The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 16, 1915, Image 1

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    - -V
NO. 30
cr;,P.inn in ntiTirt
1U U 4.1 U.I
ritkSu4y e Started
L uT4iM laciiritLD
m . S - -
rd hrr Sundsr morn nj
,h. South and presented
Lbntiit' nd requisition for
jIl,hop. alias T. A. Birehneld
i l i Sheriff ttt vh. and
nntrd in Paltw. Georgia, for
Udrr. ''.hO M .rrrru
I ... ......i-rimf ft man it a lair
mlin nit"
D.lMn. In (X'tober.
l.fiir Bishop was taken
... h uam reiterated that he
Lit t B"P. notwithstanding
Si AK.rchneldUtlwtnld
On November 17lh notice wm
sent rtllinir a meeting for l.-c.
ember 31, In I'nrtland, for the
tHirpoa of elTrctirnt an orttaniza-
lion or re-orjtaniiuttion of the
Oregon Development IeaKue,
This i by no meant a local mat
ter, but should Intercut every
iieraon in the state who would
have a better Oregon, It it your
organization and wilt be jimt
what you make it The letter
the co-operation, the more effect
tve will he the retulU. Make an
effort to be preterit at thit meet
In and lend your aid to a wort I y
raute. A aix-cial railroad rate
will be made from all point in
Oregon on the certificate plan.
Ituv vuur ticket one wav. takinir
a rffritit from vour ticket airent.
Thlt receipt, when countersigned
bv the secretary, will allow you
a one-third return fare.
For rent. Two farm -one of
MO acre, about 135 arret in cul
tivation, one mile from Forest
Crove. barn room for about 20
leowt and 8 hornet, city water,
ruth rent: and other. 1 12 acres.
II mliet mouth of Iteedville.ahout
onehalf in cultivation, barn room
for 10 head rowt and 4 hornet.
Kood well, and fair house: tenant
can work out tfreater part of
ranch. cah rent.-- (1 J. Birdsell.
512 Seventh Street, Hillsboro.
1'hone City 326.
Wat Cultlnr Wood on Son's
Hate, North of Norlh llatnt
MasAic W Vcart Leave Wile aaa1
Seat Q Chllarcs Simmons, a farmer residing
with hit wife and son on the
Whitehead place, 4U acres, which
they bought in 1914, was In-
atantly killed by a falling limb.
3j inches in diameter, and over
10 feet long. Friday afternoon.
Coroner lUrrett was called and
held an investigation, but deem
ed an inmiHt fmitlpaa. Sim.
mnniinH hi mn Aifrt wpfo vorced wife and daughter. New
...... , .L- lHamuahire Courts appear to
i n ir uiihui in naa ravunraan b p
and the boy went to the house
at noon, the father remaining at
L.t with accessory aner in
fdrt, the officer haiciinj John Dennis writes from San
... Ir-ranrisro that the ifovernmeni
...!. ..i ii:..l....: . .:: .. .
Th deputy snax-aieu hat accepted the uregon iwuoing
i . k. L.Maiifv vnwnirn ...t..i. r.,aikit .him i
mil rutin i aiiuf uiivi ' - " - " s r nn nuuiic lur uif nmin r i
utttarhed a thain. d ith-ln I'ruiio. and the interior wil
Iwtin. Itne maaw a
it! he will havt to go aome.
,.ili,-. uit out of Hillsboro at
'o'eiock on the Oregon Electric.
iSheriff Uceves says thera it n
..iu hut what the man is
llihop. The priaoner aaya his
Bfotil back In ueorgia are wen-
4a, anu iiipj r--"
ortnt for a itrung defense.
Bwhop hat been roommi nignu
Philip Shea, of neir Scholia.
was in town Saturday.
Dr. Lowe. Saturday, to 4
ii X. . . .
v o clocs only.
A. L Holcomb was in from
Bethany Saturday, transacting
C. P. llornecker. of Leit-ville.
was in the county seat Fri'l; y
r rom November 10 t
berlOwaa the heaviest rainfall I Sixteen
in Oregon for many years.
