The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 30, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 41
taring veer
la Malt
0 Vi"a
I UrWd it one on
Jow. the U.UJI.
M . Pendleton to Pilot
Junctiua; cost, Cv
w..n eon acreage nearly
ioabltd during year, torg ely due
to durational csniiwwa
u-i.mri tivee lumber com
MiylSicrrt of land for factory
j nallfl on con-
fart capacity nvwti
lV Rtvnotds will build 110.
.hi.i ;i mill on lower Stuslsw.
rlHA 111 Utm NM U
ker Columbia to Greet
Muin. 1100.000 recommended
!T uun Crater Laka rand.
(win railroads expended
m a mm In extensions nnd Iro
. k.ll. ,,K
MMMU DU I TTir. Will irair
& utilities expended UX&Xll
lor nvnt purpose.
OtW.K. AN. Co. will spend
("noooiintnir EL Johns tunnel
ilk Mineral.
Portland's tss U C3.40 on the
KuionrtSia-nsl-RevleW plant
nld to H. (2. Guild, owner Toledo
3m tint).
filumbli River 4 Nehelero
bogging It K. running to eapec
Portland's new Franklin High
iAad will cost E30.CC0, have
mtm buildings tnd CS3 sta
fan, It will neve eonffclete
uncuiturtl college count.
County r1 to bt built from
Nnrport to Yaqulns.
Ut commission announces
tbtt taies for 1916 wUI bt About
U percent lower,
gut Ui lev on 1M valua
tion is rrduced 2.(50.
Portland Chamber of Com
me making light to have all
Douglas fir and Ortson atone
awl on new million dollar pott
Sutherlin-Roach Timber Co.,
at Mufcatine, Iowa, ralaea (300,
KO to build flrat aoction of log.
ting road. Also getting new
tto-itry brick building.
Roaeburg-Kendall. Pittsburg
(apitalUt, returns In January to
lake up work on railroad and
sawmill. Some right of way has
keen secured.
Si Helena industries in full
Matt employ 90 men in shipyards,
18 in cmwoting plant, ISO in two
mills, and 50' in two road
Betal plant.
Dr. F. A. Ilailey aUtee that
the present siege of laGrippe is
the most severe in numbers and
effect in twelve years. He
believes that it flrat suited in
the trenches In Western Europe
snd spread to the Western Hemi
sphere. He says that the crest
la now reached and that during
January it will eubnide. Many
patients recover, especially the
school children, and then, re
turning to school, attain become
n fee ted. He says that for this
reason he adviaed the cloning the
schools here, and itiving the
rooms a through disinfecting.
Old people, he avers, sutler the
most from effects of the malady.
SHOT BY fill
Sheriff HoMa Warrant lor M. F.
Coulaon, Who I'aaaed bad Check
4llrnrar4 Putts' Aeolhrr Check ea
IWtlaM Dealer, Octllef Saiall Sea
Sam Schmidt of Laurel, was a
city visitor Friday.
Harlan Kelley. of North Plains
waa in town the last of te week
on legal business.
K, Ilelvogt of below Dunzer,
was s nty caller the last of the
Perry Gardner, of Quatama,
was transacting business in the
city the last of the week.
Louis HameL of below Qua
tama. was up to the county seat
the last of the week.
You can still get 30c Peaberry
coffee for 25c at the llillsboro
Mercantile Co.
Mr. and Mrs. P. L
I of Laurel, were in the
city rn-
Sheriff Reeves holds s warrant
for one H. F. Coulson, who a tew
I .I...- 4. 41 I .! .
For rent. Two farms -one of ? . ur w n" "noou"K Ull!u'
160 acres, about 135 acres in cul- ""imoman. passed a bad
tivation, one mile from Forest check for42.onaTigardmer- day. Mrs Lillsard beinir enroute
t.rove. wru room for about aj chant A few days after the to Portland.
cows and 6 horses, city ' water. Tlgard Incident the same man
caah rent; and other. U2 acres. L.M . . . . . ..,. j
ltmiiessouthof teedvill.aboutr . w" "
one-half in culUvation. barn room ,wrVor W'-. geiung nve ooi-
for 10 head cows and 4 hom. f n cash on the paper, and
good well, and fair house; tenant saying he would come the next
fan work out greales pari 01 dav and iret the halanee. minus
F&Z$ J ii SSS "" "tore sccoun t The check
tkJvevMVSS UVivn, iiiiiewvi vi I - JJ -..4 j
PKnn I'll not return, anu
Wanted: To rent not less
than 40 acres near Hillslioro. C.
