The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 23, 1916, Image 4

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by fclintle CrfdalMona.
'oather mttuencos.dii Ma uidy be
ghly divided Into'tWoK-ltuwes-vIa,
to which are direct nndobvloiw and
to which are the more or les Indl
t and obscure. Tbe influences be
glng to the second class have been
Uig tbo past decade or o tbe ub
t of Immense rosea rcb.
tome persona are ronounced "me
Topaih.H abnormally subject to
athcr neuroses." FrledrieU Nieti
te was one par excellence. Such
caona, as a rule, are more aptx-IDcally
rclonopatha." Tbe passage of cy
mlc depressions nccomimnlcd by cer
In characteristic types of weather Is
Bected In tbelr sensation aud In the
xia of opera tlou of their bodily and
total functions.
The grosa change of barometric pros
re pertaining to a cyclone, or "low."
not In Itself an Important factor In
during these manifestations since It
Ver exceeds that expe'Inced Hie
cent (without the effort of climbing
t a goo aiied MIL Indeed, many
ows" do not expose us to greater
esstiro of changes In the course of
renty-fonr hours than we experience
, a couple of minutes In riding to the
p of an average office biiIUluig.-isi
more American.
Servian Superstition.
The daily life of the Servian Is full
superstition. He la snierstttlous
wilt tbe manner In which be rises in
morning, about what first meets
sight, bow be dresses aud washes
id whom he meets, or what food he
its and the time and manner of serv
g throughout the entire day. Atten
an Is also paid to wlietber the cocks
w In time, whether dogs bark much.
frogs croak or the wind blows,
gain, special notice is taJi,eo of tbe
nd of rain that falls, thunder, bow
ars shine. If tbe moon has a balo. If
shines through a cloud, etc. The
ivll eye" is alone accountable for
isease and death. Tbe Servian be
eves that for each malady that flesh
i heir te God has given a remedy. He
elleves that for each pain there Is a
rating herb, tie believes In witches
-beautiful young maidens who come
wth from tbe dew and are uourlsbed
l a mysterious mountain. They meet
1 the branches of trees and are most
angerous at supper time.
: "Asking Question.
iThe first character of right child
ood Is that it is modest A well bred
liild does not think It can teach Its
urents or that It knows everything,
t may think its father and mother
Inow everything, erhaps that all
rown people kuow everything; very
ertalnly it Is sure that It does uot
knd It Is always asking questions and
ranting to know more- Well, that Is
he first character of a good aud wise
nau at his work. To know that he
:nows very little; to perceive that there
ire many above him wiser than he.
tnd to be always asking questions,
ranting to learn, uot to teach- No one
Wcr teaches well who wants to teach
r governs well who wants to govern,
it. Is an old saying i Plato's, but 1
know not if his first), and as wise us
jld. From "A Crown of Wild Olives,"
jy John Ruskln. .
Prcoclou Mozart, ??
At three year of ace lierart w- Si
jniuse himself for hours Jgtr
Eking out thirds on lj rW '-" kt
wofiderfo! eat i i Xf he
rned mtwes n'
iome ctj.. , 'J f?
Sati 'jMraa he tad ,W t(,rm
fVvnf the moat -rtar t-.-piai in
Europe Vienna, pe Hasue. Paris
and London. .4mlatln as a com-
ipuvsr aBd 4 itlme he
swas" malfrif .Jfff
'jfilM iW )rM. ittf fiaM ' of bis
..lliii ....... .1 'rllx -iirh. fit Ijil'IV.
Sv twSNStt aeyay.'' .n(agi! :w a re
qu'ec - Mali Jmi esatlhittty learned was
to be Tor t! mat-ft
India's Telegraph Plant
I There are many strange species in
the vegetable world, aud among some
I of tbe queerest may be mentioned
iwhat is called the telegraph plant
This plant bails from India, and each
of Its large leaves Is composed of three
portions. During the day the largest
jone stretches out toward the stin. so
as to catch the full warmth and bright -
jness, but when nlgbt comes on the big
leaf turns down, while each of the
'small petals works dnr mid n'-'ii
Shasta nd Gdgen
Do you know that tickets to Eastern destinations
via California cost but a trifle more than on
Northern Routes?
