DIES A! GASTON HOME Wit IMon.cr o( 1654, Daughter of Well Known Matleton Tanilly CROSSIil) H.VINS AT AOfi OP TWO SUUt ill County Commlialoner Rodell Mallcmin, ol l urrnl (Irova Mm. Amidon A. Kunrtoll died at the family home at Canton, Tuia day evening, April 18, 191G. after an extended illneHS. Her maiden iiunu' wax Minn F. A, MatteHon, nnd she wait born at F.lgin, 111., in 1H52. and crossed the plains with liur parents in 1851. Slip wan married to Mr. KuhkcII in thin county, her husband having arrived in Or-gon in 1W51, after 12 yearn in California. Six children were born to the union, all of them well known in the Canton and Yamhill section. The husband and children sur vive Lilliun M.', formerly Mm. C. W. Hudson; Francis A., of y Yumhill; Minnie 0, wife of K. ' F. Magoon, of Ashland; Geo. W., of IlillHlxiro, and welt known an one of the game wardens of this dwtricl; Chas. A., of Gaston, and It. A., of Yamhill County. Mrs. Uussell was universally esteemed, and was a woman of splendid character and attain ments. She was a sister of County Commissioner lttxlell Malteson, and of Herb Malteson. both well known in Washington County, , nnd a sister-in-law of Mrs, l'al mateer, of Hillsboro. The funeral took place today at Gaston. NICHOLAS AMiilUT FKtiEMAN Nicholas Albert Freeman, well f known here, died in Portland, .. nrii id. 1918, at an aire of GO years, lie was the son of the late Walter Freeman, pioneer, of (ileneoe. deceased was married to Amies Weatherred, a sister of T. S. Weatherred, of this city, in IHSO. Mrs. Freeman died in 1S.SI. and on Nov. 8. 1885. he was married to Miss Nettie Aus tin, of south of Cornelius, the marriage taking place in Hills tsiro, at the home of the of ficiating minister, Rev. J. A. Campbell. Mr. Freeman left Hillsboro several veara ago. He leaves to mourn his loss the widow and four children. The funeral occurred yester day und interment was in Green- wwid cemetery, Portland. jirT brother survives of his (muriate family-Walter Free man, of Yakima, Wash. VITA Cl.l tl LOSES FIKST GAME 3 Orenco defeated the local team laxt Sunday, at Orenco, by a "j score of 8 to 7. The error col- inn n was large on both sides, if owing to Irck of practice. WiU ' liams pitched khmI consistent ; ball, and deserved to win, but his support was too ragged. Donovan also did consistent work. Burkhalter and Schul merich were the shining lights for Hillsboro both in hitting and fielding. Donovan and Schul merich both received hits which l enabled them to circle the bases. These- two teams are evenly ,hiatched, so watch for the re turn game. Batteries: Hillsboro, Wil liHins, laggert Orenco, Donovan and Phelps; and Schiedel JH.OSSOM FESTIVAL The Congregational Church So cm! Circle, w. order lo, raise I money for their street assess ments, will hold a blossom feati . val. May 5, In the Shute Build ling, corner Second and Main. 1 M!yj-y novel teatures are being lulanned for this entertainment, under the direction of Mra. Gates land Mrs. Tongue. An excellent . I program will be given during the ''dinner hours of from 5 to 7 D m. t A house cleaning booth in charge ;tof Mrs. J. T. Shannon, chair ,guan, ana vtharge of Chairman, ; features. May 5. the candy booth, in Mrs. 0. B. Buchanan, will be attractive Remember the date - . , 5-7 FILINGS CLOSED filings for primary election closed yesterday. Democratic filings are: Commissioner, C. A. Ilanley; County Clerk. F. E. Mc Bride, Dilley; Assessor, 0. E. Hedge. Beaverton; Treasurer, I), It. Burkhalter. Hillsboro; Sheriff, J. K Reeves, lhe latter nomi nation was filed without petition, the statutory Bum being paid, r 120. i F. M. Wadsworth. of North Plains, has filed for justice of the pence on tho Republican Vket. - First-class driving horse, sound uid good traveler. Will trade for high grade milch cow. Jhas. E. Wells. Hillsboro, Tele hone Main 132. 