The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 27, 1916, Image 1

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NO. 45
vol. xxji
rj it ii i v iiii iiii s
riiHi looses i:i
w w
l.trcl t rrUa Et
,.,t.$mJ el IWe.M
. . ,t. l!..t,i
of I'ythi-. and Phoenicia Tem
pi, IMhi.n Sisters, enjoyed a
puhlie joint InsUltotlonpf officer!
last Friday evemn. wwrw
on, hundred tod fifty Pople
itundanc. There wera some
delightful drills, and the cere
monil were carried out toper
..;., After iba Installation
there win musical program..
,nd a cafeteria lunchton. after
which the young people Indulged
in dancing. Win. Nelson of
ficiated m thi Installing officer.
,d the fallowing JUIgbts will
hoi.l the chain for the ensuing
y L Moor. chancellor com-
mandrr; George Kmmott vice
rhtr.rrllor: John fcngeidinger.
W. I- lUtch..;... r
an intrrt in
the Ari-im
oi sirs, i.tiri ii" u i ;ur' :i
IT. who mvf birth ij tm!.
Hi mother Ot thi lii t r'uM
t-vi Urwii'iii. of Rhode I I s
Mr. UriMori ha I -t lrfk of
uf hi children, h it th i,'
whom he ha a r url f;tti,i
or mother i f 12 rhildrt-ii. i ..
have iirrn.-ntf I him with
irrandehiMrvn. -11 treat it . -I
children, and . y r--i t -g v ,
grandchild. I'.rivton'a vuf
birth to IripU t tn-.- tun. s
otiaiirtiti'i'U ifn'. llig .leu'
lf hl 5 iir f tint. ;t.
jtlural htrth fol!o'i th h.
3rd wife. TK ohl
71 yi'ttmof irt han u,i't!r-ii u
17 vUU'M. 3 l-rrilri-. ('at a
Mexico. Kraru-u n, th? A'i n-
nn ' Navy. . u j'it;y think-,
thii family i m U vvfltiaii,
Spirrlla ('ont Nt ho! I it
turea. A iaHlim un i a ? it:-
gi-Btum. lav you any cr-.ct
tmutilt"? If no. I't Siur-I!a r
vice cure tlo-m. Uvr lhrt mil
lion putisSil binn'Ha i-ur- r
tctify to the af, cointort h1 1
perfection ot Rtj U" I k' ! i -.
SpjrdtacontfW. Mnv u.
deaiifni from which to h.-.tM i
Ctirart U-t luUi ti i. .r if .
vitiual ti"''ila. A Sp;r. !.: n- :
dertce cori-tir in thi-i In , !.
My aJvice, t xt,ri,nct :ml tr
irnr ar at your sitvL'". ilh J
Apitoitituunt t
All . tnjootti to to SlanJ I'.iVit
I cbruury I, 1110. then Dccitliii
ako! v.m muj: nsr Tuesday
Cimln 'irnuT) i!nrt fU. No
Tau V.tirt Soudan s Opts
, i t Wfi anl last Thuri
. u. U;c inio'ictiuti iiiieiit 83ic-
tliitt tho u;.v kt-i'pinj; cun
: ioniry and other of
: ; Mtii'ss cl'Wi'd on the Lord's
li t ! div'ari I void, and the
c irt j?;vi' an .rdT of restrumt
;r-ta Li t. 1. This will Kite the
j(U s two tiiori Sundays in
.m tch to i, ju rat without ft-ar of
arn t. H. T. ISauicy made the
iifVU'iH'iit f'r tiu plamtitT stored,
i'nl K. II. Tong a', for the state.
1 1 ; i that an ii jmit-tion should
e.iun- the Supreme
i ) 1 the law con
Kijti.aittn a mi i r4! friL'ft I -
. lUUIIIilii"". - ' j
KN.l.ii! Kinnlev LYMO. maa utinr nr Mr'ihone uiven uroim t
- - ,
tlfntion. rnon ijaui o-
t 'ic I
( . rt I i
1 't'-il. a a the Feder
t i". "!'t c t.rt II-! sai l that
U'v i :.'i,-r rourt had decreed
thai it .h not class legislation
an ! (ii ! not interfere with the
0. G. Wi'ke wa ut fron
I'ortland the last of ti eek.
0. H. Krau". of Tua!:iin, wai
up t he city S'irJay, ou
TrJ our Turkish l srn Uolif.
