The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 09, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 38
I The County court i fiiruring
0 opening th Nybrrg quarry
1 to a it renter extent. nvt year.
"M0 thin in the wL Airent Mulkey
I..J th SiHilhrrn ri-iitc. was out
llaat week and went to Tualatin
P " . . t' ...... 1
i. c.uiy !
. .. MM I I AM '
IS" - 4j
jdltaa.Htal - a by the banks of
fMhiafUm County howi l"ia
Blntlnitatini lM"(hM givtPn the rnUrt a !
iMiti In the sum oi .vi.w h nuarr, fr a .-ri.-a of year
LtflSJO for each mm.
U child in lh towna, accord-
the laUenua report
fcaeiderin thit hundrtds In
Li end of tht county bank
Portland it J raumaicu
LecuntT banks lose at least a
nr ofi million. and aaibly
111 trt, the Hilledala. Olon.
'frteMill and Bethany districts
Will Uut iVofrttlonal Certificate
I ltrpn lbl Inatruclora
4 Waibcri Aaattl I
ktU m Tail Date
rupwitkin or putting in a spur
to the rock quarry, an.l Or.ri
hlectric olJlcuU aU w rut dim n
there the first of the week t
look over the ground. The Ny
lr miarrv ha iiim nf th-
finest rock In the county, and. as
much rruahni material will l
needed neat Year new machinery
ni i . . ill !!.. . .
Will i ftoqrtj. i ia nMwiuie mat . , . . . ... . ouarrv will U ahan. Mn f,,r Pbllc recognl
doned and the Ntrrg quarry h'"" to thoa teachers of the
will be the only bitfono otM-rati-d state w ho have proved them-
down that way. Mr. Nytx-rjr U.-lvt to lie nrourMuiva aa wol
on . I l t L. L- .
.i iRiiie tMr. ih rmmiv ti ''n miounCHj by 3upertnina
take all the rock it wanU for "t f I'uWo Inatruction, J. A
that turn. Churchill. To all teachera, who
For rent. Two farm -one of mw'l lhe flve rHuiremenU
IfiO acrra. aUmt 1IS5 aca in cul- idopted by tha State Superln
tivation. one mile from Fureat tendent. there will b uiven
Urove. twini room for atvut 2U I'ruf ctMlunal Tcicher'i Certifl
cowt anJC Mraea. nty -witer. calel which will certify that the
!.,rn!v.. holder have not onlv tauht
ave Bhown a proper
pint towwrd their
Thou. 1 1 en ton wan in from
Meek lifting, Monday.
Herman Koehnke. Oak Park.
was in tht city the iaat of the
W. II. Lyda, of beyond Ver-
boort. waa in the city the lant of Aclivliy Pronounced Everywhere!
me wee. . rtoe of Year
John I) Koch, of above P.!onnr
mif. was in town Saturday af U-r- am OPPOSITION TO SUNDAV CLOSINC
ate will be i&sued
rintendentof Public
a . . i a . a a
iaoaiU. the total in intvauoe. i insirucuon upon me aiaiemeni
i . uiaiif ( teinar riven r.BiAn hn,i to car. or the couniv suoer nienocni
Cat II OK 000. Forest Cin ,oa4aof Chnatmaa treva to San that ill of the rtsjuiremenU have
r Jiik . rAl Af lOtX). LMni.iivt ik hniirhth nf thrt St. In met and that the toachof
'lad from thi In CornallM Nichola bearer bcin an aver- hleaervea enpeclal recognition of
sk anorarato havo lb edtf ma at aevrn feL ashmuton I In attainments.
T.i...ii iniuHnna It had taaaalai aaawfiiiaa !l ..n.l. nut hnn. Whi'n the certlficite Will in
il on deooait-t food .t red a of Chrialma treirt. W. iUlf not entitle the holder, to
?t. ii u.u r c.nhu u iha khlit. iarh it will Ui of ffreit assist
1 ..t Jnnall aPtHsi k hllU luiunii I ri trt achool board in helDlnft
tthiaar In the hUtoryof lh with them. th-m t wlt thoroughly pro-
-aatfindMthefreftt pwent ..... . v. . krcsive and up-to date teacnera,
J.ku-..- iM th farm. Wanted -ai once: iounir mm .Ko have totn esDCCiauy sue
m una iviui ...... -w. - , ..- -
i iU-.i. . aolidtrity that loriuiomowioiMiainws. ik i'y- fW8rui m their worn.
