1 I I I I - .OR niLLSBR MU HILLSBORO, OREGON, FEBRUARY 3. 1916 NO. 46 a rfflff&OL JftULSUL-Jtllj padps. Jan. jOMCWVlCTIOAWUia rtou IfcC-wl Ves WWes-ie4 DW UrVtlaed. J. n vH Von Wistsegerode died In PD4 lul Thar!, ooe of Z o(4 weea ttecUeUoua ikiwMti Oregon JjU, early "lh Mill to ssled a rder la tht. .i.JtliHi UNff vTlaUe- CVW" - ...... . and; bavlei Sasng-r. of near PbilHpa, Jen. . 18X0, by ehootlai and then besting him with the bull end of the run wd by the nee of an gx. The motive ostensible m robbery. Heary ffletsegerode m not bright Ue was con .,..,4 aid sentenced to be hinted I lbs Hillsboro court AndrcM Kih. n Hungarian, Sired 45 years, resident of the U. 8. for 8 yn, was brought here from Orrrico, last Fridsy. snd mijudtfcil insan. after an easminatiori by Dr. F. I). Ander son, of the nurtery town. Kish i well eductid and formerly preached to lhe Hungarian eo ple st Orrnro. He la very de Tout. The iiaxt few months, it it aald. he ixrame flighty, and erected altar and worshipped. He u alito aiflictrd with visions. remit angel. Iht-se heavenly visitations did not keep KUh from beinir homicidal, and hi wu connide'ed daniieroud. Hm A special train. wife. Itoaa Kich. and a family of timutrd thmuvh children. reside st the nursery Kridav ! - I EASTER!! S. P. TICKET MS JSII WEST !' Throuth M il bore Ijitt I rl- day, in a Special Train suite the loop thboioh MarlrJ East, Vii Sacranxai. ity Maraler, Alter a Tr Fresh I Wood. cow for on the Loop. sale-Zina tf. Mr. snd lira. Reny Delplanche. of near Shetflm. were city callers Saturday. Born, to Mr. an J Mrs. Web ter Phillips. HilNIora. January ZJ. 1916. s daughter. W. A. snd Albert Keehn. of COTSTY Oreneo. were Hillsboro visitor me last oi me wee. John Boeker. the willow fur niture manufacturer, made a business trip to 1'ortlsnd, Monday. laflDOD " PiSSES TO mo f Mrs. Marie Sweek. Drikt ef Late Job Sweek. DM Jem. 23. Ifts sun TittEE YEAtsiN Tins comr! SelUcd as DeeatiM Lasl Silt ef Taalatie m Mrs. Maria Sweek. widow of the Money to loan in any smount ticket Agents on s tour of the st 7 snd 8 iH-rcenton accepU- countleiof Y8rnhiU tnd WaBh. a e farm proper-He, Make ap- . . . . . tl 1 1 i r iA. r.. I Hilliiboro last Washington County, was up from h, jonn Sweek. died st the old I .- ! I hapturwVl IDA 111 AT ITIC WPK . I . . . .t A I -. - ' . i i i . t a . Kmtmrn Snuthern I,cific CSiiea on me Argus. Don't foreet that there will be biir dance at the Moose Hall this Saturdsy. Feb. 5. Music by home orchestra. Everybody in vited. Sweek home. Tualatin. Orssoa. Jan. 28. 191&. after a abort ill ness. Her Maria Beard: and she was born olication now and have the -trnvea "ere " home orchestra. Everybody In- Msy SL, 1833,!ln 5U UtDsnsre mnne whm vou want IL Unir . St forest V al vited. ITa. Missouri. Ebt W8 BSaf- . , . , ----- n.Ot Tk nndlut I horn. 1 I ' . . . terms If deired.-K. U Perkins. . ZC'"rz.urZJ n SK.n.r .nd if- nf Jol. Iried to John Sweek la 153, ana ..... i auivM aaai avail tii hiimii wiiii iiibi t . ut- vv - - inilaooro. Ure. r". .TLTr v JT-u.wi-.