The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 06, 1916, Image 1

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NO. 42
n os 600
tral Hoars Frtfay Night
jafcrts Vrrdkt was Agreed lewa
HrtSta Mat TO JW
(auk Caar f 'w
ft, Eftc4
Tb famous Mt!o caa earn to
aaeod Saturday Bornlog. about
viwk. whee the Jury
tamed a rdict of manalaughter
gainst Ko cnrn
vith murder in the a"' OV
pon the night of October!
vha she killed her buabend.
-k utfri.v The trial eon
Med av days and portion of
oe oignL and was siouuy ue-
After ill the evMeoce wm
ith T. U. Tongue Jr.
J th inrument for the
state, and printed the testi
aoiy which wm brought out.
uh contended that from Mrs.
MJ.'i na twom Statements
k unit hrinif la a verdict of
H T Rao-lev followed
Z..I kU iiimtnt WM KOOd. He
ad to eloquent ppl to the
tM t. iiirn the womiB free.
and in the audience it was freely
that the cue would in ithir disAffNement or
tequittal. S. B. Huston, for the
defense, louawea r. iwwj.
sod then District Attorney b. B.
Tomrue closed for th state. His
rgumtnt consumed two hour,
tod be reviewed the CMe from
beginning- to end. The counsel
(or the State left no opening,
end his analysis of the case wm
l masterpiece.
Tk inr citBM out at twelve
o'clock, roidoig ht, and celebrated
the Jie Year by dining. They
ttm returaed to the jury room,
sad at three in tht moraine; tent
ta word that they bad agreed
npoa a verdict lira, lierlo and
her father. David Reghitto, re
auioed io the court room until
the verdict wu reached. The
malt came u a blow to the
woman, who all along bas felt
ikt iha would h arauitted.
The jury: Bea Day, Tualatin:
Antony Hermans. Centerville; W
B Crosby. Scholia; Thoa Connell,
- G 0 Frost and Fred Schomburg,
Htllsboro; Daniel Rainwater.
Banks; Jacob Correll. Cornelius;
U A Flieth. Tigard: A H Thomas,
Forest Grove; Robert Halatead.
North Forest Grove, and E C
Mulloy, Laurel.
The Denaltv is an lndeterml-
DSte sentence of from 1 to 15
years. Mrs. Merlo'a attorneys
will appeal the caae and are al
ready have a transcript of the
evidence and trial made by Court
Reporter Kunyon.
H J. Bondahu, convicted of a
statutory offense against Violet
Bondahu, his ward, went into
court Monday morning and re
ceived sentence, judge mgley
giving him from S to 20 years,
the penalty prescribed by law,
Attorney Hare asked for lent
encv from the court The Court
stated that be waa powerless to
grant a parole, and the matter
of pardon would have to be taken
before the governor. He stated
that if all the jurors signed a pe
tition for pardon that be would
put no obstruction in the way.
The court flied
John Karons, of Fsrmington.
transacted business in town the
first of the week.
R. N. Shane, of Fsrmington,
wu a city visitor Friday, laying
In a stock of good resolutions.
John Ocnenlander. of Vsrlev.
was la the eity ttonday after
Boon. v
Paul Landauer. of VYeat Union.
wss a eitv visitor liondav morn
the coata of th
suit at P19.40. wbleb was paid
. a. ,i . . . m a
in casn oua oi we money uooa
sha had put up as bail. Attor
ney T. H. Tongue, who bad Died
the ets, bad nothing to say, as
a. t a a
ae aaia ne was no ranger aepaiy,
having resigned, but eialmed the
eosta should be deducted from
the bail money. Tbla was done,
and Bondahu was gWen his ball
lean the amount and turned
over to the sheriff's oflce. Bond
shu felt thai It would take a
year to gel the matter to the
SunpMne Court and back, and
thai he bad better start serf lag
time and rely ea a aroooarier
a service of several months.
A quiet home wedding was eele1
brated at Orenco, Ore., Jsn. 1.'
1916. when at the home of the
bride's parents, Ur. and Mrs. J.
