OLD HOME SINGERS I! Largest Musical Attraction Ever in the City Will Appear at the LIBERT Y THEATRE Thursday, March 16th, Only ' DONT MISS THIS ONE MISS M. G. OLSON & G0 IN VITES YOUR INSPECTION OF THEIR SPRING MILLINERY, SECOND STREET HILLSBGRO, SATURDAY, MARCH IITH, 1916 OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT Saturday, March 1 1 On this date we will open an exclusive Wonen's Store carrying Coats, Suits, Dresses and Skirts. Every garment will be different no two alike. We will sell for Cash no Credit and guarantee our prices to be lower for the same merchandise than you pay either in Portland or to the Eastern Mail Order Houses. Buy at home and keep the money here. Come and look our stock over, whether you want to buy or not. GOAR'S WOMAN'S SHOP Washington Hotel Block. 3rd St. Hillsboro "On With The Sale" Never Mind The Cost Tbats the general orders at Ormandy Bros, big sale of Furniture and House Furnishings. Many have already availed themselves of the unusual bar gains offered. Goods are going fast No wonder. The greatest bargains ever offered iu the County are here. ... , Don't let this savings opportunity pass. Ormandy Bros. FURNITURE 2nd & Main Hilsboro, Ore. XOTICB TO GRRDITUR8. IS THE COUWTT COURT OP THB ftTATK OP OREGON VOR WASH INGTON COUNT. In the Matter of the KUtU) of George X. Zimmortean, Deoeaaed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, flint tha unuVralguad baa been duly p pointed by tbe above entitled Court as Administrator of the above named estate rid baa duly qualified u such ae by law latfUluwI. ... . I Now uiererore.all peraons bavin claim airainat aaM eatate are hereby not) lied and n quired to present the game tmcether Willi proper voucher therefor,- to the ttiideniirned at thelawntlliw of Wllliaii ti Hare in the American National Hunk UuilJiijA iu rjlllabofo, Oraguu, wituiu J am I Hif months from the ilit harnof. ' I) ited M irch mil, IHIfl. UiirfT" B. Ziimneiiiiau, Administrator or the nan eaiHM. WM. G. HARE, Attorney lor Ailminlstraor. Do not. forget to ask for a Schiller when you want a good 10 cent smoke no "cough dust" in the Schiller. . J2tf ; , -.....- , The German will meet at the Cornelius Hotel, Saturday, March 11, in the af ternoon. All members are re quested to b in attendance. I Entered at tba roevoffla at HUUst Oragou, ax wwml-nliwn mail matter. Ik A. iAJMa, Kdtuii. (bounty Official Prtfr dubeorlpUou! $1.50 per Annum. taaacxl Kvarj Tbarattay -BT- I.ONQ MuKINNKT The Argua believe that a tecall, pitch at is now proposed on the county court. ti an injustice, and "that It will act a precedent that wilt be regretted. As to the differences which led to the project, the Argus has nothing to say. Hut it does be lev that the recall should uot be invoked over a supeivisorship con tention. Every district has a divisioti oa Ibis score, and if disappointment along this line nuan a recall, where will it all end? T. R. ia resting on his oars, or is lie resting up for the role of Don tjuixotr? If he can just find a Sancho we uiy ex pect some great gtilllug betwixt now and November. A CORRECTION Fruit grower will pleaae note thst in line 45, ol the artie'e on spraving, pub lished last week, the word scale should have been 'scab.' The article from this on should read: The next spraying is for scab. You have noticed th black spots that make tbe apple ao unsightly practically un salable. For this t uae oue I gal. of time ana euipnur to 35 parts or water. Spray when the cluslei opens sud the blossoms showe pink, or rather when ihey are tu a ball, but not t p.