4 Beavertofi-fleedvllle Acreage the finest'stiburbau tract out of Portland; 30 minute ride oa the Big Red Steel Electric cars. Moun tain water piped through the tract. Schools, churches and stores convenient. $175 to 500 per acre on terms. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Portland, Oregon 103 Fourth St. Best aroains HAS OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT Olinger Bros., TheJtReedville Store WITH A SPLENDID LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERE YOU SAVE MONEY ALL THE TIME Reedville, Oregon 2nd Hand Gars We have the following slightly used cars for sale One 1915 Ford, 5 passenger including over 4 $100 extra equipment. Car as good as new. Price $425. See this car.. One 1915 Dodge Bros. 5 passenger car, runabout 4000 miles. Price $650. A good buy. One 1914 Case, 5 passenger car including self starter and electric lights. Price $45- This car is a bargain. We will sell the above cars on terms and give a written guarantee with each car. S. E. BIRD & CO. HILLSBORO Phone Main 812 ORE. Lewis I-Wml t t in town Monday, Roy Cook, of Cornelius, was In wh iuonaay( S. B. Lawrence, of Raleitfh, was in the city Saturday, on business at the court house. George llathom. of laurel, was over to Hillsboro, Friday, greeting friends. E, N.Thomas, of near Beaver ton, was in town Mnnrfnv injr, paying taxes. C E. UA ua3iransactlnK business in town mo uret oi me week. E. L. Krausa. nf Smith tin. was a city caller the first of me n et'K. J. T. Rook-a nf V;n4Su.4 . - " 1 imiiiiiius, was in Monday, and says the snow is all pone up in his section, but "mi. - plowing and seeding are very late. . Herb Mattpsnn nf v v vja- lOlU WH3 down Mrtnrlau hlo ft.. . . . - ilia UlQfc trip to the county seat in some uunms. ne says that he has been 'snowed in" tha ht of the Winter. A West Hills! cently finished olantinir acres of potatoes, a part of them win IT Dianted na onilu o o L.k s. ine continued rained have maoe mm much 'peeved" at miming operations. There is one fnrawr in h . . - . ...V. I county wno is of good cheer, even if the Snrincr.Hma la ed by moisture - it is the sage of widdleton, Chas. True, who says, mere is always a seed time and a harvest time in Ore gon. Onion seed far aaa- n Yellow Danvere, grown'this vear. Inauire of R P. iVr.hu. ii.n.. uurv, vregon. telephone Farm craooxi, 4Qtf Cj D. Farnham. of North of town, was in Saturday. He ex DcCtS to a train nut in 30 r - . " r - ... 'v v 1 vi beans this year, a repetition of ms last year a crop. 0. u. says ue wan 13 10 try eastern Oregon with a bier arrnao-o nf thin ' . WHO piu- duct, and if he can trade his place here for one in that sec tion ne will put in a genuine bean crop. IfMMOftl. ttf TUB fclltCUIT cob'tif 6p Titti STATE OF OREGON, FOR WASH INdTON COUNTY " Jllmt IV, a OcwjHralloii. . .. " nwx, Kfttlirvn 1. WiliHtl, K II IU, W J Liu, K (! H.1,1. ! A Tvl(.r t , . - ' Ji'ntiiMiH, Jiim IH JoluiMuti. TimUun Mill ti..i..i. . r ""V" nillKIl, UllrtU Uunrttuii of HJii J Wtlwjt, u lnlnl: M'orsuv lltmny t., ouriHimtimi. li lUllirlti, l,.iiiUiil, To llm iuv i.nM ilvlvmlajt, I) A Hlt(lttlll ind J In lh ntiiiif Ui Suw of Orwion, uu wvr il)oiiii Hint tilo.1 iu!tiiiitt you In UilioY nuiiM