. SaassssnssSaSI SSasassjassj IB aaasassssssaaasssssnljsssssan asSATsaMaa.n--alaWsaa-a-eia-a-a-" i I'sTai Must Beat Portland !! i i t 1 i ' '1.5 i I I -X Mi i: I; J hi ' 4-1.9 Hi 'it !:) V , Evwrxbodx in Washington County- Know the Jewelry House of Laurel M. Hoyt. I hsve been established for 19 yeers, end during the entire period 1 hve proved to hundreds of satisf ed customers thet my prices art ell times were as low es goods of lihe quality could be purchased elsewhere in the state. In view of the fact that nearly all the large Portland jewelers are holding sales, I cannot consistently ash my customers to come here and pax $18 for a watch that can be bought there for $13 or $14. and other things in proportion. Therefore, as long as the Portland stores continue these sales I will say to you, I will meet their prices on any article you want, thus proving th state ments I have continually made to you. that my prices at all times will equal the best. Thinh what this means to you at this period of the year. ii; - ' !-! ! k 1 J AX A A A k Aji ill i y n Y li ) The First in The History of NORTH PLAINS Hi KEY TALKS AT THIS SALE We have just bought the stock from Mr. Christner and have also purchased another stock and are going to sell retail at less than wholesale prices. Therefore we want you to come and help ns in this Opening Sale, becalse this will be a money saving for the people of this vicinity. Sale starts Saturday, December iS. Here are Some of our Prices Sugar, iS lbs. (with every $2. grocery purchast)$LOO Flour, per sack 1.30 Flour, per barrel 5 30 Tomatoes, 2 cans.....:."...'....:..'....:.. .15 Corn, 2 cans : .15 Carnation Milk, 2 cans 15 Marigold Milk, 2 cans 15 Pineapple, ree. 2C,c size. Coffee, 25c grade ........ ... .- .15 Coffee, 35c grade 25 Coffc, 45c grade 30 Soaps, 6 for .25 Currants, 15c package IO Raisens, 15c package, 3 for .25 Rolled Oats, 9 lb. sacks .40 Washing Powder, any kind .20 K.. C. Baking Powder, 8oc cans 60 K. C. Baking Powder, 15c cans IO Also a big reduction on Men's and Ladie's Shoes and Rubbers, Hats, Dry Goods, and Hardware. A 3 i-2 inch "Hickery" Wagon at less than wholesale price. ft. LI. QAflllDB . North Plains, Oregon. J SUMMONS. In ha Circuit Court ot ths BUU of 5 Oregon far th County of Washington. f Kmm Cooper, Platntifl, I Ll-vd C. Cooper, Deles tut. I To Lloyd V. Cooper, defendant above t ... ... .1.1 nt t t,m SLaLa t.t I Irwin .nil 111 HI1 W. mjmvmw 'r-' J a herabv rmulrwl to iiDPMir and answer n tliM complaint mm piainun . dicu l bitrain aicainat jou in lha above entlilwl i J . kafi.M ilim I it k Ofturt aim ctmiw w of January. 1U1C. laid dat being afuir th expiration ot oil waeka from (be oral publication of lb Bummona, and If you Fall to ao appear aod aarwer the complaint jorwant iMraol.tho plaintiff will apply to tUeCuMrt for tna relief prajiad for in tho complaint, for a decree dlaioWiiif the bnnda ol niatriraofiT now ilatina; be twesa tho deiendank and the plaintlH upon tin ground! ol willful defcrttoa on farnfonntrol and ooatody of thy minor Frank Ooomc, a f !? to the plaintiff, and for uoV tbrod further relief ai thaOnurt may decui juat and equitable rtiia Sumntona ia aerred upm jrou b pnblloattou taMMf in tba Ulltolwro Argil a, nawapaper printed and publlab .I tM Waabiugtoa Oouuty, Bute of Oregon, asd ponuant lo' au order of Hvuurabia OaorM K. Bag ley, ludge of jt abar atU4 ooart aod oauaa, daly .15 made and entered on the !SHh dy of nnve ..oer, ivio. oaia Hiitnmona will be published ioreli oonteoulire week. John 0 Hhillock, Attorney for Plaintiff. Portland. Ore. Date of first Publication, Uecembci 2nd, WIS. Date of Lait Publicatioi , January 13th, 191D. Notice of Pinal Account Jacob Marly Estate Notice ia hereby given that the under- iignri, aa Admiuialrator nf the P.fiate of iH -i.t) Mirt, deceased, baa hied bis fi n I Hccount in tbe County Court of the hi it,? of Oregon for Washington County and that Monday, the loth day of .Tanu a y, 1916, at the hour of lo o'clock in the loienoon of said day and the court room of said court has been appointed by said court as the time and place for the hear ing of objections thereto ami the settle ment thereof Dated and first pn Wished Dec. 9, 1915, Kmil Marty, Administrator. A. E. Gebhardt, Attorney, I have $6500 or $7000 that I would like to place in one loan on ffood farm lands. Who wanta it? E. L. Perkins, Commercial Bldg., Hillsboro. 