m Beaverton-Reedville Acreage The finest snburbm tract out of Portland; 30 minutes ride on the Big Red Steel Electric cars. Moun tain water piped through the tract. Schools, churches and stores convenient. $175 to $500 per acre ou. lerms. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth St. Portland, Oregon lest Bargains HAS OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT dinger Bros., The ;Reed vi lie Store WITH A SPLENDID LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERE YOU SAVE MONEY ALL THE , TIME Reedville, Oregon C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in j Gd.in, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags. Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and I ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingies and Lath At Cornelius ' - , " " Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Price Telephones! Hi'lsboro, Main 14. Cornelius, City 1515. North Plains, Main 263. , , j WHY NOT SAVE MONEY , : , ; ' ' ' 1 , -' " ' ' ; on your Auto Repaying by getting it 1 done where we do nut py high rent and have no large overhead expense, . My '. Equipment is good as the best and my prices are reasonable Oxy Acetylene welding and general machine woik. Get my estimate on ypur work. L G. WIEDEWITSCH Corneliu, Oregon. ; i Phone, City 105 IS IT WORTH SAVING? Cakf saves you Calef saves you Calef saves you Calt f saves you Calef saves you Ca'ef saves you Cah f saves you Calef stves you Calef saves you Calef saves yon Calef saves you Calef saves you Calef saves you 40 per cent on Men's Suits 25 per cent on Dress Goods 30 per cent on Underwear 334 P61" cent on Hosiery 30 per cenr on Gents Ties 25 per cent on Ladies' Waists 25 per cent on LadkV Skirts 25 per cent ou Musliu Underwear 40 per cent on Raincoats 25 per cent on Sweaters 25 per cent on Men's Shirts 25 per rent on Handkerchiefs 25 per cent on Stamped Goods And if CALEF tells you its so it is so ' 1208 Main Street Hillsboro. Ore. VETERANS' QUARTERS IN COURT E Carpenters Now Arranging Hall on Third Floor ot Annex LAW OF TWO YEARS AOO PROVIDES County Court Given (J. A. R. an J Span ish War Velcranji New Halt Under the provisions of the new law the county court ha9 award ed the members of the Grand Army of the Republic and the Spanish War Veterans' Camp new quarters in the court house. They will occupy the east wing of the third, floor of the new an nex, and besides havintr a spaci ous hall will have an ante-room. Contractors John Beatty and E. F. Smith are now doing the carpenter work, and in a few days will have the new hall in readiness. This will leave the west wing of the floor unoccu pied, and if the couoty shall take a notion it may later be used for the county jiil. The law under which the use of floor is granted the veterans was passed two years ago, and every county court musi itive a like use to the veterans, wnere there is room and it is unoccu pied by offices.. The ntw quar ters will be highly appreciated by the Post, Corps, and Spanish War Veteran Camp, and when completed they will have one of the hnest meeting places m the city. - s Notlca to Contractors Nttr 1 hereby given that Mated hida will h tetlvet by the County Coutt of Waahit Rton Cmi-.ty, Oregon, on Satur day, April t iui6,"t I 1 . Mat the of lice of the County Ciuit, nt lli'labero, UtrKou, fur to- k hauling in the follow itit road (itatrk-t. to it: Nua. I, 4, 5, 6. 