5-7 Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Dontlson and Barney Lewis and Miss An gie Harrington were in Mr. Don- won 8 car in Portland, lueaday, when W. 0. torpedoed a Btreet car. Ieww had a wound cut in his head, but was patched up in a few minutes. No one else wai injured aside from a little shak- ng up. lhe car was badly smashed In front and it will take century mark to put it into shapu again. For sale: Jersey grade cow, fresh May 1; yearling heiler; price, for both. Also would like to rent from 75 to 100 acres near Hillsboro or Cornelius.-J. Werre. Hillsboro, R. 4; one mile from Jot Crossing. 5-7 James F. Williams, of tho Foi- st Grove section, sues his wife, Carrie, for divorce, alleging that they were married July 31, 1913. and that she has not treated him fairly. He says she caused her children by a lirst husband to disobey him. and made it so un pleasant that he had to leave tome Oct., 1915. lhere are no property rights involved, and no luldren. To trade: First-class bay ma-e, about years; weigni, 100: nart Hambletoman. Will trade font good tested cow, Hoi- stein preferred. Inquire Box 85, Route 1, HillBboro. 5-7 The bandstand floor needs at tention, and should be put in shape at once. 1 he Orenco band wishes to come to come to Hills- tniro a week from Saturday night, and favor us with a con cert. This is an at or neighbor- iness that should be appreciated. Can't the city see that the floor of the bandstand is fixed, and lights Installed? For Sale: Registered Guern sey bull, a years old; also "'gis- lered Guernsey bull call W. A. Goodm, Cornelius, R. 1. 5 7 Odd Fellows and Rebekahswill mid their annual grand lodge at ioseburg, beginning May 16 The session conflicts with the primaries, and there will be a rush to close business so dele gates can get home to vote. The 0. 0. F. delegates from Hills boro are Glenn Payne, L. h. Wilkea and C. E. Deichman. The Rebekah delegates are Mrs. 'cyton and Miss Oertha Olsen. Wanted: A slrong girl, aged about 25. for housework in fami ly. Must be a good laundress. Good wages. Call at 1153 Oak Street, Hillsboro. Hillsboro's paved section will ook the belter after this week, the weather holding good. The Oregon Electric Railway has finished putting in the brick in the track surfatoon Washington Street, and the Warren Construc tion Co. has a force of men re pairing their work on Second and Main. By the end of the week there will be some pleasure n travel, anyway. Eggs for hatching-S. C. White and S. C. Brown Leghorns; also S. C. Rhode Island Reds. $1 per seUing of 15. R. H. Greer., Iillsboro. 5. There will be no more jury trials in circuit court until early in June, when they will ngnin convene. .Judge Hurley win hear a few equity eases, and in May will hold court over in Til- amook. As the majority of the jurors are farmers they were more than pleased to get release through the busy season. (Jo to Bergen's Flower store for vegetable plants, seeds and flowers of all kinds. CATHOLIC CHUHCI1 Holy Thursday Solemn Sung Mais, 8:20 a. m; Eucharistic Pricession and all- day adoration; Evening devo tions, 7:J0. Good Friday Unveiling Cross and Proces sion, followed by Morning Mass, 8:20; Evg. Way of the Cross and Sermon, 7:30 p. m. Holy Saturday Blessing Easter lights and water, 7:20 a. m.; Solemn Sung Mass beginning at 8:20 a. ,m. Easter Sunday Low Mass and Sermon, 8 a. m. ; Solemn Mass and Sermon, 10:30 a. m. Gruber's Mass will be si'ng by the following choir Faster Sunday at 10:30 Mass: Directfr, Professor Oswald Ol- son;8(prano, ms. jas. wiuen- berger, Mrs. Art