j A Vote For Official Integrity f . ' : " " l ) E. B. TONGUE FORI DISTRICT ATTORNEY HI Hi li ill I ! I ij U ! i ; 1 i 1 1 1 . ; " ' , C - V? v v.. J ..;- : v. - 4 '- I J 1 ''n tv' r 3i L Not a single person has yet said tlr.t E. B. Tongue, district attorney, lias failed to vijjoro-.isly prosecute all p-oper cases brought to lii-i office. Kveu liis' worst enemies adm.t that he is a thorough and successful prosecutor. His recor I as district attorney is the best of any in the state. This is admitted by friend and foe alike. Then, vhy not renominite him. He has saved the count tboisand of dollars in costs, and has given the office his restthcughland efforts. Tiue, tlu-ie is a would-be r.ngster advocating his defeat. The man who has a poor opinion of the farmers of Kquity. the Farmer-? Union, and who evidently believes Hint tt'e Str.ie Grange h s 1't sense enough t ) appreciate public affairs, wants Mr. Tongue defeated, and so announces in his personal orgin, the Banks Herald. Mr. Tongue has lived here all Ins life. He is a man of characte r and influence. He has be trayed no public trust, but on the other hand. Ins performed his duty at all times. His ability graces the offue he holds, Mid nomination will mean that the prosecu ting office in th?- county will be in good hands when returned. Intelligent, thought ful voters in the iTp tblicau pirty wi 1 u H be swept off th -ir feit by th; vaporingH of the Portland importation who comes here to ti l! vo ers how they shall exercise their franchise )'iitteu and published by the Argus not a pail or solicited advertisement. y Hie position on the Ballot ; 62X E. B. TONGUE of Washington County "Just, Fearless, Vigorous Enforcement of Law" GEORGEjR. BAGLEY FoxCircuit Judge 3: ;; i r 0' ' ; . -f i ' - !; ' 'Y .l,jvf i ' ' ' X I .. Judge Geo. R. Bagley is one of the real able attorneys of Oregon and cotnbi,ud Willi liiy legal ability is the judicial temperament. He has nude a success of his practice, and Inn handled mice legal cases than any other attorney iu the county. His recorj since going on the bench has been noted for fairness, acumen and justice. He ulays no favorites from the bench, and hetthoiild receive the vote of representative republicans all oer the county. The fact tint the Huiks candidate for tjie legislature advocates his defeat should be enough to give Judge Bagloy an over whelming vote. The chap who has been yelling "riug" and who tells you he will tell who the ring is, makes Supt. B. W. Barnes part the "ring'' Barney a noted educator, and the man who has done more to make our school system a success than any ten others-Skeezicks wants fudge Bagley defeated, even after lie had, as he says, concluded to let the candidacies for the circuit judgeship speak for themselves. One of the bst reasons for supporting Judge Bagley is that this litt'e fellow advocates his defeat. Farmers who believe farmers have some rights should resent this dictation on the part of "Skeezicks." This abusive legislative candidate and publisher has villifted and attempted to belittle every candidate on the ticket except those for whom he contends. His cheap villificatioti should have its reward by an avalanche of votes in favor of the candidates whom he attacks. The. intelligence of republican voters has long been insulted by'this importation from Portland who goes into the Rose City and tells them how he is telling the "farmers" where to head in.'' Article written, edited and published by the Argus. Not a paid adv. His position on tho Ballot. 47X GEO. R. BAGLEY of Washington County L