The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 20, 1916, Image 1

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NO. 44
f OR POTS' n
m n""0
mti,,iU kletoCeea.-.
. f tk Is vwn
n Argus haa receUed
r.!Lt,r. which u mu
nrt.. Deer Bir:
Annual Teachers' Institute
,hlchmtinHiltaborotait Oct-
voted to obrvt this year.
Hay known aaParente' Day In
LL-hooli. The date to Jan
-r.aL mJ La theaam for tht
wb0e county. The object it to
gttu many people to vleit the
Kboul m pouible. There will
a. an effort made tofttoutlh
Lpl who hsve not been to
El fur JtrhP bfn
tn a schoolroom while
iehoolMiniMkK ainee they
left school years ea. Thy U.
chri i aend 001 InrileUons,
mum aucb other methoda m
.... mUh la set the people out
l am asking the papers of the
,,v t rift at a Ant-pege
article if posaible, to booit for
the day. There are IS? KhooJa
It the county. They thoutd have
00 visitor on that dev.
Youre very truly. B. W. Barnes
County School aupt
Stewart Itti lVtera Mr.
Klliott (Tearher,. Stella ft-scowi
John Maatln. ;U. W. Patterson
tddrt-as the rbool.
The Amu office in Indeed tn
Dr. C It Itloyd. of Lakeview,
fr press notices of rabirs amonit
oyotr. Thirty case were re
ported in Klamath and lake
counlie in Ik-crmtwr. and the
county official railed the bounty
on their pelt. In twelvemonth
Lake County paid out over til.
000 for coyote bounty. Cali
fornia countiva art also raising
the bounty to help out that lec
tion In s termination. Another
interesting item from that sec
tion U the rabbit drive. Three
thousand were killed in one cor
ral, and at that place atone, dur-
inir the season over 10. WW were
killed. One rancher, for the
coat of 35 rent, poisoned 117
lacks. Down where Sydney Luce
Uvea - at l'lu-h-many home.
atrader make big wage by tak
Many Pathmaslers Succeed Them-
selve In 1916 Appoint meats
Frank ' Connell. of Helvetia,
was in the last of the -veek.
The winds of Saturday (rave
the Oregon Electric trouble be
tween Whitford and tieavet ton.
D. !L Wilier, of Oak Pa'k,
waain town Saturday, en route
home from a Portland trip.
News for the economic house
UM FEW CH4NGES D BV Com leans for twenty-five cent, at
the Hillaboro Mercantile Co.
Va '-. Qeu tac Atfalauarai at Oreaca A man by the tame of Bran-
aae Ota. fata al MUlita- J?" wn? lormeny lived above
uuvun. n irsppea zrj coyote
in Warner Valley. Lake Countv.
Late last Thursday afternoon the th" P"- year.
county board made the appoint Aasessor Crandall has six peo-
meots for the auperviaora of P' at work on copying the 1915
roads, fifty three in number. fnt roll for the 1916 col-
LUnv r Ik- u . lection, and the volumes will be
Many of the old pathmastera turned over to the clerk in i
succeed themselves, and very abort time,
few new names are noted on the Money to losn in any amount
list The year 1918 will be on. at 7 and 8 oer cent on acceDta
w W I . . w - -
orders mzm
Storm. However. Keeps Thing
Quirt for Ten Dsyi
Beta Carriages Wilt M la Vary Snarl
Following is a review of coodl-
lions in Oresron. sent out by tka
Pacific Coast Manufacturer:
Monmouth-Valley ft SilU R.
R. will soon resume constroetion
work into Siletx basin.
Reports show that a large) aaw
mill will be erected In Independ-
I 11 m niwtvnvi wa aawwaniai sawa wawav
init coyote for the bounty, and p1 ,a bltory of road build- 'f Ke previously reported.
