1 Wliat do yjurhmi about the j ..-.' - van , .,.y. II Now in its SECOND successful season ut the X An Ancient Mariner'sTale Br t A. MITOIEL f f ! ) III..!! II I..).,,!!, li $U Do you know tlu Grant Six is tlio pioneer low v t ct v civ ,..11 .. l i l n . i ih'iuw unu uiouKinu uoiiurbr Do yon know that Grunt Si lint eMiiblmlied iistlf at out of ilia must lerumt iWo cuit of the yeatf lluil in spits of our Kent off.nii suit conifnnily inmaunu production, at no lima li.il it Ut:n not 31 Liu to keep puce ' with tin denundf That nw Cum 5I wl.h h Vit arc iwwvth'Mvit r hnii the Lr'ttt, lianJuMiitJl bojy u( in c-i UUhv t lliju .n,.! tUilhr. )ii you know dial ll Cii.nu fix lira it vJ.c-iu-ilia-licad hmm of ex rltiiWeditfn not no k uioioi 1I1.U li 0110 ill tli iUiilu:l, muxxlmit, mull moilul mount buill. ThrottUt tinwn In W;t irritwr, Sjrt!t up ever 60. Tkll moltir ha 1ial.li1l.nl womtnf.il en-mom y frroid. Onnsm every ttf 1 nij(jo oer 20 mile in tho rillon u( iutliiw many ?t ovti 2P, Do you know ll.l Grant tnta ein'ik verij tint; nujuiuiun nuXe Giant tin on ol lit tMim tiding on til lliii ito..i. 'I lutl iti Ciait fi tint rlilved J.jcKf J .i ik.'cty l.y jdslng irM ALUt- inibt u.olot In unilu.4i- mCw IhKljr iiitl.mt(ul,JK AH Iht nVtlb'llty. all I lie tniiKnlintM, all .In viilu.5 o( the SI X el Im bcl ti coiiik uouk in ih l.nuit hi. Wktt y iu know I, lull you will b WHCt 10 own a Urmil Iti. ItttMl oidci tin I y FREE 60 one-half hour tonrir and hop work a oat with vary Grant car. i V .-UkJIt. it r.rnt ixea" sold in Portland In the last month. Write'ui for cataloguoandipecification,or come in and let u.;demon.trate thU high grade little tix Dulmage Manley Auto Co. Washington County Branch at Corl & Harms Garage, Hillsboro, Oregon W. A.CUlNUt.1, ( c 1 M. J. HUWUCKrUIVU) tmen The Argus Free The Drtllv Oreonian and The Argua, On Year Tor $6.00 this ivea you X5he Arus FREE. No Aent Daily fcnd Sunday . and C7C Arrfus $8.00 j The Oregonian J New Spring Go-Carts HAV? ARRIVED Come in and Examine them Now is the time to purchoseWall Paper, Wo carry a complete StocK. Tbe belli wer lulling In Dulling Tillage where I wn teuiportrlljf etop lilng. On wckhIcu beiK-b facing the iKfini ot an old nmii, and 1, baring lime on my band, cat down Uialde him. 1 aaknl hlin the cauae of the tolling, and be anld that a cajitaln who liad long been a reeldrnt of the ilure had died and waa being burled. I remarked on the dlamol effect of the Irokea, each atroke following the one before after a long Interval In painful rcguhirlty. "You think that dlamal aound, elrr mil the old man. "What would you think If you beard bell tollln' for iIia dil thnt hod bfen rlceed by their- .Ivtw for that parUcular purpoaeT In thU yere caee a aeiton U pflllla' on tlie rope; In the cane I'm taUto' alxnit (he dead waa a tollln' the belL" I looked aalde at the old man curt ouly. Tbrre waa aomething about him to Indicate that be bad been nwUiir Mid light In bki eye that (uim1 me to wonder if be were not an Anetout Maruusr wlUi a tale to tea Thouirh the lktht did not eiactlr' Indi cate liimmlty, tbe fait of bU apeaklng of the doad tuliiug their own funeral bclla looked auapWloua. I naked bin) to expluki, and be did ao aa followa: "When I waa a younker I Balled from till port every two or three yeara for the eaat Ttiere waa no Burs canal In them dure, tuid we always went around the Horn or