-o. This ts he first scab soraying. The next is when the petals have fallen. Now be sure they are off the trees. Thos. Fowles, of Mountaind e; was in town todav. . Born, March 1916, to Calvin Whit more ami wife, Lauicl, a daughter. Bom, Match 5, 1916, to Walter Lethin and wife, East Hillsboro, a son. F. L. IS row j was in from Laurel today. The old reliable place for bulk garden seeds. Greera. GIRLS' CLUB The girls of the Entre Nous Club entertained their mothers Tues day evening, at Hawthorne Hall Atter the business session, the followinfir program was rendered: Piano solo, Rita Trullinger. Japanese dance, in costume, Rena Shute. Piano selections, Georgia Bald win. Vocal solo, Gladys Shute. Piano selections, Millie Ornduff Shut talk by one of the honor ary members. Piano solo, Eva Carstens. Humorous reading, Alta Hor necker. A social hour followed the program, and dainty refresh ments were served. The Club, which is composed of High School girls, is an auxil iary to the Vita Club, and has a lare membership. The officers are as follows: President, Marion Lytle; Vice Pres., Marie Long; Sec, Viola Walch; Treas., Florence Garrett SURPRISE The home of F.J.Williams and wife, east of town, wis the scene of a very pleasant gathering last Saturday night, when about for ty Knights and Pythian Sisters motored out to give them a sur prise, the occasion being the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Williams. The visitors presented the hostess with a nice rocker. W. G. Hare making the presenta tion speech. The evening was spent with music and cards, and a very en joyable time was had. Refresh ments were served, and the merry company departed at a late hour. Mesra and Merd mes J U Mnrshnll 3 A Imbrie, F J Sewell, J W Council, W O Hare, Karl Luther, K L Potkins, E h Moore, Wra Nelson, W K VcCourt, O C Combs, C C Kiick, I eoimrcl U o n, W N Hxnis; Medniea J4itle Sewell, Jaa I) Andinon, Emma McKiunevjMisiwa K I i Shoiey, Anna Si .a, Elinor Wilkes WILL SELL At sheriff's sale price, the C. Ritades block in Tucker & Stew art Addition. Will Fell for trio amount of my claim and costs of foreclosure -a little over one-half of its actual value. There IS no hetter-lncaterl sightly block in Hillsboro, with sewer, city water and electric lights. Only one block from electric car line; 3 blocks from business center; High school. etc. . For further information, call up Main 144. or address P 0 Box 333, Hillsboro, Ore. FOR SHERIFF . To tbe Vo'ers of Washington County: I mil candidate for Ibe kn uhliran , inatton for the office of Sheriff at the pri mary electicn to lie held May 19, 1916 (I nominated and elected 1 will give the protection of the office to all net anna nti.l classes Alike I will conduct th niTm. in an economicat wav a, nar aa nmaii.i wiin nir ma cmineou treatment to the While. ' Paid adv. Geo G. Hancock, FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE To the Republican Voters of Wanhfnjj ton Countv: . I am a candidate, for the Republican nomination for Ciicuit Judge of tbe Nineteenth Judicial 1'islrict, com prilti) Washington and . Tillamook Counties, at the May 19,1916, primaries. Paid Adv. Geo. K. bagley. ' MELLOW-SWEET; , IS TASTE OF' ' 'SPEAR HEAD" - l 1 Host Kchly-Flavorttl dew ! Hat Wm Ever PrtsstJ lato Plugs HVOitrrE foi cekemticn Red-blooded men with real tobacc hunger find that they can satisfy it only by chewing, and the mest wholesome and satisfying tobacco te chew is that made in ping form. The limit of luxury In tobacco cnew in is the rich, tweet, juicy flavor that trickles through your system when you chew Spear Head. N other chewing tobacco is mel low, se luscious and so satisfying. No other equals Spear Head for putting a keen edge on your appetite. Spear Head is