The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 09, 1916, Image 1

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II ILLS 150 RO, 0KKG0N, MARCH 9, 1916
x wins. .
. l h ik ik v&tJLl v j y
NO. 51
Will Oct Water for City Um From
Sain Creek In Near Future
Petition In Court to Slrlhlo Campbell
Bridge Near Livret
The county court last week
granted the town of Gaston
franchise to lay water puw
from Scoggin Valley to the city,
the purpose being to connect
with the North Coast Power
Co. 'a water supply, coming from
Sain Creek, and now supplying
the towns of Cornelius, Dilley.
Hillsboro. Orenco and Beaverton
County Clerk Luce reported
February fees at 1551.80, and
Recorder Davis reported fees at
The recorder was ordered to
record deed J as. lutcheyjto W. 0
Waunir. free of ehntve.
Rod No. 655, Nellie Myers et
am, petitioners, was established.
The bond of J. T. Butler, com-mandi-r
of J. 11. Matthews Post,
at Forest Grove, wis approved.
Mr. Butler will handle the funds
for indigent soldiers appropriated
under Ih veteran law.
Gabriel Earner resigned as
supervisor of District No. 20,
and his release was r ranted.
Thos. Murphy was nominated to
take the place.
The Sheriff was authorized to
correct the assessment against
the (king. Church property at
Forest Grove.
The supervisor was ordered to
survey a portion of the Road No.
A34. and report to the court.
Upon petition being presented
the court examined the Camp
bell bridge and fill, near Laurel.
The decision was that there
would be a general Btrateh ton
ing of the road at that point, em
bracing a new fill and bridge.
., (From The Argus)
J. W Morgan lost the tip of
an index finger in the Delta, the
other day, by getting the digit
in contact wita a bicycle wheel,
while Cat Jack Jr. was testing
the ballbearing machine. J. W.
tried accelerate the speed, and
in doing so ran hla finger in the
The 0. R. & N. steamers aie
selling tickets, cabjn passage to
San Francisco, for. sailing
cve-v live days. Steerage tickets
cost but $2.50. (
Asseesor Wilcox has sent out
the following to make tha as
sessmentHarrison Humphreys,
Wm. Pointer, Rodolph Crandall
and Kmil Kuratli.
The Hillsboro Hook & Ladder
jo., ot he fire LJepartment,
Volunteer, elected the following
J - - c-
officers - J. u. Lamkin, president;
W. V. Wiley, foreman; C. Koch,
treasurer; delegates to depart
ment election. J. . Knight, Her
man St'hulmerich and John M,
Twenty eight pioneers were
entertained at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. I m brie, near
West Union, March 11. Follow
ing ia a table of the pioneers,
'ages, and arrivals in Oregon J.
R Griffin, age 88, 1839; Mrs.
Sarah Zachary. 91, 1843; Wm.
Mauzey. 77. 1843, Sol Em rick,
7(5. 1813; Mrs. L Emrlck. 71,
1843; Isaac Butler, 76. 1845; Mrs.
H. A. Freeman, 5$ 184,5;; S. Ay
Holcomb. 73. 1845: Thos. Stew
art. 7G. 1840; Mrs. Isaac Butler.
5(1, 1845; Mrs. Helen Jackson, 59,
1847; Mrs. S. A. Holcomb. 63.
1847; Mrs Sarah Reeves, 54,
1847; Mrs. Sarah Scholfleld. 50,
1847; Mrs. Henry Wehrung. 67,
1848. Z. W. Wood. 70. 1850; H.
Wehrung. 57. 1852; Mrs. Thos.
Tucker. 69. 1852; Thos. Tucker.
64, 1852; Wm. Hay, 63. 1853;
Mrs. Z. Wood. r9. 1853: Ben
Scholfleld. 66. 1858; Mrs. Wm.
Hay. 50. 1858; Robt. Imbrie. 64.
1859; Peter Roscow, 67. 1864;
Mrs. Peter Boscow, 64. 18C4;
Mrs. Wm. Mauzev. 64. 1868i Mrs.
J. S. Griffln. 61, 1887. The
average aire of the n oneer wm
05 years, Mrs. Zachary, of Cor
nellus being the eldest.
Wm. Connell. Jr., a young at
torney, was buried Tuesday at
the North Tualatin Plains com
etery. He was a resident of
Chas. Cave is III' from an at
tack of pneumonia.
