The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 13, 1916, Image 1

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NO. 43
Slate Apr.
ta M r
Uutaal Fire IlUUr-
A""' . I.'k.l
met m
ii iii anarn. nu
SrtSamualOrsf called lh
i.i order, i
' . A mA
iki lad rt'()n Wfr rr"u
id J mo cam
d Erln Kitter. the eecre-
. ik. mutation, nwn
. 1 .1. InllniMlltif
tnn ihoing that the
QuSonliof great value to
Gar holders of lht Ulr,cl:
( . nalJ. 1915 ... U220
Ci iBtituuxl 23. M7
during 1D1S W
xiM during year... Sl.ra
Ajnlwfa .. oa
'.innil nr ....... 01
(LoaM durin the year were
'u4 than uaual. fblh DM
Cthttivrrifnceof ell Insur
es crfinwiwnt, wo un
iisu AMnintUn waa Instt
'la AonL 1X0. and hM. had
w4L4 Mmr. The member
ja hat steadily grown, and
ot car wrnade In the election
ItflfkU, who eerva at mini
's charge. The officers for
war iwtcluaed were: Sam.
i t Graf, president; Krwin
r. ncrtunr; John Meter,
raster, all from Bethany, and
1 brine dirwtors esofikio; Al
Gotrhrr. Helvetia, and Wm.
f. Kane. South Tualatin, dl
Stan: and J. J. Wlemer. Cedar
Jland A. L.Croenl. Bethany.
tlMMviy alerted officers for
w. laid A m
IfrisWeRi, H. ri Graf: seere
T. Crwin letter; auditor, A.
VCromU alt tor 2 years. The
n in the above list are hold.
"John IW," the man who was
shot by the Multnmah agent,
after the burglar had robbed the
Garden Hume atation. aurrend
mrA th pun h hm In hi bo.
raaion to Sheriff. Krvea. Setu
Hay. He tM ICevct that he
hal crawled under the SJ.
wjrehouse, at Iteavrrtun, one
niKht, and had dirovrred a
rache. amonfrit whirh wm the
gun. lie took ttie nn-arm. and
aaid that in the loot there were
several quirU ot whiikry and
several botes of rjgara, The
fun provel to be one at Un
rorn the Uuchele aaloon. and
was the pruiH'rty of Tom Mc
Court. Kevrt went underneath
the warrhouae and found the
tmixe mnd ciioni. lid tried to
keep the rache secret, but as he
came out from under ll.t atruc-
ture h was noticed by some one.
who spread the glad tidings.
Ileeves intended to have the
olace watched and find out who
had put it there.
For rent. Two farms -one of
160 icres. about 135 urres in cul
tivation. one mile from Forett
Urove. bam room for about 20
cows and 6 horx. city water,
rub nnt: and other. 142 acrrs.
11 miles south of Heed vllle. about
one half In cultivation, barn room
fnr 10 head cowa mm J 4 horse.
nod well, and fair houae: tenant
can work out Kreater tmrt of
ranch. cah rent.- 0. J. Birdsell.
512 Seventh Strvet, llillaboro,
I'hon City 32.
Itosa Merio was up Frldsy and
aooeared for sentence in the
eaee wherein she was convicted
of voluntary manalautrhter. laat
week. She was given from one
to fifteen years, and Judge Bag
law allaard her to remain at
Uiberty on the bond which ensued
when first arrested, and tms win
aland until it it decided SS to
whether or not the c will be
annealed in the Sunreme Court
Her counsel. H. T. Bagley and S
B. Huston appeared In court wun
her. Notice was sriven that an
annual would most likely be
Wanted: A responaible man
to sell Wstkins remedies and
nmvturtain imttd POUntV. An 0D
portunlty to get Into a profitable
kiialno nt wmlf OWD Without In-
vestinff onedotlsrin the goods
aali Mont be able to fur
nlah loam or auto and ffiv Per
sons! bond with two responsible
uredee. See W. II. rrwm.
