Must Beat Portland 1 1 $ ! 4 (I ; f .. Cvrybody ia Washington County Knew the Jewelry House of Leurei 4. Hoyi 1 have been established for 19 years, and during the entire period 1 hove proved to hundred of satisled customer that my prices at all timers were as low as goods of llhe quality could be pdrchased elsewhere ia the state. In view of the fact that nearly all the large Portland jewelers are holding sales, 1 cannot consistently asK my customers to come here and pay $18 for a watch that can be bought there for $13 or 014. and other things in proportion. Therefore, as long as the Portland stores continue these sales 1 will say to you, 1 will meet their prices on any article you want, thus proving th state ssents 1 have continually made to you. that my prices at all times will equsl the best Thlnh what this means to you at this period of the year. A glance at my cases will convince you that I have absolutely the finest assortment of diamond, precious stonet, watches and jewelry In Washington County. My entire stoch (excepting a few contract lines) GOING AT TREMEN OUS REDUCTIONS. This opportunity to buy Hoyt Merchandise at Christmas shopping time for values that only a vilsl business necessity maKes possible should not be over looked. A house with 19 years of honest dealing behind It. the oldest jewelry Washington County is sacrilcing Its stoch at a time when most wanted by the people. Come and see for yourself. Mahe Me Prove These Statements. COME TODAY. PROFIT DY THIS TIMELY SALE OF FINEST QUALITY JEWELRY. Laurel M. Hoyt Second Street Hillsboro GGi:iSS!0:E'SC9U.1T Claims allowed for the mcnth of November, 1915. - ' R ft H R S Robinson, 18; C 01 )cn, (9.62; Aug BUnk, 6; H M I Moore, $2; Chsa Gsiberrbr. 5; N D&nford. 6; J C Snider, 3; J '.V i Meats, Chas Va.Klcek, H Metxentine, teach, $9; H. T Hesse, (5; Vernon Meais, $4; W C Boston, $8; F Grott ier, 13; P Jensen, $4; H Erickson, 13; E W Wampler, $7; Fred Eisner, A Zwiner, each, $10; John ., Vandyke, 2; Albert Vanderxanden, 15; Albert I 'Losii, $4; John Gerher, $7; Psul Rit- ' 4 Mi. r! MM. . 1 J .nil f men u.f j,; Aureu ' SrMnrfW. 125: Vara Dv-.U- tl?RA- Pral Zuercher, $16; B F Burton, i $39; F Hess, f 1.50; J P Moore, $25; J Sargent, $19.97; Fred Pfister, $24; ! A Hickelhier, $14; Ernest Efl&era, ! 123.75; Louis Egrers, $11.44; S W j, ' nriman, $20; Oscar Eggiman, $8.41; ;. 0 Fritse Wilke, $12; Hugo Antona, ,515.75; F L Fisher, $18; L Dodson, j..', !19; WsJUr Zuercher, $9.25; Jayme ..i Viayion, sib.jd; n k Aageier, i,U30; 0 J Wismer. $37.50; Fred l-kncer, $36.25; Ben Ford, $1; Clyde i iiigler, $12; Joe Saunders, $1; C Boy, N ;i6; Fred Staffer, $10; NuU Olsen, jl t 14; Ande Schildt, $6; Henry W Scott Jon! $';"HT&tt, $10; L Foego, Pete Petersen, $4; Geo E Allen, ! , ; John Trachsel, $8.75; Henry Mill- I ; : i. T. Rnitc tl S QnV 1 1 1' Schultz, each $4; J S O'Neill, 18.50 y ,has A Daugherty, $26; Herman 1 1 treenburg, $47; A Greenburg, $9.74; I, r. Hall, $2; Frank Reh, $3; Ben Hee- . I "ticker, $3.75; Peter Felong, 2 bills, i 'i ,n cn. in i lI . m Lilt- ' "! .96:: A C Key. $9: A Jablonski. $1; ' ' te Semasko, $1; John Jensen Joshn- ' I4:J Jennesen. I3.Z6:J and tl Boe- ,-er, Louis Peterson, each $2; C B anace, sk.du; Kuooipn neison, '.75; O Johnson, $20; G Boygera, ,i , ; L Anderson, $6; F Burgdoffer, 1 : ; J Luck, C Schanda, each $2; Ches- Wohler, $7; C T Sage, $9; Grant ' 5 inn, $18; E F Wohler, $6; Chester .' ( .ages, sb; ti A tfarngrover, izu; f as Walker. Hi R B Doughty. $4: I ' liam Hinchy, $12; Alfred Pierea, i ii; Mat Samson, $2; Carl Christen' ' 'x $4: Carl Johnson, $10; Pete i ristenson, $2; Alfred Pieren, $15; , IL Smith, $9.50; Fay F Mead, $20; p Her D Smith, "$40; Fay F Mead, ' . Arthur Mills, $11; T Gasner, $6; 'Nelson, $15; J Kemmer, $20; AI t d Metner, $6; Lewis Ennes, $9; : Barnes, $70; Baney, $6.75; B -ker, $4; 'George Walsh, 2 bills, 'i-6; $2.74; A Rolph, F Hennessy, X $4; C M Kemmer, $12; E Mill 1 tH: P SaamnMn. 14: J Arnold. ' WS A B Story, $40; C Baney, U I A Palmer, $4; J Oassner, $4; Baney, $2; G Weds, $1; Frank an, $4; Alva Davis, Walter Davis, i, $3; J F Davis, $2; N C Van ;c, $1; Ray Carter, $3; L C Mel. 11 ht. $14.62: R J Rasmusen. $7.23: i D Sparks, $13; Ralph Highby, $1; John Thomas, $2; John Hergert, $10; Fred Huhman. $4; John VogeL $14; A Hergert. Sr.. $4; H Reese, $19 A); H Holts. $18.50; John Frank, $3; Ot to Vogel, $65; Julius KaschniUky, 50c; H Zurcher, E Zurcher, each, $4; Jacob Zimmerman, $5; E AUwen, $4; Chas F Rufli, W H McGill, each, $5; cott, $2.43; William Robb, $1.50; Mar ion Wescott, $4.15; J L Graff, t bills, $13.08, $4; Dick Rowden, $1; Grover Brown, $2; Tom Conner, $4; Ben Brown, $6; G W Whitasore, $8; Wm Hasse, $4; Howard Rice, $2; W N Hathorn, $3; Tennis Pyle, $10; Fred Haase, $2.05; Henry Bogs, $3; Wm Mctzlcr, $4; F L Brerm, 2 bills, $5.60, A W Creps, $15; John H Howell, $5; Tennis Pyle, 2 bills. $3, $8: Wm $12; Wallace Smith, $13; Wm Eber-J Metaler, $11; Ben Brown, $1; Grov ly, $11; Clem Inkley, $8; J F Car-'Jer Brown. $60; Dick Rowden, $6.50; stens, $26; Chas Killen, $9; E A Kirts, $5; A E Wescott, $2.50; Wsrner Cropp, $4; Wm Pulley, $22.70; Ralph Butch, $14.40; J H Johnson, $14.40; U L Smart, 2 bills, $12.5Q; $150; J Lyons, $140; J Abeln, $11; Wm Sew- ell, 2 bills, $22.40; $10; F Anderson, $1320; A Troost, $9.90; G C Lewis, 2 bills, $1.61; $39; Wash Co. New $15.75; P Erfckson, $27; J S McNeUI, $45; Henry Erickson, $170; Frank Frohaska, $75; Geo F Davis, $16.85; Lester Davis, $75; Harry Robinson, $2025; I Riley, $3.05; Mr. Rider, $8; J C Kclsey, $5; Ray McKnight, $6; F J Williams, 2 bills, $40; $12; Wm Hcuer, Frank Heuer, each, $4.35; V Ornduff, $1730; H Christeisen, $12.b0 Ed Hughes, $230; Chas Matherly, $U5; Joe Pad, $2730; Arthur Ell iott, $7.80; Oscar Smith, $13.75; S J Hamilton, $11.25; J M Hayden, $8.75; Albert Rithie, $20; Otto Brose, 2 bills $2125; $13.75; Lee Clark, $225; Earl Hollenbeck. 