The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 20, 1916, Image 3

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$1,000 REWARD
The Manufacturer of tlic famous Aetna
Uraud of Llinejaud Subhur.vSolution wi'l
pay tbe reward to tiny one that has
found or will fiudat any time any'snlt'or
other impurities of any nature in the
Aetna Hrand of Spray in the original
nackaccs. Now, there'are absolutely no
strings on this offer. The Aetna Iirand
is manufactured from the highest grade
of sulphured lime. It is the spray made
honestly and is the best on the market,
and will remain the host.
Rlza T. VanLoh. of North
ll'lairm, has sued ber huabund,
Nitii i i...n-i.y irivnn imt ih under Wm. VanLoh. for divorce. She
!""?' 'i",r,Vi:!,"V",,rJi2l?I alien that he has not aupported
!.utit. Hiii mioiiit'd Kuiri of his family properly, and that she
th last will and u.tinut r l"''VJ ,aa hfn fnrrd to irO out and
Niiiltll, lwil, and hiw duly tUiliirw I , " - " " ,
a such. Now, llii-rworti, mi mnn muv miu wobii v nc vno ncv-co-havlna
claim BKnmt the enisle of lit sitioa nf I if.. Sn noo-lir t f ill wa.
.-,.1 I 14. .. III. .1. I will unwmil . . . . "
-re... .n-....... . I Yin t.V ni1r,r.l nhn n nirad Bhfl ha.
II.-.,. I .1 i..v ra ilrltos 11 I lilt mill, "ic l ouiWI V one auc.' .... nan
Oregon, with proper v.Mi. b'-s attBchru, to turn over three gma" toys
WI1IHH l HloiuilP irum Mi ..-.w...
Psled at Tua.atiii Oils IKInl day ol
Martin, 111 111.
Vipi-wtrll ill ll . OYceilM-ll
W. J Mattellm, Hi morinwHuvtiu
llaiik Building, I'orllaiiil. Ore,, AUoroev
fr K.ouirii.
their sons -to th uoyH anfi
Girls Aid Rnripiv laaf 8umm0-
JuKluilli ....,,,,( She wants the euatodv f two
oiaer ooys, wno are with
L. K. Wilkes departed this
week for California, where he
will strain take up his duties in
connection with the U. S. sur
vey. He expects to be absent
Several months.
Notice to Farmers -The Beth-
...... I.1 1 1 1 'll - I .1
a , c 1 c. C.,0 r',jr lcu nupper win ciww me
.-kxj. r. iui.-.uuK w v" peason by runs on March 25,
April 8, 22, and May 6 and 20th.
B. LEIS, Beaverton, Ore.
TUd Argus Free
General Contractors
Brick and Cement work done. A- I Croeni,
Hop houses and barns, 56.50 Tte. Nissen
tier thousand for luinkr. Elitu- Thos.
eline. 8; cents ter thousand. he city Monday, on a reifis
1 ? .1, ' rAir,u. ter'n tr'P- Theo. has a new
iradinc and excavatine, all
york guaranteed.
and wife and
Nissen, of Scholls, were
machine, and is srettin? to be
some driver,
ii Kir Street, Uillsboro
P. O. Hox in. IMioue Main
Patterson Under tahing
O A. I'nilrraon. Mk'.
"The Dfttly Orejfonian and True
Argus; One Year For $6.00
thls'gives you X5he Artfus
FREE. No Agents
Daily fcnd Sunday
and G Argus
I'unkkai. Pibkc-wb akd kmalmr9 church. Knjjlish Sunday schoo'
nN iw-iMi t 2;(X).-K. W. Luecke, Pastor.
Ovrr HilUlMiro I'wtiinure a Hlw. to. j
Kbi n.i Siiiiiy ! mi '7- J I 8aw cord wood. Dolea ud to 12
, ........ (J rrtUo ; flmatA fanna la
and KAQfflii f oil is i nil a infn
Farm Mortgage Loans Utovewood lengths. Will go into
Write to us about terms, statins the country. Write, phone or
amount wanted and character,
The Oregoman
New Spring' Go-Carts
Come In and Examine them
Now Is the time to purchase Wall Paper,
Wo carry a complete StocK.
