a Impcrtnt e& IZntl of rh treat anil k.. W were net rpeik U f 4m HU, fur tbt trunks of thua -aed -t-J bit I to a. th. UM4MJ ST " th UOt I m' b" . .kirt-ea tear - ' . ' iat aft 2ltu. .ttkberrMtt wtaabi Al the MWM there r th ihw to I pi r- prmst !'' mm himm- J total MOuw iaee ana rt below iba eurf. Maay ef la fctg .r aturb m ait 1 to dla end en ruit4 with l.oao annual rtt.x rWnaam, Ira, wkkb bad luurfeked U II native trt tut ax tbaa ibuutaad tkv wea dug Ui aiwturr Ira of ail e aarlw tvmt wlib ttu &u Hug, . ....; Neat Jry la by no tb only let hi Ik lab or the uul, p.rt ef la Wurtd Whnra LrhWt..rV- trm ar. l be found a prfa-tiy prrarrvad that evea (Mr rhara tavalk to te la lord. Near IteWra, (I, a Urga quan tity af thnber waa dug up al depth of frty frrt. tb im tovaaed k a Ihbk toyer of te tal nuid. and M hi autblng aaruwiuua la ini Ilk bl-aa fur tka aicgrra sf IU la annmtitrr tt trunk alily frr duaa In Iba auft arlk. TW Wuu4 Ihaa otalii bs lb beat oa4 la b kl. .). kUy fur tit raUdtri ork. la (if uuy H baa Urn teas Jba nMw t drwl. ba Wp k4 f Um Mala fur aarWui (., out r whkk Ik raaaa vf Ik Bumc Uxm4 4 wa kra roaatnkiL-Ki-bii( . . . A Misunderstanding r WBXARD BLAKEMAN A CLEVER RUSE Br VtUAM CHANDLER AMocUaralij j of Lycns I bjaraalaal KCLISH SPELUNQ. 4a a take kar riiiirtbiir. 0lfck4i HI kr bo m kill W m, k Hk Ika 4lMr. iftrT- b.4 iMda k-il ika kv Jrt, arfoftbterfto toar Iba MM) laW aarMllkllW. Z al 14 w,,f tbM r-Marf k-f. Wf-rtM Ik ataei- ea Liltf Ai H wart ky akt ww abjkt JTttat kar I ra A ikM V-T7" aUM.1 Irttrra, tml Ibrra k atrb ft loJ "V. "r,,"rM. w"" aywlaw tbout thrlr lUfHtba Ibat It .uk auaia Irak kiMrkawM kad M Va tka Warrfa VMmI m4 Tanaua, War ywt arar rvkt4 hf K(i(lbb apalllT II ul h a fuulUb qiiMHkMil Tka rw4 af Iba urbt b trr4 tw( ha Baa u uiaiKU a u attr at a Um taf Iba turrai t atUki of a ur4 fct a pwarlralor of Iba mb drt-rv. Put kow dkl our aimrb baptwt to ba that aawttttbarMlT Tba Vrrmb um ruuut kJ klai oa Ika cafc knar. Jak U Iba atukar. aiatiM Ika taM al tba Mil rtalkw. wlkM dt j pal Mai ika watar laak. MK'ajr vaa aad b lb r" wn" " laM alaiL aMajan Oh la ai k kad rarvall kallr4 af toaaatty. bad aaAdraly luar out aad bad aa4 aaward al a l av mil Koawrt. bark a I ,ttid ika aagtar. Itralc awtdraly. - a) bUa danclM BMT b0 a liala m imMm abwf aadrr a aataafkiad. Ibajvra klbMMHrd I M airar aaa. aa a boat la lkr bbm rrv ib rak, Tka Irraaaa'a Ufa aj vttt lb tla al ktuairtda af mmntn aa al alak. bad IMMKb la kta kaad aad airark kla aaWajrr oa Ik baad Mh . klrd , aui ia rtua bint laaiaad k rrnar4 kkltU.kllll41dklM. . Mra bltuj wa aval far aadl aa aww ' ai at at Hra brlrlrall9 crl Ika af aururla kr kmbaaiL Tka ' ajaaa M aadar arraai and la . gaj ladlriad for Ik oirf af Ika an , fkMar, Tbrr a a rombaralbi af kk atari fuilkar Ibaa rnala nm- 'am bar Ibal I bar Ibuuibl a tat trila a irarallbf ralkar fM. bawl in roaami r vary iniw. r aVO. b aaa tary Ultiaf aala4 f Bir.n fuaiul aataral lit ail la Ibat ! MraOa b war Hlbvi la t-Uf BmI k.iyf bad brra al aaMNr Ub .bar kiMUnd ami bad l krard lo ak ibrvata. Tktr mmp mum foua diitua fur Ibbv fur bb4 l ' ', bt awl an aucluavf, aa4 MKVir fN mw rvatua uukauwa ir4 lo blm Ht aViUi4 l bottt hint aarata hr . foralnl irunu4 lua. JUvra a I had. and lb Mfni M tirom acalital bUa. Oalr oar wr aw fuund I laallff Ibal b bJ kotkad irana aiibitt u Ika burl al , MrCor, bl dr ar Ibal bi vta at aaa aa aajp an. Tka atort Wd Ik Jurr bjr lb barvaird alfr tbriMfl) irara bad lHIff HTart. Ku an id orpbaa aud