Alfred Guerber. of Helvetia.
was a city caller Saturday morr-
ing. .
una wm
Stale Taa Amounts Sent out to
Various Counties for Fiscal Year
THoniBi l'a4cr tat Levy
1914 it Etliaulc Gives
driven one over the Sena-
work, as he had taken a lunch
about 11 o'clock. When the boy
returned from dinner he found
the father dead. A limb had
fallen about 100 feet, striking
him on the forehead, crushing
his skull.
Simmons had fallen a tree
Wednesday, breaking the limb in
uuettion. and it hung over him
as he worked.
Simmons leaves a widow, and
a son and daughter. The latter is
living in Portland, and the son
at home.
be put In shape at once. Mr.
IWnnit aava the exhibits are
rftuidlv being removed, and that
he it to stay there until the tatt
vetligeof displays have gone,
lie and Mrs. Dennis will then
return home, which will be after funera took place Sunday.
me new tear.
Wanted -at once: Young men
for automobile business. Big pay.
till Sullivan, wnoia being held, We make you enpert in tun weeks
M the North I'laina ruooery. , t by man. ray us aner wo
cure you position, wniury auio-
mob e Institute, u Aneies,
(From The Argus)
The residences of T. H. Tongue,
Mr nrhn Schneider died at
btrhome near Blooming. Dec 9.
Sk after an illnoat of aeveral
;srt. She waa born In Mercer
County, Ohio, Feb, 28. 1833, and
itt maiden name waa Barbara
Sttin. She was married to Chas.
Schneider at Victoria, Ohio, in
m. The family moved to Ore-
In 18D3. and the husband
id Jin. fi. 1913. Kleven chil
dren were born to the union, the
Mtawinir surv v ng: Mrs. Eliza-
tan Franck. widow of the late
Valentin Franck. of Blooming;
Ch. Schneider. Kugene; Jacob
Schneider, the hop grower, ol
Uityville; Mrs. Kate Moorman,
of Lanninuburg. Mich.: Mrs.
Prances Uenricke, ot Cornelim;
Mm. Marv Carter, of Portland.
and Philip, at home.
The funeral took Dlace Satur
day. lU-v. Father Buck preach-
112 the sermon at Cornelius.
The burial was in the cemetery
wuth of Corneliua. '
Mrs. Si hneider waa kind and
lavirnr uifu mnA mAlKsftr ani ft ho
had a hoot of f rienda who deplore
her death.
The State Tax commission has
ent out the estimates of taxes
For sale: House and three each county must pay for the
lots In Hillsboro. Or will trade fi,P-r veae fne th ruMUi of
for cleared acreage, bottom land lnli 3 .fir L : f ...
or swale, near Orenco preferred. ' mtl1w ,r.Q, i '
H. Jeibman, Hillsboro. ure. c-.-. .
A New Hampshire Court has than.la3t. yeaf'
nrHrea th.t Senfttor IloiliR. of wn uuniy pays a ntue less man
that State. Day his wife $31') per three per centum or tne entire
month for the support of the it- state tax. Portland pays the
big tax. her amount being (Mult
nomah County) over 86 per cent
of the state taxation. In other
wcrJs Multnomah County must
pay 1937.56X05 out of a total ap-
oroor ation of Z2.550.0UU
the entire county list u given
so that resident here may
what proportions of the state
each county represents in mat
ters of state administration.
This county i! ninth in the state
The list as published by the
State Commission:
1915 1916
Barer $70545.93 $56451.89
IVnton...... 39422.81 32379.31
Clackamas.-..111842.17 82223.25
ClatsoD 77837.34 63783.15
Columbia-.:. 48248 45 40114.65
Co .3 65675.65 56584.10
Crook 48428.93 27256.94
Currv 1217114 10CS2.7
Ltoue as 85782.28 81548.45
Gilliam 29094.09 23338.60
Grant 23137.72 1882L55
Harney .27432.29 22503.76
Hood River.. 33363.76 26479.20
Jackson 97278.01 88402.5
JeiTerson ... - 12423.59
Josephine ... 28400.11 2S267.65
Klamath .... 48413.39 40034.89
In Ji Mtl w
Wanted To hear from owner
of 40 acres or more near Hi'ls-
boro or Cornelius, to trade for
160 acres in Benton County.
Must be about 30 acres cleared.
For Darticulars write to Stephen
Society Land Oeoartment. 1037
Chamber of Commerce, Portland.