7,8 o, it, i, S. 6. Si, ji, j6, 41, i and 47; lo lor etuau I im nd h u;h R In I'm, No, .V All h. la to be accompanied by a certi fied check for s fr cent of the hid. The Cuuit reive the tight to reject any andatll hid. Specification may be aeeo at the of (Wc ol Cou ,ly luit(e alter April 14.1916. Iled this Aprtl a, 1916. I. B. Keasunet, Count? Jutj(, C. A. I lanky. C nuty Conuniaatonet, K. Matteaon, CVtintv Conimiaslmici SUMMONS la the Circuit Court of the Htata of Orearon fur Waahtngton Cmmty. Wlunie Walton, IMalntilt', 1 tra Ned Waltou, IWfiulaiit. ) To Neil Walton.abnva ntnml defendant In the name of the HUte of Oretfon, ou are hereby rt'qulrett to amwar end aner the eoiiiniauu II I ml auaiitat you 111 ie aiHiva entuieu eull u or tm'ur KriiUv. the mil da of April, lllltl, wlilth bh1 itite l i fnln and more front ami ,niiinn.nT niv ...... . . ... ....- i liUi,ihe dm of the Unit publication of uh Mumitioim. aim ir you rat 11 aoiMMtr or answer, the plaintiff for want thereof will apply i the omirt rr iha rlll prayai rr In herenmpUlnl, to-wtl: Kr It cree d inoltl nx the In nda or in. Uij.on V nervtutora ami now elitlK ortvrmi m ami the denn daft amt awaxliut t tin plalutill the care, puwody and ooutridol fts minor I'ttllit, Nra Walton, ami lor aui'h other reli'f aa pertain loetiultv. 1 ha Oate ol the latt Dublicatlon or Hit" summour la Tnuratlav, the Vtith day of April.ima and ilua ummo la puhliahed if ordrr ol me Hon ueo n. latt'ey. udireorihet'iiviiii iwurtof the itateoi Oroii for the County of WahlnKton, and aald ord- r aa mad and dat.u ou the ISth day ot Man-h , IMlrt, 1 Ivile Kiiihaniann. any. lor riaintln. MH Chainbr ol l?onitiiertw Hldj.,r ortland. Uriiou. Thos. Talbot, of Cornelius, was a city caller Monday. Jake Schneider, of Leisyville, was a city caller the last of the week. E. E. Watts, of near FarminK- ton, on the Kiver Koad, was up Monday. Game Warden Parker, of Yam hill, was here Sunday looking after fishing status. Pure maple syrup, direct from a New York farmer, now on 3ale at Greer's. Try a can. W. C. Gifford returned last evening from his trip toDebvan. vVis.. whither he conveyed the remains of his mother for inter ment. Nursery stock, fine roses, as parous roots, outdoors jjrown cabbage plants, now ready -4 to 8 inches. -Morton s Ureenhouse. The last hijh water caught anri Hmwnpd about fiftV AnKO raa on the north bank of Dairy, between here and the Susbaut r place. . .1. A. Zimmerman, of neir Farmington, was in the city tie first of the week, t he roaa pan his Dlace i3 traveled but little this week, owing to contractois workinur on the Kearney ai d Johnson bridges. laMnJ i i iiMiiiiw-Trr DR. E. T. HELMS CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN utlng in .minfti'.rlon Eloalrlvltf, Hydro thmrpmthy and So lent II lo Dlulmtlom, treatlni M 1Im. ai:ul or chroiilo. tK Stout or too Thin, you i'iin la Junt what you mhould !; MpwUI Diet f Heroa for nvcry caw.. Ulwm nmturu a ehmnoa la right Hmmll. Consultation and Kxamlfiallon trw, Ofrlwa 1 anil 2 Hi-.ltM Uliljt, llillbor. Orison EPARED r ATrwFrnAWTrc Insures Full Milk Pail Cant eiv mm milk ami mk iK.iknn ukl ami IMi't wlK-n mil bnihoml anj (mIImi tr H'ta Kelwwe Ihrtr Uoimui by tprayinf tlwrn will! Conkey$ Fly Knocker tVmnoi lain! milk and ivarowaiht lar itj (wnMt that inaura a lull nulk (wit Keept Flies Away From Cottle and Hone Out ouik r) re annua1 Sa tlDM. MhtvtHt pmui, j Try It 15 Dayi Money Back If No hatiafactory , Tiv a lUv. 0 J5. Uil $1 . 