Olson, when their daughter,
Signa Marie, wm united in mar
riaxe to Carl Conktin Gillen water,
of Hillaboro. He v. L. M. Boozer
officiating The ceremony wm
performed in the presence of
' relatives and a few invited
The bride wore a ffown of
white crepe de chine, simply
made, and carried an arm bou
qut or hrid roses.
Mr. and Urn. Gillenwater will
renide at the Connell ranch,
north of this city, for the prea
For rent. Two farma-onaof
Mtfl turtM. ahoafc 1SS acres In cul
tivation. one mile from Forest
Crave, barn roam for about 20
cows and 0 horses, city water,
nd other. 142 acres.
1 1 mliM aAuth of Klville.ab0Ut
one-half In cultivation, ban) room
for 10 bead sows and Dorses,
good welt, and fair house: tenant
etui work out (renter Dart of
ranch, cuh rent.-CJ. Btrdaei..
512 Seventh Street Hillsboro.
Phone City 33.
Alfalfa hay, which Is much In
vogue by Wuhingtoo uwniy
t.lrvman tiki UKMI a lift to
8 rice aince the cold snap oyer tbe
lortbwest The Buchanan Co.
Km nrtittf bic Bale 00 this
tnb tnAAmr and when offered
two earictads at a slight advance
Ammm im ttirned dOWB thO
order. A few days labtr it Jump
ed a dollar a son hither, and Is
still Jumping. Hill feed, also, la
eipectod to rams.
u.4. A tMHoaaibta can
tA Mil Watkiaa remedies and
kmimI, In rnrmA MHntT. AB 00-
portunity to get into a pteMe
bosineas of your own without In
vesting one dollar in ine w
vou sell. Must boaow w w
iL. . m aiitA ind Viva DOT
Dial) t". Vl mw - vj
sons! bond with two iwonslble
uiwtiM. Bee w. n.
- - a.... a ii m
1452 Msin St.. UUiiDoro. ss e
Sheriff Reeves i went to Ealem.
to th nenitentiary,
cl Inknatnn Of r OTMl
nZmm. to the Boys Training
For sale: House and ree
i... i. uiii.hnm. Or will trade
tn -iMMid mereage. bottom land
or swale, near Orenco preferred.
H. Jeibman, iiiiisoorw,
J. 0. Crandall. who arrived at
Myera. Mont, we omw .,.
writes.his wife, who is still hera.
thst mercory stooa iweny
whsn ho rewnea vv"
v . A. tka Mtnamlc bouse
news iwi . . .
.I. 'n.n and tomatoes three
. . .... r
the Hillsboro iereani
t T.mloaU. Of Portland
.pent New Y.r. with his sister.
Mrs. W tt. nna amt stifc Peaberry
ill t. 9fie at the Hillsboro
M-reantile U.
Fred R Sie'rist hu turned
from an eatenoeo w -
Francisco ana um
Ueawrel Taa, Tetal. la Utile Over
II.UM Una Tkas) m 114
New Law Him SIM3 Men as t
K& Carl Uorits, formerly of Bea
Iverton. now located at Lebanon.
I . 1 A A
Tbe Cotaty Court met late , Argus.
Tboraday and levied Ike tax for Wanted! A aacond hand sin
li0.1.. t!!f tmou,ti N"l. Hillsboro, It 6, Box 88.
toCLUt a Th BlUagt this
taaria lMmlllacmall nronart. L now living at
loeated i. dtricta wUre HlS B W"C,ly
MNWlf W1 liMMN HV 41.11 - . . . .
tiT1 7 Schwant.'go
ha Klerk svHiVJa Tltiai IiI.a a a i
fixed by law and the court
. . rT . . . .1 wanted: Two younir men
Thai mMlttoaal tax amouata to wial j, 0f hlng near Hills
fl0.t74R. twt doea aot affect boro. Address Hillsboro, Ore.,
those districts that have eotab Koato 1. Box 13S. 40-2
U,,li S0 ia,b!?c,0g Woman's rlghta In Oregon,
Hillsboro, Forest Grove. Tuala- iBa Leap yw, at that! Who
Un.Oronoo andIlenferton. wouldn't be a good looking bach
In iha table which follows. u .. rtn.a tk. nronr
,,.1 . mi . n . .ii""' Ml mwm wMv.nv.,
"County Roads and Bridges" .
