The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 04, 1916, Image 1

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NO. 7
Washington County Leadi all
Oihera In Dairy Production
Many W Dairies la Gil Cad Supply
Portlaad'a Milk Coaiainpilna
The latest figures on Btate pro
duction put Washington far in
the loud of all others as the ban
ner dairy production county in
Oregon. The estimate is that
the two condensers pay out over
a million dollars per year for
milk and haulinir. together with
the labor Involved, while the
shipments to Portland amount to
perhaps half as much, when one
considers the innumerable dairies
in the east end of the county
furnishing Portland's milk and
creum supply.
Nowhere in the state are there
universally so many fine dairy
herds, and the registered stock
is rapidly Raining in numbers.
There are many fine herds of
Holsteins and Jerseys, and for
individual producers the district
has other counties discounted.
While Tillamook, in proportion
to population, has a big income
on her cheese manufacture,
Washington leads her In pro-
will not bo seeded until very
Mrs. Jenks died at her home
. i m. . .1 -
in ftuutn IllllHDoro, iueeuay.
The cuuse of death was cancer.
Dr. C. 11. Brown is viBitmg
back in Indiana, and will not re
turn until September.
Kd. ThomBS. of Beaverton. en-
ioved a runaway one day last
wek. No serious damage, dui
it wss exciting while ft lasted.
Spirella Corsets-Not sold In
stores. A question and- a sug
gestion. Have you aay corset
troubles? If so, let Spirella ser-
vice cure them. Over three mil
lion Htttisfiud Spirella wearers
testify to the ease, com tort and
nerfection ot style produced by
Spirella corsets. . any exelusive
designs from which to select the
corset best. suited to yeur Indi
vidual needs. A Spirella resi
dence corsetiere in this field.
Mv advice, experience and train
ing are at your service, without
obligation. Appointments by
letter or telephone given prompt
attention. Phone Main 384
Residence, Fifth and Jacksm,
Hilisboro. Ore. 3-16
A pleasant evening was spent
at the homo of Itasmusen urotn
era. 4 miles south of Hillsboro,
Tuesday evening, April 27. The
hours were spent in dancing and
cards. Light refreshments were
served. Those present: Messrs,
and Mesdames Schofield. 0. r.
Deliberately by Inference Calla
Commlsaloner Hanlcy Non Compos
"Blf I" Baaki Caadldat Alfllcted Wlib
Mesial Myapls aad Myalfla
"Skeezicks." the big "I" candi
date for the legislature from
Hanks and Portland, first name
whilom "Larry," in his weekly
effusion practically calls Com
missioner C A. Hanley villian
and falsifier iust because the
commissioner found Larry's name
on the registration ot iwo years
ago in the democratic column.
Mr. Hanley. to be just, named
Larry, or "Skeezicks." as he is
better known, as a clerk on the
election board. A county news
paper called the public's atten
tion to the fact or registration as
a democrat, and his now being
on the repuDiican iicxer as a
candidate, and Instead of grace
fully acknowledging the indis
putable record Larry unbosoms
himself and says the "Commis
sioner didn't know any better."
This is a sample of the mental
myopia and myalgia of "Skee-
duction Dractically two to one,
Hetter herds are being built up f red. Kamerclda. Mildred and
each year, and there is always a Gladys Lindholm; Messrs. Pete,
market for the condensed pro-, tianu William and Geo Wienicke.
duct. The coming of the two'farl aid William Asbahr, Joe
Carnation condensers have meant Corrleri. Albert Greener, Ed
prosperity to Washington Coun-1 vn j. ija., Mackerson. John and
ty. and in this conjunction it jacob Halvorsen. Kaol Grable
might be well to note as one of !ancj Walter Schofield.
the pioneers In condensing ,
Fred Schomburg. who saw its Druggists are not
,uiuii.iiiii unit Jmliffl Geo. It much ethyl alcohol
Hagiey and Or. J. P. Tamiesie.
in ami, it. iiik ..,.. imyou
Enckson; Misses Latnenne, I zicks." and marks him as a won
Elizabeth and Barbara Hilletue, der Of course, his Inference is
Bertha and. Edith Grable. MyWe that Commissioner Hanley can't
Wienicke. Mary Herman. Wlnl- -,4 proro reading "Skee-
ho helped kirn in establishing
the first institution of its kind
selling very
these days,
since the new law went into ef-
fecL They must pny $25 a year
license, and before sale is made
the buyer muBt swear it Is not to
be used in any rorin as a Dever
sge,-and they must ssy to what
use it will be assigned. If any-
zicks" week after week it is hard
to find that he adra'.'s that any
one can read - except, perhaps.