Do you know that only one change of cars is
necessary if you po via California to Chicago,
Omaha, Denver, Kansas City or St. Louis'
Do you know that the 'transit limit ticket is
longer if you go via California? This allows
liberal stopovers.
Do you know that there are library observation,
standard and tourist sleeping cars on three & tily
trains viaCaliforniaonShastaandOdgen Roi t :s?
Do you know that information on all travel
routes can be obtained from local agent or by
writing (o
- John M. Rcott. General Passenger Agent.
Iortland, Ore.
uKrm?i? ft Here, independently.
TbCy destrilie, In somewhat jerky
movements, complete circles, thus de
riving their name.
A i
Hr On Failing,
Prank n-ns mi lintonr lover and. HtrT
most lovers, was of a rather Jealous
disposition. Ue was always worrying
Ellen with silly questions, most of
which she answered patiently.
The other day he reached the limit.
however, when he asked:
Why are yon so sure thnt you will
always love me Just as much as you
do now r
Ellen thought It time to alter her
treatment of his one fault.
"Because." she answereJ gently. "I
am never a hie to cure myseit or any
of my bud habits." London Answers-
Tommy, with a determined look on
his face, marched Into the parlor and
up to his pretty sister's anient suitor.
What's them J" he demanded, thrust
ing out grimy hand full of small
white objects.
"tieaiis." promptly replied tbe young
man. with an ingratiating smile.
"tie does know 'em, maw," bawled
Tommy triumphantly to the adjoining
room. "You Siild he didn't" Puck.
And Nona Alika.
"There are three kiuds of switch
"Count 'em off"
"There's the man at the railroad
crossing, the woman at the telephone
ollice and the woman who wears false
hair." Richmond Times Dispatch
Asiatic Turkey.
Asiatic Turkey had a civilization
thousands of years nga. The interior
of that country Is populated today by
Tinners to whom modern knives aud
forks ate unknown. The spoons they
use are f wood, and each family
makes its own
He Pne It mutter, what you wear
mnifiht She lioe It matter! I
should say it does Why. only my old
friends will be there. Jude.
Poetio Model.
Hostess - Mr. J lowers, what can I
help you to? Guest I'm going to le
like Mary and have a little lamb -Baltimore
Discontent is the want of self reli
ance. It Is liitirinity of will. Emer
son. Disagreeable
Annt 1 can tell at a fclance what
other iepe are tuiiikins of me. Niece
(absentnrintledlyi-How very disagree
able for you, auntie:
President of France Mem
ber of the Triple Entente.
' - f,
' itv . ' .
y . I , a
' ? -
' L.
An Unfortunate
Whcn the world war broke out th-.v
Were the usual quantum of Aineii.-i i
Hummer tourists In Kurope.
Frederick Jackson was one of tln-.v
Americans near' the scat of war, U
Ing at Tlmu, Switzerland. Ue mail, a
bolt to got through Franco to the sea.
so that he might embark for home, .lie
was unable to register his trunk any
farther than Borne and gwr arriving at
that city begau a hunt for It. Ap
proaching a pile of baggage, lie saw
his trunk at any rate, it bad his in
itials on It and was aliout to claim It
whet) a lady exlalmed;
'There It Is! F.ring it along quickly.
I shall be left"
She iKilnled to Jackson's trunk, a por
ter shouldered It aud was about to car
ry It away when Jackson Interfered.
"lleg pardon, madam. Are you sure
that Is your trunkr
'Certainly. IHm't you see ray Initials
ou It- F. B. J.1"
Those are my Initials, and 1 am
quite sure that Is my trunk."
"Go on, porter.'" said tbe lady, ami
off they went leaving Mr. Jackson
gaping after them, lie was about to
follow them to regain his trunk when
an olnYla! pointed to another trunk
with the same Initials on It and asked
if it were not his. Jackson was pus
tied. No matter how familiar one is
with his trunk he cannot be certain un
less there Is some familiar mark ou it
However, It was evident that there
were two trunks with the same Initials
ou tbetu. aud Jackson argued that this
one was either bis or bers. So he
claimed it and directed a porter to
shoulder It aud go for the train.
The episode occurred ou Aug. 2, 1914
A week later Jackson crossed the Eng
lish channel, the vessel having darken
ed lights to escape German wan-raft
and landed safely lu England. There
he waited two weeks for a passage to
New York.