Donelson's Furniture Store
Third Street
H We Sell on the
Installment Plan
The March King's stately name Is known wherever music
holds its own, wherever drums and cymbals throb, and
orchestras hold down their job. A
Sousa march just mention that, and
mark how people smile thereat; they
know what Sousa's music is; it 's melody
without the fizz ; it's full of energy and
pep, and makes old graybeards dance
a step; they hear the sound of marching
men, of chargers trotting down the glen,
tho shock of battle and the roar, and
billows beating on the shore. And
Sousa, when he would compose that
music which the whole world knows,
fills up his pipe with good old "Tux"
(name t'other brands, and he says,
"Shucks I"). Tuxedo is the smoke of
men who do big things with lyre or
pen, who make the old world's wheels
go round, whose names will down the
ages sound.
And Hit Hand, Sari
"All tht elm, energy
eni enlhuiiatm we put
Into the playing of 'Tht
Start and Strlpet For
ever 'we find In thetltaJy
me 0 Tuxedo. "
jpw CJ,
Jlni Hit Entire Bani ,
Onion seed for sale: Oregon
Yellow Danvers. srrown this year
Inquire of E. F. Wohler. Hills-
l)oro. Oregon. Telephone Farm
er 35x 1. 46tf
German Lutheran Easter ser
vices, with communion, will
he held on Sunday afternoon, at
2;30, at the Congregational
I t Was Very
Plain to Her
por tOOIh.
Dupont Stumping, $12.00
Rcpauno Stumping ItJSO
AIo Handlo Oapm and Futea
1'ortlane, Ore., Route 2. One
half mile N. K Dethiny Store.
1 mil mi Amerlmii llrl and, vvlmt"
more. If there In anytliliijc "UrrlnK I
want to l In ll. When I lie ii Kuro
i-an war broke out 1 wan trawling in
the Balkan Hlnk-n ami made the ac
quaintance of the wife of one of the
chief diplomat. I don't re-1fy be
rautie there la a lot In thin atorjr ihut
It wouldn't do for me to re ten I. In
deed. I ahall endeavor to toll It In a
way that my own Identity ahall nut
be known.
From my friend the dlplomat'a wife
I beard great deal about Ibe atrtiKslo
between tho entente and the central
power to aeoare the adhesion of the
different Balkan atatea. I waa lin-
presaed with tbe fact that there was a
lot of chicanery going on and wan
seized with a dealre to take a hmid
in It, for the reprewntatlvea of encb
aide -were ready to pay any price for
hiforniattoa Hi to what the other aide
waa going to do. 1 dropiel a hint to
tbe diplomat's wife tbnt I would liku
to try my baud at diplomacy, which
aha uuderatood to mean apylug.
The very next day 1 received an bi
vltatton to call at certain embnwiy.
1 waa received by the secretary of
leiratlon. He waa tbe moat cleau cut
man r had ever met, very haudHonw,
with a certain ImpreiwIveneeM alxjut
hbu that Is lndeecrlbuble. 1 made up
Offices in the HnblelBulUling, notaln,
Main Ktiwl. ailjoinliiK l'.i Oltlce Hlilg.
Kooma 1 and 4. Phone City
Hillsboro - - Oregon
Best Fire Insurance
Agent London & Lanca
shire rire Insurance Co.
Pacific SIMM Phone 324 H ILLS BOKO
alue and location of farm, etc.
