Beaver ton-Reedville Acreage The finest suburban tract out of Portland; 30 minutes ride on the Big Red Steel Electric cars. Moun tain water piped through the tract. Schools, churches and stores convenient. $175 to $500 per acre on terms. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 10a Fourth St Portland, Oregon Best 0 a mains HAS OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT Olinger Bros,, The Reedville Store WITH A SPLENDID LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERE YOU SAVE MONEY ALL HE TIME Reedville, Oregon C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in -Of tinv Hay,; Flour, Feed and Grain Bag's. Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and ONIONS. ' Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath At Cornelius. Beaver State Flour The Bea Flour at the Lowest Price Telephones Hillsboio, Main 14. Cornelius, City 1515. North Plains, Main 263. Para mpl syrup, direct from a New York farmer, now on sale at Greer's. Try a can. , Mrs. F. F. Hughes, of Shefflin, wis a city caller the last of the week. Nursery stock, fine rosea, as partrus roots, outddbrs grown cabbajre plants, now ready-4 to 8 inches. Morton's Greenhouse. Henry Kuratli and family vis ited with J. J. Kuratli, at Phil lips, Sunday, in honor of the father's 73rd birthday. Money to loan on farm secur ity. 1 represent three large fire insurance companies. Give me a call E. I Kuratli. II. K. Ediger, of Bethany, was in town Monday, on business at the court house. Wanted: Pasture for three young horses, and also some young cattle. Address II. M. Basford. Pleasant Home Farm, HiPsboro, Ore. 5-7 Wm. Martin, of Forest Grove, was struck by a baseball pitched ty tltcher McUraw, of the Banks team, last Sunday, at Verboort. The sphere fractured the bone, and Martin was taken to Port land, where the skull was raised. Money to loan in any amount at 7 and 8 per cent, on accepta ble farm properties. Make ap plication now and have the money when you want it Long terms if desired. E. L. Perkins, Hillsboro, Ore. Sunday was an ideal day for people who wanted to get out in the fresh air. Many went to the mountains in machines and spent the day. Fishing was more or less at a standstill, the finny tribe evidently being off on a holiday. The roads hae dried up enough to make good wheel ing. Wm. H. Robinson, who was employed by a Portland fire in surance company, suicided last Saturday. Robinson was well known by John Vanderwal. His accounts are straight, and the cause of the rash act is veiled in mystery. Supervisors everywhere are more than busy these days, tak ing care of the roads, and itj meant quite a payroll here and there. As soon as the court can shape itself to start work on the Forest Grove-Beaverton road there will be a big army of men at work. The redressing of this road will be partially done by contract Hundreds of fishermen rgain lined the streams in the county last bunday, out the catches as a rule were not large. Others contented themselves with fishing between berg and the Susbauer (place, andHalTalyor found quite a number of the big fellows heie and there. Hal knows about every hole in Dairy from Cor nelius down, and he generally makes a good catch when others get a short shift He now has Billy Nelson and the Argus. n an as understudies, and with a ft w trips they will probably do very well ICMMONI. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THI STATE OP ORBQON. FOR WASH INQTON COUNTT. Btm Anderann, rielntlff,) Laura A, Capias and K. A . t'aplea, W hnaband. W. M. Kelann, J, I'hrU O'lwv ml A. VUli, lHltudaiib. To R. A. Oapl and W. M. Helton, of waaoove namm tiitniitiHit: 111 ids name of U11 Nwie 01 Oragoti, you ere hereby onuitiiamltMt ml rvuuirtM to amtnar ami annwa,- the amanriml com plaint of ilia piaintitr ttld aitainet you to th above viiuiltKl t'miri and iauaa on at trior the Hllli day ol Jtm, Win, taut date being Hcr the eiplraitoil of all tmki Ironi' Ilia dale or the imtilicaliou f thla autnmmia.and II' you lad ao in appear aud answer said atmnded complaint (or want thwrtior the plaintiff will apply to the Court fiw the reliof prared lor anil d niandtl In tin anended complaint, to wit: Por a Judgment aitatnnt the defend aula, Uura A. l aiilrM and K A. Caulaa, in the sum of ivKH) In United Mtaiea Mold Coin with interval t hereon Irom the ith day of February, IMS, at lb raia of 8 pereent annum, and ill further aunt ul of f'.IOUJ attorney 'a leea and the owl and dinburaemeuui of "aid ami; and for a dorMWnritit ilia mul mortitave In tha 11 in ol 1,'NM IK), xcuml 011 U 17U day of Annual, IHI, by the delemlanla Laura A. I'apleeattd It, 4, t apitwin favor of tha plaintiff, and lii.ih aattl morlitaira wan on aid data Hied In tha oUtoo ol Urn Recorder of Oonveyanoea of Wash ington t'oimiv, Oregon, at pair Hit) of Ituuk tS7, Mortgage Keoorda ol aaid oouuly am Maw, 10 in) a lirat lien upon lUa lot lowing dnorllKti mrv of real proMrty, aimi(u Wa.HhitiKt.iu County, Oregou, t-it: I.01 numbar Xt and the North of L H4 o.' beaveriott Heed III create aa par iuly recorded platthertof on rite III Waah iiHllou County. Urin, atud lot and on 1m. 1 euiitaioiiiff )i 0 ori aj.wt a UHaan hHit atrip In addiiion to a tou loot road almtdy dmliraitHl orl of tli Kat (id of aaid lot. al. imi it ol th Nnrih alda 01 aaid I..I Xt, Mb ol (Will atrip blii( rrvd Tor road purpoMs. And that mid nniim it b drcraed and dtH-larad to i prior and aupoilor U th utirrrat, rilit, tlUa, claim or Urn of Mob and alLol th dalandanu abuva nam.!, and IhUllinlnWnwl, right, fill 0U1111 01 lin ol arch a id lt of aai.l dwfvudaul h dpolare.1 and dirad to ba Inferior suit turnt and auhjact n ail irapaota to th I u of piaiutirl'a mid iuortaiiv and that aaid m..riKiiu ba lortwlo.l and aaid raal proiwrty b ordarvd aud dooroad to br . Id by th8henrl of Wa-ninKinn bounty Orrgi.ii. in tha luannor pmaorilwd bt law and praotioaof tha above autitivd flouri, and that Hie nrovewU obiiu4 inun th aale ol auine t applird to th payment ol Ih atvrral inmi due uuto Ih plaintitl almv ant lorlh, aud lor which J.iilgmenl la dwuamlei; and that you and each ol you aud thai ail and raob of tha defend tila above naiiml. aud all paraona olaliu "T by. thruuiih or under you or either ol you t foreer barred, loreoloaed and precluded Irom all line. ml In, rlRhl 01 uUe to or elaiiu or lien upon tuid real lin.pcrty , aav only th alatut ry rlyht ol rvdrinHion; and that auch other and further relief be KrauUMt unto the plain II tf aa to fte t'ourt may awui nrooaaar) nd proper In th premium. Th!t itti uioii i aerved upon you by pubtleallou lu th HillMburo Aiyua, pu.aoant U order of th H .no able UeorK K Haley Juilir or the above entitled Court, made, rendered and en erd on th Hib day o April, IKItf.and whlxb aaid order direeU that thia summon he pubiiahe.1 lu tin Hillsbro Aruua f .r all auoneislv and oue.ntie wwka, IhtiniiiiiK with th. lau-d the 7ih day ol April, ll'ltt. and endinn with Ibe laaue thereoi JUd, IHitt, that you and each of you brtiiire.l toai'pmr and an-wai