They arw home-made and hard t
Swat. KoeIar' ('unfectiontry .
Kftitor buinr. fit the Forct
Grove Exprts. called on the Ar
gus the last of the week.
W. J. Gregir. of LeiyvilK and
I h$. Cawrse. of North Tualatin
1'iains, were in the county scat
Trains were able to cet
through to Tillamook. Saturday,
and the road will be kept open it
possible. ,
I'at Iirown saya that the re
cent cold snap and snow was
bad on stock. He lost several
2 oats on his Gaston ranch.
Last wct-k'n A r ir us ovt'rloo'ed
the fact that the Hilhboro High
uirls team defeated lank8 a
ek asro Saturday niaht at
John It van lost a horse last
week, the animal yielding up the
Khost after a weeK cl piayiui
St. Helena Yard t Bald five
Lumber Carrier -
in any manner.
IteH'ideiice, F'flh
iliUaboro. Ore.
Jacs !
3:5 V,
1 he decision of Judge Bagley
vi!i l :t.aite 1 with interest.
lie ! n.'i bloneare not interest
ed in (!,. outcrne. for there are
otht-r iiiterenu that will suffer
Aith a doHt'd Sundaythe
Fred Ot)n. carrier on Koute I. n.iri , for in tance.
u iui ill Saturday that he w h Ti... .rdcr reads:
unable to make his route. F. L ! jhh cause c.)ming on for hear
I'ranirrr tiKtk out the mail b it I,, r , the anniication of the
tirB fnrfinl to id-tet Rome f n;;ii ui!r i fur an order continuing
drill team, and John Uoeker gave the patron owing t inability t thc t-nporary restrivmng order
at arm; C. a Mck, master of
Km n I. W Hbum. maatrr of
tirhirtiuer; Aug. Tswa, waiter
of work; Girl Lutbtr. swtwr of
rrcords & awdS Wm. HarHa, In
ner guard, and Leonard Brown.
.i h.iiMtlar and outer ffuard.
F. J. Wllllama hid charga of the
CoMercial Tekpbat fnm Prdaa4
( New Vtrk City
Oreeon rose petals wanted in
east for manufacture of perfume
and sachets. War has cut off
European supplies.
Astoria plans filling in Com
mercial St at cost of $39,000.
iThere is no mote convenient way. There is no safer way.
filing articles of
Perhaps those dnfts gave in Oregon almost daily
erciai ou ai cost vi a , . , . - .,
Baker is disDOsine of $75,000 land you will have o complete record of and receipt of all
..... . i II.. T1i crcm 1 1 faninatiniy and at hatires
worth or aaaiuonai water dodob iiransvi.iuuo. T .
a Mv militate acainsr unnecessary ana iuoukui-
W UV o v
. it . v . ; 1 - - - - - -
mmm Anniinri ot tne smaii sums mai in toe wvichk
v(rw - "
u.M nrn nmvrd the thieves of success. A large open
ing deposit is not necessary. Won't yon stop in and let
as explain I ally."
for extentions.
Springfield-Booth-Kelley Lum
ber Co. is making extensive im
New lumber comDanies art
the equine heart failure
I W. Sain, of Scoiririn Valley.
and B. Fleischhauer. of Gaston.
were down to the county, seat.
Mondav mrnine. Sain was
Portland Emerson Hardware
Kin MhniiH ftpr ixn fino fire.
a.waaw w l
Ashland Hotel Oregon to oe
made modern tourist hotel.
Florence Porter mill starts on
A. Vmr Cent. 1 Aterest On Saiwintfs
American National Dank
The IMhlan Sisters Installed! unable to make it on lluute d. .herein pending the appeal in U e
S fuIlOWt, WlUt aira. r n. ana AH ,-HOietHK ifcii ,-y;p eoi v'iii u w".v
y,H,r sctinff as Urtnd Chief. It- miss some of the patrons, on -a m the questions involved
mted b Maadamti W. N. Har- Uoute 1. Route ta and five.ih.wn. p'.uii.tiifs aopeanng by
rett and Janw aeweu; aira. i however, e" VK"- ' ""r"V'
r'iMrafl Money to loan in any amurt:-'J-
.Scll"f!"fH::V iJ;. b:e farm Make ap-i, , amdication is hereby
l,. reiama, vwm- ...,:,; and have the ' , .: ,;i v..k
I cor UIHlt-'O l"l ui--v.iain mini vvi
.uoooa, i . ' i 1a"J : IfLhonrdav.
weannz a nrvan nau anu niaoj i . .
