The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 11, 1916, Image 6

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    lest Bargains
er J3ros.,
The Reedville Store
The United States Civil Service
Commission has announced an
examination for the County of
Washington, Oregon, to be held
at Forest Grove and Hillsboro,
on May 27. 1916. to fill the posi
tion of rural carrier at Gaston
and vacancies that mav later oc
cur on rural routes from other
past offices in the above-mentioned
county. The examination
will be open only to male citizens
who are actually domiciled in
the territory of a post office in
the county and who meet the
other requirements set forth in
Form No. 1977. This form and
application blanks may be ob
tained from the offices mentioned
above, or trom the United States
Civil Service Commission at
Washington, D. C Applications
should be forwarded to the Com
mission at Washington at the
earliest practicable date.
Pure Bred Stallion Robert
Will Stand Season of 1616
Mondays, North PI litis, John Kenedy place; Tuesdays,
Hillsboro, Redmond Bam; Wednesdays, Forest Gro'e,
J. C. Smith Barn; Thursdays, Gales Creek, Newton
Haney Place; Friday, Banks. J. F. Carsten Place; Sat
urdays, Buxton, N. P. Nelson Barn.
License and Pedigree
Stallion Registration Board State of Oregon. License
Certificate of Pure Bred Stallion No. 1652. dated at Corvallis.
Oregon. Feb. 27. 1914. The Pedigree of the Stallion Robert
No. 20811, registered in the studbook of National French
Draft Horse Associate n. Owned by J. F. Carstens & Son,
Banks, Washington County. Oregon. Bred by Ellis Walton,
Pleasant Plain, Iowa. Described as follows: Black. Pedigree:
Allhere 9243 sire. Hereula 5824 (4320) sire of sire Lura 9247
(32376) dam of sire; M ty Star.iiht 17893 dam. Vernis 17895
(46G06) sire of dam. Fadette 9072 dam of dam. Breed French
draft Foaled in the year June 27. 1903.
Has been examined by the Stillion Registration Board
of Oregon.' and it is hereby certified that the said stallion is
of Pure Breeding, is registered in the studbook that is rec
ognized by the associations mraed in section Nine of an Act
of the Legislative Assembly of theStite of Oregon providing
for the licensing ot stallions, etc.. filed in the office of the
Secretary of Stite February 23. 1911. and that the above
named stallion has been examined by the veterinarian ap
pointed by the Stallion Registration Boird and is hereby re
ported free from infectuous. contagious or transmissable dis
eases or ansoundnesss and i3 hereby licensed to stand for
public service in the State of Oregjn.
Ermine L. Potter, Secretary Stallion Registration Board
TERMS: Single Service $8. To insure mare to be in
foal $15. To insure colt to stand and suck $20. Care will be
taken to prevent accidents but will not be responsible should
any occur. , C. W. McCONNAHAY, Mgr.
J. B. Ziegler, of Banks, was
in town Monday.
I. B. Leisy. of South Tualatin,
was in town Saturday.
Otto Voegel. road supervisor
for the Blooming district, was a
city caller Monday.
John Kassebaum. of Shady
Brook, was in the city Monday
Mr. and Mra. Clay Freeman
have moved to near Oak Park
tor the Summer, residing on the
Cox place recently occupied by
Chas. Lard.
John Lippert. of Banks, was
in town Monday, enroute home
from the Deutsche meeting at
Portland. . where there was an
extended program of addresses.
Money to loan on farm secur
ity. I represent three large fire
insurance companies. Give me
a call. E. I. Kuratli.
Ralph Wann, of Orenco. Lester
Mooberry. of Cornelius, and
Principal Forsjthe. of Manning,
have been busy this week grad
ing the papers for the Eighth
Grade examination. The task is
a big one. and they are finding
plenty of work. .
Monev to loan in any amount
at 7 and 8 Der cent on accents
ble farm properties. Make ap
nlication now and have the
money when you want it Long
terms if desired. E. L. Perkins
Hillsboro. Ore.
Herman Kamna, of north of
town, was in Monday. He has
finished his seeding, and had
completed just before the rains
fell the last of the week.
Mrs. J. J. Krebs, ot Rockaway.
arrived here Saturday for a fort
night's visit with relatives and
friends. She savs that J. J. is
holding the fort over at tne
. .
ike a Cloudburst
From the Clear Skies
Pours in the Great Crowds of
Bargain Seekers at
Ladies' and Any Man's Hart, Apron
Children's Stock- Schaffner& Ginghams
. , Marx Suit in the n v V
ings, per pair House Per Yard
5c $15.00 5c
Ladies' White ir- n v
, , c , locLnilds Calicoes
Rubber bole IT , .
