MILLSB0R AR6(JS, HILLSBORO, OREGON, JUNK 8, 191G VOL XX11I NO. 12 STRANGE SUIT FILED l li.tlH'ili Sliulo Allelic 1 tint She Knew of no Divorce asks that i(02 in1. vmnr.o Cte Will be llillcrly I'nujhl on Side in Circuit Cmiri '(loodm and Wilma Waiweneiv Til'l'-n Moauchamp, u runpfeli'd pioneer, died Juno 4 at the limne of Mr. and Mrs. John Northrii. He wan liorn in 1821. and citti to Oregon in 1 KT2. ami took up a donation claim near Ililinlmro One of IlillHlioro'H leading phyHiciarm attended at Farmb'ir tun a chiltl which hail lot two finders on a chopping block, an ax bWnir the instrument of am- l)u i h putation. A year ayo he attend ed a child in the Kami' family fur a like injury, and then Mill an- i other, makinir three iniuri M a!- Kli.nhctb Sltute hm lilcd Hint in moHt identical. circuit court, ankinur that the do- j jm M. J'.rown will prove up cive of divorce granted in 1H'.)2 on his homestead above the to John W. Shute. caiiitalitU, te( Wilkes place, July G. w t aside. Shu allcjreH her at- Sam Paisley will prove up on . ... . ' . . . i t i .. t . & ... t ii ni-y failed to tile tier answer, i tun iiometuean Juiy i. iu wn-Kun and tint it docs not appear of i';1' n i 'ird, anil fIio says nlie did not Sam ' Buxton. has 100 acres near loi'iw nf this until December, 1 '.):". She Bays that nho has lie lievt'd all these yearn that no di vorce was granted, and that Mr. V. J. Grciftf. of Lemyville. was in town Saturday. He says that the. gophers are creating havoc in his section, and ho be- i: .... i.:.... l, ..,,!. I In, ,1,,,!. Suae l,ved and cohab.ted 't(m)mirm, lheirextermination. iter tor 20 years after the de cree w j 8ays tnat tie itt, tellows win tninted. and that by con- ;,0 Jarnaice wrtimatwl at twenty n. Mt ,,f both the proceedings thousand dollars for the entire w nvvT disciiKst'd. She also COunty. Tillamook and. Marion (i.s that Mr. Shutc. in rcpara- mlntj,,9 paj(j a f,V0 cent v?r inn of the lilmi of the suit, s.-t- Bcup bounty on these rodents a tied ;;n annuity on her. The vt,ar op B0 Bk, Bn( Tillamook l!:i!t;u.'me of her coniphiint reads ph.ant,(j t)t.m up j,r,.ny w,.. "nod d.irinu all of said period , Tillamook is not no pavhir the loth plaintill' and defendant were i,mrity unhoi,mh Manon Ktill true to their promises to each .)HVt) lf t, 80U.H. It would other in that no discussion or; r(l(Ujrt,a 1)(.cia Hl.t 0f the CLiivcnution ever took place be-j jsuturC- You can't catch one twtcn them relative to said di-'()t th,,m rur nvfl m,ts but it vorce proct eiimi;, unir poiinui hell) some as the SiHUll boy would uet busy. Capital iking Invested In Manu facturing In Oregon WILLAMETTE VALLEY TOWNS BUSY Si. Helen Shipyard Coalucti lor An- oilicr Vmcl seeds and onion (in.-anitijf Mrs. hlizaheth Shute) at no time doubted the fact that Kiev were Mill husband and wife and living in lawful wed lock. " The Sbutes were married in V; On November 21. 1897. Mr. Shute w(,s married to Sm;lh uud they have one son lion the union. W. (I. Hare will lii-'ht the case for J. W. Shute, and the suit will be stren ! I Ut s v nil irsirii. I .-, ,,,i ,.. i 'i iv,.....ii.,t.i .,n.l c v bell i! piano students, tt . i w vii i rum ivi un'i t Uurhimi ure attorneys for plaint id', who row resides in Portland, S. II. Huston, who was Hiizabeth Sbiitr's attorney, may atisist in ilef. ndinjr the case. It is un derstood that Mr. Huston Bays that, tlm property settlement was nrtdt aoiv.-ahle to Mrs. Shute in 18:2. and that she knew of the divi rce without ipu'Stion. ,1. VV. Shute is the well known retired banker, and residing in Ivi--1 ! I id vtmro H is worth p. i ;i.p. S2U0.IWO, and the case n.i!iiri.l'y excites "Vvideaproad at tei.tioii." The defense will bo ih ;t Ho conduct of the 1SDJ sliit Wanteil -Ht once: Yotmtr men for automobile business, liiir pay. Wo make you expert in ten weeks by mail. Pay us after we secured you position, tVnlury Automobile Institute, 2'J'J Los Angeles, Hal. An intcrestinn program is be inir orcLiared for the recital to tie " ! ivt-n by Mrs. Lester K. t'anp- 1 1'.ursdoy evening'. June lo. at the Jy.-noim Church. No admission will be charyed and all are invited to come and enjoy a ran) nusicul treat. Those takintt part in the program are Misses Iva lleid, Myrtle Strickler. Gladys Allison, Kmma Wenstrom. Porothy Coch rane, Olive and ISessie Ik-rn.ett. ih.