When tbe ship was well out to sea
Jackson one morning left Ids stnte-
room somewhat peculiarly attired. He
bad on a milled collar, aud bis necktie
was a broad blue ribbon. In tbe cabin
he i?!ct a lady in a pair of masculine
spats njocb too Inrge for her a uinu's
choker and a blue speckled cravat or
namented with a mosaic plu resem
bling one Jackson had bought lu Home
The man and the woman stopped and
looked at each other with mnrked In
terest. Jackson raised his cap olltely.
"I believe, sir." said the lady, "that
you are the man who claimed a trunk
at Heme which I believed to be mine."
"I am."
"Well, the trunk turned out not to be
"I raptured a trunk with my Initials
on it ami held ou to it."
"Heavens lie praised; It mutt be
"That scarf yon are wearing mutches
one I own. and the pin is exactly like
one I brought from Italy."
"Quite likely. I hare been obliged to
use some of tbe articles I found In
your truuk. I fuuey that rutJJcd col
lar you wear Is mine, and the ribbon"
islie tried to repress a smile) "is tin
exact color of one I got In Lucerne. 1
assure yon I am very tired trying tc
make, out with a man's neckwear
Look af these enormous spats!"
"I assure yon I have found a wo
man's robe de null altogether too
cramped. Besides, the workmanship In
it scratches me."
"You are very bold!"
"I will apologize If you will assure
me that you have uot used my own
for a similar purpose."
The lady colored, but made no reply.
"1 will have n porter carry the trunk
to your stateroom and get mine. 1
will reserve such articles of clothing
as I have been obliged to use to bo
The lody looked uncomfortable.
"Will that suit you, niadanir be
"Hut what shall 1 do In tbe mean
time for for"
"Can't we get the pieces laundered
A stewardess was passing. The Indy
called her and put the laundry ques
tion. She was told that to get clothes
laundered aboard would be next to Im
possible and If possible would cost a
large sum. A few pieces only would
cost a guinea.
"lint her than pay that" said Jack
son, with a twinkle In his eye, "I will
sleep fn embroidery and lace all the
"But, I will not sleep I mean you
shall nor sleep In"- Sbe was stalled.
Then we mtist .chamfa -ini's. with
the articles ns they are," snfd Jackson.
"That's very mean of you."
"1 don't see how you can call me
mean. At Berne I was about to have
my trunk carried to the train when
you interposed aud had it carried off
as yours. Since then I have bad to
depend upon garments to which Ijve
been entirely unused." ' k
This ended the Interview. The lady
turned nnd beat a retreat. Jackson
paid an enormous sum to have the ar
ticles he had used laundered and sent
the trunk with everything In It to the
lady's stateroom. He did not receive
his own until the end of the Journey.
A year from that date when these
two were about to start on a wedding
tour the groom to be sent some of his
clothes to his fiancee to pack In her
trunk on the ground that h ndn't
room for them. She sent them back
I In a huff. .
He laughed. '
Wheat and Flour.
It takes about four and a half bush
els of wheat to make a barrel of flour, ,
but different wheats vary from thin es-1
tlmute. A hara wneat proouees more ju
flour to the bushel than a soft whentM
Generally rpenklng, n bnhni of wbeH,'r
will yield from 70 to 75 per cent or
flour of different grades, distributed
about as follows: Tatent flour, 55 to 00
per cent; bakers' flour, 8 to 10 per cent;
red dog. B per cent, making approxi
mately 70 to 75 per cent of flour and
leavbig 25 to .'50 per cent of feedstuff
that Is bran, shorts etc Philadelphia
URR Sotioels hsnby given thnt 1t virtus of
,n execution, tH-c M Hint Outer ot Bal
issued out ol mnl hi iter Hie m l o( Ih
t ir.-Mlt tonrt ol the tl ot Oregon lor
V. 'b"nti County, on Ftbruorv t?, K.
ii tuvor of John K. (Mvhu,
'in. f . a r,t Annie ;I hs.iin
Iiivtmw.t t'.ot i ui , k ror) ormion,
U, R. IVn'lvJ soil Klina IWeiva! Iu
who, II. It i lekti.wm d 1 1 V: ln Lin-
s Mi, lt:s i', ard l.mio Hit wit an,!