kad a oua lu lurir iba Jttr; la kla twbalf l) arpini for blw. Tk trial aa arar ihf ta aud, aad Iba rwaanja af iH'lu b aaa ibat ba aakhl b rakir4. tkoufh tbrr ijmpHkf tot blm by mm ef lb paaatagara wbo bad barn a (rata ba lb lra(d; ocvarml tad b cootldarad Ibat la aa al - tbrr bad bad a aarraw aaoap. TU trial did aot ub alac ar ' br lb aturdar bad ba coajtult (ad. and Jlioatl Caaalljr kaard aotklM raa ba auitrml by Iba avrrf mkxt Oarajaa I alMulutaly itcwHk-. aa ar Bkaat of lb lloeiunx-a lutinuva. Uraak M aruouunrrd aa tt aaa ivllnl, and UlM ht almtIMt krlf far aU that Ik rtaaalral arbutera dlMifrt a t Ika auoada of lb at and a fa a tba roanaaata. blata, rWmbardt bm aba waa artad ta prranil br lijt In lb arb of lb Atuerb-aa l-roi'W dM-lami, T-artUD la l a latiKuacai It bt vMrtit axvrrUa, aa4 Ha twlllnc U litipulUa." Many a arbuullor and llri ltl ar with kar, Wkal JuMirl.-atluo I ther fur aarb word a "virtual" wbb-b niuat b arottoonmd Jnt aa It waa ta tba day wbaw It waa MI1 4tt4t Aad, wblla w ar on tba aubkn-t af dnr aailr Imigtir, bow aball wa jtaattfy lg aa, a ltlug Ibat bi aMwatron la lb tla-bt af lb latifuaea' davalup anaal? I' I l' trlniil)ic of tba alnrturulb rvtiturj that word waa Idol a lib t-i awl Ibrr a pariantk fdddUl wba ut ou air wbrn ba wmta I an ua. thir arrvfilail aiiltng ta aa iMtltallua uf ba Fimub "latiHtta juat a tkiual W aa luiltaikia of lb Latla -YHualla." bambil duwa t batf bak d tcbulam,KL 1-uuU tibl 1iu rrat Want ftaah an Hi AwthaHty. Italia MtlMa'a atnsla tuarUug With frarman, Iba bUlorlau. waa In in M lar of a rulllatuo, "f raw In cwnlart wlib blm only , be mUL "lla wrula a Hf uf AICM fur lb llctl arr of Natkatal ttbni(by nnder aiy adllurablii, but it'llmd I do aaor baraaa wa bad a dlffawm of opln- kw a I whether Allwlatau abould b Hd Hb w 'A. Tbat waa, 1 roe (, a tturaiUxi la wbk h I waa mla My ImliffaroMt. I.iit I bad taken roa letit adtbw. and MiJT )ateu (I furget wbat II Wal bad Uil eNber aaaf Ikiuad by lb grvat bltian Mubl. Kow, aa rreman waa ier lUwd of a-rtlig Iba Infalltlilllljf of Hlubba, I innweiilly lltuughl Ibat I nilgbl Uka rrfiiua la-lilml ao rniliiiiil an aulbflflty. Tba rrault waa Ibat fur nwa lvmaB MiihiiheuMMl HlUbba and refuwwt lo ro- .1rat any bnigi la an unarhularilka MilrriirW." AWt Trvwbrldga. having baea gradw atd frm otba, advartlaad for a paat Um aa tutor la a rtvai family. 11 - a tiqtMai to call at a bona ba a auburtja ularo rallad (tbtadal aad wetil tbeaa aa aOaraooa t tad a bambwoia kouaa b lb cm tar of largo gMttoda. A ring at tba ball broagkt a amid, wbo nattered bias Into a drawing ra aud brft blm without waiting to btm wbo aboald ba aatmunrad. Trow brI, having wrtttea tkat a would rail oa Ibat day and boar, aapiMain' ba aa taper tad. dkl aU rail ber bark. lie bad waited auan time wbaa b kutked a nueroent of a arroew bafar a duur leading I a aid rooaa. Mac thera waa aa aiiporent raa ana for tta Ulng moved, bla rarbjatty waa asdltod. Uulug to It. ba kw.4 behind It A girt of binaUrw wa tfcara, wk bad evidently been avrtug aa blm. Ba kit iMected, he colored. "I dar aay yo thick bard af aa," aba aald, "but you atoat admtt tbat aa der lb rtrmmatanr 1 wuld wtak to ratcb a gtlnie at yew bafor uaatlng jm." "gutt ao," replied Trowbrldgw. aap Dualng tbat aba waa to be hb pupU. "1 darwaay Ibbt mailer b fur Ik beat, but It eeeina Tory cold blooded," addid lb girt "t old biuudedr "It tertalaly aeena (old blooded la tie, though I her la aa element of iw Biaor ta a girl meeting for tka