75c; 0 B Fowlcs. $U G ? Essner, 94c, $12.94; L H Peters, $2; I H Maxwell, $3; E M Brown, $2; Wm J Wicr, $2; H Hutchison, $4; Chas A- Miller, $3; John Brunswick, $2; J C Ash, $2; J E Kelly, $6; A L Sloop, $1; B Thomas, G S Kennon, Henry Keenon, Minor, each, $2; Roy Luttrell, $7; Arthur Hadlock, $230; F F Conover, $2; Leslie Moore, $1; 0 M Heaton, $4; C R Seiffert, $2; T R Moore, 2 bills, $10, $3; Wm Mat- xke, $5; Carl Bctz, $5; Jake Oefin ger, $10; J Neilson, $5; Fred Mat- thiescn, $7; John Matthiesen, $9.75; T W Gregg, $26; W J Gregg, $30; Leland Kleineman, $13; Joe KHneman, $24; Jas Buchan, $12; L C Brown, 2 bills, $12, $12; Vandcrvelden, $16.50; J W Gates, $6; Eagle Lumber Co, $3.84; Groner & Rowell Co., $1.14; H Hutduson, $10; E Wenstrom, $14.05 Echo Asembly No. 148 U. A, $2.50; Rowell Bros ft Co., $125; Forest Grove Planing Mill, 45c; P A Charf, $15; L W House, $8.40; E Wenstrom, $15.36; Southern Pacific Railway Co., 3 bills, $1830; $32.42, $18131; J L Groff, $5.50; John Beach, $520; Jag Churchill, N Bothman, each, $7; Fred Berger, $430; Nets Hansen, $430; K D Lytic, $1030fC G Reiter, 3730. Rowell Bros ft Co, Bridge3.. 2.00 R ft H Geo Emerson, $2; Bos ton Belting Co., $2.45; D C Stokes- Henry Bogc, $4. Mrs. Norman P Rawson. relief.. 25.09 R ft' H The Argus. $34630; Hills boro Independent, $77; Banks Herald, $5; J H Layne, $1; Z T Cole, $1. J E' Reeves, Stiff Sal 150.00 J C Aplegate, dep. stiffs sal. 100.00 Becss ArchbdcLclkShffsoffe.. . 5.00 Edw C Luce, Co. Clk's sal. . .. 150.00 II A Kuratli, Dept Clk's Sal.. 100.03 Edna Gilkey, Sal Asst elk... 75.00 Genevieve Collctttcnographer Clerk's office 60.00 Max CrandalL Sal Assesor... 100.00 Mittie Wilson, Dep Co Assor. 75.00 E B Sappington, Sal Co Treaa. 75.0') Mrs. Bessie Hanley, Clk Co Treas. office.., 24.00 James H Davis, Sal Co Recrd. 100.00 W F Boley, Sal Dep Recrd.. 75.00 A A Barnctal Asst Dep Reed 60.00 D B Renconer, Sal Co Jdg... 100.00 C A Hanley, Sal Co Com.... 33.00 R Mattcson, Sal Co Com..SSJW Wm TupperrSal Janitor. ... 60.00 W R Montgomery, Sal As3t Janitor 60.00 Ina Rca sorter, Clk Jdg's offc. . 9.00 B W Barnes, Sal Sch Supt... 100.00 Elinor Wilkes, Ok Supt offc. . 