Best Ii ia".toiiiiiii riiirii-w' atTuins HAS OPENED IlKAtj QUARTERS AT Olinger Bros., The Reedville Store WITH A 'SPLENDID LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERE. YOU SAVE MONEY ALL THK TIME i RURAL CAKRISR EXAMINATION The United Stales Civil Sorvlce Commission has announced n examination foi the County of Washington. Oregon, to tw hold at Forest drove and Hillslwtro, on May 27, 1910. to till the posi tion of rural carrier at Gaston and vacancies that mav Inter oc cur on rural routes from other post offices in the above-mentioned county. The examination will be open only to male citizens who are actually domiciled in the territory of a post office in the county and who meet the other requirements set forth in Form No, 1977. This form and application blanks may be ob tained from the offices mentioned above, or from the United States Civil Service Commission at Washington, IV C Applications should be forwarded to the Com mission at Washington at the earliest practicable date. Reedville, Oregon Pure Bred Stallion Robert Will Stand Season of 1616 Mondays, North Pliins,John Kenedy place; Tuesdays, H lisboro, Redmond Bins; Wednesdays, Forest Grove, J. C Snvth Barn; Thursdays, Gales Creek, Newton H ;ney Place; Friday, Banks, J. F. Carsteus Place; Sat urdays, Buxton, N. P. Nelson Barn. License and Pedigree Stallion Registration Board State of Oregon. L'cense Certificate of Pure Bred Stallion No. I6a2, dated at Corval'.is. Oregon. Feb. 27. 1914. The Pedigree of the Stallion Robert No. 20S11. registered in the studbook of National ' French Draft Horse Association. Owned by J. F. Carstens & Son, Banks, Washington County. Oregon. Bred by Ellis Waiton, Pleasant Plain, Iowa. Described as follows: Black. Pedigree: Allhere 9243 sire. Hercula 5524 (4320) are of sire Lura 9217 (32S76) darr. of sire; May Star.uht 17333 dan. Vernis 17395 (46606) sire of dam. Fadette 9D72damof dam. draft. Foaled )n the year J un s 27, 1906. Has been examined by the Stallion Registration Board of Oregjn. and it is hereby certified that the said stallion is of Pure Breeding, is registered in the studbook that is rec ognized by the associations named infection Nine of an Act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon providing for the licensing ot stallions, etc.. filed in the office of the Secretary of Sute February 23, 1911. and that the above named stallion has been examined by the veterinarian ap pointed by the Stallion Registration Board and is hereby re ported free from infectuous. contagious ortransmiSsable dis eases or unsoandnesss and is hereby licensed to stand for public service in the State of Oregon. Ermine L. Potter, Secretary Stallion Registration Board TERMS: Single Service $8. To insure mare to he in foal $15. To insure colt to stand and suck $20. Care will be taken to prevent accidents but 'will not be resoonsible should any occur. C. W. McCONNAHAY, Mgr. H. H. Mailer, of near Banks, was a city visitor the first of the week. Attorney Makelim. of Port- ilind, was out to Hillsboro, Mon 1 day. on business with the sher itf's office. i J. D. Koch. Fred Goetze and Jas. Loudon, of beyond Bloom ing, were in the city the last of the week. : Money to loan jn farm secur ity. I represent three large fire insurance companies. Give me L noil P I k'nratli a van. a-. iuth. T. B. Handley Jr.. of Tilla mook, was in the county the first of the week, looking up his in