Brat lima on wbo ht to bar ao Important n bttuur oa bar Ufa." Trowbridge waa aa mark aatoatahad U pmxietl. II bad beard of glrla f all hai bt lor walk ikehr totura, kat aMa aiieaUbc of raoaaar ta a aaa wtkta tba tutur bad aot yet barn aftfA?9 treated peeinatara. "1 raa readily ttwJeraUWl," ba aald. "the feelUig that promt 4ed you to da tlx tu aa ma bafur recelrlng ma, It enabled yon lo tura aa down at caa yua dkl not appro, ar, rather, it would hare enabled yoo to do ao bad I tot blundared Into totarruptlng your turvrf. "II waa I wbo Muadrred to attempt ing to wake a eurvey. Uuw dkl yoo oma to auepert tbat I waa behind th trreear "I taw tt ruck without aay apparent cauaa." "How atupld of nr 1 "I Bwppoa I an to ar your father with referent to tk angageaientr "Ctrtalaly. But b bt aot la tbla aft- raooa. Beakl. there b no burry. Th obbrt of tbkt vbttt k ruttreiy prllnd ury. being to. maU aa lo meet aad get arqualated. I aa aot to ba forced bi lb natter. 1 aa lo bar fun 1 lo rn; l do aa 1 pleaea, you, of couraa. baring th am prlvlleg." "Db, for ibat matter my mind made up. I am ready to make aa en gagvment at one. I aw dvllgblcd la having ao attract! a pupil." "la lb art of lovr looking wp arrbky. Miht waa prorwadtag tt ao raptd a pat tbat TrowlirWg waa aknuat rrtxhlewed. 8uru there aiuat be eoma- Ibmg uuaaparent at tb bottoa of It Wbat dkl K meant II tururdlb topic of funreraatlua tu tho couraa of luatruc (km to b puraued. "Do you Intend to prepare for col lager b aakL folk-get Ob, ao; Ibrra will b no Urn to go to college, Father aeeda rapltal at wh. Of court b baa tuW you all about Ibat" Tb punted look oa Trowbrktge't ft.- waa autkd by tb girl, wbo tddwl." "It rant b pooalbl tbat papa baa ar ringed tbkt meeting without baring auida tba buataaa trrtngcmcnl with yoot" . ' "I bar not aaea your father. 1 ad- rrrUaed fur a poaKkw aa tutor and re- On ainmlng to autumn, while taking aa eat lac ta mr touring rar. I cam apoa as awte ataudtug In tb road wbkh bad ertdecdy brokea duwa. A taaa wa attempting to Bod th break, walla a wiaaa aat to th rar. t pull ed up baatda tb eoupl and aaked If aaytbtog I could do for "My wife," aid tb man. "waa go- tog to tb railroad atatlua at Mont roe a ratrb train, but that mlebap baa delayed aa. Sue you are going lu tba appoatt dliwrtloa from blontroa. 1 coaclud you win paaa througb Water- T tbkt I nodded aaarat "A trala paaata tbrougb Watertoa at a'clock. If you would ktmliy ca ry ay wife t tbat atatkm ah would k to taaa.- "1 would b pbaaad to Uk you both. There to plenty ef room In my car." "Thank you vary mock, but t mutt remain with ay aarkbi and aerara a workman to 01 It or get It towed to a gtrage." Ihirtiif that brief dialogue tb Worn aa, wbo waa vcUad. remained to the car without earing a word. After m offer tb aaa went to her audita Id aoawtbln to a tow tone. Wbat tt wat 1 dkl wot kear, but aba appeared to glv a ready aaarat to It, for ah got out of tb car; the aaa took up a tult caa and pot both bef and the caa la ny auto. Uavtof abut tb door and glrtn bar a prtaaur of th band, he aodded to n lo proceed, and I aUrb Mb tt wa aunVaeatly tot to tb aeaaoa bx fur raa. and tb tody pulled them ap to fcr ckto. th partly removed bar rail, aad I aaw tbat aba waa young and quit pretty. But when the pal ea a pair of dnat gogglea there wat very lettl of bar face expoeed. W bad aot gone far before w met an aulo coming at a furtoua pace. Ia It war two men. tb drier and anotbar. Aa they paaatd aa they aluwed