11.19 Ma in St . H aboro. 41 J
Sherlll Kcevca Has Merry Chat
n Sunday Foreoooa
Henry Harms, of near Shitllin.
was a eity caller Saturday.
Julius Asbahr, of South Tuala
tin, wu in town the hut of ti e
Theodore Bernards, of Ver
boort was in town Monday, on
legal business.
Alfnpnsv flathai f Port.
IUurt (F0M8 PtUWTS ESCAPE land, was out Monday, on letral
Tkitm Were tUui Aaaw Caaatrj
SherilT Beeves had quite sn
overland chase, Sunday, after
rrsnk l'earson, a "squaw man,"
and his son, over the thett of
chickens from a man by the name
of rife, who lives near the Haw
thorne ranch, rife missed hli
chickens Sundsy morning, and
discovered tracks from his hen
home to the IVsrson cabin. He
and his neighbors followed them
to the place. found their chickens.
the father and son, and the two
Doolittle boys, from Hillsboro.
Instead of remaining there) Fife
and his neighbors went to the
Super telephone and talked to
Sheriff Beeves, who st once went
to the squaw man s cabin. He
found the men gone, and the
chickens as well. The Doolittle
boys had returned to Hillsboro,
but l'earson and his son struck
serous the sloughs to Witch
Beeves struck out after them,
hut waa ten minute late. Bv
the time he found a telephone
the escspes hsd made the train
in time enough to make their
getaway. Sheriff Beeves found
where the Pearsons hsd sold five
of the chickens for a dollar.
The Doolittle boys say they know
nothing of the theft of the fowls
ss they only visited the Pearson
olare. Sunday moraine!. Ine
Squaw fancier and his boy have
been having a number of chicken
"feeds" down at the cabin, the
past few months.
115 n tSHELL
Judge (iantenbein Hold Sua4ay
Open Until November
Last: Whlu fos hound, black
I toa tJ hiixr Inn Mr Nnll.
Jliearge Uurkhslter, Farming
a, Hillsboro, 11 5, and reeeue
ttrd upon recovery. 424
I Try our Turk iah Cream Italia.
jry are home-made and hard to
h initial ssMsisi asm
sdiy. attending the fire in-
jei ars home- made
st-KoslK-r's Cc
1,0. Giger. of Phil
raay, attending
3sct meeting.
'(.)- M
riiGsMnrr. who hss lived in
county for mire than 40
n died at hi homo on
psr Mountain. Jan. 7, J9l.
hi ean,
I sir. Gassner was a natlvs (
JojMistein, dermany, and came
this country with an Italian
JiM mason in his early youth.
located InSsa Francisco and
iltf remnvn.l in u.ii..j
l" .lrde as a stone maaon moat
time until his death.
Mf, (fftflKnrP warn m mam. k.. -f
f' No. 19. Independ
t Order of Oddfellowa.
He la IIHIM....J u.. v - -
Tn "ru i Aivier An
Cr t "7' or "Overton; Mrs.
ll Taylor, of Soaalria? Un
Mst Llvcrmore and Julius
si, ltt,tverton'
fanltn Tnnne ha been con
II fill V( " a f w .
suminit loU of wood and cost
Attmmr lK twft weeks Of COld,
and says that the cost of keeping
th n.irt hnnait neaieu win iw
. 1 1 V WUt ' "
imm than usual, this year, un
i a ihera i a change in tem
perature soon.
Mr Jennie Price, aged 28. of
l ... nii. waa Mondav or
AtmmA nt tn the SUte HtMPltal
... ik. She has two
children. Mrs. Price has been
tnifwi fur some weeks, and
imagined that some one was try
ing to poison her.
For sale: House and inree
ut. tn lliliahnro Or will irsue
.1....., mnr.aa hottOm ISnU
or awale, near Orcnco preferred.
H. Jeibman. Hillsboro, ure.
l ,l Mntr of Portland,
reading clerk of the state ( senate
for yeara, was oui w nniw
Monday, on leiral business before
probate court
tr uiant home made candy,
oyster cocktails, or sweet apple
cfder.getitat Kch-Is Confec
kii-i. ..un nf Conner Moun
tain, was up Frhlsy. on road sup
errisor nusineeii. .