contains the appropriation for m Wantod-at pnee: Young men
oil.. The state tax Is so fixed; fprautomoollebuaineas. Big pay.
the achool tax alao, sj wsll aa We make you export In ten weeks
the Indigent, library and high by mail Pay ua after we so
i, SooL The "county" find too euro you position. Century Auto
ulna iha for the state I mobile inautute, u Anrfeies.
mad between Forest Grove andlUL
Beavertoo. as well U the ma
mmi want a tv.wH
10 eMt BjnAlrenn "eouirk diml"
oat I in inatnu er.
Wanted: Two
D. W. Bath, former publisher
and editor of tbe Independent
eamo over from Tacotna, on pri
vate business, the Ust pf the
week, and called on the Argus.
Pimona for sale. cheaD:
Homers, Carneaux and Crosses.
Have about SO birds, which on
Twala Had Narrow Escape Fraea
Htriihinf m Wapate Lake
Ceettf ef
Mhlnarv for tha flonntw.
Take awav tha Hiah School
lew. with whiflh iha court bas
no jurladlcUoB aieopl to place it
on the roiis. aeooraiag to ibw,
and tno levy tbla year is
Mleas.thialcatyear. mi
ramria din
Rufth mA hrld?M........l.CC aeanunl of mv ill health, am
atata J COO I obliged to selU-E. F. Siss. Box
MoimwI a.CK I ca. h isooro. ure.. or csu at
Indigent soldiers u.iw oto Broaaway. sau
ui'Mi Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Chna.
"Iff liSLt! th2 has Wgja. of Orenco. Dec 81. 1916.
Of UtatriCU Ull HI . ZZT Tklala tK.IaMAnd iK Id.
High Wioola nuttboro. CTiwA'hXT-irL Mr: in!
County." unir-WCtl ".
For rent: six ana one-naii
Total Mills .....47.10000 gen,, e-room house, barn and
ftummarv Inuthmai one mile east of
Roads and bridges. ...I118.SS3 88 Hillsboro. Per year, cuh rent
aula 72.Ka.41 na Address H. D. SchmelUer.
School 2!5 HUloboro, Ore, 34tf
m a. l.aaaa M X in I
Libra,! . Be? Sovral fa-oime engine jackets
WW"J";":i7:7 ' have been cracked out In the
B O fvy vw v.. tk. naatytaab h. r
suit of water being eft in mem.
Th wiaa will keen their tanks
10.27437 empty whsn the engine is not in
iU.S34.22 use for a stitch in time saves-
- i ,
in engine.
kal Seat laky. Water la
lake. Wkoe Ihtatlat
JohnW. Connell. of" Hillsboro,
and J. 11. Wescott of Gaston,
are today more than thankful
that they both are alive, and
both are thankful that Connell
wm raised a sixfooter.' for In
thnt extra height of Connell Is
the reason thst both are alive
Instead of now having a little
marker at the ends of two
mounds. They went bunting
with a party Saturday night
and started across the lake in a
small boat early Sunday morn
Ing. before it waa fairly light
When the two men reached tbe
center of the lake the boat sunk
with their weight
The lake wu lust shallow
enough to let Connell's mouth
and nose remain out or drink,
while Wescott waa obliged to
hanir on to the boat In this
manner they held up for a half
hour, calling to meir companion
for aid. The others were a half
mile awav. and. hearing the
shouts thought it came from a
close-by farm house. The boat
waa finally propelled by Connell
150 yards, and they finally came
to a place where they had to re
main, or get in over Connell's
head. At this Juncture Frank
Srhulmerich heard their cries ot
a ft -
distress, and rowoa over, in com
psny with Ole. who Unas to the
fa i for the hunting natty.
When thev arrived they found
their boat would not bold the
four, and Leonard Brown and
Fied Sewe came to their roller.
