r : I' ; i l it j I t r M fi. i i v. . ' (j!t Ik" , 1 I if 1 It r; i rziPc jsa KCi - at iftata hud aawsteti Ma. u. A. taUM, ruat OfEc'tat Pfr stiripUoai tl-W r kratI t- i MeaUMfST WONO The British government fcas Ukra over millions of bushels of wheat raised in Canada, and will set it own price on it. This is. iio-ne rule with a vengeance, and iioieof the exigencies of war. Washington County will have a campaign for better roads in 25 road districts, in 1916. The special tax voted will mean, the laying of practically twenty miles or more of macadam, besides re pairing some already laid. President Wilson will soon be in double harness strain, and newspaper readers will be glad when the event is over with, so they will have a cessation of the sIod eivert out each week by the bijr papers. Jacob Wismer and son. J. -J., were up from Cedar Mill. Mon dxy. Albert Friday, ot Banks, was in town Monday, en route to For est Grove. S. L Hollenbeck, -of above M'juiftaindale, was in the county seat Monday. - C Geiberger. of Tualatin, was yap Monday, with the report of his special rad tax election. The district voted a tax, 24 out 25 voting for the expenditure. Geo. W. Stitt. one of the old timers of Beaverton. came up to the county seat Monday, and transacted business at the court i house, , Mrs: Mary Burdick, of Cedar Mill, mother of Mrs. J. J. Oester, died at the home of her daugh ter. Thanksgiving day. The re mains were shipped to Kelso by Undertaker Patterson, the last of the week. Some folks say the church is in peril. Is it? If so, what is it? The oastor of -the M. E. f u .:n u.: .UUItU Will UI9VUB3 IHIO DUUICVl .-Sunday morning under the CSD-ito tion. "The Peril of the ChulTh.,!!be',l'Vli',tfoJrlJ1!,,'1TiIlfl At night the subject will be "A Pilgrim of the Infinite." A cor- dial invitation is extended to tfou to enjoy these services with U - Sheriff Reeves Saturday re ceived a wire from the sheriff at )alton, Georgia, saying that he had received the photo of the prisoner sent - from here, and that he is Ed. Bishop, under pos itive identification and wanted at Dalton for murder of Win. Corby, on Oct 14. at Dalton. It will be remembered that Bishop vas arrested at ' Gaston, by Reeves, just after the prisoner Friday Night Only SEE EDWARD ADELES IN THE MILLION A thrilling Mystery Farce with as many laughs as the title. Trices 5-ioc. IN 5 REELS 1 F 4' s fcad quit trerk il the Bclnlan mill. When abruptly ked his name,- before being placed unddf arrest, the prisoner answered "Bishop Burch field." Reeves has always contended the man was Bishop, but this the prisoner stoutly denied. Reeve had his picture taken at once and for warded, and the Georgia sheriff will be here as soon as he can get his requisition papers. Bis hop does not yet know that he is identified beyond a doubt, un less he makes a long guess, as he has been placed in a celt by himself since the receipt of the last telegram." . - S. P. AND P. lL& All. except the P. R. & N.. trains are electric, and stop at the de pot on Mm strjjt To Portland - -Forest Grove Train ... 6:50 a. m, McMinnville Train T:3t a. m. Sheridan Train , 10.02 a. tit. ! Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. ra. McMinnville lram ....