The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 13, 1916, Image 1

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t V
NO 1
Jtiittcwi and Clerk I llicit for I'rl
ninrlet and (icncral Election
New Koiil Supervlior lor Bcavcrlon tnd
CuiuUbU lur Onloa
Vacancies on election boards:
Aloha: F, M. Council, Clerk,
tlav board; II. K. Hunt and Fred
Itrauor, judges and Arthur I'res
ton. Chan. Casper and VV. L.
Sprout, clerk, nitfht board.
Hanks, day board. Ezra Klrts,
' clerk.' R. M. Banka, judge; nlitht
board. Herman Onterman, clerk.
Kaat Beaverton, day. Jaa.
Miner, clerk; nltfht. Carl Des
inyar, clerk. ,
West BavtrU. F. W. Cady,
Uloorolnn. day. Kd. Krahmer,
clerk; night, Henrjr Scheuer
mann, and Gerhardt Goetze,
judne. W. F. Haaae, Adam Her
bert Jr and J N Loudon, clerks.
Iiuxton, night. J K Bailey, J F
Johnson, judges, and L) L Smith,
J It I'araona and Frank Genzer,
Cherry Grove, day. II W Scott,
judue. Jno Ocklund, clerk.
"N Cornoliua. Earl Hobba, clerk.
Dillev, night. A L Mcliride,
N K F Grove, day. Karl Jack;
Hon, clerk.
S K F Grove, night. Albert
Moore, judire.
Galea Creek. I) G Lilly, judge.
Garden Home, night. K J Co:i
man, judge. J K Johnaon, clerk.
Orenro, day, Fred Hess, clerk,
nijtht U"X I'arsona. clerk.
Punlin, night, J K Lewton,
jiule. . . ....
Sherwood, night, r era Lan
der, clerk, I
- Tigard. day. John Tigard. and j
I Ikiltoii, judges; i; liem
wtreel. clerk; night. H M Stiles
und U H Butler, clerks.
Tualatin, day, JnoGriffin.clerk.
V'erboort. day, W AHermens.
judge; night. K B Porter. Anton
llermena, judges; John Krieger,
Hugh Moore and John Cawrae.
rll'rk9- . . ... .,
N U Hillsboro. night, W H
)ntley, clerk.
S W Hillaboro, night, D Burk
lialter. C Blaner and John Engel
linger, clerks.
Middlcton. day, C II McClure
nd Jno Heimers, judges; night,
1? K VVidel. clerk.
Mulloy. day, I C Clutter, 10 I)
' IV ler and .1 11 Shull.
B.d of C E Gibbons, to deliver
, ' coki in baiement at $7 per ton,
ucoeoUd, for heating purposes.
itecorder's fees reported for
March, $5'J2 65; Clerk. $39Mr.
Ten dollars per month framed
-. Eveline LaChappelle. aged 82.
A M Koberstein appoir.tad
constable of Gaston precinct.
Petition of Frank Kable, for
$538, for injury while working in
Moore quarry, Cedar Mill, Oct.
'!". 1'J15. continued.
Road No 632, Geo Conzelman
et al. ordered established.
Besignation of Fred Pappel, as
supervisor in Beaverton, accept
ed, and Kobt Fuhlmanapjolnted.
For Sale -Dwarf Essex Rape
aeed, finely . cleaned, at market
nrii'P. Also Harred flymouth
Kock eggs, 0. A. C. strain, 75
cents per setting of 15 Wm
gchulmerich, Hillaboro, Ore.
Money to Loan
On Improved Farms
i , . in
The Shute Sayings Bank
i - 1
A special agent of the Food
Dairy ( 'ommisHioner oflice was in
town Saturday, and apprised
dealers in poultry and stock
remedies, tonics, etc., that they
must pay a state license of ten
dollars per year if they wished
to continue in business. He says
that there is a great deal of op
position to the law, and that
many are not taking out the re
quired license. In cases where
druggist or dealers wish to go
out of the business the office is
giving them Hi) days time to let
go of the stocks.
Bloyd's Machine Shop is the
place to get your sawmill ma
chinery repaired. We are equip
ped to repair anything for a mo
torcycle to a sawmill. Repairs
quickly and neutly made, and all
work guaranteed. "When we
lix anything It stays fixed."
Don't forget the place. 1352 Ma
ple St,, one block south of saw
mill. Phone City 401 , 2-4
For Sale -Single Comb White
Leghorn eggs nnd baby chicks. ,
These are the finest to be had. I
Petuluma. Limited amount R.