' VJIUTB Ull DCS I hMII It Ammimmjm V I I tn rT Jan 1 S
I , I UWIW. Ll. U. (, TJI . IIIO, I " -
For rent. Two farm -one of Terwn w"' M redresaed and the I Uillsboro. Ore. Harney Co. is celebrmtinf ltd
W acrr. about 135 acres In cul- ap or flirt road from Reedville uiiu K.Ur. imA . . firat view of a locomotive and alU
both Kut and West will be closed week during; the storm. Load that section is rejoidng' tttt iq
with macadam. were divided and subdivided, will soon have a railroad- 1
AaM fmm vi. m.n. ti.t. and this meant more teams and Marshfield Reports aay thaq
mora drivers. After the drifU Conlogus Bros. wiU soon atari. -owo .pexia. uies xor x.ri ,j - imuosible for a their lotrging ramp. McDonald
macadamising-, and this will team to t through with iu Vaughn Logging
mean that thousands of dollar matmnirv inmA. Beaver HilL will
... Krone ft Banks ship
fpe liiianww line was cieareu jd, ig B0W ronn,nff m
r naay ana me on irain inrounn workin- on m new iteiJII m
rrom uecoaairoiwainiawcnai er witn pmspect, for aeveral
evening. 11 lamookera who were more orderi wSmn. I
nowoouno m niiiaooru a. Smith lumber CawUI start
roriiana snooa w anow irora on fuU Ume 5,,- flrBt.
meir neeis aaroroay morning. Woodburn Awards eontraet for
ana aecuuva mh were going tin nm kiirh uImm1
wnere it awn i anow so mucn. Dallu-It teems certain that
v J wmuiM ieid th A the big Falls City mill will rs
nn Main I Open SOOUC USTin 1.
the steel Portland-Pacific Furniture
mnnXA ntt nmiie trt. woll Th Specialties UanUInCtOriDaT IX).
(From The Argus)
Th late A. Finney returned
fmm s trip to California.
Hunt inches ot now was the
register of the local weather.
Plenty of anow tn Washington
Countv and Schulmerich ft Son
dveitite waterproof shoes.
Maggie Hatter sued John Brock
of Tigardville, for breach of
promise and the case was settled
oat of court
Mania Manning, after whom
Manning waa named, died at
lonora County. Cel., last week,
and the remslns were brought to
Forest Grove, fur burial.
Washington County turned out
437.000 pounda of butter and
cheese for the year ending Jan.
L This would mean about one
nth of product in 1916.
The Speed and Driving Aesoc
ation held a meeting at the Hotel
Uillsboro this week and articles
af incorporation were signed.
The association will build a grand
stand at ths Fair Grounds,
From Forest Grove The con
tract for furnishing the lumber
for the building for the cityj
water worka was let to Chas
Hiatt of Galas Creek, at S3 45
for the rough and sited, and $13
for the dreaaed. delivered.
The Reed Cornet Band gave a
lake concert Two boats were
lashed together and oarsmen
plied the lake while the band
rendered popular numbers. C
Jack Jr'a. elide trombone could
wily be heard above the tuba.
clear up on Main Street and A.
UShute was there with the
ti vat ion, one mile from Forest
Grove, tern room for about 20
cow 8 and C horses, city water,
cash rent; and other. 112 acre.
U miie south of lUredville.about
one-half in cultivation, bam room
for 10 hrad cows and 4 horses,
good well, and fair house; tenant
can work out greater pari oi
ranch, cash rent. C. J. Birdsell,
612 Seventh . Street Uillsboro.
Phone City 320.
Tb Forest Grove Ex pre
appeared in its initial number,
last week, with a Utah man as
editor and publisher. Hi greet
ing to the poopleof Forest Grove
sounds good, and he takes an
optimistic view of thing in gen
eral. Forest Grove has been
gelling along with one paper for
a couple of year and the t-
Srees publisher says there la a
eld there for another, and he
beat a prospective publisher to it
in establishing.
For sale: House and three
lots in Uillsboro, Or will trade
for cleared acreage, bottom land
or awale, near Orenco preferred.
