r i i 11 11 : ME HILLS HILLSBORO, OREGON, FEBRUARY 17. 101G NO. 48 BlliS POT ' u gov, 1 $Jli AWIU ajar Caart' laalf .lAtwn applications u.rrh 15. and It will ,i.v for Judge BsgW. .jl. .ihiwn applicsnts ! Uarf F.uropean country Luk m or man " w- L i. ih i,-.d with ft big m ! Cilh Africa has one who was Lfcn in the realm South of CtwiwmI. hile lUlycwn fki High School atudents have brrmlMton W auenu L.. i h uueation Pro- j ...l ik.' anawera ffiven. a 1 1 a t charges of the i. .i,.ri.iaimif what con- fait American clUtt-nshlp. Witts effect requiring that a imut have his final paptrf jjn voiintr many who have i hrrt-tofura on aecond i.. .,! tiav itMrleeted vital papers, havt INea for '3Bion. and Wis maar wn ibl buninwn In the eillsen department j (ItliMpwUHl that many Hith V. . .... i .i. k,.tk fmm lllllt. W Forwl Grove, and Cor no this function or tne It will h tducation to them, and win t worth the time invoiveq. It took Mm. lU'ijiith Jam- Wehtth sloul five minute- to m-l a diorce from Cha. Weiszh. Friday In circuit court. The couple were married hre Sit, 22. lDll. by Juit Keasonrr. The husband wa a Chf. and met the wife at Forwit drove. They left for San Francisco, af ter marriage, ami att.r thne week of marked if VVl.h un ceremoniously di'partcd, leaving AoaddrettA. The wire applied to the police department for search. but ho could not le located. A relative nnt hi-r mony to r-tun home and the waitmi patn-ntly to hear from the dfliniim-nt tpoune. She finally concluded that the hcnutural wait of -even veara waa not adaiitable t) mnil'rn timeK. and J. N. liolf man filed a divorc cane for he.r The ilrrre U ctiutMcd with an order reetoring her maider, name. KStlON t UICTRIC TRAINS To Portland- 55 minute. J8. !:tf. a- a. in .....am ,. .4I IB Money to loan In any amount at 7 and a jht cent, on accepta ble farm propertu. Make ap- tilicMtion now and have the , ... money when you want ii. unu term If deaired. L IVrklna, IlillnUiro. Ore. II. G. Hall, who had l-en Bn.Mt nf the TibU-tU. near kivillt. for aeveral month. contemplate (roinir to fekm in ih nrr future. He received a cablegram the other day olTcrinu him the editorship or the Mtir lUh.t:hinM uaoer at IVkin. and at he haa been in the newHpaper irame in the Orient heretofore, he will accept, lie goes a soon h on arrantre h i urivaie ai fair. For aeveral week he haa been down in the Co. Hay coun try In newapar work. Onion teed for tale: Oreuor, Yellow Itanvem. irrown thin year. lnquin of K. F. Wohler. iiitl- boro, Ureuon. leiepnonc rrm. era 351. The S. I'. Hoard of Inquiry has h- ivectton roreman Johnnon (u iwoMible for the derailment of a car at Hancroft, near Portland, during: me norm, Feb. 3. The claim is that the road crotwinn ahould have been Inspected by the foreman, al though he waa entraued else where In clearing the track for tralfic. The train ran 30 feet after derailment, but otherwise no damaue was sustained. llCIiy NOIEO ALL OVER OREGON STATE Stale Highway Commit ion (Uvea t'Mi.Uifi lii Columbia Highway M.W STKMI K LINE IS PROJECTED I). A. C. (kli Paaama Eiaotliioa M.MI v Voll Trinnlurmtr State Highway Commismon al lows f'JO.ooo of highway fund for improving Columbia highway from JliMxl Uiver to Mosier. Shell Oil tympany's $200,000 plant at l'ortland about completed. l. A. White & Sons are build ing their fourth warehouse In Salem. Grants Pass box factory again oK-rating with 52 men. Fresh cow for sale-Zin Wood. tf John Hoover and bride were in from North Plains, Saturday. Hulk warden seeds and onion sets at Greera. Fred Schoen. of Blooming, wan in town Saturday, greeting his friends. Henry Harris, a dairyman of near Cornelius, was a city caller the last of the week. If its shoe you need, buy them at Greer a. where you can buy them cheap. 