C Knowles, Hillsboro, lioute 1,
Box 138. 41
on top of this came the robbery
J.C Umkin. postmaster, re- at Garden Home and subsequent
eently had four stick pens made shooting at the Multnomah sta-
from some quarts which he took lion, ine man is sun in the hos
f rom the Huford mine in Vernon pita) st Portland, and will re-
Canyon, GO miles from Denver, cover. Ite officers both here
He Dresented one of the pins to and ai roruand mins mat loui-
Fred Holznagel. deputy in the ion is the bad check artist snd
Lost between North Plains
and Columbia Academy school
house, a purse containing rings,
pearl-handled knife, check book.
letters, certificate, etc. Finder
kindly return to North Plains
Sat office and obtain reward.
rs. A- Schoonover, North
Wo. H. Connell. of Portland,
was out to the ranch last wee',
and made a call on the Argus.
Parole Has Beea Rsvokei auai taw
Has Eight Years Yet te Serve
Sheriff Raevea. SeaakleM. Wetckts
Claae, aai Make DiKavrry
Charles Brown, known as Earl
Brown, in jail here charged with
robbing the Mays Mercantile Co.
store at North Plains, made
attempt to break from custody
last Thursday afternoon. Sheriff
Reeves had been more than
picioas of an attempt for a week
or more, because of the charac
ter of his prisoners. Brown is
ready to plead gu'lty, and wheth-
. ... . . 1
er he did or not he is in bad
with the state officials, and must
go back to Salem and senre eight
years, having been paroled last
September by Got. Withycombe.
Brown, or Braun, procured a I
piece of casting and while tbel
prisoners were in the outside I
corridor, during the late after
noon, dug a hole in the wall at I
the rear of the first cell. He I
post office, and one to his son. C. that he will aooner or later be He says that Jack Hoover is still had gone through several thick-
It is presumed that Coulson
was fearful of going back to the
Portland store to get the remain
ing change on the check for fear
of detection, snd that being
broke, he concluded tq hold up
the Oregon Electric stations and
then leave the country.
A. Francis Co La turned out the
quarts, snd they are fine speci
mens or handwork, as wen ss
besutilul productions of nature.
For sale: House snd three
lots in Hillsboro. Or will trade
for cleared acreage, bottom land
or awal. near Orenco preferred.
-H. Jeibman, Hillslioro, Ore.
over 4 inches exces of rainfall ttoth hospiU
-1 u... i.-1 .!. n tify the robber. It will
wnipn nive iji- i - ' r .
getting along as well as could be
expected, considering his ail
News for the economic house
wife. Corn and tomatoe? three
cans for tweniy-nve cenw, ai
the Hillsboro Mercantile Co.
The Tillamook line waa open
nesses of brick, and was in shape
so that an hours work would
have taken him to the outer at
mosphere, Sheriff Reeves, who
has been keeping dose tab on
the prisoners, and who has had a
night watch every night since
K as tor. Brown and Sullivan.
charged with the North Plains
Just ss soon as he is sble to be for transportation of passengers robbery, have been in custody.
a l . f l t & fill.. . r . m I tnvMti(kAf am4 f a4 vhA kiilai
visited the Tigard merchant will
to Iden-
then be
the averages
tainedthe past twenty years.
It looks as though this section
received a good share of the ex
cess. The figures given are
from the Portland section, and It
Is thought that Portland has a
trifle heavier precipitation than
In this basin.
For rent: Six and
a a i . ,
teres, 0 room nouse, uam mu
outhouses, one mile east of
Hillsboro. Per year, cash rent
175. Address H. D. SchmelUer,
Hillsboro, Ore. 34"
Wheat took a raise of fifteen
another crime to be charged
against the convalescent
(From The Argus)
C Jack Jr., deputy county re
corder, soent Christmas st r arm-
one-half I ington with home folks.
Monday morning, a transfer
being made In the mountains,
It was thought at first that the
line would be odt of commission
for several weeks, but passengers
were brought through Sunday,
Professor S. T. Adams and
wife, of Forest Grove, and Prof.
J. P. Loonev. of Hillsboro. have
just been honored by the State
Board of Education with lite
diplomas. From the years
ago" in uregonian.
Judge Aj''TWfwr
law partner ot the late United
States Senator John H. Mitchell,
was in the city Friday, trying a
case in circuit court At one
time Judge Tanner had an ex
tensive practice over the state
snd Northwest
To Portland Z5 minutes.
a m
18 m
12:43 pm
6:43 pm
8:10,. , pm
(Sst only) pm
from Portland- minutes.
41 m
, .pm
only).. pm
at a aaaete 1 am
11:26 ....
4:27 ... .
25 ....