Ore. 33
Chaa. Schneider, of Eugene.
was in town Saturday, returning
to Eugene. Sunday. He came
North to attend the funeral of
his mother, the late Mrs. Bar
nBPB rnnmipr t iitsiit 1 1 ii
Simmons was a hard working rim h sold his farm at Irving.
J .L- A L.-J .1...... .- I " . ,
man, ana me iwu ou buwui tn(j now nu ve tcre9 suou-Dan
acres ciearea on tne piace. ne RUflrene. and two Urge resi
dence properties. He says the
two maces keen aim aooui as
busy as though he were farming
For Sate at a sacrifice -20 acre
ranch in Virginia Place, two
miles East of Hillsboro: nearly 8
i. It. iongue, ... L.Li(.L.
ii 1 1 acres cicareui iuuimuic uuuk
I4ingressman, tu tu uryan n . ., . ..... Emall
ur. r. A. iwiiey, were ourKi.r- . . A vront
izeo. ur. oauey ' Un.i f.n,antintrama
is naturally something which ever new concern you deal with
uma m iikui tor. jmrji m , me succe3siui ousiness
and professional man of this ton give this Bank
as THEIR reference, a fact which always gives
them a most enviable pre3tige, because it s well
known that on !v responsible people are ae-,
cepftd as depositors here. The value of
being associated with a thorougly
derend-.b'e hank cannot be
Many a Man owes his success in business to his bank's advice
Per Cn. Luarest On ovings
American National DanK
saaf 7alpf HlUmkmro,
great Interest In Holstein herds. y. H. Wehrung and H. S.
He has been n Oregon io years, iuu,iMn finished experting me
and is one of the successful herds- nty officers' books.
man oi tne sisie.
Card of Thanks
We drmre to thank all who so
kindly issUted us and tendered
aid and sympathy In our be
ftivement, the death and obse
quiesof the lata lira. Meacham,
wife and mother.
Chas. Meacham, Husband.
Robert Meacham, Son.
Hillsboro, Ore., Dee, 14, 1915.
C, W. Allen, who has been so
journing in Montana, hu return
w to Heaverton, and says he is
w to get bsck to.Oregon.
inoa. urmicnae . pi wun, Kor fear tne watcn .7;' n,Fa Lake 28412.56 23248.38
was last wk elected presiueni . . t clMnin(r k. also took mT.!!." o V. r-I immei iksm
of the Oregon Ho'stein Catt e "0: "D conUining ?'ne- L V " 4m555 im5
Clttb .which is an " soma tJlvef. e MlsSff ln Unn 7 9921056 8230115
further the.breeding of Holsteins AMmmmt 2SK,,Sf JS?T.. - 4in Malheur 39825.83 3153.23
In the Northwest Mr. u. m.c- -y'' . . Marion 138443.65 112238.70
hael naa a nne nera w Tne Proirressive 500 UUD Morrow 31393.85 25257.75
lloistein nerus. w n Wehrung and M. s. Un-nt a moat eniovable evening. Uiifnmah n9iaiM snKfil.RS
Dec. 4. when it was entertained p0ik .... ...... 56709.88 43411.76
bv Mr. and Mrs. Itobt Seater Sherman . . . . 28400.11 23154.00
rM n.iKrAath of Tualatin. I and. Mrs. Sarah U Martin, ail Tillamook 52175.79 42148. S5
tt administrator of their home. Several tables of Umatilla 136604.35 10SS59.10
I Saw eoMWOOO, poiea up iu . a wm enloved. with MlSS Alii 9 17 R12I19 SS
. f 1 iMaiia 1 Riirtwnwuuu comvc i wv ' i j " iv.i ........... v
ncnes in oiamewr. icm-w --. ----- . V fiiaram ami Jas. Church re- iVoil,a MA 9Q
ana oiwras 01 w marriage eeivimr first honors. A feature
stovewood lengths, will go wy Hairy L. Flint and Miss uora . - veninir wa8 the instru
the country. . Write, pnone or Spidell. of Scholia, m-ntal selections and vocal solos
John Bovd and Elizabeth IWm- rendered by the various mem
r,w.u nt Dillev. were also given hem. following a SDiendid lunch
mnrri&ffe licenses. 1 eon. Mr. and urs. August
Deputy Sheriff Bradford and S.mms will enter
A..,rAm wanM in MariOO 1 uec- la
..... m. far recovered that She I Tii. inwl tin maitel MartMl Af children's eves en
Kla In leave the Dr. Smith "'Lf 1 UriAaa unit whenuaila nrvnn thom a hitter heritatre I nnt. on Min stresL
nun " ' - - , J I aV III v abulia w.... ------ . . I r " , -
u,.,i.i y.rnnlav morning, and ..... ....i tn n,, them in 1 tkNinak lif Manv a chid is To Portland
t.L. tha train to her Portland I - ,-kam nnoneH firaon nninativ tnrmed dull and lazv Forest Grove Train 6:50 a.m.