tbe Cape. Oa one ct them royagea wben we was In tbe Pacific what I'm golu' So tcli you bapiiened. The radllc at ao big that It'a kbid o" luiieauine. tt'ben a pnaaon baa aeen nutblu' but water for a month ana nnry a ahlp or lUfbtcd land, even a aallor will aomrtUnea (eel as If he's lost In never eudln' apace. "One najbt when we'd bad reason to fwrtEa wajr I waa one o' tbe watch, and. eallu' aloi to the darkutwe there waa wither moon or atars-1 thurt ! beard tbe faint aound of a bell I Uatened bard and beard It again When 1 beard ft a third time I anted one o' tba watcb If be beard It too He llatened and aaid be did. Then 1 knowed It wann't my fancy. "One after another the reatt'o the watcb beard tbe aound. It waan't reg ular; the atrokee come any way. There waau't no bell at aea that ever made such aouuds except a bell buoy. But we waa In tbo middle o' the Facinc ocean, where there waan't no need of a bell buoy. And yet tbe atrokes kept comla', aomctlinee near together, some times far apart, sometime heavy, aometlmca llht, nd In that big ocean 0' blackness atop and below they waa awful melancholy. "Either we waa movln toward tne eouuda or they waa niovlu' toward u or mehlie both. Anyway they waa growln' plainer. The olo man com on deck all of a audden. He'd heard the tollln' aud couldn't make It out It drifted past us In the darkness, aoundln' clear for awhile, then growln' fainter aatern. The ola man couldn't hear to lue It without knowln' what It wan and give au order to put the ahlp alwut ami aland by or follow If needed till dawn, which was a couple o' hour off. So we did. and durlu" tticni two bourn, the dolefulext I ever experienced, we kept wllhlu the aound o' that Im'II. "Muruln' come at lant. aud a couple o' nillca away we auw Huroepln black, which. a the light growed. turned out to Ik a dlsniHiitled ithlp. She wan a nilllii' aqd a-pluiigln'. and every time ahc rolled or pluuged we beard thai aulemii tollln'. That what we'd been hearln'-the wreck' liell. "The old man allowed that "he wiim a derelict with no one aboard of her and her bell rope had wIUhI oway 01 hecume iinlttHhed. We sailed P to within a short pull of her. and the second mato hoanled her, I belli' one o' the bout's crew to take him there. Her decka were awash, and It was lilulii there waa nutblu' alive on her liefor we got to her. We went on to her duck for'nrd, which was a Utile higher thun the stern, and looked mound, but we didn't go below. One 0' tho men looked down a hatch, and hln report wna not eneonrngln' for ua lo go down among tbe dead men, and we let 'em alone. "Well, now. 1 told you that I'd known a case, where tho dead tolletl their own funeral bell. This was It The crew, knowln' they was doomed, had nulled a board up near the bell aud had painted on It a message All hope gon. Th ship's ball will toll our requiem. . "They had cut away the bell rope entirely. "Wu'd brought a bloat with n to sink the Bhlp, and we put it, where It would do tbe work, but tire ole man, fear-In' wo might fall, hnd ordered the hiatn on no account to leave that lieu a-tolllu' to give persons on other ships tho shivers. We'd brought axes with us, of course, and before flrlu' the blunt we chopped away tbe bell's sup ports. And, would you believe me, air. when It rolled down on to the deck (t sounded like a dylu' walL "Heave the cursed thing overboard!' yelled the mute. 