J II Middleton to E L Lued
demann. 50x100 ft Mk 5
Forest Grok'e 10
F W Phillips to Anna Lake.
f.2.120 ft blk fi Hillsboro .. - 10
A L Marcy to E R Ingledue,
20 a sec 1 1 1 n r 2 w 10
to h
last of the week, lo:
of her health.
Mrs. Davis' n a'den name was
Hanlev, and sin- vns the daugh
ter of the I it .luhn Hanlev.
She was born in Croud i. Mv 19.
1853, and came t tin1 Cni'.ed
States w it li her parents, moving
first to California. In 1 ST 1 they i
moved to Oregon. She was mar-,
ned to Mr. Davis in 1S4. P'-i
sides the husband she leaves to
mourn her loss two children-
Charles Davis, of North Plains,
and Thos. Davis Jr.. at home,
aged 12 years. Of her immedi
ate family she leaves two broth
ers. 0. A. Hanlev. county com
missioner, and J. B. Ilanley. ot
Leisvville. and two sinters, Mrs.
Addie Chalmers and Mrs. Olive
M. Baglev. wife of Circuit Judge
Geo. 1L Hagley.
The funeral will be held at the
Tualatin Plains Presbyterian
church Friday afternoon, at 2:00
W. Kiynard. of near Scholls,
was a city caller today.
I would enlist and go to the
war. but the people far and near
would mourn the loss of Koeber's
home-made candies. We make
it e ery day. Koeber'a Confec
Money to loan in any amount
at 7 and 8 per cent, on accepta
bie farm properties. Make ap
plication now and have the
money when you want it. Iing
terms if desired. E. L Perkins,
Hillsboro. Ore
Mrs. J. W. Enochs, of Orenco,
died Monday, June 19. 1916.
after an illness of several weeks,
She leaves a husband and five
children. The funeral took place
from the Hillsboro M. E. Church
this forenooon. and interment
was in the local cemetery.
Phelps & Harrington have
lease on the Majestic Theatre.
and the house will be closed ex-
inf i fi if nYi SdMlPitau mrA V2iinilatf
Union Services at park Jul '(evenings. The deal will enable
2 at 10 o clock; Assembly of the lessees to put on only the
Sunday Schools at Union church- V1,ry lu,Ht 0f reels. Grover Combs
es, iu;ou; JMinoav oi-uuoei rilIU'i j the proprietor of the Majestic.
w purn. io.-., our o will enter another business.
special cnorus conuuciea ny
Prof- Ingram; 11, address by hl-
der B. F. Clay, of the Christian
Church; 12:30, Basket dinner;
Hillsboro youngsters of 20 and
2.) years ttgo are making Rood in
Seattle. Jaa. Spangler is vice-
president of the Seattle Nationa
2:30, Concert bv special band or- president or the Seattle National
chestra conducted by Prof. in. Bank; John Hay is manager ot
me aeauie niaricet, one or ine
Mrs. J. I). Mot-, wife of a
prominent automobile dealer of
largest institutions of its kind in
the Sound City; and Fred Llew
ellen is the recruiting officer ot
Wilis vvana. vvasn . .s visiungj the Seattlt, Nationa juardi The
at the home of Dr. and Mrs h. formt.r Hillsboritea all send best
tieims. ir "I:- ,1 i regards to their oldtime Hills-
arove over ny i.uio. nir. moor, h0ro school mates
ia rlolivprinir n mv IllliUlltl at. I
Spaaije Forest Grove's rose show, Sat-
, . ,, , , ... urday. was a great success. A
UWi: nuncn reys on ouuon ,, . A pvi-ii,; nf
roses, and
two big parades were the fea
tures of the Carnival. F. II
Sholes, of Cornelius, captured
the greatest number of prizes on
roses, and little Helen Walker's
baby cab took hrat prize. The
l. a i .. HI . . j i LA . .
T n,V,i,a era mi Indtin.r frir a ' . . . . IM IMS la it granuuaugnter 01
refreshing rctrekt l"' "n' ot city.
Byron and Miss Horence Gar
rett are visiting relatives in
hook ring. Lost on Laurel-Hills-boro
road, near Burk halter cor
ner. Finder please notify the
W. O. Donelson is visiting in
the Wenatchie, Wash., country.
where the ice cream and ice
cream sodas can't be beat. You
will hnd it at Koeber's.
' jtf-n ' , v"'V
A -.'4 - v
v. p v' M
A. C. Shute, President of the American National Bank, who was
re-elected School Director, Mond iy, after serving the
district six years.
Scores of Big
"Movie" Men
producers as well as actors, aro
constant smokers and out
spoken friends of Tuxedo. It'l
just the soothing, restful, re
freshing smoke men of their
nerve-racking vocation need.
Nothing calms and comforts a
hustlcrbke a pipcof mild, cool,
sweet Tuxedo.
rim p.(A4i ru. irJ cv"
Tuxedo i$ aged (rom three
to five years in wooden hot
heads to nuke :-mellow and
iwect flavored. UuMhe thine
that takes out all the bite and
harshncs and makriTuxedo
so bland and gciulc that it
can't hurt the most sensitive
tongue or throat, is the lam
mm and txrfuuvt "Tuxedo
One week's trial of Tux
edo will i:ou you.
You can buy Tuxedo everywhere
gittuiin .
in r; '
mtJtri, 4it
' t
In Call
li. mijtn,
-ajKaaawMii tueaaHCJ
To Portland -55 minutes.
6:32 ; m
7:1H m
8:28 m
9:.r8 .-a m
12:43 P m
3:68 pm
5:43 pm
8:10 pm
9:t8 (Sat only) pm
From Portland -55 minutes.
7:54 m
9:20 a m
11:25 am
2:12 pm
4:27 pm
6:25 pm
7:13 pm
8:2(5 (Sat. only) pm
12:25 am
A quiet wedding was celebrated
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Walters. West Union, June
21, 1916. at 11 o'clock, their son.
John Walters, and Miss Klsie
Baumgarten. of llolbrook, being
the high contracting parties, Kl
der Catlin olliciating.
Miss Amanda Baumgarten was
the bridesmaid, and Henry Wal
ters officiated as groomsman.
Miss Lizzie Walters played the
wedding match.
The bride was gowned in cream
silk, and carried a bouquet of
Bride roses. The bridesmaid car
ried pink carnations.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. H. Baumgarten, of
llolbrook, and the groom ia well
known near Hillsboro, where he
has farmed the Lyons place for
several years.
Only relatives were present at
the ceremony, and a splendid
dinner was served after congrat
ulations had been tendered.
Alter a short trip up the Col
umbia visiting in Washington,
they will be at home to their
friends, on the Lyons place.
Spirella Corsets Not sold in
stores. A question and a sug
gestion. Have you any corset
troubles? If bo, let Spirella ser
vice cure them. Over three mil
lion satisfied Spirella wearers
testify to tho ease, comfort and
perfection ot style produced by
Spirella corsets. any exclusive
designs from which to select thu
corset best suited to your indi
vidual needs. A Spirella resi
dence corsetiere in this field.
My advice, experience and train
ing are at your service, without
obligation. Appointments by
letter or telephone given prompt
attention. Phone Main 384.
Hefiidenee, Fifth and Jacks ,
Hillsborp. Ore. 3-16
Francis Cota will start for
Kansas, this week, for an ex
tended visit with relatives and