Hilliboro Commercial Club (lives
a Pleasing Cvent at Moose Hall
Over One Hundred Couplet Participated
la Ihe Revelry fridny tvi
II. C. Schoene. a German, aired
55 years, was examined for his
sanity. Saturday, Dr. Hyde being
ine attending physician. He
was ordered committed tn So.
lorn, and a guard too him there
the same evening. Schoene has
been here for 31 years. His
tendency Is homicidal, and his
vrite says that three ditTerent
times he attempted her life. Ho
destroys furniture when enraged,
schoene is quite a reader and
becomes violent after rending
iterature inveiurhing aeainst the
government He recently strop
ped a razor and told his wife
that he was going to end her
For sale: Dwarf Essex Kane
seed, finely cleaned, at market
price. Also a registered Jersey
bull, vear old last Auiniat- rlnm
has 0 mcia record of 552 lbs: first
two months of her sepnnrl vpar
test h produced 2444 lbs. milk.
nettinur 171 llm butter. Kin ir'
dam has official record of 12.648
lbs. milk or 853 lbs. butter.
rice of bull. SlOO.-Wm. Schul
meric-h, Hillsboro. 43-8
Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Mc En tire
returned baturday from Ven
tura. Cel., where they have re
sided for over two years. They
will remain here for some
months, and may atop at Hills
boro permanently, as they still
own their home in North Hills
boro, Their many friends are
pleased to again see them in the
Oregon country.
Money to loan in any amount
at 7 and 8 per cent on accepta
ble farm properties. Make ap
plication now and have the
money when you want it. Long
terms if desired. E, 1 Perkins,
Hillsboro, Ure.
K. fVlnlnnehp of out. nnr
SchielTelin, was in town Monday
morning, and called on the
Argus. He says that spring
work had a fine start out his
wav when the wet weather
started in.
rom.le: ThoronphhrWl White
Wyandotte cockerel. 10 "months
old. of finest strain. F. Bock-
man, Alohp, post office address,
Beaverton. Route 4. This ia ex.
tra fine fejlow, 61-1
Frank I.itehev. who has hexn
aver at Castle Rock, Wash., for
several months, came home last
week for a vacation.
Chas. Meacham was In Satur
day from north of town, and re
membered the Argus for about
his twentieth year.
Gerhard flfiptr.o. nhova Ttloom.
ing, attended the Irish-American
meeting at Portland, Sunday.
Bulk crarden seeds and lawn
grasp, spedu flt Greera.
The prosperity bali held rnder
the auspises ot the Hillsboro
Commercial Club last Friday
evening was one of the ppli-rdid
social events of the new year.
Fully one hundred couples wore
in attendance, and a number
were down from Forest Grove to
Join the sister city in staging
the first prosperity showing of
the year from a social stand
point. "General Prosperity," per
sonated by C. E. Wells, ar
rived with his suite early, and
was introduced to the merrv.
makers by President W. Mahon.
of the club. The visitor thn
told his auditors of Hillsbor j's
advances the Dast few vepra a
apprised them the fact that tie
wave of business nrosneritv was
now at our doors. He urged
that the oesaimiat had nn nino in
Hillsboro business or social ac
tivities, and predicted big things
for the future. His remarks
were adorned with a nnmiwnf
telling points, and he said that
he who predicted that the town
and country would not go ahead
should look back a few years
when Hillsboro saw farmers
stuck in the mud on the main
streeta, and then awaken to the
present and witness a hoantifnl
little city with, all modern im
provements, paved stroma,
eiecmc iignis, purest 01 moun
tain water, and two electric
linos with a service nnpmmlloH
He also called attention tn the
fact that Hillsboro was the
terminal of a line that rpH-hcrl
into the moat macrniflcient timhor
oelton the Oregon coast and
said that all felt that this would
mean a big thing for tho countv.
With normal business ennriirirtna
now at our doors. -
Mrs. We la renrpsenterl "Mrs
The hall WM hennrifnllv
decorated and the Hillsboro
orchestra furnished the music
for the occasion.
The lights ware not turned ofT
until one o'clock, and all voted it
one of the social events of the
tay to Loan
On Improved Farms
: i ' ' 5 ' r '
The Sbute Savings Bank
E. L. James, of Varley,
in the city Saturday.
Twentv-fourCliiroprarlic treat
ments, $15,-Dr. Sizer, Hillsboro.
Mr. and Mrs. Gearaa Hnrrnw
of Uak t'ark, were city callers
Bulk garden seeds and oninn
sets at Greers.
Will Lfchtv. of near Ornnm
was in the citv the asr. of the
wanted: A am tm vnn.ra
housework, F. H, Howlby, Cor.
