1 1 ' - 1 1 ... - lFree! Freefl V ! will give away absolutely free, at 4 j I will give away absolutely free, at 4 P. M., Monday, April 24th. One $2 Fountain Pen One $2 Artcraft One $1 Mixer On CI OaIs arin vuv a fcvii- tw a One 35c Bread No tickets given away after 3 P. M. Persons coming to the store before 4 P. M. must surrender their tickets. Everyone welcome, and you do not have to buy a cent's worth. E. M. Calef 120S Main St. The New 1916 Hupmobile $1195 AT YOUR DOOR, Terms - A high grade car that has always made good. Ninety per cent of your driving . v on high gear. 16 miles to a gallon of gas. 8000 miles on tires. The best of V alloyed steel that money can buy. The : , only car on the market that has not been cheapened in material FREE 100 half-hour service coupon book with every car. Write for specifi- cation on this car. Dulmage-Manley Auto Co. PORTLAND DISTRIBUTORS Washington County Branch at Corl & Harms Garage, Hillsboro, Oregon. DOLLARS Portland 1. 1 Los' Angeles RETURN $1,000 The" Manufacturer of the famous Aetna . Brand of Lime and Sulphur Solution will pay the above reward to any one that has found or will find at any time'any salt or other impurities of any nature in the Aetna Brand of Spray in the origiual .packages. Now, there are absolutely no strings on'this offer. The Aetna Braud is manufactured from the highest grade of sulphur and lime. It is the spray made honestly and is the best on the market, and will remain the best. a v . : j D. LE1S, Beaverton, Ore. j .... Rug rrir ft Mnn naasa 'ivj j and liacon Shear-. Hillsboro, Oregon is the round trio rate to Los Angeles. Six monthf return limit with stopovers. The spring is a delightful time to go. Southern California . Beaches are at their best. Nicewatm sunny days making bathing ideal. Choice of beaches. Santa Monica, Ocean Park, Venice, Kedondo, Long Beach and Newport are all within a few minutes ride of Los Angeles. Remember that the beautiful Panama-California Exposition is open all the year. Many of the best exhibits from the Panama-Pacific Expos i t i o n have been taken to San Diego making this fair bigger and better than ever. Write for our booklet on San Diego aad Southern California Ai'.i local Age nt (or further informanion or write J sn.i M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. SOUTHERN PACIFIC REWARD i Oountyv Official Pajwr U. .A. l.ONU, Kdltor. Kntered at ths .Woffle, at HllltK,ro, UrKon, u second-olaai matt matt.. dubsoription: I1.S0 .r Ami'int, laaaed ICvery Tharatta, -BY- l-ONO at MoKINNKI Oh,, well, Villa may not be dead -but he is a dead rabbit so far as power in Mexico is con cerned. ; Witless telegraph has not yet given us the names of any great jingo newspaper men as under enlistment in Mexico. With all this war talk we mav now expect the big power presses of the belligerent dailies to un dergo armament The Banks candidate for the legislature doesn't like the wav some farmers talk, and the "odor of the stables." seems to be an offensive idea. When this little "skeezicks" wants to sav something real nasty, don't you know, he mentions "stables." C. B. Moores, the old-line poli tician, who is always on the job when there is an office in sight. wants to beat Ben Olcott for the nomination for secretary of state A vote for Ben will be a vote against the old machine politi cian. ine Kooseveit workers are busy encouraging sentiment for the Oyster Bay oracle, and it looks like it will be T. K. against the field at . Chicago. Hughes sentiment is fairly strong in places, but if nominated it will be only to