'We did thnt too, and w hen It struck tho water It sounded like a dead man's last gasp." My man had proved a veritable An clent MnrWr, and with as grewsome a tale. 1 wna glued to my seat till be had nnlshed, then, muttering aome thing like thanks for his etory, I left him. Fortunately for me, as I did so tho tolling of the funeral belle ceased. 1 Ml iacriflct mi bffcuttful 4 roorrl cottsfre Summer1 hOrnS' on the banki of Nehaltm Day, in Nehaletri City Boats fflett trains every day. Fine fishing and hunting. Uathinp, in ocean and bay. City water in housei All built-in effect. Price, SG50. Ten dollars down, balance ten dollars per month. B. J. lucker, 205 Abington Building, Portland, Ore. 13 Onion seed for sale: Oregon Vollnur llanvarfl (rrnnn this Vpar. Inmiirct nf R. P. Wnhler. Hillfl-1 boro. Oregon. Telephone Farm- .a it f I er3&xi. uni Peter Schmoker, of Helvetia, was in the citv Tuesday, trans- a r tin 17 busineas. Peter says good weather is at a premium, ana larmers are too ousy w re main long In town after the business is finished. Wanted at nnrpr Youncmen for automobile business. Big pay. Wo maU vnn pnprt in ten weeks by mail. Pay us after we ornrprl vmi noaition. Centurv Automobile Institute, 290 Los AngeleB, tal. It's Coming at Breakneck Speed THE GIRL .if v3 iV AND THE GAME" Dan Roe, the Mountaindale sawmill man, was in the other day, getting supplies for start ing up the mill. Mnnpv to lnnn on farm secur ity.. 1 represent three large fire insurance companies. Give me a call. K. 1. Kuratu. Orvlllo Prir-kett. of Ranks. was in Tuesday, with his new Studebaker. Bulk garden seeds and onion sets at Greers. Administratrix Notice u,.n i kraVi ,ylv,n that I. th undar- Igned, have Imwii, by the County Court of the Hum of Oregon for WaahihgUjii intuit rtiil a ritual fit a.1 adtnlniatratrix of the'eaute .if OeorKe H Campbell. dooeaiMxl , and bave amy quaiinea ai iucn. A II n,r..tta hk.-lnv ftlaima atfAlntt Bait) .,.1, h.ialn nnirha.1 to tiraaeDt the him to ma", wlib the pro voucuers. at the law onto of W. N. Barrett, In H ills boro, Oregon, wuiiin biz monrna iruui lb date or tlili nonca. lUIH V.hniir !4 1UIH. A ail a PamnhAll. Ailuitnltrtrlx of the estate 01 Oeorite H. Campbell, deceased. W. N. Barrett, Attorney for aid Atliiiinmtrsirlx. FOR THK Best Fire Insurance AND PROMPT SETTLE MENT OF LOSSES SEE JOHN VANDEiVWAL Aeent London & Lanca shire Fire Insurance Co. Pacific SUtea Phone 114 BILLSBUKO Notice to Creditors WHY NOT SAVE MONEY on your Auto Repairing by gettiug it done where we do not pay high rent and have no large overhead txpen.se. My Equipment is good as the best and my prices are reasonable. Oxy Atctylcuc welding and general machine work. Get my estimate on your work. L. G. W1EDEW1TSCH Cornelius, Oregon. Phone, City 105 - .aaaw - - a - - aBK 3 BaaBBaaaaaaIaBtMaaSaaaBBaBaaaapBaBafeaBaB ma $1,000 REWARD The Manufacturer of the famous Aetna Brand of Limend Sulphur Solution will pay the above reward to any one that has found or will find at any time any saltjor other impurities of any nature in the Aetna Brand ofSpray in the original packages. Now, there are absolutely no strings on this offer. The Aetna Brand is manufactured from thehighest grade of sulphur and lime. It is the spray made honestly aud is the best on the market, and will remain tiie best. B. LEIS, Beaverton. Ore. n Nnfi.. ! ht.ni oli-an