Z amnethlnir WomaktyoueaiHjrtinten wcuaa
iT-MfonouKh towllmftU by mall. I'ay ui VWr e-
eounty'i depoaiu. here and cur you lotion. Untury Auto-
rSlnd.l 1100 lierwplU, mobile In.Utute, Anrfelrt,
la county.
'ort and. n,a ucu w YTu .IBrt ll of the re-
ora yorceana woc", . . - . ln
The rtHiuircment. which must
lie mat iur m rroieaaiuna
Teacher CeriiwcaU. ro u fol
1 ' Havinir tauirhUueceMfully
for at IcaAt eitrht months during.
Mr. S. BnHbine. of Morn, ih p,i i i.jMirii Imimm. n
viHiting relatives here and will
rmin until fte th Ho uiavs ..., .
ii . . - J i i;...i..r
BIT BIIU HIli . Iirisn;il,l
of NVth Tualatin Plains, w ere pVith timber men reporting great
city visitors Saturday. activity, and with camps running
Me .nrtMra IrintflC. n the Columbia, where neariy
of Portland, visited Sundiy with were closed down last year.
Mr. and Mrs. John m. wan. me leeung oi neiier iraoe prom-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tupper cd some weeks ago Ia now being
were Portland visitors bunday, realized.
accompanying Willard Tuppir Things doing In Oregon are:
that far on his trip to California. Pr08pecU tre that Klamath
An lra fln lot of fruit trees! Tatla mltla sill mn all WintP
on hand for Fall and Wnter st- HermiBton is working for i
tir.g. Also rose bushes. -Mor- .rmrv
Wm. Ryan, of Tigard. was in Drove Btreeta,
in "ldiy- . Vtl" ManagenNorman. of Uw Ore-
lurrniail carucnicr iwi t mc vie- i
gon Electric for several years. ower ufc-n, repww
la a a aY .aV - A -
Chris Reichen Jr.. of near "?!L' X"?
.. .. .. . imam nwrcQinu inu ubukcib.
t'hiiHD3. waa in me my me lasi r r ... ... ... mwiA
of the weok. Hia father has '"r
be-n indisposed for aome time. "V, "
This is the time of tie season Southern Oregon TrKtkm Co.
when the split log drag is a! will extend its electric line iron
miuhtv fine thing tor tfce dirt Medford to Jacksonville, work to
Mmm nAPutar haua I hpirin Jan. 1.
ruaun. wiij v....
tried this with telling elect the 5. Y . La employs oww peopw
last few years. f m uregon paying mem iov.uuv
ax . I llu a1 fVWVa AAA 4koaw
Circuit Judge Geo. It Bagley 'rL
,nt (a Tillamook Suhdav. ta !" r.V V"",r :"rLTTi.
eciea ny counuea inrouna wdich
open court Monday, for aweek. ita .. '
He will be 2 Port of Astoria will erect $22.-
inu! , .vi m mm crroin Uvatne.
weeks. T I KlAtarrwirft' will hlVA at MA1 in fltjaW
, 1 ln lVI t " a W arw
Money to loan on 'first-class tion at an early date.
. . .Wnakinvton Enternnsa Commercial Club
County Abstract A Title Com- celebrated opening oi Mawrn
pany;by E. J. McAler Mana. Oregon Lumber Ca'a mill with
Henry Kuratll. depCly clerk. matter sent out by Forestry Ser
was out to Phillips. Sulday, and vice 8h0ws earnings of $2,500,000
a rl k tk hPiai worn i . m. J. 4
rriwricu . , iasi year. iDeuniueui vvn
is naturally something which ever new concern you deal with
L .- if... . . i ... i :
uwm m rixni u ass iur. jnusi ui, inc auccesstui uusmeaa
and professional men of this ton give this Bank
aa THEIR reference, a fact which always gives
them a most enviable prestige, because it's well
known that only responsible people are ac
cepted as depositors here. The value of
being associated with a thorouglv
dependable bank cannot be
Many a Man owea his success in business to his bank's advice
4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings
American National Danll
One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A stock of lumber so large and varied that yon can
have prompt delivery ot any order. We carry many
large dimension timbers, and can save you the expense
ol special sawing;. When you want lumber, promises
don't fill your bill. tOur specialties are quality, ser
vice, and courteous treatment. You cau do better for
less with this company.