unit 011 or Iwlore tho ifttli uy of AUro'), KUH, Mitt Ut twins t wwkn fron, utUt of Ui r.ml pub IimUoii of Uiin umuioiiH, suit if you Ml to o pr ml itimn w. lor wttitl Uinraof U ilumil will apply 10 tlm tJuiin for llmrwlWl .tmumlnl in o .inpUlnl, UlUVlllOl SlHtCIIIOIlt Of Wllll'll IH U follow' ... .km. u rmi nu)riKH(ie, ejuwuliKi ny W J Wlt- v" '" n.u,vro i nuooi, t)i wlln, ilaiiMl bepiomlM Iftm, tn, , Wlmw M til n mo i. mill rmxmlwl la Hook C3 of tnwriKn nwonu or WaablitHtou Comiiv, Oixon.ntpau, winch mi.I OtllrtllftUH VTA .lit Itr aluilil U.. .......... .... 1.... TV . t-T(,,tmr mi. IM15, wil.l, tiMiHDiKl mill dvllvoraU ki the 1 iii,.rair in in oouiOHMiM IIKUl OI thla hiiil t hl.h ..I. I i IimI I 1 V. 11 it.ri((iw -r. . ..... . . ...... oil, umuiimu fVil liruiwrlv li. W.. I... ........ 1. Oingon: lii-Norihwosuiimrt-r N W . ni oi tna nouiif WtHtl uuartMr IS W L.'..i .... Uip a. Somh of IUiiiih 1, eoulaioliiK lu , r , aiHisii r mm p,ir. Hot nl llm Nni-li....Mi .....,. ki 1.. . . ... . ' Houtl. il m,rler (8 W) ol 1J l i( r,V." li y ' " "",,ln ... ...w v iii.i.i.ii r.wu, containing mrM aar-, uiont or !; wlnrii -u uiuriiraK wao orliriiiallv iv i Vi.ii r... f.i..., , " r. - HiBMuiauifiiw,. i7 ou "''h ,'",n, ualano duo of '. Kiili-r with Imernii m tha rata of 7 jh r Cfiit per annum, from aiit atuiia rVliruurv Jl.i Dili ,n,i r... ,h. ... auu UiabunwinMiM of nt mi, and tlw ouau aud i pan mm of llm aald fontolo-ura, and for utb olhar and lurlttw raliaf aa to n ' 'm proper aud aquitabla l tlia pmiuiwtw Tb'a auuiiiiona Is -ro.l upon you by otdar ol tba Monorablo Ueorira K liaitlfy. ion! i i January aiih, failon llieraol, Inalx oonwcuUva wraka liewiimiiiK Willi kli in iuim iiiK. muw oai h to aud Ineludluif lluirml. ...1.4 , -.1... .Ji .... r ; . ... ,M'l'il.P?iW? Insured ull Milk Pal! 'twi ttve ntcw ntJIi .n.1 it..t tunning iiirr nnu eit,itT wmn lt.H bi)0tftJ MttJ kullpit llw. k..M.v Itwir iliiirm by ii'iumn; iIkix wub jConkey't Fly Knocker ' UwlivMUIhtmllktniUlw.nwUhriiK-e , ami ivmiiIoii iiui unuie a lull nulk pail 'J 'S t Saliifactorv Tiy a mn tmlay, Ol .'V. Awn I HI i llHTHOl: KMlil ftlue .llm..!,.,.. 1... 1 ......i. --. . - - ....vv....i, biu wutrti cation to I hi mail' lii tha ll.ll.i...... a newapaper publiabad aud of general v....u,.wu, iu Tasiiiiigum uount. ura mm. . ' rt J HiiwLn.l nH nfc V..I... ..... f..e im...., .r r.rj.-r i ; ti ouiiuiua;, rori First ttiililifHktltn Vuk in ,ti'0 r---" . . in. miii, Laat pubhoaUon March ti. IMItl, The pronunciation of Villa, the Mexican bandiL hna na mor.tr or. fries as a road up on the Wilson Ki ver. One man in the postoliice lobbv. savs. "What'o on Vil-la?" Another asks. "Have mey eoi vil av. vet?" w fh .. tent on me last sv ahP An other wants to know if they have killed Villv. whilo nun an other inquires about the renegade v eeia. ine nameis pronounced Vee-Va. With Jt slicrhf efai.t , - . r. " " MWWVUV on ine nrst syllable. The rains of lasr Prirlm n;,v,t ( " .'tvj infill. were me narnesr. nr th Knnn ocasun. ana ine war-urina mo f ea in the mountains uron nn - - 'J him tlUV siow. l nose who are interested in JOETtrintr UPro mn Pleased to spa tho T, yfkf mif rifinn but those in the valley who were interested in farming were very mucn cnasrnnnea, as there al ready tOO much mniafnro nn f k - - .. v. . j i . ,; grouna. OREGON ELECTRIC TRAINS NOTICE Heretofore v e have sold all our used cars in Port1and paying a Broker a commission for semng aame. Here after we will sell our cars ourselves so if you are interested in a good used car see us and save the Broker's commission. To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32 .. . 