terests as a candidate for the senate. He lived here ss a lad, and has many friends in the county. Erwin Ritter. of near Bethany, was in the city Satuiday. Mr. Ritter is secretary of the Ger man Mutual Fire Insurance Ass'n.. of Washington County, one of the finest organizations of its kind in the Northwest. Money to loan in any amount at 7 and 8 per cent, on accepta ble farm properties. Make ap plication now and have the money when you want it. Long terms if desired. E. L Perkins. Hillsboro. Ore. Dr Ix)we'a Vlasses are more than frames and pieces of glass. His glasses are means to better vision. Acauired knowledge of optical efficiency makes the prtsence of his glasses the ab sence of eye strain. Yon have his guarantee that glasses made by him represent the highest quality at the lowest prices. H will beat Forest Grove Hote', Friday. May 26. at Hotel Was! -ington. in Hillsboro, Saturday, May 27, to 4 o'clock only. Dr. Lowe has the ability skill knowl edge and honest desire to serve you right in every particular. The wise will wait for him. M THE cltici'tT cottliT OP Tlifc STATIC Ot ORKUtift, FOR WASH INGTON COUNTY. IVn Atiinriii, l'UintitV.I l.tur A . Ci'U3 Km) !!. A i'-uiiM. h-r hitit'ttml, M " Ii i (Iv I anil A. W.vii, tt, ,i tUul.. j To U A. i 'afVi nmt V, M. Ni'lwti, of tin nlmvo tianui.t t(i(tiiUnt!: In lti tiHiiui i.l ill.. Siiu' l Ort-KKtl. Toil m litr,iiy tMttitiiMiKttnt Hiiii rtiirff to iliir Mini m.swiv ilirt MiiitiKK'l oum i'Uiuii ilit Uiiiui il ikI mtMliiHt you in -iiiit;,., l'o u t ml i-KHi oil ul Ii. Mr Ih I1VI1 iltiy ol ,1mm, IHIil, Jwt dlt Num Mlcr III i iiiiii.111 ot sin lr in llm tiitlHil iiil,li,'u,'ii o( llim mi.iimoiis, ii n. I i you Ihii no lo HpMmr mil iim r khi'I hiii- iitUsI t-tnii'liilm lor mil II-H" III.' WlllUllI will ''ly ' loin! lor rut p.iyn.1 lor ami l inaiitir-l In Inn n o toultit i'niitmlll, to h: b ii . i . I c i -1 . i u;:inl lim ilffanil nm, mis A. i'hi.I''" nmt K. A, l'll', Hi ll:i mioi of nlOt hi 1'iiiiPit SSlniM tluld Oi.iu willi ; iicri'M thmnoii trniii llm 3&, tiny ol h,irii.irv, l!H.i, l llii ml i! i ri-tiit v ni.iinin, nmt Hi. iiirilicrtniii l ol i.U) Hmtt. rni'i ' tutwHiiit tli ootiii ml ilitOniu'iio.i,is ot u . . t miiii; ii'"l for tln-rooifwlitrii k Hi il iiioiIkiumi Hi Om sum ot J SKMO, , x.viiu.t mi the iTllt liny of Au,;u.Ht III 4, l.y Uih iIhIiiiIiiIm l.mir A l'ilos unit Ii. i; t'U,n in luvor ol llm I' l ;u : t i'i t mtii,. ii Ndiil inotlKiK wn!i " a.u.t ii:iIo tiitsi tur r. 'rit in Uir illli't !! ititi tU'rilir of l otn o .tiiiHii of Wnh ins'to" t'oii.'il.v, lrix in. l iif I'll! of fo"k H7.'u:i. !.. . r.l-oi ..! twuiitf :i 1 Miiii-, in Ih. a iirii itiMi uii-iii ili lot li iiijj iio.or:l)o I ,u .-. 1 .. i.'.n. iri-rty, itii:U' In Viiiiiiiuiiiii t'ouniy, lrmciii, to nit: Rlit mnii'w.-mi,t iti, N olli.f I. HI o l;.,l,il;,- tr ' ! vt iluiy itH-or l'-'l pi ii limr -of oil lilti In VV'.ili li ,!ton i tmiiiy, llit iton, mk tot tint on li.i.U't.iil.iiiuiiK' : l. ai'in ii,-p;l ( tilltwii loot strip in ml. Iiiioii in a tni loot ron.l iIh,Nvi.,.,i ml ni in.. Kt i1 ol iit lo! hU ii lo n( Hid North Mk hi stiit 1.. .i X' Ii. in ot .u,l Uii. Iwuij rVHiirvit tut r .ioi imi'-tMii. Aut I ii -iii.i ni p i.'i l" l tl'.rwtl iul ltnmr,il u nt ni ir ami miiwi lor to lli Hiit-rint, rmlit, iiil, oinmi tr lli-n ( i h ttlt t All III ItlO li Il-ttlimilJI Ml.oVII IIHIII0it, iIihI lli inu r. ii. riuhl. lillB i'Uiiii ol In' ii ol ore 'l a: 1,1 1. 