Beaveron-ReedyillAcreage JK,.1:, !rr-rrri f ' The finest suburban trac t out of Portland; 30 minutes ride on the Big Red Stc el Electric ears. Moun tain water piped through the tract. Schools, churches and stores convenient. $175 to $500 per acre on terms. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth St. Portland, Oregon lest Bargains HAS OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT Olinger Bros., The Reedville Store WITH A. 'SPLENDID LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERE YOU SAVE MONEY ALL THE TIME Reedville, Oregon PUBLIC SAt.B 2nd Hand Cars We have the following slightly used cars for sale One 1915 Ford, 5 passenger including over $100 extra equipment. Car as good as new. Price $425. See this car. One 1915 Dodge Bros. 5 passenger car, run about 4000 miles. Price $650. A good buy. One i9i4Case, 5 passenger car including self starter and electric lights. Price $450. This car is a bargain. We will sell the above cars on terms and give a written guarantee with each car. S. E. BIRD & CO. HILLSBORO Phone Main 812 ORE. NOTICE Heretofore wc havj sold all our used cars in Portland p ivim? a Broker a commission for selling t,ame. Here after we will sell our cars ourselves, so if you are interested in a good -used car see us and save the Broker's commission. IS IT WORTH SAVING? Calef saves you Calef saves you Calef saves you Calef saves you Calef saves you Calef saves you Caltf saves you Calef saves you Calef saves you Calef saves you ) Calef saves you , Calef saves you Calef saves you 40 per cent on Men's Suits 25 per cent on Dress Goods 30 per cent on Underwear 33M P01- cent 0Q Hosiery 30 per cent on Gents Ties 25 per cent on Ladies' Waists 25 per cent on Ladies' Skirts 25 per cent on Musliu Undenvear 40 per cent on Raincoats 25 per cent on Sweaters 25 per cent on Men's Shirts 25 per cent on Handkerchiefs 25 per cent on Stamped Goods And if CALEF tells you its so it is so" V 1208 Main Street Hillsboro. Ore. I will sell at public sala to the hifrhst bidder, at the F. S. Bradley Farm, 11 miles west of Banks, at 10 a. m., on MONDAY, APK1L 10 Bay mare, 5 yrs; bay colt, 2 yrs; sorrel yearling colt; bay yearling eolt; Jersey heifer, 18 months; 2 yearling calves; 6-montha calf; yearling bull; full-blooded Duroc Jersey sow; saddle. Terms of sale $10 and under. cash; over $10, 8 months time, approved note bearing 6 per cent interest. Mima Bradley, Admx. J. V. Hughes, Auctioneer. W. 0. Galaway, Clerk. CALL FOR BIDS Ordered that bids be asked for the following bridges and fills in Washington County, Oregon: Ileaton Bndge. i mile south of Scholls; Cummins Bridge, 11 miles west of Buxton; Manning Bridge, i mile west of Manning; J. Q. Johnson, Bridge, 4 miles southeast of Hillsboro: Kearny Bridge, 4 miles south east of Hillsboro; Campbell Fill, 4 miles south of Hillsboro. Let to lowest responsible bid der; certified check for 5 per cent of bid required; Court re serves right reject any and all bids. Bids will be let on Fridav, April 14th. 1916. at 2 P. M. Specifications may oe seen at office of County Judge after April 5. 1616. Edw. C. Luce, County Clerk. XOTICH TO CnitDlTOHI. IN THE COVUTY COURT OF THE STATE OF ORKUON FOR WASH INvJTON COUNTY. Ii (he Matwro.'vlie Kmlol IVtr Maa. NotU l tiiiy Kivoiitlmt tl mnVr iKiiatt h ittiiy itii;xtilvtl lr thr above KiuUle.l Court' a aitniiiitatrattii ol Ilia aalata ot lir Musk, !),, -ihI, itinl HIUti(Hi KIIOll, Now ilis olur, i piw.'n havii'ic I'lalma agaii'at saul otnl rrhirtl' iiuiitu'il ai1 irquiiril to iitwtmi ii taiii toiiol nor Willi priwr v.ulnrs tlu'rn'or, to tlm uiiitcrHiKiml Hi uir lv 1 llUt ol W1III11111 O, Hunt, in Hi American Nailmal i