I MiWWMIJ.MWJliiim- tfgfl Mtta .,.fftfir BR0 HILLS L1RG0S HILLSBORO, 0REG0JO1ARCH 2, 1916 VOL. XXJI NO. 50 in ME FLOYD WEST SUES Bring Suit , Aflnt Souihem Pacific Company for $2,950 ALLEGES COMPANY WAS NEOUOCNT Wat Working Soctlon it Binki Dur. lag July, lll Rail Drosi Floyd West, of Banks, hs sued the Southern Pacific Company for tie sum of $2,050 and hia costs and disbursements, allesr in that he was aeverely Injured while working on the Section under Foreman A. G. Stuart. Weat says that he and other employees were carrying a fi20 pound rail, when one of the section hands. In going down a bank, caujtht hia foot on a wire that was partially concealed In the grass, causing him to trip and fall. This threw the weight on West, the result of which waa a severe rupture. The company sent him to their hos pital in San Francisco, but In some manner the operation waa not successful, and he aaya he has been unable to work since, with the exception of about fifteen days at track Inspection, lie swears that he is unable to do manual labor, although prior to the injury he waa In good health and atrength. , Attorney W. U. Hare has filed the suit and will presa the case in circuit court. , One Of the allegations la that the company did not furnish the proper tonga for handling the rail, or the accident might have The case will probably be brought to issue term of court at the coming TWBNTY YEARS AGO (From The Argus) Mr. and Mrs. McNeil, of Jolly plains, tendered a calico party to about fifty of their friends. Feb. 28. Chauncey Johnson won first honors, and C. A. Hanley, second. A lodge of Patriot of Ameri ca, whose chief aim is to make a fight for the restoration of silver In the monetary system, waa or ganized here this week. The Farmington Creamery, just organized, paid its patrons the sum of $1,589 30 for Febru ary delivery. The creamery has anew boiler and improved ma chinery. Northwestern hopmen are hav ing a little joke all to themselves. Many received a "hop louse ex terminator," which was sent 1mm the Eat on receipt or a dollar. The package said "Not to open until ready for use.' One grower became inquisitive to see what the package contain ed and upon opening it. found two blocks. The direction was "Lay your hop louse on one block and then crush him with the other." Wm. Galloway, well known here, was appointed receiver of the Oregon City land office. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Groner gave a leap year party at their home at Scholls. Saturday evening. Those present were Messrs, ami Meadames Herman Collier, O. Mars, G. Landess and George Groner; Mrs. D. B. Emrick;the Misses Ora Brooks, Hettia and Anna Jack, Hettie Simpson, An na Raynard. Maud Darnell. Lena Gasaner, Kmma Hesse; Messrs. Will and Calvin Jack Jr., Chas. Johnson. J. B. Wilkes. Will and Bud Taylor, Eddie Brooks and Master Claude Jackson. R. B. Collins was elected di rector of tHe Hillsboro school board, and Peter Boscow was again elected clerk. Robt. Imlay. of Portland, waa in the city Monday, filing the papers on change of venue from Multnomah County in the case of B. F. Lindeman versus Daniel Shaw. Lindeman filed suit In Portland against Shaw, alleging that the defendant had inflicted Horinim hndilv Inlurv on him. July 10. 1915. at Huber. Shaw dwnurred. but Judge Morrow over-ruled, allowing the change of venue. Shaw allegea in hia defense that Lindemann pro voked the assault, and that he put up such defense as was necessary only to repel the in vasion. Shaw swears that in backing away from Lindemann he fell over a wheelbarrow, and that Lindeman also fell over the ffla Iritth rarrlatn?. and in so doing waa. or pretended to be, injured, tie asks that the case be dismissed and that his costs and. disbursements be dismissed. r-X Defective vision, rather imJ than neglect to study, keeps many children behind in school work. Defective vision (Wm not eonvtv the right mes sage to the brain and the brain can not act upon the suggestion received. Are you behind in your studies? If you are and feel that it is due to defective eyesight rather than neglect