A MB icK leaf ima . I Tln'Se Advertisements in One iM..iiin.lUa,Mh...M,niM.i.iui.uu,iMmi( mmmmM Latest information about the New grant SIX from the GratttjMotor Company, Fitutlay, Ohio l lyrOI 1 A Beauty Car You "will be surprised at the beauty of the new Grant Six. Without question it is one of the handsomest eara of the year. Its body not only has beautiful lines but cor rect and graceful propor tions. It is of the modified boat-line type. Smooth, unbroken linos from front to rear; no moHinrr; doors are flush and extra wide, ''IT' shape. The finish id unusually fine. Body in BrewsUr preen; tenders, hood and chassis in black enamel. Seats are extra vide. A. six-foot man can stretch his Lcs with com fort in both front or rear seat. Cushions are soft and deep. Upholstery is lux urious. It is ditiicult to imagine greater comfort, more real luxury. Grant Six carries five passengers with solid comfort. And the 1216 Six has finer steerini; gear, larger brakes, frecl er gasoline capacity, handsomer radiator is refined and improved at every point. The Dulmag'e-Manley Auto Co. W. A. Conley, Manager, Washington County Branch Headquarters at Corl & Harms Garage 3rd St, Hillsboro FurnitureSacrificed ! Closing Out Sale Goes On- As announced at the beginning of this sale everything must go regardless of cost The thrifty people of Washington County have responded wonderfully to our big values and cut prices. They have been well rewarded. We still have nice selections of RUGS RATTING ROCKERS DRESSERS BUFFETS COUCHES PORTIERS RANGES DISHES . an ;m I ' '$ ! n-f .. me fas" i 'lie . : ive! f o u ; i i Ij be I wb ? mil I f!l; ort s me 18 ' lest t Don't delay! closing this sale, but the day is not fair off. Ormandy Bros. FURNITURE 2nd & Main Hilsboro, Ore. mm mmm mm mm m MODEL 75 F.O.D. Hillsboro $695 Arrange for a CORL h .Third Street I he Argus office is in receipt i map from the State Board forestry, the outlines showing J forest reserves and the tim ! tress. Anyone can get one 1 these for t5, by remitting to I A. Elliott, State Forester, aa, Oregon. : ir'- if it A Wonder" Motor The I'nit Power plant of the Grant Six excites admiration. We urge comparison of the motor with any six at any price. Grant Six motor is 8x 4 1, overhead valves, ex clusive Grant design Repbvcable tappets noiseless. Unit Tower plant. Overhead valve motors are hiijhtvt in cost but they deliver the most power with the greatest economy. Orant owners average 24 mils to :he gallon of gsolme-!MO miles to the gallon of oil. And Grant i-'ix throt tles down to 1 ' i miles an hour and hangs on. Speeds up to 60 miles within a few blocks and has the nun kest getaway, the swiftest action you ever saw in a motor. Ray fild Carburetor. Atwatcr Kent ignition. Allis-Chalmers Starting motsr and generator. Extra largo battery carried in steel basket under front of rifrht run ni.iS board splasher. Cut it i'n't the speri fkathns that nnihes the resior worth while; it's the msfnr that makes thD specifications worth while. DINING TABLES CHINA CLOSETS ' " EASY CHAIRS COUCH COVERS DAVENPORTS DINING CHAIRS HEATING STOVES GRANITEWARE GO-CARTS We haven't set the date for M MODEL 83, F.O.B. Hillsboro $795 demonstration HARMS Hillsboro, Oregon Marrhge license granted: Frank M. Cns3el and Maude M. Kockey. , . , 'was m town yesterday, and re- kt A d? Lincoln caffle m from membered the office in his list of North Plains, yesterday, and his official visits. Of course he had father, M C.. went out to see I to hunt up T, S. Weatherred be llow ranch life would agree with . fore leaving town and "swap" a him for a few days. 