John D. Koch, of slvoe Bloom
ing, waa in me ciiy
(From The Argus)
Wm. Undess died at his home
in Fsrmington, Jan. 4. He came
to Oregon in 1845.
v w Hainea. of Forest Grove.
received a cut over the eye while
enroute from the urove w roix
land. The occasion of the mia-
hap wm the coach being sirucs.
by the limbs of a tree which had
fallen close to the track. The
boughs broke the windows, and
Mr. Haines wss me recipient , oi
a glass splinter in one of his
John Reiter, of near wrneiiua,
shot Jacob Penning. The two
had trouble of long standing.
Reiter was placed in iaii. t.i the had roads and
the almost impossibilities of get
ting the Sundsy uregonian nere,
the management moww
i..t arent to charge ten cents
per copy for a short time.
si-t and snow destroyed many
orchards In the county.
Jos, Schulmerich is papa again.
c i T,.,.ur nf Portland.
locomotive engineer, died on Ms
engine near Bnaa ven. n w--
a brothar or airs. v. u. uui.
of this city.
T.. Innhe ftf inOW WU te-
ported at MounUindale.
Good fresh dairy butter was
sold at 30 cents per roll of two
r.rant HolCOmD lliea coyw
near Bethany.
n.iiat aunr was selling
Ulllll!"" . ..
at 21 pounds for a dollar.
Chas Schick, of the South Tu
alatin country, was in town the
last of the week.
You fan atill ot I'ealiorrv
cotTee for 25c at the Hillsboro
Mercantile Co.
Kmil Marty, of Bull Mountain,
avaa in Iniarn Mniuli nn umliatu
business, settling the estate of
the late Jacob Marty.
(V) not fortret to ask for a
achiller when you want a irood
iu cent smoke no cough dust
in me scmner. mr
A- Spranger. for several years
in the meat market and store
busineaa at Ileaverton. was in
the city Friday and called at the
Naara fnr the eonnnmie house
wife. Corn and tomatoes three
cans for twenty-five cents, at
the Hillsboro Mercantile Co.
Harry Emerson, brakesman on
the P. II & N. and Kdith Ulson.
of Tillamook, were united in
marriage at Vancouver. Wash.,
last Thursday.
Money to loan in any amount
at 7 and 8 per cent on arcepu
ble farm properties. Make ap
Dlicstion now and have the
money when you want it Long
terms if desired. E. L Perkins.
Hillsboro, Ore.
Columbia River boats between
Portland and Astoria have been
earrvinir record canroes of log
ging material and loggers for
(.own river points, the past weex
logging operationg soon to start.
For rent: Six and one-half
acre. 6 room house, barn and
outhouses, one mile east of
llillahoro. Per vear. cash rent
$75. Address H. D. Schmeltzer,
Hillahom. Ore. 34U
Mr. and Mrs. L M. Beebe.
formerly of SDrinefield. Ore..
were in the city the last of the
week, enroute to Kov. to visit
relatives. Mr. Beebe has been
down in California, and his wife
has been East the past tew
Pioiwtna for sale, cheao
Hnmera. Cmrneiux and Crosses.
Have about 250 birds, which on
account of my ill health, am
nhliired to aell.-E. F. Sias. Box
493. Hillaboro, Ore., or call at
565 Broadway. mu
Jaek Henntev has made SDlen
did use of a little go-devil, a "V
ahaped" affair, for cleaning out
the gutters titer snow naa iaiien
Ha hitehad the team to the im
plement and drove along the
eurh the Miu t DOlliir a Clean
sweep of all the snow from the
water shed.
B the American Bankers' Association f) mark savings
. bank centennial
TVrt ( A. t a a s al. C4aAa WAA
alas. etlvl!..L . 3 m . . .... ff
w-.M,Mnea in 1816. it came when me popumuu.. .