5 l. M.uu Awfi sV.r i A.J. 1IARTRAMPT Hillsboro Oregon Buy Direct Front Producer W. 0. Donelson pi ms THE HILLSBORO COMMERCIAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS nnd PROFITS $28,000 Au old, safe and conservative bank, located iu the HilUhoro Commercial block, t5. W. corner Main and Sccoud streets, Hillsboro Commercial . Hank. UNDERTAKER at' Calls attcndedjiiight or day. Chapel and Parlors. HIIHboro, Ormgoi NOTICat Itt t HKUITOMa. H THf COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE Or OREGON FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY. t the Matter f the Katate of Aaroath Cotf B own, IK-era Noit- l hreby vn that th antler, iwneil have liren duly appotoied bv the itxvc rniilleil Court aa ailminUtiatrii mil a'ltnlniatrator rrrneclively of aald estate wr'h lh will tit ail rteireiletit an- cxeil, ami 'lave duly qualified aa audi be law prtacrilwil. N w fuerefure, all peraone having claima aKinl atit eataie are hereby ootili-d ami n (jtilird to preaent the aauir togetltVr w tli toe proper vouchers there 'or. t. the nmleraiitued at the la otfice of William G. tlare, in the Atnericau N.itiuoitl Bank UnlltiriK, Illllaborti, II rem, wthia lit in iiilha Irom the dati hereof. " D.ttd M.irrh jo, 1916. Jennie Ieaun biown and Percy Brown, Adtninint'aitii ami Ailttilnialra- tor leapectively of said eataie with the will of aiid drerdeut anntfd. M. B, Buoip aud Win. O. Hare, At- toraeya. This mairntflcpnt Freneh Ostrich Plume is full 17 inches lonjj and made of the highest erade hard flue Ostrich, selected from . the male bird. Has a very glossy fiber and is extra wide, with heavy drooping head. Black, white and colors. Send us and we will send by parcel post, this beautiful Plume and if you do not think it is the most mar velous value you ever saw, if you can duplicate of your dealer for less than $5. (X), you may return same and money will be prompt, ly refunded. I Speciaf 18 inch ostrich plume.f2.28 worth su.ua Special 20inchostrich plume,$5.00 worth $10 For complete line of Ostrich Goods send for free catalog. SOUTH AFRICAN IMPORTING CO. 1841 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ii.' L Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing from the best timber in Washington county. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIED FLOOR I NO and RUSTIC always ou hand. Estimates on HuildiiiRs, EltKH-iuj?, Rustic, Ceil iu all kinds of finished lumber fur house material. We deliver. All lengths silo IiiiiiIkt, the best in the iiuukct, constantly ou band. Ihonc: Not th PJains Central, 3 V. it PETER HOFFMAN, Bacona, Oregon RED PEPS PHILOSOPHY iDADTT AlAGAZINB 300 ARTICLES-300 ILLUSTRATIONS ITEF.P Informed of the World's Progress In Knffineenniz. Mechanics anr! Iittrpnium. VnA rainrr anu oon ana flu liie I'snuiy. It cppeaM iiuatn'iassCT-fa ana iouhr- men nnfl women, ti la tna ravnmtj AiiutMirm lu tlinu.Nudii of otuM Uiroutrboiit tliu wrM. Our a'urpiim C4trrt)KntvHtii ara ixmtnntj on tlifl wuf h fur thioaa aew and iiiteriwilus aud U la Written So You Can Understand Itj t Utt aN0M NMM lhwMaifrt IJH fiiMrml i.rt It, ll'ratlcal H inu fur Hlio Wih k and wwi truya iur liui amatotar MacNanlca f17 Fiurml tnr tljn T.w (itrlawhulikHtu iiiuki)t)ilntCM.t(tllthowt'imrkeWirH- iam .ou itiiHurHun .iiiciiiM. r.fiuiritiN. idiui Wiom. JvmtArl. Iti'cd Ki- 't.nrn. ot.t. t'.m,li,in In ktrutliuna forth aleuUb fjl Uaunm tia'l Kixirl.niau l 13 rn VfR single copirs. IS PK4ar m fw innMif ar "ti frMi fa. pubHalMr. POPULAR MECHANICS MAZINE m ho. MicMnun avunu., Chicago GIFT SHOP Stamped Goods, Linens, Art Needle Worlf. Supplies, Chil dren's Dresses Made to Order, Also Stamping to Order. Boohs, Cards, Station ery, Periodicals. Subscriptions tahen to all Mag azines. ' Washington Hotel Building Hillsboro, Ore, We Want Everybody to Know Th.it wc w ill, lieimitng aUuicc, give Cash Register receipts with every