-11. Jeibman. Uillsboro, Ore,
will be eipended on the road
system of Washington County.
The new Appointees:
Dist Name
L Chas. Geiberger
Z. T. Cole
. Dethlefs
P,' at
P. 0.
Laurel r 11
( BAt: Hp
There is no more convenient way. There is no safer way.
and yon will have o complete record of and receipt of all
transactions. The system is fascinating and as figures
do not deceive militate against unnecessary and thought
leas expenditure of the small sums that in the azzrezate
nave often proved the thieves ot success. A large open
ing deposit is not necessary. Won't yon stop in and let
as explain fnllyf
4 ft Cent. Interest On Saving
American National Danll
flag Day waa celebrated at
the public schools. Those taking
pan in the program were An
tstu Elliott Trelta Ford, Wm.
Hare, Erma Latham, Lelah Pat
taraon. Ethel Uorgaa. Frank
Dsn Lcisy. of South Tualatin,
waa over to the city Saturday.
Ha aavs that the long bridge out 1 20
south ia one ot the coldest place Ui
in the countv, particularly on a
windy day. U3
If you want home maae canar, 24
Oyiter COCaiailS, or bwtc. myynt,jg
Ciaer, gei h a. vw.v-
tionery. 32tf
F. E. ItowelL of Scholia, was
up to the county (est Saturday,
making the trip through the
bliatard which raged a greater
part of the day.
lfitnv to loan on farm secur
ity. 1 represent three large fire 33
insurance companies. Give me a 31
,call.-E. I. KuratU.
John Ryan, carrier on Route
3, went out as far as the T. It
Davia place. Saturday ana en
countered a anowdnft and was
forced to return via Leisyvme.
. . . . 1 1 -i.
ii' Wh t fox hound, oiaci
on top of hips; long ears.-Notl-
fylleorga uurKnauer, rwmi"
ton, Hillaboro, K. 6. and receive
reward upon recovery.
J. T. Rice, of Varley, came in
on the train Saturday, taking
the easy way of getting to mar
Try ar Turkish Cream Rolls. U
They are nome-mnuo nu - irn
Deal. ivocoer ww... v.. . .gj
C. F. Hesse, or Stnoiis, wm -visitor.
Saturday, concurrent
with the wind and anow.
Gaston r 4
Otto Vogel....Corneliusr2
Nel Unon Hillaboro scraper on the drifts
Jones Moline..Be.v.rtonr2 Stfridv.
H T. Hesse.... Hillaboro r 2 .. ; . w has opened its factory with suf
A Zwiener Hillsdale r 2 1 job, sad not worth while. The ficient order 00 tor TMW
J I Bkaalin Ra.varlAn m 9 mwmm At A MnalrA If iraii Ym fur al months. Spokane man boys
ft m: n .1.-J - nll.imi n trmt in anH on nf ih HartdOn Candy XBCtOrT IOT
4 n miner-... rurunuu r 7 - - - - 1 eirn w
W. J. Gregg... Hillaboro r ! however. ' SShTk Scott general
A. B. Todd ....Forest Grove Pigeons for' sale, cheap: linger agent of the Southern
ALVanderzanden.FGror2 Homers, Carneaux and Crosses. Pacific Co. after an inaeetion
j if r-r.rAvnrl Have about 23) birds, which on tour over territory between Port
if K"" account of my ill health, am land and Corvalli gives an op-
Nick. Bothman.... Banks r l obliffed to sell E. F. Sias, Box timistic report of buaineee eon
John Friday Banks 433, HilUboro. Or,, or call at ditions in that section.
