( . JnlflLLSBM HILLSIiORO.ORECON, FEBRUARY 10, 1910 NO. 47 3. ....a ryciOSLj if. J hies m u.s J. IL NetW Dreg TWv taa ' fSJrt2roj or nor ie own idivMii y imtsWat. Kffiff Re" hM notified drug JJ, Pn,pri, torf thai they miy ad drug ny on Suadty, and ZprotMbility U thftt th place tiBioi be kept open. Incase the ton will nil geriptioni only, or toeh drug ITrt ecery for Immediate la UluiMI. Boue "d restaurant can sell twal only. ,ml of cltrf . . ...anaMM AM taboo vital the ruling of th peace of. Imti. Th District Attorney to caused the ruling to be tent mt by the Sheriff, and the no- a I I . 1 a i. lam HUAL (jfrt WfM ueiiverva WM" wr bt th shrievalty. Sunday paper can beaoldon tb strerti or delivered at the Xht ordr or Ircular letter i.t out nad m follows: arSr: I wish that you would notify ill Confectionery Store and W at Stores that Circuit Judge b7i k.a Hian)ad tha tem- I- wary Injunction retarding the i . .1 1 l.a mmA ktMlf. jynUIT CIUHKIB lw, mum all place of bualnest, except DrugStorM. Hotels. PtwranU. Uwry Stables, or plaoea of pub lil necessity, mutt oloae, or aUnd aibjrct tu arrest and proarcution. bnder the construction placed m the law by the District Alter im itmif HiitrM ma remain pea fo' the purpose of telling rfniM nnlv. an d Loach Counters ind Kestaurantamay serve mea t only, but they cannot tell papers, rilirs. confectionery, etc., with. out violation ol the Sunday c;os ( ii m4 it U ud to the neo al and nnt ta the offlttrs. tO L ehaher it is good law or a Dsn law. neased on th mant. All roads were Impassable, and many bridges were ditlroyed by fall. Inir treet " I (ifM'fl Halt iU ihirilT at iKa I date . for th eiwution. ami Ijkpt A. M. lllinit. of this rity. built the aralTolii. awintM ly 11. i it .L m I. ii jonn uuuin. mmrr 01 ii. is. aaf - folil at ten at tuuht. and junt rhn thvv trr tmltinir th flniihintr tourhfi on th mtrhln- ery Of the law ShrnlT II ale rame out and told tht-m to do no more as th Uovernor had staved ex ecution. v ACTIVITY PR02E0 IH GOOD WEATHER Commercial Ifcvlcw ol Itiiainen in Orron Slate OSlGO CfMEMT rCT0t IS READY Uiiilatiaa Will Fmplsy Bif Naaiacf al Mci-Oatat Mtrtk IS Fresh Wood. cow for Alwrt VanDyki. the 9 year old son of Waltrr Vanliykc, of VerUmrt. met with a p'euliar accident the other day. lie was etting down some figurr with an indflible lad in-ncil. and in some manner punctured the white of his kft t-ye with the txilnL It tiadlv iMiiMontHl thk ball and the lad was brought In to Dr. K. A. Hailey. who co- ralnizrd the untie and treated it Th vimon ia not iniurod ai veL and the physician hope to bring the Injured memtwr out an riffht- l'h v will tte watched closely and if it loes not progress nicely he will be taken to fori- land for treatment alnn-v to loan in anv amount at 7 and K wt rent, on accept ble farm propt-rtie. Make ap tiliration now and have the money when you want it. Long terms If desired. h. U fork ins. HilUboro. Ore. sale-Zina tf. Many basements have been flooded the past few days. W. C Jsckson. or North Plains, called on the Argus the last of the week. K. W. Dint, ot Ueedville. and Nick Kemmer. of Cooper Moun. tain, were in town Saturday. ueo. McGee is home from a course of Highway Engineering at u. A. u of the Hazel- up to the city O CMC REFUES J IH1H3 Statu of 18,000 Acre 4 O. C Laaa la Ceaiatjr IECEIVES M4MV LETTERS WEEKLY J. H MeNet the Industrial News Bureau Ha atnr wi sends out the following note on I Monday, on business. Oregon industry : If it shoes you need, buy them ine iiiimboro i.umtier La will at Greer s. where you can buy soon start the l'illshorn mill. them cheat). 