55.00 The Argus, Co Ct, Exp 30.40 The Argus, exp Shff 28J0 The Argus, exp Co Clk 1330 C A Hanley, exp Co Com.... 7.60 C W Redmond, Co Ct........ 4.00 Miller's Restaurant, cir ct... S.25 Antone Hermans, Cir Ct Juror 48.00 Circuit Court Jurors Jacob Cor rell, $51; Cornelius Blaser, $42; James R Hayden, $54; Leonard Hellebuyck, $3; Tom Connell, $42; W E Prickett, $18; J J Krieger. $3; John T Martin, $60; W E Crosby $24; C W Miller, $51; P H Schmidt, $21; L O Griebler, $51; J M Bartlett, $36; Perry E Mill er, $30; Wm Hammelman, $8; Ben Day, $36; G A Plteth, $51; Geo Gal breath, $39; Daniel Rainwater, $60; Arthur H Thomas, $51; E E Watts, $3.. Spl Jurors John Marsh, $9; He man Collier, $9; Wm Schulmerich, $2; Wm Bstcheldcr, Wm Schulmerich, each, $6; Frank Jensen, W V Wiley, each, $2; Jud Nicodcmus, Thos Sain, Juvenile Court Witnesses Dora Tax Refund John Dodge, 3 bills, Reed Barber, $1725; V U Gardner, K4o, 97c, OJc; John Lundgren, $2.1 j; H Neicker, Herman Becker, rach. $2; It I' Cornelius, $1.93; Frank DavU, J Teuschcr, $; Benton liowm.ui, 3 bills, 73c, 50c, 45c. $737. VeUy Englort, Iamages.... W D Smith, J P Fees, St vs Oregon City Enterprise, Co Witlow et al 31.MI Clk's offc W P Fuller, Const Fees 15.1' Alma U Willard, lllth offer.. 6.6'J &U Supr ltd lUt No 1 1, J J Wism r l.--5-t025. 8.00 .Sal Supr RJ Dit No 1. Chas GflV 700 errer-$j.00. F J Sewell, C H Exp 18o2 S.U Supr Rd Dial No 8, II T Hesse Chas E Runyon.Reporter's fees 40.' ; $7.50. Benton Bowman, J P Ct. ...'.. Leonard Brawn, C H exp.... Wm Tupper.'C H exp Washington Ore.Corp.C II exp 40.0J 65.6' too Fay Harington, C H exp. Henry Stauffcr, C II exp. Hilhboro Trnafr Co, C II exp Wm Wolf, C H exp.! C A Walker, C II exp Carl Designer, Corn's offc' 144 Sal Supr Rd DUt No 9, A Zwiu 5.0) er $3. 30 Sal Supr Rd Dit No II, J J Wismtr 3.00 $ 10.25. 2.20 1 Sal Supr Rd Dint No 23, II W 7.00 Scotl $5. Dr W H Beckcrjnq-llelth offc 11.00 ' Sal Supr Rd Dit No 26. John C H Moore, Jur Corn's Inq. . . . 1 Traih.! $5. Jurors Coroner's Inquest E L Cole. Sl Supr Rd Dist No 34. Ambrose W r" Heartley, J H Nichols, F F. Shearer, Carl Designer, each, $1 14.R5 7.00 2.87 Witnesses Corner's Inquest II A Morrison, S E Pck, P E RciJy, each, $1.50. Dr I E Barrett Coroner, inquest 13.05 Mrs. Lena Mast, Wit Inq ..... . 130 Dr Ira E Barrett, Coroner Fred Mast Dac'd , 8.C5 C W Redmond, Corn's offc. 13.0') Juror Inquest C W Redmond, C S Bateman, Alfred Heisler. J B Bate- man, Wm Busse, Ora Smith, each, $2. Witnesses Inquest Katie Heisler, Andrew J Keller, Elmer , Lyda, each, $1.50. Dr. I E Barrett, Cor Inq.... August Tews, corn's inq Benton Bowman, Corn's offc. . Thos II Tongue, Jr dep Diixt Atty Wm McQuillan, truant offer.. E B Sappington, Treas exp.. Bushong ft Co, Surveyor's exp Bushong ft Co, Sch supt offc exp B W Barnes, Sch sup offc. Max Crnndall, Assr's offc... Hillsboro Indpt, Co clk exp.. Edw C Luce, Co Clk's exp. . . , Hilbboro Indpt, exp Co Assr. . Hillsboro Indpt, exp Co Rcdr. Hillsboro Indpt, exp Sch Supt. Hillsboro Indpt, Clk's exp..., Hillsboro Indpt, exp Co Jdg. , Hillsboro Indpt, Shffi exp... Hillsboro Indpt, R ft II James H Dayfs, exp Co Rcdr. , E I Donelson, C II