hi i m imitit tin in in ninn i wiiii I Him lit V ;-v- MANVXM.VT 0 fli HAKKtNv.rON 2 Nights Only-Wed. andThurs., May 10-11 The Incomparable Film Star 11 .11 neaa ara Supported by JEAN SOTHERN, WM. SHAY and the great est Cast Ever Shown on the Screen. In the Magnifi cent 7-Part Wm. Fox Production 4 iJWiwAi . J ": An 7 - ; ' K Vv 'THE TWO ORPHANS" The Big Fi'mHit of the Season 7C00 feet of film 400 striking scenes -A show that you will never forget Special music for this special play. Announced by all who have seen it as the greatest of its kind ever presented. No Advance in Price, 10 cents, Children 5 cents IF you live outside of Hillsboro it will be well worth your time and trouble to drive in and see this feature. LIBERTY-Where you see the best in Photo Play AS GOOD AS , A CHEW OF "SPEAR HEAD' That Uzzzs the Supreme De gres of Rich, Luscious ' Tcbscco Flavor OTHER CKEW EQUALS IT Nature varit the flavor she puts into the different grades of tobacco leaf and the best of all is the flavor of choice red Bur ley that pleases you so mightily when you chew Spear Head. The delicious fruity flavor of a chew of Spear Head is a revelation to the man who has never chewed or who has been chewing near-good tobacco. For chewing is the one way to get all the wholesome, healthful, appetizing flavor of the tobacco leaf providing you chew a high-grade plug like Spear Head. No other tobacco can compare with Spjar Head in the wholesome satisfac tion it gives. Vou get more savory sweetness in a chew of Spear Head than in a whole plug of ordinary tobacco. And you get it in its purest form for Spear Head is made amid the most wholesome surroundings, in a great, new factory that's kept absolutely clean and sanitary. Tey thii rich, mellow, satisfying, pure chew. Such a chew cannot be obtained in any other tobacco than Spear Head. ;n 10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper. IT'S HERE AND UNLOADED ! WE WILL SELL- - X v , For a Short" Time Only NEW 19(8 FORD AUTOMOBILES On the following terms . ; " ' ! $150 Down, Balance Eight Months S. E. BIRD & CO. 1 Automobile Dealers HILLSBORO, OREGON ! Buy Your Auto Supplies and Tires I From us we Can Save You Money 4 ....... CITATION ' A Big Car of Salt Direct From The Factory You Profit by our Buying Reynolds Hardware & Package Grocery ' Do not forget to ask for a Schiller when you want a good 10 cent smoke uq "eough dust" in thfc Schiller. 12tf IN THE COUNTY COURT OP TII'J STATE OF OREGON FOR 5 WASHINGTON COUN1Y. To Wiitmlttt Juliim llcrniiiiin, and the unknown lieirmil Wilh 'lm O Huniiaiin, Dicwiswl, Hut lit Orf (' ai.il all peminn intor. Kt"l in Ki.J tamie, (iw.uny : In the Nairn ( l htiimnf )rKu: Y'Hi mid Mtfh of vnil ma herbv citii anil rwjuirel U appear in the (Anility ;urt of tlix BiaU) ul Ort'Kiui. lor W ailiinittuu bounty, at the court room thorenl at HIlhlMiro, OrnKon, in id em'i.y ami dtate.ori the ltli ilav of June, Kthi. the Maine heniB the fi ll jmlinial oaf ol tlie July ter.i. of aanl ouiiniy court, at the hour of IU o'clock in the lorviicun "f day, and turn and there (ill w i-ause. il auv you have, why an order of caid ';niirt xlm i! I nut I xi iiiciIh aul h.irizi ntr. i liceiiini, empoworiiii? and dirw tnn W. J iMeAlear, an adniiniHtrator of the entate. t ol Wiliielni O Jleriiiiinn. deceawd to a-ll 'at private fale loriMaJi in hand all Iloiiovrirg aofcnoeo ii ai inirri.y, !, Iieliii? and aiiual in WaMhinifton bounty, .Oregon, anil particularly deauiihed, an nilldwB ion-it! ' he northeaxt quarter of the Honthwet quarter ol Hectinu 2ft in Townhii :i N irth of liant;eft Wen of W ll'aiimita Meridian, coniaiuinK ete. , ' at p ayed lor in the petition of raid K J MeAlfar, o ciich ailnilniHirator; lor the purpone of realmiim lnmln t PW H" liuleliiedneiw auaiuit id male, and .t.ie cml i.ntl rliariteaTrf Ihomlim .jHlralion thereof. , . ' W'itntthe Honorahle J) H HnHonr. Jude of Ihe Coi.iity l!oiirt of I lie Sta'e of OreRiin, for Wimhiiiiflmi rminty, Willi the whI ol mid !oiirl ed this 3rd day ol May. IH;li Altot: , , K. P. I-ure; Hy Henry Kii'iult H t .y William O ilarf, .Aitoiji' b' admin ielralur. SUMMONS In