47-50 Lonir Fruit l'rndurta ( V eon. Mrs. nenry Miner, oi Deiow U-mplates erecting $100,000 cher- r)unzer..wa tn the city Monday, ry preserving plant in I'ortland. Mr. tlill'er has been confined to Oregon State Federation of the house ror two weeKS wun an Ubor oppose Sunday closing WUc,t 01 lBe "PP6- Isw. inhn MrHarn. of Galea Creek. WW-- Springfield i'hil Johnson will I was in town Monday. He says & i i . t ilk., M vtmiiA rkofrhrA rna ereci piani vu manuiaciure ier-i" " muuvphiv w uw tilizers, chicken feed. Neat foot " ? S locaUon. charjcUr; Naiateg Ca bt Dcter-aiac VeiM Cm- irtst Shag Act The Registers and Receiver) of the Oregon land offices are in re ceipt of hundred of letter in quiring about the a ft a lead passed upon by decree of the U. S. Supreme Court The Rote- burg official ask publication of the following letter aent out. of ficially, from that office: This office it daily In receipt of a number of inquiries relative tn th Oremn Ak California Rail road grant land, asking infor-1 mation as to the status or these I n i l -i i7i l a i ;6ovemeDt way.iTbereis'nosafer way. PAY BY CHECK was exactly three feet of snow 1st his plsce. KII.LCU VET UVES oil, etc. I l I t. l Ci amnlAU-il I lb. LA. u. A . y ciuvivin I 2000 extra men keeping iU tracks . Pigeon for ttle. cheap .u.. s. i... i.n,i M-o-tlHamen Carneaux and Crosses Vic i iviuauu invui - ' , , . annur. f : t i of Fort and emnlnv. inVO aoouv am wnw, wmtuwu - " - - f I a fn i i . l ej 1000. account or my sis neaun, am q i miit inor. trxi nnn ob Hired to sen. t. r. sias, uox mJ m J I I Barviv wwt w-vv - . ... a Imnmvinti it at varHi at tiltT-nl 1433. Hills bora ore., or can at k'.iit.iia I AmK I itfflhd I 71 all MB nnaaWH. tftkl ..uu in - auii.wt uv. i - contract for 30.000.000 feet of Mr. C Hlser hss received word from a cousin, who is an iimlner in the Patent Officer. at Wiahinffton. I). C. that her great arand father. Zaccheus IwmII wfta a csotain under ine immnrtal C.yi. Washington. This mn.M Mm Htajtpr and her sis- ir. Mr. A. 1L Schoonover, ot fnrnoliiia ellirible to member ahloin the Daughters ot the American Revolution. I R. B. Ooodin, Secretary of the 8UU Board of Control, write from the Upitol. taMfogtae argus that Henry WinUegerode, slayer of Jacob Swtnger, it not dead, contrary (Q report (ha.t he bied in Kastarn Oregon. Mr, Uoodin write: "Sometima early la tht year 1908 ho wa pardoned by the Governor, and from tht peniten usry went to umauna Louniy with a rich rancher who had also been a convict at the in- lilntinn Aftat Mfnalnin in Umatilla County fora thort ime lie returned to Salem and insisted that he be readmitted to tht penitentiary. Thla could not be done, according to law, and be therefore waa admitted to tho Insane Asylum on the 0th day ol June. 1908. where ha it atill con fined, residing at th cottage fsrm. five and one-half mile EsHt of tht mala iUtuUon,'and Apparently In a good health as he has been enjoying for years. ' At tha tima it Ka mnntar R P. Cornelius was iuatlea of the neaca for Columbia Pfeclact and waa feting coroner. fhq held the in- fliluar rtuAt IWa KaI a tmArih Swanger, tha murdered man. In . tnis connertiqn WQUlq lH to lUio that the (th of January, HJ, was tha data of one of the wont wjnd atorma over wu flnion aecd for sale: Oregon Yellow Dan