exp...... E I Donelson, Tress exp..., E I Donelson, Cir Judge exp.. A E Ball, District sealer..,. F G Mitchell ft Co, Co Frm 66.66 1U5 4.00 2.06 6.00 46.95 2.75 24.00 4.45 Sdimidtin $1230. Sal Supr Ud IHut No 36, C C Nel son $;to. Sal Supr Rd Dint No 37, Grant Munn $730. Sal Supr Rd Dit No 45, Alfred i'iercn $1230. Sal Supr Rd I list No 46, D L Smith-$1230. Sal Supr Rr Dfst No 47, Nick Kem mer $1730. Sul Supr Rd Dist No 48, J Schawl tier 125." Sul Supr Rd Dist Ne 15, J M lliatt $5. Sul Supr Rd Dist No 21, Geo Fish er $5. Sul Supr Rr Dixt No 24, J II Hoff man $5. Dint No 39, Abbo eai-h. fit: W R MXVniriL 12; J R Trullinger, $12; C Rehse, L MeCor-.!' 9, M"clle1!. 001 Jail mick. Ct E D-irhmsn. eaeh t2 ' F G Mitchell ft Co, relief.. W J Butner. Cir Ct Juror... jOOiP . Mitchdl Co- clk' eP bury, $3; Good Roads Machinery Co, 'Tualatin Hotel, Cir Ct 825 $16.75; C S Haynes, $126; Goff Bros, 1 Miller's Restaurant, Cir Ct.... 330 $2.40; Smith ft Watson, $1.50; Frank Circuit Court Witnesses E R Eb Hulsman, $2.50; J H Cogan, $5.76; erman, $5; Miss Hilda Johnson, $5; Haulenbcck Bros. $1: Houselev ft Co. C Carsten, $4.90; Frank Feather- 14? Perry, $6.76; E J Wolf, $4.76; A Craft, $3; J M HUtt, $2; S H f (lock, ' $6.7tr; Henry Preston, $2; it Cummings, $5; Chas Erlon, $3; $1.20; Willis Hdw ft Implement Co, $10.10; Ben Doolcy, $5.75; Banks Lumber Co, $24.96; R Nelson, $2.92; Wilkes Auto ft Garage Co, 76c; J P BarUes, $433; S R Cogan, $14.46; Pease ft Hannan, $3.75; S R Cogan, $630; L M Buell, $80.38; Beaverton t Frank L Featherstone, $4.40; Peter Hdw A Implement Co, $430; Julius Thomas, $3.20; Dr Quentin Tucker, stone, Morrfs Gould, Fred Jlorine, each, $4.40. Grand Jury Witnesses Richard Hoyt, C L Cox, Dr F A Bailey, each $2;; Mrs. Ida Speiler, $6; Allen Hay den, $4.10; Millard Morloy, $4.60; fnnl Ri-num S3- Wulfar Viaki r, tia is, xntn Christensen, $20; Goff Bros, $16.60 fman, $8; Chester Hoffman, $12;! """7 Erickson, 2 bills, $17.26; $2.05; Hoffman, $5; G W Andrews, $10; Forrider, $6; R F Reed, $6; '(iny Micek, $3; Arnold Peters, Otto Kaufman, $25; Abbo Pet i$4126; R Nelson, J Jcppesen, G Jreon, each, $4; D B Roe, 50c; W esigner," $6.25; William Bahr, 6; Otto Essig, $2; Otto F Mues A B Story, each $4; E Barnes, $6; !axwe3. $1: D A Miller, $26.25; r Wohler, $23.43; C f Sago, W xtt Smmm. stst TJ V Daaa. $51; ;P O Cbay; $34; John Zell- 31; Otto Vogel. fll-25; N Both- $14; J CkurchCI, $11; L Kah ;8; J Gibson, $1; Joe McRoberts, bra SmlUi, $84.10; N Bothman, Oral tiama, 4J9; Jim Tomp $Sf & JiJXiukr,K 4.76; Oscar man, $5; Finlsy Elliot, $4-50; k Jolauton, $4f Ployd Ehll, $1; ITnritt, $7; Ed Debuhr, $2; Eln rrtn, 4 Co IZira, $1.26; , OU, 3; t T Cole, $3.7$; A C it, i 2; $3X9; N C tow , J D Corrr. P; Em31 Todd, t L IT"-. tHJ; L Fraeman, V; ; A P T41, $1625; Copeland ft McCready, $3.46; Bad