to study, suggest to your parents that you have Dr. Lowe examine your eyes. , He can tell you whether it is glasses or some thing eiae you need to do better work. Suggest it to your par ents. Dr. Lowe will be at Hotel Washington, Saturday, March 11, to 4 o'clock. Scores of Hillsboro references. Remember the day and date. This year's delinquent list for Washington County takes two seven-column pages, nearly full, while Tillamook county haa four and one-half pages, six columns each. This means that Tilla mook's list is m-arly double' as large as Washington County's. And ao. after all, we are not in such bad shape, in comparison with outside counties. Pt-ter Nelson, well known In the Oienco section, where he lived for years, was out Satur day, on business at the tax counter. Peter is still in the same cheerful spirit that became him when he ranched in Wash- (ington County. Iieal trout fishermen report not overgood catches the past week. They say that it keeps them busy shooting those small er than ten inches back into the stream. Only for that the catch es would be very Rood. Attorney Gebhardt, of Port land, accompanied by W. C. Ely, of t'.ie Rose City, was out Mon day morning, bidding in a piece of Beaverton land at sheriff's sale. , Dr. Ira Barrett has moved his nflioa intn t.hft Commercial Bank KiiilHinar whprfl he first located when he opened for practice here. Miss Violet Taylor, teaching in Scoggin Valley, was in tne cuy over Sunday. Rasmusen Brothers, of below Roods, were in town Monday. .Inhn and Fred Berger. of Bethany, were in town Monday. TV .1 1 ....JAM rssAa tA lawn grass seeds at Greer 3. JERSEY BREEDERS 111 SESSjONSATURDAY Hold Interesting Meeting at Court House, Wm. Schulmerlch Presiding BREATHE SPIRIT OP CO-OPERATION Some Good Addreiiei by Wa Who Rilit ibi Yellow Duller Mektri The Washington County Jersey Breeders' Association met here Saturday and held an all-day session at the courthouse, Presi dent Wm, Schulmerlch in the chair. The new officers elected to succeed themselves, were: Schulmerich, president; George Withycombe secretary-treasurer; J. W. Hughes, vice president. Papers were read and ad dresses made as follows R. B. Denny, Beaverton, "Dairy Farm ing." A. E. Wescott, Banks. "Feeds and Feeding." Austin T. Buxton, Forest Grove, Co operation." Thos. Williams, Hillsdale, "The official Test" J. W. Hughes, "The Jersey on the-Auction Block." L D. Graham, editor Rural Spirit, ortland. Breeding for Testing. and High Feeding." Wm. Schul merich, The Jersey Situation in in General" Thos. Withycombe and George Withycombe, general remarks. The speeches were replete with information and judgment, and the general cry was for a higher co-operation among breed- era of Jersey strains. The test of stock was dwelt upon with emphasis, and the value of a test to show what a strain can do was plainly put The talks on testing as a value to dairymen were replete with wisdom. The thought expressed was that testing waa of the greatest possible value because t helped the dairyman or breeder to eliminate the poor cow, so that her offspring , would not perpetuate the poor milking strain. Even overfeeding for test had its virtues as an indica- ion of what could be done in the individual, although a conserva tive ration and even feeding was considered the best in the long run, as this meant a long milking period during producing life. The association dined at the Iotel Washington. Those at tending the session were Messrs. Thos. Williams. A. E. Wescott, Dr. D. W. Brook. Wm. Schul merich, R. B. Denny, J. W. Hughes, I. D. Graham. 1'hos. Withycombe, John Boyd, R. G. Lilly, Geo. Biersdorf. A. T. Bux ton, A. E. Kirts. Geo. Withycombe. toy to Loan On Improved Farms 1 4Bk III 1 The Shute Savings Bank MOOSE OFFICIAL G. II. Glos, Deputy Supreme Dictator for the Loyal Order of Moose, visited Hillsboro last Thursday evening, and spent two hours with Jos. L. Meek Lodge. Mr. Glos delivered an address and was seconded by Thos. Rat cliffe. formerly of Scholls, who has charge of organization forces in Oregon, and Mr. Proctor, who is the secretary of Portland Lodge. After the addresses re freshments were served. Both Mr. Glos and Mr. Ratcliffe pre diet a great growth of the order in Oregon. OREGON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32... 