cash pale, showtnj niiHuint ( sale, date and who made the sale. Wc will risk yon to keep these receipts as wc are KoinK to give back to our cash customers one day's cash sales each month. Wc will select one day each month and w illanuounecin our win dow ou the 5th day of each month the date we have selected, aud then, all you will have to do in litok over your Cash Register receipts from us aud see if you have any "waring that dale, if, you have just bring them to us and wc will refund your money. There is no trick to this proposition. Pacific States Fire In"urnce Company of Porl'snrl, Oregon. The only big Oregon Old Line Cooipany, leases Promptly Paid John Vanderwal Hillsboro, Agent Oregon When times are good, we arc WorW to ocath and when times are bad. we are srared to deatK. Fishing Season is Here Call and I00K over our first-class line of Sporting Good, fish ing tachle, etc. Percy Long' VaughtGroceryCo. Second Street Main 122 Hillsboro, Oregon nOTIce OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In Urn Oonnly I'mirt -of I ha Mat of OrKHi lor WaahiiiKton County In thuMattnrol (h Katata of Juliiia J WeiHOnb.irk, I lifeasfiil . Niilli:i la liernby given lhi tlie limlnr alKiirtt liua tile I In lln Hhnift iMilillml Ciinrt, ami eauaii. Iir tli'iil aimiunt u,, mpnrt 111 U1.1 matiir of iall uie am! tli aaiil (lull rt haa Hwl and HmIiih(I lin day of April, HUH. at tlix hmir o tn o'clock A.M . of aald (liiy.aiul tin I'onrt room ol ilia ntw anllilcd t'oiirl li Ulltul.k mm I I'A llltta tttul l.t.na for Imarlimol juiillona toaaid Dual aiiooiint no iur mi" Dual aruipio''"' ai miaui u- thin Dili ilay or March, lltlil Aiiilirrsinn vVclaonbrk AilnilniHtratrl 11! KnlHltt af'orvaald. K'ii'1,,,,, q fiara, Altor f f it) Admin latratrlx. O APPWECWTES THE C.000 JUOCei TlT futt Juotot 1 You 9AV.0 yrr) I Uf WHIN Mhl Put MC ir bill T. ... I mII T l,. t .1.-1 . ,.. M II I 'w uiv "'"iiuictiiK, nuigy wad. vortcitan.tmaiii Vj chew there's nothind like W.ll PI IT ri.,mi I .1 11 1 T. 1 ri . . . . " w m 1 uimucu v.ncw, mtm far, lonf thrtd. It latiafiei you better, taatei better and ISati vou loniar orumary aina oi tonaceo. i.et pouch from your daalar. Clva it quality teat-then you'll know you've found ikt Rial TtUctl Qum. "Nolica how tha aalt briana oul th. rich (abate la," Maaa , WETMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 50 Uaiaa Saaara, Na Tath Oty thaa Iba MODEL 75 F.O D. Hillsboro $695 NOTICE OK FINAL SETTLEMKNT I BUILDING ' I am prepared to do-all kinds of Building and Repair work Cabinet work, fete., Saw-filing, Screens and Screen doors. Shop at Main and Front. All kinds of furniture, plate and prism glasis doors and w,n dows. Also Kawneer bars. JOHN BE ATT Y. IN TUB COUNTY COURT OK THE STATIC OK OKl'X;ON KOK WASHINGTON COUNTY In the M.'ittnr of the Emate of Solomon Jiu'k,- Deceased. " NOTICE is 'hereby Riven thtt the unrieraiRncdi adminiHtrutrix of Raid estate has 'filed in tha above cntitleil Court and cauae her final account and report an such ndminiHtratrix, and the uid Court hao fixed and nppnint ed Saturday, the 2!lth day of April, 1SJJ6, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, and the Court Koom of the above entitled Court In Ilillnboro, OrcKou, iib lJic tluiu oud pluce for hearing objnrtiona to said final ac count and for the final settlement of said estate. " Dated this IKth day of March, 101(1. Minnie V. Jack, Administratrix of estate aforesaid. William G. Hare, Attorney for Administratrix. MODEL 83. F.O.B. Hillsboro $795 Arrange for a demonstration CORL & HARMS Third Street Hillsboro , Oregon j r SBHI