t row ii h'-r In st. !!.' , ilfirmtioim. mi tlio
mm il Hi. TiHi.Miiil. hi, hi Him i ml
-ml ft'ktmo li.ii'niK ii -TOi iih inMvst
hereon t ilm tttto i x rreri n
uut 'u-'t f h, ti.4 si-il tlio im- her
miih ol Tww ty I !nv im.l 4ti inn IKi- tin
If ;tS. IS) with ii H r, ttt thereon l the Mt I of
J pr i! .-lit, uef annum u c two in
lr JO, Ittl.S, anil lor ilin (iitlher una ol
Tw i lluiutrwl Hulls' It-Jill alb rni '
Irrs, hihI aVr the cts mi tttxlmriieiiit 1 1
i t KBi.l Ull UktHJ l rillT One Hint S-- UO
DoilarsifAl.-tM to loe directed ami I't .iv
oreit, mill cotiiiosniln'ij mo to iimka ; -!
I th real pro(urly heretnnlter oeserlneit
I Ituvo IivimI npiin, slid immtmi'.t to the
0 n iiisikIs ol sxut Kioctilion , lwive out
ufdi r el Mtl, 1 will, on Monday, the ', lli
lav ol Match. A 1 It tx al the hour ot tun
o'rloi k a in el -will -.lay, a, thenilli
oHtio t'oiiit llointe. In 1 1 1 HxlHiro,
i.tfton l ountv.ttreiton. sell at niiblto tuo-
t on to the highest biibler, lor raal: in an ol U.e tollowlnit ilesorlbeu led
ette, lying, lieiug and ailuate wit tin
asliiiiKtou ( uniy, tregi n, ami uurn
n uticiilarly tlesertbrd aa tollow. to v It .
2.1of tliH Wot ball or lh
ouarter and tha Moulhaast quarter of .lis
Southwest quarter, and the Northtast
iliiartvroi iiisNoiitnwml ouarter ul fH'-
nou 15, 'I'pX, North Kangu 4, Wectol W,
M., coiilalutiig Ituacrra, muroor Irtut, i x--.'pi
two ni-rw, dmcribed on paga M of
Book M) of Rtwrttt ot 1VI lor Wa'h
ington County, Oregon,
to aatinfv th hertv
inbefora mentlonthl aiima. aud (or 'h
Ousts and rxiwnsea of hmIx and of aold
8all ale will be mads auhjeot to re
i1eiiitiou as per the statuuta ot the Nlatt
of Oregou.
DaitHl a. HiilotMiro, t'regon, thia l.lli
itay ot Felmiary A l. IMIU
Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon.
T. H. Tongue Jr..
Attorney tor Plainllff.
Notice U hereby given that I, th umlr
signetl ailministrator of ilia Mtata o'
H aitwra Ann Uates, deceased, have tiled
m the county oourtof the State of Orevoa
lor Wanluntttou County my dual aocount
as ailiiilmsirator of said ealataaml that
aid court haa net Moudav. anril 17, lutti
at the hour 61 10 o'clock a in. of taidday
as the time, soil the county noun room In
Ulsboro. Oreion, as the ulac for liearl-iu
i.l jecliona to said- account aud lue liuaj
i-elileiiinit or aaul cwtato,
Dated March in, lulu.
Jobu Ualea,
Administrator of thetiauieof Barbara
Ann (iates, ileitaafMl.
W, N. llatreit, Attorney for Aduiiuii
In tha Circuit Court of the Stats ot
Oregon tor Washington County.
Winnie Walton, riaiutllf, 1
Ked Walton, Pffeudanl )
To Ned Watton.abova named defendant
In the name of the State of Oregjn
you are lu-robjf required to appear ami
tusvr the nomiilalut tiled aKaiest you in
iie atxive rntiUed tuil on or - before
Friday, Itie27lh day ol April, IHIrt. wliii h
aid dale Is nx weks and more Irmn and
.titer Thursdat. the pith day of March
itl'K, the date of tha hrxt piildication of
tins Hum mons, ami ir you to aiiuear
U.r ansaer, the plain tin for want thfreil
will apply to the court for the rein!
prayeti tor In ber complaint, lo-wti; Kor
.t omrtediaaidvuiK tliMwoda of tin trU.ou?
. eretolore and now eiiHiiiiK Oniween y u
.ml the tliilei.dart and awaidtng t hi
plniiiitll the care, custody and control ol
ihj minor child, Nedra Walton, and lor
-in-ti other relief aa periainalowiiilty.