- u was regularity. t ! v regular and that no deception or ir- IWLNIV VI-AWS MM (l'rom The ArK'us) lr. C. !!. P.rown is on his way Ki-t to Chicago. He passed itiiiuij'.h a liijr bail storm near tJraud l-il-imi, Ne'a, and the im pact of the hailstones was so j;reat I hat the wooiKvork on the cits was dented. lion V. D Hare and wife I nv departed for a visit in the Ivit. Mr. Haro is Oregon dele Kate to the A. 0. U. W. National convention,- which meets at ltull'alo. Commencement exercises w.ri heiii at the court bouse Friday evening. The graduates were Frank Stewart, Annette Hlliott find J en nit! Connell. From the 0'nmniar school, John Masten. Arthur Tuppcr, Fred Heidol, Lu lu (Iraig, Nora Hager, llarvev llumphreys, Eva Hitler, Lillian For Sale Dwarf Ksaex Hrp? seed, finely cleaned, at market price. Also Barred Plymouth Koek eggs, 0. A. C. strain. 75 cents per setting of 15. Also a few pure bred Jersey cows with oflicia! records. Wm.Schul merich, llillsboro, Ore. Chas. Hickethier. of Cedar Mill, will soon start Cast to visit the National Kncampment of the (i. A. li and will stop in Iowa, at points in and around Dubuque and surrounding counties. Any one who contemplates the trip back will find it t") their ad vantage to write Mr. Hickethier at Portland, Route 2. Nursery stock, fine roses, as paruus roots, outdoors grown cabbage plants, now ready 4 to 8 inches. Morton's Greenhouse. Kmil Kuratli and family were at Bethany and Cedar Mill, Sun day, visiting with friends and relatives. Money to loan on first-class farm security. Washington County Abstract & Title Com pany; by K. J. McAlear, Mana ger.' 4tr K. W. Pant, of Reedville, was up to the city Saturday. Gone will more than likdy be out with bis thresher again this Fall A Anderson, of IL'lvet'a, was in town Friday. Honey to Loan nproied Farms The Shute Savings Bank Astoria - Lumber shipppd from Lower Columbia in May was 2G, MMQ feet. Newport New survey has bt c n ordered of Yaquiha Bay and harbor. St Helens Another contract received here for a deep sea vessel. Umpriua Ilarber to be im proved at expense of $200,000. Bandon-The Moore mill will re sume operations, having secured ships. Albany cheese factory starts witli a run of MR) lbs. milk per dav. Portland Strikes of Long shoremen and tunnel workers put several thousand men out of employment. Census bureau shows capital in manufacturing increased in Orecou in live years 5i per cent, salaries 40 per cent products 18. Kosuburg Sand & Gravel Co, will manufacture cement title. F.nterpriae gets a new brick building this season. Timber countries are still building steel and concrete bridges. Pendleton adding $0000 school facilities. Bid die to get an electric light and power plant. St. Johns gets an addition to the municipal dock. Astoria County will hard sur face part of road to Smith's Point. Amity Nut & Fruit Co. to erect frame hotel. LaGrande Grocery Co. to build large brick this Summer. Baker - Oregon-Idaho Invest ment Co. will operate Poorman copper mine. Paymaster copper mine io Eagle Mountains to be operated. llarriman Construction of highway to Bendire Mountain started. Marshfield struggling for $300. 000 coal briquet plant. Portland - Sisters of the Good Shepherd to erect $125,000 parish structure. Salem Fruit Union contracts for $150,000 deliveries. Sell wood Plana completed for railroad from Ardenwald tc Pleasant Valley. Detroit Corvallis & Eastern tiack to be extended 12 miles east. St. Johns woolen mill3 will in crease capacity of output 35 per cent. Snithern Pacific giving the Coos Bay country a limited train from Eugene whether business warrants or not. Monmouth will spend $7,917 for paving its business street. Riverside -Malheur county land owners voted to create 25. 000 acre irrigation district here. s. p. & p. n. & n. All, except the P, R. & N trains are electric, and stop at the de pot on Main Street. TO PORTLAND Forest Crove Train 6:50 a. m McMinnville Train 7:36 Sheridan Train 10:03 Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m McMinnville Train 2:15 Forest Grove Train 4:10 Eugene Train 4:55 McMinnville Train 6:40 Forest Grove Train 9:50 FROM PORTLAND arrives Kygeno Train 8:15 a. m. McMinnville Train 10:03 Forest Grove Train" 11:59 Forest Grove Train 3:14 p. m Sheridan Train 4:33 Forest Grove Train 6:40 McMinnville Train 7:15 Forest Grove Train 9:00 McMinnville Train 12:15 All trains stop on flag at Sixth and Main; at North Range and Fir streets, Sixth and Fir Sts., and at Tenth street Steam Service from old depot at foot of Second Street TO PORTLAND P. R. & N. Train 4:30 p. m. FROM PORTLAND P. 11. & N. Train 9:15 a. m. Motor Car Service To Buxton 12:25 p. m. To Timber 4:20 From Timber 9:55 a. m. From Buxton 2;10 p. m. Bulk garden sets at Greera. Ben Schofield, of Cornelius, was down to the cojnty seat Friday