' f.. 1. mi imitiii im 1 mm 1 ninin mi 1 11 1 1 JliW'JUU9a?' ?WSSI,?WWSJI "''.''ill'.lVB!! II I The Argus Free I ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? See 1. S. Lormintr & Son - .1 - - - General Contractors Brick and Ceuictit work done. Hop houses and birus, $').$0 per thousand for luiul r, hlnn- Uliti, M5 ants per tin nsand. I House work ;ucor lian'y, . 1 . 11 r.nliu ami excavating, an work guaranteed. 13 3 Fir Street, Hillsboro 1. (). I'.ox 113. 1'houe Maiu 1 m FOB AI8PW0R I herewith announce my candidacy for the office of County Aaessor on the Republican Ticket, subject to tho Primary election, May J 9, 10 10, The DiUy Oretfonian and Tho Argus, One Year For $6.00 thts'tflvea you Ue Arus FREE. No Agent Daily tntl Sunday and C0 Argus $8.00 .1 LJ For District Attorney Patterson Undertaking Company KtlNKKAl, f'lMKCTlltlS ANtl l-.MHAI.MPM VfV .twi I IjiiIv Aitiiit Ovt ItilUWo Fufiiiiiire II lw Co. Statu ' Knday Phone Miii i"7. Phone Mum 773 Farm Mortgage Loans Wiite t us about termi, stalinp amount WHnlttd ami character. alue and location of farm, etc, Fenr h Gray Portland, Ore. The .'Oreaoiiian New Spring GorCarts ' ? HAVE ARRIVED Come in and Examine them Now Is the time to purchase Wall Paper, We carry a complete Stoch. DonelsonV Furniture Store Third Street " -W Sell on the Installment Plan . Harry Lauder World Famoai ScofcA Comtdian, laytl "Tuxtdo, for mild ness, parity and fra granc, THE tobacco for mi. In all my world undt travelt I've yt to find Hi mqaal a a tlow burning, cool tatting, twett-flaoortd tobacco," NOTK'K OF SHERIFFS SALE. 7 He's Searched 'TheWideWorld" The pipe of this king of laughmakcn has left a trail of fragrant smoke clear 'round the world. Why is it he has never found 4 the equal" of Tuxedo? Because it has no equal because that famous "Tuxedo Pro cess." that makes Tuxedo mild, cool and non-biting, can't be used in any, , other tobacco. Mmk VJ Th Pufui TtUmv Pit vl CIimIM Tuxedo it aged thru to fivi year. But the big secret of that unequalled rnildness.'cpolness and sweet flavor lithe genuine "Tuxedo Process." Many have tried to imitate it no one hat succeeded. Try Tuxedo one week and you'D ay as Harry Lauder does, that it'i "THE tobacco for me." Youcan buy Tuxedo everywhere Pouch 5c Famous green tin 10c In Tin Hu mid, 40t mnd SOt. .C.eorge R Iiagley, l'liii..'ift, v. The nee Company, a corp .ration, dc . fciulam. Hv viituc ol ii n rrniliin issued out Of the Ci'niit Court of lli Slnle of Oieijo lor iMultnu rnh Cnuniv in ihe lovi en lit'rrl cmiHC. ! me iliifClrd .nil tlHted Mirn-h ji, loi6, upon . jii'lgmen i trlidiirrt Hint fiNVtnl HI moil .conit on I Ann. H igi-H.-'ln fivor uf' (ten. ' k luiilcv. iitatnltir. mill v'Hinl Th Peno I Couipniiv, ilrf n 'ini, npi'ii which 111 Uuui uf ff)fi iriiiiiiiM'iniii!, Iiehiilm II' cot n( hihI iiIhhi lint wil, I mil on I Aurll loth, tuifi, levy unon the follow I Ini! tracts oi mnd. I. A strip Of IhiiiI 6' I Icel wide, tieinn jn feel on inch side )f in lint' inn m f.iilows: ' lU-BiiitiuiB. - point H6 . ft west of ihe N F. rot(. t)f Sec. ?H, I , i y.t K 2 w., w. m , tneuo tn a Koutliirlv 'Miirii 'ii; tlicnic in h rmiirlv (lircciion; ihenre in tionlintst cilv ill' eel ion, crtinMnw thii t aM line i mid (Ki-tii'ti nt -lnt,44..Vleet mmOi ol uf the N K. cut ip 'r a It rwof; I'ne hfiii thf ci'trer line of toe Hume ( iiiteh . oi""t'iicifd mi the N. R 3 o( 'li N. t'.VC ofiiii l Ken, jS. j. A atrip IhikI 6 (c will.