j.; l My. V7K Me JnllLLSB! xiif HILLSBORO, OREGON, MARCH 23, 1910 VOL. XS 7nT m ARGILS. J a ' NO. 1 nmmirnii niniriA nnini if t 1' r ft f START THE STATE Flgur That Flva Trains o Will Pais Hra Dally Log RUSSIA TAKES B1Q LUMBER ORDER Oregon Pay Roll Promuet to b Large Tbli Stvioa Mills are starting all over the State and the pay roll for Oregon in 1916 promiaes to be the largest in history. Logging is now be ginning here on the Tillamook line and 5 train loads daily will pass through lill8bo. Develop jnents oyer" the te gUj HH: frjalty:' Astoria - 25. out of PQ industries on jower Columbia, In operation, employing 10,000 men. Uandon Geo. W. Dafoe, of Detroit, Mich., opening new saw mill Walker votes for a. f&QIX) high school. Portland capitalists want a municipal golf link. Municipal baseball park, football Held, skating rink, opera house, tennis courts, etc. would follow. Harrisburg-6 carloads of hops shipped direct to London, Oregon is reviving the flax in dustry "and extending the mint industry. ' St. Helens has monthly pay. roll of. JfGO.OOfl, Eugeni-contract let for school house to coat $3,4S2. SL Johns- 11. Walking erecU 30 by q foot oonyre.ta creamery buildipg. )ew 30.000 business, blwk started at Bend. - r- Alaak a-Pacific Fisheries Co. tQ ! make Portland home port for Alaska, fleet. n , I Willamette Valley Southern Hv. Co. increases its 8t ck to li.ooo.ooo. i Towns on Willamette-Pacific prepare for great celebration on opening pi roau iwmv uku day morning. L, I Whlteomb was one of the baililVa. and J. W Morgan was appointed juror bailitf. Creamery butter is soiling at 40 and 45 cents pcr roll, and eggs are legal tender at 8 cents. Hops are selling at 6 cents. Sam Moon, the Centerville road supervisor, Is blasting stumps this week. For Sale -Single Comb White Leghorn eggs and baby chicks. These are the finest to be had, Petuluma. Limited amount R. I. Hed eggs and chicks. Also have some fine young prune trees at 10 cents each. Fred Wright. Hillsboro, Hon to 6. Phone It. 151. 'A Chicago lawyer dropped dead n a puipii, me ouicr uay. uen- ton Jlowhn. the dean of Ijills bora'' attorneys, says that the only remarkable thing abo)t hjs is the fact tha,t soino of the par jshiopers were pot the victims, the faut that an attorney oc eupied a pulpit being so out of the ordinary. For sale: House and three lots in llillsboro. Or will trade for cleared acreage, bottom land or swale, near Orenco preferred, II. Jeibman, Hillsboro, Ore, The post master at Cherry Grove having resigned, the de partment will soon announce an examination for applicants for the position,. A bulletin - from Washington, Ij. C.. announces that the time and place of the examination will be given public ity in the not distant future. Money to loan In any amount at j and 8 per cent, on accepta ble farm properties. Malt ap plication UQW and have the mopey when you want it. lm terms if desired. J2. I. parkins, llillsboro, Qro. l & Herat, of north of Ilea verton, waa in town Monday, lie recently lost his dwelling by tire, and saved but very little furniture. His deeds were also destroyed and he came up to get the copies of the instruments from the records. He wil h.uild in the Rear future, For SaleDwarf Essex Rape Uusatan contracts for 60.000.000 .seed, finely cleaned, at market ft. of Oregon spruce reported let price. Also Barred Plymouth pn Coos Bay. Hock eggs. O. A. C. strain. 5 Spnngheld-Uonstruction on cents ne Betting or 16 Wm. $25,001) M,ethod,is$ Cjiuruh to'Schulmerich, Hillsboio, Ore. r,,mh, rv ' G. G. McCormick. of Garden liUKCMV , H"""" t XI J . ,J ! !.. L- rpqiirru-a operation .iiuiue, miv coiu i wicr resumes ouLrBUHii. , ,,,,,,' .l tL:a aa ,ii vr r.r, . i.ain, m ,u Mil MtHK VWIHIiVI-VM "EVIl Portland Journal, was out to, llillsboro, Monday, on business at the sheriff's office. Fine White, Browrf" Leghorn, and K. j. Heds pgga fop hatching from tli'st-elass laying strain. 