7:18.. 8:28.. 9:58 . 12:43.. 3:58.. 5:43 . 8:10. . 9:58 (Sat only) am a m .a m .a m . pm .p m ..pm .pm .pm D. B. Cooley and wife, of Lau rel, were in town Monday. Twenty-fourChiropractictreat-ments. 15. Dr. Sizer, Hillsboro. Ezra Kirts. of Greenville, was in town Saturday. Bulk garden seeds and onion sets at Greers. Ben Brown, one of the oldtime ball players, was in from Laurel Monday. If its shoes you neel, buy them at Greer s. where you can buy them cheap. 47-50 Wm. Schmidt, of near Orenco, waa in the city Saturday morn Ing, on a tax paying trip. John Ironside, of Laurel, wag transacting business in the city Saturday.- Gus Kempfer, of Reedville. on the Almquist place, was out Sat urday, greeting friends. L J. Holtz, the Blooming thresherman and ba'.er, was in town the last of the week. Wanted: A girl for general housework. F. H. Bowlby, Cor nelius, R. 2. Harold McPheeters, of Forest (Jrove, is at North Yakima, as sisting on installing an electric plant. Mrs. H. R. Minnick, of Uma tilla, who haa been visiting rela tives here, departed Monday for her Eastern Oregon home. Pure maple syrup, direct from New York farmer, now on sale at Greer's. Try a can. C. W. James, who has farmed between here and Corn.-lius for more than a generation, was in town Monday, transacting busi ness at the court house. Uirich Kempf, of Helvetia, was in the city the last of the wee, uirich is one oi tne oia timer cheesemakers of hi3 part of the county. If you want home made candy, oyster cocktails, or sweet apple cider, get it at Koeber's Confec tionery. JKitr J. T. Rooks, of beyond North Plains, was in town Monday. He says that snow fell on the ridge Monday, morning, concur rent with the sprinkle down on the plains. Wm. Thurston, of Beaverton, was in town Saturday. He was within a few hundred feet of the deoot when the late 11 H. Walk er was struck at St. Marys, on the Oregon Electric. J. W. Hughes, who haa sold more registered catue at me auction block than any other auctioneer in the Northwest, whs down to the breeders' meeting last Saturday. Cliff Long, who is with the 0. W. R. & N.'s Third Division, in bridge work, came down from Starbuck. Sunday, for a ten days' visit with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. U A. Long, lie says that : the Winter East of the Mountains has been quite severe. Money to loan in any amount at 7 and 8 per cent, on accepta ble farm properties. .Make ap plication now and have the money when you want it. LiOng terms if desired. E. L. Perkins, Hillsboro. Ore. John Dennis, who has charge of the Panama Oregon exhibit, at the Chamber of Commerce Building, was out Sunday, a guest at the Birdsell home. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis will soon re turn to Hillsboro to again take up their residence. Pigeons for sale, cheap: Homers. Carneaux and Crosses. Have about 250 birds, which on account of my ill health, am obliged to sell. E. F. Sias, Box 493. Hillsboro. Ore., or call at 565 Broadway. 34tf ian nil WILL BE REBUILT One Aitorli Contractor tit Bu Id 30Cottagei Th e Year WORD PICTURE OF OREOO 'SACHVirV Otweio Cemisl Factory Laying Miles ol lied Plans now contemplate oparatlng Willamette Pacific trains to Co ,-3 Bay in July. A gold mill Is to be erected four miles from Redmond at Cljne Falls, Sheridan Lumber Co. sold to Fischer-Boutin Lumber Co. of Springfield. The St Helens Shipbuilding Co. have under construction at their shipyard two five-masted auxiliary power schooners de signed. Burned Inman Poulsen plant at Portland, to be rebuilt within 60 days. A giant shipbuilding plant is soon to be built at Portland, an nounce the officials of the Wil lamette Iron & Steel Works and the Northwestern Steel companies. Ground has been broken for new $ww,ixw auditorium, at Portland. Benton county is kicking at taxes increasing 700 per cent Many new cottages are being built at Gearhart