The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 23, 1915, Image 1

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-H5BS9-HSW W--- mmmm ' NO. 40
cm is
$U.I0Oly Urt lMy
ur rs cur raiiTWM note
H,, For tafmtai Faml -alma.
Hiii.k-lmrM tees Sim4
The Wtf budget meeting at the
court hmiM and Creeent Theatre
last Friday wai more than lent
tnt with the eatlmatea submitted
by therountf eourL The rati
mitH. aa publiahed. railed for
$tS)JiX . and of thlaaroour.t
but 113,140 waa trirowed.
No CHiipariaj)n to Last Year
Ust year's budnet of 17.491
wm trimmed I7S.332 In two
hour's time and without Are
work l.
At the Saturday mooting It a
voted to austsin Iho 121.000 e.
pemlitur for rebuilding the For
nt (;roveHmboroBeaertn
rot I by a vote of 74 to CL Thia
wm the high vote of the day.
The cuta made w the- budget
AMwuor'e office M0
Dry Is enforcement...... 1500
put attorney 800
MLtcKilaneouaand nnforaeon 13J0
poor farm building 10.000
K.pertinf book a. 260
Um raise on cattle Indemnity 1300
1'..t.l mat 11.1 140
rrt drove had forty people'
in the meeting, determined to
aave the macadam road estimate
ia the HaL In thia lheywere
supported by a number from
HilUboro, Heaverton, Keedville
and CHar Mill the laat named
section being enthuaiaitie for
rock made. .
Jiuiite Iteaaoner captained atl
ths niceiwitiea of the budget,
and when the poor farm bull J
imr. tlu.000 estimate, came up.
aid that the court aimply put
thia in becauae the various grand
juriei had aaked for better ac
commodationa for the county
poor, now 17 in number.
The prohibition element wu
undent in vote to cut out the
11.500 from the dry law enforce
went, and 1800 for deputy dis
trict attorney. The mlecellane
eui eatimate waa cut down
11.300, and the ea porting of
county books waa trimmed $200
because the cwrt explained that
a contract had been aigned for
exporting at $240 alnce the bud
Ct u aent out for publication.
Eliminating the poor farm
building from the eatimate.
which waa placed there for ex
pvdiency only, in conformity to
the ilfmanda of the grand juries,
the total cut amounted to $3,140.
Judre Iteaaoner presided in
th morning, and Hon. E. W.
Haines waa called to the chair
after Urn afternoon aeaaion open
ed In the Cresent Theatre. The
attendance after lunch waa not
at lurKo u in the morning, and
there ni not ao much fireworks.
Hon. Sam Paisley, In the morn
ing, "called" the Independent
for a criticism of lCobL Smith,
of the tax liberator, who has
been going about the various
counties asking for tax reduction,
and which intimated Smith might
be in the employ of timber or
other corporation!. .
J i he budget aa it now atanda.
and which will materially be re
duced by the court at the tax
Sheriff ; $10,900
tk'rk 6.120
Recorder 3,550
Treasurer 1,310
.wvyor.., mi
Aswtfaor f,tc.K)
Court & t'-ommiHuiofiers .. 3,ft.V)
Owirt howw expftiH. ... 4.400
Circ ct. witnes. jurors.
bailiffs, reporter, etc.. 10.000
Jovenil court fioo
Justice court l,o))
Coroner 1,300
Insane 41 M)
Auctions & rejjimratioi s. 8.WW
Hitfh school tuition fees
Washington County .... C.500
High School tuition fwa
for other counties 4,3m)
Scho4 levy, pi per capta- CJ.000
Truant ofTWr 100
Health olficer 610.20
-lloadsand Highways
County road fund $90.00(1
Hrldgce 10.600
Oil 6.000
Machinery 10,500
Kelxiilding road between
Crove and llt-averton . 21.000
Miscellany -
lcal reg births & deaths $ 160
Fruit inspector 3U0
Widows' pensions G.0U0
I'oor. poor farm and indi
gent soldiers 7.000
Tax rebates 800
Scalp bounties 80
Sealer wxhs & measures.. 303.40
St & sewer assessments.. 1.614 67
Itnad aupervisors' salaries 8.000
Veterinary surgeon 300
Cattle Indemnity 2.600
Miscellaneous and unfor-
aen contingencies 4.000
Advertising and publish
ing co ct proceedings . 1.000
Auditing county books .... 210
Adv delinquent tax list 600
County and state fairs . .- 4K)
The budget on the state roid
excited the greatest interest of
the day. Thosa who spoke in
favor of the expenditure were
J. W. Hughes. Hon. Ira 1'urdln.
Hurley, of the NVws-Times. Ilea
soner, H. T. Hagley. Wismer
and J. A. Thornburgr.