down, aad on of tbra called out aometblng that I did aot hear, but th other, wbo waa driving, turned on full ieed. and they wr noon met to a cloud of duat W reached tValcrtun In bolf an boor, and what waa mr wirpruje to tc tb todya buabaud aiaiulliiK on the alailoa puttortu. lie i4 a iukk glam at Iba copilng train, thru al m rar. evfcieuilr litut.'iim Um Ula tint of each. aulkniM Unit we aliuuld bt to lime. I Mit mi full hn1 t1"1 reached tb platform Jim n the tmlii waa pulling out The uiait m-ianl the alt bfttt,, the rv-4 rii..liil Bn-I akl to lo remov 'U reapootled to aw cloaedltb) atoar MdTr.lto.i -ilS and Ibat prevention rlv a JtlL itTrJat fc n Ittaii mre. atored " fJ5?JS- w.y.- lB- TSL v'JtSatwt Aa aua drov npfto a boaflug pb-d aabMkjrlngifat Bom, aad tk c copanta tody, aald to tfcekauataai 1 "On i up t the tfooaa T fttgwor Wla mnUiand tell blnAtbat Mto tfraaxto wattliut for blm," The chauffeur dbappwarcd and w-1 f weak a mum turnel followed by aa Jtaltoa yiihap thirty lyear ef age andihanrtaeraa aaa pkl'ur. Inatead of kioktog pleated, at the appearance of tb girl Ja tk carJka knU bat browa. "Coin fur drive," aha hi "1 cannot," b replied aat tbousa aa- aored. hJl bo buay tbtoaft. "1 fear Jin pi tomorrow Tkto to your toat opoortuitky to b wttfc aaa." Th utaa avukl out repreaal took af pkauro atithto. 11 haattataa. taaa got Into the rar aad behind bba. "Tab tbo Apptaa Uidr to the driver. After threading aeverab atraata tJkey paaaed througb a gateway) aad fouatf thenuwdvea oa Hiat great reed vkfefc reaturie before bad becartfca favortt thoroaghfaiw oC tb BoBamaa. Thaw wa Uttl aaidi bet we taaa. Ta man mad aeeknl efferta t atart a conreraatkin, bait tbrr all tolled. Tb woman eocusd pwKxawad- It bar companion bad bee placed a aa to look ber to the-face b woukOaaaaa a dangeroua glitter to bar; yw. Aa they reaed varkxa objects rf bT eomiaulo endeavored to fcal ber In them. Conilng tola rlua, a building With aarb fur orua containing that ataVaa mi dead, be proiKiaed that tkef lualwrt fct "no," ak rwpttod;."! vtok far ajar ger comet ery ioday. ; W arffj TaWatrwa wb fa Mtmla Bereral mllea froa entrance to tbaaa 0 fclbl fctt tti offft 6 aaataa or remedy f"r tb forwier. but for tbt wttev-. arrtottaly apeakton. much cdktoaoa. Tb Irat tmpow to th -a of an toatrt atlag to lo ttrtxe the offi-u.!lnC mil 1. tad ta dobig bo to mamt raee aaoany tear the ln t away frwn tta attog. arartog tb attsg to the flesh. It k) tk Irritating pnfcwo he aetag tbat buna a badly and rawu- gVk tweUlng. to the very first thing a. . fct tat remote the ating It k-ft In tka Sa. t'ae a knife flnt or needle nauriote. Then, don't w ratrb r rub tto.t" '1'J,, ""'y mk,m bod aatter Vorae. AppI a few dropa f weak anautu M " i"rl1" or ordinary ttott hi,n " qultk' fy at pueeUito. . . Ntomrt etlnsa la aetable ta ak-oaol. and Ibrm. tTucinj ooTy may bnrt the vole ennugb t fU ckwrneaA, and freqwawt ur result to a permanent Beat before ueing tao vole aad I car kot to aa tt to bag Wbaa ajkff tog r tpeaktog are tk tc aat keep tt clear and tweet and grraa H rarrylng pwer. ' therefore If tb apet be gently btthed or "" naally. If ammonia, eampbc odn -I ar aktibol ba not arallatrle, gent., rob- hint a n? wet auap over tb n , ilu mil Uttrbm Mit aaaiewhaL a T . . . . . i t. . , .w light aad tk Sliad. IJrht baa aaa, even If I will not tee It Itortng Ooetfd aa tostitotlo for tb bltod that built to England wltboui Why." argued tb roaattttoa, we provide window a for raaiMit Be out of tkeat" I