made of the world's best tobacco leaf the choicest of red Kentucky Burley. This leal is selected for its full, juicy richness with the most painstaking care, is stemmed by hand, is pressed into Spear Head plugs slowly that not a drop of the rich, natural juice escapes. Your first chew of Spear Head will open your eyes to the genuine enjoy ment there is in chewing. Chew the rich and meltow tobacco that hat been the favorite for a third of a century that's Spear Head. Ia 10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper. 67- GIFT SHOP Stamped Goods, Linens, Art Needle Work Supplies, Chil dren's Dresses Made to Order, Also Stamping to Order. Boohs, Cards, Station ery, Periodicals. Subsc r i ptio ns taKen to all Mag azines. Washington Hotel Building Hillsboro, Ore. a I Emmotfs Millinery Opening Saturday$ March 11th We Have a Beauti ful EXHIBIT Of SPRING MILLINERY for your inspection Mrs. Grace Emmott A surprise was given II. U. Edieer and wife, last Sunday, by LaFrance Circle, the occasion being their silver wedding an niversary. A fine dinner was served at noon. Many beautiful presents were received, and the afternoon was spent in music and games. Those present were Messrs and Mesdames John Gros sen. Frank Owens, Albert Toelle, Henry Johnson, Edward Grossen, Fred Heck man; Mesdames J N Jepson, 0 Layfield, E Zimmer man, Fred Townsend, H lias mussen, Haskell, E Kitter; Chris tina Johnson, Fred Grossen, Koy and Geo Haskell, Herman, An nie, Margaret, Dave and Otto Ediger, Jeanne and Annie Jep son, Mary, Bessie, John and Henry Leisman, Irene and Flor ence Townsend, Robert Johnson and Amo Ritter. I FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce my candidacy for sherilf on tht republican ticket for the primaries May ID. If 1 am nominated and elected I will, during my term of otlice. conduct said otlico honestly, im partially, elliciently and econom ically, and for the best interests of the tax payers J. W. Connell. Hillsboro. Ore., March 2, 1D1P. (Paid Adv.) Probate: Appraisement of the estate of Sarah F. C. Knowles approved at $10,009.21: estate of Anton Stawney closed of record; J. A. Thornburgh, 11. S. King anct Jas. Devlin appointed ap praisers estate of Frank Knox, deceased; Geo. Ernst appointed administrator estate Geo. 0. Ernst, who did Dec. 3. 1915, leaving an estate of about $:50lKi. with heirs Anna Ernst, widow, and Anna Ursula, Sun Francisco; Geo. K.,of this county, children; bond tiled and letters issued, and the estate will bo appraised by J. A. Johnson. Jos. Laus and Perry Miller; Katie Spnllinger appointed guardian of August. Jos. and Theodore Troutner, bond fixed at $500: Phoebe and F. J. Mann named as executors will of late Joseph Mann, with Benton Bowman, J. T. Young and J. II. Foote, appraisers; linal settle ment estate Herman Danneel set for April 10; C E Deichman apptd admr estate late Grace Deich man, L T Cornell, L J Rushlow For sale: Team of horses, S and 9 years, weight, 29(H), wagon and harness; single horse, about 10 years. IKK). John Olson, Orenco, Ore. 51-1 and E L McCormick appraisers; Hearing for appointment of admr de bonis non in re estate Sierea Leona Ljon. set for March 27; Agnes Knox apptd guardian of Paul, Jos. Robt, Blair. Harold. Laura and Owen Knox, heirs of Frank Knox; Wm Reid appoint ed executor will of late Smith Harris Embury, who died in Cal. in 191J, leaving 320. acres of timbe in this county; Geo B Zimmerman apptd admr estate q Geo E Zimmerman, deceased, bonds at $500. estate valued at $6,000. A L Nelson. J B Camp bell and Fay Mills, appraisers; J L Forbes estate closed of record. Services at Baptist Church, Sunday, Mar. 12th. E. A. Smith, pastor. -Sunday