the Circuit, Court of the Stat of Oregon for Washington County. Jennie M. Kule, Plaintiff, I k Alvin II Kule. Defendant ) To Alviu II. Kule, aix.ve named defendant: In the name of the (Hate of Oreg.in, you are hi.re.hy reUireil to apiiear in Ihe above cnlitled court, and rmir no or heiore Friday. June III u. IKS. the xaid du e hfinst lix weckn mill more alter the ilnui ul tlie nrat puiiiiiMiion ot trim auuimoua and nolioej then and then tu appearand answer or other iae plead to trie complaint tiled agairat you m the anore entitled caue, and if you fall U do ho a deoroe will be taken aiiaiiiat you for want thereof for the relief demanded in BKid complaint, to-wit: For a decree dmolviriK the marriage nontrant eiiming between the plain till and the deler.dant which ahall bean aliaolute divorce, and f r auch other and furthei relief a may leern meet and Juk'. fiervlcior tint uiniuona la niaoe up n you by publication lor aix (tliconiecui.ive we4.ua in the Miimnorn am in, oy vniue of an order made and enered on the Hrd da of Ma, lUlfi by the Hon. I), t. Keaaooer. JudKe of the county court of the Htn.e of Oregon lor the County of Waihintfton. In the abaeiice of the circuit Judire from VVashiiiKUiu (kiunty. O. J. Oatzmver, attorney lor plaintllr", Ui-kiini Hldu , 1'orlliind. OrKon. Jl.iteol rlrat puhlicatioir May i. IMIfl , Dateoflakt publication June 10, lWlfl Dctwctn two and three hun dred pupila spelled every word correctly at ' the meetini9 last Saturday, here and at Tualatin. The lit will not reach the pub lishers! I hi week. The attend ance at Hillshoro was 844, and at Tualatin, 161. County Official paper . U. A, bUNbi twditot Rntvred at lb fnen-oitlca at Httlaboio, Oretron, aa Kiiind-uiaio mail niattat. Hubacriptiiiiii ir aiuium, iMatvit ker llurta) -BV- 1.00 MuHINNKV The war cloud has fallen out of lied, and the militarists are feeling very blue. Every Rood American is triad to aee that we are not coin to ret into war with the European blood-letting. The Hanks Herald candidate, Larry, is trying to tret a nomina tion by screaming "ring." Lar ry, or "Skeezieks," as he Is bet ter known, is one of the boys who thinks the school fund and the road fund should shift for themselves, and he criticises Senator Chamberlain in his ef forts to throw a tVw millions in to the public benefit fund from the 0. & V. land situation. This is enough to show that "Skeen icks" is hand picked for a ring that is some rin. And the ap pearances are that he is picked by powers outside of Washington County. Thi is on his par with his side stepping his democrats registration. UNION STOCK YAKDS The market opened for the week ruther slow for cattle. As usual pulp fed steers brought 9. No chanire in ti e rate on grain fed stock. Cows, heitVrs and bulls were very scarce, although there was no rhanre in prices The first California graa stutT ar rived today. Calf receipts are continually increasing and prices are very good. Hog receipts were fairly good. The bulk of sales were made at 9 and 9 05, some of the choicest bringing 9 15 and 9 20. Market closed strong. Sheep are beginning tu move a little more freely, although the receipts were only 301) head. All classes are in great demand and top prices are still being real ized. For Sale -Single C imb White Leghorn eggs and baby chicks. These are the finest to be had, Fetuluma. Limited amount It. L Ked eggs and chicks. Also have some fine young prune trees at 10 cents each, tied Wright, Hillsboro, Houte 5. l'hone K. 151. H. H. Cronise, the first Oregon Electric A Kent at Hillsboro, du-d at Lyons, Linn County, Monday. aged G5. He leaves 8 widow and two stepchildren, Mrs. Olive Bodev. of 1'ortland. and Uichard Landis, of Albany, to mourn bis loss. He resided here several years. The Congregational Social Cir cle will hold their Blossom Festi val Friday evening, May 5th, in the Snute Bldg , . Second and Main Sts. Art excellent supper and splendid program will be given for a general admission of 50c. The proceeds will , go to pay the street assessment, and as this is something every citizen is interested in, we earnestly so licit your Bupport. , i Frank Diedrick and wife, of near Blooming, were thrown out ot their conveyance on Main, yesterday, at 1 o'clock, when the team ran away in fright from an S. r. train. Mrs. Died rich was not injured and the husband suffered no broken bones although the wheels pass ed over him. Dr. Bailey, who examined him, says he thinks there are no internal injuries, The wagon was demolished. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE HTATK OK ORKGON FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY la the Mailer of the EUt of Marianna Lamlrork, Deceased. . Notice in hereby given that the undcrsiincil hits been duly appoint ed by the County Court of tin; State oC OreRon for) Washington County, ulniinmtrator -de boma non of the aforcfiaiil el?te, witn the will of Raid decedent annexed, . and huo duly qualified an nuch as by law perscrib- ed. ' Now thorium', all persona liavinz claims nKuinnt said eutate are here by notified and required to preaent the same toireiher with proper vouchers therefor, to the undermin ed at the law. office of William G. Hare in the American National Bank liuildimr, IIillnboro, Oreiron, within six months from the date hereof. Dated March SO, 1910. WILLIAM FAUt, Administrator de bonis non of said estate with the will of caid de cedent annexed WM. G. HARE, Attorney for said Administrator. Tha Blossom Festival alTords & splendid opportunity to enter tain Rome friends with a dinner party. , There wilj be plenty of tables at all times, but, should anyore wish to reserve a special table for a apt-ciul lime, phone Mrs. K. L. Moore, or Mrs. K. li. Faster. Fdwin Nowman departed this morning for Salem,- where be has a position wilh the Wells Fargo Co. Ho has been in the employ ol this company for sev eral years ia this city, Edw. V.mriek has leased the J. C. Lam kin tinsliop, and is pre pared to take care ot tinwork and repairs. Second St, oppo site court house. Herbert Carstens, of Banks, pnssed through town Sunday, enroute to Baker, Or., where be will spend the Summer. , Newton . Davies, of Kintnn, was in town today S. H. I I-. & 13. All. except thel 11 & N., trains are electric, and stop at the de pot on Main Street. TO I'OliTLANI) Forest Grove Train 0:51) a, in McMinnville Truin 7:M Sheridan Train 10:0:1 torest drove Train 12:50 p. m rticMinnviUe 1 rain Forest Crove Train F,ugene Train McMinnville Train Forest (.rove Train 2:15 4:10 4:55 (5:40 9:50. FK0M rOIMLXNI) arrives 8:15 a. m, J0;0;l 11:69 3:1 1 p. m 4:33 , (5:40 7:15 ' ; -9:60 Notice of Final Settlement Kotlr-e n hereby elven that the nnder- iKiifxl ndinlnlHtrKlor of the entat of H. A l.voii, iierwaiuvi, Iihh men hln nnal amount and ri-uort Hi Oih I uunly I ourt ol W anil ) inifin tioiini-y, urK''ri, ann nam i;ourt hi- f.ned Monilay. May 16. Iltlrl, at 10 o'Rlor.k A , M. hS the time, and the Coun ty Court nxini in llitlabirn, Oregon, tha place for the h-nrinu of objentlona, if any, 10 n nnai ai'count anu in aetnsment of "Hid ewUle Dated thu April IS, tfllfl, K. E Lyon, Administrator. II. T. Bagley, Attorney. Euiene Train, McMinnville IVain Forest Grove Train Forest Grove Train Shuridan Train . McMinnville Train Forest Grove Train Forest Grove Train McMinnville Train All trains-stop or. flag at Sixth and Main; at North Hange and Fir streets. Sixth and Fir Sts., and at Tenth street. Steam Service from old depot at foot of Second Street TO rOUTLAND I. R. & N. Train 4M p. m. .FK0M I'OUl'LANI) P. R. & N. Train 9:15 a. m. Motor Car Service To Huxton 12:25 p. m. T Timber 4:30 From Timber , 0:55 a. m From Huxton 2:10 p.m. Statement of E. L Moore, Republican Candidate for Legislature To The Repubican Votera of Washington County, Oregon: I am not a politician have never asked for or h.-ld public olhce. 1 have no word to fay against any other candidate. 1 am a bust ness man and a member of seV' eral commercial and business or gSRiZatiiins am have yiven busi? neas and industrial' conditions a careful stud v. I believe that the future sueet'Si and prosperity of Oregon and Washington Coun ty depends tipin the develop ment of rndusirie-tahd resources. 