The hunters were taken ton
. a a a. a. . i
arm house, sirippea oi ineir
wet clothes, and wrapped in
blankets. Both were nearly
iMriahed and their companions
worked with them several hours
to prevent a collapse.
Tha nununff tno oame near
ending in a tragedy, but after it
is all over uonneii ana woscon
feel that nothing in the year
11)16 is going "to get thalr
w0 .
a ucic im uu uiuic iuuvcuicui way. lucre is no salcr way
and yon will have o complete record of and receipt of all
transactions. The system is fascinating and as figures
do not deceive militate agaiuHt uuueccssary and thought
leas expenditure of the small sums that in the aggregate
have often proved the thieves of success. A large open
ing deposit is not necessary. Won't you stop in and let
us explain fully?
4 Pr Cent. I merest On Savings
American National DonK
l aasat yfef ATfaM MUttbmem. Om
districts that basH
8 Hilteboro. Forest
verton and Orenco...
Total ICS5.512.03
(From The Argae)
Waahlngton County property was
isaeaaed on the tax roll at $4,412.
776. The State Board, ralaed t
2315.021. IBdltors note -i ai
ls one quarter or tnepreaeasH
.I .nt ia 1116 A. D.-not
quite one quarter.) ,
crill Coraailaa. sob ef B. r.
I aaw cordwood, tijes up to 12
Inches in diameter, fence rails.
and boards of all kinds, into
stovewood lengths. Will go into
th country. Write, phone or
call on me.-Carl Skow, Hillsbo
ro. Phone. City 462, or call a
Tualatin Hotel.
One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A stock of lumber so Urge and varied that you can
have nromot delivery tf inv nrrW. We rarrv manv
w ( j . j - - - - j j
large dimension timbers, and can save yon the expense
of special sawing. When you want lumber, promises
I i. tl a aa a
aon t nil yonr bill. Uur specialties arc quality, ser
vice, and courteous treatment You cau do better for
lesa with this company.
Gktiger Lumter Co.
Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks.
Kverything in Building Material
Herman Kamna and Wm
Uelerjergen, of the North Plains,
were in Monday morning with
their sleighs, there being enough
of tha "haautiful" to make good
WillCoraeana. aoa ar . r. Lld4lj. TBtlr .Ws were of
p..Ih rH mm tka Steve aollTL . - u. ii...
v . " -r ---- . . i linn BtMiaa uultk. ,iia uvina
cut a severe wonnd ea hia nsea th goD.ttjon given that sort of
Tha second edition of the Coffee
Club Cook Book Is on sale, at I
nn i4n until after the Holidays.
The books are on sale at tne
following places:
Vaught's lirocery.
Hiilahora Mercantile Co.
Donelson's Furniture Store.
Gragg & Powell Grocery.
Hons Grocery.
Rest Room. Second St, near
Morton Greenhouse
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Seasonable
and & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176
Dr. Bailey sewing it togemer. WB,ytnce back in "Missouri."
(The Argos twenty years ago . .. ' t ihort .,nK,e Bledt
auva 1 "small CMia 01 OI P. r. I, .i.u..tlnii tn tka HnnKln
twrnj . I I IB lniliaiEHIIVII W IIIV w mr
how soon
I in contravention
set of "bobe."
W, w
l-..ta aftftM nilifl 1
W. V. Wiley laid O covers Bpring was convicted of stealing
his friends one evening, and the fv,from va Lehman, of Ce
j .w.iaar mi is agn m uu wnu
and the "XritiaV SchMt mhhed
m a m
menu was roast
Offden wss the
Oftillgoen waa
I master of ceremonies.
Sleigh bells Jingled all
By the American Bankers' Assocletlon to mwk
Dana cenienniw
The first savings bank in the U,nJ?dnn5SiSonW0f
fstablished in 1816. It came when the Xlen
the United States waa only 9.500,000, and there,.were
but 246 banks In the country. .-A.imatlng
Today, with our National wealth ' WPJJ
$187,000,000,000 and almost one hundred mmjins 01
people in the country, we nave uuu. v'rf Million
a. k..k. o,innin r m ten and a half mnnon
l IIC DarllB MUU WMH'lt " ...
depositors. - . imarl.