-2;ld p. m. Forest Grove Train.. ..4:10 p. m. Eugene Train ...4:55 p. in. McMinnville Train 6:40 p. m. Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m. From Portland Eusrene Train arrives ..8:15 a. m. McMinnville . 9:45 a. m. 11:59 a. mt . 3:15 p. m. 4:30 p. m. . 6: 10 p. m. 7:15 p. m. ...9:00 p. m. .12:15 a. m. Forest Grove Forest Grove Sheridan McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove McMinnville A 1 1 trains. stop on flag at Sixth and Main; at North Range and Fir streets; at Sixth and Fir streets and at Tenth street Steam Service. . . . . .. .Old Depot To Portland P. R. & N. Train 4:30 p. m. From Portland P. II & N. Train 9:15 a. m. SUMMONS. Ia th Clrcalt Court of th 8UI of Oregon fr lb County of WarhlngtOB. hmnia Cotipor, I .atutttl, TS. I.ll f!. Cii!r. Pefomlaat. To Dor J C. Cooper, tlcfeudant abov naitiMi : In the nam Of the 8tl of Ormmn Tou r hereby rnUirvl to npiXHtr ami aunwor the cuinplaint .' tb plnintitTi fllod liereiu acjn:t Tnu In the atnra entitled e mrtaiid miiioMin ir lfrihHth riar of Jannxry, ll'Ifi. raid dale Iwii ic after the riptraii.m of oil rerk from the first piilili -muni o! the Huminonii, and tf you untiifinMr anjwer !irr-m'aiiit ,.,, ,n.r,, th. ni.iniiir.il - th0Hirt tor tlw relit f irarl for in bniula ot matrimony now eiMting fee In pen Hie defendant and the plaintiff u in ihn grounds l il'fiil iln-rriion on the part of the dfi;dnt, and that the rxre, control and cuatoly vt the miner ihild of the platntitt and defendant. Vrank Cootr. be irirea to the plaintilf, and fi rsu.'h oilier anil further relief the (Siun mar deem Juh and rquitabla Siis Suniixona in served upon you by licallou tlierenf li the li IllslMtro Argns, a nHwxpa?-r printel and publish el in WaMiiiiKton County, Mute of Oregon, an I pursuant to an order of Honorable Menrxe K Baeley, Iul(e of the abjve entitled cnurt ml cauae, duly inaii and ersterod on the 2'ih d- y of Nove . Iwr, lMli. tiaui Kuiniu na ill be published for an ciscuUve wewka. J-ihn ) ihillock, Attorney for Plaintiff, Portland. Ora. : Date of. (first Publication, December 3nl, Wis iatof Last Publicatio .January 13lh, 1916. . Grand, Theatre r : J) u it. 1 h 'ij, VAVt Y ft m ' ffifP WW fcLLEaitf Ntftk to CMloH I lb Count :urt Pl th Sv of Oragoa hit Waaoingtua fount y lit ta Matter of tit Fatal of rwmflck Kottc t hmbj tivwttthat the ttob-t l tifttMlt, lUH ten duij appointed by tha ah..v att.ll.ltf.1 ItlUrt ..ttiii.it lr Alt k rf ' I tA .ij.in itf lf.li4WK SJ ..I IWwuhL mi baa duly qualified mi im'U. Now thvrelote. all pemniia having claim again aJ eit are hereby uotiaad and rtrtred U ptveeul tha mm lute, ber with (.roner v.-uchera ihri.o. t lb UBOVrasgiMid at tlM Uw ntti.- .4 Wlliuuti U. Hare, ix Ui Annneii National Bank Building, Hit-Ut. .rraMO, within i otottlba from In da: Dalad KoyeMber rd, i tiede-tvk Sohaf, Administrator ol lb mUUs akrMil. William 11 tir, Attorney for Admin buraior. Mdewaik Notice j To Klitaheth T Fry and K Toi Bite Notice la fcereby tfiven lliit flie City t'ouuctlof Uillaboro VVailiiiiirton 'tmly lreou, did, on November . I(l. Ul'ua trdiuanre Nii.wli. ahit'h a.iid uriiuatii n q ares that a sidewalk tie finairutted ou the North aide ot ttaw Line Wiw. in the City of MiIUdoM, tren, from the itouthweal corner of lot., Ulwk 1U In the Wot Hue of tieeond Htrevt, in taid t'liy. withia aixty day after the paaaaaa ol Mid Ordlnam-. and tbet iu building aaid aaid aidewal k the tit vation if trade along the property iiue ahaii oonl.inn to the etHoia' eluvations and Era lr aa eatab'.inh ed by the Or liuan.