1 ne dale ol the latt pu blmatlon of thia
HiitunoD la Thurs lav, the Jtun nay ol
-rkrrt,l'JI!!iil thia ia pub Khed
(ijordwr of the Hon. Oeo. h. Hauley
i mli; i f the ('ireiiil Court of the
Ti-i ii lor the Cotiiilv of Washinntii
i'. i L- ii : or'Krwai made aud dattuto
'. h ilav of Match. 1WHI.
;. Hichrrdsun. atty. tor Plainlllf,
ili i i ami ei ol Uomiiieree Uldg ,ri rila 1 1
notice to creditors.
In the Mnuero.'iut) Ksluteo! PeUir Mual,
Notice ia herenv iriven that tbe undi-
sieueu bas been duly nouointed bv tie
above entitled Court aa administrator i f
toe estate of Peter Mass, Deceased, a'-d
has oualiliwl aa sucb.
Now the nfore, all persons bavingclain t
aaauist aid elale'Bre hereby notified and
requireii to present tbe aauie togetiioi
with proper vouchers therefor, to tte
uuderaigned at the law oinne oi wiiiutui
(i. Hare, in the American National Hank
Building, Uillsttoro, Oregon, within an
month' Irom the date hereof.
Dated March lftth. llli
Glenn Htupleton, Admlniatrator of the
restate aforesaiil.
William O. Hare, Attorney foradinlit
To the voters of the Republican party of
Washington County: In the coming pri
mary election, May 19, 1916, I will be a
candidate tor Sueriit, and win enaeavor
to conduct a clean cut campaign, with
respect for my opponents and all others
My standing and ability are before you
to investigate, and I would kindly ash
eveiy lady and gentleman in tbecoun y,
who know me, to speak of me to their
friends. I am a fainier, and feel it no
discredit to milk a cow or plow a furrow,
I am a native son, having been a tax
taier of the county for a6 years.
Jf I am nominated and elected I will
devote my entire time and attention to
tbe duties f tbe office, condnctingjiauie
with strict regard to economy. I will
pay all 'my raveling expenses and livery
hire, within the county during my term,
f shall appoint as my assistants compe
tent persons, to whom Lowe no political
deb's, who are contiol"! Jav none, snd
influenced only by a to gie the
greatest degree ol etticierVi' at the small
est poaaible cost, with courtesy to all," ;
I am for s stiict enforcement "of the
law, but I am opposed to harrassiug
any individual lacking influence or
means of defense possessed by others
snd I will not desire to arrest person
without due cause, or for the sake of
merely making a record, giving protec
tion of the office to all classes alike. On
the other hand, necessity arising, no
favoritism need be expected.
My slogan will be "Taxpayers' Can
didate. I will pay my way." I would
respectlully ask your support and con
sideration to the ahriv.
Cornelius, Oregon,
- .V
e: Team of horses, 8
and 9 years, weight, 2900; wagon
and harness; single horse, about
10 years. 900. John Olson,
Orenco, Ore. 51-1
Men wanted. Apply at office
of Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco,
AS fiOflfl AS
. a chew or1 1
That Means the Supreme De
gree of Rich, Luscious
Tobacco Flavor
Nature varies the flavor she put into
the different grades of tobacco leaf
and the best of all is the flavor of
choice red Hurley that pleases you 50
mightily when you chew Spear Head.
The delicious fruity tlavor of a chew
of Spear Head is a revelation to tho
rn who has never chewed or who his
been chewing near-good tobacco.
For chewing is the one wiy to get
alt the wholesome, healthful, appetizing
lluvor of the tobacco leaf providing
you chew a high-grade plug like Spear
No other tobacco can compare with
Spear Head in the wholesome satisfies
tion it (jives.
You get more savory sweetness in a
chew of Spear Head than in a wholo
plug of ordinary tobacco.
And you get it in its purest form
for Spear Head is made amid the most
wholesome surroundings, in a ttreat,
new factory that's kept absolutely
lean and sanitary.
Try this rich, mellow, satisfying, pure
hew. Such a chew cannot be obtained
n any other tobacco than Spear Head.
' 1 KV cuts, wrapped in wax paper.
pof 100 lbs.
Dupont Slumping, $12.00
Repmuno Slumping 11-50
Alto H audio Oapm and fws
fortlane, Ore., Route 2. One
half mile N. P. Bethtny Store.