70 cents per 15. C, F. Lard, Hilla boro, Ore, Dr. E. H. Smith has his Na tional auto out of the shop. It has been undergoing repairs, as it" 'wa wrecked last Fall, near C-enterville. Franklin Everett and Will Em rick aro laying tUng ou.t on the Hatchelder farm, near West Union, Illirifanbotham Is again with the Heavers, and has showed up ... . . i I 1! with the training camp in iaii fornia. C. W. Brown and family have moved into the city from the Im- brie place, near Orenco, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Carsteps, of Banks, were jn the pity Mon day. Chas. S. White, of GaRton, was in the county seat Monday, starts oDerationa March 20. Marshtield--$10.000 show house to be erected at once. Cold storage plant planned for lower Umqua. cost about $7,000. $1,250,000 building planned for Qregdn Citv during 1M. ' Oregon City Mfg. Co. adda 2(1 machines in garment dopart mei.t Hood River to have factory for preparation of candied fruits. TWENTY YEARS AQQ From The Argus) COUNTY iY GIVE SOLDIERSJWEET PLAGE New Law Provides That Quarters Shall b Provided In Ca-es THIRD FLOOR NCW COURT HOUSE Would Miki excellent Plact II Ar ra(ed Properly The session law of 1913 mikes it mperative for the county' court to provide a meeting place for the G. A. It.. Hoiief Corns, or the ganUh War Veterans inxi vided the occupancy (Jaw not in terfere with atfaira of the olllcea. Thn la but one such place-and that Is on the third floor of the new annex. This matter was brought to the court's attention through a, communication from tho hea,d of tho Spanish War Veterans. The law governing reads In counties where there is no armory belonging to or under control of State authority, the county courts of such counties. upon written application of the commander of the post of the Grand Army of the Republic, or commander of a camp of the United Spanish War Veterans, or prosuieM oi a woman a ice- litif Corps of Chapter of the La dies of the Grand Army of the Republic, shall allow such post, camp, relief corps or chaptct. twieorcost to occupy a, portion or the court house, op any other public building when such occu pancy shall not materially inter fere with the occupancy of such building for the original purpose or purposea for which it was in tended. bulk PUBLIC SALE I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder at my ranch on the Gales Creek road, 6 miles northwest of Forest Grove, on old Friend P. Barrett's place, on MONDAY. MAR.CH 27 CommencinuF at 10 a. m.; the following property to-wit: Holstein cow, 8 yrs, will be fresh Oct. 20; part Jersey and Durham cow. 8 yrs, will be fresh October 18; 2 high-grade Jersey cows, 6 yrs, will be fresh Oct. 15 and Mav 24; 2 high-grade Holstein cows, 4 yrs, to freshen Oct 21; high grade Jersey, 3 yrs, fresh Mav 29; high gride Jersey, The old reliable idace for garden seeds, (IreerB. Philip Schneider, of Hloominir. was in town rruiay. J. II. Kennedy, North Plains. was a county seat visitor Friday, Rene Delplanche. of Shetllin. was In the city tho last of the week, John Overroeder. of below Orenco, was in tm cout.ty seat Saturday. A. W. Walker and wife, of South Tualatin, were city callers Friday. Arnold vannomeion. or near Ranks, was a oily caller Friday afternoon, it. Wi Graf, of nenr Sowell Aeros, Is the hapnv father of a son, born March 17, 191(1 Kggs for hatching Rhode Is land Red. noted for Winter lay era; also Indian Runner ducks, a fow laying ducks, at Reynolds New store, eaHt ot S. P. station. on Main Street 1-3 John Ditchburp, a IVtland at torney, was in town Monday, counsel tor Landornan. in circuit court. Nursery stock, fine roses, as- pargus roots, outdoors grown cabbage plnnta. now ready-4 to 8 Inches. Morton's Greenhouse. J. J. Whitten, of Went Union, was in Saturday, on misiness. He will put in his emu this year, as he has been unable to secure the right kind of a rvntrr. Cow, soon fresh for sale. Also steer calf five months old. W, Newman, oo M. R. Seater Farm, Beaverlon, Route 4. Two miles south and ono mile west of Reedville. 13 At a meeting of Oregonians at Buhl, Idaho, the other day, for mer Washington countv people were represented bv M. D. L. Barstow and Boaate Purvea. Buhl la the home of Mrs. Rollo Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Schomburg, For sale: Thoroughbred White Wyandotte cockerel, 1Q months old. of finest strain. F. Bock- man, Aloha, post ofik address, Beaverlon, Route 4. lhis is ex tra fine fellow. 