beat the hero of thousand battles to be tought. The big agencies are trying hard to force war against Ger many, but it is to be hoped that there will not be fruition to their hopes. At the most there will doubtless be nothing more than a severance of diplomatic rela tions. and that is hardly to be expected. Fred Walters, of West Union, was a city caller this morning. Mrs. Leonard Brown is visit ing relatives in Tacoma, Wash., this week. The S. P. today inaugurated a new schedule. The changes are very few and the revised time table appears on the second page. Mrs. Palmateer and Mrs. F. G, Mitchell went to Gaston this morning to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Russell. Wanted By responsible party loan of from $200 to $300. Good security. Address, Banks, K. I) 2. Box 49 A. 5 Mrs. Wm. Streeter returned to her home in Portland this morn ing, after a few days visit with Mm. J. W. Bailej. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Crop, April 16, 1916. North Plains, a ten pound son. This new arrival makes an even dozen -four sons and eight daughters Among the county seat visitors this morning were J. A. Kirk wood, of Reedville; Wm. Meier- jergen. of West Union, and C. W. Bloom, of below Newton. S. P. & P. E. & E. All, except the P. R. & N.. jtrains are electric," and stop at the de pot on Main street. TO PORTLAND Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m McMinnville Train 7:36 Sheridan Train 10:03 forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m McMinnville Train 2:15 Forest Grove Train 4:10 Eugene Train 4:55 McMinnville Train 6:40 Forest Grove Train 9:50 FROM PORTLAND arrives Eneene Train 8:15 a. m. McMinnville Train 10:03 Forest Grove Train 11:59 forest Grove Train 3:14 p. m Sheridan Train 4:33 McMinnville Train 6:40 Forest Grove Train 7:15 Forest Grove Train 9:00 McMinnville Train 12:15 All trains stop on flag at Sixth and Main; at North Range and Fir streets, Sixth and Fir Sts., and at Tenth street. Steam Service from old depot at foot of Second Street TO PORTLAND P. R. & N. Train 4:30 p. m. FROM PORTLAND P. R. & N. Train 9:15 a. m. Motor Car Service To Buxton 12:25 p. m. To Timber 4:30 From Timber 9:55 a. m. From Buxton 2:10 p. m. Wm. Josse, of West Union, was a Hillsboro Ciller today. U reports heavy rains out his wav last night For sale: House and . throe lots in Hillsboro. Or will trade for cleared aeroaire. bottom land or swale, near Orenco preferred. n. Jeioman, Hillshoro, Ore. Jos. Brandenberg, of Orenro, was a city caller this morning He is a:tain living on his Orenco property, after hi'inir nt Moim- taindale for an extended period. Mrs. Chas. C. Knther. n Scholia, brought to this cit v and exhibited at the Argus ollico u fine cauliflower, the largest soon this season, and in fact the larg est we ever have seen. Prof, and Mrs. H. H. Herd man, of Portland, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ltailev. Mon- day. Mr. Herdman delivered an able address on Military Train ing in the Schools." at th Pur. ent-Teachera meeting that eve ning. For Representative I henby announce iiiyseil a camHltttt (or the Republican fluuiinalion a repre tentative from WashttiKton County, ' tfce primary elecilou to lie held Mny 19 If elected, I promise to woik for at economical aduiiuiintiation tf pitbii mninesa anil to support all e;!lnltoi which will encotiiaue ami mutr-.l 11. u Industrie and develop the nam ml ie- mnrcesol tue atate. I Paul Adv K I.. Moote. FRANCIS L, MICMF.LKOOK (Of McMinnville) Republican Candidate for Joint Senator. For the 24th Senatorial District Comprising Lincoln. Til lamook, Washington and Yamhill. 