7:18 ' 8:28 9:58 12:43 ' 3:58... 5:43 8:10. a m a m a m a m p m p m P in pm NOTICE TO TAX PAYBfta Notice ia hrnhe iiur H,.t H d It -" V IIKI' ay. rebruarv n iuiS tha .nil. r.. the year 191$ will be opened for tbe ituictuun 01 taxea. ine brat half of all laiiea aliall be paid on or before April 5th followini? and tha vtn.l h.ll oi before Octotier 5th following. In terert ahall be charged and collected al the rate of 1 nr ni .,!. . fraction of a month nuill paid. "Io- icr.i.1 m Uia rate appiiet to tbe fir it na r if not Dild b An,il Kit, .-.i thu aecoud hail if not pal l by Oct. 5." All taxea reuinininif unpaid oa Oct. 5 shall become delinquent, and on No. 5th penalty of 5 per cent, will be chafed and collected thereon in addi tion Is Hie inure! r,.t.,,1..t t i Any day after tbe expiration of ait "" fie ixe cBargcd airnlnit real nroDertr are lUlinm.ni ,k. wi... 111 91. all hae the liuht .i,,i 1, .1..11 1.. bia duty upon demand to make out and 14,I4 r.rf'lu.t.a . r 1 1 - . . .,1 ucuniuency a)(inl uih crooeitv. Oriiii.'ai. nf .i.u inmcy ahall be.r Interert at the rate of S ,ki ceni. ua or aa aoon aa practic able after Oct. lh. hull proceed to collect all taxea levied aga mat personal property, and which sllill have been iinnmil i.,l .I...11 1. upon aulTicient goudi and chattela of deimnuent tax payen and Mil aame to sntmtv aaid tan nr ..irl i...ir .1...11 ' - ' 1 " " V .... I 111 BUKH charge said nermmal ft..,..., "liainst real property and said tax occome a iieu upon aaid real property, and ahall lie iwme manner as other real estate tax liens. Kheriffof Washington County .Oregon. Ilt I n a , . . . J " " "HFKBie, urputy. A.J. II A RTR A MPT Hillsboro . Oreiron Buy Dlrtd From Protfutcr USX mm mm This magnificent French Ostrich Plume is full 17 inches long and made of the highest grade hard flue Ontrieh. selected from the male bird, liaa B verv rlnaav fiter and is extra wide, with heavy drooping head. Black, white and colors. Send us $1.95 and we will send by parcel post, this beautiful Plume and if Villi do not think it is the most mar velous value you ever saw, if you can duplicate of your dealer for less than $5.00. von mnv n.in same and monev will hn nrnmni. ly refunded. Special 18inchostrichplume,$2.28 worth Sli IX) Special 20 inch ostrich plume, $5.00 worm $iu For comnleta linn nf flatrioh Goods send for free catalog. SOUTH AFRICAN IMPORTING CO. :84l Wabash Ave., Chicago. III. THE HILLSBORO COMMERCAL JANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS $28,000 : An old, safe arid conservative bank, located iu the Hillsboro Commercial block, S.W. corner Main aud Second streets. Hillsboro Commercial Bank. IS IT WORTH SAVING? Calef saves you 40 per cent on Men's Suits Calef saves you 25 per cent on Dress Goods Calef saves you 30 per cent on