Those talking against the ex-
Jenditure were: Ferd Groner,
. K. Zimmormnn. VA. Schulmer
ich. H. K. IK-nn). 11. l Cornell
us, Commiiwioner llanley, J. W.
Vandervelden arttl other.
Wat Went U $1.65
Gea Harm a, of Mountaindale.
waa a city caller Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schoon.
bene, of North Plains, were in
town Saturday.
Nela Hanaen. of near rvtr
Mill t tk . l i . i
Middle ( This Month, S.y, Orth the week, being up to the budget
MfHSS BIQ TNINfl FOt niltvurNl i ium L. . . .
of work for the city of Portland.
Hiik SbI u cmi k Oria at the headgate. liull Run. was
' ' r . . .... - ..
out iasi weex visitins with
Uly-CMaly ia rVl PUct
F. C. Orth, of Forest Grove,
was down to the city Saturday.
Orth is feeling fine these days
and one of his reasons is that the
Pacific (tastpmpteare now pay. lots In Hillabora.
Ing farmers $1.C5 per hundred
ior milk, the raise
hia family.
Andrew Eggiman and Super
visor Wismer. or Cedar Mill,
were city visitors. Friday, at
tending the budget session.
For sale: House and three
Or will trade
for cleared acreage, bottom land
or a wale, near Ornv nrcfemul
from the middle of TUmr
Miib k a . Jonn V. najea ia still at the
fine shape, and the company de- Ker train. AL Waarner u mn.
cided to make the raise. - For hinjr the Hillaboro-Timber motor.
many months after the war AI tnere WMS ix or ven
surted the product waa more or !nche,,J tMVn tbe hilU the
lessslugirishln movinir. but with ' '
the advent f ik. mmnA ivi.t Fr rent: Six and one-half
the imnnhM nrH.H tn. Ik. I iriww tivuwc. vmrii 11 nu
w-ww wivbw ewa iv i a a i . .
" . : . - -! Vmr va.. ...k .
mi. uiiivuiiii wvan IU K m. . .
easier, and ulea are increaainir. J" tu v' &fnme' zer-
he dairyman of the district will """"
ppreciate the raise, and this A heavy gale broke here Sun-
means that when out in the field day evening, and for the entire
Orth ran meet the producer with night the hghta were out of com
better face. miaaion. The wind caused trou
Since the establishing of the ble between here and the Bea
condensers here Washington verton plant South Portland
Mm Sarah Frances Knowlea. of
near North Plains, died Dec. 10.
Her mi-lden name was Campbell,
and ahe was born near LaFay
tu. Madison County. Dec 9,
1811, an early in life went to
Polk Co., Minn., where she be
came a pioneer homesteader. n
August, 1880. she waa married
to Robert Knowles. the husband
dying March 13. 1891. Two
children were born to the union,
the aon dying in infancy, and
the other Is Mrs. llarlon Kelly.
Mrs. Knowles came to Oregon
in 1902. and has since that time
ma.trt hr home with her dauith-
ter. Her upright character and
sterling womanhood endeared
her to all who knew her. She
leaves many friends both in her
Kaatern and western nomes.
She was buried at the
cemetery Doc. 11. Kev.
of Hillsboro, officiating.
Card of Thanks
wi AMA ia tnod our sincere
thanks to our friends and neign-
bora who assisted us during we
:iiMAaa an.t rl.ih of our mother,
the late Mrs. S. F. C. Knowles.
t ...... M KollV
Harlen Kelly and Children.
Wantcd-at once: Young men
forauioinooiie uusiuvm. ih w.