ventllatlo aad beating war prattta. bat tb walla war left aapfcaiwat iy an pan of glat. But aooo tb poor toaaua grw and a great languor feu apoa They were reetleea The fett aVk. aad TW tt area that tb Caaiwltf ed to even window to tb uraBa, la earn tb healing Bgbt. aad tba kaata AV; THE VOICE. Hvbo abut I Nt f et nt Talk Wha Sofferie) F.a TrA Fatigu. Kul! Intnrr t!ie vob-e. lUceaatve ear uf 1 Ik- toe w cakeoa tta carrying power, b'rtim vcroxe or Improp" awe of the crnk-r a rhrunk- pharyngltla do- twlopa. Every one knowa the tymp ana of areerune of the voire. Th voice fc) kaky. antl lu ua to followed by die tram There bt an liarreaM to eecre rjaa aad m rona'ant dtnlre to clear the threat aad there ar dbtagreeabl aen qittaai. aa fullneaa, tickling and the Kb. After a long day of a hopping. Bhjtitteelng; or onc'a dally routine of ark. fct to qalte common to be trou ble! by BttartMiaa. which doe aot to dtcata a "cold." but to aeroly fatigue af parai which produce tb vote. Tb anarutor ayatea all over the tfcar toaa bafr to tkd, rotoxed. Tb throat U- a attniir atrnctura. aaarea ia mat 1 to tb awr- . L . 0y. . rTJw to give It thai iMMm. -r towwaaf aa CTai aw.UT-pW gaavaa , . . . a A . wj cbeckerea kJBtory. it a. w h ammAA .m. n kb, ywaru later tt kad developed tot tb ef an tndeoeodent BrladpaUty. A of tt brra, and wba ibey left tba auto aad Jotaad a tlghtaeera. A gskto led tb way a marbla atairea. and at tk all were provided with, I'lynn took poatttoa attn line, which contpolled Jtar acrt to dfraa fatigue. the Bam. They paiiBTl tkroaga a aar-1 PnbUc apeakera and tlngera Uk ear voicta and never willingly at lotig enough at a time to weaken fattoaa. aad tt aboald never b uaed for f I aay nartVular nurpoac. Ilk alnglng or Ncitlnc. until tba wbo! body to rented. If aa toaa arranged to ua tb vok-e at tka ctoa of th day or at any other tt aboald wot be when Buffering of aa Independent prlactpaMty. a further tope of fowl Bod tt a wealthy plac I a bbthoorlc. But 11 1 During tb Buaao-Poltob wara af atxteentk ceotary tta 40.0W 1 were exterminated, and LatoK wa i Importaiica-Uadou Ckroafcto, tVMiTa Iran PHilar. At DafkJ thor tta aitota aa tT nOtor Qfty fact kick Inckea la dlaaatar, aada f Ktr nound bjooaa wJdad toawxaaa. TUB alitor, tt to Buxrattad. i aa tb doyca amoag prodacta af heavy Iroa Induatry. ckabtoof wl of tb aarly "lf CBrto-l Hie Tb dent tot abould make a faai aot dter." , "Why aot" -He't drilling a goad deal f tka tlwe." -rVwtou Traw'rll't it Heneet f rale. Aa bonoat compliment waa tbat paW I U. da VeuduOl. Wbo, Wblkt CO- m.u.11.. ib rmx h army In Italy, dkt-1 .a a utter Baking a to calk" ml bed a ytiu nobleman to announce mrtbar explanation waa Interrupt i hi Waaler lb vMory wbh'b b bad ed by a youug waa being afcowa aalaatl at "ntaara. Tk latter wblkj ta,a tba room by tb aald. Tb lady tnrnipllng lo dc rib lb bad akl led up ta Trowbridge aad waa . Hnu much cnufuaod to amine ar aaar bla. Tba awly ea- Oa attatoi ! ato aatkarcaa JJ wbpn. ,l0,ough tba btog (pring guett Btartaa. tU. pulling kta- prearrved kla gravity, in i-uci - tew toaww. awvnn ..a. .ha .at Kreaent. tougbed -im Mr. Waloraaa,1 JL-n. .k.i .t laat lb young g bar com ta accordant lleaiaa aald. "Hire, tt to eaator for fct da Veudotu to win a baltl ibaa for at lo duet-rib It" Ik ia lupper aad toaarkaflt "ikirrrt baa baaa ceavtai." "Wbu't bogartr Tba atukar Wb kjltoi Ik Ifctt Auguat" "Wbat tugtaaarr Mr. Conoliy told kla aaa lb atari af tt murder. It brought back tka n kttabranc