L . ,?J"Jted Stt waa only 0,600,000, and there were
t2 0 bankalnthecwntry. ,
tifi71(,ay' w,th' National wealth approx mating
7 0tH.(KX).O0Oanfl almost one hundre.1 mons of
PPle in the country, we have about IWOOO.OOO in
Jne Mvinga banka, belonging to ten and a half million
ab The above Is taken from the Journal of the Amerl
n Inbtitute of Banking.
Join the campaign and open an account wun
The Shntc Savings Bank
A ..I a a h Atrial aieddtn? waa eel-
ebrated at the home of Mr. and
i i:nranmmL. uic, m.
1915, when their . daughter Anna
wis united in marriage to Eu-
- n. Hav Edw Scfciedt
rt . ft Church
"'. .. KL. kta'a alatee
otnctating. iw - , r-i
M a) Carrie, was bridesmaid, and
Carl Schnabele, of Walla Walla,
aatk. AtttMiaiTawi au ar rum ua ui atsa
Miss Thekia Bcnems m,v
wedding marclu:
Thebnaewia iwwwu -
attractive white satin trimmed
f":.r:r.M uh fun ength
veil Th Tbrideimald wore pale
blue silk, ine nom
fully decorated with Oregon
Grape and . cnirsanmu
4 a..a aaAntTfBlTlliaiLJUIlH WGIS SW
mebridaJ couple
"""' . 7.' ... aau1
the wedding party w
Jo. delightfuf luncheon. Ony
relet ves ana """"V"
frienoa won " - - -
"j Vi- Aiiufeenwill reside at
ana ."--" - J.11M s
it.ita.tAb ssunisrH LI1D KIWIU
I aaw eordwood. Soles up to 12
inches in diameter, fence rails,
and boards of all kinds, into
atovewood lengths. Will go into
the country. Write, phone or
call on me. Carl Skow, Hillsbo
ro. Phone. City 462, or can at
Tualatin Hotel.
Max Behling accidentally swal
inJ anmn concentrated Ive one
day last week, the acid giving
Ktai tnmit bh LHrriuiK uuriiiiiac.
Dr. F. A. Bailey attended the
patient, and kept him in town
aauaral rfava. The danaer was
more from the throat than from
the stomach. He will recover.
Mr. Behling resides at Blooming.
sheriff Hurlhnrt of Portland.
ssys that the John Doe, who was
shot by the Multnomah agent.
.tn Mtnae to divulore his name.
The prisoner is in a ward in the fail and will recover.
He makes the statement that
his mother and sister resides in
I Oregon, and that is as far as he
tu ha nmieaaes to nave
aome kind of mental lapse, but
the omctaia tninn ne n icikihuk.
Splrell Corsets Not sold In
.Aea A aiiestion and a sug-
ffestion. Have you any corset
troubles I n so. c ojiijh
Kam Over three mil
i:-- ..tufied Scire la wearers
liuu ----- J
testify to the ease, comiun nu
....Ia nt atvlA nroduced by
pireHacoraets. Many exclusive
i a m , .L!jak. t aialianr thai
deSiKns i rum wuiui w ovivv.
W". . ?a . J SA Altai iaHi
corset oess suueu w
vldual needs. A Spire la resi
dence cprsetlere in this fle d.
.1.. -A. ,tna anerienee and train-
nj wiiivsi , ... .
i.i . iMiir aervice. Without
Annointments by
UUI I V Saws via .
tter or telephone given prompt
Lt..tiAn Phnne Main 384.
Residence, Fifth and Jaekam.