We make you expert in ten weeks
II.... ... .fA UfA flA.
oy man. ray u
' fanturv Auto
cure you nmin. ' ---
i in.iinA I da Angeles.
niiiuun inonu.
" Ceo. Keenon. of North Plains,
t a aaJ A at
waa in town Daiumnj.
Tbe Shute Savings Bank
It an Old Reliable Inatltution with .
Aeaources of over
If you are not (amiltor with banking methods call
and talk it over wttli tia and vc will gladly
give you any infini.atim desired. All
business strictly wuSdcnltol. Ac
? count's ol Womeu aud Child
, r.ten Solicited
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savlnrfa Deposits.
Uunty has risen from ninth to
first place in dairy production.
and the herds are gradually in
creasing each year. Thia ia one
business where the farmer gets
his check each month, and ia in
strong contrast to that farming
where returns come but once a
year, it ia a well known fact
that Washington County ia now
in the lead of any county in the
state in production of values
irom the dairy industry, and it
is also a fact that dairying has
meant more than any other
agency In rejuvenating the soil.
(From The Argus)
L K. Adams waa appointed city
attorney. C. W. Redmond, mar
shal, and Thoa. Gheen street
4. p. Housley advertised a
horse that was left in hia pasture
several months prior.
Mrs. T. S. Weatherred visited
with friends in Portland.
H. H. Fen ton waa elected Mas
ter of the Masonic lodge.
The Bethany Band purchased
new Instruments.
Six hundred dollars worth of
giant powder, stored on the
ranch at St Marys, exploded.
creating ouite a stir. No one
was injured. .
Thoa. Talbot, of Corneliur,
moved into hia new house.
The family of N. A. Barrett
moved into Hillsboro from the
Mountaindale ranch.
The Oregon Pacific Railway
was sold st Receiver a aaie
waa aiao without juice eo the
gnet waa not entirely locaL
r or saie it mint cows. 3 are
grade Holateina, 9 grade Jersey,
all In milk; One milkers. 5 year
ling heifera; registered Hoistein
bull. 8 yra.- All have been tuber
culin tested. M. Sturm Sr. 5 mi.
South of Cornelius. Telephone.
F 515, Cornelius.
County Surveyor Geo. McGee
returned Saturday evening from
an extended stay with relatives.
at McGee'a Mills. Pa., whither
he was called last Spring when
hia mother passed away. He is
again at hia duties in the sur-
veyor a office, and says he is
glad to get back to Oregon.
For Sale at a aacrifice 20 acre
ranch in Virginia Place, two
milea East of Hillsboro; nearly
acres cleared; 'habitable house.
barn, chicken houses, smal
orchard, running water. A great
bargain for anyone wanting small
home, Write Mrs. S. P. Bns
bine. Hillsboro. or seo S. P.
Hoover, on place, going bast on
Baseline road leading East from
Main Street 38-40
muS I FQ
OMUaU Thinks That EMcrlyMaa)
Itecame Mentally BewUaVrtd
Lett Hmm at fcJS ia the
Fmn4 Alter Nm la Peal
Herman Huntemann Sr . aged 75
years, was drowned in a pool ef
water on the Irmler place. Cor
nelius, early in tbe morning of
ast Thursday. The old gentle
man had been under the doctor's
care for some time, and Dr. F.
A. Bailey had cautioned the fam
ily to watch him. The aon Wil
liam, who Uvea at Oak Park.
went to the home of hia parents
Wednesday evening and remain
ed all night with the father. In
the morning, about six, the
went to the barn to milk, and
during hia absence the father
left the house. When Wm. rev
turned to the kitchen tbe mother
aaked where the father waa. and
a search then commenced which
lasted until after noon. Shortly
after the dinner boar Robert
Irmler found hia tracks and
traced him to the pond, where
his body wu found nartiall
floating. The drowning took
place in water only about four
feet deep, and it is thought Mr.
Huntemann wandered into the
water and then perished, with
out suicidal intent
Coroner Dr. Barrett made an
investigation, out tne ease wu
not of necessity for an laaoeat.
It ia supposed that in hia fee-
bleneasof mind the old gentle
man started for the Oak Park
ranch, and that he became be
wildered and accidentally found
himself in the water. It ia more
than likely that he perished be
fore it wu fairly daylight
His obituary appears in anoth
er place in thia issue.