Miltenberger. Misses Edith V '"L"'" Anna Al berts, Anna Engeldinger and B'rtha Lorsunir; alto, Misses Mary Overroeder. .Liura Wahner and Frances DMsman; tenor, Messrs. A't Mtltenhrgor, Wil liam and Frank Waibel; bass, M 68 rs. Joseph S-mis. Wm. Dels m n, Fred Engeldinger and Charles Ritchey. Organist, Vin- cenr Engeldinger. Wiegand's solo, "What do These E ster Lilies Main," will be rendred by Mrs. Jas MiltJn berger at the 8 and 10:30 o'clock masses Miss Elith VaiLom will sing Wiegand's "liegina Co?Ii" dur- ing the Sdemn Sung Mass, 10.30 a. m. A cordial invitation is extend- machine, practically now; heavy ed to the people of Hillsboro to stock saddle; all at sacrifice prico. attend all or any of those sor- L. F. Fimmott. Ilillshoro. Ore. vices, or any other throiulimt Phone Main 454; residence See the year ond and Ediaou. 3-5 , . IS DRAINAGE DlSTRiGf LAW CONSTITUTIONAL? Hubert Ucrnnctls A'kuIIh Vulltlily of Statute In Circuit Court ACTION 0NK 01' VAST IMI'OKTANCi: Now on Hcnrlnu Before Clruiil JihIko Geo. R, Bagley - lnlorcmidg Suit The suit of the Drainage District No, 7, which seeks to reclaim hundreds of acres of bottom land leading this way from litisi;: nont Lake, against Hubert Ber nards, to. collect an assessment levied by the corporation, is on the docket for hearing before Judge Geo. R. Bagley, this week, and will end after several day? more of hearing. The question involved is one of vast moment, as the project is a big one. Mr. Bernards originally, after goiny to trial, agreed to take $525 for his right of way, and a deed wa.a made. He objected later, bow ever, to the assessment, which he held was unjust as in compar. son with the benefits involve.), and when the district brought suit to collect the assessment, retained S. B. Huston and H. T, Bagley ta fight the case on grounds of unconstitutionality. These attorneys assert that the law is not valid, as there is no proper method of njiice piven. There are several other points involved, but the main mu is the validity of the statute. The district ha3 been months and months at work, and bonds have not been sold because of the legal fight by Mr. Bernards. It will probably be soma time be fore the case is settled. The assessment levied against Mr. Bernards was for S528 .20, or $3 29 more than the v ilue. agreed upon as proper payrrent for the right away. Another of Mr. Bernard' c on tentions is that the ditch will not drain certain portions of hi! land which are assessed on basis of acreage. Tongue & Tongue are attor neys for the drainage district. REGISTRATION The total registration s far a? sent in to the county clerk no a totals 8,332. designated as fol lows: Republicans..... .'....0,147 Democrats 1,538 Miscellaneous 017 RUAL KSTATO TRANSPIIRS Elizabeth Bennett to B-H , Rhodes, 80 a sec 12 t 2 n r Gw $10 E C Brown etal to EM Brown 14.5 a A C Brown d I c.,.1750 Alb 8 Carlson etal to Carlson & Sherk Co. lots 5. 0 blk 2 Sherwood 73:7 B L Flint to A B Flint. 223. 53 a near Scholls Same to it L Flint, 209.82 a near Scholls Same to A B & II L Flint. 20 a sec 1 1 2 s r 2 w 10 10 iO J M Chapped to Mary Barrett GO a sec 2 t 3 s r 2 w 4190 Mary &C F Barrett to Andor Rosvold, tr' in same see. .now Same to Same, 1 a same sec. 100 T W Sain to Alice Sain, (50 a sees 7&18tlsr4w... 1 fLillian Hirshberger to (I I Gibson, 102.30x203 28 ft blk 5 Walkers ad F Grove Same to LeRoy A Jones, tr 10 in lot 1 blk 5 same ad . 