1 believe that every person that is engaged in business whether it be in producing, buying and selling, agricultural ' products, buying and selling of merchan dise, manufacturing and em ploying of labor or any other business pursuit, Bhould give these conditions careful study Let us be fair and just to busi ness industries so they may have a chance to develop and we will be able to manufacture our raw materials here instead of else where, and in this way give la bor more employment and better wages. 1 contmier the State Legislature m ire of a business that political organization. Let us reduce taxation by more busi ness economy and the abolish ment or combination of some of the forty-seven commissions now existing. These opinions are the thoughts that have been ex pressed by a large number of farmers, manufacturers, mer chants and laboring men, and if they meet with . your approval vote ior tne candidate who is best qualified to represent you : E. L. MOORE. Republican Candidate Paid, adv. for Legislature FALSE RUMOR DENIED Applegate Has Nut Withdrawn Candidacy , It having come to my attention that reports have been circulated throughout the county that 1 have withdrawn from the con test for the Republican nomina tion . for sheriff, I wish to state that such reports, are false and without foundation, and evident ly circulated to mislead my friends. ; If nominated I will accept, and will use every effort to secure election in November. J-C. APPLEGATE. Republican Candidate for Sheriff Paid Adv, ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to announce that I have opened a Oiceiiliuuse on Twelfth and Oak Sts., HillsUiroi ntid am prepared to fill otdcrs fur nil kinds of flowers, lihmblicrv, etc. A specialty of florid designs for funeral fraternal orders, etc. Also am prepared to do landscape gardening, and floral decorutiug for all occasions. SPECIALS Flowering Plants Pacific Snprenic Tomato plants, Hiuiuy's Best tomato, and lvurly Oregon, earliest ou Pacific Coast. Peppers, New Perfection. Cabbage plants, all variiies. Carl E. Muller, Florist Hillsboro, Oregon; Route S This Attractive Range pa V is s-1d nt an nuusually li-? price, Sdd on easy weekly ' or monthly terms. Carried in Plain li n k or Enameled Hack, Call ami examine the new model of the Free Sewing Machine. Regardless of price, it is the equal of any machine ou the market. Sold $t dmvu and $l per week. L I. DONELSON, Furniture M Hills! Pure Bred Stallion Robert Will Stand Season of 1616 ondays, North Plains, John Kenedy place; Tuesdays, illslwo, Redmond Uaru; Wednesdays, Forest Grove, J, C. Smith Barn; Thursdays, Gales Creek, Newton llaney Place; Friday, Banks, J. F. Carstens Place; Sat urdays, Buxton, N. P. NeWou Barn. License and Pedigree Stallion Registration Board -State of Oregon. License Certificate of Pure Bred Stallion No. U2. dated st Corvallis, Oregon, Feb. 27. 1911. The Pedk-ree of the Stallion Robert No. 20811. registered in the studbook of National French Draft Horse Association. Owned by J. F. Carstens & Son, Banks, Washington County. Oregon. Bred by Kills Walton, Pleasant Plain, Iowa. Described as follows: Black. Pedis: Allhere 5)218 sire, Hercula 5624 (1320) sire of sire Lura (32876) dam of sire; May Starlight I78M dam, Vernis 17fcS (46W.) sire of dam. Fadette K)72damof dam. Breed French draft. Foaled in the year June 27, 1308. Has been examined by the Stallion Registration tbarJ of Oregon, and it is hereby certified that the said stallion is of Pure Breeding, is registered in the studbook that is rec ognized by the associations nvned in section Nine of an Act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon providing for the licensing ol stallion, etc, filed in the office of the Secretary of St ite February 21, 1911, and that the above named stallion ha been ex imined by tha veterinarian ap pointed by the Stallion BdgUtratinn Uird and Is hereby re ported free from infectuous. contagious ortransmissable dis eases or unsoundness and is hereby licensed to stand for public service in the State of Oregon. Ermine L Potter, Secretary Stallion Registration Board. TERMS: Single Service $8. To Insure mare to