n i niLLSBGR HILLSBORO, OREGON, JUNE 1. 1916 VOL. XX) II NO. 11 BRIDGE CONTRACTS F County Court Clone With HuilJ cr lor $1772.00 In Work TIIKIl! ARK WiPAIR WOHK ONLY ttund llrldce Let lo Pete Lowing; Thaliher Bridie la Jna. Loriunf Tito County comrnitwioners court held a Hhort amnion Inst Satur day afternoon to rcaJ the oilers of liriilne contractors on the re jtcir of three bridjjrt'B and the ImiltJiitK of a new britlne-the latter Ix'injr for a Hmull one across Fir Creek, above Gales Crct'k, and costing $1(K). ThoolTeriniraaiul awards were: Joe Leo ItriJtrc alwve Gales City C li Potts $510 40 John Lorsun 615 00 C K I'otts ftiven the work. Thatcher Bridge John ltrsuntr... -$4S5 ltraung will build and repair. Rood Itridite, below Newton i'eter Lorsunir ?77 Only bidder, and jjiven award. N!w Fir Creek llridse Jo Lilly flOO Iiidder Riven contrnct. Undue is mar the K. M. White place, above Gales City. TW1INTY VHAKS A(K (From The ArRus) The renult of Monday's election : Samuel Hturhea. Forest Grove, was elected state senator, re ceivinR M07 votes; G. W. Marsh. J. It 0. Thompson and II. S. liiKjjvw, representatives; J. A. Imhrle. rlerk; W. D. Bradford. Hheritf; K. L McCormick, re corder; T. G. Todd, commission er; A H. Cady, treasurer; Geo. ii. VVileox. assessor; L K. Wilkes, surveyor; Austin CratR, superin tendent; and Dr. U. L. LarRe, i coroner. , ' - j Herman Schulmerich took chai Re of the postofliee Monday morninR. and tor the first time in history Hillsboro has a demo cratic postmaster. The six year old son of Mrs. Drusilta True, of Cornelius, started a loaded lumber car with a pinch bar, yesterday, and was crushed to death. Gov. I'ennoyer wn elected mayor of l ortland. Monday, and says ha wilt draw but half his salary. The June election cost the "county $01)8.80 besides the print ing of and delivering of the bal lots. U.iirv precinct elected F. A. Retzel justice and John Dooley constable on the democratic tick et. The body of Courtney Meek was found in the Willamette Uiver. near Albina. He evident ly walked oft" the wharf. All his monev was intact, and there is now no suspicion of foul play W. I). Smith was elected jus tice of the peace and F. J. Wil liams constable. Mn. Volney Hall, of Beaver ton, passed away May 28. A Hoard of Inquiry into the freight wreck, consisting of S. 1'. ollteiiils and W. W. Hoscow nod C. I!. Uuchanan, of this city, returned findings that "It U the opinion of this Hoard that the accident was caused ty fut ure of Engineer Ilolierg to bring his train under control approach i ir yard limit sign, disregarding p -ovisions of Uulo i)3. and that Conductor Swain was also re sponsible for not checking speed of his train. Ni recommenda tions." The collision took place 1000 yards inside the Yard limits, and the engineer had an unob a n ctel view of the gravel train ir 1li0 feet, nnd" the fireman, a If ;e view for ODD feet. The cost was fixed at a total of $1.C.X), viz: Hamage to equipment and contents, $1.4T: track, $25; clearing wreck. $2W. The Eaxt bound train was speeding at 15 pr hour. AM three of the in jured men are out of danger. Spirella Corsets-Not sold in stores. A question and a sug gestion. Have you any corset troubles? If bo. let Spirella ser vice cure them. Over three mil lion satisfied Spirella wearers testify to the ease, comfort and perfection ot style produced by Spirella corsets. any exclusive designs from which to select the corset best suited to your indi vidual needs. A Spirella resi dence corset iere in this field. My advice, experience and train ing are at your service, without obligation. Appointments by letter or telephone given prompt attention, I'hone Main 384. Residence, Fifth and Jacksjn, Hillsbom. Ore. 3-16 Frank L. BurckhaUer, Supt of the Southern Pacific Co., I). W. Campbell, Assistant General Manager. Chas. S. Fee, Passen ger Trallic Manager, and J. A Ormandy. chief clerk of the gen eral passenger department, S. P. lines in Oregon, were in Hillsbo ro. Friday, coming over from Tillamook. For Sa'e Dwarf Kssex Ripe seed, finely cleaned, at market price. Also Barred Plymouth U'wk eggs, 0. A. C. strain, 75 cents per setting of 15. Also a few pure bred Jersey cows with ollieinl