ger Lumber Co, $33.12; Goff Bros, 37.85; C C Hancock, $4.40; Chris Schindler, $7.50; E J Lawrenze, $2.25; H W Wescott, $4; Louis Holts, $3; L P Smith, $4.80; Olingcr Bros., $335; Groner ft Rowell Co., $132: Honeyman Hdw Co, $2.85; George Corey, $10; Tigardville Telephone Co, $9.60; Hannan ft Co, $4.50; D B Roe, $4.41; Henry Erickson, $5.90; Stan dard Oil Co, $5.26; J D Kelly ft Son, $123.47; J D Kelly ft Son, $15.18; W J Gregg, $2; J B Hanley, $1. Violet Bondshu, Norma Dixon, each, $3.20; Theodore Wills, Philip Wills, each, $330; Mrs. A A LaMont, Mrs, Frank Morley, Robert Halstead, Mrs. Robert Halstead, Mrs. Marion Hall, each, $3.50. Circuit Court Witnesses, State vs McGill William Hinchey,$3.90; Char les Hall, $4.20; Fred Pappcl, Dr. Paul M Carstens, Aldclbcrt Spraner, S W Mcllvaine, each; $4. Circuit Court Wisness , State vs. Heralg Henry Andergregg, $4. Circuit Court Wisnesses, State vs Moore Fred Pappel, 2 bills, A Spran er, F W Cady, Geo Thyng, each $4; Tax Refund John Dodge, 42c; 'James J Shevlin, $430; August Rossi, John Lundgren, 2 bills, $1.10, $1; Wm Albert Smith, Charles Stine, each, $4; Ted SchalIberger,$330;Geo Newman, $4; Daniel Moore, $4; Albert Burke, Fisher, 58c; George C Durham, 2 bills, each 96c; Geo C Durham, $2.4:; Frank Davis, 30c; Chas G Rein, $24.66. R ft H J L Groff, 50c; Bell & Qwens, 2 bills, $5.50; BOcj' Schwanke ft Kahle, $2.61; E U Cute, $9.78; J L Groff, $13.26; Chas A Wunderlich, $8; R R Wyatt, $7; Wesley Cooper, 66c; Rcmy Delplanche, $8.50; War ren Hubcr, $425; S M Moon, 88c; Harry Johnson, 88c; Raymond WestohnJpnBfiintlnqnir rt $3.80, Circuit Court Witnesses"State vs. Hall L A Long, $2; Mrs Lena stall, Mrs. Mabel Baile, J R Baile, U G Dunn, each, $5; W H Koehler, $7.40; Dr. Hetlesater, $4.60; Edw'SchneU, $8.- - Tualatin Hotel, Cir Ct 8.00 E Murdock, Cir Ct 2930 2033 330 4.60 1430 6.59 8.30 2230 8.00 1730 33.00 6.55 1.25 626 .25 J E Reeves, Board of Prisoners ....I 10530 Widow's Pension Emma Baney, $10; Carrie P Parmele, $17.50; Kat ie J Crelghton, Hettie R Wells, each, $10; Louanna Boring, $10; Nellie Meyers, $14.75; Mrs. Anna Ling- man, Rosa Seers, each, $1730; Rosa Hughes, $25; Anna Fitzpatrick, $24; Rosa G Louden, $1136; Louise Micek, $3330; Mrs. Grace Bruce, $40; Liziie Adamson, $3.65; Carrie Wyant, $27.35; Lena Mast, $10.80; May Dixon, $40; Luella D Crane, $10; Ella Pruden, $1730; Eva Adams, Josie Eddie Stark, each, $10; Anna Van Loo. $25' Emma Viola Russell, $40; Lillie D Henton, Matilda Nord, each, $10; Eva Williams, $1730; Bertha - Larson, Elizabeth Fowler, Nellie Ferguson, Nettie R Jeffers, each, $10; Lilly Gillaspy, $25; Helma Lundeen, $17.50, Relief-C W Rice, $5; Eveten La- Chappel, $10"; Tualatin Hotel, $3; Ethel May Noyes, $12.50. Ward's Red Ribbon Grocery, Co. Farm..... 8830 Hillsboro Mrctl Co. Co Frm.. ft Calarence Young, Sal Supt r' Farm a. tj . W E Pegg, relief.,' D B Reasoner, Cr.f D B Reasoner, Ci Jno Beaty, C H'(; Rodell Mattcson, Rodell Matteson,, E M Brooks, R Walter E Tsylo. J E Reeves, sh.. Mrs. Norman P Rr. Owl Electric Co, C Wm Fioher, Tax EeW Sul Supr Rd Peters'-$15. Sul Supr Rd Dist No 41, W F Deuigner $3. Sul Supr Rd Dist No 16, N Both man $730. Sul Supr Rd Dist No 4, E W Deth-lefa-$6.25. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 35, Carl Borg. gren $17. Sul Supr Ud Dist No 2, Z T Cote $2.50. Sal Supr Rd DiBt No 43. A r 2.30. Kruirer $2.50. 1733. Sal Siinr IIIm M Itrui. V.l . -'' ..v fUKUl -$15. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 19, F C Toe lle $10. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 18, J L Groff - $16.85. ' C G Reiter, R ft II 43.25 John Nyberg, Cir Ct. 8.00 Sal Supr Rd Dist No 3. F 1 Brown $(3.25. Sul Supr Rd Dist No 27, Henry Keenon $7.50. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 31. T R Moore $730. Sul Supr Rd Dfst No 10. Jake Ocfinger $5. Sul Supr Rd Dist No 22. Harrv Robinson $16.25. Sul Supr "Rd Dist No 20. F J Williams $22.50. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 42. Otto Brose $20. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 28, J E Zim merman $8.75. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 12, W J Gregg-$18.75. Sal Supr Rd Dist No 44, John Matthiesen $5. Sal Supr Rd Dfst No 17, John Fri day $3230. r i I raMwjr! V) fflMi,MtiM I 1 you ms rvi ownta I A SK your dealer for W-B Cut Chewing TtJ)acco. It is the f2w"RcaI Tobacco Chew,,--ctt long shred-, ! 100 to itampt to So JL omc (2hristmas 5. . , flllv liolulays will soon be here. The time of hap piness and cheer. Your fried vnll be expecting you to come home. So will mother, father, sister or brother. WW HOLIDAY FARES Are available for the holidays. . On sale Utwcn all Southern I acific stations in Oregon, Dec. 17, 18. 22, 23, 24, 25, 31 and Jn. . 1st. Kcturu limit Jan. 3d. Ask the local agent for fare, train service and oilier information, or write SOUTHERN PACIFIC NOTICB TO CRRDITORS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that I.ihs nndenlened, hare hMnhv ths rounty Oourtof ths HUtu of Owtoii f , Washlmtton County. (tT ao," 1,, the Atal of J'S'm dMMsed, a-.,l hv duly quallOsd Miunh' All ,r.n, ,alnR cUll,,, asalnst K o.tatB an, brhr notins.1 to prnt u . Clirisfmas Articlcs of FurDiturc are always appre- " natcd as Christmas gifts. Here are a suggestions. Malce your selectionl . Birdseye Maple Bed Room Suite Mapolcon Bed Regular" s m CotenUl Drcssser.Reg " '": "air to match, Keg...., Total Regular $94.00 Christmas SpecUl 075.OO Other Specials ' ' raciive'eS1 terns ny, UtS& Ma Uially reduced. ' Quartered Oak Sttb- More ror Your Money Ormondy Brco. v H N I T U IV C TWQSr.rTMl.W.