School at 10 a. m.,J. W. Brock. Superintendent, Preaching at 11 a. m , subject. "A Great Danger." Young Peoples Meeting at C.30. Preach ing at 7:30, "A Great Privilege." Prayer meeting Thursday eve ning, at which Rev. R. E. Whit man, missionary, will speak. At the annual meeting of the Coffee Club, Saturday afternoon, the following officers were elect ed for the ensuing year: Presi dent, Mrs. Wm. Nelson; Vice Pres., Mrs. E. L. Moore; Sec, Mrs. E. C. McKinney; Assistant Sec, Mrs. C. W. Rollins; Treas., Mrs. Leonard Brown. Henry Millerof below New ton, was in town yesterday, lie has but re:ently recovered from an extended illness. r District Attorney E. B. Tougue, who yesterday file I to sucked htn,f,t?Hj,wll0 j3 one 0f the most successful prosecutors ia the State;- . Goo. Zimmerman, of above North Plains, was in the county sent Monday. Mike Rulm and wife, ol near Phillips, were in town today. W. 11. Mollis, the Forest Grove attorney, has tiled us a republi can caiulidiito for circuit judge. James White has returned from n tr'p to his claim in South, eastern Oregon. Mr. nrul Mrs. Glen Payne are tt Ashland. Ore., for a two weeks visit. This territory is boyhood ground for Mr. Ptiyno. Geo. McGoe was the guest of relatives at McMinnville, over Sunday. Arthur W. Berry, of Alaska, and Mabel Beers, of Cornelius, were united in marriage March S. IDIti, Rev. Meyers otllciuting. There will be & celebration of the Holy Communion and a ser mon on Sund.tv. March 12, at 11 o'clock, in All Saints Chapel. Archdeacon Chambers will of ficiate. Mr. ami Mrs. Jasper N. Grabel announce the engagement of tlnir daughter. Myrtle, to M. Leroy Stunlevant, of Cornelius, the wedding to take place in April. . . Mr. and Mrs. Rulolph Crsn dull departed yesterday for an extended visit with their son, Robert, who is residing at Iis Angeles, They expect to he ab sent several months. S. R. Cogan, the suwmill man, and who handles timber and lum ber out. of Portland for inland shipment, was in the city Sat urday, and called on the Argus otlice. Van Mead, of Orenco', publish er of the Walnut, a publication devoted to walnut culture and the industry 1n general, was in town Saturday, meeting with a committee of newspaper men. Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Brisbine departed Monday for their home at More, after spending the Win ter here, with the S. E. Hoovers jand the Cotas. Mrs. Brisbine has so far recovered from her fractured limb that she is able to get around. For Sale -Two high-grade Jer sey cows, 3 and 0 years, fresh, heavy milktrs; also pure-bred Duroc sow, to litter March 20, C. H. Meyers. Cornelius, Route 1, 3 miles north of Cornelius, Recall ol County Judge Uca oiifr All yrtrn m tntrri-ttfil in tliin Rrrntl may write to llie urn c munnl I. i rtliimin fur circulation.- C. A Jnltnauu, Src , Mict wooil, (Jrr,, Uuilla 4. Onion seed for sale: Oregon Yellow Dan vera, grown this ycur. Inquire of E. F. Wohler, Hills Iwro. Oregon. Telephone Farm ers 35x1. 4('tf Money to loan on farm secur ity. 1 represent three large fire insurance companies. Give me a call. E. I. Kuratli. Pure maple syrup, direct from it New York farmer, now on sale at Greer's. Try a can. J)i . .. ' 1 u . J I M 'A. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE, lit tin' Circuit ('milt of lh Ut ( Orcunii for VnIiIiiiiIou Countf. I., 0. w.'U"ih. I'umtiit, x . . Nollin M)'n'. Ifiuriiil. I ( v yum of mi aMiiillni, liiiUninnt, urilxr, ilu'u. Hinl unlnriil rntl Wuwl out til Mm K'inV imuili'il (tour! In Ilia nU.vn itntlill coil" t ' illm'twl nil iImmI tlmlTUi ilnv ol r.'linmry, HUH, iikhi jii.tumxut k'ihIihii.I unit nlsml In unlit uiHirt Min7ili ly t Klrimry, IMW, In iiivnr nil.. i WmiliriMik, lmiitllt, ami uitliiat N.lll Mynri, lUrmiilmit, fur tim mini tr Smk'IiIim.ii lliliitlrml (IVimiai Ititllur. will hilMiwt lUwwin t Win rata u( HvoPI for I'mil iwr miimm from llin lit itnv ill April. mid for lit fnrllmr inn nl dim ihiinlrwl ami Kilty Iinmui IMlliir. IMi inureat ttiartkin t llio rata i.iaii ml iwr I'fiit tft anniiin fnun Ilia I vin.liiy hi Kvlirnaiv, IIMH. ana fur tli Itirllt'T aiitti "I Miii"nn ana mi-mi iiiii lui. -..! a ami illiliuraniuatita, ami Ilia f ami It 't( aiilil writ liillllliailililiK inn to iiiska aln nf tlin fiillowliiit ila wtnliml iT"H'r,y Ivlunainl IhiUikIii Waali- im-iiiii t'iMiiiiv, HUiaorDiimiMi. t wit: I'nit nf lit WlUlaiii l'ariilr It.malltiit l.niul t'lulin N.i iN. in t'liwiialihi Olia Smith. 1Uiim t-'mir Ml Waatuf Wlllanic.il M.'ii"iuii ami iimro partli'iilarly ilvMirltii a Itillunx, towili Hi'KlniitiiK nil III M.mlli ImiiniU y .il aalil I". I.. V. No, 3i at a iHitut liixti irura Nniitli Ml tin V lulu. Wail '.'l .'J Pliiiiiin Imiil Ilia Htiutlinaal (lurimr nl xhI'I olalni ami riiinilnK tlionoa N.ulh .inl'K tl nun, Wl H vi rtialiia, tlutiii ft miii !! ilK. II nun Waal ill 71 rliaina In a i lut ml tl.o N.illlll txiUHilary whlrlilwnra N ifili"4l.l- Hllilll. Kaat ilU.AI I'lmitia fioiu Hi" MiiiilliMMit iwrnar of aalil I'laiim tliMiw Nnillt HI ilti(, tt mill. Kat II Iti'liuum l i llin iilaiHi of txiliinliiK, iilaliilnit IV 4 1 axina mnra or Inaa, all In tha i utility ul WatitiiKloii ami Slate uf OH'hMII, Nuw rttiriritt bjr .lilita of aalil -ariittxii, Jiiliiiiiiil onlt'f, ilaeraa ami titli-r il !" aitil In (OMiiullaiin lilt Ilia ttiitiiitiiiiil nl -alii a fit, I will, on Muu ,.r.uif itiil tlay ul A put, tHIit, al 10 .lYI.H'k A M. al Ilia K,inili iluur of Ilia t'uuiity O nut lluiiaa, al llllbboni, Waah liiKiuu l uiiiity, Hru mi, aulf al putilld nut linn - aulj. t t lu mliuiipllun Ul Ilia lnijhvl lil ltlai t.ir fli In liainl. all tha riijlii, mi" anil uunt.'ai atili btlia willilu iiauiKit ilnlrinUiit, Nrllln My art, lia.1 nil tin nrl ilny uf Apill. I"H. Ihailaloul tha ni.iiitiM.. iiiitxiii Iuiim I,mm or al una that ilnltt nl in ami l Ihn ataiva tjaanrllwil pril'ily iimuy part llmrwif, lu aallaly mm rr ihImi,. Juilmiiaiil iinlar autl ih v to liurtini, rtl ant) aii-tulug oxaia. Iati Una '.ulli ilajf uf Knhiinry, A II. llu J, K. REKVKS, Hlicriff nf .WaaltiitKton t'ouuly, (irviron. lty J. ('. AITI KUATB, IVinity. i..i... f n. .--ii. in...M. t... ii.it.na , ..Mil, , III'..,,,., ...., .... , IM, ..,, !' iitnii lliilliiiiiK, rurtlaiitt, Ur0iii. Dl'PO.M IXPLOSIVtS pof tOO lb, Dunonl Slumping, tltMO ftopaimo Stumping ft. 50 Alto Manilla Ompm mnd Fum E. SHKAEK Portlane, Ore., Route 2. One half mile N. E. Bethi-ny Store. NotTce or final account. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF TII'J STATK OF OREGON FOR WA.SIUNCTON COUNTY. f In ilia Miliar of tli tia of llarinan llnltluHit, ltmt.twl, Nittii-B m lii-r!y irlran that llta titular lxiul,, ailiumliiifaliir of aaltt aataia liaa Itiml III Ilia aUve autlllal four I ami Cauaa lila liual r.'.iiiiil ami Mimri aa aui'h a.tiiiinlatiator ami tha aahl t'ou.-t liaa luil ami apiHilutiHl Momlay. Ilia Imh ilay ul jkptll. HUH. al Ilia linur uf HI o'i-l. k a, in, of aahl iluv, anil tba t'uunly t ouil Hiniiii ul VVahiuitun iWinty, urivtin, in lililsiMiro, Hr.-Kuii, Hut lima ami plafl fur liiiaruiK titijix'lluna to aahl Dual ar..inmi aiui lor Ilia fliial aatllamatil nf raid wUtK. (lanry luntiaal, Aiiiiilnialiatur of aaiil Kalatn. William u. Ilitrw, Attoruny for Admin tHtrntnr. Phil Misters, of Dilley, was In town Monday, greeting the old veterans of Ns acquaintance. I.. f -