ef tba atskt a kad aa wblla oablai oa tb lab. "t area aa Mglaaar laat aaaaar." ' W aid, "daada' ta bla cak wklto Ik aftB waa ruaala' wlkl" Tkt wu all JlaaJa bad aaaa, but It aaprtatad bla fatbtr aa af pattibto ka orunc bi tk MaOay aaaa. Tba ail atornlug ba raltol ap by pboaa Bag' aai oereiMtor. wha to tor I wad Jia . nd ay roapartaf aatoa kad ctork i diecovarad tkat J total lad taaa Ua Kneie Mar, aka.Re.e1e. dear, there to aoraetblnj of tb obi tun kirrUght ta yoar loatobt-wrtuW.g alut you thatr mtoda aw of lb. awt day of teal aa, I bop you Div--muck d yod tnto t,meT HeoaeheUI MlnaraJ. anibui ntirCKBUTrr w . . no Quid, avrcury, with arrangement with your" At tb aaa Waterman tka tumiicd from tk aofa oa wbtob and TrawbrfcU WB tb bad baaa ttanf by a waip. "Ar yok air. Watarnaar ab solteday of tba newcomor. "Certainly I'm k. Watarmaa. waa aayrng"- "Aad wbo ar your aba deniaaded angrtly of the other aaa, "Km Afexandar Trowbrtdg. , Aa I waa explaining to yoa when tba ft iktmaa entered. 1 called to ae you about a poeUloa aa tutor" -Ob, my aoodn graciouar scmwr Aa I -oiy oa th day r ika auroer. . - -- . ,n .wf baaa aaatoacad, aad gwv.v " Romra bad aet av v we waa BHTeri v...--. -m iron. nkkn. nn. . 'r.nA .ithout further remark ""' :Z.ZZ. SaTweptoutoftb.r-.awltl.th.alr of aa oundad quaaa, j. Tbr wu ao nBmnt of a tutor, nor wu thera aay dtoeuatloa of a ouurtag ajrraafanton btwan r. Wateaman aad Mta Maud natbariag toa wbertby bar father wu to ucura i.i aara kla from bankrupt. wk maat toruru to to kla heart Quarto. ' , (tnd to tb Btoad, aad afttr coaaati to the defeat bad auUbriabad Ik fatollal facto tb by told bow b aa ak. - - - - tk. w- w engiavar aaaova T I . . .... . nA. o toor and tba trata raaalai wild. aouv . Btora Iba tralk null tka bik oa Ooid to on or tn gruuv .""-11 pulled through wunoui vvaier- i.uL ir.rr. L-rTr. 1. that muiur of mme i" mm)muemL vtmtuaity ItahVk SrrwnSltad that SL. It haa with 'J' 5Ter t lh atokar. tbat th ! of certoi a "nn" portanc then tht of tutor. Nvertn Rotten wu aeauHtaa and bkt Bal cpmpouJ randort goM . lea he wa. never forgiven for having WftruX.tm. l.ta"t thi gSrlcld. Th.kmUtu'rtbl. ht f,rt who rtoe htt Hnea, XXSVSmfS - .SThI chloroform to oml JJjB f, l0 Wtn and bug bla. advent Bthyl. w ortT L" h"T 1 matrtmonto pur- Bog.r, w promotad t bt ougtoeer Jihrt ,nd m'1 Trowbrtdg doc aat wiartot Mrocelv.PSraT pummel. Zi'g by th ptaanatf. whoa Htm k o hydrochloric at-M 1 n dot. aot t$n ton bad m.-ui n U k vta r..7 ,m. The tolutlon takea p" raautraa ao rtftrtac t taa rto alowlr la lb cow t" - " wnatevar. "man and la now k dlrtotok Mparto. gkjwly tiklrnt on the road. mnJI llnwMla it af to oa laattog. Prwhlatarta Troaa Undar tka . larth1 turfaaa. . tta know ad about mtotog, af , at aaaa a. u. -i -m aba Wm auuw in port wa votaya aa i " . i.h raoliutoad from th IMiiif th Imdlvklutl with a grooth. Aartii, IHCj M iroa, coal, talt and Xoa tott with ma. . . . , , IVIHmS m hut -I uld. 'Hot "&T T" nra sol, Ifcd yt tkr Wfci ; a tu.. out ! uou to , wwirulg , wam tba atoleg of whlto aokr waa cumnaoi o . -:-.,., 'Ob, b of tba moat Important t4-trtoi fatooui ami "'iTu.raid - la AJwaMlaa. I 1. nlvait Ma nam fTOBI tk najanin. ... I veUBBUajMi WW!" , . ton tab r.9:X2!S which MttM-d lo rutiivru Ibaa bto wife. ml Mb hur rtrd to the tralu. climbing im hen It wu la BBOkloa. tly route thenceforth kl me latt k a few altoa froa Waiwion on the road I bad com lo a rrtauroud ou which I wu to change direction. Aa t rod along 1 wondered how tb