-, lu inp xo h-ti on eac side of a llm- tnti hb t'llmvn: Iletinniti nt h niiinl Uun fiei tsl of tha N c rnerij Si. aH, T. a N , k. a W., W M.: titer cr in a noiillurlv direction thence in n'VCHntftly dirt'Ciione thence in a nmllimie'v (II eclln.cri astiij; fie east line fif the N W i of the N: K of kaid Str. H; nld line lielnu the ci nte Mne of thf lUtne or tlileti totiiit itcted 0 i mil I lnnii; t.nid two ittlpt i.f land 1 eii'K the 'and causeyed in a deed from J. (;. and W. K. Welch fumteei unit the lait will nd temanieiit of Juli Welch. Il.nrv Welch, henefidary mid id will anif Kaiini'e WeleU. hit wife, t Tbe Pence Coinpti.y. Now llieiefiire, hv virtue of said tt ecuiion,' I will on Monday, the i.sth da of May, 19,16. Bt io n clock . M the South dnm .of the, County Court House in hiilxbnro, VYnnhinUin County, OrfK")i. I t l'nljlii! Auction (mliji'Ct to tcdrniritiini.j to the hlhent liuider fi r calt in'hflit l, all the riht, life anil inte'reat which the mid defcitdunt Imi In a:id to the aliove descrihrd prupc.it) or any ptrt thereof, to Batiify- Slid ex ecution and judgment. " . Dated thin loth day of April, ,1916, Hint issue, A pill 13, 1916. tKt issue, Miv It, 1916. J. E. REEVFA . Sheriff pi .Washington ' ' -, County i Oregon. By 7. "C. Am.KG'ATE, Deputy. qui: vvifB In CUit HumiJtri. PRESERVE - I t nnd pledge mynflf t the fo..owinK principlca: Tha Ktrii U-nt F.conniy in the con duct of thin office, giving my whole lime und umlividiU utt ntin to the dutiei thereof; '. 1 . 'the KicuU'rt efficiency that ex- IM'rience, lonxtant enre nnd untiriiiK effort can produccj Eiitiali.ation of taxation vuiupk, hy a Just, fair and buaincM like an--eaament, Uiua iwtirinir an Eqiii .:illo ItiutrihutUtn of Taxea. In the icrorntiliKhm''nt of which I bhall nt all timea acck the help and urge the co-ooeralion of the taxpayer, coun m I with him and Ktvc the moat iiurU'oi: conaiil'-ration to all co.n daintH :md crifvancrs. makine e cruonal invpfitlcation thereof, if need he. thua inmirtntr a aatmfact- orv and scientific aiiftCBsmnnt. 1 have had twenty year exclusive xiM-ncnco m utnu ano r.iiiunni altica, am experienced in all the ranchea of this ornce even to the I work, niul believe I nm fully wnr of the need of the office and the taxpayer nnd .will, if elected conscicntiotii-ly look after the aim" nsk your earnest consideration id "rnort. raid Adv. W. F. Holey. rid That little touch of landscape which appeirs to you. A ine line of Eastman Kodaks the only best from $1.25 up. : We develope and print Hillsboro Pharmacy nm a radid te for the Kepuldican mi ation fr A'c.Vr,t the piiinny In-1 li in in l' hi-'n M" it). 191s- I iav h r a rp.. I n axpttverinill- 1 vara, and hVm en chief deputy lor li i v i ltd a field deputy Pre 'mi' In tut t heVve 'lie exuetl'r " K"l " an-t nowledyc of the co 1 1' v I'lti.iu.ti lohi rldirnce fit me tn e Wtirir ' errirp the tHxpHveti in thn ic 01 stble oflie . K N. i'wiie. (Paid Adv.) . . : SHERIFF'S SALE- Nnljco i.i hereby given that by-vir tu's of an ordir dwreeand writ of execn it.ili Ihhivi) nilof anilunilHriliewiiil 01 1 i:iiiMiit 1 ourt or ine i'e onireB.Mi. 101 WknIiIukikii t'o, Urn i'lniext HmMn day ol April, lt' 0. lit lav. r or Jolui wall, me piaiiivill and acaiiml Amnnda and liKVld Hexliillo. ilu'eudantM. for the aum 01 S.ti M, cwi and tl' furllier sum or otSi.iiMl with inlerikt tbron from the day of M noli, li'l.H ai ilm ratnnt a per cent, per annum ami lorlna lurtiiur nun of illiO alUirney Imw. In m iliractAt and dellvereit. oommanitina' Hl U make wle of in n-al hnnwrlv her iiinflerdworinail I ha.a IkvimI uiHin ami unrauani 10 aaui order, dmvee and