Underwear Calef saves you 33 per cent on Hosiery Calef saves you 30 per cent on Gents Ties Calef saves you 25 per cent on Ladies' Waists Calef saves you 25 per cent on Ladies' Skirts Calef saves you 25 per cent on Muslin Undet wear Calef saves you 40 per cent on Raincoats Calef saves you 25 per cent on Sweaters Calef saves you 25 per cent on Men's Shirts Calef saves you 25 per cent on Handkerchiefs Calef saves you 25 per cent on Stamped Goods And if CALEF tells you its so it is so 1208 Main Street Hillsboro. Ore. q.i:b a.. i.. ' "V war umy; p m r rom roniand-65 minutes. 9:20.... 11:25 . 2:12.. , 4:27... 6:25... 7:13. a m ..a m a m p m pm p m :26 (Sat. onlv.. ' " " lb-M am NOTICE TO DEMOCRATS 1 nave rour Wilson nominating JCLiuunaat. mv nmr ihw.h i j Bire signed by Democrats of the uiur ninsDoro precincts. There- lore. I aSK Oil raractaA i-er promp,y an(j ca, at thg of nee ano sicn fh noti't;r, tl. atate Committee Hops r.nf .o,-- " ' '-" iv UtOlIC Kenerai canvass n c rcnlafinrr tlir. . " ""(S iiicoc uKLiiuinR ntir nnr..H .1.- U l. . V'cicio mat, uicy ue signea vo untar v h those interested in Mr. w; renominauon. .Tnrin M U7oll Chairman County Committee NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the 0,nty Voart of (he State-of ure(?oii for Wsliln(rturi County w.iVif Malter,.of the HtaU,of Juliua , GIFT SHOP Sta mped Goods, Linens, Art Needle Worlf. Supplies, Chil dren's Dresses Made to Order, Also Stamping to Order. Boohs, Cards, Station ery, Periodicals. Subscriptions taken to all Mag Washington Hotel Building Hillsboro, Ore, IWILLGIMOQ f I FAIL to CURE ! CANCEft nW,MU t tmi Mom R POISONS 4tif Dun m mm U BONI muniiiRniigrriiB Nt HTUltiCUKD WWmil (UAMNTCE t ur ointr win, llm Anliil.ud plant mktmi!.. mm, Any TUHO, IUM or SOU on llm He, lm or pout iniif is CANCER; It mr.'r ilwltlitlllutsU( 120-rAGt BOOK sriit HUCK. lOW IratU niun4ol. hm a 1 rZkjrttX' S VL-sT J I Any LU'?io WOMAN'S BREAST If Is I lifl FB sndslwimnnlimniiWn am. f UHnuE.il lt KlAiuIa .ii(l KUlt OUICRlf On wimiiliiBi!ry7(llMo((!ntwr-U.H. nimrl Wn rvtiiM msnir who wnit dai lii h uual dis , 1 1 1 rl"" r ri omul 4340 A 436E VHmda St, SMFranclico, Csi nmubT mnii, rnis lulu CANCER NotlCS IN hftrnhv irlvan Ik., . u . . "f miii whjuu( a i) (i Si Wth d f Anrll llilH 1a...W' 1 , - - ' l.UI, D 1. 1 1 PI llf IMP i1 f fori rt'nlnJ, 1 . . HniHiioro. or;,m . :v"."-,'.,ru" for hearing n h Z. .T., ' s ' """" P,w! n.i f....r. ii :. . . .7 "' !iunt AinhfrHina W auiili...!, ..1.. .., . . , Pacific States Fire Insnrsnm Comnsny of Portlarnl Oregon. ! The only Mf Oregon Old LlneCompany. Losses Promptly Paid NOTICE OF SflERIFFS SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State ct Oregon for Washinitton Conniv. L. C. Westbrook, 1'laiiitill, TS Helll Mwysrs, Defmiilant. Hv virtiiH nf.n a.w.,.11.... 1...1 i - i . -n..'ii , jiiuKiiifiui.. oriltiri decree, anil or.ler of sale Iwrnl t or the above oiitlllcil court In the atxivn SllLtLlKil nikllHA U tnm ....I . . I,. 17. h 7:." ,' v"T. HM . T- .".lurn;, .iiui, iiihiii H juilgnient renilerwl ami entered In sxid court on tha 7th H i.'