Shoes Underwaists Per Yard
$2.98 9c 3k
Ben Auderaon, I'laintttT,
Laura A . Capita ami K. A .
t'nplaa, h-r liuaoaml, W.
M Nta..n, J. i'hrtj O'Dav
and A, Wvloh, Oviaudantf.
To K. A. CiIn n.l W, M. Nelaon.ot
tha alxive uamed daiamlama:
In tha nam of tha State ol Onirn, yon
ere hereby commanded and required to
appear ami anawei- Ilia amended com
plaint of Ibe plainllr) tiled aitalnat you In
i he above entitled Court and fttuae on or
tWure Hit 10th day of J una. ImIu. aaid data
Mik altar th axpltailott of alx weeka
from Ilia data of tha mi Miration of Una
aiininiona, ami It' you UH av to appear and
antiwar mud amndd com plaint lor want
ttiareor tl ulalntlll will apply to Itia
Court for tha rellof pravad lor anil da
mantled rt ula aiiemti! ooiiiplatnl, t
wit: for jiiduiiitiil agitlnNt lhadefJud
aula. Ijtura A. ailia ami K A. Cattlaa.
in the aum. of $.XIUIM In llnlied Stalea
Md Colu with internal tliaraon from ilia
i7vl. day of February, tl(i, at tha rale ol
M per cent par annum, and tint furl barium
of or I'.la) uu altomav 'a nwa and tha ooata
and diabnrwmaiiiaoraid ami; and for a
deureedaolarng tha aald umrifc-aire in the
ainti of f.MIU OU. executed on Ilia irTlh day
'if AukukI. IM t by tha dafandanU Uanra
a v apioa inn u. j. reple lu lavor ol me
p'alntit'. and wliloh aald morlitaua waa on
aald data tiled tnrrvoord In tha utMoe ol
tta Keoorder of Conveyance of W aldi
ngton County. Oregon, at paica ttltf of
HiHik CT. M ortuaira Kwiurda i ui.l miinir
and ate, to I a rlrat lien uuon tha ful
lowuiir ilonortlxhl parcel id real immertv.
aituatelu Waablngloii County. Orotfou,
to Wit!
l.oi mimber 3.1 and tha North i of t, I 31
o ltoavariou Knllll Aoraaa aa par
duly iwordwl lattliar.ofon Hla til Waall
uunoiniiunty. iin-icon. aaid Inland on
halieonlAitiliijr SOoanma aivapt a til lean
loot atrip in addition to a Inn fool road
ainady dixlii-atad oil af ma K.t, .!
aald lota, alw Umt f.U of tha Nona alda
01 twiii l.i .ia.lH.ibol aald atrtpa bain
r. aorvad for rd purp .mm.
A ml that aaid 1110111 k ba di crwd and
dtH'iarvd to im prfcir and aupaimr to tha
inin-at. mrht, titia. vlaim or Urn of frtob
Mint ail ol ihd Uafandaiita uamad,
and that tha tntamai, riiilit. litla rlami or
hn ol aaoli and all of aaid drfrndaula ba
declared and dmraad to ba Inlarlor aub
vqiienl and aul joct l i all nnxwu lo tha
1 f m p.ainiin's al. iiMUuam t and that
aaid moritraK ba forMlnaeil ami aald real
pmiwrty cw ordarau and darrooil W ba
wild by Um Hlwr HI , if Wanliltiiun Uounty.
UrK'n. in Ilia iiiaunnr prmontiad by law
and pra. tl.wol iba alaive anuilvd Court,
and that Ilia rutnla olnaina.1 from tha
Mtla 01 aama Iw applird lo Ilia yuiant
of 1 ba arvrial aimia dua uuto 1 h- pUlutiO
ufKiva act forth, and fur winch judtiuimt
1.4 daiuandad; and that . u and aaob of
you and that all and i-aon of lha dalaud
4iu abova iiamrd. ami all paraonaolalm
UiK by, ihrouKli or undar y..u or cithar ol
you I fon-Tar barrinl, luraolcaed and
precluded (rum all Imrrwl In, rlnht or
utlaloor nlauit or Urn upon auid raal
.r. party , aavti only tha auiut iry rbjihtof
rttirinp.ioii: and Ibat auoh olliur and
run lit r rlif b ) irraiiiad unto Ilia plain
utl aa Ui tbe Umfi mar twin uaoaaaary
and propar in tlio preiulm. Thla amu
uioni ia wrvnl umiu you by publication
in the HillMb'iro Argua, puiauanl In
oniar of the H m.i abla tlaortfe K Balay
Judia ol the above enlltied Lurt, made,
rendered and en end on the 2tib nay 01
April. lHlil.aml whinbaaid ordardiraou
that thla auioiiioua he pubiiahod In inr
HillarHiro Arun fur tli auoneive and
eoiiM.-mlre wecka, beKinninf with th-i.iai-e
thernif dalml the :'7ib day of April,
li'lrt, anil andiux with Ilia
Uu-d June 81I1. ItflU, that you and each
if you b rtHjulred to appear and en-war
aid amended couiplai 1, on or before Ilia
IDth day of I una. Hft
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Full Milk Pail
Cuw iw mora milk and nuka'
nvlkmj Mlrr ami twr wlna rwl
kilH...! ml katrn btt Hi. KelMva
! Ilwir ilutran tf trwying them wnh
Conkey'i Fly Knocker
tVKirut linl milkawl (iwmxiwulK peai-a
ami omiiMI thai uuuia a full nulk fi.