Hdttftrrnt. It1ora D"t
dry out? mn ha OaMK, to th
Mt drop; liquid atnd iMwt
tM quality; twttiiily nd
WtvaUi; rMtiiiMt or dirt Yuu
gt yvor BkHMyi wurts.
Black Silk 1
Stove Polish
to m only iwMt wmwimlflil. hot II trlvw hrtftf-
ant, miM y hntlj that rmtinut tMtall(MmU unif
othor Doluih. UIm-Ii Htm Kfuvw I't'iiati. dHii ivt
nib off i iMt lour tiMMHi m tnn tmlmary
puitait -ao U hvw yuu tm, murk wmJ numey.
ptin I Kftit wimh yw
Want ulinh, b ir to
Jm- t itutre ptiitah you r
lUarftailat. 11 ti
MMI- ymtr IkMaWr tU i
Black Silk Stm Polkh
WoHu, StUK tUiaoU.
11hi Rtact ail Air rrli
mo K "."'.I m Tata. r.f
llpm. kl'Mrv-nipM, an.l mito
lrw6ilo tin rtnw. f nwuBU
ruttna. Try It.
IIm, Blar llk MMl r A.
Ih fiHllvt.rwara,l,lral,ltn.
wr or brnM. 1 1 wtftka
quirfcly, aonily bimI Imvt a itirfMW. It haft no
quo! lor uaaou autumuuilva.
IM TUB tlllNTV tot Iff Of THIS
statu ok iiik;i), rmt w tHii.
In the Matter of the Katale of UcorKi
E. iuuiiBrinaii. lier.KHHni .
that Uie undrritaTid haa buon duly an
UoluUsd by the above nulitloil I Hurt u
Administrator 01 the ibmii named fil:n
and baa duly i'ittlultl ar aii'ih na hy luw
Now tlrforr..ill ierwiiahavi;in clnlim
auainat aald ealale am hrrehy initillcd unit
rriiired to prmtent th aaui UimiIiit
with prniwr voucliera tlwrrlor, In 1I10
underNlKiied at the lawnllliw of Wllilon
0 Hare in the Aini-rican Nnllonal Ha'ik
Building, in HUlMbiiro, ()rf( 11, within
aix muni ha 'rum the date hnruui.
Dated March Mill. 11)1(1.
George I). Ziminetiiian, Admlniatriitor
Of the aalil male,
Attorney lor Adinlnlatra'or.
In the Matter of the vatate of Merman
Danneet, l)nceanwl.
Notice ia hereSy alvmi that, tlm nnd- r
alined, ailiniiiiattator ol aald ealnlc haa
hied in the alMiveftiiitlrd Umirt and caimri
bla final account and nnnrt Hiir-ti
adiiiiiiiHtrator mill tha aald I'oii.t. Ii
tlxed and appiilnlcd Monday, Ilia HI. Ii U.iy
or jrli, nun at inn liniiroi 111 i.' a.
ni. of aald day, anil ilia County Court
Kooin ot vvaHniiiKM'ii iJoiinty. llrK n, 111
HillBlioro, Ori'ncui. n tho lime and m'v
tor liciirini; oi.jccti km to t-nui ni ai
aeoount and lor the dual ael Menimil ot
said tntale.
Menry Il.timcdl,
Adiriliuatrutur i.r nHhl K-liiln.
William U. Hare, AltuniHV lor Admin
Notice to Creditors
Notice Ih IhtcIiv viven lliiirTilia ninlir
ali;iid haa bcpii hi pomud Kxwtitur of
Die Aatate or Minim narrm I'.niiniry,
Deceaand, hy U.e County Court ol 1I10
Hlalenf llri'con for W ilnnfloo I'oiinly,
and haa duly qunllricd aa cncli All
peraona baviuit claiiiiN ai;aiiiHt aaiil Kilnte
are hornhy iiolilied to reaptit llicaaum to
inn in care of tho I'oiiuty Clnrk of
WnahiilKtou t'ounty; lHIIhom, ttri'iion,
with proiier v uiclwirn aiit,duly citiiiIwI,
within aix niontliH from Ilm date licrwil.
Dated and tirat puhllNliail March III,
William Ki'itl, Executor
Piatt ti Piatt A, A U WiilKHk, AtUir
neya. W. 0. Donclson
Calls atlendednight or day.