H. L Groff . . . .Cornelius r 1 665 Broadway. 34tf J. C. Hare will start the Hills-
VrA Hmi....nmahomrA , L. j boro milLin February and ex
Gabe E8aner..Mountaindalea willow table and four rockers
Geo. Fisher Buxton to Mrs. A. a Spreckles, wife of
H. Robinson, Besvertonrl one of Cahfornia's sugar kings.
u w c r..tnnrl They are for the nursery and
. T 1 Mrs. Bnreeklea saw a duplicate
J. H. Hoffman ..Gaston r! get at the Oregon Building, at
Jos A Zimmerman. Hbo. r2 the Fair, and immediately or
JnhnTraehaeLBeavertonrl dered one through Mr. Eaton.
Henry Keenon. ...Banks r 3 young fellow who could
J. B. Campbell. Hillaboro r 3 stand the worst rushes of foot
J. S. West-Forest Grove r 1 ball and come out unscratched
J UVandenandeb BanksrS was hased by the students of
t n . Trill mTrl l l Nortn Pacific Dental College.
T. R. Moore Jf r J n Portland, the other day. and
Thos. Bradley.. Hillsdale rS he hu been sent to New York
Ben Heesscker. F Grove r 1 for treatment by a brain special
imtimu shmitiin. RuvtMi ist From which one would in
- I a
pects to
have both earrkres
One Million Board feet of Good Luxbar
A stock of lumber so large and varied that yon can
feare prompt delivery of any order. We carry cany
large dimension timbers, and can save yon tie exftraa
of special sawing. When yon want lumber, promigrs
don't fill your bill. Our specialties are quality, ser
vice, and courteous treatment Yon can do.belttr for
less with this company.
Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. Co', Track.
Kverythiag in Building Material . . v.
S. P. ft P. E. ft B.
All. except the P. R. ft N..' trains
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Main Street
1 46
i . . at aatetta.J U a
ri Umnnrrmn Hlllahom 1 1 w tMl Jess wiuaro wouia nave
Carl Berggren. mlde a model 8tUdent in a dental
C. C. Nelson Bacona
Snt M;n" Wm. Mohr. of Oak' Park, was
George Pate Hillaboro in Argus m Saturday. While
Abbo Peters . Sherwood re in the city Mr. Mohr met Jos,
Walter Watkins, -F Grove Connell, for whom he tnkde a
Fred Pappel Beaverton pair of wedding boots, abobt ; 30
fr nrL Tihir years ago. Connell stated that
?fto nu?!! he wore the boots for four yesrs
Albert Kroger.... Sherwood Ddthen a hired hand "cab.
Will Edy Sherwood baged" them and wore them
Alfred Pieren, Hillaboro r 1 through a season. Those were
D. L. Smith Banks r 2 the days when workmanship and
NickKemmer,lrertoarItethwfcounted- (J
J. SchmelUer, Sherwood rS k The January .co dwave had
V t .i. r.-mmu. brought to mind all kinds of re
aper Lytle ........Cornelius "iiiion. to the old Pioneers.
F. J. Williams, Hillaboro r4 Th6 one reminiscence, however,
1210 p.m
H. V. Mead
W. H. White.
C. 11. Scofleld..
Forest Grove Train
McMinnville Train
Sheridan Train
Forest Grova Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
Eugene Train
McMinnville Train
Forest Grove Train
Eugene Train 8:15 a.m.
McMinnville Train 9:45
Forest Grove Train 11:59
Forest Grove Train 8:15 p. i
Sheridan Train 4:20
McMinnville Train 6:40
Forest Grove Train 7:15
Forest Grove Train 9:00
McMinnville Train 12:15
All trains stop on 8asr at Sixth
and Main: at North Range and
Fir streets. Sixth and Fir Sts..
nillsbOFO Auto Lively
Feed and Boarding Stebb
Prlcea Beaaonable
ttnd & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176
By tht American Bankers' Association to mark savings
. bank centennial
The first aavlnga bank in the United States was
establiahed in 1S16. It came when the W-tto"
the United Stotaa waa only 9.600,000, and there were
but 243 banks In the country. M.i-,.ttnsr
Today, with our National wealth appro mating
87.0W,taCC3and almost one hundred minions of
peoplt ia tht eountry, we have about $ 4, W.OOOjOOO in
the sivinesbiaki, belonging to ten and a half million
depositor!. , . . ,
The above ia taken from the Journal of the Amen
can Institute of Banking.