J:26 (Sat
Dr. Linklater narrowly es
caped being crushed by a falling
tree near Cedar Mill. Only- by
violent use of the whip did he
get his horses snd vehicle sever
al feet out of danger, the tree
cents for futures, the last of the falling directly behind the buggy,
week, and It looks as though it A mM from tne weat end of
msy go s tin 1 Mgner. jun mo. cwnty was at a Rrtland nre Mr ftnd Mrs. John Abbott, of
prices advanced, wd.W the other day, and watched the p Wand pent the Christmas
going up 10 isr V- firemen with a great degree 01 hoiday- wth Mr. and Mrs. E.
concerneu. uiw - Merest. Arter waicning ouer- i hhott and fam v. John is
Northwest appears 0 m ai , me atong or , whlle he and: connected with the Portland
bat Chopped feed, however. Gregt work but why do they police force n tne detective de
are lower, and this should please the wtUr 1 they throw MPtinent He says that Brown
the dairyman. it on the flames? ad Kastor, in jail here, are bad
Trv our Turkish Cream Rolls. w m uehrunff Sons were actors, and will not stop at any-
They are home-made and hard to gt.jnff guwr, dry granulated, at thing to make an escape.
beat-ivoener s""' 20 pounds for a aoiiar. Wanted: A responsible man
it.,- (,t Mr. and Mrs. uoyi iw- Abraham r.roasenlto sell waixins remeaies ana
(u.,Li.'d h'fvmat Cmve. Dec. 25.1 j in 1 nmdueta in nrood county. Anop-
TTiiii, , were MiuK'v..v......r. r . i7. i - u.u: :n T; ?.
1915. a son. IM yo ng man , . poriunuy " r .X ' VA"
, wii - 1 Dustiness 01 your own wuuuut m- cuuiumi .tiu ........ I vesting oneaoiiarin we kuous
n . Mil m r - 1 . . . l LI - 4. .
. i. . 1. . . 1 1 1 m n. bu.ii I- LlLIIUIIIilU. v . ..v . auu ...j . . u. mu w w ww.w - -
'VT 7. " .r . " at lius. suffered a Uoiies iraciure 01 ntsn
ana Cniiarrn . fn.rm.
the Jacob Wlsmer nome ai wui
investigated, and found the hole.
He at once put the prisoners in
side the main jail, and they will
be allowed to come out in the
corridor now during taking meals
only, and then they will be under
Brown had taken some bed
clothes out of the cell and ar
ranged them so that the noise of
falling brick would be smother-1
ed. That the other prisoners
were aware of the attempt goes
without saying, because a
could .not work at the removal I
of the bricks 'without their
Sheriff Reeves hsd the hole
patched Friday afternoon, and it
is not improbable that he will
ask the county court' to make a I
steel lining for the interior walls
of the jail. It appears a hard
thing to keep prisoners under
chareeand not yet proven guilty,
confined in the cells all day. but
it looks as though something
must be done to make an escape
aa 1 e I
a t sa
grandson of John
the Grove.
North Tia-
city caller
of the
Geo. Biersdorf, ol
latin Plains, was 1
Monday morning.
FredHamel, of West
. . L. Aral
waa in town hid mo
- John VanZandt a Portland I at
torney, was in town Friday, on a
case in circuit court
John Matthes. of Laurel, came
in Saturday, and went
Minn Emma Csrstns. 01 me
Independent composing rooms,
visited Portland Friday last
J. W. Bailey and E. a Tongue,
attending P. U., spent Xmaa at
team or auto and give per
sonal bond with two responsible
sureties. See W. H. fcrwin,
1452 Main St., Hillsboro. 41-3
The year 1915 closes with over
a million dollars 01 deposits in
tha Hillsboro banks, ine nine
hanka in the county have a total
deposit of $2.072,000 -Hillsboro
thus having nearly a half of the
mim. When one considers that
the East end of the county banks
S. P. AND P.E.4E
All, except the P. K.& N., trains
are electric, and stop at the de
pot on Min street
To Portland
Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m.
.723 a. m.
a. m.
Forest Grove Train 1823 p. m.
McMinnvtlle Train 8:15 p. m.
orest Grove Train. .-4:10 p. m.
Eugene train 4:oo p. m.
McMinnviUe Train 6:40 p. m.
Forest Grove Train. 9:50 p. m.
From Portland
ugene Train arrives... 8:15 a. m.
The State Savings Bank
la am Old Dwllable Institution with
ieeource of over
c 1 waa convicted of I to a considerable extent in Port
MYna iaat Thursdsy land it will be seen that the
ovenina- by a jury in circuit court county has some deposit wealth.