Fear & Cray
Portland, Ore.
call on mo. Carl Skow, Hillsbo
ro. Phone. City 462. or call at
lualatin Hotel.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon r'or the County of Wash
ington. Lulu J. Witt. Plaintiff, va. Frederick
V. Witt. Defendant.
alxive named "defendant:
OF ORECON. You are herbv rcauir-
my mina weo ana mere mat wneiuer eit o anpear anil answer the com-
or no I succeeded In a dlplomutlc- miu- I plaint filed against you in the above
ilon I; would bend all my energle to I entitled court and cause, on or before
securlug aim for my own sweet elf. the 21st day of April, 1916, and if
vi, tT..ntiemi-i I win call h in vou rail so to appear ana answer, me
... , I i ri 1 1 ... a ... I' j-
told me that Ibe entente allien were piainini win ipw w uk ur,
In great doubt which way the Bulgart- the relief prayed for .n her com
an'oatwouidjump. He e.pres-ed the P'ajn .ch as oHows:
Idea In the choice but I tofore an(J betwen
doo't remember bla wordn. He wish- plaintiff and defendant be dissolved;
ed me to go to Sofia and gain the con- that plaintiff be granted an absolute
fldence of tome Bulgarian iimguate a'vorce from the defendant; that the
and worm out of blm wbk b able King plaintiff be permitted to resume her
Ferdinand waa going 10 ueciure ior. i maiden name 01 uuiu d.iueg,ano. wi
I prolonged tbe mleniew with Mr. I she have such other and further rebel
Fauntleroy as long an jioKsllile. all tbe as to the Court may sccrn meet and
while glvlug blm aucb little bluta to equnarjie ami nun mib juuB-
.i.o him tn mmelf an a woman mem ior ner cosis
Tliat little touch of landscape
which appears to you. A
fine line of Eastman Kodaks
-the only best from $1.25 up.
We develope and print
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Notice ia hereby given that by vir
tus of an order, di'i'ree and writ of elocu
tion twueil out of and under tliemt ol me
illreuit Oourt of lue HUlo of Oregon, for
WsRhliigUui Co. Ore., (luted the Mil day 01
April, l!MH. In favor of John M Wall, the
alalntin and hkaiiihi Atiinnna iee ami
havitl KeKtiitto. derendantM, for the aum
nfJ.liHii, costs and the further sum ol
ofil.lkiO wilb inlerHKt thereon from tbe
1st ilHy of Mrch, 1HI3 al th rate of 8 per
cent, per auiitiiu and for the dinner sum
ol J 100 attorney feea, to lue (lireeUxl ami
(lnllvr1, aoiiunaiiiiliig me u disks saw
of the real property hn.tnafl.erilemiribeil.
I bs.s levied upon and pursuant to said
order, decree ami writ of eteoiiuon, I
will, on Monclav, ibo tlih day of May.ltHo
KlIhnBouth door of the oolirlhouMB In
Hillnhoro, W aalilngton t'oun y, uregon ,
at ths hour of leu o'clock a. in of aid
tlav. sell st public auction to the highest
bidder for cuali In blind, all the tollowing
deiioribed real properly, lying, being and
tiuiala in SVHliniKton Oouuty, Oregon,
and more pirlic.uUrly desnribed aa fol
lows, to-wit:
The Kjl ball of Lot numbered 7 and
the West half of L t uiiinberB 1 B Pi . Mor
tiiutlale, aaiii MorUmdale being situated
In tactions 5 and 0 and lohu Kllliott lo
nation Laud Claim Number 41, T I 8 R 1
W, Will. Mir., Washington County, Ore
to satisfy the hereinbefore named
sums suit for the conn and eipenses ol
kiile itml said writ.
Haiti sale will be made subject to re
demption aa per statute of Oregon.
Doted at Hlllaboro, Oregon, this 6th
ilayol April, WUk
Sheriff of Washington Coun'
ty, Oregon.
Your Cows
The wonderful
alfalfa and molasses feed..
Hundreds of the most success
ful breeders and dairymen en-,
dorse it Made by the largest .
exclusive feed mill ia the
world, w w M n.M
ttadr Brook MUUnf Os.
: Easily Handled
Grant Six is the most easily
handled six in the world.
It is not only easy to tteer
easy riding easy to care
for easy to buy but it is
always easy on your pocket
book. Because Grant Six ia
both light and right, It is
easy on tires easy on gaso
line, oils and repairs.