hnma liv.,lfr, Jan. l. YOUnir nBDlanil aecusea OI ueieciive lnieiicci 1 ftic.uinnviiie iniin m. uu
. ,' Lj iij L..j .lAnif ind h el oed them when defective vision is the sole bhendan lrain iv.uza.rn.
For Sale -1 WO lineiy uiru and o nf tronhle. . Hundreds of
stcin Fresian bulls. rwma. Qn . -YT;' ;r, - -r.tft'whoVe. own vision was
are old enough for serv - . .t Jir fA-jn vouth by Dr. Lowe
ti.iM...v----. - " , l. Itor me Same oeneuccn vrcoi-
0 Id -A. wenmer, w)nin. a waier miu hru
) One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A stock of lumber so large and varied that you can
have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many
large dimension timbers, and can save you the expense
of special sawing. When you want lumber, promises
don't fill your bill. Oar specialties are quality, ser
vice, and courteous treatment. You can do better for
less with this company.
BstSger Lumber Co.
Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Track.
AD30LU r E L Y
Everything in Building Material
An me - ('arl Skow. HlllStM
m phn f'itv an. or call at
Tualatin Hotel.
u ripm Hale, who collided
'"" ...
.ith ihrt S. P. train at tenin
Street last Thursday morning.
Wasco .... 52054.43
Washington., 89535.35
Wheeler.... 12749.86
Yamhill...... 69273.12
56740 05
Totals ..S3.112.000 $2,550,000
P. AND Hi E. A E.
All, except the P. K. & N., trains
are electric and stop at the de-
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Seasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176
Route 2. Telephone.
Farmer 393.
van I -
J. . oauuiiiKwiit vwmm-1
anrar. advertised 10 we uu
I a.. ...auMnta frt Ilius 9Q
u r4 11 1 1 1 w mh ibiim Bw bvw pi
. a 1 . Anitm fu r 1 vvj -
Chest" Aiexnt7. p Nelaon and
on nic "r- . l 1
1 hi. meek, the guesi 01 i Wlie, owi.
V, m. " " - - m
ktk.P C.anra. I 1..IU Ann Hoaril. WidOW OI Ji.
UlviiHil mv..," 1 guns ... . 1
one-half F. Beard. Mike lienzer. weine.
renv. 1 'L... .. vh UiiMrinrfur in
.enom house, barn anc winw "
" .. . a! .iAHhaai in nmvH uu
.. M. a mlla CBHL UI ICIimu f. -r
O'linousea, c ataaAa :n iwemher.
!.. 1 p. var. rasn rcnw iku
niuswrv. -r ...... I ...... - k.
ti: Aroaa 11 i). scnmeutci, 1. w. House ouut uuai.
"" . n I ... mi
Hillsboro. Ore. wm. wcwuman.
ment ot which experience has
taught them the value. He has
been comu-g to Miusooro ior
more than a quarter century and
will tin here strain next Saturday.
Dec. 18. to 4 o'clock. Consult
The Shnte Savings Bank
! an Old nll.ble Institution with
Resources of over
If you are not lamiliar with banking methods call
and talk it over wiih us and we will gladly
give you any infotmatloo desired. All
business strictly confidential. Ac
counts of Women aud Child solicited
4 Per Cent. Paid on Saving Deposits.
A. McGill, Pres.
A. C. Shute, Vice-Prcs.
. W. Mahon, Cash.
W. V. Bergen, Asst.
Beaverton has a
-55 minutes.
To Portland
6:32..... Av mm
71..... m
8:28. ....-.,...
9:58 ' ?
5:43 P"'
8:10... p
9:ii8 (SaLonly) Pm
From Portland55 minutes,
11:25 ....