- lv Plains, were in town Friday, thrie honevmooa waa a trip i I iriri vr en. i ins ut sai ti iimuit i - ----- - . - . i Thit foniral of the late 1 1 I 1 ..j ti,n n;n Kiii r,r Clem savs that the dnft in front I ..pom h nllna b aacteass. in Whitcomb took place at Samnsw. Yamhill. They were enterUin- of his plsce is cleared, but e eomDany with a eoiooy of nesr tk)lUife Urove. last week. M bv John ScotL general osssen- expwu mere win pe remnania . . ... - t . Infd J I - . T .. r. . I t .1... KanU H,.MfIU. Duwuni ihihhm lie was a pioneer oi irw ana gfr went 0r me S. Y. lines in V1"1 ' u- si.. w. e. Meitd was aired 87 years. He lived in i A fW.ndv. Mr. Ursl weeks. the Spring, the BwsekS attM Muttnnmmh (juintv In the earlv o.. . .w;f u,L. r W Stin. r o.-J n .4.Mv. Af OBI dODStiOO ISBd eUUBS, tad Aft mi im ili-r mnvn ta II M. ri. Tiokot r. t. r) I fof Sixty-thrM yeSTS BTB i - - - - - i irrr. m aw LiHiiu bb - v w i innriL aaraBsa a is Laasw ma suaa z an boro. where he resided for many Airent: W. H. Jenkins, rravel- mnrnimr. Besides examinins sn I IIa Id nuauiun Ku aa I A . a t tlr! .1. 1 m. A I. . a I r. iv; a. u. wich, iuiusuu, insane paueni me ur, swore u and u. M. Anarews, seauie. an affidavit for s msrnsge u These sgents nsve wen I cense for two of Orenco'srest c . . . . nana; mrs. n. i. ueavn. rrw brought to me wesi oy me dents. convictea oi sisnwr " and Wert Whiicomo. su or ww. rVMiri:.. made this bar none, uer nus-jfr- band, well known here In jploaeer I V days, died in February. andl inv L&ffaak Car bus-1 hanged Is tba Hlllsboro court- yesrs. He is survived by rd the dsj of etecution being I" Wo "( ,f yaru. mfu v A hitcomb. P srtUAsgastl Ilewas UnJ Mr w Ml P A.a Taa MDreoto Mwri stopped proesailoga brraatlng tDewtrIsl.ai4 oa liirsh JU 1881 the prisoser nlaadod gu lty tnd was seateaosd to life Im pnsonmest., eteaMllM hevsspsroUd aad died from tuberculosis. This waa about ten years sgo, Wlalissfoda was a model priasaar aad hU mental trouble was nor laaa apparent by a chil- 'ort- red Lane I There icacjaiore convenient way. There is no safer way. PAYffBY CI!EG mnA vm will have o comnlete record of and receiot of all i j r--:- - w. Itnnssctioiu. The system n fasanatmg and as Sgnrea. . . ?. . - ? . M .1 f . I. BOt aeceire muiiaie against unnecessary ana Laougui ksa expenditure of the small sums that in the aggregate bar often proved the thieves of success, A large open . . ?. . iir i. 1. i J i.. I lag QCpoail IS noi uevxauy. muni yua twp w bu ici ns explain fully? 4 rariCent. Interest Oa SaTlna Aoorican National Danlli County. Onion seed for sale: Oregon Yellow Danvers, grown this year. Inquire of K. r . Wohler. Hills bora Oregon. Telephone Farm ers 35sl. 46tf Sheriff Iteeves s in Port- Isnd Friday when the Hotel Perkins bsr was, raided snd s ausntity of liquor confiscated. Southern Pacific Company so ss trouble wastjors ttaa apparent. quantity of liquor connscsiea. wilh teiligence, H wss Ukea toCUtoo by a rich . the bsr wss serving ginger sle more tntn pleased w rsnchmas, wko aarvad i Urm highball, but the patrons railed d uMhWton cc a aa a 1 J Iff. . . t . i i ninua lierrv iiisiTi. avuii ui aai to sxquslnt them w.in me re- u , a f ff. this city, has filed his petition uuunu.cN ttcu foP u,- district attorney's office. Dreiran came si a lime wnen me j in ---------- .. . H K imiM M . MU Will Ulfc snows destroyea weir cnance, - ffi . . . V ,Wm.ofTear UteXe es. He is cspsble, and his st this time of yesr.LUeratur. .. . . fae wUl descnpuveoi eacn coumy w ..:.LI k nartv an thev w,n lurnnun m i ... , m.L thoir nhaorvationa K. A. Knotta. well known in the widow declined to co ta Port land, where her eauaraa nz .ri. saying she would remain on the I nld htmmttmA nntll daxtb e!s!aM ed her. She