. :" -" .... l -j ra.uuu neet sutrar iaciory w
that Kehad changed Ms politics, built ..or near GranU g.
Tieeons tor Bale, cneap. n:VB1. -nn;nua to onen.
Homen. Carneaux and Crosses. St Helena shin vard arets eon
Have about 250 b:rd3. which on tract to ge vessels, mostly
account of my ill health, am lumr carriers.
,A ,naA tn Brill V. V SiaS. Hot I - r :l .iAntinantBt
i1'IIJi.V". w ... . I VMJ IIJUICI VIW IISUDVUium.iiw
493, Hillsboro. Ore., or call at J telephone service to New York
ojo iroauwu . City ana mtenneaiaie ciueu naa
t n c:i.. f.,.--,lti l!Vi I Koon inaii-nirated hv the Pacific
l. kJUIIl". i Ul I II V I I J "" I - - . -
the F. It & N.. In construction lelephone & leiegrapn txmpany
days, is superintending some at Portiana. Anower svepwi
. L . LV. I inrlnatriBl nrrurrffaa
worn ior me gouirutiur 1 U1 , .
r 4 i) ;ti i;i, tnl Woafrt fVontv has awarded
esk urove. . o. u mb. i . -. .
... j:., i, nn nnhiii irnnrrarm ior consirucuon ui
I IIH I 1 i I L L'lllJn II W 1 1 UU VII I -
Mm J. (1 ADbleciU. manager;
Mrs. HenrietU llonran, mistress
of records and correspondence;
Mrs. J. W. Coonttl; mistress of
finance; Mrs. Norman Greer,
protector, Mr. Hor Emmott,
; musical program consnted
of a piano aolo, Mlsa Georgia
Haldwjn; voctl tolo, Husael Mor.
gan, who responded to three en
cores; violin aolo. Earl Donelson,
ac4ompsnied by Mrs. F. J.
The orcheatrt furnished music
for the dancing, and KrightWm.
Schulmerich 'led l rest
hnn it cama to axaoution.
The KnighU and Sisters ac
claim this as on of the nnest
Installations wr held in the
city, and they predict prosper
ous year for the (wo orders. '
-U minutes,
lv(f- ' r . . . ... ! I I JIM. J 111 QUI 1 UUIUVIHI J
terms if deired.-L L. I erkins. i tra;nin(r orfjcr Bmi injunction is
HillHtioro, Ore. lluauv continued 'in full force
ni,lin lkwKhtv and Arminulamt t ifect until said February I.
iei.!n. u ra imiiint in marriage I KU',
at the home of the groom s par
... .1 II . ,!...
' ,' 1 o iui K. A.'bein. which nivcs leeway
on vm. v i. ..... ....... ..-,.i ..i:;.vn
Smith, of tha Baptist 'lUrcn-! l,lt K ' v' ' l.I
Mn'inomiih is nneratinsf undr
an injunction by juuge uanien
P.. miU or trad.: Good brood
man, mm 11 vears. weiiths 1200;
IIIBIVl - . ,
-. fur H hOfSO WtMilh'
tag about Wl which ean travel
well in hack. -I), uiger,
boro. Route 1. Box 74; one mi a
west of l'hiliios. W o
lf.ilu.rt Bfnarits. of Mc.Mmn-
Ville, was here last week, lie
says that he has conceded not
ti run n4 a oe U'tfatt1 to the .Na
tional Democratic Contention to
nominate a prcnidcnt.
To Portland
a.wi .... .... , .. a m
8:2S .... ."8 m
9X)S i ,. ."a m
12:13.... tit - Ma
3 ;fH ... ......... ...p m
513 pm
8:10 Pn
9-XA (Sat only) P"
From Portland-66 minutes.
7:54...' am
2.12 .' pm
4:27 ........ ........ . . iP m
0:25 pm
7:13 .................p m
82tl (Sat. only) pm
12:. 5 aro tn loan - on farm secur-
mui . ,
itv 1 represetu "v
Insurance companies, um-
call.-K. I. Kuratli.
tnhn R. Bailev. one of I orest
Grove's oldtime merchants, and
still in business, was in the citi
n mi want home made candy,
oyster cocktail .or sweet m
cider, get it at hocbe- a Unlet-
Court Reporter Uunyon was
oui'the last of tho ck t.
tending a short session o.
f rawrse. oi oio".