'few yarns. i t . We Suggest a Demonstration Before you buy any car at anj- price get a Mad demonstration of a Grant Six. That suggestion is baswl on tho idea that you 'mnestly want the MOST for your money. Not the most in weight nor the most in show iness but The MOST in VALUE the most in CA R worth. Grant Six offers you the largest, roomiest body of any car below a thousand dollars. It offers you the smoothest, most power ful motor. It offers you the most substantial chassis frame, axles, wheels, transmission, spring con struction. It gives you the hand somest body lines and a thoroughly proven con struction. It is the SIX of econ omy and therefore the SIX of greatest luxury. Its price is $795 com plete. last season dealers couldn't get enough of them. The still greater value makes it safe to predict an even stronger demand this season. Entered at the Post-office at 11 ii In bo Uregon, aa second-clss mail matter. Ii. A. LiOMU, Ktlltor. Oounty Official Paper dubscrtption : tl.AU per Annum. tanned Kverj Thnradai -BY- l,ONG Ms McKINNKT One wonders what Mr. Booth's attitude would have been on the land grant legislation had he been elected to the Senate. Sen ator Chamberlain has foutrht hard to turn some fund3 into the state school fund and into the various road funds of the land grant counties, and he is finding it hard sledding. It begins to iook as tnough he will pull out something substantial, but it is going to mean some hard work. Chamberlain's constructive work appears to be laying a foundation when he will be held in grateful remembrance by the people of the state. Perhaps Woodrow Wilson rec ognizes as well as any just who are trying to force the United States into war at all quarters. His is a trying position, but the attitude of the interests is so palpable that even he who runs may read. We shall take off our hat to Woodrow if he shall suc ceed in getting Villa, by hook or crook, and then makes his way back to American soil without the imbroglio hoped for by the ammunition peddlers headed by Morgan & Co- The reputation of E B Tongue as a capable district attorney is state wide, and his successes have all been earned by per severance, and tenancity of pur pose. He graces the position with an ability second to none in j the Oregon bar, and his nomina tion by the republicans will be a graceful tribute to his worth. Henry Boge, of Chehalem Mountain, was in the city yes terday. Robt Johnson, of near Cedar Mill, was in the city yesterday morning. ' Miss Velma Tipton viBited at I Scappoose over Sunday, the guest of her sister, Miss Ruby. Members and friends of the Dorcas Society will meet at the home of Mrs. F. Bockman, Alo- na, luesday, April 4. i Will Uarefy, of North Plains, SOUTHERN PAGIHO CO. PAIS HALF ITS TAX Sends Check Covering Ra'l Lines and all Kailroad Properly NOTHINO.PAID ON. LAND IIOI.DINUS Total Receipts of Sheriff, on Tax, Amount to $155,000 Today With live full days for tax col lecuon. until April o, tho siier itl's office is already in receipt of $155,000 payments on taxes for the current year. Of this amount perhaps 75 per cent, rep resents half-payments. The next few days will be more than busy for the collec tion force, and it is expected that a record run will be made at the counter in payments. The Southern Pacific yesterday sent in its half payment on the roadbeds and rights of way, de pots, etc., strictly railroad prop erties, for the West Side, the lamhill divisions, Beaverton Willsburc. and l. II & N. roads. and the paper called for $15,019.- I a. Nothing has been paid on their land holdings, and this ap pears to be a matter that will be determined largely by the legis lation of Congress. Under the state law the com pany will be obliged to pay on at least $2.50 per acre as the mini mum, and whether more or not no one appears to know, TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY The twentieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. L P. Jackson, of near this city, was celebrated at their home, Wed nesday, March 29, 1916. A five o'clock dinner was served, and the happy couple received the congratulations of friends and relatives. The presents were: Cut glass vase, by Mrs. -Miles Purdin and Mrs. O. G. Holmes, ot Portland; Haviland China nut set. by Dr. and Mrs. Smith; and a Haviland China dinner set, by the other guests. The rooms were decorated with violets and daffodils. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Holmes, of Portland; ur. ana Mrs. E. H. Smith Messrs. and Mesdames D. B Lmrick. Jacob Milne, Jas. Milt enberger, Henry Schmeltzer, Chas. Pollock, Mrs Henrietta Morgan. Miss Mattie Kuff, Fred iavlor. L. 1C Hammond. Hills boro; Mr. and Mrs A. B. Flint. beholls; Messrs. and Mesdames John Wirtz. S. G. Hughes. Wil- buf Hughes, Geo. Hancock and Jack Latta, Forest Grove. Mrs II Callehn, of Sherwood, was in town today. Mrs Bessie Gragg visited with tnends over at Yacolt, last week K. M. Banks was down from Hanks today, on a tax-paying trip. Mrs H B Luce, of Lincoln county, was the guest of her son, tiuw ijuce, mis weeK' Wm McQui an has returned from California much improved in neaith Among the county seat visitors today were Chas King, of Cedar Mill; John tuhrer. of Sherwood. Harlan Kelley. of above North Plains, and H H Hall, of Shadv crooK r. ' M. H. Stevenson deDarted for Ne York, Tuesday morning. t attend the bedside of his moth er, who was reported verv ill. Mrs. Stevens: n hid no more than reached Portland than the in tell'gence was received here that the patient was better, but Mr. oievenson was not reached in . . . time to prevent his departure. Services at BaDtist Church. Sunday, April 2nd. E. A. Smith. pastor. -Sunday School at 10 a. m., J. W, Brock, Superintendent, rracmng at 11 a. m., subject. 'The BUssing of Fellowship?" Tins is communion Sundav- and the hand of fellowship will be given to all " new members. Young Peoples Meeting at 6.30. reaching at 7:30. hub ect. "The Chuich of the Apostles." NOTICE TO CREDITORS. :ri THK COUNTY COURT OF. THE STATK OF OKEGON . FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY, the Matter of the Ktte of Atenatli Ciry B own, Llcceated. Nonce i hereby eiven that the nnder. allied have been duly appointed by the iove entitled Court administratrix nd administrator reruectivelv of said estate with th will of mid decedent an nexed, and have du!v Qualified aa such a bv law prescriled. Now Therefore, all persona having claims against snid estate are hereby notifi.d and requited to present the same together with the pror vouchers there, for. to the nndersiKned at the law office of William G. Hare, in the American National Bank BuiMing, Hillsboro, O egon, within six months from the d it hereof. I)ted March ,v, iqi6. Jennie l,eeion Brown and Peicy Brown, Administratrix and Administra tor tespectively of said estate with the will of said decedent annexed. M B Bumpaud Wm. O. Hare- Attorneys, "Inspiration," the fllm at tha Liberty, tonight, is one of the educational plays of the yeur. Anyone who is so vlle-mindod as to think evil of the screen is too far gone to appreciate the beau tiful in urt or nature Tho model starring ii the picture is one of the world-famed, ar.d to many the way that art grjups arc made will be a revelation Jos and George Sniffings, of Greenville, were city callers es terday MARRYING A HUMORIST Br M QUAD CVpyrliitit, 1010. by 1h McCtur Nwiar Mymtktit. UokiU Ituiika' mother dodiuvd tlint hor diniehti'r was boru anillliiK mid that xtie latiithed heitrtlly tlx wk fcfoiu tho ordlunrjr iliUil, mole or ft nil If, even cracks a iikiU. Aa alio ,-rew up she tn-cauie nur smlllnu ftlll. In the auuie TUtaire lived lienry Wliito, a young umn of aoloum thought i ml Holciiiu face. Nobody had evor tlN i-ovntl Hint ha hud at lungti. Ouca L it Kit'Ht white a (t?tln auillo enwwd til- fiice. Ho wia crjntir by tradf. mul hi tot'k life wrloiisly as If It in fatinl (hat be nbould fall from sotfTold next dny and brvttk. Ids neck. h um attrm tiHl to Miss iWtudo by ber lunch. ad be reusoued It out: "It U time 1 should get wife. Ev i-rylKKly say 1 am too solemn and scrl ohm, mid I iruea. they are rbjht about It. It would uot do (or we to uinrry hoIouiu. acrloua girl. I ahikU therefore marry one who enn Uveu n tip and make me emtio aud tautth sat other folkn do. U'.hIo IWiuks would do It I ahall therefore marry her lt Rhe will have- me." He tried about a doien times to tell her of his Kreat doxies, ajid she hi'lKVl lilin with a merry lauk'b. The more