I. Red eggs and chicks. Also
have some fine young prune trees
at 10 cents each. Fred Wright,
Hillaboro. Route 5. Phone R.
The freight wreck on the P.
R & N. laBt week was cleared
up so that trains made their way
through after a day or so. The
advent of bright weather has
given thh track men a chance to
do considerable work, and the
line will tw kept open now. un
less there is an unusual storm.
Money to loan in any amount
at 7 and 8 per cent, on accepta
ble farm properties. Make ap
plication now and have the
money when you want it. Long
terms If desired. E. L. Perkins,
llillsboro. Ore.
Phil Bates, one of Oregon's
big farm paper publishers, and
E. E. Brodie. of the Oregon City
Enterprise, were in the city Sat
urday, calling on the county seat
Gerhardt Goetze. of Blooming,
was in town Saturday. He says
the German Speaking Society ot
Washington County will meet at
the Miller hotel, Cornelius, Sat
urday afternoon, April 22.
For sale: House and three
lots in llillsboro. Or will trade
for cleared acreage, bottom land
or swale, near Orenco preferred.
H. Jeibman. llillsboro, ure.
E. C. Mulloy. of Laurel, went
to Salem Saturday, and from
there to Albany, looking after
some clnssy stock for the dairy.
He is going into the Uuernseys.
Found-Crank for auto or
triu'k. near Laurel. Owner can
have same by paying for this
advertisement. Found by Dr.
J. 0. Kobb.
tfv.SAnatnf R W. Haines, of
RirMi ilmvp. was down the last
of the week, and went out to his
property near Groveland.
.l,hn T lift who owns a fine
piece of onion land at Varley,
was in the city the tirst. oi me
Nursery stock, fine roses, as
nariua roots, outdoors grown
eahhniM nlnnts. now read v -4 to
8 inches. Morton's Greenhouse.
Jasper Keller and Thos. Hen
ton, the Damon and Pythias of
Meek Plains, were in the city
D. E. Leisy and wife, of South
Tualatin, were city visitors Sat
urday. J. L. Karngrover. the onion
grower of Varley, was in town
C. W. Redmond Deputized toMoke
Arduous Trip to California
Gc la Via Oranl Pana, Auto lo Al
Iiomm tod Then by Stage Coach
The sheriff's office, equippod
with a warrant, authorized C.
W. Redmond to go to Crescent
City, Cal., Sunday, and bring
back Arthur Turner, charged
with taking equipment from the
Helvetia sawmill Redmond has
one of the hard trips incident to
official duties, and he went to
Grants Pass by train, from there
to Althouse by auto, and from
there he goes into California by
stage, over some of the nastiest
mountain roads to be found in
Oregon and Northern California.
Crescent City is in the extreme
Northwest part of California,
right against the coast. It is
the shipping point for redwood
lumber, and it is said Redmond
may go in by private team, or
saddle horse, from Kirby or
Althouse, but in any event he
has an arduous trip.
Extradition papers were
granted by the Governor of Cal
ifornia the last of the week.
Sheriff Reeves was unable to
make the trip as he was com
pelled to be in court on a criminal
The Washington County Veteran
Ass'n. will meet at the Grand
Army Hall, in Hillaboro, May 4,
916, at ten a. m., sharp. Din
ner will be served at 12 o'clock.
The afternoon will be devoted to
J. T. Butler. Pres.
W. J. R. Beach, Secretary.
S. P. & P. E. & E.
All, except the P. R. & N.. trains
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Main Street
Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m
McMinnville Train 7:36
Sheridan Train 10:02
Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m
McMinnville Train 2:15
Forest Grove Train 4:10
Eugene Train 4:55
McMinnville Train 6:40
brest Grove Train 9:50
Eugene Train 8:15 a. m.
McMinnville Train 9:45
Forest Grove Train 11:59
Forest Grove Train 3:15 p. m
Sheridan Train 4:30
McMinnville Train 6:40
Forest Grove Train 7:15
Forest Grove Train 9:00
McMinnville Train 12:15
All trains stop on flag at Sixth
and Main; at North Range and
Fir streets, Sixth and Fir Sts.,
and at Tenth street
Steam Service from old depot at
foot of Second Street
P. R. & N. Train 4:30 p.
P. R. & N. Train 9:15 a.
Motor Car Service
To Buxton 12:25 p.
To Timber 4:30
From Timber 9:55 a. m
From Buxton 2:10 p. m
To Portland 55 minutes.