wss a wosaa of I splendid intellect aad rats&Md hr ramilHna until taa tL The funeral was Mti frca.taei Finley chapel. PorUsad. IXmCX, snd interment was in Cirerriewl Mrs. Sweek wu or utt urate snd character that saa andssrea Dservstion c a. iwnotis, wen mown ' uu'"r" r-j"" :7"7 i nsv ami in, MwiiuiuuTn mn. ui hu. i i w w . m - ith Ysmhill county, died at Bend. Oregon. She is surrlved by six ttUdrea: i.r i! . I .H I II. ail hAM n TMI. LTTUI A. 3WIH. I EIWIHI1III W ranenman. wmm -r ;",iMin r-..: e-r-- ,,na wasninnwn wuin, "r"r0 rT. Rnri fW-: Urs. r ihMUBf wermum. ana oniv lor triniter aic. , iuck itiav innmirn tni Liiurn n eounu. in iooo. nu v. ..-i - . after a few atoalba of Mberty. was a regulsr list of ' pstron. they will be sble to sd- married to Usrv Hsckett. Ore- Milton W. SmiUuwira at a awaa The case rasatU history Dacs tnd men high In business . ana vlge him ss to sctuslities. Tne Ron City, In 1881. I he wiaow . "H'A Mvears. J. f. Cspiee, then aocisl circles were getUng the s p MOecta a srest smount of and four children survive. Mr. Sweekstoetiiumcf iBaKa, district attomy, toe cac. nrohiwteu srucie. trtTe neit sesson. owing w tne nous was a coniracwr ;"-'- tJu- inA as.i.t-dby tta.lato (greas- on u Ioan.on farm ecur. Europesn . Wsr. snd the S P. yesrs prior to hi.go.ng to Beni sn affiey of JPort and Ity. 1 represent three isrge nre me is fl"'.n'"" "r le: cne?Mand Multnomah eoontSes. Un. Insurance companies, uive roe iki. "UU,'" J II om nomers, varaeaux aim vrww. csll. E. I. Kuratlt. oi me mave SDOUl oirus, wnron on ... . .L -.j i through this section. . account of my III heslth. am inviwoui r ."I The fo lOWino: wu we person third Btreei. I r-: ilfjl VI ewa. wj mm Toosae. Ci. Ueodeonall, the great srlsilaal wwiyi.,1 sisted by Tses. Csaley. of Hills bora, defeased. The grand jury Indictiag ware: A. Ciaatan, fore men. C Caassaaa, A. Couture. J. Wilsoa, f7a. Hay. U. Cooper, aad TJss. EL Stephens. Th.larv bka foaad WlsUt- gerode gaUty-J. t. Ceaderson. Andrew Jaek. V. L Cartla, 4. U Fuller. Z. Cakar. P. H. An trim. J. WhtUaora. J. 8. Miller. Thos. Wheeler. Joha UcKernon. Jas. Shepherd and Jamas Mc f'luran ff tha Brnssfntors. de fenders, court aad Jurors, grant snd petit, ooi taw live. in Iste C. B. Pelleater was Judge. orrqon acnex trains To Portlaa4-0 ailaatea. 1:32 " 'T-.18 am 8:28 9:58 -am 12f43 P m 3:68 ... pm 8.43 pm ;10 pm 9:U8 (Sat. only) 0 m From PortUad-U minutes. 7:54 am 20 am 11:25 m 212 pm 4 27... :...pm S;25. pm 7:13 pm 8:28 (Sat only) pm 12:25 ,...am Ulmnn filann on l.i.ui. - blew up Saturdsy morning. The pipes were frozen sna snorwy rtr hronkfast hsd been served there were fireworks tnst were not epprecistcd by the ismuy. The K. of P. public dsnce.st the Moose Hall. Friday night. wss well sttended. notwitnsisna ing the storm. Light refresh ments were served st midnight. nd riancinir was indulged until two next morning. Mr. snd Mrs. F. J. Csrstens. of Bsnss. passed through from Forest Grove. Saturdsy. enroute home, after a visit wiw nra. Csrstens rclstivea of the college city. N. G. McDonsld snd J. J. Vsn Kleek. of Kinton. were up to Hillsboro the first of the week. attending circuit court on tne celebrated dog case. 1 amis eat an made candy. oyiter cockUils. or sweet spple ciaer, get u a ivw ---r- tionery. " Born, to Mr. and Mrs. A. , U. ...!. Ulll.knm Jan 29. 