id am einl.1 eomplai 1, on or beior lb. lU.h day of Inn, ihih. WM. G. HARE, Attorney for Plaln'uff Pacific States Fir Inrarance Company of Portland, Oregon.' The only big Oregon Old Line Company. Lostes Promptly Paid John HUlaboro, Vanderwal Agent Oregon 100,000 POUNDS i - . To Be Unloaded at WEIL'S GIGANTIC UNLOADING SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY, MAY 10 Watch for Ad Next Week ' if s. - i W i - ' - v ''-::V--i Insures Full Milk Pail Cowl five mora milk and make rnilMnt wlrr and mow wbrn aot iMhtrtd and aillrn by llwi. Hilwv Uvlr autre by apmyini Ibtm with Conkey'a Fly Knocker tfaiinol IMni milli arHl itmcowtilw ptere and csmiwl that Imur a lull Bulk put Keep Flies Away From Cattle and Hones Ont suae ipn lae aauaalt Stnt Try It IS Day Money Back l( Not Satisfactory Tty a n tudy. Of W, (I II Wt M U A.J. HARTRAMPT Hillsboro Oregon Bay Direct From Producer mm isJiiwiy I THE HILLSBORO COMMERCIAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS nd PROFITS $2d,0OO An old, safe and conservative bank, located in the Hillsboro Commercial block, S.W. corner Main and Second streets. Hillsboro Commercial Bank. This magnificent French Ostrich Plume ia full 17 Inches lonar and made of the highest grade hard flueOdtrich, selected from the male bird. lias a very glossy fiber and ia extra wide, with heavy drooping head. Black, white and colors. Send ua $1.95 and we wilt send by parcel post, this beautiful Flume and if you do not think it is the most mar velous value you ever aaw,if you can duplicate of your dealer for less than $5.00, you may return same and money will be prompt ly refunded. Special 18inchostrtch 1 plume, 12. 28 worth $6.00 Special 20inchoetrich plume, $5.00 worth $10 '"For complete line of Ostrich Goods send for free catalog. SOUTH AFRICAN importing; co. 1841 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing from the best timber in Washington county. TheGnest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIED FLOORING and RUSTIC always on hand. Estimates on Buildings, Flooriug, Rustic, Ceil ingsall kiuds of finished lumber for house material. We deliver. All lengths silo lumber, the best in the market, constantly on hand. Phone: North Plains Central, 3 P, 1 1 PETER HOFFMAN, Bacona, Oregon Cb3 REP PEPS PHILOSOPHY DR. E. T. HELMS Chiropractic physician ttnint lnmnaHnn Elootrlollj, Hfdem- nmrpminy and Malmirtltlo Olmiatlam, treating all d I. arara or chronic. II too ffrouf or too Thin, you can b Jut noma br., p.-.lal DM ami for vfiry naan. Olvm itmfmrm a tthmnom to right Hmmlt. CiHiulfAlonand F.idmfnation free Offf.wn 1 and 2 ItnMfll Bid 4., Orcton W. 0. Donelson UNDERTAKER at ' Calls atlendedjnight or day. Chapel aud Parlors. Hlllmboro, . m Orogoii -J 25 Experienced Saleswomen Wanted J 'A. , 10 Experienced Salesmen Wanted we 1 1 POPDIilffll CUMGS A1AGAZIND 300 ARTICLES-300 ILLUSTRATIONS V EKP Informed ol th World'i rWrwa In Knffiniwrlnff. Mfvhnnlra nnA Ihvmuum Bnj Falhrand Sim and All the Family. It appeals tool! daaseaOld and Vonnir- Mm and WomeaJ nuw tliniuifhout Uih worR ur Kontlira . CorrMtpondmi tji ara oonrtautlr nn tha auh for tiuiica dm mi lutoraUna ud It Im Written So You Can Understand in. mp itotaa Dar.H CM Pual onnuln rr-uij.i iimu rorniiitp WorkandaMi nan fur tM .W" b do tlilnm sroanJ tl. H.m. l Li77 i' rith"' J( J-oi( low (da Han aiif M anjl llicra.h DutllM, K.niinM, Bol, Hoc mdv -"mMrt K. M Ki. itn. vlo. IJonUliM ia htrautloo. fur tl.e Uwilu Bf Oampor u d MonrUana fir run - a 1 Net i unn iaJ SaaWM