evening. J. II. Van Lorn and daughter, Agnes, of Centerville, were in town Saturday. Bring or send u your Kodak films. We do developing and printing. The Delta Drug Store. John Kulow, of Sewell, was in town Friday, taking out lumber for an addition to his barn. Money to loan on farm secur ity. 1 represent three large fire insurance companies, uive me a call. E. I. Kuratli. Carl Pfahl. of Blooming, ana Julius Asbahr, of South Tuala tin, were in town Saturday, com ing in to get the news of the big battle between the English and German fleets. J. B. Imlay. of Reedville, in the warehouse business for more vears than almost any other man in the county, was up from Reed ville, Friday. Money to loan in any amount at 7 and 8 per cent, on accepta ble farm properties. Make ap plication now and have the money when you want it. Long terms if desired. E. L. lerkins, Hillsboro. Ore. Harley Stowell Jr.. of Buxtor, severely injured his foot the other day, while loading logs. One foot was smashed and the calks of a boot entered the calf of his leg. He was taken to the improvised hospital at Wheeler. Big dance at Helvetia Hall, Saturday night. June 17. under the auspices of Club of Girls. Good music and a good lime as sured. Everybody invited. Ad mission, 75 cents. 1213 B. C. Hollenbeck is cominc back from Florida. He writes the Arirus: P ease discontinue the Argus at St. Johns Park, r a., until vou hear from us. YYp leave May 29 on the Steamer Crescent which goes out with her last load of potatoes this sea-! son. lheir many friends in and around Mountaindale and Hillsboro will be glad to welcome them back to the Beaver state. One acre, right in the town of Orenco, in Washington County, all cleared up, city water and lights. Price, $250. I cash. Plenty of work in Orenco. Ra'.ph Ackley Land Co., 210 Roth child Bldg.; Portland, Or. 12 Geo. Christenson, of Forest Grove, ran an auto into a ma chine driven by Wm. Schulmer; ich, Saturday evening, in South": east Hillsboro. Mr. Schulmerich says young Christenson was ex ceeding the speed limit and had been racing with another car clear from Reedville. Both ma chines were damaged considera bly. Mr. Schulmerich states that Christenson wa3 totally at fault in the collision. Spirella Corsets Not sold in stores. A question and a sug gestion. Have you any corset troubles? If so, let Spirella ser vice cure them. Over three mil lion satisfied Spirella wearers testify to the ease, comtort and perfection ot style produced by Spirella corsets. any exclusive designs from which to select the corset best suited to your indi vidual needs. A Spirella resi dence corsetiere in this field. My advice, experience and train ing are at your service, without obligation. Appointments by letter or telephone given prompt attention. Phone Main 384. Residence, Fifth and Jacksm, Hillsboro. Ore. 3 16 D, C. Stokesbury came down from Forest Grove, Friday, and fitted up the road roller at the court house, and took it to the Beaverton-Reedville stretch of road, on which work commenced the first of the week. The out fit will be at work there for two or three months, and will remain there until the road is rocked connecting the ends of the rock roads. By Fall the people of the county will have a rock load clear from Gaston to Portland. The Beaverton-Portland ei d w ill be a trifle rough, but there will be no road that a wagon or machine can not get through loaded to the guards. The entire road be tween Beaverton ' and Forest Grove will be put in shape, and hundreds of men will be em ployed. By Oct. 1, at the latest, it is expected that the entire stretch will be completed. In the neighborhood of $30,000 will be expended on the work, a part of it coming from the state. All the work will be done under the supervision of the county court, and no interest-bearing war rants will be issued, all workmen agreeing to take the last 50 per cent, of thepay in the Fall. G. H. WHEELER TO BUILD SAWMILL AT COCHRAN Big Logger Will Cut Lumber at Mi Logging Base WILL MAKE DAILY CUT OF ,0C0 FEf I Coniruciion Will Start at flnce and Building Ruhtd to Coirplrlion , C. H. Wheeler, who is shipping; lojrs out of Cochran to Portland and other points, will at j start construction of a sawmill which will make a daily cut ofj 4U.UW feet The mill will be built on one of his spurs that feed? the Tillamook line, and it will mean from 40 to GO more men in employment Mr. Wheeler has found that a mill is a necessity, and it is ex pected that the saws will be run ning by August 1, if not sooner. A good authority on lumber and logs stated to the