j MM no nc x n IS & I BWBonJWvie Acreage The finest suburban tract out of Portland; 30 minutes ride on the Big Red Steel Electric cars. Moun tain water piped through the tract. Schools, churches and stores convenient. $175 to $500 per acre ou terms. SHAW-FEAR CO MPANY M 102 Fourth St. Portland, Oregon Best Bargains HAS OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT Olinger Bros., ThejTReedville Store with a;splendid line of general . merchandise, when you buy here you save money all the time Reedville, Oregon Sunny 41 THERE and tack California OO ..and .--1 . - ,,tfOfltlt3 rand trip tickets on sale from pjcipal Northwest cities to Los Angeles, -. f&f-sadena, Orange Empire, Long Beach and VSanta Barbara. Stopovers allowed at all points nroute. Fipama California Exposition open all the year at San Diego, Exhibits from all princi pal countries of the world. See Southern California by electric cars of the Pacific Electric Railway. "Orange Empire," "Baloon Route," "Old Missions," "Triangle," and "Mt. Lowe" trolley trips. Aak our lwal agent for further Informal! m or write John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent. Portland. Ore. Southern Pacific IS IT WORTH SAYING? Calef saves you 40 per cent on Men's Suits Calef saves you 25 per cent on Dress Goods Calef saves you 30 per cent on Underwear Calef saves you 33 per cent on Hosiery Calef saves you 30 per cent on Gents Ties ... ' Calef saves you 25 per cent on Ladies' Waists f Calef saves you 25 per cent on Ladies' Skirts Calef saves you 25 per cent on Musliu Underwear Calef saves you 40 per cent on Raincoats ' alef saves you 25 per cent on Sweaters lef saves you 25 per cent on Men's Shirts Sf saves you 25 per cent on Handkerchiefs ""es you 25 per cent on Stamped Goods '. --' ' j ...... . m. ., ... r ., y eiis youjf& """ OFFICER M PLAYS 10 1JUH HOUSE Coffc Club Benefit Play Suc cessful Affair Saturday Night M MINNVILIE TALENT PLEASES ALL Old Favortlcs Come to HilUboro En tefUitted io Supper iad Ball IttMttilftlt IN TttE CIRCUIT COUttf OF ttlfc STATE Or OREGON, FOR WASH INQTON COUNTY. Horn Inatalliticuit Co . a, CorporaMnn, ruiuutt; WJ WlleoX. Kallirvn t. Wllooi, K H Smith, W J Losua, fc 0 italil. V A TU r na J Tavlor. Una H Johiium, Jolir !V Johimon, Tualatin Mill C-umiwuy, iHtriHirnltoii, K I la S UiJ, 0'rn Ouantian ur H!eii J Wllwi, u mlanl; IHVM1IV(( IttMitv t'o., coruorajtou, I It itilihenl. U A Hat livid and Jan 1M H .it tU'lil, IVtvmtaiiU. To Ui alxiva named iMrlidauta, D A Htlltld and Jau U lialtlold, ami aon of thtmit In nMimof (h 8tatof Orn, Yon ar hfrnliy r iiutmt to appear ami an wr Ui ooinplatut ttlad Kuit you tti thalHv cihuihI tuil on or bwlora (lit 4Hh day of March, It'll), aawt data being si s wwk Iron) ili iUi ol Urn Brat pub lication of lula (iiminuiia, ami II you lail to ho apHr and answer, tor waul Uierool t, plainlitt will apply to the Court tor llm rvlli't demamttd in tU e luplalnt, a autX'litvt autvniviit of vUWh ia aa ol)o; r or ill UrMlimur of thai oarlain rat aiai mo taii, exulMl by W J Wil ooi am) Kaibyrn L Wiloox, hit wtla, dalwl Sep(nitr liUi, Wil, to Waltao MoOaiuant, auJ rwionleit to. Book lU ol I ha tuortftaga roortl or Wahlngton Cminiv, Ortyon, at pair ti , wlnoU aaul mortgaca wna on or atwut 8pluibr Jil'. in aolit, as.Hiun, anil drliverol to the plaintit! utrtsiu, prior to tb ooimnai.oa ,ti.L ail this Btilt vhL.k ifl ii,rLtfau and who came home suddenly to u heui againai