vers, grown thisvesr. innnin of I1 V. Wohler. Hills- bora Oregon. Telephone Farm ers 35x1. WX Cm Patalnu. of above liUXton. wis in town Ssturdsy, getting ki. i.h maiitf to flio his can- didacy for represenUtive in toe lower house at Salem. Sam says he is going to mane me run again and gives notice that he -.;n K in tha n?a i siav. air. will tra hi y - -? e i'sislcy cent his petition to Sa lem. Saturday afternoon. U... (a I nan nn farm SCCUf ity. I represent th.reo Urge fire naurance oomuanioa. Give me a cslC-R I. Kuratli. Wm. nagley Sr. saji that one hundred cars were necessary ir tk. ... knn aalna in Oregon. Ilia rvvvii iiuf r. .kl..miil irnlntf tO NCW 1IB biiiuiiivm- . York. Soveml grower arwunu this section sold last week It want knmfl made candy. Ik VVS VitW H'r "7 1 oviter cocktail, or sweet PP riiii'r. an u aw vwwv v r - r tionerv. ........ l'(T.. ftf Wpst union. jasper - '....t. Tk. if.mtun oi oieva anu iiii V..W. " - , . I'laln. were city callers me w of the week. r DiMiliwr nf North Tu' latin Wains. ws naaMna: busing n town we 1Ml " " week. Walter Zetzman, o( North Tua latin I'lains. was a civy v wi the last o( he week. v dmuki nf Newton, was u. r. i"""i . i in town Saturday, coming up in his Impromptu sleigh. WC Walter VnDyke, of Verboort, w br in town flfluimuj, i-i Intra Medford ha dodu at Ion of 12.. S00 and 18 factories with invest ed capital of $230,000. Contract lor U rants rass 1000.000 sugar factory has been let Eugene Fruit Grower Assn. increases output 25 per cent during past year. K. A. Koser. or Kickream wH . i n a won ii 4X1. in Dnz?s. on zi sheep st t'enama Pacific Exposi tion. A. W. Siegrist Is this week shipping his household goods to LaGrande. where he will reside in the future, and where he will enter the mercantile firm of which his brothers Herman and Will are co-partner. He has rented hi home near the City Park to J. R. Marshall. R. R. Tongue was in St Helen. Saturday, on legal busi ness. He aaya the ice on the treet along the Columbia defies deseriDtion. and those here who when .ther mav be entered or I purchased, etc, etc. This circular k intended to re ply to these letter of inquiry and to give out loch information relative to these land a may I no Im stated. A list of theae lands by Town ship and Range hat be-n pre-l pared for each of the tereral counties within the Rotebunrl Land District, containing that lanrfa Then lists sra intended I to give merely an approximate aniaLAf aneh lands in each Town. I &hln haaa1 on this IJst nf land given in th decree of the Fader al Court; TWa Hat for an eonatv OT I counties will be furniched oo re-1 quest Thla office bat no map for die tribution. nor doe it prepare but will furnltb hlii nnnta. tAwnakin nlata howinsr location Shinvird st Bandon may be enmnlftln of tha riirora of storm I of aJl vacant land and unaoldl i i j cm I . . . i & . I l i .&a I reopened employing w men. igna oaa wesmer are not in a yw-1 raiiroau lano, wn i ir wwmhu It is estimated hat Atori 8ition to know how sheltered we in oidering township plata, both spent $150,000 for new buildings haye been. the Range and To wnahip No. must I in 1015. Monmouth spent aoout . . . tamm nf be given, and remittance anouia t-K rsYi for new buildings. wish to . trade a team or h certifled cheek or U. . -. . B 1ft tmi,im Vll I " . . . .. tk nrrnn.Fort and Lement nurBc, nu , po-tai Money order Dayaoit Ca. Oswego, announce it ex- ,OT n m TwZ.v Zl to RJL Turner. Receiver, fer- sonal Checks may not t receivea A A B u a., l for a snan or voung mares, mree nu to biTreadv to manufacture or four year. each, unit m ment about Much 18- " STL HE jl VZV VCII B SB aIB VM wwt R2: P.al-ji Cresk Central. TWENTY YEARS AQO through Fbreat Grove. 