man I bad left wtth tba brokea dowa aulo could hav raacbed tb Watertoa station ahead of ma. I bad aot bad Um to atk him tbla or wbat ba bad done, with bht car. I bad nearly reached lb croawroad when I mw coming a car with four men ta It dragging auotber car. By tbla time I bad become a bit auaplcloua tbat there might b aometblng wrong wlib th coupl I bad aiejletcd and that poaalbly I might bar been help tog uiHkaerrtng persona. Seeing the auto dragged along caueed me to re frain from letting It be known what I had been doing, when tn men cam to a point oppoalt a on of them, looking bard at me. uk): - "He bar, young follow, wbo waa tbat woman you war driving toward Waterloo awhile agor I rccogalard blm u tb chauffeur of the auto I bad met after taklug In the tody. There waa nothing lo do but to tell the whole alory. which waa Uetoa ed lo wlib engcr attcutkm. When 1 bad eulNhnl the man wbo had atkad lb question mm lo a, evidently muchcbaRrbicd; "You have bctied a wctoua pair or Iblerea lo get away with a big tot of ploudrr. You have dona It Ither aa a confederate or a fool." "You're the foul. Winmonda," uhl another. "I anutM you lo atop 'aa. but you woultlu i wnlt" "I dldu't dtvout Hie woman would torn back lo meet im," an Id tb other. "It wm a uitekty clever trick, put tn on of the other. "Oentlemen." I aakl, "will you oblige bjm by axptolnlng what baa happened r Tbla wit th explanation: A butler and a ladya maid bad got away with iVLOno worth of Jewcto. They bad take on of th autoa belonging to their matter and mad for a elation on a railroad. Being mtaatd. they wet followed by tb men ta th auto I bad met Their machtoa had broken down, and had 1 aot aalatod them thay would bar been captured. It waa a atrok of genlut on lb butler a part to arnd tb maid back to tb Waterloo atatkm hnn him. Boon after I toft blm be captured a macbln at tb point of a pistol and mad ror waierwn oy a coi off that 1 knew nothing about In time the Jewel were recovered, but tk procbtua pair eded tn keeping out of tall 1 bad aome diffi culty In clearing nyaelf from a chant of baring beau acceanory lo the crlm. but I told a atrnlght atory and Mrntob ed proof of my rwpoctablllty. Tbla autlaAed lh Judge, who, after glvlnit me a long torture on the -tnpldlty I .. iiianlaved. klwlly dimnargva me. It bt caty 'or a l o the bench to b wlae. ' When He Waa tavitb. prwuui you ttlll rrnwinbrr yonr wedding trlpt" ' "Tea. Indeed. Ami I often wfch that row corridor, oa i poeed tb bone tton. "Come," uld Vtocontl; "wa left .behind." aa be aotlred that companion loitered. "Would It trouble yoa ta b 1 alon with mr aaked tbagtrt by way of reply. "Wsea yoa were love to me at my boa ta Twzaa y ought every opportunity bVt away I from other with ma." Tb mau'a brow darkened, bat k mad no reply. Coming to i here the corridor divided, to tot Flywa aaruck Into tb on wbkh tk party had not taken. -Where ar yoa gotnfT man. . "I m golug where w aball aot b troubled with other." "Heaven. Bullyl Pont yoa kaow what it meana to b tout I cvinbaf. " ' "If you arc afraid go after tba fa- era." The man Hood ttlll: tb gtrl wwat oa. I lie called to her. but ah paid a bawd io him. Tbcu be raa after ! bad gone aotue dbtanca, to far tadaed I that he mw only th dim light af bar candle. He followed fatter aad uo with ber atandlug ta a apaca t iba corrfctor ODened Into a aUBBr. Then a he turned and faced blm. w b m l. - a aatnoav vuun laivai mmm "No; w wtU remain bar. Owe, atu. a I " ' i .i.j!. . t. wet Maadto aa IHUlsboro Rest Kosm, Second St., wnere visiuog laoiea .. . vw- .... . , , , - ':" -y. -: ' -St .