Owasrs avsrat SO '
tibss Bo of taa-asaay
ft m kith em it nils.
And Grant Six stick to the road.
No matter how much you plan to
spend, see the Grant Six.
60 One-half Hour Service
Dulmage-Manley Auto Co.
Portland Distributors
Washington County Branch at Corl
& Harms Garag Hillsboro, Oregon.
keepx ready for the purone. When,
however. I could think of no more
polnta on which to ask Instructions 1
bade him goodby and aet out for So
1 Waa some time gettlug the Informa
tion I denlred. for there wan only one
persou who knew what tbe king had
decided to do. and that waa tbe king
blinaelf. Indeed, I got tbe Information,
not frmn a iiemou. but from tuy own
observation. Sometimes tbe plainest
and disburse
This summons is served upon you
by publication there it, once each
week for six weeks in the Hillsboro
Argus, a weekly newspaper of gen
eral circulat'on in Multnomah Coun
ty, Oregon, as boing the newspaper
most likely to notify you of the pen
dency of this suit, by order of the
Honorahle Geo. R. Bagley, Judge of
the above entitled Court, which or
der was duty given, and enter
ed on the 6th day of March, A. D.,
1916. The date of the first publica-
tblng to a woman la that for which tjon 0f this summons as fixed by said
he can give no reawu. I soou knew order is the ilth day of March, 1916,
that King Ferdinand would take the
German side ll w I knew It 1 can
not Ml you. though It was a plalu as
tbe none of the klngV face, and every
oi who ban seen blm or Ida picture
knows that bla nose U not to be mis
taken for nuy other u".
Returulug to Mr. Fauntleroy. I told
blm that tbe king would Jump toward
Berlin Vlieu 1 waa asked I He nource
of my Information 1 Kaid that 1 bad
succeeded in ma!;lng a hiding in a
room where the king hiid received a
flepmntioti of r.ulgnrtnn mngnates.
who had come to protest against ms
majesty's taking sides with (iermany,
and 1 was coinim-ed that he waa fool
ing ihem. Mr. Fauntleroy nked me
how I knew Ibe king waa fooling tbeiu.
and I replied. "Just aa any. woman
knows when a man Is not to lie
Mr. Fauntleroy said he reckoned I
was not ent out for a spy. though he
offered to pay m for my work. I de
clined to take anything.
But," 1 added. "Mr. Fauntleroy. if
you act on wbut 1 lull you you will
gain credit tn jour profession."
I cave him a plead ng look, as tnoiign
! was awfully Interested In his xuc-
Wanted at onee: Young men
for automobile business. Rip; pay.
We make you expert in ten
weeks by mail. Pay ua after we
secured you position. Century
Automobile Institute, 200 Los
Angeles, Cal.
George R Bagley, Flain'iff,
The Pence Company, a corporation, de
fendants, . i
Bv virtue of an execution Issued out of
the Clrcoit Court or the state of utegon
for Multnomah County in the above ea
titled cause, to me directed and dated
March it, 1016, upon a iudgmen
rendered and entered in said court on
Aug. a8. lootf, in fsvor of Geo. R.
bagley, plaintiff, and against The Pence
Comnsnv. defendants, upon which tbe
sum of (676 remains unpaid, besides the
coots of and upon tbls writ, 1 did os
April loth, loirj, levy upon toe 101 low
ing tracts of land: 1. A strip of land 60
feet wide, being jo teet on eacn aide w
line run as follows: Heginnrng st
point 86 1 ft west of the N. B. corner of
sec. a, T. t n., k. 1 w., w. m , tnence
in a southerly direction; thence tn an
easterly direction; tnence tn a northeast'
rrly dliection, crossing ttie east line 01
Slid section at a point 444-5 feet sonth of
of ihe N. E. corner thereof; said t!ne
being the cen'er line of the flume or
ditch constructed on the N. R of the
N. K v i,rid fee. ix. a. A strip
1 ud 60 feet wide, being 30 fee' on each
s le of a line run as follows: Beginning
a a point 149 feet wtst of the N.
corner of Sec. 8. T.JN.'R. a W..