32-tf HER LOVE AND FROGS By KL QUAD Copyright, lata, by McCtara Newa papr Syaiitcata. Tb Hwamp farm, aa ft waa railed, aa altuatctl four milea out of Dajrto aod waa owned by Uw Widow BUaa. Tbe tin peddler, tba eewlng macalno agent, tbe book caoraaaer, Uw patent right nun and maay otbera wbo ram that way saw. admired and wart ready to lort too owner of the Bwamp farm, gbe admitted to herself that it might be better if aba bad a good husband, but she bad a "nay" for all these men except one. Do waa a Mr. WUttam Burton. Uo waa a man Juat about bor age and ranked aa aa old bachelor. Mr. Burton dkln't begin aa Boat of tbe otbera bad tie bad tbe aeoae to ad mire tbe widow without telling haw that he admired. Mr. Burtun could talk of eotla, crops, awampa. tbe weather and a hundred other things and never let a bint fall that be Intended some day to talk ot lore and matrimony. The widow mentally pitied him for this, and yet she felt a bit piqued. Mr. Burton waa a surveyor, and bis duties called him into the neighbor hood of tbe Swamp farm a boat ones a week, lie could probably bare made It once In two weeks and perhaps oaoe In four, but It 'a none of our business. Along about Wednesday m every week tbe widow would look oat of tbe front door and see Mr. Burton surveying or pretending to. lie would took up by accident and see ber standing there and would be Invited In to drink n glass of fresh buttermilk. This thing had gone on for a long, long time when be called one day, not to survey ber garden, but to alt In the bo use and talk. "Widow, 1 have been coming bar a long time," he began. "And It baa tired yon ootT ah laughed In reply. "Not a bit. came today to aak yosj to be my wife." "Mr. Burton. replied the widow. "I made np my mind about tbla marriage) question quite a long time ago. I shall marry tbe man wbo can tell me bow to make money out of my old awamp. When I nm rare that he baa told me right he may bring In tbe preacher." "That old awamp baa been a bleak spot for fifty years," be said after a time. "By tbe way, you don't own all tbe swamp, do you 7" "No. Tbere'a twenty-eight seres of It that belong to Mr. Cooper, but hn can't do anything mors with bis part than I can with mine." Mr. Burton walked down to the edge of the swamp and back again, and then he aat down and took bis bead In bis hands a ad thought and thought By and by be looked up with a bright smile on bis face and laid: "Mrs. Bllrn. I have got It. I have solved tbe problem. ?ou are to torn that awamp into a frog farml" "Gracious me, but whoever heard of aucb a tblngr she exclaimed. "Lots of folks have beard of It Tbere are half a dosen men in this state wbo are raising frogs 'for the market and making a beap of money out of It" "But I never beard of any one selling frogs," persisted tbe widow. "Wonid any one In Dayton eat a frog, much lens buy one? "Not in Dayton." be laughed, "but In New York. They are on the bills of fare at most hotels and restaurants and are considered a great dllca7, Tbey eat only tbe hind legs." It wis a week later that men and boys called ut tbe Swamp farm with pails and bankets and paper bags. When tbe widow had bought 000 big and little frogs and paid out so much money that sbe bad to 1st ber taxes slip by ahe went down to the swsmp one morning to have a took at ber "llveetock." Not a frog waa in eight tbla morning, not a big one or a. little one. That swamp wa- absolutely without life. Tbe widow ran back to tbe bouse and arrived there Just a minute before Mr. Burton appeared. . ' - "1-1 was going to send for your she gasped "What baa happened r he asked. "Every frog baa disappeared!" "You