The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 04, 1916, Image 4

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S ' . s E. B. TONGUE I
The office of district attorney is a roost important one, and one that should
be ably filled. No one who h4s watched the courts of this district will say that the
present time our district attorney is not more than well qualified to conduct ttye
affairs of the office. He has a state reputation as a public prosecutor, and in pur
suit of his duties has given the work his best efforts. There is not a district at
torney in the state tvho has so good a record in percentages of convictions.. He was
admitted to the bar iu 1897, after graduation from the Pacific University in 1896,
studing law while attending college. He has given dignity to the law practice of
the courts and as district attorney for four counties, covered a wide field. The com
plaint that court costs are sometimes excessive is far-fetched, for he has insisted on
fines that have meant much income to the county. In the celebrated Bondshu case
where witnesses were brought from California to clinch a conviction Mr". Tongue in
sisted that the defendant pay the costs, and this the court ordered.' In every case
where the defense was possessed of assets he has seen to it that the county was re
imbursed its costs. The argument that he has had the office two terms is absolutely
nil." Supreme Judge McBride had the office for several terms, aud was also judge
several terms until elevated to the Supreme bench. ; , ' ' '.....;
As the county attorney, in defending the attack on the ' Sunday closing law,
Mr. Tongue followed the law. the decision of the Supreme Court and the Federal
Court, which held it valid, and in following his plain duty he could do nothing else'.
Mr. Tongue is entitled to support because he has made good as. a public official.: He
has earned the support of voters of all parties, and if exemplary conduct, of office is
a good thing, then, his administration has been good in fact, there is nof a person
in the county who qan make a just complaint of his official actions. " " j
Mr. Tongue is painstaking and a hard worker, and his results are to be ap
plauded. He has conducted the office at a minimum of costs, and will coutinue to bo
& when re-elected. - . ;
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