aaay ,a ka aaat aa waaaaa. POPULAR MtCHANICS MAa AZtNCI micmaan Mwna. CHICAUO "Remember the wrlA owes )hxi t, Hvm, but lt up to .you to ccOtctC Fishing Season Is Here Call and looK over our first-class line of Sporting Goods, fish ing tachle, etc. Percy Long BUILDING I am prepared to do all kinds of Bulldintr and Reoair : work Cabinet work, etc., Saw-filing, Screens and Screen doora. '. Shnn at Main and Front All kinds of furniture, olata and prism glass doors and w.n- aows. Also Kawneer bars. JOHN BEATTY. We WantEverybody to Know That wc will, beginning at once, give Cash Register receipts with every cash sale, showing amount o( 6alc, date and who made the sale. We will as you to keep these receipts as we are going to give back to our cash customers one day's cash sales each month. Wc will select one day each month and will aunouueeio our win dow ou the 5th day of each month the date we have selected, and then all you will have to do is look over your Cash Register receipts from us aud sec if you have any bearing that date, if you have just bring them to ns and we will refund your money. There is no trick to thia proposition. Vaught Grocer yC o . Second Street Main 122 Hillsboro. Oregon SHERIFF'S SALE Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of an order; denree and writ of elocu tion raauad out of and onder tha aaal ol tht Circuit Court of trtaHuteofOrmron, for WMlilnKUin Oo. Ore.,ffled theotu day of April, IMIfJ, In favor of John M Wall, the plaintiff and aalnat Amanda Dee end David Rexbitto. defandanta. for tha aitm of $37 80, coati and the- further mm of of ft. (MO with InUiriat thrraon from the in ciav 01 March. lHia. at the rate of 8 nor cent, par annum and fur the further anm of I1UU atuaruav fern, to ma diranuut and delivered, coiiimandintf me to make tale of the ralnropartv hari'inafterdeiiorihnd. I ba. e levied iiihiii and miraiiaiit tn aairi order, dwree and writ of eieeutlon. I will, on Moniie, thn 8th day of May.ltflb. atthaHouthdonr of the oourtbouae lu Hlllaboru, WaMhlnttlon Conn v. Orniron .' at the hour -of tan n'olnnk a in of .al.l day, aall at pulillo auction to the hiRheat uiunar mr nain in nana, all tne loilowli deaoribad raal orooerfv. Ivlna-. bai no? an aituate In WaahliiKton Oount. Oregon, nu uiur iruuuiriy ucaoriiieu aa lol luwa, to-Wlt! . The Kaat hall of Lot numbered 7 and the Weat balf of Lot numbered In Mor tondale, aaid Mortondale beln situated In Becttont ft end 0 and John Kllllott Oo ration Land Claim Number 41, T I H K I W, Will. Mer Waabtiigton Oouuly, Ore Ifou. ) to latiafy the hereinbefore named nrne and for the eoeta end eipenaea of aala and aaid writ. iTMt BOCK OmutW DRltta 1HZ 60(lB jm, E ltou tot Mm ,ui ir vcu al - J,.. 7T WI 'eeAoaal I WSnf,MlA'racc?,ciyei' when finds 2 CheW'n,,,u ,te T-cco Chew, -w Knowing how mbcli it means to his comfort, a man takes pleasure in telling his friends tboutSt, too! You don't have to grind it away. The taste lasts. "NoUa how 0,. aalt Wi. out D,a rUll loWaa Uata Hal. W WETMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, SO Vdm WK. un,. - - oald aara will be made luViJeot to re- oi Dragon. Oregon, tlila flth deuiptloii ai ner atalute of Oregon uaHn at n iniooro. day of April, 1KIH. J. E. REEVES, Sheriff of Waahington Coun ty, Oregon. New Spring' Go-Carts A HAVE ARRIVED Come in and Examine them 1 ' : Now; is the time to purchase Wall Paper, ' carry a completeStocK, " Donelson's Furniture Store ThirdlStreet 1 We Sell on the" Installment Plan f1 1 m ii i .- "a, ,, m, 4