1 was born and reared on an Oregon farm and after gradual ting from the State College, have been extensively engaged in farming; served 'Yamhill County as representative in the fflth leg islative assembly. If nominated and elected will continue to work for lower taxes, and strict economy. I favor laws for the people and rural credits; am opposed to the crea tion of new offices, commissions, raise of salaries or the misuse of clerical patronage for the legis lative assembly, ar.d favor limit ing this clerical hire to a business basis. -. . . Strongly opposed to any modi fication of anv laws Daased bv the people as the people's power through the ballot should not be tampered with. Francis L. Michelbook. (Paid Adv.) Just 8a. "What have you there?" "An automobile catalogue." "Why do you read so many automo bile catalogue))? You haven't the prlee of a ear." "Well, you gotta keep iiostod on au tomobile matters In order, to under stand the Jokes." Kansas City Jour nal. A Unique Spsoimsn. "I once knew an eccentric man," stated old Festug Pester, "who when be had got the desired number on the telephone did not demand fiercely. Whiz zlxxT Instead he Invariably said civilly, This la John J. I'oppen dick, wishing to speak to Mr, lin k- over.' Ills funeral was the largeirt ever held In the neighborhood where he had resided, and thereat strontf inen broke down and wept like children, being convinced that they would never again see bis like." Judge.' Llbtral Translations. At a certain foreign university the students, who had been studying Shuke- spell re In their native tongue, were re quested by an examiner to translate Into English the opening lines of Uutn let's soliloquy, "To be or not to be." The following was the result: The flrst Frenchman declaimed, "To was or not to am;" the second ren dered It, "To were or Is to not," while the third gave a still more liberal read ing. "To should or not to will." New York Globe. His Explanation! "I can't understand why Adam and Eve bad such a time Just because they ate one little apple," said five-year-old Mabel. "I'll bet It was green." said her broth er. New York Globe. ' Different Girls. "I found that BHtrouotner rather dull. He used to talk to me about the stars." I don't And hlin dull," averred the other girl ecstatically. "He says he talks to the stars about me." Louis ville Courier-Journal. Pretty Rapid. Jack Yes, I hud a little balance In the bank, but I became engaged two months ago, and now Tom Ah, love mnkes thp world go round! Jivk Yes. but I didn't think It would go round so fast ns to cause me to lose my balance. Its Use. Nick What good la an asbestos cur tain, anyway? Wax-Keeps the show front being roasted. Yato BecoftL I J or CZAR NICHOLAS. Rular at Russia Pramtnsnt In Europaan War Situation. Bullriahting, In trndltlon the biillttght dates from iln lime before Hercules la said to Imve visited 8aln and driven off the n underfill cattle of (icryou. In actual recorded history It antedates Ciiesnr's t-:iiiiKilgn In Hlspanla. but the (Ik lit tlmt is witnessed by the imwnt dny visitor In Madrid, Seville or Vnlemla s far more exerting and cruel than the .iiiilentH Utwceu the noble Hnuilnrd mid the noble butt four centuries aga V Hrst clasa aieetacle now Involves ht torturlug and killing of seven or eight bulls und at leus't thirty horse. Forgatmanot A genllettmn whoee beautiful grounds wero often visited by the public had an old giirdcner who was In the habit of showing iMtrties round the beds. At such times he would In a hurried, gab bllng voice explain the names to the visitors. When Hearing the exit gulo he would, however, suddenly pause and draw siiectal attention to a pretty clus ter f nxMlest Hlc and then, to a slg uiil 'uiit tone of voice, exclaim: "Tliese, holies and gentlemen, are forget me not." Chicago New. Spades Cat tha Bid. "The? Iiud an Interesting game of auction ut the Jinks homo the other evening." "How was tliHtr' "Why, t'holly I.itebmne was calling on clnra Jinks, and he wanted to tnuka it one heart." Ye.