writ of nxecution, 1 will, on Mono a-', tnn no oay 01 nar.twio at ilia Hunt h dtHir 01' tn iv.iini"UM tn Hlllnlioro, WaahlnKton I'mm y. Orauon at tha Hour ol Inn o el icit a. til ot an dav.aell at pohlie a ictiiiu l Uik hiehm bidder lor cwn in iiand. nil tn miiowu 11 daMoribed real oropurlT. I v tun. Iwiiik ami ailnale In Wasliintiton ('oiiiuy, Oreiri) ai.U more tnriu ulurly disiinlni.1 aa lot Iowa, liv 111: Urn Kant IihI or Uil ititiiinnre. i am: lh( Went half uf I. it minimo-wl li in ' Mor Uihdnle, anlil Mortoiidalo twlni; aitualml tn WrlioiiB b and ll and I 1I111 Klllinll 1 iiauiiu Ijiml Ol.tiiil Nunilitir 41, T I S K W, Will. M.T., Wanliuiion couuly. ure Kpn. tn sai I' Iv the harnlnliel'ora uauiei anuiaand rr Hie costs and J(wiiso ol Kale anil aald writ. . Hal.l nale will bn mad snllwt to re- dninutioii an i r Hlatulo id Oregon, ILimtl -M niiMiMiro, unKiin, una oui day ut,Airil, lulii. . '.V , J. E. REEVES, . .'Sheriff of Washington Coun ty, Oregon. FOR COUNTY CLERK To the Voters of the . Republican Party for Washington 'County: I am a candidate for tho .nomination for Cotintv Clerk, for tho Primary Elee tion to be held May 19th, have boon chief deputy County Clerk for the rmsi two terms: was born in Washington County; nm familiar with the work of tho office, and if nominated nnd elected will during mv term of office, attend to the du ties thereof, exercising economy. und courtesy to tho public. Paid Adv. , Henry A. Kdrutli Notice to Creditors Notice ia hereby iriveu that tha under signed has been, hy tha Cull ntv Court of bn Hiala or Omron, for WasliiiiKtnn Count, duly appointed aa Kxecutrliof tha Inst will and testament ol' Umiiard Hunt h, Deceased, and him Only qualillml n such Nw, tharatore, all perona having cIhIiha aeimiHt the estate of the mid' Ijonnard Mmilh, doceaMed, will present them to me at my reaideiiea it Tualatin, Oregon, with proper vouchers attaiihed, within six nioiiiliN from the date Imrenl. Dated at Tim, ul in UiN 2:trd day oi Maroli, l!tll. Carnlliin Hniilli. Kxeciitrlx ot Ihe last will nnd toHtAineiit pt Uvuiifd finiltli,.ilviceed AV. J Makefinu I1H4 NorKnvtmte.rri "4 'tankriiUdhlipgi 1'iir.lland, Ota., Aitorney FOR REPRESENTATIVE The undersigned is a candidate for the Rerjublican nomination for Re nresentative in tho Legislature for Washington County, 15th District, subject to the decision of the Re nnliliiiin voters nt the nrimary el ectiott .to be held Friday. May l!Uh 19U5. and respectfully solicits the support of the party on a platform of the Stato'a business in a business way: strict economy and fairness to nil. Have been a resident of Wash' ington County for six years, nlways nterested in its development and prosperity. (Paid Adv.) A. E. Scott For County Commissioner i r I hereby announce myself a candidal for the Republican nomination for cmiu t commissioner At the military election Mav io. If nominated and elected I nromise to exercise the ainte ca-e i condiiulliiE county ht.sinesi as I would In 111- own private aff,iir. I am an ad vocatc of gcod rmds slid will do all iu my power towArd improvement of coun ty highways. Henry T. Hesse, ("Paid Adv.) Scholia, Ore, ll For Cuunty Assessor 1 I. i :" r .v.'i--. s 4Wa,.""t .: I . v , . -- H i ' ' - 1 v -J J. C. APPI.EGATF. Present Dermtv Sheriff announces his candidacy FOR COUNTY SliER- Ir r, berore ths electors at tne re publican Primaries to tie held May 19. 1916. If nominated ana eiecien he pledges n strict observance of his duties and an economical admin istration. Paid Adv. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce my candidacy for sheriff on the Republican ticket for the primaries May 19. If I am nominated nnd elected I will, during mv term of office, conduct said of fice honestly, impartially, eniciem ly and economically, and for the best interests of the tax payers. ' J. W. Connell; ' Hillsboro, Or., March 2.1916. (Paid Adv.)' . " ' i- J "- i '.aS-'L 4 ,.'.( - "l )) J 1 FOR SHERIFF ' To the Vote.-s of Washington County: I am a candidate . for,, the Republican nomination for tne or fice of Sheriff at the primary elec tion to be held May 19, 1916. If nonvnaterl find elected I will, give the protection of the office to all porsons anil cinsses aiiKe. 1 wiu conduct the office in an economical way as near as possible with fair nd courteous treatment to me ruu- Itc. Paid Adv. Geo. G. Hancock. FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE To the Voters of the Nineteenth Judicial District: I am a IVmiK-ratlc Candidate fnr the Office of Circuit Judge of the Nineleenih Judicial District. I have lived and practiced law in Tillamook. Oregon, for more than ten years last Daft. ir nominated anil eiecien, 1 snai Mthfully twrfoim my oIKei! duties ant jealously maintain my pctaonal Inde- eiulence. Paid Adv. S S Johnson. If r. -uominalcd and elected, I will honestly, vigorously and impartially perform -my official duties, without le.tr or favor, euJeav rtng always to accord to every in dividual, irrespective of paity, politics or prejudice, a square deal under the law, keeping always uppeiim st iu my mind the iutcrcsts of the taxpayers. Economy talk is cheap. There are two ways in .which the conduct of the office of District Attorney can be economized; first, by a failure to take .care of .the work, atd by a failure to prosecute cases, and by such failure saving the ' expense thereof, setond, by prosecuting criminal cases and by convicting the defendants; thereby giving the County an opportunity to collect the costs from the defendant. i afl.Iitmii thprrtn collect aU fines, and I am leaving it to the voters of this County to say. whether or not, during my term of office the work has formed, and whether or not the criminal cases have been wou. r E. B. Tongue all been per- Paid Adv.. (r FRANCIS L. MICHELBOOK (Of McMinnville) FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE. To the Republican Voters of Washington County: I am a candi date for the Republican nomination for Circuit Judge of the Nineteenth Judicial District, comprising Wash ington and Tillamook Counties, at the May 19, 191G, Primaries. Paid Adv. ueo. K. Bajjicy. FOR SHERIFF To the Republican voters: I am a candidate ror snenn 01 wasning- ton County, and if nominated and el ected, pledge an economical admin istration of the office, in ail depart ments, and will endeavor at all times to give the position attention in the interests of the taxpayers. Paid Adv. D. M. Mclnnis. For Representative I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Republic n nouihmtiou as repre tentative from Washington County, at tie primary election to be held May 19. If elected, I promise to work for an economical admimintratlon if pub'le business and to support all legislation which will encourage nnd protect new industries and develop the natural ic tonrces of the state. - ' : PaidjAdv E. L. Moore. . 1 . 4 Years Chief Duputy C. G. REITER Candidal for Republican Nomination for County Surveyor Primary Election May 19, 1916 j 1, 1 n. 1..,,. I J " Is . 