don't Bay!" "Come along and see for yourself." lie walked along down to tbe swamp with her, and ahe beard blra chuckling as be walked. Instead of looking over the awamp to see if be could solve the problem be sat down on a log and be gan to laugh. "What do you mean. Mr. Bnrtoaf waa almost demanded. ' "I waa to tell yon how to Laurel M. Hoyt I money out of tola old awamp.' I "Tea, yoa said yon could, but It stems yon have only abown me how to lose money Instead." . "Too are wrong, wtdow-ynu sre wrong." said Mr. Burton. "Vim see, there were twenty-eight acre which you dktnt wb I boogbt them Viben you had dm frogs on your sld of the - swamp I threw a lot of frog f.vd In on my aide. Last night your nm on me over the line. Tbey are now mv pmr 'erty." . The widow looked at blm with mtn- I gird amasement and Indignation. ' "Oh. dut look that war." he laueh- ' ed "I am now going to tell yon how you may make the money." "Ilow-how"- ahe stammered "Why. marry the man who owns the MO frogsP he replied. And after about a month she did. "he not only made money out of the frog farm, but ahe got a good hnaband draldes. snd that Is ssnethlng that nooer nuno bur The Chesapeake Bay Des. The most remarkable cbararterfcitic of tbe Chesapeake ts his re trior Uig. tie has been developed for retrieving docks, and naturally should be well fitted for that purpose. But It U my firm conviction that he would retrieve boras If told to do ao, bringing It to yoa in pieces If be couldn't boat It home. Tbe one definite aim In bwd log blm has been to make tbe sent pos sible retriever, end If ever a brooder's aim succeeded It has succeeded lu this Instance. A Chesapeake will fetch anything on earth that la within bis physics I pow ers to move or handle. If you take bun to tbe water and do not throw anything In for blm to go after he will bring yon oysters on bis own aseouut Be brings bricks snd stones sn4 clubs Joyfully. Old Beaver, long a prlre winner and now Just about to leave ns for the happy banting ground, ban worn his teeth down to stubs, Uks an old bear's teeth, carrying bord otijocta. Almost "any Chesapeake will show the asms condition of mouth. -Outing. Men Whs Wear Fsathsrs. Among the strange tribes of men about whom little hi known "a re the Cbamacocoa of the region about the upper Paraguay river. ' Although tbe Cbamarocos wear but little clothing, tbey excel In tbs art of ' making personal adornments from the ' feathers of birds. Their country abounds with birds of the moat beauti 1 ful plumage, Including parrots, tou cans and trogons, whose feathers sre daxzllng In color; rheas with gray plumes, musk ducks of a glossy black color, egrets with feathers of pure white and spoonbills of a delicate pink hue AU ibis wealth of color and graceful plumage It combined by the Cbamaco coa In a most artlxtlc manner. Rome of these savages walk their forest glade In colors mors brilliant. If lens ample, than any woman's drewmnker could produce, Washington Star. Reconciled, i We observe that our friend has a bad cold In bis bead, and of course we tell blm exuetly bow to cure It From bis pocket bo takes a large memorandum book and enters our pre scription on one of the final pages thereof. Then be ana pa a rubber band about tbe book, sneezes and smiles happily. We observe to blm that we are glad our Instructions for a cure bavo made him so happy. "It bm't that" he says "Since I got this cold I have written down every sure cure recommended, and when ever the cold gets so bad I feel as though I couldn't stand It another day I read over all tbe cures and think bow much better Is la to have tbe cold than to endure all tbe remedies," Judge. 