6:32 a m
7:18 - a m
8:28 am
9:58 a m
12:43 p m
3:58 pm
5:43 pm
8:10 pm
9:1)8 (Sat only) pm
From Portland 55 minutes,
7:54 am
9:20 am
11:25 ....
a m
8:26 (Sat
p m
a ro
Do not forget to ask for
Schiller when you want a good
10 cent smoke no cough dust
in the Schiller. 12tf
L. S. Davis, of the Beaverton
Times, was an Argus caller Sat
urday afternoon. ,
Emil Jossy.' of Helvetia, wa3
a city caller Saturday.
lialph Imbrie has returned
from Dallas.
Ilant iwept pea sped now.
Spenre's varieties sold by the
Bergen Floral Co. 51tf
C. L Calkins, of the Sherwood
hank, was greeting friends in
town Friday. j
Thrifty pigs for sale at $2.50
and $3. One mile east of llills
boro. -J. D. Bergen. 3-5
Jas. Churchill, of upper Gales
Creek, was down to the city last
week. He says that politics are
warming up some in his section
Garden and flower seeds sold
by the Bergen Floral Co.. Third
Street are seeds that grow, tf
Wm. Schulmerich attended
the Harry West Jersey sale, in
Columbia County, last week.
Austin Buxton, of the Grove,
bought the Senior Grand Cham
pion bull for his herd.
Dance at Helvetia Hall. Satur
day evening, April 15. Ilollen
beck orchestra. Tickets, 75c.
Carl Jossy, manager. 2-4
Christian Zuercher, of near
Cedar Mill, was in town Friday.
Mr, Zuercher makes his trips to
Portland and Hillaboro in a little
auto truck, and it beats team
The Needlecraft will give a
benefit dance at the Moose Hall,
Saturday. April 15. The pro
ceeds will go to charity and the
puMic is asked to give a hearty
financial support.
W. A. Jack and. Robt Simpson
departed the first of the week
for Tendoy, Idaho, where Mr.
Simpson has a mine. They will
develop the property this Sum
mer, and expert to remain until
bad weather sets in and per
haps longer.
For sale: Jersey cow, fresh
April 1; Jersey heifer, fresh
April 20; 2 yearling Jersey heif
ers; fine Scotch collie dog. intelli
gent stock animal can t keep
him owii'g to nearness to city
limits. K. E, Harbison, Phone
City 377. 50tf
A HiIl8boro LaFollette man
Saturday received a wire from
Wisconsin that Bob Larollette
had carried the Wisconsin dele
gation lor the presidency. This
was good news to him, as the
tirst reports showed that he had
lost the state. Senator LaFol-
ette still has his own state, but
that it will avail him little in the
Chicago convention is admitted.
Hubert Bernards, of McMinn
ville, and son. Herman, Verboort
were in town Monday, on court
business. Hubert wants to see
the state roid lined through
Washington County, as against
the Newberg route. There will
be but one real thoroughfare on
the West Side, and he would like
to see it go the length of this
county, on the Baseline-Beaver-
ton road.
T3s You and your children are
vlJ" safe if you wear Dr.
Lowe 8 superior glasses -eye
safe and price safe. Cost you no
more than the interior Kinds
usually sold and you have the
benttit ot his skill and more
than 26 years' experience as an
exclusive optometrist. When
vou patronize him you receive
the combined service of the
trained eye specialist and scien
tific optician. One charge covers
the entire cost of examination,
frames and lenses. Dr. Lowe
guarantees his glasses to give
satisfaction whether they cost $2
or more. If you pay more you
pay too much. If you pay less
you do so at the sacrifice of ma
terial used and service rendered.
Dr. Lowe will be at Hotel Wash
ington, Saturday, April 22. to 4
o'clock only. Remember the day
and date and time limit
(For Men, Women and Children)
A scientific supporter for pro-
laiased kidneys, stomach, intes
tines and other aooominai organs
of which many women are .con
stant sufferers. Especially de
signed and made for each indi
vidual case. Endorsed by physi
pinna everywhere.
Also, agent for the celebrated
Barclsy Custom made corsets.
Mrs. A. J. Perkins. Agent. 1343
Baseline St. Phone Main 894.
To the Voters of the Nineteenth Judicial
niatrict: I am a Democratic Candidate
for the Office of Circuit Judge of the
Nlnrtemth Judicial Hintrlct. I have
lived and practiced law in Tillamook
Dreenn. for more than ten yeari last
If nominated and elected, I ghal
faithfully perform my official duiies anc
jralnusly matnlalu iny personal ume
Paid Adv. S. S. Johnaon.