"was in the city tho
last of the
Uy th. American Bankers' Association t) mark saving
bank centennial
The first aavlng. bank In th; . United Jf,
established in 1816. It came when t he P opui
the United Statea waa only 9.500,000. ana
but 248 banks In the country. approximating
Today, with our National wwiwapp of
$lW.000.6t)0,OOOand almost m 000,000 in
people in tha country. w have about m w. xm
the savings banks, belonRing to ten and a
depoaiton, iL . nni nr the Ameri-
Th abova is taken from tha Journal or we
can In-tltute of Banklnst. niv,nimt wiln
- Join the campaign and open an account wan
The Shute Savings Bank
(From The Argus)
The total tax levy for Washing
ton County was 14 mills.
j i in this county there
were 6300 reoplo of school 8ge,
Rev. Evan P. Hughes, pastor
of the Cong. Church, was ten
ucreu a rvwuuuu.
ii ,.. P T. Kane was
hiNv extending valuations on the
tax roil io the dork's ofhee.
Y ut t-i the dissaDearance of
the snow in such a short time
ciniu waon Dnaire was
tun feet under water.
r' V.. M. Warren and dau
.... Mij Zulu, now Mrs
Unkhiter, were visiting in
The snle of personal property
at the Jesse Cornelius place was
well attended and everything
sold at a good figure. .
4 UQnvtnn Rlint of the
poor farm, lost a $10 gold piece
v ... .. .... r . . n n J v-tiirfi
and the Iinoer rcuiucuiu ,v....
it. An arrest followed.
Jos. Vaughn, of Forest Grove,
waa buried Tuesday. Vaughn
had started to Gaston when he
was siezed by a stroke ar.d died
with n a lew minutes.
A iittlo daughter of Lincoln
Landess. while visiting at the
Lloyd Ingram home, was badly
, i h M.annn oi her dreES
catching fire while dinner was
being served.
T. II. Tongue. J. A. Imbrie.
N. Barrett, J. u. awmey, u.
Patterson. B. P.. Cornelius,
P. Ford. J. I. Kniflrht, L. K-
K(wm J. J. Morgan, n. u.
fjSS. Ctandall. W. V. Wiley
IndJ-F.-Carstenawere elected
delegates to tho meeting of the
state uepuuocoo
C C Arns, of near Cedar Mill,
.; pnller Saturdaj.
waa a v.i .
n inffram. a hopgrower ot
-nn kVi-minctton. was a city vis-
tn. ... . - c
-in. .rnhoM of the EDWorth
f will hold an all-around
ttood time, social wi f- ?
U. u i..;.inu ruonnr. Jan. o,
l.nUIXO, i luuJ " A
nir nr. seven- u""-
rnni iitniiii - ,
slon one smile and preparation
for k good time-Committee.
John Gates, aited 11 years,
ana kielcpd bv a horse at the
home of his Barents. Mr.
J. W. Gates, of Leisyville.
loot woi-k and his left
VI. MJ ' " - - - -' , ,
Afitii hnrflv ininred. Dr. Kobo
attended the lad and tie is aoing
nicely. .
Wish to trade a team of
horses. 8 and 10. weighing 3200,
for a span of young marts, three
or four veara each. Must be
until Uound and true. Phone Gales
Creek Central and call for ulen-
wnod fiii: Gales Creek Central.
through Forest Grove. 45-7
Rir.l which were fed at the
rnrt hmis durinor thesnow-time
do not return in numbers since
tha crrnonrt H bare. Will e aD
n'pBnd bread are Dlaced tnere
fr thurn there are but very few
who patronize the county Din
restaurant. Evidently they get
iiiantv of food elsewhere, show
,-.v .. . . ....
ing that Oregon is some country
for the feathered fellows.
Tvirh .trade and White River
rrratia mull coat 1 XHll.
a rah station ia beinir estab I
t"e. iiih-it at Astoria for shinment of I
and I nf fhal
rraiia 10 various iwu " i
United States.
Railway earnings for uecenv
Kor show increase of 18.7 per
cent over last year. Prosperous
ra roads are the surest maica-
Hnn nf itnrnincr crnnd times. i
WAV,. V ---.
Albany has a new department
tnrrt with S40.000 stock.
State press paying more at
tention to business and indus
triesless to politics.