, , s
lrr r 1
"relet- I 1
A. McGill, Pres. :
A. C. Shute, Vice-Prcs.
. W. Malion, Cash.
W. V. Bergen, Asst.
Dr. S. 0. Edwards, of Los An
gelea, Cal, arrived here Tuesday
morning, and wu one of the
state'a witness in the case
against E. J. Bondshu. Dr. Ed
wards says that Los Angeles is
still growing faster than any
other city on thecoutand that
its harbor, at ban Pedro, ia doing
more shipping thia ' year than
For rent. Two farms -one of
160 acres, about 135 acres in cut
tivation. one mile from Forest
at I u rove, barn room tor about zu
cows and 6 horses, city water,
cash rent; and other. 142 acres.
I ( L - 1JJ I A.
1 n.Awoni nnlea nn tn 18 M uin oi neeaviue.aooui
" - 1 . T .. I . Ulf I- ..lf.uatt. nn mm mwm.
In Aiamatar fonoa raila. iwnwimii i" uim-mii, uai i wiu
I I l . .11 L I m .4 . 1a lur 1U unu vum auu uwisco,
SJfa.1" raTwort "out 'SW-of
"f, I" ""r.V, ' Ty'nJmna. I ranch, cash rent C J. Birdsell,
V44I I Via aasva waa v-W" ""
ra Phone. City KL or call at
Tualatin Hotel.
- I . . r, . .av
W P Mouther who ia home August kobsi, oi iwavenon, ia
fS Now Orleans a!d Gil!2 one uloon man that appears to
IlTta nleurfTo have customera when he doesn't
ton, is pieasea 10 gei oaca w oia . .... ..
Oregon.. He eaye there wu all rwirVTi
J - M Maa.-aa. ama SaIaWHK I IjIIIO a mi w-aawwaa
foronhonA .nd nnwer leTdown by raiders. One night lut week
!'?LhTirS one entered through a win-
9: P. ANO P. e. e.
All. exqept the P. K. A N.. trains
are electric, and atop at the de
pot on Min atreet
To Portland
Forest Grove Train 6:60 a. m.
McMinnville Train..... .758 a. m.
Sheridan Train .10X3 a. m.
Forest Grove Train 120 p. m.
MCMinnvuie irain .2:15 p. m.
Forest Grove Train. ..4:10 p. m.
cugene train 4:65 p.m. I
McMinnville Train 6:40 p. m.
Forest Grove Train ......9:50 p. m.
From Portland
Eugene Train arrives--8:15 a. m.
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
All trains.
.9:45 a.m.
.11:59 a, m.
. .8:15 tv m.
..429 p. m.
..6:43 p.m.
. .7:15 n. m.
...9.-C9 p. m.
.12:15 am. I
on flag atl
Sixth and Main; at North Ranre
and Fir streets; at Sixth and tlr
streets and at Tenth street
Steam Service ...Old Depot
To Portland
R. & N. Train...... ...4:S3 p. m.
From Portland
l& N, Train 9:15a.m.
512 Seventh Street Hillsboro.
Phone City 326.
in the Southern cities after
big storm Isst October.
dow and took away a big lot of
whiskey and wine, taking the
best there wu in the shop ao far
aa duality ana pne were con
cerned. Some one evidently
figured that Oregon dry atter
Jan. 1 wu a thing that should
h avoided as much aa Dosaible.
"Manrf laid in a rood buddIv.
. ' ww-w
n m Wm. Schulmertch. of Hillsboro
. . . n m I Ore., who exhibited some of his
r - . . ,a
n m gOOQ jersey came iho racinc
n m I International, sounds an early
I . . . !i-
ana iironar nuin ui pruopcrny
amonir the breeders. ' Mr. Schul
merich says that he has had more
inquiries, for breeding stock dur
. " . I . L 1
insr tne nasi aix weens man our
inir the whole of the proceeding
year- The fact tnat Mr. schul-
merich won the junior champion'
shiD on heifer at the Pacific In
ternational indicatea that he
breeds the right kind and u thia
kind is naturally a little higher
To Portland-55 minutes.
9:158 (Sat only) P.m
From Portland-55 minutes.