2000 A W Shiedel to Mary Shied lot 13 blk 4 Oak Grove Hbo 10 A C Curnow to W P Johnson tr in blk M Metzger 350 Hbo Garden Tracts to Adolf Hord. 2 lots blk 2 Hbo G T 550 Scandinavian Bank to J B Buck, 2 a Beav-Roedville.. A. McGill to Herbert Haid. 2 lota Crest View John Kiene to Mary Hirscher 6 95 a below Ceda Mill. Geo Kieni to John Kieni, 10.32 a sec 35 t 1 n r 1 w- John Kieni to Geo Kieni, 10.44 a same section N C Stowell to Frank Ram sey, wi lot 4 blk 43 F G. . J II DeMossto'Franeis White 180x233 ft blk 7 Naylor ad S W Anderson to (ins Steves tr 5 Virginia Place . Fred Burgdorfer to J H Gray 10 10 1 1 'II 000 10 50 80 a sec 22 1 3 n r 3 w .4500 J D Rode to Susan D Clark. 100.91 a G W Fearnside die ' 10 A B FOrr to Delia Hodler, int in 55 a t lsr 1 w G000 Louis Hodler to Same, his int 55 a A Lasson d I c 5000 E M Cadwell toC J Richard son, 33 1-3 a sec 2(5 1 1 s r 1 w 1485 Jos Arnold to J nnie Beydlor J a Hockins Park ........ 350 Anna D Knittel to Jas Mc Poland. 40 a sec 31 t 2 s r lw 1 For sale: New manure spread er and 60 tooth pectooth harrow, never been used; Wales adding D. ('. Stokeebury, of Forest : ... a - .J , i, rove, wan in town ycsieruay. Wanted A girl for general housework. Phone City 7!i2, Bulk garden seeds and onion sets jit Greers. Miss Katherine Hutch, of lrv burton, Portland, is tho guest of Mrs. J ad. D. Anderson. Wanted: Ten teams to haul cord wood. Badger Lumber Co., Ilillaboro. The Dorcas Society will meet at the home of Mrs. M. Solgani, near ReedviJIe, Tuesday, May 2. John Milne was in from near North Plains the lust of the week. Mihs El ma Schulmerich visited Miss Hazel Stof kman, of Forest Grove, Sunday. Virgil Cooper, well known here, is now in the garage business on the Sandy Boulevard, on the Co bimbia Highway. Dance, at Helvetia Hall, April 29. Tickets, 75 cents. -Carl Jos sy, Manager. 5-6 T. G. Mcacham, of above Mountaindale, transacted busi ness in the city the first of the week. J. A, Thomburgh. of the For est Grove National Bank, was in town the last of the week, greeting county seat friends. Geo. Porbler and Jennie S. Hollins were united in marriage by Rev. Myers, in Hillsboro, April 13, 1!)1G. Money to loan on farm secur ity. 1 represer.t three large fire insurance companies. Give me a call.- E. I. Kuratli. Lawrence Fosdick and Mae S. liovegren. of Portland, were married in this city April 19, lDHi. Judge W. D. Smith officia ting. Wanted; Pasture for three young horses, and also some voting cattle. Address H. M. llasford. Pleasant Home Farm, iJ Tty Vel the ro. May .harp. 1 12 o'c it devoted ,'l ; tier, Pres. , tcretary. I L SUPPORT vUm archen and bunions Vj. Corns removed, and au)im.titn and advice free. The children of St. Matthews S'.-lyot will give an entertain ment in the school hail, April 25, fpini 7:;!! lo O.oO. in the evening. AtiulK 2") cents: children, 10. The public invited. Hie ladies or the W. C. T. U. held ; session at the Evangelical Church. Friday evenimr. A pro gram and a number of addresses were enjoy od. W. F. Boley was en tif the speakers. If you want fresh fish in sea son. m to t.h'e Hillsboro Mer cantile. A line sanitary tish box h;;s been arranged, and the best i-f care wi'! be taken of sleek. 5-8 River Road Closed Contractor Lorsung Will start on the John son nod Kearney bridges, on the Farniinj'ton River road, the first of the week, and states that the road will be closed to travel un til further notice, , For sale: 'Twelve head of high grade Holstein cows and heifers, ami Li Angora goats. C. Van dermost. Beaverton,, Route 3. One-ha'f mile south of Kinton school house. ' Undertaker Donelaon has a new hearse that is to say, he has plactd a now top on an auto, W hen the roads arc tine this ma chine will be used, and the horse conveyance will be warehoused i Keep f.M1 bad roads. Mrs. Mary D. Litherland, of West Union, enteitained at din ner,. Sunday, covers being laid for- eight. Mr- and Mrs. Emil KroH and Tony Woody, of Port land, were complimented. For Sale -Dwarf Essex Rape rood, finely cleaned, at market price. 