The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 11, 1916, Image 4

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For District Attorney
Every republican citize n who is awake to merit ?n legil procedure should ireely give his pri
mary vole May 19 to Judge George R. Bagley, of the circuit beuch. Judge' Bagley is one of, the
ablest ju ists in the state. His interpretation of the aw is comprehensive and his years of. large
practice have so trained him that he has a splendid conception of jurisprudence. He has been a
leader at the bar in Washington County for many years, and his successes have beu many. As a
judge he nas exceeded the hopes o!' hi closest admirers. He has made good in every w:iy. The
bar of the county is almost a unit 'or his success at the pr maries, and as he has held down court
expenses to the 'minimum, he is entitled to the support of the commo.nveaith. It is woithv of note
that there are fighting his re-election because he held with the Supreme Court of the State and
the district court of the United States in declaring the Sunday law valid. Ha could do nothing lse
and the fact that he oid not do otherwise is to his credit as a jurist. Any judge wlr permits policy
to gude him, rather lhan law, would be unsafe on the bench. By so doing he would set law at
naught, anl violate his high ca'.h of office. Judge Bagley does not do this. 1L follows tho law
when const tional.the last word of the state legislative function and that is hiy sworn duty. Every
man who believes in law should remember this when he-voles in the primaiies-and if he shall do
thi-, then J .dge Baghy will Le nominated by au overwhelming majority. Editorial
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The reputation of K. B. Tongue, as a prosecutor second to none in the State
of Oregon, should give him the suffrage of the republican majority in Washington
County nt the primaries May 19. lie is au able lawyer and appreciates to the fullest
extent what is required of him in his official duties. His extensive experience iu
the courts, his researches covering a wide range of law, and his indomitable energy
particularly fit him for the position..
His record as district attorney has no equal in the stale, and his judgment is
unquestioned. A vote for him is a vote of m lorsement for ab e scivicc. In him
Washington County has a public official worthy of his hire, and through him the
criminal matters of tho county are in the best of hands. Even his bitterest enemy
cannot gainsay his ability as a public prosecutor. He is well-pois d, able, fearless
and a master in law. To nominate him is an endorsement which he 1ns earned and
to wbich he is entitled Editorial. - '
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