M.: thence in a southerly direction
thence in anesstetly direction; thence
in a noitbeaster'y rliection.croasiag fie
esi-t line of tbe M W it of the N, K V
of mid 8-c. a8; tsid linebeiug Iheci nlei
'ire of the flume or ditch constmcted
o i 5ai1 liiini; said two stiips of laud
ii' g the laud conveyed in a deed from
,J.-' and W. R. Welch Trustees under
III' ssl will nd tesiament of John
W.lch. IInry. Welch, beneficiary undsr
si 1 will and Kannle Welch,- his wife, to
Tl 5 Pence Company.
low therefore, by virtue ;of said ex
ec (ion, I will on Monday, tbe 15th da;
of tlay, 1916, Ht 10 o'clock A. M., st
ihi Snulli door of the Conntv Court
Hi use in Hiilsboro, Washington County,
Oi m 1 nt Pu!lio Auction (subject
to ledemptiun,) to the highest bidder
for cssh in hand, all the right, title and
interest which the said defendant has In
an 1 to the above described property or
au. part thereof, to satisfy said ex
ecution and judgment.
Hated this 10th day of April, 1916.
Hmtissue, April 13, 1916. .. . .
Lust issue, Msv 11, 1916. . .
Sheriff of Washington
County, Oregon. . .
Bv J. C. APPLF-fJATR. rw.rn.r-.
and the date of the last publication
is the 20th day of April, 1916.
J. N. HAhVl,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Suite 409-412 Gerlinger Building,
Portland, Oregon
lion 0 this tummomt, which said pub
lication thereof is of date March tun,
1916; and if you fail to move, demur,
answer or in some manner plead to
said complaint, for wnt thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief demanded in said com
plaint, and will take a decree against
you in accordance therewith, to-wit:
A judgment against the defetd
ants, T. B. Lambert and Jennie M.
Lambert, his wife, C. R. Gom and
Coin, his wife, J. W. Chaf-
fin and - Chaffin, his wife,
ruid John Biehn and Bichn,
his wife, n the sum of $1,150.00, to
gether with interest thereon at tho
rate of 6 per cent per annum from
the 28th day cf April. 1915, until
paid, and for the further sum of
$150.00 as and for Attorney's fees,
and a decree foreclosing a certain
mortgage executed on October 28th,
19912, recorded October 29th, 1912,
h: Book 63, on Page 631, Records of
Mortagages for Washington County,
Oicgon, covering that certain real
property situate in Washington
County, Oregon, and more particu
Ten (10) and Eleven (11), of Block
One ill. North Hillsboro Acres, as
jthe aame appears upon the duly rer;
i rded, plat uiereoi, or record ami on
file in the office of the Recorder of
Conveyances of said County and -State,
which ssid mortgage was ex
ecuted by the said T. B. Lambert and
Jennie M. Lambert, his wife, to se
cure the payment of a note of the .
same date for $1360.00, with interest
tfereon at six por cent per annum,
and for a decree declaring said riite .
and mortgage in default, and . the
moneys due theron forthwith, . and. ; '
adjudicating the rights and priori- -'
tics of all persona claiming any in
terest in said land, and declaring
said mortgage to be a first lien
the:-eon. and foreclosing same, and
ordering said property sold to satis
fy said judgment and mortgage, and
the application of the proceeds ac
cording to law, and for judgment
against the said T. B. Lambert and
Jennie M. Lambert, his wife, for any
deficiency that the proceeds may lack
of equaling the Judgments plus all
costs and expenses and accruing
costs and expenses, and lor a decree
barring and foreclosing you and each
of you, and all persons in privity
with you, or either of you, 1 of all
right, title, interest, equity, lien or
claim in or to said land, or any por
tion thereof, and enjoining jou and
each of you, and all such persons
from setting up any rignr, utie, in
terest, lien, equity or claim thereto,
or any portion thereof, and permit-
. ,.1 a- I -J
ting any party 10 saia nni va um ni ;
said sale, and for such other and
further relief as to the coun may ,
appear just and equitable, -including
costs and disbursements of said suit.