auk HiitMiui!. tlilUUm , vtiiut n, within mix month from tli. tt h.rof. Patnl Matvh I.VIi. mm ... "!Qnn isaiiMoii, Ailtiiliutmtor of tlia Ksil aforttiaiil . William U. Har, Attorney for ailiuili islrnior. I'! SUMMONS In tha Circuit Court of the State ot Oron for Wantilngton iVnnty. W Inula Walton, riauiUl', Ned Walton, iVfcmlaut, ToNml Walton, alw.v uaint-il uVfriulaiit lit tho nam of tha 8tat of Owon, you are htrwby i-minlml to iipiwar ami anaarer Hi OotiitlMiiii filial MtfntiMil, you in Ci ntxivo (fntm.Hl mitt on or Imlurn Krl.lav. thfxTlh ilT ol April. ItMH. wtili'h aaM itaiii l sis. w"k.a ami more from ami alter Thursday, I ho ttltli tiny of March ituii, tun date ol tin Brut publication or tills Siiiiiiiuiiia. ami ir von Iml t annoar or answer, the plaintiif (or want tin-roif win apply 10 ilia court lor ilia relief iiraywi or In tiKr ooiiinlnliit.. to w n: For a i or 1 isaol viiiK U Minds of inn tri a. ony nerelofore ami now oiiiliu bi'lwvnu von ami tlif UlnUrt ami rwh d.iiK t) tin tilaiiititl the care, piisuhW ami control of ihs minor phiul, Nnlra Wultoti, ami for mirh othr rlir periainal i equity. iQuatoi the laat tnitilioation of till (uiiiiimia la Thunnlav, tlw :tith day ot Aoril.lHlrlaml tint mini in im U uubiiahnl by ontvr of the Hon. Uvu. li. Hattlsy, Jitilire of the Ciro nit Curt of the Stale ol Oregon for C Couuty of WariiinKtoti, and mid oritrr waa uiailo and tlaltil oil Uie I.Vii day ol Maich, lUlti. t itde ritchardaon. any. lor I lalnlltr. 618 I'll amber ol Cominerce Hldii ,I'orlauil, vr(!on. Dr. Via, of Buxton, was a county seat visitor i nday. H. H. Bop.e and wife were in from Farmington, Friday. G. A. Lechner. of near Hoi- brook, was a county seat visitor Friday. F. C. Orth, field man for the Carnation Co., was in the city rnday. Plant sweet pea seed now. Spence's varieties sold by the Bergen b loral Co. oltf D. R. Wheeler, of near North Plains, was in town the last of the week. A. Baderstscher, of Helvetia, wa3 a county seat visjto" Satur day. Chas. Phillips, now residing over at Mist Columbia Co., was here last week, visiting rela tives. And. Bendler, the Holstein breeder, of North Tualatin Plains, was a county seat caller b nday. Adam Beil, of Centerville, was in town Saturday, enroute to Portland, where he met with the German Verein. Jos. Sax, of below Tigard, was in the city Saturday morning. While in town he called on the family journal. Peter Jacobsen, of West Union, was an Argus caller Saturday. Peter says that in these days of organization the farmer is the Ia9t one to think of co operation along buying and selling lines. Dudley Stowell, of Buxton, passed through town Monday, enroute home from a trip to Portland, where his wife is convalescing in one of the hos pitals, alter a surgical operati n Little Hattie Lott, daughter of A. E. Lott, of Schofield, above Buxton, fell from a teeter one day last week and fractured an arm. Dr. Via, of Buxton, attended the injury. Cows for sale; Two Jerseys, aue to freshen Aug. 27 and Sept. 18: 2 Holsteins, to freshen Oct. 2 and Nov. 18; red Durham, to freshen Sept. 2; Jersey heifer, fresh six weeks. Otto Wohler, Hillsboro, Ore. - Tel. Farmer 35x1. One mile south of Oak Park. 1-3 If you want high class or fancy pigeons, or large, fa8t breeding strains, squab producers, you will find the best birds in the well known prize winning lofts of B. A. Mitchell, of Orenco, Or. Mr. Mitchell breeds 14 kinds, for the pleasure ot raising the beet and beating the other fel low in the show rooms, which records show he does. He sent 16 birds to the Salem state fair last Fall, and was awarded a prize on every bird. Now is the time to .buy. pigeons and get ad vantage of the breeding season. I His lofts are just one block from the Orenco depot. Visitors are welcome any time. , .2-3 UWF Insures t;i i?. .11 m:ii. d:i "t Jr muiv mi miiKiiw wli-r il f.i'r ! -' tvihrtvl iind buirn by lla Kclw Ihcir diMitw by nwayinj llwm with Conkey'a Fly Knocker IVn iwi laini milk an.1 nivrcw I Iw r' and ivmljil Dial uuuit lull nulk (uiL Keeps Flic Away From Cattle and lionet On tmw imi l atmoa1 !m tunc, iikrvtwt ixuliti. 