.Keep FUei Awy(
From Cattle and Horses
Coiiw"eti.i l 4imI Sjvta
tltttC, IIH1V4H,
Try It 15 Day
Money Back if Not
Try a a twliy, IX .ttc
gll, I,IIU, J(il. f,Al
Uillaboro Orenon
Buy Direct From Producer
"Yin J
An oUl, safe ntul conservative bank,
lttcatcd iu the Hillsboro Comtnerciiil
bliK-k, S. W. corner Main ami Second
Hillsboro Commercial Bank.
This magnificent French Ostrich
Flume is full 17 inches long and
made of the highest grade ;hard
due Oitrich. selected from the
male bird. Has a very glossy
fiber and is extra wide, with
heavy drooping head. Black,
white and colors. Send us $1.95
and we will send by parcel post,
this beautiful 1'lume and if you
do not think it is the most mar
velous value you ever saw.. if you
can duplicate of your dealer for
less than $5.00. you may return
same and money will be prompt
ly refunded.
Special lSinchoatnch plume.t2.2S
worth S6.U0
Special 20inchostrich plume,$5.00
worth (10
For complete line of Ostrich
Goods send for free catalog.
importing: CO.
1841 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III.
L r 1 t. .
4 aas' .
1 .'
' r
Hoffman's Sawmill
is sawing from the U'st timber in
Washington county. Thclfiuest
Rough and Dressed Lumber
always on band. Estimates on
HuildinRS, FlwritiR, Rustic, Ceil
trigs all kimls of finished lumber
for house material, Wc deliver.
All U'URths silo lumber, the best
in the market, cou.stautly on hand.
Phone: North Plains Central, j F, n
PETER HOFFMAN, Bacona, Oregon
n,"""'"i KfwOTrrorrjr, nyvrm
Ihmrpmlhy anj BobiMltlo faatfJo,
friillna ll .11... - i.. . ..i , . ..
. ... H.n..,., 4h;iiiu ,t ciimnii:. ir
.. ... -J 1 V . . ...
ur km, mm, ynu can ba juat
wll. I villi Ju.hU I.... M 1 I .
. 'in. .iui vni ana
(xwebafiirmiryuw, Blvm mmlmem
m ahmno fa right HmmH.
CiiiinulUHi.naiid Kxamlnatktn free,
Omcea 1 and 2 tflll Bld.
llllliUri, Or4nn
Department Store
W. 0. Donelson
tit ' ..
Calls attendednight or day.
Chapel and Parlors.
Hllltboro, ' m Oregon
To the Voters of the Republican
party of Washington County: In the
i-oniinr primary election, May 19,
lillS, 1 will be a cundiduta for Sher
iff, and will enduavor to conduct a
clean cut campaign, with re pec t
for my opponent and all others.
My standing and ability are before
you to investigate, and I would kind
ly auk every lady and gentleman in
tbe county, who know me, to speak
of me to their friends. I am a
farmer, and feel it no discredit to
milk a cow or plow a furrow. 1 am
a native son, having been a taxpay
er of the county for 26 years.
If I am nominated and elected 1
will devote my entire time and at
tention to the duties of the office,
conducting same with strict regard
to economy. I will pay all my trav
eling expenses and livery hire, with
in the county during my term. I
shall appoint as my assistants com- i
patent persons, to whom 1 owe no
political debts, who are controlled by
none, and influenced only by a de
sire to give the greatest degree of
efficiency at the BmaUest possible
upst, with courtfRy to all.
1 nm for a strict enforcement of
the law, but I nm opposed to hnr
rnsHing any individual lacking in
fluence or mcanu of defense possess
ed by others and I will not desire
to arrest persons without due cause,
or for the sake of merely making a
record, giving protection of the of
fice to all classes alike. On the
other hand, necessity arising, no
ravoritmm need be expected.
Mv alnornn will ba "Tavnavera'
Candidate. I will pay my way." I
would respectfully ask your support
and consideration to the above.
Paid Adv. Cornelius, Ore.