Service of this summons is jnade
upon you by publication thereof, in
pursuance of an order Of Hon.
George R. Bagley, one of the judires
of said court, on March 6th, 1916,
Hireetimr nnhlication In the Hillfboro
Argus, a weekly newspaper printed,
published and of general circulation
throughout said county and state,
once a week for six consecutive
weeks, the date of the first ,puhlic'
tion being March 9th, 1916, and the
date of the last publication being
April 20th, 1916.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
600 Chamber of Commerce Bldg,
Portland, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Wash
ington. The General German Aid Society,
of Portland, Oregon, a Corpora
tion. Plaintiff, vs. T. B. Lambert
and Jennie M. Lambert, his wife,
C. R. Goin and Goin, his
wife, J. W. Chaffin and
Chaffin, his wife, and John Biehn
and Biehn, his wire, de
To the Defendants, T. B. Lambert
and Jer.nie M. Lambert, his wife, C.
R. Goin and Goin, hia
wife, J. W. Chaffin, and
Chaffin, his wife, and John Biehn
and Biehn, his wife, and
each of vou:
OF OREGON, you are hereby com
manded and required to appear and
answer tho complaint filed against
you in the above entiled court and
n ni- lf.ii-o Mnndjiv. Anril 24th.
ecus, and 1 really llilnk be believed I 1916i wn;c js moro than six weeks
ws lntereete.1 for mm aim ni m,- after the date of the lirst puDtica
self. He endeavored to persuade his
superior and other diplomats to send
word to London and Tarts ttiat rung
Ferdinand was about to declare for
the central powers. But none or tnose
great men could see what was ABC
to me, and when the king did Join the
Germans they were all very mucn as
tonished, and the powers they repre
sented were caught In a position for
which tbey were by no means prepared.
There was one. however, wno couiu
say, "I told you so. innr. was
Fauntleroy. He had taken tne precau
tion to enter a protest to his govern
ment against trusting King Ferdinnnd
nd reeommendlng certain movements
of troois In view of Bulgaria's action.
It was risky for him to uo tuis. ior 11
most be done oyer his chief's head.
Judge or the secretary's delight when
his chief was ordered home and he
iFauntleroyi was made ambnssndor.
He sent for me. and the moment 1 en
tered the room. In his ecstatic condi
tion, he took me In his arms and kiss
ed me.
Of course by that action he put him
self In my power, but he never realized
that It was the turning ixiliit between
ds. When "he Introduces me how" be
does It with Intended facetlmisness.
"This is my wife." he snys. "We
work very well together. My diploma
cy Is founded on reason, here on In
stinct I Would give fifty of my rea
sons for one of her Instincts.
Be this as It may, his start as a dip
lomat was entirely due to me. And yet
I take no credit to myself for whnt
occurred. How so many diplomatic
ihimdorer enn fail to see What was
so plniu to n wiininu with no education
lu diplomacy whatever Is unintelligible
to me , . .- .
A Rainy Day Need
Not Be Dull
Cheer up ! Get to work ;
in a Fish Brand
Strong, easy fitting,
light, and watir
pnef. absolutely.
Reflex Edges stop
water from run
ning la at the front
Black, Yellow or OHve-khski.
Protector Hat, 75 cents . "tPw-3
Satisfaction GmuumletJ j
Daily Journal
and The "Weehty Argus
One Year, Both Papers
$5.25 Daily and Sun
Journal and Argus, One
Year.l-$7.50. Do It Now
The second edition ot the Coffee
Club Cook Book is on sale, at
50 cents.
The booka are on sale at the
followinj- places:
Vaught's Grocery.
Hillsboro Mercantile Co.
Donelson's Furniture Store.
Gragjr & Powell Grocery.
Roas Grocery.
Rest Room, Second St, near
Morton Greenhouse
Weekly Argus