ho laughed tho more couruiie she gar tilni and the firmer Ula nibul wnj made up never to marry any girl who was i:H-kliiH ui mirth. In due time the words were spoken mid a fuvoruble answer received. Then the iimrrliiiip dny was set, and In due time also that date arrived, in due line Henry White ktun-ked off his Job if nhliiulliiu a roof of a kitchen, aud went o a livery Htnbla for a horse and liuw. He was to rail at her uoumo at ii ce'liln Imur. ami tliey were to drive rive inllex out tlito the country to be married by a mliiUler who was a von In In lilin. He arrived at the bou.ie esci04-iliii her to be all ready and to sn:Ii' uiil iiiuub as she came out to Hike a seat bettldo lilin. To Henn a great HstoiilHhmeiit tho hrlttf to U' whi4 not nt home and wait Iiik for him. althoiiKh the hour had iM-i'ti iiiimeit the previous evciiluit. Mlsa lUHHle'a inodier wild there uiiwt lie nune lulstake about It, as her daughter luii I gone to a neluhlHtr'a a roll away ind would not lx back for several hours. Ik'iiry hud worked up a smllo n he drove up to the gate of tho Itnuks' retmlence. but It quickly faded iinl liet'iime a very, very solemn thing, lie ilrove itway In search of the bride, .-in. I hIic iiiiiie out to the gate with the Miiiie old merry luugh on her tip. "How fx thlH?" nuked Henry. "We were to be married nt this hour. Have i on hacked out?" "Oh. no. no, no," was the reply. "You tee. I thought It would be a good Joke to run away from you aud ruuke you hunt mo up." Thnt was her first Joko'as a bride, uml Henry soon discovered that a sol emu. serious girl would Imve miide hlin leiw trouble than a merry one. They hud not been housekeeping two weeks U'fore he came to supiier one evening to Bin thut the only evidence of a meal was a dish of sliced encumber and dome very cold tea. "Why, what does this mean?' he axked us he took his chair aud looked over the tnblo. "I wiin ted to piny you a Joke," was the reply, followed by a pcnl of laugh ter. "Hut I can't see the Joke," protested the hungry ciii'imuter, who knew there wns a plenty hi the bouse to eat "Oh, It's so fuuuy, it's so funny, Henry! I wlh you could see bow o- enui your face looks. I am afraid you are not going to be much of a Joker." Hie next "good Joke played on Henry was ti few duy later, He came home to Hi id twelve cats lu the sitting room, and they were engaged In a live ly row us he entered. I'or heaven's sake! What are all theHe cats doing?" be demanded. All the answer be got was a merry leiil of laughter, uud he grablied the broom and went In among the fighting felines uud drove them nut of the hoimc with ninny a poke and whack. There wns one more "Joke." One day tin peddler came along, and us some of Ii'ji wares were wanted In tho houso and IIohh bud no money with which to buy. she traded Henry's Hunduy suit and it rug or two In exchunge. "Ex- chiiiiKc" meant In this cuso that she hud to dispose of about fill worth of urtlilin for about $3 of tinware, and yet when the hiiHliaud cunie home she huh nil a flutter to loll him of the great luirunlii she hnd made and the Joke Hhe hud worked off on the peddler. She smiled mid laughed and chuckled, but Henry broke out Into words of Indigna tion mid even Indulged In throats. 8 ho laughed at his words and that night she crept ori)y out of bod and return ed to her father's house, and when Henry visited her next morning her father and mother and herself said: "Henry, you are too solemn. No one can drive a Joke Into your head with a slcilt'e hammer. It la better that you ftnd Itessle r.epnrnte and get a divorce and that you marry Abigail Jones, who la nn old maid of forty yeora and who la o solemn that she would not fetch smile If she saw any ono fall over a sleeping hog on tho sldowalk." And at last accounts poor Henry was keeping bachelor's hall by himself and looking ns solemn as a rock by the roailMldn, and Bessie was laughing to everybody oho nu t uoout her trying to make a born owl see the point In her Joke. They have not got together again yet and probably