1 Try It IS Dayi Money Back U Not Satiifaclcry Trv can tiHlny, Oj- J. Kill JI.WI.5gJl. M Ami Ji i JT, U' 'If i A.J. IIARTRAMPT Hillsboro Oregon Buy Direct From Producer r THE HILLSBORO COMMERCAL BANK CAPITAL $iJO,000 SURPLUS anil PROFITS $2ft.OOO An oU, safe and couscrvntivc bank, located iu the llillshoro Commercial. , bUnk, S. W. comer Maiu and Second streets. Hillsboro Commercial Bank. NOTICB OF KIX.IX ACrOl'NT. Notl.-s la banrhy clvan that t. the timlr aiKiml arliiiiiiistratur of tlm ttat o' Hailtara Ann Uatra. ilficvainl. Iiav HM in Ilia rouiuy emirtof tiia Statu of Orvnon tor w aanitiKtnn iwtntv my linal am-uiii aa adiuiiiistrator of aalil Fatalaamt that ai. oiiurt haa at Moiulay , A prlt 17. ltHH at ilia hour of 10 o'clock a in. of aatil day aa I In liiiiu. and the oonnty luiurt room in I' illnhoro. OrvKou. a tlia place for hcarl'iit ol.jwttoua to aaiil account and lb liual wit lament of aald eMtata. latd. March lri, UMtl. Jobu Uittm, Aiiiiiinlstratnr of theaautaof Barharit Ann (iataa, dvcvaHl. W. N. Hmrelt, Attorney for Ailininu trau r. KOTICK lt TRKUITOKS. IN THE COUNTY COVllT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOK WASHINGTON COUNTY. I the Matter of the EMate of Awnath City B own, IVceaied. Notice i hereby Riven that the uuler tinned have been ilu'y appointed liy the above entitled Court as adtuiuistiatrix and administrator respectively of estate with the will of sai.l decedent an nexed, and have duly qualified a turn hv law prescribed. Nnw Therefore, all persons having claim againit said estate are hereby notttird aud required to present the same together with the proper vouchers there for, to tbe undersigned at tile law office of Wlllism G. Hare, in the American National Bank Building. IltlUboro, O rgno, within six months (rom the d it ' hereof. IMed March 30, 19 16. Jennie J,eesou brown and Percy Brown, Administratrix and Administra tor lespectively of said estate with the will of said decedent annexed. M. B Bump aud Wm. G. Hire, Attorneys. This magnificent French Ostrich Plume iu full 17 inches long and made of the highest grade hard Hue Oatrich, selected from the male bird. Has a very glossy fiber and is extra wide, with heavy drooping head. Black, white and colors. Send us 11.93 and we will send by parcel post, this beautiful Flume and if you do not think it is the most mar velous value you ever saw, If you can duplicate of your dealer for less than $5.00, you may return same and money will be prompt ly refunded. Special 18incho8trichplume,$2.28; worth $6.00 ! Special 20inch ostrich plume,$3.00 worth $10 For complete line of Ostrich Goods send for free catalog. SOUTH AFRICAN IMPORTING CO. 1841 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. J3he GIFT SHOP Stamped Goods, Linens, Art Needle Wor li. Supplies, Chil dren's Dresses Made to Order, Also Stamping to Order. BooKs, Cards, Station ery, Periodicals. Subscriptions taken to all Magazines. Washington Hotel Building Hillsboro, Ore, IV1LL GIVE S1000 lflFAILtoCCREH)CAKCf.aTy.V'GSiiiti befort It POISONS 3 tuis iltitirt (I BOKE KiuioutHaiieorPaiB No PAY Until C1MD wRirnN SUARANTfE N' X Kay r oilier swindle. An Inland plant mnirMi t!.erure Any 1UM0S, lUUf or tODt on lliu ll, liuo or ho.tT