Chapel and Parlors.
Hllltboro, ' Oregon
1 J.i-f
0 1
"l nm itrenarod to do nil kinds
of Huildliig and Repair work
Cabinet work, etc., Saw-filing,
Screens and Screen doors. Shop
al Main and Front.
All kinds of furniture, plute
and prism glass doors and w.n
Jowa. Also Kawnuor bars.
Form Morttfutfe Loans
Wiite to us about tonus, stating
ttttiount wanted and character,
value nnd location of farm, etc.
Fear & Gray
rortlnnd, Ore.
Oincv In thti tl,rl Itulldltiit, tipalalrt
Main Ntieot, adJulnliiK IW Olltow Itldit.
It.HHiia a Mini . I'lioua t'Uy lU
la Hit' Clrrult t'mirt of tht Stnte ul
Ort-Ktm I or the ( otinty or Woali
IjiIu J. Witt. I'lnintiff, . Frtlrlrk
V. Witt. llefcn.luiiL
2i1ov iuiiiumI dcfmultiut:
OF OKEtiON, You tiro hi'ihy rcquir
il to itiMiciir unit uiiHwoi' the nun
nlaint filed IlL'llinKl Voll ill tho uhovr
a'tilitlcil rourt iitnl ciitiac, oil or before
the 2lat ilny of April, llUl, anil II
vou fnil ao to tiiiiH'itr mill nnawor. the
pluintiff will apply to tha Court for
tho relief prayeti tor :n nor com
pliiinl, which in na followx;
That the fcoiula of nmtrimony here
toforo nnd now oniatinir between
plaintiff and tlefemlnnt lw tliwwlveil;
that nlnintiff Im irmntej nn nbeolute
il voire, front the ilefemhint; that the
plaintiff be permitted to reaume her
inaiileii nauiy of Lulu J.Hirirtnll thnt
she hnve mieh other nnd further relief
to the Court nitty aeein nut nnd
itiit:il)l uixl that ahe tinvt jmt(t
inont for her ronts anil UisbtiriM'
llients. Thi Htiimiinn.i Ib aen'ej upon you
niibliention Mierejf, oneo each
week for six week In tho IlillNboro
Arirtirt, a weekly newspaper of tren
fral circuhition in Multnomah Coun
ty, Orepon, 11s Ii.miik the iMwannner
wont likely to notify you or the pen
lenry of thia unit, by order of the
Honorable Gen. It. Il!iirl"y. JuiIko of
t'-f nlmve entitled Court, which or
il.T wnn duly Riven, ni.'de and enter
ed nn thp Oth day of March, A. I
find. Tim dnto of the first publica
tion of this Hi'mmona as fined by until
order i the fth tlay of March. 1!H(I,
nnd the dato of the Inat ptiblicuti-.n
ia the L'Oth day of April. l'Mrt.
3. N. HART,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Suite 400-411; GerlinRer liulldini;,
Portland, Oreon.
In the Circuit Court of ihe State of
On-Kon for the County of Wash
iiiKtoii. The (irnrral (icrninn Aid Soclcly,
of Portland, Orricon, a Corpora
tion, Plaintiff, vs. T. II. Lambert
and Jennie M. I.amlicrt, hi wife,
C. IL (ioin and (Join, hi
wife. J. W. Chaffin and
( harfln. hi wife, and John lliehn
HMd lliehn, hi wife, Ue-
To the JiefeiKlants, T. H. Lambert
and Jennie M. Lambert, hi wifo, 0.
K. (Join and (ioin, his
wife, .1. W. Chaffin, und
Chnffin, his wire, and , John lliehn
(l, P.ieliij, bis' wife, and
ench of you:
OF OREGON, you are hereby com
manded nnd required to nppenr and
answer the complaint filed njrniiist
you in the nlmve ent'tled court and
suit on or before Monday, April 21th,
l!Hd, which ia mote than six weeks
after the dale of the first publics-
Daily Journal
nd The WeeKly Arus,
One Year, Both Papers
$5.25 Daily and Sun
Journal and Argus, One v
Year, $7.50. Do It Now
Weekly Arqus
llim of thli lummonn, vhlfh ui'lv11i1.