-ea of aaid lty, aaid aidewalktube live feet in aid in, tbe inner line to be oue foot ouiaide of thr properly line and hare aiu from tt property line K the curb of one fourth ot aj fnoh to toe fiMit and I) be eunatructe l of (ravel, rand and rwnent, upon a proper foundatiim in aiwontanee with the provisions of Ordinatica u t and eubH to the approval of the t'.ty Knuintwr And notice ts further hereby Kiveo that in the event you fail to con ti mand siilrwalk witbiu auty days alu-r the pawxe ol aaid ordinance, thr I lly Kiigineer aliall ronatrucl tlie tame al theeiuenae of Hie abutlini; pniporty. aa provided in Hm'tion 2IU. ol the CbJrter ol aid lily, said abuttioc pruiwrty bein oeaerilied as roiluaa: Lot 7, Block to, of the ordinal Town ot ililiaboro, Ur. K'u: name f owner, ot reputed owner, Elizabeth T. Fey. Liit 6, Block tt, of the oiigiual Tows if Hillsboro, O egin; name ot owner oi reputed cwatr, K. M. Tongue. Lot s, Block to, of the oiig nal Town tif Hillsboro, Origon; natue of owner ot ie;uted owner, K M Tungce. Givtn by onlet of the Coarcil, this December a, 1915. I 1. MttCdasaick. Recorder of tin Uty of HSfcifre,, ( egoo. lanaKsrrA'O f J li fc'" 0 , Vhiing Saturday, A "Big 2 reel Clia;lin"Cnicdy i WORK i if you like to laugh see ; Chaplin work Hig extra Orpheuni at traction' with each of the f ab 've lea' u res See Tanffo the Bear on roller skates Prrces Friday 10 20 S it urday 10-15c Coming Mon.-Tucs. The Girl of the Golden West in 6 reels "ASbhtoln fQ Every Dr-ap , Hurt nrt ottilW I HE KNEW TOOMUCH By OONaLD dliutJUJN Kvarybwly know that I be bettla sin auKxtjr odk-laUi ta Kuala la srafi t"rom th k Upbeat to the hwet tnej HH-it tb palm to U cnawl twfoc tiki wlU da tWhr 4uty. ana favor rosta a great deal kuor. Tber waa one a geoenl tit Ituaaia who waa tutluiately cotutecteU with tbe Imperial family. Uut aft waa Alexaudvr KUeuoff. lie was a akiUfuj rouiauteHler, auil t blm Kvuala wi ludcUed foe Ita aalvatKo tit a certata war. Durtug that Uuut be a wiH-b troubieJ bf the raevality of offlclakt ta tbe sni'pljr departtuvut UeVoulU Ct neither fowl aor atutuuuitloti for hta trK bevauaa) tboaae aboee duty tt wu to provkW and forward them were waiting for thou who aoUJ to pa their wuiuilsKtoo and thoMr who forwarded to rerelv the earn pevuubtry atten ttou. tit-neral Rternotf waa a fery enee bTtW man. and after hia vktory de teruilncd to Uriut aotue of tbea offl etuis 10 JustU'e. lie niloyed aevret aeuta to trac tb cauaea of tb de ls; that had Incnavetiteui-rd bin. but whvn thejr toude their reiwrt b foou4 im.