lie in foal $15. To insure colt to stand and suck $20. Care will tw taken to prevent accidents but will not be responsible should any occur. C. W. McCONNAHAY, Mgr. . FOR SHKKIKF To the Votera of the Republican purty of WiMliinKton County: In the I'omuig primary election, May 11), laid, I will be a camlitlute for Sher iff, and will emluuvor to conduct clean cut canipul;n, with respect tor my opponenU and all other. My utandiiiK and ability are before ou to invcHtiKUtc, una I would kind- y auk every lady and gontlumun In the county, who know me, to upeak oi me to ineir iridium, i am farmer, and fuel it no diiicredit to milk a cow or plow a furrow. 1 am a native aon, having been a taxpay er of the county for 2(1 year. u i am nominated and elected I will devote my entire time and at tention to the tiutU-n of the office, conducting game with itrict regard to economy. I will nav all mv trav eling expenBea and livery hire, with in the county during my term. I fihall appoint as my BHHiHtanU com petent peraons, to whom I owe no political debts, who are controlled by none, and influenced only bv a de nim to give the greater degree of efficiency at the smallest possible coiit, with courtesy to all. " . I am for a atrict enforcement of the law, but I am opposed to har musing any Individual lacking In fluence or means of defense poasesg ed by otherg and I will not desire to arrest persona without due causa. or for the sake of merely mnking a record, giving protection or the of fice to all classes alike. On the 1.1 i i ., . . omnr nann, necessity arising, no favoritism need he-expectod. My slogan will he "Taxnavers' P'oiwriy or n iwrl thereof, to I mild Menutlon. luilimaut orilor ami ' would respectfully ask your aupport i!iNmU and consideration to th above. I 1 Ul1" ,th ,u' of p'.'; 'HJ GRANT MANN. raid Adv. Cornelius. Ore. aiiKRirr's sai.io. In the Circuit Court of the 8UI OreRon for Washington County. ThrM Itiihl, Plaintiff, v OharlM H- Osimrii and KlUm ol' i IhinIwiiiI ami wlln, 0IiiiIiiIi, Hjr virtus of an inoutloii, JiiiIkum ornnr, umire anil unur or Ml Imok : of ti ealm eiitlllcil Court In t..n hI ntltlvd cuim, to ma Ulreoteil ami ilm tha IHUi ilny of Aurll. 1010. udiiii a j i merit rcmlnred and iiUrwl In Mid t o mi Ilia I.I1I1 duv ol April, lultl. In Itvm llii-rrna Itiihl, iilalnliS, and ikh I'liarlHi h. Osboru and Klleo. - liutlMinil and wlfa, defendants, Vr i niii ol INIJU OU with Interna at tl-V" 6 per oant per annum Iroin Hi U 4 V Droamlier, IWM. to ilal. and ill furil mil ol ) 4N.4U and Intorwol theraon im Hi" ! of Maroh, IMIfl. which I emintltl paid aa taiea uunaiid unlliiiii ou Ilia inortaKd prauilaaa ant forth p.alnlln't rMinipllnt, and Ihafiirthvr ' or 1 11 75 omii and diftnirieiiiriilii. Uia mini oltTA.lK) alUirney'a tm am I tHuli or ami upon thli writ, oomniauili ma to inn kit aaleortlia (ollowliiKdam'rli rral prop rty illuata In On Ooiinty Wanhuigion , and Hut of OrKn. Now Theralora, by vlrtun of alil nnution, JiiilKiiiant order, denrne anil (Ixrofrale and In compilation with i iMiliiinanilsof said writ, I will on Hut' day. tliaimtiduyofMHy, Will, at UoVI A M at ilia irnnt il.xir nf the Vom Ootirt Hi.tiM In rllllilKiro, WenliliiKi Hiiiiniy, urnmin. sell at poind' ' (Htihjrat to reilemptlnnl to Hi hlK1" bidder for eauti In band, all tlm ri,' tllla and Inlereit wlllitlitha wtllilu imm i'fftiiiiliiiK, t'harlea tl Oanoru ami Kn OtlMirn. Iiiiahaiiil and wll's. hail on i ! Mill dayol lienainlier, IHI8, the date nl I niiirtKHKa. heroin loreoloswl, or nmw u ;naihHil In and to tha atiova Utwuri' First-class driving horse. sound. nnd cood trnvelee Will trortn for high g'ade milch cow. Chas. E. Wells, Hillsboro, Tele phone Main 132. 5-7 W. O. Hocken, mayor of Bea verton during a strenuous period of city improvement, was in the I city the last of the week. J. E. REEVES, Sheriff of Washington Coun - Oregon, By J. C. APPLEGATE, Deputy. rimi n'MB April TU, IIMO. Iitet Issue May 1H, 111 It). M. J. ManMahoii, Attorney for , Plaintiff. For Sale: Registered Guer aey bull, 3 years old; also rep! to rail f!.W, tandem til ill naif -KJ 1 Goodin, Cornelius. K. 1. 5 II 4