records. Wm.Schul inerich, Hillsboro, Ore. J. W. Price and son, Hallie, have bought an Overland auto, and they .will have joy ridts while huntitiR for a place to suit them. Mr. Price has bought a home in the city. GUILD A BIG MILL To Take Place of Old One liullt by Town's Pounder S. P. COMPANY PAVINQ OVIRTIMR Ncrrly Hall Million OuUlde Rtfulir Wi;e in 1915 The new company which pur chased the Cherry Gnve hold ings will at once build a mam moth Bawmill on the upper Tua latin. The company owns a big tract of timber and also owns its own railway, which will be ex tended into the timber. Instead of deficiencies in other institutions, the Oregon Insane Asylum will return $10,000 of its maintenance fund as unexpended. Medford voted $300,000 bonds to start construction of district built railway. Seaside opens bids June 3 on $20,000 union high school. Newport-Work starts on pot ash factory June 1. Yoncalla getting brick hotel. Canby votes $18,000 for new water system. Koseburg-Limcstone quarries employ 30 men. Albany-$20,000 loganberry plant assured and machinery ordered. Portland, May 31. Conference f loganberry c rowers will standardize products of industry. St. Johns now quails Bull Kun water. Crown-Columbia paper mills ncrease wages $100,000 a year. West Linn votes $4000 for roads. Newberg gets large fruit vine gar lactory. Fstacada to have modern can nery employing 50 to 100 people. The Southern Pacific railroad paid over $410,000 overtime Wanted: Your fat hogs, cat t'e, sheep and lambs, live weight. Highest market prices. We make regular shipments from Hillsboro and Forest Grove. Telephone u3 what you have. Peterson Bros., Forest Grove, Ore. 7-16 One acre, right in the town of Orenco. in Washington County, all cleared up, city water and liul.ts. Price. $250. J cash. Plenty of work in Orenco. Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 210 Roth child Bldg., Portland, Or. 12 Jas. Gibson, the Mayor of lieedville. was in town Saturday Jas thinks that he is capable of raising a little the best garden ir. that section of the county. Money to loan on farm secur ity. 1 represent three large fire insurance companies. Give me a call. E. I. Kuratli. L. II. Peters and Harlan Kelly were in from beyond North Plains, Friday. For Sale-Horse. 6 years old weighs between 1000 and 1100 drives single or double. Otto Ganguin. Tlgard, Ore. 8 0 Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Hitter, of below Bethany, were in the city Saturday afternoon. W. B. Peterson, of Witch Ha zel. was in town the last of the week. Ground bone, grit, shell, egg food at Greers. M. Henderson, of Cornelius, was in. the city Saturday. Bulk garden seeds and onion sets at Greers. Marshal Baker, of Chehalem Mountain, was in town Saturday. Buy your Kodaks and suppl es at the Delta Drufr Store. tf. John Kassebaum. of Sndy Brook, was in the city Saturdiy. Bring: or send us your Koda films. We do developinp and printinsr. The Delta Drug Store. Principal O. B. Kraus. of Tuala tin, was a county seat caller the last of the week. E.VYeichbrodt. of South Tua latin, was in town the last of the week. . Nursery stock, fine roses, as pargua roots, outdoors grown cabbage plants, now ready 4 to 8 inches. Morton's Greenhouse. J. B. McNew. of Hazeldale. engaged in the mercantile busi ness, was up to Hillsboro, Mon. day morning-. Money to loan on first-claas farm security. Washington County Abstract & Title Com pany; by E. J. McAlear, Mana ger. 4tf Mrs. L. Smith and Mrs. Rena Clisby and son. of Walla Walla, were aruests at the H. Harring ton home, on Second Street, this past week. I buy hogs, beef cattle, sheep, chickens, hides, etc: Highest prices paid for a'1 good stuff. Write or Phone. C. K. Roger?, Beaverton, Route 4, Box 20. Phone Beaverton, 58 Line 3. 12 Straw hats were supposed to come in Monday of thia week, but the cool wave backed the straw lid off the board. The weather bureau at Portland fore casted fair weather, but the morning opened with a Novem ber attitude and moisture. For Sa'e Good Birdsall wagon and one set double work harness. Or will trade for an Al good cow. F. L. Praneer, Sewell Sta tion, on Baseline Road, Hillsboro, Ore . IL 4. 