The above is taken from the Journal of the Amen
can Institute of Banking. . '
Join the campaign and open an account witn
The Sbntc Savings
Lehman and then fled to Mar-
I . t V.I S .-m. k mm. ftft lAftfttft mm
Sleigh bells Jingled al week, tines, i.,wn n- w .-u'e .now put the aH
skaung. :r""a-i.i. hu ik
. at.l I1UUU iDays-awj-BHw-aTiwivv-
Courtnsy 11 t five a pis 1 1 Ikman hnva. went his wav re
Nt Year's dance at the big 4j-i- -hi tha court tmnoaed
house out a Unk Pleina. U fino aad eosta and paroled him
ifehiMon died at she wm. ron the condition that he pay
IVW arv-"w-"- :. 4L Lm. mm.m MA -
Raslav Farm. Uieyrtiie, tnn pan ti ma raw 01 w per
court they would give . the boy a
place to work, for they aid not
think he would steal had he not
ka ilrlnktnav He went to work
for them and has sent in his $20
ner month regularly. Last r ri-
Amw niffht hn was over to the
John Yost place, near Cedar
tSill, and the two had , a wassail
with aoma eider, which is a
vi r - . .
close and contumacious rneno 0
To Portland 65 minutes.
7:18 ......
58 ...
3:68 ... ..
i8 (Sat only) pm
from Portland 155 minutes.
:M... -
1:26 m
2:12. ,
4:27 ..Dm
6:25 ....vAra
719 .....iiia
8:26 (Sat only) -po
1Z:a5. . .....M, ... ...... ... 19
-ftiw Ha was born in ish.
Iirwas the father of lire. Bag-
ley. 1 .
tiles Uary Tonjue. (Now urs.
Gay Lombcrd) ywtea win
fnenesst tieer.
ikn Hav and wife (n m of
Seattle) visited with the. Hays.
Zi vi tha l!area or nil IS
boro, and the trccners at w
trio to Goldendale.
oMf J U Rtanlev waa nrln
gf 0 p my 9 mmmw mrmmrww m - my - ar
eipal of the Hillsboro schools.
awakened with a loss of memory
and cash to the extent ot seven
A cAaht dollars, the next morn
in an4 laid the theft on An
dreas. Deputy Sheriff Wismer
hmueht him up ana ne was
Born. IO Mr. anu un. vi iv. - ----
tleldel dS. miS, at Conal- lodged In (all. Andreas says he
Iieiaei, uw. -f Ria jij A. mosev and that
lis, son. vrT ,r " r .1 drunk. .. Hia
The ym&.X&iSL?r ?t ."-T l. l to IO veara on the
aiaval V mm i I BT K - mMM BVaTiaa WWHWV wmr -
For sale: A good Jersey cow.
Every way right; good avert!
milker, and fresh since Oct li.
Call at Na 16C3 t!aln Etrcs
Hillsboro, Ore. Ktf
Solrella Corsets Not sold (a
stores. A question and a kug
gestion. Have you any corset
troubles? If so, let Splrella ser
vice cure them. Over threAnil
lion satisfied SpirellaiSweirert
testify to the ease, comfort and
nApfnetion ot 'stvle nroduead hv
Splrella corsets. Many exclusive
designs from which to select the
corset best suited toyourindi
vldual needs. A Snirella real
Annua mrmaHara In tkla flald.
UVIIVV wa w mmw m aa war M
Mv advice, exnerienee and train
ingaroat your service, without
nhliiraHnn. Anno(ntmnta hv
letter or telephone jrjven prompt
attantlnn Phnna laln
Residence, Fifth and Jacks m,
Will receive the best . of attention
at the smallest prices at
hillsboro General
"Service to the Sick"
Addrew, Boie a, Hillsboro, Oregon
Fees fweekly in advance) Operating room
Board, room, nttrsing-$8 per week. Major operatloni $10
Minor operations 5
hp .ar m . awi an', arr at'i wn - ; a a
'UJ-.ean robbery.
Hillsboro, Ore. U-C3
ftiw .vT jJm.a
'V f4 ;"