ma Miowiug tmrWi real propony III iiii!ioii voooijr. Orogon: lh florlliwest quarter NWCl of lim Norlbcaat (NKWlof Ilia Houtli- wt quarter D W ttl ol tHretlou SI, Town- noip I, enimu 01 naitfi i, wiiiiiioa iv rs. mora or loaa, alao alt ol that por tion ot Uia NorlUfKl quartKrtN K )4)ot tn niiltat tuarlr ItJ W S,) ot aatd Soolion 31, wliii'h Is lying- wuul and waal of the V 0 llrrrou r al, vontalutng Ihra acrm, moro or laa; a biob aid npirlyan w originally giyn for tuaauiuof flow), UU, anil ou whifb lucre I a balance Una of J-'l.ai, Ugelher with luiarant at the rata of 7 pront par annum, from and iiroa February ttat, lill,audfor the iuu ol 100 altoruaya faaa in aald an it, and aoata aud diaburaamanu of aald auil, and Uia coats aud expanse of thaaald fonratoanro, and tor auob other and further relief aa to tta oourt may aeeni proper and equitable hi the preniiaeti' This unimone li aerred upon you by publication ror tlx week, pursuant to an ordor of the Honorable Ueorge K Baglay, Judge of laid Court, dated January ttu, Drmonoeu ror puou- eoi!xmie waexa, WlU, and coiitlnu lug. om-e each week to aud inuluding March I'Hii, HUB, aa tbe laat publication tbnreof; uid crtier dlraoUng aaid publi cation to be made in the Hiileboro Argue a ovwupaper publiabed ana or general otrculauou, lu waablugtoD County, Ure jron. ti 1 Howland and Oak Nolan, AUornaye for i-;i,ilt, m McKay itulldtng, Port land, Oregbtfr First pubUoallon Fl. 10. Vg.a. Laat publioatiou Marcb ti, 191 McMinnvtlle talent held forth at the Crescent Theatre, Saturday evening, staging "Officer GC6," for the benefit .of the Coffee Club, and thlfaltendance, which was fairly large, was more than pleased with the rendition. Lyle V. Hendricks, as the Japanese valet, filled the traditions of valetdom to Frank Wortman, a the wealthy New York Capital ist, who was looking for thrill?, find that a thief was about to steal his valuable paintings and elope with the girl to whom th financier had taken a fancy, This led to many complications, but Wortman finally frustrated the theft and also the elopement, and also captured the girl. Wort man was very clever. M. D. Warren, as the thief, Alfred Wilson, was verj fine. Officer 666. by Geo. C. Sardam, excelled himself in pinches, and was a farprite. Walter B. Gaunt, as the friend of the capitalist, was "deuced good, don?t ypu know," in the role of an Englishman. Miss Cleo White, as the heroine. was the leading lady, and worr fff many plaudits for her excellent foinnHKwiiiW io. word, and Miss tlazei Allison, as Sadia Small, a cousin of the trirl. carried her lines well. Mrs. Leroy Lewis, m the excitable aunt of the society girl, was fine in attempting to find the gjrl on the evening of the staged elop ment. Harry G- Hartman, Pr. H. L. Toney, E. F. J?erkins, Jan, Bewley and Ronald Lewis, repre sented the other characters in a pleasing manner. Mr. Wortman and Mr. Warren have appeared several times in the Crescent, and the troupe came to HiHsboro as a courtesy, receiving only expense money. The Vita Club orchestra fur nished the music. The candy sale by the Girls' Club netted a neat little sum for the piano fund. The Coffee Club entertained the McMinnville visitors and the cast of "My Friend From India" insures Full Milk Pat! C,iw tin liwm milk anil nwiui milking mi!" and ,iKt wlirn B.