51-1 wuntHHrxb m hiimii : s WILL SKLL sewer, city water ana electric ights. Only one block from electric Car line; 3. bloks from business canUriHiKh Bchool.etc Vet further information, call up Main 144. or address P O Rox 333, Hillsboro, Ore, 13? Chas. Cave passed away Knnrlav. He was a son of and Mrs. R. Cave. Judge McGinn, of Portland, held court for Judge McBride this week. Mrs. Ignatz Winkle was grant ed a divorce in a twinkle this week. O. Johnson, a son of Sam John son, of Shady. Brook, last week, captured a five-leggred frog. The fifth leg was on his frog-ship's back, presumably so he can turn over easily in case the four land him a sommersault, Circuit Court convened Mon- yrs, fresh Nov. 28: high grade .V " h ' k" ' , " '1 tiraAtf :-l unorfl fnoh lint " . "... high grade Holstein, 3 yrs, fresh Oct 15;Tigh grade Jersey year ling, fresh Oct 7; 5 high grade Jersey and tiolstetns coming yearling; 4 2-yr-old steers; regis- I ft i. 1 II ' " a " . l lerea iioistein quu irom nign milking strain. All good teBtera. Black horse, 10 years, about 1300 bs; bay mare, 8 yrs, about 1Q00; colt, 2 yrs: eriy mare. 10 years, about VPOQ; colt. 7 mos; Mitchell wagon with bed, 6i inches; Us- burn hayraKet 4 ft Champion mowerj IQ-disc harrow; 3 section "S"iron dray harrow; 2 culti vators; Kenton disc plow, single disc; 12-in walking plow; buggy and buggy harness; heavy set of Bulk garden sets at Greers. seeds and onion Money to Loan On Improved Farms ii in The Shute Savings Bank At sheriff's sale price, the C. Khoadea block In Tucker & Stew- art Addit on. Will sell for the nmount ot my claim and costs of foreclosure -a little over one-half of its actual value, There is no better-located. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS $1 Phoebe poaa etal to D & An na Purser, lot R-hlk 9 Beav A P Insrram to F M Cone. 12 a Abram Landess d l c ...iwu A Frewing 1o Marion Proctor 23.78 a sec 9 1 2 s r l w ...uwu Amelia Campbell etal to Wash Pa 1 nr. n C. ('amnhell est 1GQ work harnessj Tolodo steel range Jn0 Wunderlich to U L Sftbin with 10 gal. copper hot water 50x130 ft in RankH.,,,,... 1 tank; center table, sewing ma- Rth Realtv to R 11 Peebler. IE T Say i Certain Nulaea Muit bt Made In Cily Yards, but Aiki Mln mum C0MPLAINTSI AS TO N0IS6 HEARD DIKvlali Say Tbit Reoucit Hai Bi.a Bulletined la Paglocen I he Southern Paclflo Company recently issued bulletins to train men, in terminal yards, asking them to proceed with their work at night witn aa little noise as possible. They wish the law ob served aa to warnings, but they say there is no use in pulling the whistle in a manner that will raise the dead. It is said that accompanying the request was the complaint of a citizen in an Kaatern town, Bent to railway company, and it is asserted that wtien Penn Frost, Harry Mc Lsuchlan. Chester Alexander and other engineers on the local road, received the document, they smiled grimly, and handed them over to their firemen for perusal. Hereafter we may ex pect the main line and Tillamook engineers to put rubber between their couplings, and to muffle their bells, aa well as put some gunne sacks in their whistles. The complaint sent out reads as follows: "Is it absolutely necessary, in discharge of his duty day and night, that the engineer of your yard should make his engine ding and dong and fin and spit and clang and bang and buzz and hiss and wail and pant and rant and yowl and grate and grind and puff and bump and click and clank and chug and moan and hoot and toot and crash and grunt and gasp and groan and whistle and wheeze and squawk and blow and jar and perk and rasp and jingle and twang and clack and rum ble and jangle and ring and clatter and yelp'and croak and howl and hum and snarl and puff and growl and thump and boom and clash and jolt and jostle and shake and screech and snort and snA and slam and shake and throb and croik and quiver and rumble and roar and rattle and yell and smoke and smell and shriek like hell?" If it weren t known that this is an Eastern complaint one might lay it on Hugh Rogers, who lives near the Hillsboro yard. S. P. & P, B, ft E. Ail, except the P. R. Si N trains are eleetric, and stop at the de pot on Main Street TO PORTLAND chine, steel couch, household gooda. and other articles too numerous. tQ mention. Lunch at noon, Terms of sale: $10 and under, cash: over $10 six months time will be given on approved notes, I. ! L L Doarwg a per cent, iniereav. B. ij, Barrett, Owner. J. W. Hughes, auctioneer. Geo. F. Naylor, clerk. PUBLIC SALE 10 a sec 3 tin r4 w :.240Q D J Uil'.e to Flora Schulto. 