-." "I'ut Clara sIikh! out for two dta- ;:ii':olt " if emus'." "An ! then J:.ikn gut into the game wltli u liandful of i.tilis." t)n-!u.ltins nil the honors. 1 suppose," V hcrciM-i.:: t 'holly pnsse I through the " iloiv und liiinle xii b a bole In ;ie l rr.nt they h id to cull It spadea." -Hle'.ll.iiiid 'I'liiie llspntch. Horsian SawTaT The 'shal" of Kcrtiiiui whence onr wui-d "sliiiwr-ls uiaile of gits' hair. I.'.:. i' i lie inrin'U, the shawl patterns ar.- leanied by licurt. and the work la e ! i liner. Children a In) do (his work. Ti.' Hnesi prisliict is a Hr cone patter.-,. :i ileli color effct, made especial ly lor t!ie goternor of the provUire, who wears It as 11 rolie of honor on the I'erxttin New Year's day. tncradihlc. "I v.,!-i t ilkliu' with I'rofetiMor noo tin hitfl night. You know he's Just buck from an exploring exwdltlon to ce; :: il Africa." "MJ ho itml.o ii:'.v tiuHirttint dlscov- ! "Well, he says lie found n race of pc :!o h i unci ili.e.l that they had ne i r even li, unl of moving picture." ;'.. Louis I'oHt Dispatch. Wall Suppllad. An Inveterate wit and punster asked the captain of a craft loaded with boards how he managed to get dinner oil the passage. "Why," replied the skipper, "we always cook aboard." "Cook a iMiurd. do you?" rejoined the wng. "Then I see you have been well provided with provisions this trip, at aH events."-Uiinlon Tit Hits. Box Trass of Aalsmear. AntsmiHT, llolluinl. Is noted for its strawberries and the clipped box tree. This locul IniliiNtry, which- bus been brought to a perferilon unknown else where, has lecn carried on for at least 2JO years, us the village records show. The nurseries ure most curious bud In teresting, In tbo rich peaty soil box trees grow lii every size nud shaie. First Sorrows. There Is no despair so absolute as that which comes with the first mo ments of our first great sorrow, when we have not yet known what It la to have suffered and bo healed, to have despaired nud to have recovered hope. A Mistak 6omswhra. "Is it true, Miss Gertie." he said, that there ore Just two things a wom an will jump ata conclusion and a moiixe?" 'No." she answered; "there la a third, Mr. I'hllip." After thinking, the matter over a few moments he tremblingly made her an o.'Ter. but she didn't Jump at It He was not the right man. TACT. Tact Is not ths quality by which you often ploasa, but by. which you seldom offend. Alice Wellington Rollins. Always Visible. Hcnn-Pld you ever witness your wife's will? l'pck-Yei; I witness It every day of my life. New York Times. That Cool Million. Wayne I understand he married a cool million. Payne Yes. but ho' complaining now because be bnsn't been utile to thaw any of It out-Call Mull Gazette. ; WtV4aJSBS'- I I t 'sir AUCTION SALE I Do not forget the auction sale at the Wiley Barn, corner Second and Washington St., beginning nt 1:30 SATURDAY, APRIL 22 Sorrel mare, 8 years, about 1200; Brown mare, 7 years, about 1350; Brown mare, 4 years, bred by Envoyage, broke single or double; 3-year old filly, by Lovelace, broke; Yearling filly, highly bred; 14 head grade Berkshire pigs, 50 to 100 lb., some boars in herd; Two buggtes-both rubber tires, one practically newjand other used but short lime. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Rug, dresser, stand table, two rockers, 2 dining room chairs, range in first class condition; sewing ma chine, beds, fruit jars, crock jars, 2 wash tubs. If farmers have anything to sell bring it in on this day. TERMS: Cash or bankable note. J. K. GREER, Auctioneer NIIKHU r" SU.K. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon fur Washington County, Therms lii'lil. I'lsllillll, v Charles I!- O-Imuii anil Kll.'ll thtleirn. hutiaiil and wile, tMemUnta. II) virion . an i-arantion, Jmltfiitrni order, tlecreo anil order ol aaln lami', mil nt ealsivo enttlttiil t'miri nt t,.n slsiyr IHUlril rati, to iiim il!riutl am! ilsl.il tlm Will ilny i.l April, I'Mii up in s J el iiieot rvi"l I and tottered in UI t'onrl on tlie Ulth tlnv (it Aftll, IttUi. lit favor ol Tlmrraa Itultl, plHIotill, ami si'SOtal t r.arlea It. tli.;Hitii ami Klleil li.Uirn, liiialmiiil sml vile, il-li iili'iu, for III'' 4titii ul Imiuiii with Itiinriwi si lint ral ol n Hir will per hIiiiiiiii trout tlie III It ilav ol iH-itunlwr. ImM. ilsie, ami Ilia Ittrtlinr .inn ot W. Kl and lnleri.il lltermin lrnn llm .lnv of Marelt, mill, wltirh atilu Hie laintlll talil lane tltmand ilelleipieol on Ills inoriencvil ireinNiMi wt urih in i,aiiillii's complaint, ami llio lurlltsr aiiin it lt Tit cmU ami iliilniftuiiiieiiu, and tha aunt o'fT.Vtsj ailurtie'a suit lit mutts of ami umn UOt ant. miniiuaiiillna inn lo iiiaku aslnol (he tullou Hinilnacrilml ri-.il priiii-rty ttnnie to Hie I'oinily ol vVaslniiiiliiii , and Mtitlenl lliegmi. Now I lixralurp, ha lrltte nt tutld el aeutiuii, jttileuiKi t iirilnr. il erw and or ler nl :! aim In iniiiiillaiu:H Willi llm iKiiiiiitaniU nl Mi.iil n ril. I w III nit Mon .lay. lltn'iVtit tin v ul May, IUHI m IOi.'hIih k . M at llm lu i,i itixir u ilia Cnmiiy t'i urt lliiini.i In tl IIIMmio, WaaliliiiiUm 'otitiiy, trtfnn. aell at ublle sinituit Istilijrel to re leiniliin( to Ilia Itlgltnal ulililer for etuiii In lotml. all llm rlMlit. tll!) ami Indiri'it whlelttlia Hilliln naiiiiil 'rleinlsiilH, t'hariea II OaUirn Slid Kllen Onlmrii, liiiulminl mol wile, IihiI on llm i.llh tlayol lKeiiilH'r. Illnl, llm ilsia uf th inorlsgn hiTiiin liireeliiHi-il, or sltnw llial lata had In ami lo llm slsivn iIimtMi prntMrty or any pari tliKrntf, to asilaly aid nii'iiiiiiii, jii l(jiiiiiil nnier and tie iiren, iiilitrral, mtt and acurnliig inta, lluliHl thl. iSlih ilavor iHI. HUH J. K. RKKVKS, Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. Uy J. C. APN.KUATE, lep uty. Kirat ln'tin April W, Ki ll ljml Iwms May IS, lili, M.J. Msi'W.thiu. Attorney for I'lniniin DR. E. T. HELMS CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Ualnt! iii e in. reti oi ivli elrn ltv, II y tl rnl h r0V nod Sel itinli,, ielet,i; Tn Hiln)j nil iliw ii'i h, iteii!iire.liro!ilit Ifltsin tiM.r Urn linn , vol fii I hi Jllfct, hat t en hleml I.e. h-fl,i! 1M. I it'll Kt'ii-ja,, r even etae OlVti iniliira i i l itn r'u ),. 