( kolhticJ nj Uilttn br IW MkV IhtK aisiirm by ni'mymii llwn wM ConkeyV Fly Knocker tiannal ImtH ijlkailBlwvwihca aiiJ comluit llul ui.uic a lull milk uiL Keep Flies Away1 From Cattle and Hore Out nm.1 siit.h t liiwli S,iv liw, ,mn.iv ptW'K ; Trylt'lSDnva Money Back If Not brttufai'tory 'I iv a fun ul4, i. V, gjHI.(W,Jl,M.UO T3 A.J. HARTRAMPT Hillaboro Oregon Buy Direct From Producer VWAAJ wo dramas staged for the Dene fat of the Club, with a luncheon at the K. P. Club Room?, after the play, and the Vita Club as sisted io the entertaining,-- - ' OREGON ELECTRiC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32..- 7:18.. 8:28 9:58 12:43. 3:58 5:43 8:10 9i8 (Sat only) from Portland 55 minutes. a m a m a m IB) pm p m p til p m pm 1914. 7:54. 9.20 .! 11:25 2:12 4:27 6:25 7:13 ; 8:26 (Sat, 12:25 only). -a m -a m a m p m .pm pm pm pm -a ra For Sheriff To the Republican vnten: I am a can didate for sheriff of Washington County, and if nominated and elected, pledge an economical acministration of the office in all departments, and will endeavor at all times to give tbe position attention in the lnleietti cf tbe tuxoayere. iji Adv. D. M MclnnU. n-.,j MOCRATS I have 'ffiii 'r fn'natinir petitions at my v-, sire signed by Democr., four Hillsboro precinct3. I. fore, I ask all interested to n, ister promptly and call ' fiee and sign the petitic State Committee does n.; a general canvass- ir, zTc:A, these petitions, but prefers that tney he signed voluntarily by those interested in Mr. Wilson's renomination. " John M. Wall, " Chairman County Committee, 'oiice i hereby given that on Tuea day, Fcbmiry ( j, 6, the Uf roll for llie year 191s iu ne ppepcu or me cullectiuo ol tai. The 6 rat half of all taxea thai) b paid on or before April 5iU following, aud the fCOl)d hall on or before October 5th following. In tereat ahall be charged and collected at tbe rate of 1 per cent, per month or a fraction of a mouth uuill paid. "In, ten at at said rate appliea to the fir it half if not p-iM by April 6tb, and to tbe arcood half if not p( 1 by Oct. 5." Ail la gee remaining unpaid on Qct. 5, shall become delictjttenf, and fo SJov. th a neoalty of s per cent, will be cbareed ami collected thereon in aniili- months after Hie taxea charged againr rtal firoperty are delirnuent, the Sher 5 shall have tbe right, and It ahall be his duty upn demand to make out and issue certHicates of delinqueac againal snch property. Certiricaiea of delin quency ahall beir intereat at the rate of 15 per ?ent. On or aa aooa aa practic able after Oct. jlh, the tax collector proceed to iollecf $11 taxea levied a.i.nn pertoual property, and which j.i..:l lids been unpaid, and aball levy ay n suirjcirnt gOndf and chattels of dilitiqnsiit tm payerl and aell aame tc satisfy aaid ta, or aaid Sheriff thai clmrge sunt perKmal pioperty tax j;aiit real property and aaid tax shall become a lien upon aaid real property, and ahall be enforced In the same manner aj pihtr real estate tax lieui. J. E. Beevea, Sheriff of Washington County .Oregon. By J. C. Applegate, Deputy. mmm 17 This magnificent French Ostrich Plume is full 17 inches long and made of the highest grade hard flue Ositrich, selected from the mala bird. Has a very glossy fiber and' is extra wide, with heavy drooping head. Black. white and colors. Send us $1.95 and we will send by parcel post, thjs beautiful Plume and jf yot do not think it js the most niar velous valuetfou ever saw, if you can duplicated your dealer for less than $5.00, you may return same and money will be