Join the campaign and open an account with
The Shate Savings Bank
To Portland-55 minutes.
a m
that has the age over all others and at Tenth street
. that of 183. ' n lV' steam Service from olddepotat
bSvJ Ti .. over STSn foot of Second Street
with teams. Cattle died by the P. R. ft N. Train 4:20 p. m.
thousands East of the mountains FROM PORTLAND
a,i.. Am.m. I.I . .
ana snow was inrw iw. uwp m p p n. Train 8:15 a. m
the wii amette vaiiey ior a ;
month." Motor Car Servto
. m .ii. t a I To Buxton 125 p. m.
A UO WUa Vi vavs ta mvbvv eaaswi 1
Sheriff Rnnraa have had a To Timber
UPkH ......
- ir""";; IC. m miu..
12 43, ' P m 1 rrtenaiy nvairy in ine leeuing 01 1 r rom nmuer
3:58 . p m the birds while the cold, snap From Buxton
R.i.q om nreva led. When the wind came
aim pm from the east Deputy Sheriff
4:C3 '
95 a m.
2.10 p.m. I
Will receive the best of
at the smallest prices at
. ' - ------ - j , .
m. ,ia n i 1 1 nwti .iA.Ma aaaiaw rna aaiiiiaattiatck taaa a kZiuii asssat
ai i.m a wbit nniv au a am in iinrw niLB - uia nkuuiEiihA aata a .
svnm Portland 55 minutes, the feathered fellows wanted
a m comfbrt and u high as a hun-
i'20 am dred robins would feed in the
11.9K ..: amieourae of an hour. When the
m...l.. L.. It. lmmlmm V..I
'''XZ KXr. hW testify to the eats, comfort and
: : r z :. wii . r norf act
1 r ir . ,. . .u. I Aoar tram which to the
a.o fo.t nnivi nmiiwwE nieK mr uia ruuiuo. iur vuu i m- --s
o.wo-. " ri-," .....u mm m.i Mrut H6t Butted to our inci
""DAT . . . - ' .
CorsetsNot told tn
stores. A question and a sujM
gestion. Have you any const I
troubles! If to, let Sptrelta tar-
vice cure them. Over three mil
lion satisfied Spirella wearera
Hillaboro. Orca
m mm 1 . ..i. ijuMh mm m il
I rarvij ""v. . 'Mi- .-.f. . . oi - 11.
thia class of food being sought by viuuai neeun. n Jp
:L u nionirktrHldence corsetiere In this field.
a. 11 aiiiaiOTUBBUBa an a a vinvnwiiw 1 . .. . 1
nvui kNvwt :j 1.1. ,t.M. mui-.Mui tMAmv Mv advice, experience ana train
iMsKfJSLnT'Sr S .1 th'. ing are at your service, without
ill tmmAm a T a atainrtt. I..U. ... Tkm mnma ntt I OUIinUUn. . lUWWKHAd t-J
Or Will l"UD w I VVU"" mnmj, ...... - y.y - . . ' "
tmrt .ivmit 1100. whfdtsn travir XA flarhta. even amontr the rob ltter cr telephone a-lveo tier- t
11m . .V
For tale or trade:
mare, age U yeart,
wast of Phi'.:'.P.
in htdi-D. Glgtr, HillT g, d no one would presume ffi2-5S
Rout i Box 74;onemlUthatthe little fellows were to 1 Residence, Fifth
mt PM'na 43.B 'utMniia HillBDOrOi W.
435 'vtdous.
Phone Main IA.
and Jzeutm,
"Scrvieo to ths Zx'J'
Address, Box S46, HUUbcra, C.-;-J
Ccitd, room, nursiug-(3 per wetl
0;n: '