S. N. TunstalL of Phllli
.. 1 . . . . -. r-t
was in town er dav and remem
bered the Argus for the 20th
Pure nuipie syrup, direct from
KT -... f ..1. m .
iiew 1 one iarmor. now nn
saitt at Greer s. Try a can
W. F. Patterson, a Portlanrt
attorney, was in the citv Mon
iay morning attending circuit
To Portland 55 minuses,
3:5a: ....
M (Sat only) .
From Portland-
8:26 (Sat only).
a m
a m
-a m
.'.,,,..., ..a m
p m
. . - p m
p m
-p m
........ f . . p m
-55 minutes.
a m
.-. a m
a m
p m
-. .p m
...p m
...p m
' p m
Notice of Public Sale of
hold Furniture
Notlee Is hereby riven that
tha undersicned will, on Sntnr.
day, March 25,;i916, at 3 o'clock
p. m sen at puonc auction -to
he highest bidder at the resi
dence of the late Polly C. But
ler. 1005 Seventh Street. Comer
Baseline Street. Hillsboro. Ore..
all the household effects and
furniture belonclmr to the estAte
of said Polly C. Butler, deceased,
consisting or sideboard, duung
room set two bedroom sets. heat.
er and numerous other articles.
Terms of sale: Cash in hand,
on day of sale.
James E. Butler,
Lottie H. Butler.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Mrs. F. Bock man, of Aloha,
wa3 in town Monday, on busi
ness at the court house,
L. J, Francis, of Tualatirv, fus
a city visitor the last of the
T. A. Cary., of south of Reed
ville, was in town the last of the
If you want home made candy.
oyster cocktails, or sweet annl
cider, get it at. Koeber's Confec
tionery. - 32tf
Homer hmmntt went, nvsp tn
Castle Rock. Mondav. to attend
to some allairs at the ranch. He
says that the smelt are running
fine down in the river eloe tn
his place.
Lost: TriD hook On Drnrrnn
Electric between Hillsboro and
Forest Grove. 20 trios undetach.
ed. Owner. Miss Pearl Smith
Kinder please call Forest, firn.e
E. Chenev. a former FWeat
Grove and Hillsboro resident
now a citizen of Cathlamet Wn.,
was in town Saturday. He says
that his wife is much imnmuerl
in health since they moved down
the river. He states that there
is great aoltvity in the lumber
business down his way.
Pigeons for sale, cfcean-
Homers, Carneaux and Crosses.
Have about 250 birds, which on
account of my ill health, am
obliged to sell. E. F. Sias, Box
493. Hillsboro, Ore., or call at
565 Broadway. 34tf
Peter Hoffman, the Bacona
sawmill man, was down to Hills
boro the last of the week. He
expects a good season's run this
year, owing to the increased
activity in the lumber industry.
Mr, Hoffman says that the snow
in the mountains efTectarl nearly
a blockade for several weeks.
District Attorney Tongue Sat
urday ..filed an information
against M. D. O'Brien, the Door
farm inmate who wrote a letter
to Jas. Haroer. advocating the
shooting of Clarence Young,
superintendent of the poor farm,
ana Martin t,nmn. O'Brien's
boncj was fixed at $500, which he
was unable to raise. O'Brien
w rote the letter Nov. 15, 1915.
L. M. Buell. who is in the
sawmill business near Cedar
Mill, was in town the last of the
week. He says that his mill
will run ' full caDacitv all Snrino
and Summer, and he ha3 more
orders than he can fill. ;'L. M.
is very proud of a new daughter
born Feb. 17, and says that the
young lady is going to take do
mestic science.
Willis Anderson has returned
to the sunerintendenev of the
big Ladd & Reed Farm, at Reed-
ville, succeeding Geo. Oenton,
who starts this week for Austra
lia, w here he will look into the
stock business. Mr. Denton has
many friends who wish him suc
cess in his prospective venture.
Mr. Anderson is a Drime favorite
down at Reedyille, and hi3 many
rnenqs win tie pleased to see
him back in his old position.
John W. Shute. the retired
banker, had a narrow escape
from death. Fridav nfternonn
when the Southern Pacific train
passed through shortly after 4
o'clock, enroute to Portland: Mr.