1 s:il. I itt li-iiiliiiila lw ilivlnrt'd itiKi iitH'rm.,1 to tin interior ut i-.Hiiiitil anil i-u i I u of ii.ftiiiutr.-t .n t niortiia.-i'! anil that I JU I liioili;n. tn torKltwiHl and aalil real Hroi.rtT li" onli'r"t mid itiirrtHl to be 3 Id by ttiHSIwral ol Wahiii(tuii County, ri -j hi. in tln iiin'ii.tir iirwu-rilifd liT law and o-i'tlioi lit. a-xix miiititd t'uuri, an t Hint thv I'liVot dt outiilimt from tlir nil ol smini !. .li-il to tlie .Tiiimil o( II-' h v, rui miiiih iinl'i III" pUllllill .il.ivi l L r ii, nmt lur wiucli jinltjiiii'lit 14 ti naiuit) i; and Yi.u and r-arli ill yuii mid tlia. h I mid rac'n ul tin) (IdIvikI iiIb aNovti ii,.irt. ud all persona claim inn liy . t!i(oivfi or initlvr you itrlilmrol yuo I forrvcr l.arnil,,! and or-1 ludfil ir in all t-iivrtiot In, rtuht or IK ii to pr Pimm or llptt npim real iiniwrtv , mil only tt alaiut iry uiilil ol ruivin j.'.i -if. m.d that wh oilii-r inl fiiiliitrrn .nl In i;r.ii,ift unio ili plnin till iw t i il if ti nrt mav Mr m nrfwary id tiropi.r in iii )rnmlt)W Tin a nil m mi i n.i . r. ui mi you by publication in tho Sii!.:..r,i .tr.-ua, piitnuanl to otilrr ol tlui ii m i l.iri,'i II Haiilpy j J il nl li'i-.-.i .- I 1 1 urt inaile.l romirtft'd H'.il en rt on llio ili.'i day ul j April. Il' ! iv ii -li mi l oni.-r dirrcul thai lliu mi n in. In I. minim.'. In llipi iloUb ;r .i A'g i -t ; j p. trtilr tl I ... ii- -mi , n .i' tn, tifi.'inliiK ilh 111" j r tlioriol ilat 'H ilo- .Till day ol April, I I'iili nut p.i.ln.i' ilii Ilia taniK llmrool i t,.i-d Juio s !i, I'nil, tlial you mi l meU l v HU rip rtj iirod to nppour n I ttiifwrr 4.-l ttiniuul-d 'MinnUt t, on or tjelure I lie iUih day nf in- tl'i WM. G. HARK. Aitornpy for I'laintiff. GOING FAST 100,000 POUNDS Of New Spring Merchandise at 0? GIGANTIC UNLOADING SALE PRICES LIKE THESE are moving our good merchandise from our crowded shelves and tables Ladies' Hats Canvas Oxfords 35c & 50c Scrim $1.98 50c 19c "New Spring Modeh While and Gray Unloading Sale Price Blue Overalls Ladies' Pumps Apron Gingham 69c- $1.35 5c . With Bib Velvet or Kid Light or Dark Straw Hats Bathing Caps Children's Shoes 10c 39? 98c For all the Family AH Colors Pumps, Sandals or Shoes 1 11 ' K.. i' Insure ' Pull Milk Pail Conn ko- moie nulH .t mal,s roilktoi! tah-r anj lin n-n koilKml an buun t liiri Klwt IlKir Junta by ni)iii thtm with Conkey's Fly Knocker I w not unit milk an' ivntawtihr ( and wiiiloil Hut uuu.t lull milk pad. Keep Flie Awoy' From Cattle and Horses Otr tninvt t.i.ivt lo aii'mjli Vi.r .iih m,u.a iiwl.l. Try II 15 D)i Monrr Buck If Not Satisfactory 'l iv cm IikIjv, 1. 1-..1I. JIM mi. "t t Imm ! Blil.l-lt t-mir 'nfl ir IWM1IWW4 mm.H iJtTA i 1 1 m man 11 m.-,imm-i In I - A.J. HARTRAMl'T HilUtwro - Ort'iron Buy Direct Trom I'roiiiiicr THE HILLSBORO COMMK CIAL BANK fw i i CAPITAL 550.000 SURPLUS und rKOFITS J825.000 An (iKl, safe ami conservative tmuk, Uc:ueil in the lltllsboio Comiiicrciiil block, S, V. coi tier Main ami SccouJ streets. ' Hillsboro Commercial Bank, Kloster Crochet J Cotton 8c This maunilicent Krcnoh Ostrich l'lume is full 17 inclips lonir and made of the highest itrailo hard Hut 0.ricli. selecU'd from the male bird. Has a very flossy an r.Hwit t ti; rilier and is extra wide, with heavy drooping head. nlack. white and colors. Send us $1.95 and we will send by parcel post, this beautiful Plume ami if you do not think it ia the most mar velous value you ever saw, if you can duplicate of your dealer for less than $".0J. you may return same and money will be prompt ly refunded. Special 18inch ostrich plume.