Six Million Feet to go to Oovern
meut Railroad
coRMitus to mve jui:b fctorv
Lumber Commencinr to Move From al
Poio'i ia flrtjoo
Lumw r i3 now on the shipping
list aod there is bi? activity
everywhere. The Eagle Lum-
oer u). is in receipt or a six
million feet order for Alaskan
shipment and this will mean
'ti million run when completed,
All county mills are running fuli
blast with plenty of orders.
Cornelius is to have a Logan
berry juice factory this summer.
Newberg is working for Logan-
Derry juice, cider and vinegar
factory. Albany and Roseburg
are also after the same kind of a
Baker New railroad DroDOsed
between here and Pine and Eagle
Prineville votes $100,000 bond
issue to start railroad to connect
with Oregon Trunk line near
Bandon-G. W. Dafoe. of
Detroit Mich., is building saw
mill near here to operate soon.
Urders have already been
placed by France and Italy for
400.000 cases of Pacific Coast
Lebanon Paper Mill runninir
full time with full force, first
time in months.
Roseburg will regulate jitneys,
will charsre license fee and re
quire $2000 bond.
Corvallis Three churches will
be built here this summer.
Bandon-Moore mill starts
operations with 80 men.
The first train over the Willamette-Pacific
from Eusene to
Coos Bay was greeted with en
thusiasm at all points. It took
nerve to put $11,000,000 into
this enterprise during the past
three years of depressed busi
ness conditions.
Veneta sawmill at work cut
ting railroad ties.
Sutherlin Everfresh Co. en
larging at cost of $6,000.
Independence -S. P. Co. starts
to electrify from here to Cor
vallis. 20.000 ft sawmill being built
on Willamette-Pacific near Rich
ardson. Donald-Cheese factory to be
built at once.
O. W. R. & N. Co. will spend
$3,650,000 in addition to regular
amount this year, for improve
ments. Astoria -Work on McEachern
ship yard started.
Albany to have cheese factory.
(From The Argus)
The Andrews Lumber Co. has an
order for two million feet of
lumber, to be delivered at Cor
nelius for shipment on the S. P.
The ratification meeting at the
court house. Tuesday evening, in
honor of the nomination of T.
H. Tongue for Congress was a
huge success.
Robert Imbrie Sr. transacted
business in Portland Wednesday.
Washington County must pay
$20,000 state tax this year.
O. E. Edson has leased the
Dudley mill property near Center
G. W. Patterson has been nom
inated for joint senator, and T.
J. Cleeton, of St. Helens has the
nomination for district attorney.
A very pleasant party was en-
ioved at the home of Mrs. E. C,
Huehes. Saturday evening. Miss
Grace Poe sang several numbers,
and a splendid collation was
served at a late hour. Those at
tending were Mrs. C. E. Hughes,
the Misses Marie Vandersal,
Latham, Poe, Boscow, Olive
Hanley, Emma Carstens, Hills-
boro. and Miss Johnson, forest
Grove; Messrs. Al. Latham, W,
E McCourt W. W. Boscow, A,
E. Tamiesie, Walter McKmney,
F. G. Mitchell and Warren Dob
Ernest Stewart, confidehtia
clerk for Judge A. S. Bennett
of The Dalles, is visiting rel
atives here.
A. W. Saxton, who supenn
tends the county poor farm, was
in the city the first of the week
J. D. Roselair has opened
fish market
WITHOUT the consequent risk is
through the universally approved
chech-booh, -which has become an
earmarh of affluence, conservatism
and substance. The men of marh
in your community do business
with their chech
one of them?
4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings
American National BanK
Maim mini Third St..
I7hy Not Fix Up oiv?i
Why not fixjup around the place
Now, before the work comes
on? Spring is the Nataural.
Largest Complete Build
ing Material Yard in the
Countv offers you Low Prices
this year, because we bought
Right. Prices have "advanced
on lumber, but not with us.
We carry Trojan Stump
Powder. Wall Pa per and
Badger Lumber Co.
Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks.
Fvery thing in Building Materia
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Seasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Phcne, City 176
C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Gtdin, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags.
Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius 1
Beaver State Flour
The Best Hour at the Lowest Price
Hillsboro, Main 14. Cornelius, City 1515
North Plains, Main 263.
- booh. Are
vs .a