4 lots blk 4 Garden Tracts. . 37b M S Taunton to O I Kelsey, a lots in Hall's ad & Valley View, F Grove.. 300 M C Purdin to Leo u Aerts, fiOasec 32t 2n r3w. ...0000 Elizabeth Johnson to Minnie Uademaoher. 4 lots Uough- tv'a Bub-div Hbo 10 n Heim to Osoar Brugman. 40 a Noah Jobe die 10 Fred PaDDel to M Welter. 2 lots b k 16 Beav 1U Fred Hamel to Frank Llchty a c 80 a sec 34' K 1 n r 2 w Notice of Public Sale of House hold Furniture Mntina la Kopohu orlunn thai Thoa Duncalf t0 Schnider. tVio iinrlnraiirnprl will, nn Rnrnr. I 2 B OH Tualatin Uiver 100 Tina fieishirt to O A Jasper n. m.. sell at Dublic auction to son, 10 a near Reedville. ..2500 tho hitrhoat hii.iof ot fha roai. H H Porter to Mary Porter, Hnnronf the, lafA Pnll fl. Rut.. 4 98 i Wm Stokes cllo 10 W A Sham to Albertine Eilars noaoiino stmot Hiilahnrn dm . .89 a Beav-Roedvllle 445 oil tho VimiBAhniH offonta nnA Emil Hafren to Emma Seawell furniture belonging to the estate 5aBeav-Roedville.........l000 nt nniH Pnliw c. Rutlor. Apopanf A. Geo E Zimmerman et al to consisting of sideboard, dining room set. two bedroom sets, heat er and numerous other articles, Terms of sale: Cash in hand, on day of sale. James E. Butler, Lottie H. Butler. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. If you want home made candy, ovster cocktails, or sweet apple cider, get it at Koeber's Confec I.Rnii Uoundv. lot 2 block 2 Finnev's addition 400 M A Barnes to J H Shearer, 14 1-3x100 ft blk 1 Walk er's ad F Grove 100 A J Green to S M Tunstall. 2 lots blk 7 Orenco 500 N ('. Ktnwell to G W Moruan .39 a sec 21 1 1 n r 4 w 15 A C Sargent to W A Sargent lGOasec33 t2 n r5w...2000 R D Decker to V L Ruggles. 6:50 a. m 7:36 10:02 12:50 p. m 2:15 4:10 4:55 6:40 9:50 8:15 a. m. 9:45 11:59 3:15 p. m 4:30 6:40 7:15 9:00 12:15 TO C0MNI&NT W3 OP KEEPING MONCYOtfWND WITHOUT the consequent riah is through'the universally approved chech-booK. -which has become an earmarh of affluence, conservatism and substance. The men of marK In your community do business with their checK-booK. Are one of them? you 4 Per Cent, Interest On Savings American National BanK rate mud third St:, HllUboro. Ora r tio t Fix y p tiow? Why not fix up around the place Now, before the work comes on? Spring is the Nataural. time. Largest Complete Build ing Material Yard in the County offers you Low Prices this year, because we bought Right. Prices have advanced on lumber, but not with us. We carry Trojan Stump Powder, Wall Paper and Paints. 1 V " ' if I Badger Lumber Co. Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Go's. Tracks.'- ABSOLUTELY f: Everything in Building Materia Forest Qrove Train MoMlnnville Train Sheridan Train Forest Grove Train McMinnville Train ''orest Grove Train iuaene Train McMinnville Train 'orest Grove Train FROM PORTLAND arrives iIu dene Train McMinnville Train West Grove Train ''orest Grove Train Sheridan Train McMinnville Train Forest Grove Train orest Grove Train McMinnville Train All trains stop on flag at Sixth and Main; at North Range and Fir streets, Sixth and Fir Sts., and at Tenth street Steam Service from old depot at foot of Second Street TO PORTLAND P. R & N. Train 4:30 p. m. FROM PORTLAND P. R. & N. Train 9:15 a. m. Motor Car Service To Buxton 12:25 p. m To Timber 4:30 From Timber 9:55 a. m. From Buxton 2:10 p. m Twenty-four Chiropractic treat ments, $15. Dr. Sizer, Hillsboro. H. C. Carstens, of Christie Station, on the United, was in town Saturday. ty not forget to ask for : Scfciller when you want a goo- 10 cent smoke no "couffh dust' in the Schiller. 12tf John Loftis, of North Plains, was in town Saturday, and called on the Argus for his twentieth Hillsboro Auto Livery ' Feed and BoardingrJ5table Prices Reasonable DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, City 178 YOUR EYES Will be proper yfittel witb glassej at the smallest price a'-. JHLoiiman jeweler Hillsboro. Oregon i A AT consecutive year. . . A. tionery. 32tf lot 2 blk 32Metzger 700 '- 1