1916. a uavw, iim-w . wheat ,on. The happy amer v... J In iha nnat MllCfl. I" ocpui i" " " 11. C. Cuaaiaxhssi and three HnuoklmM fimmtmw ImM And NIIU Uft TitnaAa for Portland to make It their permanent home. C. H. Vol. T. F. ft P. A.. Buffalo. N.Y.; J H Ramsrjacher. T. F. & P. A.. Philadelphia. Pa. Geo. B. Brown, i. r. r. a.. Boston, Msss.; . . . J. A. BIsser, C r. a., tsoswn. W. F. Anderson. T. A.,(snd wife). 366 Broadway. New York. J. Klphsui. rsssenirer (snd wife). 366 Brosdwsy, N. Y. Thos. Ashton, T. A., 1158 Brosdwsy, N. Y. J. M. Mauden. T. P. A.. St Louis, Ma; . ... U B. Banks, C P. A., St Lol. Ma;. . . Geo. n. Sieoen, u r. a., vm cinnsti. Ohio: . . m J L F. Mcrsnsna, i. r. a-. IT. ...a CitV Mo W. M. Steen. C. P. A Bir minghsm. Ala.; H. F. Storks, T. P. A, Pitts burgh, Pa. TWENTY YEARS AQ0 (From The Argus) Whest quoted st 50 cents nhiia-d to all E. F. Siss. Box 493. Hillsboro. Ore., or call at 565 Broadway. mm Mrs. Laodrock. the .aged miAnw nf iha lata Fred Landrock. died st the Mrs. WUktns' noma; East Hillsboro. Thursday evening The remains are being held until ha BHthr RPttiML when inter- a -- mnt will be in Portland. Her hii.hand waa for vesrs S Shoe maker here, ond they moved to Polk County from here, after ward returning to Hillsboro. Coroner Bsrrett made a trip beyond Cornelius Pass, the other all fa nnthincr . Soma davs uaj , m i vi v .... - m a tree fell on a cabin, and tn amalt children were killed. No notice wu sent here, ss it wss in Multnomsh County. Later some one reported thst tne trag oti hA taken nlaee in Washing ton County. Upon investigation the Coroner found that it not in Washington, but in adjoining county. Wish tn trade a horses, 8 snd 10. weighing 3200, Lillie Harding. Tualatin, cad Tbaddona Sweek. also aa Kr-I nev. and now Mayor ox T0- tin. YES! UE IL1VE IT III STCOil! Or.2 Million Board feet oi Good Udber A stock of lumber so large and varied that yon can have cromrjt delivery ol any order. We carry many lare dimension timbers, and can save yon the expense ol special sawing. When yon want lumber, promirra don't fill vour bill. Our specialties are qnality, ter- vicc and courteous treatment You can do better for leas with this company. S. P. P. B. B. All exeapt the P. R. ft N.. trains are electric and St09 at the da- pot on. Main street TO PORTLAND Forest Grove Train 63 a. McUinnviUc Train 723 Sheridan Train 1062 Forest Grove Train 1229 p. m McMinnville Train 2:15 . Forest Grove Train 4:10 Eugene Train 43 McMinnville Train Forest Grovs Train to& FKOSt PORTLAND arrives Eugene Train Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. Co'a. Tracks. AD30LUTELY Kverything in Building Material nillsbOFoAntoLivcpy " Feed and Boardiruj Stdbls Pricea Deaaonablw DAY" AND NIGHT SEHVICE and & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176 McMinnville Train w? I Forest Grove Train Forest Grove Train Mm . Sheridan Train I?-1 McMinnville Train norsea, o anu iv, h,iii Train r. . .nan nf vnimflr mares, three Forest Grove Train or four yesrs each. Must be Forest Grove Train per sound and true. Phone bales McMinnville Train iu .nder Kehrll. of, Qt. t7ffiWV ''" and other injuries. Hillsboro's school district voted a six months school only. Dick Perkins butchered l'he ot was 1 vaaIf Pantml and call for Glen- wood 52: Gales Creek central, Uhrouffh Forest Grove. 