1 1 f. t o mi in i 1 1 itnil ( innii in n I-- llelilel lll, 1 1 1 h torn II i et. 4 Years Chief Doputy C. G. RE1TER Cuntli.hilo for Repiil licnn Nor.diintion for County Surveyor Primary Election M.ty 19, 1918 For Sale -Single (oinb White liCtfhorn c;t,r3 and baby chicks. Tliese are the finest to lie had, LVtuiuma. LimiMHl amount It. I, lied etes and chicks. Also have some finp younp; prune trees at 10 cents each. Fred Wright. Hillsboro, Route 5. I'hone It. 151. a . - Notke ol Final Selllenicnl Nitlliai la Itaralif given that Ilia tin. Ir algiinil a.lininlalralorol Ilia aatala ol M A l.yoti.dmvaand, baa lllaal lilallnal aiinont and n"il lu Ilia I'ooitly ( iitlitul Waalt IngUm I'liiinly, Orvgmi, ami aald t unit ha f. n Wniiiiar. May Kl. HMD, at 10 oVItwit A. M, aa ilia lima, and Ilia I 'unit. IV Court room In llUlalt iro. Itratjon, Ilia plara for Ilia Itaariitg ol ol.jnellniia, II anr. In aaltl Anal aa!uuit and llm atrtlleniKltl ut aald nalalo. Halwl Una April 11. IMIrt. K. K I. villi, AJuilnliliati.r. II. T. Itagler, Altorua. MOTH M TO t MallHTOMa. IN TIIK COl'HTY COUKT OK THK STATK OK OIIKGON FOIt WASH. 1NGTON COUNTY. In llm Mailer o.' tha Kalataot I'etrr MaM. jHwraaml Nullee la linrei.r given that the undr. aiguntl haa Iwn duly uptatliilnl lv Ilia auiva attllilad Court a a.iiilllltrl.il of Ilia muia ol I'irtrr Maaa, ioaaao.l, and haa itialllid aa stinh, Now lltnialtir. all paraoua liavlna: elaitna aaatnai aaltl enalo arahnrob uuiiiiail and miulrad li prnattnt tha nania lugMiter W illi prepar vumiitara Iharnlnr, to Ilia uiideralgiii-il at tit law oltl of William U. II urn. In the Atnnrlean National liana llilllillug, HillalMiru, tlranuli, villliiil ail iiiuiiiha i ruin ilia tlata tinraof, lialnl Mareh l.'iilt, IIUll Ulnnn Htaplotun, AdinliiMralor of tha Kaiaiesfnrmanl William u, Kara, Attorn for admin istrator. MELLOW-SWEET IS TASTE OF tl,SPEAR HEAD is UosfRichly-Flavored Chew That Was Ever Pressed ,J Into Plugs ' V FAVORITE FOR A GENERATION Red-blooded men with real tolweco hunger find that they fan iatify it only by chewing, and the most wholesome and satisfying tobacco U chew is that made in plug form. The limit of luxury In tobacco chew ing it (he rich, aweet, juicy flavor that tricklei through your lyitem when yox chew Spear Head. No other chewing tobacco is 10 mrl low, 10 luicious and to satitfying, No cither equali Spear Head for putting a keen edge on your appetite. icar ueaa is made ol the world licsl tobacco leaf-the chaicett of red Kentucky Hurley. This leaf it selected tor iti full, juicy richness with the most painstaking care, is stemmed by hand, is pressed into Spear Head plugs ao alowly that not a drop of the rich, natural juice escapes. Your first chew of Spear Head will open your eyes to the genuine enjoy ment there is in chewing. Chew the rich and mellow tobacco hat has been the favorite for a third f a century-that's Spear Head. In 10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper. hotiob or naxairri balb. NollraUWehvslvsnthui ,y vlrh of '.ailr"".1'".' "" !". ir.. ,"i 1,1 1,1 ""dr llm seal of tha VVshI I,. . '.'t,V't,mH",t""1 "win, fr t a ; r i,,v,. " ",iti i'y vim rj Z!?. 'h''" ,'mri a if. ""T ,7 ' piaiiiiiM ami Jitei.: f"" rrz ....,, Kn,M ,n till ot,, Ht)u l)ttrl 7,1, ,i ,': mrrmni iriiiu l ie 7lh ilv or AiiKtisl, IHIft. st the rain of 7 rr,';r':!..i'i'-' ImrelliHllnr il,.....il. ..I i- I'"'inriy I a i II 1 1, m i r1" ml ofl' r'"'. m t' S. '.'"'!.f May littr ai 11 u . . ' A. M.Of null ' wi r..".', .'.tl-',,,0,,.ro'th8 (,'"t House t . . uuiiiy, tlreifon, In 11 ilia- tttefl"1 l l-;.l;llo aiieil!", iV h. HMiiial Imliler fureaih In hand all of the ollowina dsaorlhsil msl proper , , .ate oeotls tihlanwul n,..r.... " ln". Pr.' aueordaimaw I 1P ,'rl iT. Bp,i '' naul aula i. . V. n";'0, m said e.aiiH. del I u in aa LTi.."'?.. ."" ''J?01. to re of On-Kori. "oniiies oi tlie rllnla JJHte.il Airll lllth, 19 0. T 11 Via. ...... Hlmrir, -"J, WM. G. Tl AHE,' let'U- ' Attorney lor riaintiiT,