. . kai Allf all t S I. . J
in Daiuruw, . . he iweive men - Post Master J. u Juamaio. ana
to Portland to spend Christmas 1 of hourB, -he deputies have had a busy week
witness, sn aoopwo uauauv v. tne or Miin and intro,
Bondshu, is now in me nanaa m the t n0,Wty geuon affording
the juvenile court When tne 1 heavJer m than ever before.
evidence wasaaeo ww xhousands of parcel post pacs
for state ana aeienne v".ottm ramein and even unui uon
to let the case go tq the jury on . th were many uncalled
- - . a .... uaiiHAiir 1 ------ -
the court s insirucHona. wiw ifot Tnt parcel post isature
-u ..cial ai-cfiimflnU of COUnCIU I li i .k. .,. Mtmnanioa
Judge Bagley instructed and the l( much bu8,neM, but at that
iuryrettrea. aonomu -- we Wells-Fargoana watworin
lowed w go on mo f ern had a Dig ouBineBa.
nkth vaa ZZ.DUU in casn.
"'.ik nt Rnndahu will Rnirella Corsets Not sold in
. nat trial in a matter I, lores. A question and a sug
Hn . . a m ....
Wi$A$ you a Jiappi om
&roprot4s Jfew J
for 1916
4 Per Cent. F.ld on Saving Deposits.
A, McOlll, Pres.
A. C. Sbute, Vice-Pres.
W. Mahon, Cash.
W. V. Bergen, Asst.
that rests in the future.
Phillip Shea, wss in town Fri
day morning,
n. Madiann waa over from
Newberg to spend Christmss in
the city: ,
u., r.oniL well known here,
is now s part owner of the Port
Angeles Daily neraiu, .uuui.
on the Sound.
J. J. Meacham snd wife, or
Banks, were in town Christmss.
... i 1 ha home of Mr. and
VredEnnes. While in town
ua fca - - - .
J. J. made the
religious weekly
nation. Have you sny corset
. . aa mm 1 . a2.1lA Ma
troubles I 1I BO, lei opinuw acr
vice cure them. Over three mil
lion satisfied Spirelia wearers
testify to the ease, comtort and
narfoction ot atvle produced by
SnifwiiA corsets. Many exclusive
designs from which to select the
a A. ..!a J a. A Hjkaaa larf)S
Corset Deal BUiieu m jvur iiiui
yidual needs. A Bpireua resi
A . coraetiere in this field
Me advice, excellence ana inun
ing are at your service, without
obligation. Appointments ny
letter or telephone given prompt
attention.-Phone Main - 884.
Residence. Fifth and Jacks m.
Hillsboro, Ore. S3-48
The second edition of the Coffee
Club Cook Book is on sale, at
50 cents, until after the Holidays.
The books are on sale at the
following places:
Vaught s Grocery.
Hillsboro Mercantile Co,
Donelson's Furniture Store.
Gragg & Powell Grocery.
Ross Grocery." ' 1
Rest Room, Second St near
Morton Greenhouse
The American National Bank
Wishes You and Yours
tlevi Ygsp
4r Per Cent, latereat On S-vinf
Amoric&a National Dank
One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A stock of lumber so large and varied that you can
have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many
large dimension timbers, and can save you the expense
of special sawing. When you want lumber, promises
don't fill your bill. Our specialties are quality, ser
vice, and courteous treatment You can do belter for
less with this company.
Bdger Lumber Co.
ifain St and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks.
Everything in Building Material
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
and & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176
New Year's Presents
McMinnviUe " -9:45 a. m,
'orest Grove ..11x3 a. n.
orest Grove " . .3:15 n. m.
ShenSan . .4:80 p. m.
McMinnviUe " ..6:40 p. m.
orest Grove .":15 p. m.
orest Grove ...90 p. m
McMinnviUe " .12:1S a, m.
Ail trains, stop on frg at
Sixth and Main: at North Ran?e
and Fir streets; at Sixth and Mr
streets and at Tenth street
Steam Service ...... ...Old Depot
To Portland i
P. R. AN. Train.... 40n,m.
, From Portland
P. R. ft N. Train 9:15 a. tn.
We have a splendid line of Jewelry for
The New Year. Make your selection.
Absolutely the best stock in the city for
dainty and serviceable gifts.
Yyr&'m the
Fresh 881 ted almonds and pe
cans at Koeber s Confectionery.
Mr. and Mrs. Jss. Uiltenber
ger visited with friends at Tigard
The Moose dance was well st
tended Saturday evening, the
event having one of the record
crowds of the season, v
Hillsboro. Oregon
CllflflOsboro., General
: "Service to the S:cV ; -
Address, Box 246, Hillsboro, Ort;
Pees C weekly in advance) - Opsrstir j rcta
Board, room, nursing-$8 per week. ; Major opiloas fl3
l!ircpratirr " '
s call.