45-7 tlL - L... 1.4a ms ii. rnpiiam naui aruna iiiuu uu .- (rromlhe Argus) nership with Alfred Harrington John Dobbins has purchased the Un tot Qnn& Theatre. .and they interest of J. L Beam in the are remodelling the- interior. Main Street Livery, and is now jhey wj put in a ladies' room representing his property in per- on the ground floor, and a ton. (Editor's note) Dobbin 8moker in the loft, and decorate is in 1916 a popular conductor on the f0, er. when finished they me a. r. wnu ircuucuw r'iaiOKi unaveonaoi uw ncu through tiiiisnoro. A very pleasant su.rprlae was the home or oar. ana Donelson. CM! a Geo. W. Ptteron hss been eleeted to attend the National republican convention ot local leagues, at Milwsukie, Wis. Jim McNamara. of the Inde pendent force, ha received, a handsome gold watch, a present from tb w1"6 of n" sn,nd" rather, at uregon wiy. Th Centerville sawmill la run ning ten houri daily. W. P. Nelson, who is connect- in navment. This office is not in position to I giv advice aa to the character! of the land in any locality, and can not attempt to adriae any one in this regard. As to the digaosition of these lands, nothing can be determined until Congress shall act in tha matter. It is probable that auchl action will ha taken acme time within the next six months, and nr.til such action is had no inror HDRi w nim uue wt uwr I : . , . -, . if a knitaaa in tha mStlOH CSO b fftven by thlt Ot' ck muT.u. v.v,-,- ... ,a ni(Mfatt ... tie interested to watch tht daily paper, u wtuttaver action uon- crrpta mav kali e will ha aiven thAnam he fore this ofSea ha of ficial information thereon to give OllL r Thr is till a certain amount of unsurveyed railroad landxin several of the counhas. nSJBCiv: Curry, Douglas and Josephine: These Isnds when surveyed will come under whatever plan of I disposition Congress may pro vide. J. If. Union. Raviatar. R. R. turner, Eeeeiver.'' I and yon will have a'complete'record of and receipt of all The svstem i fasdnatine and as fi cures I do not deceive militate against unnecessary and thought . . 1 .M .11 m n .1... ZM I. . n n .mil. Wtt CXPCnUllaTC OI uic suitii suuu ium iu iu K&'K11- hare often proved the thieves of success. A large open ing deposit is not necessary. Won't youjstop in and let u explain fully? 4 PeraCenf. Interest On SaTintH American National Danil YES! 17E IL1VE IT III STCOK! One Million Board feet of Good Lumber A stock of lumber so large and varied that you can have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many large dimension timbers, and can save yon the expense of special sawing. When you want lumber, promises don't fill your bill. Oar specialties are quality, ser vice, and courteous treatment. You can do.better for less with this company. Edges Lufite Co. Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Track. AD5 0LU rtLY Everything in Building Material valley, Do not forget the first of the aeries of three concerts by the Orenco Military band, at Orenco. beginning Friday evening, Feb. 11 The other two Will DO oaieu later, one to be held SO days hence, and the last to iouow au days after the second date. It will cost 10 cents ioreaon con cert or 25 cenU for the series of three. g, P. ft P, E. ft E, All, except the P. a A N.. train are electric and stop at the de- 1 illsboroAQto LiYCPy Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DA t AND NIGHT SERVICE and & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176 n. r r... 1. 