Shute was mounted on a small
pony, and was carrying some ar
ticles home. When he reached
the drive wav to the craraire. inat
east of the entrance of the Hotel
Washington he thought to turn
the animal into the roadway so
as to avoid the train, of which
the pony appeared to be fritrht.
ened. The little animal sudden.
ly commenced to back, and the
motorman was unable to check
his train. The oonv was sent
sprawling, and Mr. Shute was
thrown dangerously near the
cais When he looked nn hia
head and shoulders were hut a
ittle distance from the wheels
Ha. the pony backed a Li.
faster both rider and animal
would have been run down-
John W. thinks he was about as
near the portals as a man usual.
ly gets unless he passes clear
cniic lunipiTifWfi " I -- -
a it-
il iiimuflimi
Manufacturers' Review Tl ,!
What I) Doing
Acilvlllti gtmi U It Ori
Timcl Is Oret-n
ef Iht
fhe Manufacturers Ass'n sends
the Argus the foitowini? notes cn
Spring activity n Oregon:
Astoria flour mills to increase
capacity of plant
Reports say Portland will have
$1,500,000 ship yard employing
1500 men.
G. A. bmith Lumber Co. at
Marshfkld raises wages 10 Der
cent 1100 men effected.
St Johns Lumber Co. closed
i. . ...
tor 19 months will resume oper
ations with 250 men.
Ashland Manufacturing Co.
plans to ooen their Rawmill tht.
Kosebunr will mnd 175 nm
repiacinc School rietrnvu. hv
Tillamook cheese factory pros
per. lOtai OUtDUt XiiUh.H.23 in
r - ... -
..aimer mm re.orunen with o
full crew.
Kruse & Ranks ahinvard at
Marshfield now employing 100
men. -
Pendleton subscriblnc balance
01 iuu,uuu stock to secure har
vester factory.
Beginning May 1. 600 men will
be emDloved hv Orecnn f .nmher
Go. at Hood River.
Umatilla Countv farmer nlnn
niii.? to build elevator at Pendle
State saves $2,500 a year by
uniting two offices under one
title of Fish and Game Warden.
NewDOrt has let contract for
improving three streets.
bpnngheld becomes head
quarters of Oregon Power Co.
Phoenix stone nnarrv. two
miles south of Sutherlin.- is again
ot be operated with a large force
or men.
Stavton Survevora ninninc a
line from Salern to Mill ("Htv ex.
tension Oregon Electric
Hillsboroand St Johns saw
mills have started ud at full
Manufacture of elementary
textbooks in Oregon would estab
lish a new industry and relieve
S. P. & P. E. & E.
All, except the P. R. & N., trains
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Main Street
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
Sheridan Train
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
Eugene Train -McMinnville
Forest Grove Train
6:50 a.
12:50 p. m
9:50 v
Eugene Train 8:15 a. m.
McMinnville Train 8:45
Forest Grove Train 11:59
Forest Grove Train 3:15 p. m
Sheridan Train 4:30
McMinnville Train 6:40
Forest Grove Train 7:15
Forest Grove Train 9:00
McMinnville Train 12:15
All trains stop on flag at Sixth
and Main; at North Range and
Fir streets, Sixth and Fir Sts..
and at Tenth street
Steam Service from old depot at
foot of Second Street
P. R.&N. Train 4:3p. m.
P. R. & N. Train 9:15 a. m.
Motor Car Servk v
To Buxton 12:25 p. m.
To Timber 4:30
From Timber 9:55 a. m.
From Buxton 2:10 p. m.
For sale: House and three
lots in Hillsboro. Or will trade
for cleared acrence. hottom land
or swale, near Orenco preferred.
- H. Jeibman, Hillsboro, Ore.
Geo. Miller, of Coorier
tain, -wa3 in the city
morning, on business at
court house.
For sale: A sorrel team, four
and five years, weighs 1500 and
1550, well matched. Lowie V.
Meltebeke, Laurel, Ore. , 52
I r OF
1 v 'it, f r
. - A v 1 n -r-SkT' '
WITHOUT the consequent rish is
through the universally approved
chech-booK, which has become an
earmarK of afQuence, conservatism
and substance. The men of marK
in your community do; business
with their chech-booh. Are you
one of them?
4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings
American Nati
Mmtm mma TMrd Stm.. .... .
" Wp
Why not fix up around the place
Now, before the work comes
on? Spring is the Nataural.
Largest Complete Build
ing Material Yard in the
County offers you Low Price?
this year, because we bought
Right. Prices have advanced
on lumber, but not with us.
We carry Trojan Stump
Powder, Wall Paper and
Badger Lumber Co.
Main St. and P, R. & N. Ry. Go's. Tracks.
Everything in Building Materia
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Fhcne, City 175
Will be propcr.y fitte with glasses
at the smallest price at
Hoffman JEVLER
Hillsboro. Oregon