1 " " t Spring Flows en Holidays, in a picnic ground In the Pnsnalc val ley tbere Is a spring that flows only on Sundays and holidays. It need to flow always. Robert R llorton, In tbs pro ceedings of tbe Connecticut Society of aril Engineers, explains this strange performance. When the great silk mills sprang up In the Passaic valley numer ous artesian wells were bored Into tho red sandstone; pumps draw out so much water thnt It now normally stands below tbe level of tbs spring outlet, but on Sundays and holidays tbe pumps ars not working, tbe water rises above tbe level of the spring, and tbla flows again. Helping Unele. Sbe came down to tbe drawing room to meet ber special young man with a frown on ber pretty face. "John," sbe aald, "father saw yon ibis morning going into a pawnbroker's A glance at ray cases will convince you that I have . absolutely the Inest assortment of diamonds, precious stones, watches and jewelry In Washington County. My entire stech (excepting a few contract lines) GOING AT TDEMEN OUS REDUCTIONS. This opportunity to buy Hoyt Merchandise at Christmns shopping time for values that only a vital business necessity mahes possible should not be over looked. A house with 19 years of honest dealing behind It. the oldest jewelry establishment in Washington County Is aacrlf clng Its stoch at a time when most wanted by the people. Come and see for yourself. Mahe Me Prove These Statements COME TODAY. PROFIT DY THIS TIMELY SALEOr FINEST QUALITY JEWELRY. Second Street Hillsboro atth a tanre btiottta." John Curbed. Then be said la a tow vok-e: "Yea. thnt la true. I waa taking the pawubrokcr sums of my old rMhs. You a, he and bis wife are fright fully hard up." "Oh. John, forgive meP exclaimed tbe young gat "Ilow truly nobte yoa sreP Exchange. I apart Sawaana. The womea of Samoa often fish hi the sea without nets, boats or books. Tbey simply wad into tbs water and form tbrmorlTca Into a ting. Tbe fishes being so plcntttaU they are almost sure to bats Imprisoned some la tbe ring Tbess women are very quirk snd active, and every time they cstvh a flub with their hands tbey almply throw It alive Into the basket on their back. Cenei derate. "Have yoa ever dons anything to make the world bapplrrr asked the solemn looking person with tbe onbar be red hair. "Hurt." answered tbe jolly man with the double elilu. "I waa ones Invited to Hug lu public snd dvcltued." Out af the Mouths sf Babes. "My gram!; had a perplctlty fit tbe other day," said small Dorothy. "Perplexity fitr echoed Edward. "Ton tneau a parallel stroke, dont your Buffalo News. Touched. "1 suppose you were tour bed when your wife pave you that fifty dollar easy rbalr for your den." "I was touclit-d before she gave It." Hostim Trsnsi-rlt Jade sf Surma. Tho world's principal Jade mine to In norma, where tbe privilege of ruining tho stone has been In possession of one Indian tribe for many generations, tlmittd Perpetual Motion. Ambrose Fletcher solved tbs great problem of iierpftunl motion tbs other duy. after laboring uKn It for many years. It is In tbe siiai of a ball wbh b awliiKs back and tank regularly and tirvlcmly, U-ing propelled by a sort of cliH-kwork uim hauuiin. There Is only one ilruwUuk to Ihla solution of the old problem, lie has to wind the nini blm ry every right days There Is sltvnys something wrung. Isn't there) Am 'hmi as Anibrtwe gets It so It Will nm without winding he will have the problem definitely solved. Brook lys Kugle, Exactly Alike. "You ought to bo pleased with these roll. (Jenrge. dear," said tbe young Mifo. "They ore exactly like those your mother used to make when yuti were a boy." "Of course tbey are," replied Oeorge gallantly. "In fact, I thought at first they wer the an mo ones." And the stupid creature could not on demtnnd why Mrs. fieorge burst into tearsl-Itlc hiiiond Times IMnpatrh. The Color ef Air. Pure sir Is blue lu tint because, ac cording to New ton. tlin mob-rules of tho nlr have the tli knens n -enmry to reflect blue rny. When the atuioe phero Is lilniM.il wiiu perceptible va pors the diffused llyht Is mixed with a Inrgo proMrtlon of white. A Slight Chsno. Slight changes sometimes rusks a great difference. "Dinner for nothing" would I ngrrcnhl. for InMnnce; not so. "Nothing for dinner." NOTIf'SJ TO t'RRDITOna. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that I, the uudnrHlgne.l, have bean by the wi"Lt.'' '",rtf l" Oregon f,.r Washington County, duly ap",o,,ul administrator ol the mttU of John Mleik decnnMed, ami have duly nualtlted assuel, All perions having claims sgainat I estate sr hereby ntlnl to present the asm to me. with proper voucher at. ta-ho'f. st my rmidnnoa -1 milea s.iuih asl of Tualatin, Oregon, within sis monhslr.m tho tl1 ,h,yof November, this not" . ,ublt''" J ....... '"J- Francis. NOTICE In ths County Court of the Rin. Oregon for Washington County ' In ths Matter nf the Ks'tsta or Leonard Rnilih. lr,fliin, Notire l hereby gTKn Ul(lt lh . signed. Caroline Hmllh, has he.n pointed Kxncutrli of the lilt Wm J ' Wm,ntof Inard Hinlfb "J1 All persons having rtdni nTCd" Tualatin O'rwn, to tu" .w?,?. ftweek A HlmTton m Lu hen ,T,n u 'i Portland, Orewon atb,rB:i"'.?..B''l-. ntrlx. ""son- Kx!nl,l,r,fth,a,,8""lh Deo a, 16 notice or sit Burrs salr. Notire U hereby given that by tr lusef Wrt'. ilf RiaruUitn ea lorn iiwoi ImmmkI uwl Sf H.i umlnt lb ImI ft lh llrrult la ort nl tbs t , i .a . k.u . i . r u Ki. i. ..... . .11 m.. iim ma day ol Otanite r lti. is lavnr f r( St Hetdei. pdHntirf. J ai ' I Rao mW aJlaal. tot lb oM .WUO mat and tbe funar sum ! ill It I ilwaS Ibsios from th oh.W "1 NovMnbee, lull al I ha rainnl m ! per an a tun, ami la further iiw ut .Mtnli Uuraey raaaans Lhnittiwruiio w lasaa. las sus dlrew t and arliva'at. mariilnaj ana Is i ! aals at h rl seoterlf setalHS uWrit-'. I h" Uvfcd spaa aod i-urtiinl bt ail rti ef KssrslitMi os t-irark-Mira. I .11 no Mar day. lbs lOlh y nf Jmr , I Mil al lbs South dour tbe OiMtrtbok m In I HUNboeo, Waahlns n '.mnv j al lbs tuMir at las '4ark a in. ol a i ! I II al public ml lo ths higli ,.J.Ir M rsah Is kaad. all II a tutuaing -Mrlld real miaiy, Ivlng. being rnd I sllsle Is Wsablutlun t'tiuuly, imJ and niurspartitularly limiiiUwi hl , lowli ! Aliofblurk I of ami In t.ies.r . I Hlewart's adduton Vi tna low iw -etlyiwf Hlltebont, tVarn. lu jur ib heratnbsbrs Miuni uim sad fur ih ! i-i4 and elaiiMl ut mJs iiI muI a til. Paid sals wilt bm lustl Biihl la f . - I dxiiptton at ir Maioajot l)rg n. laMdai IlilUU.rti, Otagun, IhU 7ih (Bkristmas TI1K Imliilays will soon bc hcrc. The time of hap piness and cheer. Your fried . will lexjdiiiRjontorfnc home. So will mother, fatfcer, sister or brother. WW HOLIDAY FARES Arc available for the holiday. On sale lictwc-n all Southcfn Pacific statiumt a Orcgtm, I)cc. 7. i. 22, 2,21, 25. 31 and Jro. iRt. Keturn limit Jan. 3d. Ask the lH-al aKeiit for fares, train wrvice and other information, or writ SOUTHERN PACIFIC JOHN M. St0lt,Or.l Pss Ghnistirias Articles of Furniture are always appre- V M,1 ciated as Christmas 8ifti. Here are a lew Btltrfi-cstlonn. Vfntr- now. Birdseye MapleBedIRoom Suite Uah..I a a la aaateafaflsabta2j "'T . .nJIca KcguUr .' .$34.00 Ct lot.;. Dressser, Reg 'JJ 00' Coloma! Dressing Table, Reg ,. at.oo 3 thairto match, Keg I...,,., 3.50 Total Regular $94,00 Chriatmat Sp.cUl 073.OO Other Specials flitro,.Hand,Pai.nlcd Chini dainty patterM at mS,lh Grade, Driaaer" In If- aVXed0 Walnut' Quartered k 8ub- More Tor Your Monty Ormandy Broo. Two Stores, HilUboro and St. John.. day 4 IkMaaihar. ltl J. R. UEVRS. Sheriff of Washington- County, By J. C" Ai mXATK. tvv.ty. Jobs Xt Wail. Atlwfsey tut Pialniid Notice 4 rloal Actowst Is the Bsatlef ef the Relate ef Aao Kb. etSMss, )reased Notice U hereby gives Utt tho sa4r gnsd as K sacs tot of the Ratal of Asna l iwiaasns, imsaul, has filed hia Cissl xrressl Is la fount y Coaitof the hui f tigs fur Wshlsg1e Cawaty. and VI Musday. Ike loth da 4 JaniHiy, iy. 6. al tbe bear sf m A. st , aad lbs - .ri'nnai of bl Cusrt havs Imi ai Mnlrd by sal-1 Covet as I he lime sn I plac 1 1 the beating ol ets)srHo4i iittv. o and lb wtilassesl Ihetsof. Iu. as.1 hist pttbllahad Ikrcrsibat S, i . Willis J I'twmiaaa. I.ri. fuak slulivr, Ailoraty, An t)IJ fnJhloneJ milk shake tirmight up to dftt With tn rice Irio mixer mlirsfi mighty swell Iririk. ltuy them tt KtwU-r't (Confectionery. Afi, JWtJtwa, Or terns