Hillsboro, Ore. 33-45
Maa Thai UalrclM mi Citar StaaS
May Oaea la Maitaaaaah
The man who feared he would
see no Sunday league baseball
camesin Portland this year of our
Lord. 1916. drew a long sigh cf
relief last Friday evening when
he read that Judge Gantenbein.
of Portland, had postponed fur
ther decision on the injunction
granted against the old law of
1851 keeping things tight on
Sunday. Judge Gantenbein holds
that the law is unconstitutional
and savs that he will let the tem
porary injunction stand until
next November. He did this
because a petition had been
signed by thousanda. aaking for
a referendum of the blue law.
and this leaves baseball park
managers, cigar stands, stores.
in fact all lines of busineaa to
keep open shop on Sunday and
thpre. vou are.
the garage men are the moat
pleased of any. In Portland
there are thousands or. automo-
I, i!e owners who emov a Sunder
drive. With the garage closed
the driver who met with dia
aster was in bard lines. He can
now take his Sundav trio, aee
a ball game, and also get his car
rwnmrpH nr re-fill with araflohne
in case he Tons out and at the
same time take his girl or wife
to an ice cream spread.
Jadrc Barter Isaacs Orecr
Attnrnev H T. Raalev. after
Gantenbein s decision, presented
a mntinn whirh waa aimed bv
Judge Bagley, allowing the con
fVetioner ten dava more time on
Their petition for a permanent
. . a . . w ar
injunction, ana unui next non
day the district attorney and
sheriff will not enforce tne law.
By that time the court will have
passed upon the constitutionality
of the old statute. The order
"Now at this time, on motion
of H. 1. Bagley, attorney for the
n amtiffa. it l ordered ana ad
judged that the temporary in
iunction heretofore issued herein
on Dec. 16. 1915, be ana tne
same ia herebv continued in ef
fect for a period of ten daya
from date hereof, that a tormai
hearing may be had within aaid
time. It i ordered that the de
fendants, and each of . them
Imeaninir the district attorney
nr the aherirT) he and the are
hereby restrained and enjoined
from in anv manner eniorcuiK
or attempting to enforce the
provisions of Section 2125. of
Lord's Oregon Laws. Dated
this Jan. 8. 1916."
- r r ' 11
There is so mote conveuient way. There is no safer way.
and you will have o complete record of and receipt of all
. rt. . : j c
do not deceive militate against unnecessary and thought
less expenditure of the small sums that in the aggregate
j .t .u: e t
nave oitcn provcu mc iuicvcs ui suLtcaa. n itrgc upcu
in or is not necessarv. V on t vo
as explain folly.'
you stop in and let
jk b r i . r c i -bb
American National Danllllj
s sweat FttVaf St.. HKHbmr; Oew J
One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A stock of lumber so large and varied that you can
have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many
large dimension timbers, and can save yon the expense
of special sawing. When you want lumber, promises
don't fill your bill. Oar specialties are quality, ser
vice, and courteous treatment. You cau dobetter for
less with this company.
Badger Lumber Co.
Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Go's. Track. ,
Kverything in Building Material
Hillsboro Auto Liwy
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176
S. P. P. E. & E.
All. except the P. R. & N., trains
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Main Street.
orest Grove Train 6:50 a. m
McMinnville Train 7:36
Sheridan Train 10:02
forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m
McMinnville Train 2:15
'orest Grove Train 4:10
Eugene Train . 4:55
McMinnville Train 6:40
Forest Grove Train 9:50
Eugene Train 8:15 a. m.
McMinnville Train 9:45
Forest Grove Train 11:59
Forest Grove Train 3:15 p. m
Sheridan Train 4:80 '
McMinnville Train 6:40
Forest Grove Train 7:15
Forest Grove Train 9:00
McMinnville Train 12:15
All trains stop on flag at Sixth
and Main: at North Kange and
Fir streets. Sixth and Fir Sts.,
and at Tenth street
Steam Service from old depot at
foot of Second Street
P. R. &N. Train 4:30 p.m.
P. R. & N. Train 9:15 a. m.
Motor Car Service
To Buxton 12:25 p. m.
To Timber 4:30
From Timber 9:65 a. m.
From Buxton 2:10 p.m.
Will receive the best of attention
at the smallest prices at
t Hillsboro. Oregon
' Hillsboro Gsnere3
"Service to the Sick" . .
Address, Box 246, Hillsboro, Oregon
i.i.. - j 4 Ooerating rood
Board, room, nnrsing-$8 per week. Major operations fion
, Minor crrrttic fj M
1 '
engaged in farming.