3C Daily Journal Republican Candidate for Joint Senator. For the 24th Senatorial District Comprising Lincoln, lil lamook, Washington and Yamhill. I was born and reared on an Oreeon farm and after gradua ting from the State College, have been extensively engaged in farming: served Yamhill County as representative in the 28th leg islative assembly. If nominated and elected will continue to work for lower taxes, and strict economy. I favor Iaw9 for the people and rural credits; am opposed to the crea tion of new olhces, commissions, raise of salaries or the misuse of clerical patronage for the legis lative assembly, and favor limit ing this clerical hire to a business basis. Strongly opposed to any modi fication of any laws passed by the people as the people's power through the ballot should not be tampered with. Francis L. Michelbook. (Paid Adv.) , NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE and The Weehly Argus One Year, BotK Papers 5.25 Daily and Sun Journal and Arus, One Year'i$7.50. Do It Now Bulk garden seeds and onion sets at Greers. The Dorcas Sicietv will meet at the home of Mrs. M. Sulgard, near Heedville, Tuesday, May 2. Wantedat oncer Young men for automobile husiness. Big pay. We make you expert in ten weeks by mail. Pay U9 after we secured you position. Century Automobile Institute, 290 Los Angeles, Cal. " ' v In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon For Washington County. Vitalis Olson Plaintiff, ... vs G. Lunduuist, Aleua Luudiiuist, J. Lang sea, Hetty Langsea, R. L. Salun au t August Lovegren, Defendants. By virtce of an execution, judg ment order, decree and order of sale issued out of the above entitled Court in tho above entitled cause, to me directed and dated the 25th day of Muuh 1D1C, upon a judgment render ed and entered in suid Court on the 8th. day of March, 191G, in favor of Vitalis Olson, Plaintiff, and against G. Lundqiiist, A'ena Uioilquist, J. Lang sea, and Betty Ijingsea, for the sum of $1000.00, together with interest at the rate of 7 per cent per a num. from and after the 7th dav of May, 1913, Until paid, and for the further sum of $100, Attorneys' fees, and the Plaintiff's costs and disbursements herein incuired, Weekly Argils kjmvKwtn .:3-v off i' w " fii r A.JWJM 3tt.g Ct.. .WjftX....-. J t taxed at $31 25, and the costs of anr uoon this Writ, commanding me t' tuske stile cf the following described real property, towit: All ol Lot Three (i) !! nlock Niiietten !)), in Cherry lliove, WashiugUu Comity, State of Oregon. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue- of said executionjudgment order.docree and order of sale and in compliance with the commands of said writ, 1 will, on Monday, the 15th day of May 191 ft, at 10 o'clock A. M., at tho South Door of tho Court House, at Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, sell at pi'lilic miction, ( sub let ts redefinition V to the hitriisKt jidder for cash in hand, all the riirht. i title .and interest .-which th& wi tbiu V . "-Kfr. , ismed defendatits, G. Lundqtiist, Alena Uii(l(uist J. Langsea, Betty Lang" nd K h. Sahin, ami each and all of them hail on the 2nd day of October, 1915, the date of the filing of the suit herein, or since that dale had in and to ihe elx.ve described property or in any p,rt thereof to satisfy aid eneeutinn. judgment, interest, costs and accruing Costs. Dated this loth day of April, I9'6. J. E, REEVES, Sheriff of Washington County, Ore. By J. C APPLEGATE, Deputy. , 1'iist publication. April 13. '9'6 j.Lsst ;ub!iralipn May 1 1, 19:6. Hall & J-epprr, Atlomeys for Plaintiff. SaaS