47-50 Ulrich KemDt. of Helvetia. wu a citv visitor Saturday, his first trip since the advent of cold j weather. For Sale Nice, clean oat big thi::gs bhd 111 THE i: Estimated That at Least 750 Men Will be Employed Lumbering THIRTY -FIVE CAIS OP LOOS DAILY Bciifet the Big Laaabtr Cat Frtai Sev eral at tat SawaUls It is estimated that oy May 1 there will be 750 men employed in logging and lumbering in the north of the county. Thirty-five cars of logs daily is the estimate i to cqpawT Wp teem J i i un iiaua osrinnir outfits, and there are . 1. 0.l!j. 1 ...i several mills which will start 1- w-.. u. iannant u ooerations just as soon as logs r.miiv nf inihra of six. all of lean be cut which will be when - -1 - 1 . - . . . . whom are Ux payers. - I the anow melts enougn w nanaie Aiov Hnninn nf North Plains, the work with the proper amount a r it 1 mu Willi 1 1 1 1 1 1 . I - " .. x, .a. 1 1: r. I was in Monday, on business at of exoenditure. IOI R Intnl..! nv r MlO.flOO. M'c ""..""i i wPPn m. '""r -r . ittinrft ine iiouaavai. Gml W.Moore mill, at nan-1 1 1 a a k;. .niiv. nntt - don. o-ns March 15. n W. J. Gregg, of J.syv, , I e 55 Mills continue to open on uoa was in oionuay Hay and new industries start lo- says that he has pieniy 10 ao wa y --y . j. , eating there. . supervisor, gelling w .roa to Interstate Commerce uommis- arainea . in P'. "-" I will ODerate to capacity, and the sion allows railroads 10 reouce awrm. r-u. miii it itaaid. will start rli- on hV for V) days in Orderl t a.i. I .Mlhw mntlitinna . i r iviifnn lui hici vtn.i'. i u bimi mm " tn five relief to stock men. I i r1..... .ni rmui n.m.f ,T ... . . . I' O fA I I1UIIICIB, VI ."" I llUlk . British steamer loading 3.0UU.- U(ve fcbout 250 birds, which on A conservative estimate is the ooOfLoflumberatlortlandlor , f in h .Uh .m LmniOVment of 760 men. and tM.mui tn asii V. P. Sia. Rox much nf thit trade and main UIMIB,VU IV mm m mr " " 493. Hillsboro, Ore., or call at I tenance will naturally come irom 34U X WITHOUT the consequent riaK is through the universally Approved chech-booh. which has become en eermerh of aQuence, conaervetiam end substance. The men of merK in your community do business with their chech-booh. Are you one of them?, 4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings Ahiorican National Donll jc3Bee em fMMi IKK) corooration organ ized to operate steamera between I.IA pm , pm .. om 1 (Sal, only) pm from l'oriland-U minutes. -a m .....am 41 m pm ... . . . .p m pm , ....om 126 (Sat. onlv).... om X2t ....4tm 112 . 12... 121... 13 The old reliable place for bulk irotn ieeda, Ureert. , John Ritbr. of Helvetia, wu 1 town saiurda) on legal dusi- Herman Koehnke, of Oak irk. tranHiirtml huaineaa in on Saturday morning. Alfred Krickson. of above iOUhtainitnln ImmmImI hnai. ?min the city the last of the mi. Lou Mivir nf l!khalm fountain, was'in Saturday. He j mere is still snow up in nw lul ! At 1 m . k "-non me last or the wees:. Jacob Huchpln whn mm in Nneoa at BeaverUn until the ' or the year, was in the city uny, on business si ine rt house. He Is now back to "melius. Money to loan -on farm secur Uy. I represent three large fire insurance companies. Give me a eill.-K. 1. Kurauu ttaoimt ration is coming on slow but there Is promise of quite a rush when taxes are win tu lected. When you register this time It will be permanent, with no more trouble until you move. t ihn notify the county clerk so as to have your address. it .ni knm made candy, oy,ter cockUils or swee .apple cider, gel u ai - l(itnirv. J-11 Kev. C. H Cline. who preach ed the services St tunera of Mr. Mann, was n town the last of the week. He says he aUas liked Hillsboro. na is glad of a chance to re-vwit the place. Chaa. D. Farnham went 10 V.mhi.1 the last of . ho week r a row aays vu - schoolmate. John Thillippi went to his farm at Monmouth. Saturday. fS s "onceover", as to how things are progressing. Pure maple yrup. direct from n New York larmer. uy" sale st Greer's, lryacan. Lloyd Ingrams and family have moved to Hull