Badger lumber Co.
Kjnvka at Stra.tHt'1. and
uinuw'u - - w - y - , ,
is employed by th bianuiro
Lost: Udy's gold watch, with
bird engraved on cat.
mi&hr between M. MAI
- . . - ...i .. ii i ...::.. .knn anil at least . 1
thews church, itiiisooro " era iraimuK been prevaiennor ccrai wva bUi
home 41 miles south of Comeli- one local institute. and lucky is the person who has tract
ST Finder please leave at Ar- 5. Having read during the .ped Sne or the other. Physi- bane
JL.Jhwl rewa.- vear. under the supervision of Pian. MV that since memory run- Flc
...... nflU ami receive rewaM
Misa Etta WrocK, vwni-iiua, v...
Thoa. H Buchanan. th South,
ern Pacific At enl at Dilley. and
Uia Clara Itorsen. or Dilley.
.MniM a marriaire license
(Pmm Ttia Artnali
Saieoe stole a team of horaea
.i r. S. Olen while on a bus
3 trip to PorUand. The
avata jairof cheanutaor
ind looker! good to aome
,1 who liked horaefiesh.
W. H. Wehrunir waa elected to
1 council and the late Kiley
in uld W. H. was too thor
to make a good ofilcial UI-
ta lht nna limn when
-wruBiwaaon the council ha
la i drain in front of the Cava
?optrly and dug it so deep that
J drained the Cave family well.
Jin Lamkin made a oalr of
tl mould, like those in use
in th.i ui i tie-ha made
iai for W. Y.. Smith, or juat
2 "Bill" Smith, who farms.
M,and hauls, and some of
!aa rfava uiill nin a mheat
Kh Dear Moro. Sherman Coun-J
I "".wi uui, in iur iiiiw-
nwoery oi Lee Williams ex
71 office, tried to aaw through
1 bin of the old jail, but Uhar
Jrord discovered the attempt
on escape wu made.
I L W. House waa sick enough
k i . . .
.-wwnnnea tohia room.
I PkAa.t. f .J I . I -U
Viu ,'IK,Ke eiecieu jonn
Wall Chancellor Commander,
7uU)e0dd Fellows sleeted S.
onion Noble Urand.
K. B. (.(Vwlin aiaa Ail maw.
;W.H. Wehrung. J. H. EUn-
W II U It . . n "
. h. ureer ana J. r. i am
X9in am. . ; 1 . . aa a srft .
.recorder, and Wilson Brock. .A. J. KHUn, of Banks, was in
"""if. I town tne iasi wi "
packed hard by the h5y
IndTOBt IX WRawri
ivv rai
Innf Kia Mvaniia.
"T.?!TfiL h He met several autos from Saiem-HuDt Bros, cannery
and the wife alleges ho deameo i - fi danffers and fire pnPti-nd. Lhinnpri earload lommberriea to
her about two yeans aga in. lrhrhpo.iffhtfJS0a
i " Having Bent promptly to For jle: " Enforcing the old Sunday clos-
the county superintendent all re- lots in Hillsboro. urj wm iraae Oregon as
SJu requsaSd by him or re- mJSSSfft!Si faft as communitiea find out It.
quired by law. 4U or swale .neai XrT&e wide scope. They are not ready
4. Having attended the an- H. Jeibroan, Hillsboro, ure. toturn5ack 200 years in devel-
nual teachers institute or teacn- laQrippa and pneumonia have bpment and enterprise.
Main St, and P.R. &.NRy.Co-JH.
A. D 0 U L U 1 Ci i
Everything in Building Material
('iioronA eannerv receives con-
; . - . , i i
tor carload oi canneacao-
fApll arm .