-H-lf ctoied front pursuing tb mutter further. Ilfat Inveattirator bad trttrvd tb Kraft to certain imtud dukea bo had ten crttutg rkh during tit war. aud h believed that If be brouKht the tun Iter up ottVUilly be would proh ably U sent to Siberia ou soma trump ed up c burse. Tbe guilty iwranua knew that the eeueral was a war of their dettttquc rlva, but wert not aware what he lav teiHttd doing with the evkleut- la but fioaaeealott. They would hart united lu a plan to ret rkl t hliu. but his Tktorira over, tb eueaiht of Ituaala bad uiaile him to ptipular thiit they did not dure to acrua btm of auy crime, Meauwbil the rein-nil waa UotitaeiL wined aud dlued by the lofty and rbt-ered wherever he apnarvd lu pub lic by tbe lowly. The lotidv! la bit praise were tbott who bad com near thwarting" bht military aucreeMv and wero.uow huutlng for a plan by wbkb they could ace I bat Hp la caa be should think of et(tolnc tbeir pevula tlOUl. The general waa a very goed naa Fur from enjoying being feted, be pre ferred hla room lit the quartera aa Mi).ii(i btm aa a rowniaiider. lit waa exHeutbtlly a tntiu'a utau and bad very tittle to do with wouit-n. Out evening at a ball at tht winter pa luce oue of (be grand dukea told the m'ticral there wna lady preaent w I1.1 dexlred that be hotih) tw preaeat- ed to Iter ItlriMHift deniurred. but tbt would be lutrudiieer, who wna aa uo rh- to the czar, would uot be refuaed. itnl he wait altoKPtlior tou imwerful tt niid The general waa led up to a Siiilsli lady, who looked op at btm with a rlr of "Miidniuia like eye. wild h H-tiHil to nay. "I am tbt alatt of i!n wiirrlor who bns led hla troops to victory. Women bitd made open m!vuiii(a to tiltn ' They attacked btm throuch hla vanity aud through hla wiien. They bad all fulled. There waa mtnptltlng Inoipreaalhly timid In this t-'lrl' admiration, aometblug that M-eim-d to any: "I rau nerer aplr to ie imtlffd by yotu I only wbtb to ImU for a moment lu tbt light of your 8 lory. Itlzi-tidff waa tout-bed hy tbla wor lili of a lieautlftit girl almoat young eiioiiKti to lie hla daughter, fit return ed It tiy oakiug her to dance. 8 be looked up nt lilin with a frightened Blame, ns much an to any: "Tbla bouor cannot te for nab L I should not km.w how to U-burt In at etalled a poHttlou na tliat of your partner " Nevertheliwa ahe danced and with snob Krace t hat oihcra ceaaed to dance to watch her. Kvcry movement was (icrfiH t, yef It hm-micU natural, not cul- ilintttl ix-rfcctlon When tbe dance waa ended the Kfiit-ntUlcd hla jiartner to one of the liltle books Inteuded for ted- ti tcicH mill 1 lu-re Mfieiit tbe real ol the evening with her. 1'miii thiit lime Oeni-rnl UbwuoS imbl bin court to I hla girl and to ber only I ne?. CfmU-na waa ber aamt Who hIh- wna. how a he came to be In riled to a aiute bull, no one knew. Rbr did not i-lnltn to he noble, "lie was too well bred to be of tbt ea mm! i Iiik She wan Invited to all function where fJcncml iilzcuoff waa Invited. for bin utteiitliina to her were well known. On such occbmIour where ahe dnncpd wlie wn the center of all eye. mill It kooii cnnie to be anted thiit the nevi-r dnticed with any one except nizctiofr. WLcthcr no one ebte naked hi-r to duut-e or whether abt tonakler ed li mu ll mi honor to be cboaeri bt blm that It would lie a Micrllege to dance with nny one else did not trana pile. One nlKht rtlM-noff deimrtcd from the piilttce of 11 crantl duke nlicre n hnl wna In rmijrrcfw In a citrrlagt In (fotnimtiy with Ines Cnrdemt. Rbortlj rterwnnl flic enrrhme drove up to tbe BPiiernl'a qunrtpra. Whpii tbe door wa ojn-tifd ItlKtiiorr dead body was there with n 'ponbinl "ticking In his neurt No living Nrann wna In tbe entrliijte. People tu Iked, but only under tbelt hrentlL