prompt ly refunded. Special ISinchostrich plume,$2.28 . worth 6.00 Special ajinchostrich plume, $5.QQ worth "W ' fof complete li? of Ostrich Qood send for free ca(aotj. SOUTH AFRICAN IMPORTING CO. 1841 Wabnsh Ave., Chicago, Jll, IWILLGH00O If I MIL to CURE CANCER TUMOR i hus Man R POISONS tii shuts sr tlUtkts It BONE nawitnaiiiofFiia K 4 Hay r odu-r wln.li.. in plant laetki-H li tiiiiii mo Any TUMOI, IUMP or r tioilir CANCEH: It mr.r fm-e I'IMf li 'llmlll.llllH.UUKO !ZO-rSl I0QK ft'llt KKEKTlO.'XM) trail, monlala. ViMomm Mnito(parm- FOR COUNTY CLERK To the Voters of the Bepubiican Party for Washington Couutv: f am ananriiiUt. for the nomination for County (Jlerk. for me rrimary memm to be held May 18th, llll ft; have been chief dmmfr Clerk for the past two term: was born in Washington Conntv; am fi.mil IMP wlf.h tha work of tlieofline, and if noiiiinted and elected will during my term of of ice, attend to the duties thereof. a, iin TOwuwiu nu vuurusey w? trie-pit.' ni-nry . ,urr."wd .' ' M3 FOR CIRCUIT Jt S-f4 To the Republican Voters 6 ihin(r ton Conntv: I am candid fefor the Rnnhlff0l1 tinttiinafinM f.v nifr f..J... . .w., v t. . rfuugc of the Nineteenth Judicial Dib iict. com. "i,t"f.i.Sn?' mnklnsfind Tillamook to 75 ier cent at floilV U'liiianes. j to ?j) P'T i-nt of fiwiimilfT -Tfy , GIFT SHOP Stamped Goods, Linens, Art Needle WorK Supplies, Chil dren's Dresses Made to Order, A'so Stamping to JZ"y"2i Boohs, ; Station- .JViiicals. .tions f.7in. lo'f Any LU'lPin WOMAN'S BREAST feftmprDimlnlwa We tfm fforcumU t ht)t pric If rurtc- pr. t Hr?. Of, CHAMLEY & CO. KSStlil "HmH SMiMia, biuimi cmctr iMUMa Mm! 4340 k 436E VakMcia tt, lsalraad, Cal KINDLY MAIL THIS ksawifHIANC-Cn Wbll ! 'i elaiiils ami slllS OUICHH n liKSfi'rs 7tliimi.'imt'r li.H. i, lu.rl re time rriany who ttuii Mm) lulls 4 wimI il la rr m jei uriinl NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE. I 'r t Washington Hotel Building Hillsboro, Ore. , In fkA r I f , A, ,k- t' . , . . l.nnnu r. . I. , .. uirjun iui ir oniiiii;uu vuuniy. I C. Westlirook, Plalntilt', vs Xellie Meyi'r", Iifridnt. By virtue qf an ninoiltimi , JuiIkhkhiI, Order, ili'cri. ami nnlnr of He IhSiimiI out of theanovfl erititlHf court lu thn hIhvh entitled Sile to iiih illrvoiHil mid ln'nl the I7tb tluy o -i-liiiinry, Win, umiii JudKinent rnnlr I am) nnu-rmt in said court on the 7lh ilav f Filrury, llilfl, In favor of I,. U. WeMlliniuk, iiUunill, Hl,( airaliist Nellie Myer. iIbIhihIhiiI, f nr ih sum of Snveutnnn lluiiilred ($I7UUUI) Dollars, with lutt-rt-Kt. llii.ro m tin; rat of flve(ft) por ne:if. per hiimiiiii from Urn 1st day ol April. Mill mii. f.,r thd riirllmr sum of One Hilnlrwl ninl Kilty iWU(l Dollars, with Inter"!, tlirro n at tlx) rale g( six IIJ ir cent per hii'hiui fr-.m in 7tn day u( Kehnmiv. fl'H ninl fi.r llir furtliorsuin of r:iKlit-nn an I Mi UK) i i lars, coats and dliiiirniiiii', and tlit. rxmuof and np in nid writ roinniaiiditif me to make mil, i i.r the foil iwlnir tin ncrilK-d pr'pr.y l- iiuand lining In Wuh1! inKMm i;i iiihj- i-,iani ,ii urOijii i lo ( : 1'art of ill" U'i:li .hi ' hih nter il.mnil .and Claim M ill, I I' ir mhiir 'die f uth, Kan Koui, j 1 1 WrsLnf V llliuiimu weredltn ai d tiler" unii ularlv draorilH-d as Mlow, tf.-wj : Ki-jfiMiiiiK oii tin, H.mi'Ii ooiinnH y ol aarni. I, (: N i 3) tit point whlnh bears Soiuli 8.) ilitf u ml We.it ai'il oliitu.