long I CANCeR; It nVft Iml lid li n II 1 1ml staira 20-P BOOK w ilt FKKK, 10,11' l tfll mottial. tilriassss Any LUMPin WOMAN'S BREAST UP I UP CD ftndft!wftTpoiwTCflupftrm UAilUCn pit RtanU ftntl RlllS 0U1CK11 Ottu wuutan In every 7dit'ofcancr U.S. ri'inirl Wo tvium uintiv who wnlt Uhj lout A muit tiif l'wf curod At Imlf frtr If ennrer In yeltnmll j Dr. & Mrs. Dr. CHAMLET & CO. SSSTsAp "SlrlctH KiliiWi, Srsststt Cascsr Swcialttl Nrtnt' 4340 1 436E V standi St, San Frsncltco. CM KINDLY MAIL THIS UssssMtSl CANCER RED PEPS PHILOSOPMV W. 0. Donelson UNDERTAKER ... Calls attendednight orjday. ' Chapel and Parlors, HllUboro, - Oregon 1 Pacific States Kire Iniiirnnrp Company of Portland, Oregon. The only bin Oregon Old Lin- Company. )sacs Promptly Paid John -Vanderwal Agent Hillsboro, Oregon "Lots of Better H&lvgs ywuld like Better Qtttr to" Fishing Season is Here Call and looK over our first-class line of Sporting Goods, fish ing tactile, etc. Percy Long NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT BUILDING I am prepared to do-all kinds of Building and Repair work Cabinet work, etc., Saw-filing, Screens and Screen doors. Shop at Main and Front. All kinds of furniture, plate and prism glass doors and , w.n dows. Also Kawneer bars.. JOHN BEATTY. In the County ;'oiir'. of (bo Mat of Oregon lur Washlngl m Poonty fn UieMaUnrol llm KnlaUof Julius J, WlBnb,if!lt, Dcr.caioil, Notice In hcrohy (riven that the itinliir slfrneil Ima lllm! In llio alxive enlitleil Court, anil causn, hnr Dual acnoiiiit anil rnport In the matter of aald estate, ami the h lil Court has flxed and apfminted the day of April, l!)!fl, at tho hour of ten o'clock A.M., of aald dy. and the Court room of ilie aliove entitled Court in Hillelioro, Ornirun, aa ti e time and plane for hearing olijodtlona to aald final acoount and for the final Hi-ttlmimnt, of said eatate. Datd thla clay of March , litlll. A rriiierslna Weiseiihairk, AriminiNtratrlx ol Kntale aforcBHlil. William U Hare, Attorney fur Aduiln-Istratriz. Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing from the lcst timber in Washington county. The finest Rough and Drossed Lumber KILN DRIED FLOORING aud RUSTIC always on hand. Kstimatcs on Uuildins, Flooring, Rustic, Ceil ings all kinds of finished lunibcr for house material. Wc deliver, riionc: I'ttc. States, Olencoe Ceutral, 37 PETER HOFFMAN. Bacona. Oregon 4 We Want Everybody to Know That wc will, beguiling at once, give Cash Register receipts with every cash sale, . showing amount of sale, date and who made the sale. We will ask: you to keep these receipts as we arc going to give back to our cash customers one day's cash sales each month. We will select one day each month and willaunouuccinour win dow on the 5th day of each month the date we have selected, and then all you will have to do is look over your Cash Register receipts from us and sec if you have any bearing that date, if you have just briug them to us and we will refund your money. There is no trick to this proposition. Vaught Grocery Co . Second Street Main 122 Hillsboro, Oregon tThg AITIft CtTS A COUP COMSINATION y i TH,1 - D&HY BUOWlA W!TH A PARK BHOWW eonotaJ IN 0M JODCJT IT UKC TMf TOBACCO CHI .TAimV . . .. I WHAT S the lmi ol tobacco Hint makes you take a hl w..l ..rf. irlndoa IIP W-BCul Chcwins - lh ltd T.,h.wCW l -.7 , i. r real fnbuom. asiiilMHinn hm i f WCilSiTi "'-'''-Sl'V5 u a ..... ' '!( bui wo rich tobcc Uata " ' . Msjs kt WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY. 50 llnitt, C, Twfc C1 ! MODEL 75 F.O B. ( HiUsb oro $695 I I MODEL 83, F.O.D. ) Hillsboro $795 ) Arrange for a demonstration ( CORL & HARMS J j Third Street Hillsboro, Oregon 1