45-7 . .... First MeeOef Far Thirty Years - ... Peter Hermans, pt muuw Bridge, was a city caller Satur day morning. Theodore Bcnsrds. of Verboort was s city caller Saturday; on legal business. IIATIIK'JIOE THRIFT CAKPAIGI1 By tha America Bankers' Association to msrk ssvings bank centennial ' Tha fint saving, bank in Jttfi s?iiMsnurw sswsa wealth -fa $lCT.dKo.CCO and almost oni dJjVKS people In tha country.; we have 1 about JSion the unnn banka, belonging to ten and a hair mu.i ha'above Is taken from the Journal of the Ameri can Institute of Banking. ,.n join the campaign and open an account with The State Savings Bank Four brothers of the Long fsmily mot in Hillsboro. Friday. lor me B I . . .. I OA . I A UICK rerainn wnwiv" T nrst lime in ou jrc u, . "k" that tinned the scales at I. T tiiiiahora. L. L. Lonsr. of ?"??-S:Srw- ,"??-A,aJS X S P. R. ft N. Train BaAaV BaWBBBi UIU I UnHr Inn II BB VBBB BllliaUBU BJUIIK4 VS B . n :..aa iviamaviilA. Wisconsin. 'The Meter Car Service Msry A. orown, i .Wi.ffi..inm . .M lS)e. m. uuiahAMV Bflveruaea icviei o uaiici iu-'-i- . i iu uuwu . ......yw. I j An.A nn I. I. in Montana, u. 8:15 a. m. 9.G 11:0 sasn.D 4 6:40 7:15 12:15 All trains stop on flax at Sixth snd Main; at North fcUase and Fir streets. Sixth and Fir Eta.. and at Tenth street Steam Service from old depot at foot of Second Street TO PORTLAND - P. R. ft N. lrain 4:25 n.m. FROM PORTLAND 9:15 a. m. YOUU EYES foe uncsned for. Perry Benefiei and Miss Romet- ta Bullock were granted a mar riage license. I Alii Hood is the secretary of the Farroington Cresmery. sn institution thst paid dividends. nril.M Qnvlr and wife deDsrt- ed for Heppner to mske that city their home. nf an At If? of Mult w timht flnA black team noman, "w""1 - . from John Milne sr., lor me v. a. scovernment, The Hillsboro K. P. tesm went to Cornelius. W,wmr the ranks 01 snignwooa n v. . Hancock ana uen wmu t n Pnaaialr ( after ward con victed 'of murder, and executed at Salem) advertises a in ket . . t vj Dimitl diatrlct attor ff, . MWIV.. . .nil wBN attending court at Ore- &3a, m. 2:19 p, m. - - - -. ii . j nn i. 1 . tn Montana. I ... adpMtoPrti P. C. when the trio came on , to from Timber uiiiehnm to visit a lew nours rrein uawu with the eldest The fifth brother who.isinthe railroad yaras at mahcn. FRSSiSSNT Williston, . v., on tne nm lines, was unawe.woe aiww tk,,-., avanlni the roeun T Mnnt PT ia In en- Board of Governors ot tha Ravalli. Mont. P. C. ia an en- rmmtreixX dnh met and gineerwithuie risner quarne. JT--: f oMowins aa cSjtrs and CUtiora runs a . " .V- V.,,i w LI tVI uawiu " " " l. a aa. MAv A.-M ffWakta. Hon, 01 us snute lira? iaa. Will be properly fitted with glas at the smallest pricea at TiE Hoffman HUleboro. Oregon rtoirv in the Badser state. 1. denarted for his home 1 aBBaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr 1. h Xnrffefirato Mn5?fi. voSnieJ Clifford ?ill Pdent Dr. R. U. Erwla. ase. while the younger, unwo , srui -nA n a rtttr. remain on tnetwasi a isw iwi PhBrl Jv tc-itb and look. round toseswhat the Willsmette vsiier nas on w tBr;a bill of fare, imny: years ago - u -ryn. 1 ihAv were boya together in iner- n Red Cedar Valley, tributary to thMSH& and Wlaennaln ' KZP bJttnW collis on. nesr una, wasn., last uan wrsxrao, --, G31 "Service to Iho Address, Box 846, IlMibcr:, C.-L peesweekly in advance) Doard, room, nursing-$3 per srttX. 0.- 1:: rr -i t 1. anataini an i aa in the citv Kaonoar mom Kuu vt. the judge. Iniuredarm. tag- - i V "T t. A. McBride was