Florence Reports say tie camp
l. " - - ' .L.ICiBnB MI Mill bmiw ... rf . .v . . - , -
ihe Univcrsuy oi wrcn" " .Ineth they rememoer no vime win do openeu at wm viuihv.mH
lr..i?on Airncuiiurai vuiickc, -v n - there was so mucn oi inis
100 men. C W. Curran. moaa
kind of Oregon, will now ship I
Phviarmaa trees.
Snffieient acrease has Deem
Oregon Agricultural College, at lhen there wa3 M mucn
least two iKWks on me icwncn lroube
renlSLtiHorinr the annual Mrs. Lottie Smith, who has
institute voted to observe what been visiting with J. C. Umiii siKned Up. according toreporta,
ns ,im '.I . . Haw a davLnil Irthn M. Wall and famillea : . v, K.,iMin nf alanm
- Kiiiivtia eo w ' - v - i a , i vv
i.. uaiordav. Both are wwwilar i vrv Der8on i the county several montha. oeparieo m BUffar factory in Southern
in their town, ami nnvea i. wiHm invited to visn wkiw weea w uregon.
a a . ' . L. Ik.iiM nntllll. I . . 1 aawABntl in Ifef I ftjaamiaa 'I AVH 1I1H M ma BK.WUI-
The date - rj"r .. Portland bv Mr.
the moat popular w. w------ - . p AND un,
Ottl-OON ELECTRIC TRAINS Wanted-To hear from owner
tfj? if VSade o A", except the P. R. & trains
10 rorunu-u rXATl-T. nk rjmnt
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Pricea Reasonable
and & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176
of friends who wish them happi
1 saw cordwood, poles up to 12
inches in diameter, fence ran,
and Uarda of all kinds, into enirths. 111 u
tka enuntrv. wnw, V""'.
the do
r. :r: '-:cA skow. iwiabo-
J":: iitL'or call
ro. rhone, uy
Tualatin Hotel.
1:60 a. m.
...7:83 a m.
.10.02 a. ra. I
are electric, and StOD at
::::::::.:.::::::::::::.:S W S (K'" Mi-'
. 1 ia in .-...4ittaBJiai a I vnannun a rami
Willard Tupper departed bat- w. p m Ore. 09 Vorcst Grove Train 120 P. m.
urday evening for " pm Beula James Welszh. of rorest McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m.
visit at (-loveraaie,viiiv.-. n;.0 P Grove, whowas mamea in whs forest-urove min...:iu p. m.
quest of better health. J:JJ- '. only ) P city SepL 22, 1914. to Charles J. Eujrene Train.... 4:55 p. m.
Fred Goetxe and Jas. uaaon vvtland-55 minutes. Welszh. LAnge.eS .u, -
.f .t.,. Urtnminff. iransiitic" ,. u mine mvorce anu - roresi. u -
. .9:45 a m.
..11:E3 a. m.
..3:15 p. m.
..4:80 p. m,
..6:40 D.m.
.7:15 d. m.
...90 p. m.
.12:15 a m.
on flax at
BWavvrtan. OratOB
r'r.:- .-Vft,n Saturday. a m turn of her maiden name, ane avm Portland
. . I .r .... RaWah. alleges that after mama re tne arrivea...8:15 a m.
J.J, wnaway.w. .--, "ft .pm husband took her wan rMinnvma ,
wu in town rnu., P Cisco, where he desertea Sg
business. , pm days of married me, anu - rt npove
pm the honeymoon was over, one " -
- , 1 ju.1 For Sa e at a sacnnce w r orest urove
PorSale-TwoflnelybredHol-l . vircinia Place, two McMinnville
stein Fresian bulla, W'"- Liiej Eut of Hillsboro; nearly Au trains, atop on nag ai
.re old enough for aerv; a w JJ d habitabie house. Sixth and Main; at Nortt Em?