This is a fair example of the
mentality of the man who is
yelling; "ring" and who awakens
in the night astride of a "night-
hoas," with eves staring through
the gloom, and cries for help
from the farmer who, accord
ing to Larry can't talk or write
very well but has a ballot to
save him fiom the cobra-coil ot
the "red circle."
Mr. Haaley says he knows the
registration was democratic, and
t (From The Argus)
'County Treasurer J. W. Sap
pington died from a stroke, Wed
nesday evening. He was a
widower, and lived with a minor
on. He laaves a grown son.
Uo, E. B. Sappington. Mr.
Sappington had served one term
as treasurer, and was last week
civen the nomination to succeed
himself. He wss a man of the
strictest integrity, and had a
host of friends in Washington
Dr. P. J. Bailey and Wm.
Partlow are in Grant County,
where tley have leafed the
Thurman Hot Springs. ,
Judge Cornelius has given full
citzen papers to Anton Maresch,
Aditm Herbert Alfred Spread-
borough. Wm. Spreadborough, J.
G. Uooa, John Greenwood, Unas.
Bloom, John, Vanderwal and
Ernest Gurske.
Frank B. Jolly died in this city
last Saturday. He studied law
in the ollke of T. II. Tongue,
and was admitted to the bar. He
was a son of Hev. Wm. Jolly,
who settled north of HillBboro In
pioneer days.
A Newberg man recently lost
a horse on Jackson Bottom, the
animal getting off the grade.
Being tangled in the harness it
was impossible to extricate it
The recent heavy rains have
caused extreme high water on
the lowlands and much acreage
haonlyDUt the boy on because
not less than two years aor.more he thought hewouldmake aeood
than r.u.r uenra in thA tuta. Thia clerk but it begins to look as
mnna thnt nimhol ia mora or though C. A. were mistaken
less a drug on the mark. No Meantime it is suggested that
nersoncan buy more tkara two Larry prosecute the son-qf-a-gun
quarts in four weeks.
9:58 ...
Jas. Gibson, Mayor of Reed
ville. was here Saturday. A
week aeo Friday Mr. Gibson en
ioved his 82nd birthday. He has
been in Oregon since the late
forties, and says he has never
been ill a day from contagious
disease, and he yet feats like he 6:32
could hold his end with the ma-17:18
jority of those in the sixty-year
class. He celebrated his birth
dav at Woodburn. with bis
For sale: Twolve head of high
grade Holstein cows and heifers,
and 15 Angora goats. U van
dermost Beaverton. Route 8.
One-half mile south of Kinton
school house.
Frank T. Rice, who has been
visiting his son. Wm. Rice, of
north of town, returned to his
Portland home. Friday. While
here he celebrated his 78th birth
For Sale-Pure Garnet Chili
Beed potatoes $1 per 180 lbs. f.o.b.
Beaverton. A. A. me,. Beaver
ton. Oregon, Route 4. Phone,
551, Line 4. i-7
Jacob Schneider, of near Leisy
ville. was a city visitor Friday
Bu k garden seeds and onion
sets at Greers.
who registered him falsely.
Wouldn t this be a tine fellow
to send to Salem particularly
that place opposite the senate
To Portland 55 minutes.
, a m
..a m
-a m
.a m
. p m
-p m
p m
N. H. Jones, of beyond North
Plains, wss a city caller the last
of the week,
Herb Matteson, of Gaston,
was in town Saturday, greeting
It Pubols. of West Union, wss
in the county seat the last of the
J. Oscar Larson, of Beaver
ton, and Esther Olson, of Port
land, were granted marriage li
cense in Multnomah, Friday last.
Do not forget to ask for a
Schiller when you want a good
10 cent smoke no "cough dust"
in the Schiller. 12tf
A great number of hop grow
era have iteen contracting their
1916 crop at 11 and 12 cents, and
the market looks stronger at
this time than for years at the
corresponding period.
For sale: Twenty-one acres;
12 acres cleared; fine orchard;
good house; new barn; stream;
It It, telephone and milk route.
One and one-half miles north of
Hillsboro. Gravel road. Price.
$4.000. -M. E. Watson, Hillsbo
ro. Route 1. 5-8
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Carstens,
of Banks, were in town Satur
day. They came down in their
new machine. J. F." has con
tracted the bulk of the Carstens
& Co. crop for the year.
For Sale Dwarf Essex Rape
seed, finely cleaned, at market
price. Also Barred Plymouth
Rock eggs, 0. A. C, strain, 75
cents per setting of 15.. Also
a few pure bred Jersey cows
with official records. Wm.Schul
merich, Hillsboro. Ore.