1 are e ecino, anuavui ed with the company which lslJ M.in stree building, or intending to bmW. I x0 poKTLAND Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m the Portland-HillanorQ mowr line. WM tn town monuay. V- iiluin.-tlbi Train foTcett 1Pww&:; .fin clearing ngni 0 way sou ms t Rrove t-.:- . ' .Mn.l4And in niMDCB 1 BC11VV lreMMve - .MJ ni nn the aavenc 01 mure Kpy to Loan On tr.?9U8ii Farms Tbe Shnte Savings Bank UU .uv. . ..... nmnitioua weather. Cedar Utu will oe tne nrsi jhhh (Editor m nott-lws project oia . thAiiatinn nniinra wurLii ui Ttuaai snd then suspended operatione. but t was the entering weog-in storting agitotlon toward build ing m electric Una, which Anally arrived In 1908.) Lem Ingles came within an see of losing hi lift at ureen nia hi week. His horse fell THIS. . J I-, and upon rising ow rv several yards, his feet dinging to the stirrup. Anton Pfanner haa been Sp. -'i.A arfmlnifttntor Ot W aarare 01 martin - 7:36 10:02 12:50 p. m 2:15 4:10 4:55 6:40 9:50 Mr Minnville Train Forest Grove Train Eugene Train McMinnville Train Forest Grove Train FROM PORTLAND arrive Eugene Train - 8:15 a. m. McMinnville Train ' 9:45 Forest Grove Train 11:59 Forest Grove Train 3:15 p. m Sheridan Train :3Q McMinnville Train 6;40 Eorest Grove Train 7:15 Forest Grove Train 9:00 McMinnville Train 12:15 All train stop on flag at Sixth jtaJanrf Main: at North Range and Greer are telling out their shoes at cost Svrt montv and buy at Greer't. 47) The Sheriff'! office has install ed its steel railing on the tax counter in tha collection depart- i ment and all it in readiness for the annual tax receiving;. ; It it safe to say that, there were mora alelffhl in C..!lbora Saturday, than in any one &y in the history of tht county ssat Ik. mm -l mm. ceding there ware many, tt the cold continued to long Cut near ly every farmer rirsd .tea ikindofa''oiSt ORBQON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland-C5 minutes. ' nn eves Will be properly fitted with glasses at the smallest prices at Mdffman JEJ& l,tlii""B I . .. . . . r.. u. flterf hi bond with Fir streets. Sixtn ana nr so., v . . . , . . Beni. Sehotfield. T. land at Tenth street. J. D. Merry man, i. n. ow and T. D. Humphreys u sure ties. hel. of Newton. was calling in the city Monday. Pure maple syrup, direct from a NOW lUra laiuini ..! at Greer's. Try a can. Mr. and Mr. T. R Goodin. of t Timber ...am In Hatnrdav. U . mii near urentu, i iirTum iimucr their first trip alnce the advent p B(lxton Steam Service from old depot at foot of Second Street , TO PORTLAND P. R. & N. Train 4:30 p. m. FROM PORTLAND P.R.&N. Train 9:15 a. m. MotorCar Service to Buxton , 1:5 p. m. 4:30 9:55 a. m. 2:10 p. m. 6:32....... ......;:.. am 7:18...... 8:28........... m 9:58 ..m 12:43...... ......pm 3:58 Pn 5:43...... Pm 8:10............... pm 9:li8 (Sat. only);. ...po from fortiano w minutes. 7:54.. n 9:20 act 11:25 .... n 2:12.... ..-pm 4:27,.... .............pm 6:25....... ..........pn 7:13 po 8:28 (Sat only).. 12:25. D mmmmumfi "Service to the Sic : ; Address, Box a46, Hillsboro, 0re:r3 " 1 .Vlir in ar)vance . OrtTltJ tttl Doard, room, nursing- per week, llijcr c- , - Hirer c-nL i 01 IUO " t,