9-11 wages rJlo. llermiston to have $5000 libra- An auto, containing four peo- ry. pie, turned turtle over a toot The Dalles -Ihe National iruit embankment near the Uilley cleaner and grader company will Lutheran church. Sunday. Aside build a plant and commence man- from a shaking up no one was ufacturing their machines with- siriously injured. Theoccupants in the next 90 days. The Com- of the machine were Mr. and nanv has lust received its final Mrs. J. M. Richards and Elmer oatenti from Washington after Johnson, of Gaston, and Miss several years of litigation, and Nan Hunter, a Portland kinder- will increase its capital from garten teacher. $40,000 to $250,000. It will em- a sister oi Mrs. Dlov from 50 to 150 skilled me chanics and will have a market for its product all the year round. Seven different com' panies were' making these ma chines and all of them were in- frinning on the patents of the Oregon company. They are now all eliminated and the local com' nanv has the field to itself. Ma chinerv is being ordered tor the plant in this city and the factory wi be modern m every respect l'he company has advance orders for 500 machines. OFFICIAL CANVASS rr FINISHED FRIDAY I L I & i ii ; Supt. Barnes, With no Opposition, (let the H!gh Vote on Ticket KURATLI HAS QtE vTFST PER CON7, Republican! Polled 4452 Vc-iei on Sheriff Democrats Pull 982 Total W CQNVBIMT WAY r KEEPING Miss Hunter is Richards. s. p. & p. n. & e. All. except the P. R. & N.. trains are electric, and stop at the de pot on Main Street TO PORTLAND Forest Grove Train McMinnville Train Sheridan Train Forest Grove Train McMinnville Train Forest Grove Train Eugene Tram McMinnville Train Forest Grove Train 6:50 a, m 7:36 10:03 12:50 p. m 2:15 4:10 4:55 6:40 9:50 i tone; to Loan On Improved Fans The Sinite Savings Bank 1 -- - - - - m. p. m FROM PORTLAND arrives liugene Train 8:15 a. McMinnville Train 10:03 Forest Grove Train 11:59 Forest Grove Train 3:14 Sheridan Train 4:33 Forest Grove Train 6:40 McMinnville Train . 7:15 Forest Grove Train 9:00 McMinnville Train 12:15 All trains stop on flag at Sixth and Main: at North Range and Fir streets, Sixth and Fir Sts. and at Tenth street. Steam Service from old depot at foot of Second Street TO PORTLAND P. R. & N. Train 4:30 p. FROM PORTLAND P. B. & N. Train 9:15 a. Motor Car Service To Buxton 12:25 p. m. To Timber 4:20 From Timber U:b5 a. m. From Buxton 2;10 p. in The many friends of M. E, Everett in this city, will regret to learn that his drug store at North Bend. Ore., was destroyed by fire Sunday morning. His loss in stock amounted to iiz. 000, with insurance to cover the loss so far as per cent, is con cerned. In any event Mr. Ever ett stands to lose several thou sand dollars, the advance in drug values having largely increased his assets. The fire started in a buildinflf close by. Miles is well known here, being a brother to Franklin Everett, of Hillsboro, and to Mrs. J. M. Brown, of Banks. He at one time conduct ed the Delta Drug store m this city. The "Tuala." issued by the Tualatin School, is a bright num ber, and does credit to the statt which edited it. MiS9 Ldna tiei- berger was the editor in chief; Clara Ltiethi, assistant, and their assistants were Menga Batalgia, Dorothy Byrom. Florence Wal- graeve, Francis Hill and Edna Ladd. Paul Cooper and Rsy Geiberger were the business managers, and the publication is a credit to them. An editorial by Miss Geiberger is splendidly written and would put to shame many country newspaper men from a standpoint of diction. The way she evades the use of the personal pronoun 1 is re freshing, and her article shows that she takes a comprehensive view of affairs that are today agitating a world. m. m. Wanted at once: Yonngmen for automobile business. Big pay. We make you expert in ten weeks by mail. Pay us after we secured you position. Century Automobile Institute, 290 Los Angeles, Cal. OREC10N ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. o:sz a m :i8 a m 8:28 m 9:58 a m 12:43 p m d:o pm 5:43 p,n 8:10 pm 3:ua tsar., only; o pm 1? rom Portland 55 minutes, 7:54 9:20 11:25 .... 