Run. where Lid ride for an extended l)ii-jr - perioc. izeil to operate steamers oeiween i,, nroadwav i..ni.n,l oripntnland Austra tan I"" "roaw" .w.ri I Fred Ennea will again run a u.,.rattniativ nf I.ihhv Pack-Iinvfrinir ramn for the Nehalem ini? Co. awaking at The Dalles Timber Co.. near Scappoose. urged farmers to raise more veg- this Summer. He will soon go rubles as well as fruit to keep down and set up three donkey pnnirw running most of year. I engines for yard and field pur Corvallis 350.000 volt trans- poses. IZZL . iv a. C. F. R. BeaJs. of Tillamook, who Salem-Oregon Public Utility occasionally ; makes Hillsboro a that books, visit, is advising Itllamook aairy- Vu.ll....n..v..r.: ., tn Ai9Mirx their scrub sires ral plan s" h nd nrwater or fromTheir dry herds. Hesay. pm uianio "" : j- . mi.akA tn kfni thm for wy.MSr... UMemMMliksrf to ThoaTaHDlanted his early .rnn!?" A..:rr": &Z Kj lMiMtnilr. even l(U.M L,:a week, and SSVS Km.h" rr.wm.!n.r Knrh S da'ms Sod milkers. Cornelius b to have food supplies snmK vuuv.ir, r-- - ,nnth.r iht Conmss or no Vancouver. B. CJitneys 8eed nney desned. 12 cents per tongreas. have cut aown ivio my pound. Also a regiswreu crcy The Hare mill, above Manning. and the Hillsboro mill will 1 run full Mnamtv. and it will re-1 quire quite s crew in the timber to supply both plants. V.verv mill haa orders ahead and all are anxious to have the snows melted so that operation can obtain. . TWENTY YEARS AGO (From The Argus) YES! VE HAVE IT III SMI! One Million Board feet of Good Lumber fw 11 ii 1 1 Mma mm icKiawi.ivu v w ft wv- j m nn rivr nnnn w bbm aiasii laasa. ua from street cars $38,000. bull, year old last August: dam .ttraction in Berst'i butcher shop A stock o jmber so large and varied that you can have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many large dimension timbers, and can save yon the expense of special sawing. When yon want lumber, promises don't fill your bill. Our specialties are quality, ser vice, and courteous treatment You can do.better for less with this company. Bsrjger Lunta Co. Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. Go's. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY Everything in Building Matetla iiuiu onv.... i--- , uiui, jmi - -1 fturacuun m 1x11 Ashland-$15.000 mineral wa- hM official record of 552 lbs; first Lu of lut week. ter bottling plant tw0 months or nwseconajejr . f here. . test she Pwucea '. f "TT nroiaaorV note this . . I netting 1 iiids puiier. n; . - -. - T" , E. L Kemper, of near Laurel, dam has omciairecora 01 rrriaw Connected with the was in town the lasioi me we. ps. mi w oo Sute Hospital) merich. Hillsboro. 48 Mrs. E. H. Warren and daugh- i-iwin nvr the reiristra- ter, Miss Zulu, have returned u a m,n Jttor. from California, mucn improvea 1 ... .iu, maa iihor natural- in health. : a . ij, ..nf thoir first naneni T Ucnu tn wed has been grant- Hni VI wum, vw, ' ----- rr--- I u.v..rw . . i.i. . . .,iAana nf fiilll.J WI Inhnann And IllM 1 win nave u rci. ciu..vv icu tn . jt" rii.riiW Emmons and Missic Uzensh p 01 tne lamer ueiore Minnie ueier;ana v? , 9i?"r,M.K nf Cornelius, thv can be Dlaced on the regis- .. Md Rachel Pointer. Mr. jeaaw - 1 n whra the father lu.ri.n .nd Miaa Punter were were gran ea ma ". . with. -r-, .rthhome of Mr. and iLa 1 net at ino w hhr . 1 la uu aanu : ihhiw - - . ww . ' .. I.:,, o. out the date of naturalization Mrs, D. M. C Gault Ogden b. wa - - the prospective elector wil nave .. pftl,uii.f m this week lon.l anil KUin nflliuci, v. --1. - . .... i f.,11 n- u,rt wlthOOt I - - , , , Greers are selling out their shoes at cost Save money and buy at Greer's. 47-50 W. F. Haase. of South Tuala tin. was a city caller Friday morning. .Hillsboro Auto Livery . . Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DAT AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Ph"ne, City 17S ItftllUi aiivi aM - , boro, were granted marriage 11 cense Saturday. to get data in full or go without! ""J 12 deiewte8 to the tne ngni w vow. y 8tate convention. Une popuuw. nse Saturday. igtration books for the past few .1 0f lest nominated D. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Holcomb yearsthere are scores of this J.(JgiuU m a delegate. Mr. I Ufl R XVCQ id J. C. Bechen. of beyojd predicament - Gault Mng present to report I lUUIl LlLU n..nMi uiura in the city Satu day. A. L. camem to get med teal aid. S. P. P. E. E. the meeting for his Kepuoucan paper. J. Wheeler Marsh was appoint- ,u" . 11.. k J. Wheeler aiarsn was appoint- aWyffles, of Cornelius, the except the P. R. & N.. trains ed postmaster at Forest Grove, carpenter contractor who built and 8top t the de- f kep robbed the the big Buchanan &t-wsre- . gt t : 00 me saie cr. . was irno,wni-- Tn UriUTI.ANIl Honny In Loan Bn taps! Farms The State Savings Bank a p afe. at the depot issi niirht and carried away $40. En- Ihiuv waft made bv breaking a I l livw ww - ar window. J. W. Sapptngton, county treas urer, issues s call for outatand mnta this week. I Mr. I ISa V wmmmmmm - G.raninaVfnn VIA thft tttMT Oil issssaaifBiWw " Va 0 I the county treasurer. E. B. Sap- oington. 1916.) I'hirtv two eounlea attended! the Firemen's dance at the Hills-1 knwi Hnara honae. SUDDSr W served at the Hotel Hillsboro, the Baseline .1; -IkuxI htwMn Hillsboro and the 7 Grove, are offered at ISO per i:X acre. Half under cultivation. 6:40 4nd three acres is beaverdam 7-lfi l.n,i BUiu (This would be con- 9:00 sidered some buy in 1916. Ed. 12:15 Note.) v" n t. Oi4kl U..... Puul akariff advOrtlBefl l.. . Inr. ram A I All trmnn biod on hr 1 ..-- .,-.. IIUU iv. . -- , business in town saturoay. Trajn 6;50 W. E. Lee. of Gaston, was McMinnvuie Train down Saturday. The Leo mill Sheridan Train ; mav be moved over on tne r. k poregt Grove frain & N. this Spring, as aoon as it McMtnnville Train finishes cutting in pore8t Grove train The outfit is now sawing ties. Eu(rene Train , Jake Bettis. of Gateway. Ore., McMinnville Train jaKe.DC th a KWat Grove Train 3 of "rloada ofock. H FKOM PORTLAND iL.k muri'iirw wdiih aiwi w " SAV8 LnHt 1115 iiivivw ,1 below zero up his way during the Eugene Train January cold snap. I McMinnville Train For Sale-Bay horse, weight Forest Grove 1 ra n about 1650; well built and a Fore8t Grove Train good animal. Will sell reasjon- Train able.-F.J. midt Hdlsboro. McMlnnvlHe Train Route 1. or telephone HelveUa Q Train Mercantile Co., North JJM Grove Train central. . . . ... in-Tvoin Wm. Pitman, one of the ooy. - who knows . I other day and was registered Mpir streets, Sixth and Fir Sts.; the Hotel, luaiaun. "-"r and at Tenth street 7:36 10:02 12:50 p. m 2:15 4:10 4:55 6:40 9:50 8:15 a. m. 9:45 11:59 Will be proper.y fitt .d witb .asse . at the smallest price ; ' t Hoffman THZ JEWELER harwmbe S big him hwrinir this year. , : ' . .. a II T A. KOWlOS. OI .."".Ti.j.i- kmia PAMived me mieillKBIl. f yg Paren," a.:i.M AfrTea. Born, to over in . n-.Ko Mr. and Mrs. u. u w Old Uml. nn. TnR.ton a inrt V-A iniii. 1 a v rmother was well known To Timber a. iiv - here as om, ro-"BW teachers, ana h"From Buxton Africa ss a missionary teacner. . Steam Service from old depot at foot of Second btreei TO PORTLAND P R. & N. Train 4:30 p. m. FROM PORTLAND o pan. Train 9:15 a. m. !,--- Motor Car Service 12:25 P. m. 4:30 : i k Aduma haa returned from a flying trip to Astoria. Hlllsboro's city taxes for ' 18C6I ar t2.189.92. while Forest Grove, is $1,687.38. Hutter is advertised at S5 cents I ruar double roll, and eggs are quoted at 11 cents. Oninna are selling from 25 tol 90 cento per sack. Timothy hay is sailing at 13.S9. o-Rli a. m. Ground bone, grit shell and 2:10 p. ta.'e fs Grssp "Service to the S:c!:w Address, Box a46, Hillsboro, Ort;3a Kfs 'weeklv in advance) yr" 3 . - - . j - ,'.i. Doard, rooa, ntcmxs- per tw 4 1 1 i 'I