Information waa laaued from the ikiIihp- Hint the ci-ticrnl bail com to hta rtrvith fpom i-nnme or mime nn known to Hip Ki'vertini(-irl. nnd It was forliliiilcn to Wn the matter "filip wan a danr-er from Madrid.' mi M 11 rutin to atmtber In apenktng of me?, f'ni dpnn , "And the gpncrnl knew ton miirb" Hla Strong Point Kmiilnyer What aitrtal qunllflca I 'mm h:ivp you for IniHlnpaat Aipllciiu -r.very piucp where I ever workeil I nitiij'pd 1 he- flmr espehaea' liefore I left, liinploypr Ah, 11 n ptnilciicy pi la-rt! Apiilh iiiit No; I iiatnily atartiil in nt H 11 week find when I quit I wna gcttliiB f-".-.luil!e. Babies' Whitt Clethta. Apcnrdlnx to 11 lniilon ocullat. If white clothing for I hi I ilea i-ouid lip abolished, In a trtiiprnt(on thprp would be n n-r cent dii-renae lu the num. btt of peraona wltit dtftetlva ration. A Roundabout Way Br EUNKXL 6LAKB la tb eWea tlm wbca a dlvi aa a rarity such a thing aa a e.-par lioB between a youug eoupt but re- teatly tuarHcd waa almost ttukuowu. .Nowaday a bear f tacs dlioriT utt frjuutly. Amy tiJrHb i elshteeaj rmriWd cUiuavl Tttruer. afitd tweaty-flv, fltrted with a former ad adrer and ta tore atoatba they -" tmted. turner, deatrmg 1 tak all to bum oa blmaelf, trmltted th plea for divorce to go by default and wUlltujly tld the aUmy eed by ta On day when a payment tor ait aiotiy waa dot Ran it the check by mall with a Ut of .. attached elat ing that be waa tnteodlue to mU b ucit day tv Itsly. but bad left bv stnHtlotta with hut brother to awVe the paytuenta regularly for him wbti be waa abaent Now, by ttibs tlm Amy bad become sutlsued that ah had two wry un it U. The man with whom alwe bad dlrted waa a worthle-a fellow wtib ontbtng to recommettd btm but a band- some, etpreaaloulea fact and luuiiitco kit chHhe. Iter Mfratr with hltu wa inuoi'eut. exceiit that It slnuild hvt ociurreil at IU and scarcely, If t all. caused an lnterrutlu of hr-r love fur bet huaUunL The dttHilc IrviiliU-a hitil couvvrtol hrr frm a child into a wom.in. and ff aome Itnu before tbe rwl-l f tttt l.it aiimt. pataietit abe bad rcgretlinl l-r a tfc-'i sod denlrvd a rreotK-ftiaikHi Aud mow when alio a iretllni; tlrvd of a lung wiutcr Him ..: to aail for sunny Italy, white the left bcblud to atrtiiu-le with .tin rot of th oild aeaaou. blat ttetrripuiol to make an effort to I rina alal reconciliation aud go wlih lilm But bowl Th pritti-l truutiie waa he prU . All eould be rraninsl br tier H.f.. tug that she had ln a f-adt-h Uit'e woman and askiug hU rb-a f-r whnt alt hud dotie. Rut ttda waa out or the ttieii.u, Amy adopted a method whs h fit vrlgluallty aud ludirei-tnew wa tputf stoulahlug even fur a fmtt i-.rim nuaMt-vu yrura old r-he acut 10 bet lawyer and told blm that licr tm-l-anU waa atMHtt to gu abrotul iiml t-hc fi-ir ed she would not rei-elv her iitluiony What should she do? I'be ntimiH-j drew up a mier atntlug what -he IumI lokl htm and pravtng for H-mi a id tentloa till he bad given loiU fur the payment of bht otiihiatkuia while In foreign utnita, where fulled Mutc law would not reach hi in Amr ln ed tbe pnier with the atlpnlaili-n that when Pom aa arretited be ati-niid I lirought to the lawyer oitt aud Hu-n satisfy ber tn vran that she wouid fecelv tht alimony minlarly fclu also atlpulated