$2.28 worth $i5.(X) Special 20inehoatrieh plutne.Jo.OO worth $10 For complete line of Ostrich Goods send for free catalog. SOUTH AFRICAN IMPORTING CO. 1811 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. Hoffman's Sawmill is saw in i; from the best timlicr iu Wiir.hiiu'.tuu comity. Thcjfiucst Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIKI) Fi.oORliS'G and RUSTIC always on !;;unl. Estimates ou lJuiltituns, i'liHuii):, Rustic, Ceil injs ;dl kinds of tinisiicd lumber for hmi .e ninieriul. We deliver. All Untlis .si!u hnnlitr, the best in the ttutket, constantly u hand. Phone: North Pl.tins Central, J F. il PETER HOFI;AAN, Bacona. Oregon 4 DR E. T. HELMS CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN living In .-...,).,-. 1 1. n CloolrloHy, Hydro tharpathyi .m l 3c font II la Olmtmtkim, Irfdtln .ill l dwt, drulf. nr trhrotili.. If Iihi Mioul i,r In.. Thin, you cn i Jimt wtiaf yim mh wld Ui-t .i-i il 0of 4 ml Inarclm inrni-iv i .iw.. Olrm nmturm a chanco lo rlplil Hamll. tini.iilt,ittiriAiil l.v.iiiiliinltin fri-tr. mil, I .,,,,1 2 ll. l.l. I lll.H. tlitl.lmri,, t iri'ittn W. 0. Donelson UKJ)KRTAKKR Calls atleinlc(luight or day. Chanel and Parlors. Ilillbboro, ' Oregon a KOIt S11KK1FF To tho Voter of tha Ue;iulIicn pHrty of Wushitufton County: In the coming primary vlei'tiun, .May VJ, litt;, 1 will be a cuiuliiUte for Slier iff, mill will endcuvur to contluit a clean cut campuiKn, with renpect for my opponcnta and nil other. My stiincliiitt and ability are before you to iiivi'Htiatt, and I would kind ly ak every lady and gentleman in the county, who know me, to npeak of me to their friend. I am a farmer, and feel it no ditiercdit to milk a cow or plow a furrow. 1 am a native son, having boon a taxpay er of tho county for 20 yearf. If I am nominated find elected 1 will devote my entire time and at tention to tho duties of the office, conducting atno with strict regard to economy. I will pay all my trav eling expense nnd livery hire, with in the county during my term. 1 shall appoint iui my attxitttaiiU com petent persons, to whom I owe no political debts, who are controlled by none,' ami influenced only by a de hire to give the greateHt dugree of efficiency at . the smallest possible cost, with courtetty to all. I am for a utrict enforcement of the law, but I am opposed to hnr rassing any individual lacking in fluence or means of defense podsewt ed by other and I will not desire to arrest persons without due cause, or for the nuke of merely milking a record, giving protection of the of fice to all clause alike. On the other hand, necessity arising, no favoritism need be expected. My slogan will be "Taxpayers' Candidate. I will pity my way." I would respectfully auk your support and consideration to the nbove. GRANT MANN, raid Adv. Cornelius, Ore. B1J51EFARED 11 . r i.- 1 nam mm mm if2! BUILDING I am prepared to do all kinds of Uuildinjr and Repair work Cabinet work, etc., Saw-filing, Serpens and Screen doors. Shop at Main and Front. All kinds of furniture, plate and prism glass doors and win dows. Also Kawneer bars. JOHN BEATTY. NOTICE TO CKKWTOK3 of the POPULAiaiECMNICS AAAGAZ1NB SAO ARTICI ES - 3C0 UlliSTEATIfiN Kr.YV Informed rf the VorM'3 ProKrcm In I iiffin.,. ino M, h-,r i.i 'nl l.iw.,, .n 1?... p-'ath.