Mrs. Henry Minnick. of Uma
tilla, visited with her mother,
Mrs. Alice Foord. last week. Mr.
and Mrs. Minnies recently re
turned from an extended visit
with Mr. Minnick '8 relatives at
Bates County. Missouri, at Ap
pleton City. That section ia . lo
cated in the Ozark s. the famous
mountain region of the state.
For Sale At the Hazel Hill
Farm, a grade Guernsey bull
calf. 3 months old. - The first
check for $30 takes him. Also
Houdan chicken eggs for $1.00
per setting of 15. Farm located
near Iowa Hill school house, 44
miles South of Cornelius. J. D.
Koch. Prop.. Cornelius, Ore., R.
2. 67
Oregon Realty & Tr Co to E
V Sipple2 a Bonita Gardens$800
Wash Co Inv Co to Jas bteph
enson. 68x200 ft lot 2 blk
20 F Grove
Shaw Fear Co toWC Dewey
6.28 a Beaverton-Keedville 10
Prudential Loan Co to H R
True, tr 6 Chehalem MtOr 10
Snmft to H L Eicher. tr 61
Chehalem Mt Orchards.... 10
A C Shute to Glen Psyne.
73x130 ft lot 3 blk 2 Hbo.. 650
M lit Opening in Many Sections of
the State
.O ..... ...... in i r m tk T.ilJian Pnncrai
5.28 a in M Moore d I c-
9:58 (Sat. only) pro
From Portland 55 minutes.
2:12 ...
8:26 (Sat only).
a m
-a m
p m
..p m
.a m
Aclivliy ia Lamber and
he industrial review of the
past week for Oregon follows:
Cottage Grove-Diston sawmill
resumes operation with 60 men,
orders booked for year in ad
Grants Pass Nugget worth
$205 found in Monger Creek.
Astoria plans to improve 2,000
ft of street.
Newberg co-operative cannery
sold for enough to pay debts.
Forest Grove--Logan berry juice
plant proposed here.
The Dalles School building to
be enlarged.
Falls City The sound of saw
mill whistles which will soon
blow again will be welcomed by
the inhabitants here.
Portland Manefee Lumber Co.
receives 11.000.000 ft. order from
Great Northern for freight car
construction. City council re
quires that jitneys operate con
tinuously furs hours out of 24
and give uninterrupted service
going from one terminus of their
run to the other. C P. Co.
tarts work on Holgate street
viaduct to cost $60,000. Dorr
estate will cut 100,000,000 ft.
logs on Deep Creek east of here.
Barview. Tillamook beach re
sort to have new S. P. station.
St. Johns- Peninsula mill will
start sawing in May with 250
Roseburg sells $75,000 school
bonds for new high school build-
Silverton Work on big saw
mill plant here being rushed.
Hood River-Odell district to
have $8,000 high school
"Oregon City Reconstruction
and repair of present bridge pro
posed, cost $10,000.
Milton and Freewater enjoy
ing a building Doom.
Medford people vote May 23 on
$300,000 bonds to build railroad
to Blue Ledge mines.
"WITHOUT the consequent riaK is
through the universally approved
checK-booK, which has become an
earmark of affluence, conservatism
andjsubstance. The men of marfc
in your community do business
withjtheir chech-booh. Are you
one of them? '
4 Per Cent, Interest On Savings
American National DanK
Ruff Lumber
Sized Lumber
s. p. & p. e. & e:
All, except the P. R & N.. trains
are electric and stop at the de
pot on Main Street.
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
Sheridan Train
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
Eugene Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
6:50 a. ml
12:50 p.
This price is only made to stipulate build
ing and will be subject to changeXiu the
near future. If you want to buy right,
buy now. :'' ".r
We Carry Trojon Stumping Powder
Badger Lumber Co.
Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks.
A D 3 O L U r E 1 Y
Everything in Building Materia
r I
I iiiniiii tii I iimii
IwlllEiriU III Lllllll
",V,,WJ -
On Improved Farms
The Shute Savings Bank
The Congregational Church So
cial Circle, in order to raise
money for their street assess
ments, will hold a blossom festi
val. May 5, in the Shute Build
ing, corner Second and Main.
Many novel teaturesare being
planned for this entertainment,
under the direction of Mrs. Gates
and Mrs. Tongue. An excellent
program will be given during the
dinner hours of from 5 to l p. m.
A house cleaning booth in charge
of Mrs. J. T. Shannon, chair
man, and the candy booth, in
Mrs. G. is, Buchanan,
will be attractive
Remember the date -
5-7 ,
charge of
May 5..