beach. Three Pacific Coast States have 40 per cent of all the un developed water power in the United States. Marshfieid to get $7500. fruit and vegetable cannery. Locomotives and pars are com ing to Oregon for logging roads. Caiadero to be connected with Garfield by railroad. Leona Mill Co. enlarging saw mill and logging plant Albany Lumber Co. will cut 1,645.000 feet in Santiam Na tional forest - . .. Roseburg Oswego c e m en t plant lays 3 miles track from Carnes to Limestone quarry. : Steps have been taken at On tario to form Malheur irrigation district to water 39,000 acres. Silver Falls Lumber Co. to build sawmill at Silverton at once, cost $500,000. Yoncalla votes April 17, on $20,000 bonds for municipal water works. , A $75,000 cannery planned for Coos Bay. Astoria may be home port for Orential steamer line ot 11 ships, assets $9,500,000. One Astoria contractor will build 30 homes this year. I W ajNVBNIBNT mT OP "fl mm "WlTHOUThe consequent rish is through'the universally approved checK-booH, which has become an earmark of affluence, conservatism and substance. The men of marfr in your community do business with their checK-booh. Are you one of them? 4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings American National Bank mnd third St., HUlabtti-o. Ova I From Portland-55 minutes. 7:54 9:20 ... 11:25 .... 2:12........ 4:27 6:25 7:13 8:26 (Sat 12:25 only). am .am am pm .pm pm ..pm ..pm -a m Greers are selling out their shoes at cost Save money and buy at Greer's. 47-50 Peter GoMeib. of North Tuala tin Plains, was in the county seat Saturday. Wm. Kemper and Reny Cnp, KEEP CONVICTED Joseph R. Keep, formerly a well known Oregon timberman. wis found guilty of a land swindle by a jury in the court of Circuit Judge Phelps, Portland, in a ver dict returned late Wednesday niurht Frank Van Strahien. a tarmer of Washington County, was the victim in the $3000 fraud for which Keen was just tried. In this case. Keec in 1911. gave deed to some property in Eastern Oregon to which he had no legal title to his son-in-law. Emu L, Janin, of Portland. JNo money changed hands m the transaa tion. Mr. Janin executed mortgage to the amount of $3000, which was given to . Keep. Nov 15. 1912. This mortgage was in favor of Wm. C. Borchers, who advertised it for sale, and on Feb. 4. 1913. assigned it to S. P. & P. E. & E. All. except the P. R. & N.. trains are electric, and stop at the de pot on Main Street TO rUKTLAN U brest Grove Train 6:50 a, m McMinnville Train 7:36 Sheridan Train 10:02 orest Grove Train 12:50 p. m McMinnville Train 2:15 brest Grove Train 4:10 Eugene Train 4:55 McMinnville Tram b:4U Forest Grove Train 9:50 FROM PORTLAND arrives ugene Train 8:15 a. m. McMinnville Train 9:45 Forest Grove Train 11:59 Forest Grove Train 3:15 p. m Sheridan Train 4:80 McMinnville Train 6:40 Forest Grove Train 7:15 Forest Grove Train 9:00 McMinnville Train 12:15 All trains stop on flag at Sixth and Main: at North Range and Fir streets, Sixth and Fir Sts. and at Tenth street ' Steam Service from old depot at foot of Second Street TO PORTLAND P. R. & N. Train 4:30 p. m. FROM PORTLAND P. R. & N. Train 9:15 a. m. Motor Car Service - To Buxton 12:25 p. m. To Timber 4:30 From Timber 9:55 a. m. From Buxton iiau p. m. Uliy lot Fix Up ffcj? Why not fix up around the place Now, before the work comes on? Spring is the Nataural. time. - Largest Complete Build ing Material Yard in the County offers you Low Prices this year, because we bought Right. Prices have advanced on lumber, but not with us. We carry Trojan Stump Powder, Wall Paper and Paints. Badger Lumber Co. Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY Kverything in Building Materia Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. .Chcne, City ijS For sale: House and three lots in Hillsboro. Or will trade for cleared acreage, bottom land or swale, near Orenco preferred. YOUR EYES Will be proper.y fittid witb glasse : at the smallest prices at 11711717! I7P jLi t m ii Hillsboro. Oregon t H. Jeibman, Hillsboro, Ore. last of the week. Mr. Van Strahien for $3000. of Verboort, were in town the