'Also 'Barred Plymouth Rock eggs, O. A. O. strain, 75 cents per setting of 15. Also few pure bred Jersey cowa with oilieial records. -r-VVm. Schul merich, Hillsboro, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Simms ; entertained the Progressive 500 - , Club last week. A large number 'enjoyed the. evening, and first honors -were received by Mrs. U S. Combs and Jos. Ingram. The: hodtwa delighted the guests with a il iinty luncheon. Mr. and Mr.-. Sun Sorensen will receive next Saturday, April 22. CONTRACTS AWARDED Campbell Fill, Near Laurel, (h la Julius Chr)stenen LOWEST Blflbl.R BV SIXTY DOLLARS Much Cumpelilion Developed in Mailer ol Bridge Construction the The county court had a busy af ternoon Saturday when they perused 20 bids on bridge con- Rtruction and five bids on the till at the G. S. Campbell place near Laurel. There, was wide range in the bids and in some the successful bid was but little over half the highest offering. Julius Christensen, of Laurel, was awarded the biggest piece of work that of putting in the Campbell Fill. The bids .and awards follow: Campbell Fill Julius Christensen $1511.25 Carl Berggren 1571.70 Peter Lorsung .. 1782.50 K A Dixon 2234.45 J W Goodin 2240.00 Mr. Christensen was given the award. Heaton Bridge John Lorsung. -v $135 Chas E Poits .180 1 W Goodin 162 Curtis & Gardner 878 Mr. Lorsung puts in the bridge. Kearney Bridge John Lorsung .". $215 J W Goodin 273 Chas E Potts 365 Curtis & Gardner 484 John Lorsung was awarded the contract. J Q Johnson Bridge John Lorsung $314 J W Goodm 365 Chas E Potts 495 brtis & Gardner. 601 Lorsung, successful bidder; Manning Bridge has E Potts $195.20 W Goodin 296 00 bter Lorsung 234.50 G Smecker 274.00 urtis & Gardner 364.00 Chas E Pott3 given contract. Cummings' Bridge Bias E Potts. $160 phn Lorsung 165 lirtis & Gardner 239 C E Potts awarded the work. Other Business The voting place for Connell recinct is established at Helve- a Store Hall. Timber precinct voting phce ill be at the school house. The votinir place in Tualatin recinct is the Robinson Store uilding. the Grant six Portland, Or., April 6, 1916. To Whom This May Concern: I write and sign this letter to let the ouying public in automo biles know the exact facts about my Grant Six. I bought my Grant Six in De troit, Michigan, last October on the 15,1915. I first visited all the factories handling cars around this price and eventually bought the Grant Six, because it passed a thorough rigid inspection. I ran this car for three months for hire all over the State of Michi gan, the roads, at that time, be ing in the worst of condition a great part of them, being deep sand and mud. I shipped my car to Portland and for the last three months I have run my car continuously on. the streets of Portland and vicinity, averaging over 12a miles per day, also aver aging over 20 miles to the gallon ot gasoline, l am still running on three of the original tires and my speedometer shows over 20,- 000 miles. ,1 am willing to a make a veri fied statement before the motor ing public that the above facts are true. My car has not cost nie a five cent piece for repairs. (Signed) D. B. Maurice, 303 Orlando Apts., Portland, Ore. UNION STOCK YARDS Cattle market opened for the week at a rather brisk rate. Pulp fed steers again sold at 9 showing no change over last week.. The proportion of good steers was liberal. Cows and heifers were at the low rate. Bulls were not here in liberal numbers. Calves are showing an increase in receipts. Hogs receipts were not liberal. Best prime Iight3 worked them selves to a 5c higher level, top price being 9 05. Market closed strong. Hardly enough sheep came tor ward to make a market. As usual all kinds of lambs are ! strong. Butcher sheep excellent demand and toi are in prices nre being realized. Lost: March 11, black heifer, 2J yeara old, with calf; white spot in forehead; white on left (lank. Clark, Portland, Ore, R. 2, Box 121. 