that Ilia under fitrneal hw. been, by the County Court of i. m ui.i. nf iir.i7ii, fur ashlni'Otl Cmiiitv, duly apMtm"l s Kxncutrixof tho lust will ami uiaiiiiit 01 i eur.aru -lll'lh, l)!ieil, and llSJI Uly qiiallll. a..ol. Ll.MTM ,,r Hi! lH.r-41! Iisviiik clniiiiH a.'Sii.nl llie-la'e of tie il. I I.eiiiisnl.Sinllli.ile.'eKWi. wi I prrwen i it, m in me at my lexiilriM-e t Tuslaliu Omvoii, Willi prnier vonch-ra -lachril, i. in x moniliH Ir. in the date no-'l ilU at luu.Hliii UiW :..r.i u y aioh, IH (i Partklitin riiiiltll. Kxeculrix ol ilia laal ill "l lest n' .f I ..iiH.jl riiutiti tl.e.i.etl W. J Makelim. I4:il Norlhwe.len Hunk llnllilniK. 1'urlliiiul. Ore., Atloni i-ir Keciitrix. Mll ll'ki ! HKIII'I'llMS. IV TI1M rtll'ST llllHT OF THK SI'ATIC OK OlimiO I'Oll WASH- IMilON fOI'NTV. In llin Mallnrnf tile KkUIo of ItalW' K. .iiiiiiieriiian. uihwihoii . NOT1CK IS IIERKRY GIVEN (l.ul I hi. i..l. rMtiri.e.l hlHUI lltllV MP li..tiili'il hy (lie aiMive oiiuiini ' mi" Ailiitimsirsuir in till' tlHlvu mm ami bus duly qiislilleil a? suoh as by law H(criliei1 ,wlli rMl'.tr.Mll IM.rNflllN liavmi! cUiiu- iiiibI -mI ii e 'e lii-ri nolillttil n n.i.ilril l.i tilMMi.lll. lie Httllie MKCIIir u i I, i.r. m.r v iinrhiirH Mm ri-l'T. t'i lln - i i : . , ,i ,,i:.. .. ... ,lh.i..m . . III.. I m I ' 1 1 1 . 111 IN li lUrn in l lie Aiiie.l.-ail Nsllimal livni It. , u, In. in llilKh ri. Ire n. williii iiuhiiIh 'ri'iii lie illM In ref. . I1......1 nt M l, I Hi. Uinrini II '. nime man. Ail minis' ruler Ol ll.e ail e mn WM. G. HARE, Aiti.rnev lr Ailmliii'les'iir. Notice lo Creditors ki:..'i.,.. iu i...r..i.u i,.ii iIihL iIih iim!er i i... i....... i iiiiinLiui Kxerul r cl iIih Kaliiie of Nniilli Harrm Kiutmr), i i I,,, il. a I'liunlv I iiiirt nl II" ri...iu,.i' iiriHrmi Inr Wimlimirtoii I't.uutv ...l .l.ua .l..lu r.llllllul hm Midi All It.uli.u riMltiia anallmt Huiil Kslate r 'hereby nnnlieil to prs-ent lheHmeli ..... I. r.rn ,,r t.lia lllll III V II' a I l-..l.l.. ....... I'.i.it.tv IlllUtliir.l. OM'tMlU ., IIOIIIUKWHI - .......j - Willi prujier v.-iiDlierH ami iluly eevlilii rt, llliln li miinina irnni ni" nam i.-.". Hand anil limt publislie.1 .viiircii li HUH. William Keltl. Kteeutor I'lnll A Piatt .v A. It. Wa;-k, Attor- nnys. CI Donelson's Furniture Store Third Street We Sell on the Installment Plan COFFEE CLUB COOK BOOKS ThA Rpcnnd edition ot the Coffee Club Cook Book is on sale, at Kfl ppnta. The books are on sale at the following places: , Vaught's Grocery. Hillsboro Mercantile Co. Donelson's Furniture Store. Gragg& Powell Grocery. ' Rnnt (ropprv. Rest Room, Second St, near Morton Greenhouse Patterson Undertaking Company P. A l'.lleMiin. Mttr. KllNKRAI, IMRhCTlIRS AND KMIIALMK.' I'iee Chspcls IJidv .silHiil nr Hillslioro Kuiniliire S IHw Co. NiKlu aiulS""dy I'hon- "ihi l?7. l Pbone Alain 773 Farm Mortgage Loans Write rn ua nhnut terms. Stating amount wanted and character, value and location of farm, etc. Fear & Gray Portland, Ore. DR. W. H. PASLEY Dentist Omoesiuthe HeldelgRulldina:, upstairs Mulu Street, adjiiiuiiiK Poi Ollics BUIk. Koouib 8 aud 4. Phone City m Hillsboro Oregon NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S SALE In the Cirrult Court of the State of Oregon For Washington County. Clara Darling, Plaintiff, ve. Lulu Myrtle France and It. E. Franee, husband and wife, Mahlon A. Diehl and Minnie M. Diehl, hue hand and wife