11:25 .
2:12..... P"1
4:27 .m pm
6:25 Pm
7:13 ; "Pm
8:26 (Sat only) pm
19M am
tf. a imn nn Anit.elaaa I in nrice than the more ordinary
farm Becurity.-WMhington kinda an Inquiry for his animals
rwtv Ahatract & Title Com
nanv: by E. J. McAlear, Mana
ahowa an Interest on' the part of
the buyers that meana business
ia "coming back,,-Rural Spirit
Mahala Jane Mackey Chandler.
died at Junction tJity, Ore.. Dec,
11. mo. She wu born in I I
nois, Dec. 27, 18SS. and wu mar
ned to Capt Marcua P. Chind
er, in 1861. in Christian Coontv.
near Springfield. Uicsonti They
crossed theplaina toOreran in
1881, and after stocking in Ida-
do and Eastern Orcson. finally
settled at Brownsville, Ure. They
came to Junction City about IS
years ago. Mrs. Chandler wu
the mother of nine children, uv
en or whom survive her u fol
lows: Mrs. Uattie VanooL of
Fresno. Cal.: U. G.. of Anchor.
Ore.; Mrs.. J. K. Ennea, of Ola.
boro; Mrs. H. F. Myers, of Rich
land. Wash.; E. S., of Orenco,
Idaho; Mrs. V. E. Cotier. of Ut
Vernon, Ore.,' and lira. H. G.
f helps, or Junction City.
ihe husband. Cant. Chandler.
waa buried at Hillsboro the day
jars, unanaier passed away.
Mrs. Chandler united with the
Baptist church in her youth, ia.
ter becoming I faithful member
of the Christian church, at Junc
tion uty. interment wu fin the
HillflhAMl MmMan -
Try our Turkish Cream fiolia.
They are home-made and htrd to
beat Koeber's Confectionery.
Geo. Zimmerman, of above
North Plains, wu a city tiller
to B.'yLSomething which ever new concern yoo desl with
rw ww ior. Most or; the auceessfui busineu
?.t?u0naJ men of niJton ie thia Bank
J reference, a fact which always gives
them a most enviable prestige, because it's well
known that only responsible people are ac
cepted u depositors here. The value of
being associated with a thorough
dependable bank cannot be
Many a Man owes hia success in busineu to hia bank's advice
r rer Cent. Interest On bvinga
American National Dnnli
seat n4t., Ktmmm, Oe
One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A stock of lumber so large and varied that you can
have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many
large dimension timbers, and tan save you the expense
of special sawing. When yoa want lumber, promises
don't fill your bill. Oar specialties are quality, ser
vice, and courteous treatment You can do better for -less
with this company.
Bstiger tafa Co.
. 5
Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. Go's.' Tracks.
Kverything in Building Material
nillsbopo Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Frices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176
1 Baavvrtoa. Orgik
Thia popalar iiutitntlon, condoctad by lha Siatera of 8t. Mary, aSbfda
wperior tdaeatioaal advanUea, combined with the iaflacac ot a icfisad
horn. It U dctif htfally situated in tbe healthful Tualatin Valley, oaly 1
milea from Portland ou the Southern Facifie car line. FullPr)nufy, later
Hdlate, Oiammar and High School Coaraea. Separate dpartaient for
Ittle giria. Thoae who with to prepare tot the teaching profcaekMcaa lad
the Taachera' Training Coorae amply equipped and prepared to do atrong
work. Agra ante from thia conrie ecuret a Teachera One Tear C irtifieata
wltboat ttitm-uation. , Bxceptionai opportanitiea for thorough Inrt ruction
ia alnic, Art nd Bxpremion. A aeiy organised OomaMtcial Coorae
eovan a period of two yeara and fits for any poaitma of MepooaiMHty. Voc
fnrthat iafotmatioa, or prospactn, A ldrem - datm f yrme7m '
mmmmmmm mmmmWmmmimmwmmmmmu 1
Select Xmas Presents
a f ...
We have a splendid line of Jewelryfor
Christmas Presents. Make your, selection
now and we will put them away for yon.
Absolutely the best stock in tbejcityfcr
dainty and serviceable gifts.
T(. -
f 1