..i.. ...... . faror of I.. (). Wentlmmk, plHiiiilll a,l against Nulllo Myen, defnndant, for llm ... .., nyniBen nmiilroil l7lKi(dil IMII, w.tli inireat thereon at the ru, ol five (ft) .er mint per nnnum fr1)m the ,,, n,ir. iMlli ,, ,r Uie (Urlf)f,r n .i. : """ "iKrwiii ni Uin rale ofsl jtlj per emit Hr hiimiihi (mm, ih 7ui.ly of Kehrimry, ; nixl f,,r the fiirtn"riiin of Kll.tenn and ,0 -IW .,. lars. eriNls and ilii..,r...... ...... ...... . w.,'-iii., nnii iii'i iKMts of ami up m aaid writ eoiiin.aiiiiiiiK riii., iiniii.-r.jr l ligaml lining In a i, UlKOill t . Ilti'y, wlHt iiiok m , ,i : Und f.:ii, M i mi, , r w ml.ip o I I u Vi K r""r I1 1 " ' '' "' v I"" tu- U"rwl in Hi ll im r.. i nUri.. .i ......... , , i . , -,-.........,, n-.i ni,'i " '; in gii.iniig on mih h mi h b-.miila ol hhIh t). L (' No 117 " p iiii,lilnl. -Hr M,,,m m ., K h n, I W.t 'II m iiMai.i. in,,,, ih . athJ corner ni t.anlnlini in, I riiiniln thennn elialim u, u p...,t t.,H M Jt,, ,,, WhiClJ MAT M.irfKU.J.I.,.. ii. u . ... jnn ainliiK r ill TV ""imwiii nnu mnlo of Now Thernfnrn. i... ... ord1ir.&'::!-...i .i'li. k ii . f. "I"". " l 10 0,m ;,a,. I" ".."",'! .!" "f. i..,.s y. """"I IIIIIBIMiri), WflHll bi,i,,i hi,v . ; " ? nJi.V ii V. . i '.TV .'. '"'". the n . - .lliri'm W I I'D 1 1 iv I .In named ,eilat, Nellie Mer Va( , .'l'f.L0i..A."HI- .. tlm dU, i the r.J7i . : . ' ""T.""" ur '" 'hat ,,;,;7; ",0 f"v inrii,H.i rt,... 7 j iiKiiieni on er anil deeres) Inierenl, eoHia and adnriiinir Hot l6I)ated Una WLh day of ifat, JT1; J. E. REEVES, Sheriff of Washington County, Ornrron. By J. C. AITLEGATE, Deputy. John L. RoKsrth. AUrney for I'luintiir Kenton Building, Portland. Or..Kori. Hoffman's Sawmill is sawitiK from the best timber Jo Washitigmn county. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIKD FLOORING and RUSTIC always on hand. Intimates on HuildtuRs, KloorioR, Rustic, Ceil-inKs-all kinds of finished lumber for house material. We deliver. riioue: rac. States, Gleneoe Central, 37 PETER HOFFMAN, Bacon, Oregon 4 We WantEverybody to Know That wc will, bcijiniiAjg at once, give Cash KcKistcr receipts with every cash sale, showing amount oi sale, date and who made the sale. Wc will ask yon to keep these receipts as we are going to give back to our cash customers one day's cash sales each mouth. Wcwill select one day each month and will announce ia our win dow on the 51b day of each month the ' date -wc have selected, and then alt vou will have to do is look over your Cash KrgiMer receipts from us and see if you have any waring that date, if you have just bring them to us aud we will refund your money. There is uo trick it this proposition. VaughtGroceryCo. Stcond Slreet M.iu 122 HilUboro. Ortgon QjHt STEP l junnr yritn IT I., l " 18-i.LS IT TO TH COOP JU0C,g nnr vo A N0T ,Ntt i 1 AfMAlO Of I TUMRLIO TO I ATUMk.C I THt MCAL I "tO GET iDl w",.VfL,hl ,,eh "'.coo rowo-W.B ritT n. , , P... th. (ood vro" .lo Ud ,h,r tom,i ' "T l -hd Mil sT.J- I nta... . ww ma ricB lalujU a a.M - , M, wLimAri-HKUTON COMPANY. SO T-a ru. CORL & HARMS GARAGE See us about your Repairing NOW It Will Pay You 4 John Vanderwal Agent Hillsboro, Oregon ' m k.i.i. .r :. ' ,T ' '""-riii.ru Pure mnnlo I I U illlQ... (1 U . 1 .. . ... Phone, Main 262 istrairii rnoj lor Admin- a New York farmer, now on sale at Greer'a. Try a can. Hillsboro, Oregon 1