-r and S-ih and Ail lint l aimly. Il i jirM-ald ioaiuij.-t)i,i nnrt rouns- Menonfl u. nu:n II I. Ill" II,, .Vir.f'Ui.iO 111 lli'rti, iit.l. nf h ii.h .,-1...,.,, w .rl I ,., ..,,-1,'n i .rr.(m.lni r,. rotiwtniiHri'.n tl mil II iff llilugN uv nut inu r. tutu, ftud ti u Written So You Can Understand It I II llp Noto rnrfm-it (.1) F.IHI-.) fonUtln. frBti Ilti,wf.r mm.;. n; It fli J lur Ul. 1.1,111.11 1.1 l!..r, n r. mi.. I II... Il..m, matmt Mechanic II, )'i'p.l f ,r H;n Pivi.n. ,irli.l,.,lil,...(Ii, .k. V, -., ,-l...l..m..l...Wlr,-m ttiirl 'I .;, -i inft', l-ni;ii.i-, h-.i.l. fntm 1. .l.' j;, ! I , .:'. ('"I- ti.i II. Ill ini. I...I,.' f. r tl.i- ',' . I :.i'!..-r nn.lHi.iri.iunii n soprnvrflu " siisulk coetts, is, 0-r Uvm rr nl,r a. .l-.M unm .hHIi.Im, bMpla copy .Jlit wit M requMU POPULAR SICC.HANirn SHOOAZINC Urn. HttMt,. Ay,.ua. CMICAOO IN TI1K COUNTY (Ol'RT Or' THE STATU OK OltlXJON FOK WASIIINCiTON COUNTY In the Matter of the Entte Marianna Landrock, Deceaaed. Notice is hereby give that undersigned h's been duly appoint ed by the County Court of the Ktote O"" Orcifon for ' Washington County, administrator (le bonis non of tho aforesaid estate, witr the will of said decedent annexed, and hnu duly qualified as such as by law perscrib ed. Now theri.-for-, nil persons having (claims against said estate ara here I by notified and required to present . the same together with proper ' i . ,i i j voueners inereior, 10 inn unnersiK'i ed at the law office of William (J. Hare in the American National Hank I'uilding, Hillsboro, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated March HI), lllli'i. WILLIAM FAUI. Administrator tie bonis iioii of saiJ estate with the will of naid de- cednt annexed WM. G. HARE. Attorney for said Administrator. For Sale Well bred younr Jersey cow, 3 years old. second calf- Calf one month old. J. A. lmbrie. We WantEverybody to Know That w c will, be-Juuinu at once, give Cash Rej;i.ter vecci, ts with every cash sale, showing amount of sale, date and who made the sale. We will ask you to keep these receipts as we aie gouiR to jjive back to our catih customers one day'scash sales each month. We will select one day each mouth and will announce in our wiu dow on the .5U1 d y of each mouth the date ce have selected, and then all you will have to ib is look over your Cash Kcgi.ster rcici;its from us aud sec if you have any i-eaiiii;s' that dale, if you have just bring them to us;iml we will refund your money. There is no trick to this proposition. VaughtGroceryCo. Second Street aiu 122 Hillsboro, Oregon tme old AcnoHAr ! hapi'i1 ovtw ixt wcal tuhacco ch?w htt wttii! mvi! fou rooNn) I VflWAY IM Mf CHIUj I UlUDOt. IT HAKIS r VMejrouM AftAiM j - HE used to switch lohncco every few weeks. Then a friend fiave liim 0 little of W-H CUT Chewing the Heal Tobacco Chew, new cut, lung thred. Steady user now. Ouite the rciilnr thin)!. A mun In Hind ho found it, and lutloeturally piiies the ((iiini word iiliiug "Nollta how I Ik. .It brlnm out lha rich lobuc Uata" MmU ir WEYMAN-BRUTOH COMPANY, SO Uai.i S,. N. Trk Cky Beaverton-Reedviile Acreage The Guest tract out of Portland; 30 minutes ride ou the Iiij Red Steel Klcctric cars. Moun tain water oiped thrm.-h the tract. Schools, churches aud stores convenient. 1 75 l $500 per acre ou terms. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth St. Portland, Oregon