A meeting will be held at the
Court House. Friday evening,
May 5. at 7:30, for the purpose
organizing a Woodrow Wilson
League. An invitation is ex
tended to all persons interested
in the re-election ot Mr. Wilson
this coming election. Women
are especially invited. G. Y.
Harry, of Portland, General Or
ganizer, will be present
For sale: House and three
lots in Hillsboro. Or will trade
for cleared acreage, bottom land
or swale, near Orenco preferred.
H. Jeibman, Hillsboro, Ore.
C Nealeigh to Wm Steele.
contract 10 a sec 15 1 2 s r
2 w
Florence Munger etal to E M
Tongue. 38.94 a w of Hbo
and i int in 8 lots blk 3
Highland Park
N Gross to M Gross, 108.28
a sec 9 1 2 s r 1 w
M Gross to N Gross etux. his
int 5 lots blk 7 Tigard hgts
H G Colton to E M Chandler
12.4 a sec 1 13 s r2 w
Portland Trust Co to Ella B
Folev.wi lot aValley Vista
Same to Same, tr on Gales
Creek-Thatcher road ...3000
ID Rode to A E Vaughan,
54.71 a Herman Thatcher
& Pat Kelly d 1 c 3500
J A Messinger to J A O'Dell
10 a sec 18 t2sr2 w....
J G Arnold to Jos Fully. 10
a sec 9 t2sr 1 w ;..
Laura Fluke to Chas Mayer,
lot 16 blk 3 Meyers ad......
J N Peterson to F Peterson,
66.48 a Shackleford die.
F N Averill to J H Ralston,
9 a less roadway sec 1 t 1
s r 1 w 4500
E A Ives to C H Bamford, 1
a Bamford Home place. . . . 10
Herman Danneel to A E Lu-
ther.2 lots blk 5 O Grove ad 750
Nettie M Austin to Richard
Judd, 58.54 a near Dilley...
Margaret Ball to Dow I Ball,
5asec23t2sr 1 w
C Leeo to F W Johnson, 40
a Bee 18 t2n r2 w
Isaac Ramsey to Edw Allen,
5 a near Forest Grove 2000
G W Morgan to J C Whitaker
13. 12 a on Gaks Cretik .... 1000
J C Whitaker to G W Morgan
lots 5 A 6 blk 1 Curtis ad... 1000
T J Cleeton to A J Simpson
2 lots blk 12 Park ad F G 450
F J Gattrell to 11 R Giltner,
und 1-3 int in lots 20, 21.
22, 23 blk 26 Port Hghts 2 1
ugene Train 8:15 a. m.
cMinnviHe Train 10:03
orest Grove Train 11:59
orest Grove Train 3:14 p. m
Sheridan Train 4:33
McMinnville Train 6:40
Forest Grove Train -7:15
Orest Grove Train 9:00 -
McMinnville Train 12:15
All trains stop on flag at Sixth
and Main; at North Range and
?ir streets, Sixth and Fir Sts.,
and at Tenth street
Steam Service from old depot at
foot of Second Street
R.&N. Train 4:30p.m.
R. & N. Train 9:15 a. m.
Motor Car Service
To Buxton 12:25 p. m.
To Timber 4:30
From Timber 9:55 a.m.
From Buxton 2:10 p. m.
Hillsboro Anto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts .
Phcne, City 176
For sale: Jersey grade cow.
fresh May 1; yearling heiter;
price, $00 . tor ootn. Also would
like to rent from 75 to 100 acres
near Uillsboro or uorneaus. - J.
Werre, Hillsboro, R 4; one mile
from Jobe Crossiftf, 5-7
W. H. French, df Forest Grove,
was a city visitor the last of the
week. He reports crops rather
mic up 1110 wajr
Go to Bergen'3 Flower store
for vegetable plants, seeds and
flowers of all kinds.
Robert Thompson, of Cedar
Mill, was in town the last of the
Ground bone, grit, shell, egg
food at Greers.
That y6ur watch is normally "on the job" 24
hours each day? -
That in each 24 hours the balance wheel vi
. hrates more than 400,000 times? .
That a variation of 'ooo of a minute in each
of these vibrations would cause a variation of
more than 4 minutes a day in, the time of
your watch? -
143 distinct parts must be given individual
attention when the average watch is properly
cleaned and oiled.
Thought of these little details, do so now, and .
give us an opportunity to demonstrate the ex
tremely close timing which fine tools, skill
and experience cau accomplish with your
watch. . . ;
Jeweler and Optometrist