( . 1 : i i-l ( v I by tba grant gatt toy borne Atlantic, when Wl th aanda cubed tou aald to a: - '1 would rather die with ywa aat on the bosom of tho water taaa If without you,' Now I aay la row I wonkl rather die with yew la then aubterraneaa Uby rlnxba tbaa Bv with out you." The man paled- "Too da aat kaow what you a r 'saying." ba leaded "We are tn danger. Already tbBJda bu ted the party far froa wa. It WBI b pur luck If w Bad tbaa agato. If not w may wander here tttl wa art atarved." r "v vriu die tocether." "My Ootlt Are you ta txnttr "Were you ta earnest wbaa yea played Claude Melotitto to ay Ptol The only Uiuut tnai Mvea at inoai tag your rtuiw waa that yoa heard ay father cattle to be a hundred head to stead of thotiMnda. You dlaappaaraa aa Buddenlr u you bad com. Xoa dtt not know tbat he bad Bold bto ateen and put the money Into cottoa. 1 camt here to tell you ta then catacemb that I am rich." - "Rlchr eschtlmed the auua." -let; rkh enough to buy yoa a pak aca tn tb heart of Rome. Bat what li that to ua aowt" . "Nothing untoH vr caa and otvr way out of here." - The girl toughed. Then, asBumtoi a tone even more cutting taaa bafor. aba tokl htm that ah would at wkb blm In the catocombe. bat woald aet live with him In the world above. Tbaa she blew out bto candle aad M They atood ta dnrkaeaa, . When the rmrtv of alffhtaeera up the atnircaae by which they aaa a acended tbe guhto, tonktag arer kk flock, uilsard two of th party, a aaa and a woman. Sen re ber were neat eat and at the end of the nrcond day found Andrea Vtocontl In state of rampa. nia companion was discovered ta aar It the Mine roodltkm i mOe away from blm, - " Thev itwor met agate. their headqqarters daring. Bargain Week y- aonaguoac timma ont w rsowTi www voaacco 1 1 . BluTt f W,C-M SwSJ.'SS. IrmBeaavTOBae a! ' I NlfWVHr 1 A L.wtiagUMa I J J jJ 1 Tost akv aajaajal i 2Z nmrud th optlmtotto pa J 146a, tnd th foltowlc m, Mad hd .oi.ili.l l '..re aa ramariu JMrVl!aaala TUttle Va ,, for mouvy as be on Not miaugh to notice," tM S'glm to aa Indian vllto Uat Hrtt Journey we took Metl.er. - rm "NO WOB . RO F " L. nuaa aid laWS K.U IM PlWU. dnnt t1 built on pltoa taaa by OJada and Aaar- 1(0 Vtepocct v Qrul BI1af. ' ' "Law booka very dry." -Rtlll. I enjoy readlun them ofcaaioa- V.. aw.M alan AHttt ally. Tlicyr tree rrum -- )etrolt lpree Pre. 1 " ? Hla DeRnitton. "Beeldea being tiresome, thai fellow baa a rote wbkh gore right through aa. ra Battc!- aoaetbtog al a Net Bealally Nr rniwially, ttot I Kfjt HwfM( Tww .... - Brer get tttmgt Or. rather, wk th North caronna ataw beltn-1xth with bee. and Hurta Mk tb abwbtof. doeant tt-both getting atuag by b and tottlM atunc otberwtoet Tor r ther kind uf fatting tun prvveouoa u better tbaa cure, and disc ret km to the beat Dart of Valor. Tact diplomacy and aoa r-anmtat will ward off aaay toattaaea af gx- ttaj, atVi J th aasl wcU tj wcS a fellow's been . VV brouaht up along-c:do cl rich tck:ccof he naturdly L-izi to f!ive hia friendo tho bzzzJl aa ah . . . i ", cf tb3 fccts. And cvrczvy vzs? r-p bi Cir friends cbcut CCczlXrzo C&?. A tula b:t ttic3cdr"' V;' TM t . -nrv.v fcaat a--, r r r-e- jifui Tatonte wnaaBaaas-' ,. - ir - w. atraai ltiwf 1r-Ji iwifj r J t :t arrtairto V r..:a. Uat'a a.ly H la 1- UJ i i tw-a af eat, tl fct aer-U CMdttlltKBtNirrll Oct ts-l tirw t t. . i:r r r I . few Jaraaf . toy fair oamm low. Loaiaviii .-