never will There was too much fun on one aide aud too much solemnity on the other. i i, i m"mm.fmr mWtt Vrn I'OU ( ilitriT jnu: 'iWu cut eumimiitn, with hitfMCt To tho l;.'iul!um Vo'mH of fur my iimiii'iiU mill nil olhulti. ,'nnlntr,tiii ('muity: I mil it vaiuli- My hUihIiiik uiiiI uliltity itr licfure ilitti for I ho Ui'jHililii'iut iiiiniiimtion you to Ihvvulluitlit, ItnJ I would kind fr Ciivuit Jiiiko of t!it Niiwtwiith ! iy tk v't-ry ludy mul irintluuiuii in Judicial I'isti'ii't, I'oiiuii'ihinir WhmIi- iiilitou mul Tillamook Counties, at the May I'.l, 111 Id, I'siumncs, l'uid Adv. (loo, Ii. ll-ikiley, I'ok shi:kut To tho Kciiiililiciin voters: I nm I'Hiiillilato for Klicriff of Welling ton County, mul If nominated mid el ected, pledge, nn economical nilmln latrntion of the office in nil depart ments, and will endeavor nt till times to cive the position uttontion lit the Interests of the tnximtycr. l'uid Adv. II. M. Mclnnis. J. O. AITI.MiATK Present IVputv Sheriff announces his candidacy l''OK COUNTY SIIKU ll''l'', before tho electors at the Uo pulilican riimarics to be held May I!, HMlt, If nominated and elected he pledges n strict olmervnnco of his duties mid nn economical admin istration, l'uid Adv. I'OK SIU'.UlrT I hereby announce my curuiidacy for sheriff on the Republican ticket for the primaries May 111. If 1 um nominated and elected I will, during my term of office, conduct mid of fice honestly, impartially, efficient ly uml economically, and for the best Interest of the tax payers. J. W. Coimell, Hillsboro. Ore.. March 2, I 10. (l'uid Adv.) I'OK SUMMIT To the Volo.-a of Wu-hitiKton Coiiuty: 1 am n candidate for the Kepublicnn noniiiiation for the of fice of Sheriff nt the primary elec tion to t held May 111, ItMti, If noni'iiated uml elected 1 will give the protection of the office to ull p-Tsons ami classes alike, t will conduct the office In an icouomicnl way ns near ns poxsible with fair nnd courteous treatment to the Tub lie. l'uid Adv. Ceo, (!. Hancock. I'OK CO I' M Y t'l.KKK To the Voter of the Republican Party for Washington County: 1 nm n rundiilate for the nomination for County Clerk, for the Primary Mec tion to be held May ll'th. Illlrt; have b,en chief deputy County Clerk for the puHt two tcrmx; wu born in Washington County; nm familiar with the work of the office, and if nomlmitcd nnd elected will during my term of office, attend to tho du ties thereof, exercising economy, nnd courtesy to the public. Paid Adv. Henry A. Kurutll, I'OK HMMtK-SKNTATIVi: The undersigned is a cumliiluto for the Republican nomination for Ke presentntive in tho Legislature for Wa.Hhington County, loth Oistrict, subject to tho division of tho He- pu Ij I an n voter nt the primary el ection to be held rrulay, May IDth, l'Jlt!, nnd respectfully solicits the support of tho party on a platform of the State's business in n business way; strict economy and fairness to all. Have been a resident of Wash ington County for six years, always interested in its development ami pros-rity. (Paid Adv.) A. E. Scott. I'OK ASSESSOR , herewith announce my candidacy the office of County A:icasor on Repubiicuii Ticket, subject to Primary election, May 11), 1910, I for tho the If and pIciIko myself to the fi...o winjf principles: Hie .Strictest Kconomy in tho con duct of this office, giving my whole time anil undivided itUeiition to the duties, thereof; the createst efficiency that ex perience, constant rnre and untiring effort run produce; fciiualiKation of taxation values, by a jii.it, fair nnd business like as sessment, thus insuring an Lipu tuble HiHlributinn of Taxes. In the accomplishment of which 1 Miull at all times seek tlu help ami urge the co-operation of the taxpayer, conn hpI with him and tfivo the most courteous consideration to all coin plaints end grievances, malung u personal invcsucation theicof, ii need be, thus inminnir n satisruct- orv nml scienliric iv!iesmenl. I have had twenty years exclusive uxiMTienco in i.uud mul r.uililinif values, nm exprrienceil In :tll the hr.inchca of Ihia office even to the field work, nnd believe I ii'il fully nwarn of tho nceilM of Ihn office nnd tho t'lxpnycr nnd will, if elected, oiiKcientioiii-ly look nft"r the iiamn. I ask your enrnefit rorisiileratiou and support. Pp Id Adv. W, V. iolpy. I'OK FHEIlll'F To the Voters of the Ite;iiililienn party of Washington County: In the comini? primary election, May 111, 1910, 1 will be a candidate for Sher iff, uml will endeavor to conduct a II i -a, 1 '-.. 