7 . MMnatANMl HOl8teinlfvlc WMiooa amall J . .Inuifx it H ttk llld Mr
iwo yuunH v - ia i.. bam. cniciseu ..vv, 1 anu i n 'Vv,-,'
t? iin Knii ea vea. 6 and 3 weeka "" . ter. A arreat and at Tenth street
Aiit-A. Bendler. Cornelius, Ore., C one wanting small sVnTservice. ; Old Depot
m 1 - 1 n .nnrn mukw.. - - ".. n n Tl-lr. 1 .
Route IS. leiepnon. ... home-
Farmer 398.
. ... .!..!.. mAni.A h ihe Siitcra of 8t. atanr. afforda
ai,p.rlottdawUi.l adwatagea. combined with the loflueiict of a fied
home. It It delightfully rltnated in the healthful Toatatla Valley, only ia
aiilaa from Portlaud oa the Soathera rci6c car line. FulUPrlmary, Intat
aiedUte. Gtmmr and High School Coartaa. Separate dVpartment tor
tttlo airle. Thoae who with to prepwe for the teaching profeBloncaa find
tht Teachert' Training Cootie amply equipped and prepared
mil k zra nate from ihiaconrte teenret a Teachert One Year C bifida
vlthontexm mtlon. Bxceptlonal o;portanltiet for thoroagrnctlon
la tfk, Art nd Bpelon. A aeiy org.uiied Commtrdal ( Conrta
coma a period ol two yean, and fiu fo. any portion of i". Pot
a.k..l.r matlaa. or MMDectu. aaore . auv.wi-
The Bhntc Savings Bank
la an Old Doliable InatHutlon with
IXeaourcaa of over
If you are not familiar with banking methods call
and talk U over with, us and we will gladly
give you any Information desired. All
business strictly confidential. Ac
counts of Women aud Child solicited
4 Per Cent, FaW otv Ssvln(a Depoalts.
A. McCill, Prea. W. Mahon, Cash.
i A r m. ... tit t QarTii. Asst.
v otiute, Vice-prea. - w . v . v.R..-, - -I
. Caahief
SelectXmas Presents
To Portland
bine. Hillsboro. or aw I' p. R. &N. Train 430 p. m.
Hoover, on PW..Ku,"rJ: Portland
Baseline road leading & 9:15 KttL
aa 11 na.1 ircia
One b ack sow, zuneaier vjhw. ian:ior Tupper is maKinK mo
BOWS and 1 neawr it llast Cleanup Oi vnovui... iryuurir..
. 1 ia immediately. ..1 ...:n have strioned Tk.. hnrna.mMA and hard tO
musi oe -"'- -: tne rains m.u I . ',"T":,'nZ-,-tumn
Mrs. W. o. "" I all the trees OI men "J'v Deal. Aoeuern vwww."".
... . L f f I Glaflnn I" . . naagoira.
wucn nci Biatwi 1 while theneavy ioiiskc fivsaawi 0,1 .1 u
.IT.";" ino to oldl va tne A. E. Scott, of the
-! . .K.lf a COW wbw";-'- --- - . to: .;,.
For rentv ..--Kr n .d !w?nd r.M. KiTTiw. thi nn businaat the
acres, o-roo... A,nsn't mucn w r L" 3 ,
-..aunodo one miic vsw . v-1 fn am f AiKinu mk vvuiivmv. v .
nilLllUUOvm A 1IUKO waaw
We have a splendid line of Jewelry for
Christmas Presents. Make your selection
now and we will put them away for you.
Absolutely the best stock in tbej city .for
dainty and serviceable gifts.
: . 1 ffnn am"n .
L . . 1
Hillsboro. rer year. hlgn tenor ana p-12 milk cowl 3 are
Acareaa n. m. --ry - when tne r rog... -r---; "ade Holsteina, 9 grade Jersey,
au B V -
Hillsboro. ure. 0r conv-j -r --- - milk. fine milkers, 5 year-
H. T. Bagley returned insea- ling heifers; .toredHol.W
(roT'CaSfornir Friday; after ticea AffnSl
from,-!Li in from Orov lie to aion for all Winter, anu , gtorm g 5al
mannK .....d not look tor any hu. ----r- .,, Tolrh-a.
UllUboro. Orcien
isJ late Mrs. A. J. frost. " :