8:26 (Sat
Money to loan on first-class
farm security.-wssningwn
1 bv E. J. McAlear, Mana
Caotein Marcus P. Chandler died
of tho home of his daughter.
for Mrs. John R. Ennes, December
9. 1915. He wss born in Mis-
... anuri. November 7. 1825. and
literary ner- v. . Arlranaaslnearlv child
hwu1 and resided at Batesville.
u. una onlUted in the Mexican
ur and foiiirht through to the
close. Returning to Arkansas
ha mmMaii there until tne livi
War broke out, when he again
AniiafoH nprvintr throucrh hosti I
ties. He was mustered out with
the rank of Captain. After the
war he settled at Springfield
Mn . and lived there until 1881
when he started across the
Plains by team, arriving at
Brownsville in September of that
uur . He ved tnere until iwi.
when he came to this county to
mirA his home with his dausth
ter. He had been married three
limes and was the father of 17
nhiUrpn tl of whom are living.
One son was killed at tne Dauie
of Malabon, in the Philippines
he being in the Second uregon
Tk. ann'anameia the third on
X liv. ywi " - . V .,
the monument dedicated 10 ine
Second Oregon volunteers.
nissa at fnrtiana.
""""T1 -- ,-
Mr. Chandler naa oeen a mem
......p m
Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m.
cMinnvil e Train 2:15 a m.
orest Grove Train . ...4:10 p. m.
iiirpne Train 4:55 D. m.
McMinnville Train. .....6:40 p. m.
Forest Grove Train 9:5U p. m.
From Portland
Rupene Train arrives.. .8:15 a. m.
McMinnville " 9:45 a. m.
orest Grove " .11:53 a. m.
Forest Grove ' . .3:15 n. m.
Sheridan " ..4:30 p.m.
McMinnville " ..6:40 D. m.
Porest Grove " .7:15 p. m.
'oresLGrove " ...9:00 a m.
McMinnville " .12:15 a. m.
All trains. - stoo on flair at I
Sixth and Main: at North Range I
and Fir streets; at Sixth ana nr
streets and at Tenth street
Steam Service ..... -Old Depot
To Portland
R. & N: Train ...4:80 p. m.
From Portland
Ii. & N. Train...... 9:15 a. in.
5rten. Oregon . .
Oay Softool Am Ofs
Thi DaDular hwtitotloo. conducted by the Sister of St. Mry, mffordt
uperlof edttCrttiout advantages, co nbined with the inflaence of a refined
ae. It U driiithtfttllv lituated In the hsaHhful Tttalatia Vlley, only 11
mite from Portland on the Southetu Tuific car line. Fnll;Primary, Inter-
mediate, Unmmir and High Sfchool Court. Separate dipartment for
tula rla. Thaae who wish to oreDue for the teaching profession can Sad
the Teacher' Training Course amply equipped nd prepared to do strong
work. A f i uste from this course secures a Teachers One Year C rtifitste
without eium uation. Biceptional op,Tortunitle for thorough Instruction
ia Mu'ic. Art ad Expression. A ne y organised Commercial Course
Covert a period of two year and Bts for any position of responsibility, rot
further info malion, or proapwtm, A lire Slat ftiji
Trv our Turkish Cream Rolls.
They are home-made and hard to
beat-'Koeber's Confectionery.
R V.. Graf. Erwin Ritter and
John Myei-3. of Bethany, Peter
Jacobsen. West Union, were in
town Saturday, on insurance
Gaston is to have a water sys
tern, and the Contract to out In
the mains has been let to Port
land firm. Water will be taken
from the North Coast Power
Co.. from the Sain Creek sup.
oly. -
"For sale; 12 milk cows, 3 are
grade Holsteins, v graoe jersey.
all in milk; nne mincers, 0 year
heifers; registered Holstetn
Knll a vra All have been tuher
enlin tested. M. Sturm Sr. 5 mi.
ur. vm.. - - ------- ------- : ' . -.-
her of the Baptist Church for South of Cornelius. Telephone,
Select Xmas Presents
We have a splendid line of Jewelry for
Christmas Presents. Make your selection
now and we will put them away for you.
Absolutely the best stock in the city lor
daiuty and serviceable gifts.
Hoffman ji
llllhbero. Crr'ra
50 years. F 615, Cornelius.