S. P. & P. E. & E.
ah ovoont tho P. R. & N.. trains I
are electric and stop at the de
pot on Main btreet.
Attorney Whcelock, of Port
land, came out Monday and
hunoht in a Diece of land near
One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A stock of lumber so large and varied that yon can
have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many
large dimension timbers, and can save you the expense
of special sawing. When you want lumber, promises
dotj't fill your bill. Our specialties are . quality, aer
vice, and courteous treatment. You cau do better for
. lesa with this company. ,
BsiSgcr Lumto Co.
Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. (Vs. Tracks.
Kverything in Building Material
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
Sheridan Train
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
Eugene Train
McMinnville Train
6:50 a. m
12:50 p. m
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
and & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176
8:15 a.
3:15 p
9:00 -
All trains stop on flag at Sixth
0 i.,iii. ot shoriff'a an . The Forest urove train
tract was formerly owned by FROM PORTLAND
frank Richet, who was sold out arrives
on costs in the Federal Court. I gURene Train
Something went amiss with the .
federal sale and the mortgatree
came m and lorecioaea. ims rore ...
was once that the local courts Forest Urove Train
forged ahead of Uncle Sam- Sheridan Train
something not very often ac- McMinnVille Train
comphshed. Forest Grove Train
A man by the name of John Fore8t Grove Train
N yman, or theha em atauon. McMinnville Train
near Kex, snoi a note uitouk" a
danger Signal mmp uu me -j. . 1 .... ... u j
Sic trie track, the other day. A I and Mam; at. North Range and
warrant of arrest was sworn out Fir streets, sixtn ana r ir 01a.,
anainst the offender, and he was anj at Tenth street
placed finder arrest. " s said gteam Service from old depot at
would n?ver be aSsted He foot of Second Street
had four or five rifles around the TO PORTLAND
..i.p. and his neiKhbors say P. R.&N. Train 4:30 p.m.
that when he failed to catch one frqM PORTLAND
of his horses the other day he p R & N Trtin 9:15 g, m.
deliberately shot the an mal m r fc - .
the hip. Blood poison set in ana -
the animal died within a week. To Buxton 12:25 p.m.
Judge Bagley . last week ren- i "merL
dered a decision that reverses a From Timber 9:55 a. m.
Court decision. The From Buxton A10 p. m.
K,y,t-. -- ,,. , . .
i!li.l.n Mnf inn-l rSHTiK ma ,
:lllluuiu ": 1 , .
Oaned Mr. Garborino $300, sev- W. H. Forney, 01 was rara.
eral years ago. The debt exist- was in Monday, ne expects
, J ..,., naKpiarl nn tho honks I K!f rmn nn hia Eastern OretfOn
PO, HOU oallim v" "- Ul ""r " ' . --,
. .. 1 I. ...Un nnknrinr mil I ,!.... l-da this VPBr. for the
nt tno Dolls wiicii ui uvi iii " 1 vviican ii j ---
v. v . .... - I ' I a . 1 I . -HtfAll
ill He deeded niswue nis prop- reason 01 me neavy ouun-on.
rrtv in order to prevent probate ShrocW. well known at
expenses, under tne impression ore9t Grove, deputy swte Food
.u.a tuna nhntlt to naS8 to the r-l - .J .f
mat wv r . hjt uairy uumraisaiouci , uhu
beyond. Later he recovered, fi.. th t ooaitjon, has re
. zzzzZl ?
''. -'.- .'-' ', -:y ' '..1 ; - ' -$
Will receive the best of attention
at the smallest prices at I
Hoffman jeweler!
..... -V . 1
I . tliusboro. uregon j
I " - ' ' iMB-B"P'
' ' ' " - 1 r
omi crave a note to the banK.
n..;i ,nj Krnncrht. on tho note.
OU1V '
and then court proceedings were
:n'!nitoH tn cancel tne aeea on
the statute ot irauas. juurb
Bagley held. that the wife was
rotrnizant of the debt, and that
the debt was a lien on the prop
erty. . ' '
..WW. W ..... .L -
signed to take a position in tne
extension service of O. A. C. It
is a good position.
W K. Newell, the Gaston-
UnlatoSn ', r.r-oHr. rentlv de
livAiwd an address before the
Oregon Holstein Club, at O. A.
HillOtsboro Gsatstrc.
"Service to the S:chw
. Address, Box a 46, Hillsboro, Ore;
Board, room, nnrsing-53 per wee.