6-7 James P. Bartlett died at Tua latin, April 17, 1916, in a little house, alone, and had been dead several hours when found. Mr. uartlett was born in Edvena ville, Ind., August 16. 1838. and was an old Indian War veteran, having fought in the Indian ware in Oregon and Washington. He was at one time Auditor for Co lumbia County md also a Judge in LAtyenter, Wash., where he ia to be laid to rest His last oc cupation was carrying mail from tne outhrn Pacific depot to the postoffice in Tualatin, which position he has held for some time. He leaves a widiw, Mrs. Cordelia Bartlett, at Wilsonville; four sons and two daughters. Ttree sons reside in Washing ton, and one at Wilsonville. One daughter lives in Oakland, Cai.. and the other. Mrs. Huff, in Tualatin. Gus Vulgas. the Greek proprie tor of a confectionery store at Forest Grove, was arrested Tues day upon a warrant issued out of the justice court here, and fined $5 and costs urion a charge of keeping his store ODen for trade on Sunday. The claim was made that he kept the store ODen after midnight on Saturday night and sold merchandise. Defend ant admitted running over the closing time but claimed that he gave away the ice cream and milk shakes served to customers. He entered a plea of guilty, how ever, and received the minimum penalty from Judge Smith. A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Finley. at Tigard, Sunday, when the parents entertained all of their childrea for the first time in 15 years. The children pres ent were E. E.. of Tieard: Alva. of Mohler; Mrs. Thomas Blay- lock. of Newberg; Mrs. C. K. Fhnn. of Portland; Mrs. A. E. Wilson. TigardiMrs. E. L. Kin- naman. Beaver, and Mrs. E. R. Nash, Newberg. Most of those named had members of their own families in attendance. Keep your eye on this paijer in the next few weeks for further announcements concerning the Senior High School play. "What Happened to Jones" will be one of the best ever staged by local talent, and no one. who enjoys a good laugh, can afford to miss it This play will be no half-hour affair, but a real drama, lasting over two hours, and there is not I a dull moment throughout. Pre pare to boost your school by turning out to see it Marriage license was granted by the clerk of Multnomah. Tues day, to Mabel Gotham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Gotham, and S. Arthur Yeoman. The bride is well known here, where she attended school for a num ber of years. Her father was in the harness business in this city, and is now engaged in the gro cery business in Portland. Services at Baptist Church. Sunday, April 23, E. A. Smith. pastor. -Sunday School at 10 a. m , J. W. Brock. Superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m., subject. "Good News From Heaven." Young Peoples Meeting at 6.30. Preaching at 7:30. subject. "A Divine Challenge." Prayer meet ing at 7:30, Thursday evening. A missionary tea will be served at the Cong. Church parlor, Tues day evening, to the society and their friends. The Easter thank offering will be received, with the story of how it was earned. Miss Nellie Cole, a returned mis sionary, will be present and tell of her work in Turkey and Ar menia, and other attractions promise a pleasant evening. Harry E. Lee, of Portland, and Olive Leona Phillips, Banks, were united at Vancouver, Wn., April 18, 1916. SCHOOL NEWS The Annual County Spelling Con test and Juvenile Festival will be held in Hillsboro. April 29. An elaborate open air