Ilcntlon thereof la of tliilo March 0
lUUlj nntl if you fail to move, doinuiX
ttiiawcr or in aoimi iiiaunur plead to '
miid complaint, for want thereof, tli
plainlllf will apply to ttto rourt tor
the relief deinnndi'd In miid com-
ulniiit. uutl will ttike a deeieo HKiljurt
you in iifconlamo It.ercwltli, towj
A judifinent nKtiiimt thi U'feiW
!ntn, I, II. l.ttiiilioil linn .ionics, ,ai.
Luiubort, hla wifo, (i. K. l!"Tn nnd
lioln, hla wire, j. w. tnui-
fi d cainffiu, hia wlfi'.
nnd John Illi'hn and Hiehn,
Ida wifo, 'it tho mini of, to
irolher with intereat tiiereon at tho
rate of 0 iter rent per ii'Hium irom
tha 2Slh tfay cf April. liV-, tnttit
pnitl, nml for the further ',wm of
fUill.OU iin and for Attorney' free,
ami a decree rorceloaintf a rennin
inortRiio executed on October 2Kth,
ItWIS, tvcortlPit ttctolier, itJ.
Hook (lit. on Pntr UU. of
MoiUkiiki for Wnblntrtnn County.
Oie(ton, coveriiitf that eertnlu roal
nroneitv Hituuto in WttHhinirtoii
t'ounty, 0reon, and mom pnrticu-
Ten (10) nnd Kleven ll, 01 huh a
Duo (I), North llilliihoro Airea, aa
tho name npnenra upon the duly r-
.trtlett pint thereoi, or worn nnti 011
file in tho offito of the Ui-wrtler of
Convoyniicon of ankl 1 otinty nnu
Slate, which an in moriiraita wa c
w uteil by the aaid T. H. Lamlwrt nnd
Jennie M. Lambrrt, bl wife, to e
cure tho payment of. a note of tho
aamo ilato for J1350.00, with Inti ient
t! ereon nt nix por cent per annum,
nnd for a decree tlcrlariiur aaid ti ite
and mortiraKi in default, nnd tho
money tine theron forthwith, nnd
adjudioatlnir the t-iphta and priori
tie of nil peraoiiH clnilniiitf Mf In
tmrat in lutld land, and declnrliijc
aaid mortKiiite to be a firat lien
tho-eon, nnd foreeloalnif Mine, nnd
orderinir ald property wild to litli
fv aaid jiidirment ami niortK'nif. d
tho npplitation of the proceiiU no
conllnif to law, and for judgment
iiRnlimt the aid T. H. Lambert nnd
Jennie M. Lambert, hi wife, for any
deficiency thnt the proceed may luk
of rqiialinK tho Judtrment p'"
coat nml expenaea and acrtulilK
cont and rxpene, and for a det rca
barring nnd fowloln you and each
of you, and nil peron tit privity
with you, or either of you, of Mil
rlifht, title, Intereet, equity, lien or
claim In o to aaid land, or nny por
tion thereof, and enjoining you and
enrh of you, nnd nil uch peraon
from elti'it up any rlitht, title, In
tereat, Hen, equity or claim thereto,
or any portion thereof, and permit"
tlmf any party to aaid ault to bid at
Mid nle, and for uch other and
further relief a to the court may
nppenr jnat nnd equitable, Inchnliitir
cota nnd dinluriement of enid miit.
Service of thl aummona in made)
utKin you bv publication thereof. In
pursuance of an order of Hon.
Georpe K. tlngley, one of the judi'e
of ald court, on March nth. llll,
ilirectlnif publication In the Hlllaboro
Artrun. a weekly newspaper printed,
published nnd of Reneral circulation
thmuKhout sntd county and,
once a week "Jfr six comtecntlv
weeks, the date of the first publica
tion belnf March Oth, litlfl, and the
date of Ihe Inst publication bflnR
April 20th, lOlfi.
Attorney for Plalnff.-
COfl Chnmtier of Commerce Illdtc,
Portlaiul, Oregon. '
A Rainy Day Need
Not Be Dull
Cheer lip I Get to Work
In a I'lMt IlRAMU
tV $3.00
water from run
ning In nt the front.
Stilisanitm t.Wmaamf I tallf
a rmwiprn t-aT"
l( W I ON
3 Li
iV A Strong, easy fitting,
3alb ",(", Snt' ,r'
y ReIn Ed net atop