1 NEW ARRIVALS New Line of Separate Skirts in Todaj? in Checks, Novelties and Plain Colors, $2.75 to $10.00 Nobby Suits-Latest Cuts-in Shep herd Checks and Solid Colors at $11.95 to $27.50 Another lot of Sport Coats in the Wanted Materials, prices $4.65 to $6.50 ii I GUAR'S WumAN'S SHOP Washington Hotel Mock. 3rd St. Hillsboro the county, who know me, to tpvnk of me to their friends. I nut a farmer, nnd foul it no discredit to milk a cow or plow a furrow. 1 km a native son, having been a taxpay er of tho county for 20 years. If I nm nominated nnd kvl I will devote aiy entire time uTW at tention to the duties of I ho office, conducting same with strict regard to economy. I will tmy all my trav eling expenses nnd livory hire, with in the county during my tmin, I ahull nnooint as mv auMlMtnnt cum. (M'tent persons, to whom luwe no political debts, who, are controlled by nolle, nnd Influenced only by n de sire to give the greatest degree of efficiency nt the smallest jmisjiIIiIo cost, with courtesy to all. J am for n atrlct enforcement of the law, but I am opposed to har nissing any individual lacking In fluence or means of defense possess ed by others nnd I will not desiro to arrest person without due muse, or for the sake of merely nmklilg a record, giving protection of tho of fice to ull classes nlik. On tho other hand, necessity arising, no fuvoritlsm need be expected. My slogan will be "Taxpayers' ('undulate. I will pay my way," 1 would respectfully nsk your support and consideration to the above, G It A NT MANN. Paid Adv. Cornelius, Ore. NOTICK TO CKKDITOKS IN THE COl'NTY COCUT 01' THE STATE OK OKMJO.N I t lit WASIIIMJTON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Mariaunil l.andtock, IWeuscd. Notice is hereby given that the umlersiKned hti Ln duly npmint ed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washligton County, (.dministrntor ile bonis nun of tho nt'nresald cnt"le. witn the wilt of said decedent nnuexed, and lioa duly qualified ns such n by law perse rib pil. Now then foif, all er,ions having claims against snld esiat-i nr here by notified nnd required to present the anme together with proper voucher therefor, to the undersign ed at the law office of William G, Hiiro in the Americnn National Hank lliiildiug, IlilUborn, Oregon, within nix mouths front the date hereof. Ihiled March at. ItMri. WILLIAM I'AUU Admliiistrutor do bonis mm of said entnte with the will of snid do red ml nnuexed WM. U. HAKE. Attorney for said Adminlntrntor. NOTICE OK I'INAL SETTLEMENT IN THE COl'NTY COfKT OK THE STATE OK OKEWl.N lt)K WASIILNOtHiN COUNTY In tho Matter of the Estate of Solomon Jack, Hcccased, NOTICE is hereby given thnt tho .....i....:....... i ... ..... . HMiieiniKiiiMi, iiiiiu uiNiramx or im.i estate has filed in the above entitled Court nud rause her final account ami report us such administratrix, and tho said Court ho fixed ami auiioint. ed Saturday, the 2ith day of April, l'JtO, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M of said day, and the Court Room of the ubove entitled Court In Hillsboro, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objection to said final ac count and for tho final settlement of said estate. Hated thia 30th day of March, 1SH0. Minnie V. Jack, Administratrix of estate nferesuid. v. William G. Hare, Attorney for Ad mimstratrix. RED PEPS PHILOSOPHY lh thiis that cottwtp those who wait are tlu? riling no ont else wnts" Fishing Season I Here Caljand looK over our first-cluss line of Sporting Goods, fish ing tacKlv, etc. Percy Long' J 4,...i1'