and Jacob Lesser, Defendants. By Virtue of an execution, Judg ment order, decree and order of sale :ssu?d out of the above entitled Court in tbn nhnve, entitled cause, to me directfd and dated the 6th day of March 1316, upon r. judKment rendcr eil and entered in said Court on the fUh iliiy of March, 191R, in favor of riara Darlinfr. plaintiff, and ntainst Lulu Myrtle trance ana k. r.. r ranee h r h-.ihanJ, Mahlon A. Diohl and Minn'. M. biohl,' bnsbanrt and wife, End J.toH lesser, defendants for the um of $340.00 -with interest at the nte of 7 per r?nt per annum from c 27th day of Novmber, 1913, and M further am ;f JS0.00 Attorney's fee, und the further sum of $28.27 taxes paid, and for thv further sum :if $2-1.70 costs and disbursem'ints, -.rut the costs of a;id upon this writ, r;r,in.'ln(l;nK me to make sale of the f.l lowing dearrbed real property, to-wit: All of Blcck 22 Ilii'a Acres, -ontaininj' 6.68 acrps, more or less, ;iTid beim? a subdivision of a portion of th? Hi!) Farm, Washington Coun ty, Stnti of Oretmn, according to the jii'v reenrded pint thereof. VOV THEREFORE, by virtue of sai l e:fec!t;.fm,jiiH;ment nrdcr.decree and order of sale and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on .".lonriay, tne linn oay 01 April, 1916, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the South Door of the Court House, at Hillsboro, Washington county, Oregon, sell at public auction, (sub iect to redemption) to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within namen iPTcnnaTits. or eiiner ui uicm the 27th of Novemebr. 1911. ' or since that date had in and to the above premises or any part thereof to satisfy said execution, Judgment order and decree, interest, costs and -accruing costs. Dated this 7th day or Marcn, iyiB. J. E. REEVES, Sheriff of Washington County, uro. , By J. C. APPLEGATE, Deputy. E. L. PERKINS, Attorney for Plaintiff. ARE YOU GOING Tfl Rllll n? SeeJ. S. Lorsung & Sons' General Contractors Brick and Cement work done. Hop houses and barns, $6.50 rer thousand for lumbtr. shin gling, 85 cents per thousand. ITmtra inT-b- arTirrl in Ct I V iiwiis. DVt eradino: and excavating, all I work guaranteed. , . 1353 Fir Street, Hillsboro P. O. Box 113. Phone Main SI For District Attorney I: : : -r t .-".--;.' ;- I '' 1 v ' ja ...-.-. .. mnm k . W' V .-; r u t 1 c ; , - V ' - e n ii.--l--if -V i -.- I V JJatff.-'i. I jtl-.j vrr . . : - W lr - 57, 1 t tw o . . 1 If re-nominated aud elected, I will honestly, vigorously and impartially perform my official duties, without fear or favor, endeavoring always to accord to every in dividual, irrespective of party, politics or prejudice, a square deal uuder the law, keeping always uppermost in my mind theinterests of the taxpayers. Economy talk is cheap. There are two ways iu which the conduct of the office of District Attorney can be economized; first, by a failure to take care of the work, and by a failure to prosecute cases, aud by such failure saving the expense thereof, second, by prosecuting criminal cases and by couvicUu2 the thereby giving the County an opportunity to collect the costs from the defendant, and in addition thereto collect all fines, and I am leaving it to the voters of this County to say whether or not, during my term of office the work has all been per formed, aud whether or not the criminal cases have been won. aia auv. E. B. Tongue