2:12 4:27 6:25 .... , 7:13 8:26 (Sat. 12:25 .... only). a m .a m a m pm pm p m -pro. pm .a to The official canvassing board, consisting ot Clerk Luce and Judge D. R. Wheeler and Judge C. E. Kindt, concluded the of ficial county last Friday, at two o'clock, and attached their sign atures to the results. The re publicans greatest vote was the total on sheriff, which reached 4452, while the greatest demo cratic vote was on delegates to the National convention, reach ing high water at 982, Drake O'Reilly receiving this on the state ticket. Republicans cast 70 per cent ot their registered strength; democrats cast 63 per cent, of their registered membership, and the total votes cast in both parties equalled nearly 64 per cent of the total registration, miscellaneous and all. There wa3 no contest on the democratic nominations, and the vote on county ran is high as 517. The official vote aside from electors and delegates declares the republican vote a3 follows: For President Chas E Hughes 2116 Albert Cummings.- 1206 Theodore Burton 401 For Congress W C Hawley 3464 Secretary of State Olcott 2133 Moores 1857 Food Commissioner D Mickle 3429 Commissioner Public Service Fred Buchtel .- 2043 CamDbell 1544 Buchters majority, ooy Circuit Judge Geo R Bagley 2575 W H-Holl s 143 Bagley s majority, 832 State Senator W D Wood 3265 Joint Senator John U Smith 1147 T B Handley 1080 Jesse Edwards 91)6 Michelbook 783 Smith's plurality, 63 Representatives BP Cornelius 2162 Bowman . . 1877 SA DMeek 1589 Fernsworth 1547 E L Moore 1534 A E Scott 1417 Paisley-'- 136 Cornelius plurality over fourth man, bio. Meek's plurality over fourth man, 42. Bowman s plurality over fourth man. 330. District Attorney E B Tongue 2348 H T Bagley 1957 Tongue s majority, 384 Commissioner H T Hesse 2307 C F Tigard 1725 Hesse s plurality, o&: Sheriff Applegate 2373 Connell 1127 Hancock 523 Mann 279 Mclnnis 150 Applegate s majority, 294 County Clerk H A Kuratli 2627 McCormick 1681 Kuratli's majority, 946 he re ceivmg the highest yote of any candidates having opposition. For Assessor Boley ; 1300 Lytic .. 672 McRobert 675 Morrill 597 SN Poole 1037 Boley's plurality, 263 County Treasurer Sappington 2403 Miss EffleGodman 1868 Sappington'a majority, 535 School Superintendent B W Barnes 3814 Recorder Jas H Davis... -. 356 County Surveyor GReiter 2464 Wilkes 1627 Reiter's majority,'834 For Coroner Dr Ira E Barrett 3712 MQiYQiTllND WITHOUT the consequent riah is through the unive.t' lly approved chech-booh, -vrhlcJi ha become an earmark of affuence, conservatism and substance. The men of marh in your corr s&uiufy cjj business witft their chv ll fo:,A. Are one of them? you 4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings American National BanK wai and Third Sts., HllUboro. Oro LUMBER For Less Than Wholesale Cost We have an immense stock of all kinds of lumber. This stock we are going to move this Summer, and to do so we offer you a big saving. This lumber was bought for less than cost of manufacture and enables us to sell this now CHEAP. No matter where you live in Washington County, we can .beat any and all com petition offered. Write us or call us up and we will show you what a LOW PRICE ..WE WILL MAKE and WHAT YOU WILL SAVE. We deliver anywhere. Remember that this is the BIGGEST PRICE CUTTING IN LUMBER THIS COUNTY EVER HAD. Send in your material list NOW for this years needs. We can give terms. Badger Lumber Co. Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks. A B 30LUTELY Everything in Building Materia Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DAY" AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Phcne, City 17S DID YOU EVER CONSIDER That your watch is normally "on the job'' 24 hours each day? That iu each 24 hours the balance wheel vi brates more than 400,000 times? That a variation of 100,000 f a minute in each of these vibrations would cause a variation of more than 4 minutes a dayin the time of your watch? BY ACTUAL COUNT 143 distinct parts must be given individual attention when the average watch is properly cleaned and oiled. IF YOU HAVE NOT Thought of these little details, do so now, and give us au opportunity to demonstrate the ex tremely cloe timing which fine tools, skill and experience can accomplish with your watch. HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optometrist