We WantEverybody to Know
Thatwc will, beginning at once, jjive Cash
Register receipts with every cash sale,
showing aniotuit of sale, date aud who
made tjie sale. We will asic you to keep
these receipts as wc arc going to give
back to our cash customers one day's cash
sales each month. Wcwill select one day
each month" and will annouuee in our win
dow on the 5th day of each month the
date we have selected, and then all you
will have to do is look over your Cash
Register receipts from us aud see if you
have any bearing that date, if you have
just bring them to us aud we will refund
your money. There is no trick to this
Second Street Main 122 Hillsboro, Oregon
I am prepared to do all kinds
of Building and Repair work
Cabinet work, etc.. Saw-filing,
Screens and Screen doors. Shop
at Main and Front.
All kinds of furniture, plate
and prism glass doors and w.n
dows. Also Kawneer bars.
VJiF.P Informed nf tli WorM'a Prwm In
Knffineerinir. Mnrhm.ira nA vemUfn VnA
Father and Son and All th F.-imilw It rnnavttJ
;uj an tiHwr uia una Toutif'-MmaiHi womtn.
j ruT'irni) AiHttuaiur in ui'MjaAiifiaoi
boiutsH thrmiifhmit tlm worM. Our Vorvlrn
lirrMiportdetit in ooiHrtrtntlr on tbe wbU h
tor Uuutji ow and luUrtwimtf u4 Ik La
WritUn So You Can Untforstand lt
Tha Mm Ma Pp art mailt t'2Q Vtuttmi ntitalfli
I'raeilal JiiuU fr Hiiuu Uot k ar.dmwv wuvi l.r llaJ
imjinttm Vt nil VIMMR NrOttttH ilia IWttilU
Iftmatottr Maehaatea 17 Pfigml ffr tl,J r-i
1 1 rut w 110 1 1 a io roiaato t iii nun, t el la twnr to mnku w 1 1.
mm aii'i i 'Hetfrapft oiitttta, Ktminua, mt, hmm
iUom, Jwitrr. IM Ki fiire, wtfl. (ipninina In
itrnctiotia lor t)i M;bt. n V.amur aB'tHuirtauian prm war kmolk cokh. ic.
'Mar aVma fmf nwfcilir ar lr . PUaa-.
saM;a aapy wirt ba son a muabi.
Na. Mkblfan JBwaui a, CU4',ACa
Notice it hereby givtn that by vir
tue of an order, decree and writ of aimi
lion iaauerl out of and under Ilia anal of the
Circuit I ourt of the Htat of Orison, for
WanhingKui Co. Ore,, dated thafttli da of
April, IHIfi. In favor of John M Wall, the
plalatilf and aitalnat Amanda Dee and
David Keuhltto, dtifendanla. for the um
ort.HVW), coati and the further lum of
of j 1. 060 with intereat thereon from the
lafrlay of March, 11113. at the rate of 8 per
cant, per annum, and for the lurther iiini
of f 100 attorney fena, to ma directed aud
delivered, commanding me to make aula
of the real property hereinafter deacrlhed.
1 na a H'viexi upon and purauant to aald
order, dftcree and writ of execution, I
will, on Morula, the Stb day of May,19lit
at the South door of tbe coiirlhnuae In
HUlarioro, Waaliington Coun y, Orenon.
at the hour of leu o'clock in of -aid
day, aell at public auction to the biiiheai
bidder for caab In hand, all the follow i..
daacribad real properly, lying, being and
aituate In Washington Count, Oregon,
and more particularly deaoribed aa fol
Iowa, to-wit:
The Kaat half of Lot numbered T and
the Weat half of Lot numbered 6 In Uor
Uindala, aaid Mortondale being aituated
In Hectiona A and U and John Kllllott Do
nation Unci Claim Number 41, T 1 H K 1
W, Will. Mer., Waabingtoo County, Ore ;
to aatlafy the hereinbefore named
aumaand for tha ooata and eipenaea ol,
ale and raid writ. '
Held aale will be made inlijeol to re
deniptiou aa iter atntute of Oregon,
Dated at Hlllxboro, Oregon, thla 6th
day ot April, lull).
Sheriff of Washington Coun
ty, Oregon,
lYoun jot
it-OMCiy ONE
rri J ,T WOULD t in J
r S d pa i r. - .
aa L "u WHCWI
Taata M-wa.ll It-Ma how dllf.riM ll I. lLJZ.ll .l -
Mala ty WnHAW-BBUTON COMPAHT, SO VAm 8-Mte, Haw Tart Off
Beaverton-Reedville Acreage
The finest suburban tract out of Portland; 30
minutes ride on the Rig Red Steel Electric cars. Moun
tain water piped through the tract. Schools, churches
and stores convenient. $175 to $500 per acre ou terms.
Port!d, Oregon
102 Fourth St.