program has been prepared for the afternoon The following schools will par ticipate: Hillsboro, Orenco, Cor nelius, Gaston and North Plains. The regular monthly meeting of the Washington County Teach era Association was held at Banks. April 8. Mr. Mooberry presided in the absence of the president Miss Murphy, of Portland, conducted the work in Palmer writing, which wa3 of great practical benefit Rev. E, A. Harris, of Hillsboro. gave an inspirational address on "Per sonal Work." The four depart ments were held in the after noon. In the primary division Miss Murphy gave a demonstra tion lesson with the second grade. Supt Barnes gave sug gestions as to work to be carried out Special music was furnish ed by the Cornelius Faculty Quartet who responded to en cores. The Ladies' Aid served lunch. The next meeting will be held at Cornelius, which will be the last before school closes. A cordial invitation is extended to all teachers to be present Forest Dale School gave a Hard Times basket and pie social M irch 31. lhe proceeds are to be used to buy paper towels and other fixtures for the school. PROfKrimoNAL F.A. BAILEY, M. U, Pbygftlao and Hnrfwa Office: Opgtairi in ScUtilmtrlcli Bio Ketldno South wbhI corner HiMdlin ml Soound Htrmu. Phone, offliwCity 3X1; rrallno, Vlf Wt R. M. HRWIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Sargeoa 3. P. P. K. A N., P. E. & K. Ry. Office In the Tamienie Bluk, Thir.l nnd Min StreeU, Hillttmro, Oregon. ELMEU H. SMITH M. D. D. O PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OSTEOPATH ... .."uP.let'''Jr 'V WIW .oo Cn.lf aniwered day or night." B,,tu PH mc. Oifice over Hillaboro .Nation i.. VlrrrVrWWwyvwvv J. O. ROBB, M. ii. PHYSICIAN & SURGHON OFFICK: Up-airtloSchnmrich BMh l'UOXIO-Office, City yH, ma. Cilr 864 HUOaaORO, . OREGON Ira E. Barrett, M. D.. UPSTAIRS COMMERCIAL BLOCK Office Telephone, Main 100 Keeidence Telephone, Main 104 HUtmboro o.T B AQ LEY AHARt ATTORNBYS-AT-UW Koomi 1 ind J 8bit Building HILLSBORO. . . USW3 E. B. TONGUE ATTORNBY-AT-LAW i Office upitalr in Schulmeri.-li Bloc. JOHN M. WALL ATTORNBY-AT-LAW " UpeUira, A. C. Shute Bldg, Main A an HILLBJBOBO. - OR1QOH. W. N. BARRETT ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Orrioa: Main Street, opp. Court Houm d ILLS BOKO ' ok nr. an THOS. H. TONGUE, JR. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Office, upaulrs in Schulmerich Blocs Hillsboro, ' - - (Won Telephone office Main 103. sideuci Main io2 DR. L, W. HYDE j Successor to Dr. Linklater Office over Delta Drug Store. Residence Baseline, between sth and 6th Su. rlillsboro, Oregou rederkk Andersen, M 0. . PHYSICIAN & .SURGEON ' Successor to Dr. Cunnhtham. Office and Drug Store. Orenco, oregi Telephone connections. . CM. & C4ncM . aan I. SCHNABEL & LaROCHE SfaiMOteaXatc MMtatra, RtfttteaMMi, ftnlalta. aah KraI-ltttanat. ifrtalsi-ratat, oil. nadteii. Xeflameait, Ucbinten wis all lelra. to uornaat ouawuui. KedtteanMun gca la itiuuaa U unlpeu ttienta ftoaftiw velum, mtflc aa allra WniftllMi olallfn(aftn, Utbatrogiuwn. Seutlitet rttflutlltl Mil luil.r.n n.tT ear Bttaaitaaaa. lelitHoit: JRorTOaU : m-107j ftaua-frltKlun: Jltain 8M auk .M&4. CHatatt at Caaiauttf BiT , PORTLAND. ORE. DR. W. E. PITTENGER Dentist Ot&ce up-stalrs over HUUBoro National " - ----- -- -Bank. - - - -- - - HILLSBORO ------ OREGON DR. J. R. MARSHALL, DENTIST Tr-tnietie Bldg. Rooms 6 and HILLSBOBO, ORE. Main and Third. . DR. C. H. POLLOCK, Dentist Upstairs, in Linklater Delta Building, Main Street Hillsboro - - Ore Lying-in Hospital I am now prepaied to take MiUriU? eaaea, $12.00 per weak. Phone Cltf 77B Mrs. A. M. Hammer E. L. PERKINS ATTOHtUV-ATLaW NoUtt Publlo-Oollml"- Iana, etfl. . Room l Commercial BaiH Bid, oplir i