-i Inmi iln Hnullnwi corner or aaiil olaitti hm I runni'v llienci North 'in dc It imti, Wesi at di.ii.i tlieure utli 2 il i min W ent 21 7, cuuiiim ui a poi'ii-nn t., M mil) b hi id, ir which beaM.ftl.jrth Mil if. ir iimin knut ;:d.;ii cnaius irom inn h iiiIiiwhhI. irmir ol b.I ciannj llihiicu Norili H iloif H niln, Kntt li. mini. is ui inn rjiHiw of l,iiiiin no. contalnliiK t.41 jtftrn or Io, all in the Count? u! Wuliinvtoii mnl Hiui ,.i Oron, Kow fhRrnfuri). hv Irf.i a of ml,! ... edition, jiiil)(iiieiit ordi-r, (lonrno and order 'it aln ami In nuiupliur.oe with the eonimandn of' Mild writ, will, on Moo day, the tfnl (lav ol Ai.nl lout i in iu viuvsaai.nl inn a .iitli door or thn i County C .uitffoimn, at IlillHhoro, Wimh iliiKton Comiiy, Ort-Bin. HI at puhllc auction hiii,j.(.i t Mill-minimi-, ut Hie highest hldiler for i-itnli h, hand, all the right, title and linen si h tiled the within ; iioiiihu uflii-uoatit, rvenm M vert, had ou me nrHtiliiy of April. IH, the date of the mortirage liorem lorc uhaiI or uinna (hi. , umi n mi in ami to ;iki ntmyo .It.HnrHHMi l-n-iwriy or n-iy ,nri, tliernof, to satisfy m'nu ui, j io it innii i oriior Pacific States ,' . ' nSfly-i' Fire Insurance .Company of Portland, Oregon. The only big Oregon Old Line Company. Losses ProuipUy Tald John Vanderwal " l Agent Hillslioro, Oregon deree. interest, i-ohinhoiI aoiiriiinir Dated IhlsyfiUi day of Jnhruary, Will, , " and cos ta A U, ' J. E. REEVES, , Sheriff of Washington By J. County, Oregon. C. A1TLEGATE, Deputy. John I. ftozftrtli. Allornxv r,.i. l-l,.l,,i,ir Kenton Hlliiillliir. Portlaml. Oi-nin.n. ' Pure maple syrup, direct from 8 New York farmer, now on sale at Greer's. Try a can. THE H1LLSDOR -X ' - I 11 COMERCAL m i . in ii i ii iin n - iiiiaisMwMas"Mi'i'isgwssfwiiiawawaa 1 - . "!v1 CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS $28,0OO An old, safe and conservative lank, located in the Hillsboro Commercial block, S. W. corner Main and Second streets. Hillsboro Commercial Bank. Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing from the best timber a ynshingtqu coiinty. Tli fiost Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIKD I-LOORING and RUSTIC always on baud. Kstiaiates on Huildhigs, Flooring, Rustic, Ceil ingsall kinds of finished lumber for house material. We deliver, riioue: I'ac. Spates, Qkncoe Cettral, 37 PETCR HODMAN, Bacona, Oregon 4 e WantEverybody to Know That wc will, beginning at once, give Cash Register receipts with evcy cash flle, showing anioimt of sale, oate and who made the sale. We will asit you to keep these receipts as vc are going to give back to our cash customers one day's cash sales each month. Wcwill select one day each month aud will announce in our win dow on the 5U1 diy of each month the ( date we have selected,;' tlen all you will have to do w' Iok flyer yttuf pa,l Regi.vtcr receipts from us aud sec if ypu have any icaritig that date, if you have jst bring them to us aud. we will refund, your money, 'fherg is no trjck ct h proposition, Vht Grocery Co. Second Street Main 123 Hilliboro, Oregon tJHt apoHriMAw wfes The-two juoce a PQIHTClT) I YOU fiAV you NEED (YOU 007 CATC la ON A mueh-and you don't need to "rind on ' b'V ,0 tpit Ott a WHUb from .... j .1... ,. lala hf WETMAN-BKUTON COMPANY. SO V. JTV- .... GORL & HARUS GARAGE ' Suooo.b or, to Wllke Auto & Qarmgo Go. Se us about your Impairing NOW -, l Will Py You Phone, Main 262 - : :; Hillsboro, Oregon hu, shorts eto.-Pbtlndelphla (