Argus. Saturday, that by July 1 there win oe ac lease i.ouu men em ployed in the mills and camps in Washington County, The putting on of a night log ging train between here and the summit shows to what extent the timber cut is assuming to the north of us. Every mill in this district is running full time, and as the bulk of the shipments are made over rail lines, the port troubles of sea-going ships will have but little effect on the cut. Hugh Rogere, whose position as scaler, keeps him busy, savs that the output of logs and lum ber from this section is the greatest in the history of the business. W WMT WAYJ KEEPING MQNEYOKrlttND OREOON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32 a m 7:18 a m 8:28 am 9:58 am 12:43 o m 3:58 p m 5:43 pm 8:10. nm 9:b3 (Sat only) pm From Portland 55 minutes. 7:54 a in 9:20 am 11:25 a m 2:12 pm 4:27 pm 6:25 p m 7:13 nm 8:26 (Sat only) pm 12:25 am Buy your Kodaks and supplies at the Delta Drug Store. tf. Ground bone, grit, shell, egg food at Greers. H. D. LeDuc departed for Herman, Minn., on the Oregon Electric, last week. Mrs. James Martin, of San Francisco, is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Wenger, at Helvetia. Mrs. M. H. Stevenson has so far recovered from her recent operation that she is able to be at her home in Hillsboro. Mrs. A. R. Lincoln and daugh ter, Trella, departed Thursday for a visit with relatives at In verness, Montana. They expect to remain several months. You can leave Hillsboro June 5 and 7 for Albany, on the 6.32 Oregon Electric, and arrive at Albany at 9:50 in time for the Masonic Grand Lodge session. Peter Zuercher, of near Sil verton, was down to Hillsboro, Saturday, and also visited friends at Elmonica. He likes his new location fine, but says, of course, that it is hard to beat old Wash ington County. Walter Vandervelden started Saturday with a steam road roll er for the river road work in the Zimmerman district, this side of Farmington. He ran a roller last Fall for the county, and is considered one ot the best. Wanted: Your fat hogs, cat tle, sheep and lambs, live weight. Highest market prices. We make regular shipments from Hillsboro and Forest Grove. Telephone us what you have. Peterson Bros., Forest Grove, Ore. 7-16 E. A. Larrance collided with a street car on Jefferson St., Port land, one day last week, at the same crossing where W. O. Don elson had an accident The Lar rance machine was hurled clear to the sidewalk, with 525 re sultant damages. C. C. Frick was in the machine with Lar rance, and says that every hair on his head stood up to see the result of the impact WITHOUT the consequent rish is through the universally approved checK-booh, which ha become an earmarh of affuance, conservatism and substance. The men of marK in your community dj business with their ch ch -booA. Are you one of them? 4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings American National DanK Mat anil third St., . Hllltboro, Ora LUMBEI For Less Than Wholesale C We have an immense stock of all kinds of lumber. This stock we are going to move this Summer, and to do so we offer you a big saving, This lumber was bought for less than cost of manufacture and enables us to sell this now CHEAP. No matter where you live in Washington County, we can beat any and all com petition offered. Write us or call us up and we will show vou what a LOW PRICE WE WILL MAKE and WHAT YOU WILL SAVE. We deliver anywhere. Remember that this is the BIGGEST PRICE CUTTING IN LUMBER THIS COUNTY EVER HAD. Send in your -material list NOW for this years needs. We can give terms. Badger Lumber Co. Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Go's. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY Everything in Building Materia Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable D J AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Phrne, City 176 DID YOU EVER CONSIDER That your watch'is normally "on the job" nours eacn day.'' That iu each 24 hours the balance wheel' vi brates more thau 400,000 times? That a variation of ,00.000 "of a minute iu each of these vibrations would cause a variation of more than 4 minutes a day jvx the time of your watch? BY ACTUAL COUNT 143 distinct parts must be given individual attention when the average watch is properly cleaned and oiled. IF YOU HAVE NOT Thought of these little details, do so now, and give us an opportunity to demonstrate the ex tremely close timing which fine tools, skill and experieuce can accomplish with your watch. HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optometrist 1 1 ii