that cl.a-t uinti l within call during thm Interview- "A vlergymaur t acta lined lb aHm bibed attorney. "Vea, a clergymanr Tbe lawyer haiktd at her acrutlni lugly for a few tuMiii-i.i, tit. t) pro reeiled to niilb druwlu the tlm u BienL "The waya of wmniin are piiii,. timet beyond the ken of the mot crafty lawyer." he muttered to til in elf. Tbt steamer on wbkb Hum waa i sail waa scheduled to leave Hie dut-k at 12 oVIiHk, and the iihi-Hiik U-twi-i-it Mr. and Mrs. Turner, dltorced, o appoliitcd for 10 lp the morning Tlwy were left tuircllicr In the Inwyera pri vale offlrt. "Don't you thltik. aaid Amy. "that tula running away to pt rid f your ubiigatlona to ine la very hiihhJ" , Tell nit what aecurlty yuu reipiire, and I will girt It. I am 10 aall at noon." , . "Why tbotild you who limimht about all tbt trouble between u lime all tbla pleoaurt befort you, while I re- raoin at luttiie holdltig my hitndar "I brought all thW trouble aNnitr "Tea, by your Jenuwsy of Unit ml.ll,. patea Cutifuce ItarktT." "DUiu't you tell me Hint you 'pre ferred blm to me and wna anrry yon had married mef "Yea, aud yn wcrp aniv ptio.iKti to ncimvt me." Bht aloud looking nt the 11-1,1, ... ih, at tht floor, then m n piriii!,. , f . premt iuirt Jud-te nn iln ill ,y where, every where pm-ih :-i , ITm i,, ..1 - . .. . , ..vi ...i.n, mi ,i, I;MI,I- III H,i , rr or tlie om Ktim wi-ni t i-r . ml lam ma own hiitid on hcra, t ..... U ...11 .... in- mnn, - 11,, ih-i (.vr- a . have been n couple of fisih." "Von nicnn you hare. What time uoynuatiiir "At I'J. In two houra frotn now." "I'd li!;i awfully to go too," "ho you menn It?" "Vea. I've nlwaya 0I,K f0 H,fl(J "P'li'a in iiiuy, "I'll Ant. n .... . .. w.v-, n"i8 nil tile nett aieamcr. 'Thcre'a tin need of that. 1 .'n .li.. phone mother to throw whnt I "need Into a trunk" (W trunk wna nirn,i,iu Ptteked) "and bring. It In her cur to th't. ivauiiT. "Flut we are not man and wife.' wo miKiit rail a clprgynian." damlnlc waa lirmmht In f,m t(, nct room, nnd tlir -,hiiIp tverp nmr rled. The trunk arrived l petv f time ot tbp diK-k. fr It hml Im-pi, a,-nt there early In the morning. "Wbo ean tell," miiiterert the affor ney, "whnt a woman la gnli,,? f (i0?" ' How many men have ni'H tlmt AOeatlon before with nn defter iimwr.r than "Qub'ii aaher . Silent enthusiasm. Cbarlea Rowley, In Ida honk, "Fifty Team of Work Without WaRpa," telle fho'uV8!!""" h,,l""'m A wtm en thttalaat, he wna t-llmblng Bnowdon and overtook on old Uim woni(lni ,,e begnn to dilate upon the auhllmli, 0f aeenery In Bomcwbnt gnahlng MowTm Thr,wo" tmld no a S t on to him. Provoked by her Irreapon. care for tbla magninceal aeenery r and delivered this aetller; eujtoa It don't Jabber." 1 A Worse Plnce TlianUp iu tlic Ak tH.e e.mii tf at a M'"1" 1 a.. ti.tna-l to a yiig b,g nw was. to Ni tlle-l..unva llni were m.i4IHt. a.nuil-htMettt. pleasure, all uituiH-d ol ttk. w.Mlr It u.wrvd to tut at . th,.t I ml "" b..ut t Ud I "i lB tat. My s-vimo ia by too iea of a h' ". '"l 1 dHetwlMwt iwt to ntilim dcfrtale. Vhu It I," I barW. "that I aa Birt frtc'ul if r jouthr -No , , "I have It. We were la lUUarri! Mi:i-ther U aumuc-r" -We were b"l." "rttraw," I s.tM. nwUtdnf a thottaiit fid t-tic au I ev ' -Ibal I " t im-mU r m d "iletly UO.I et .it,n' ' r ' vlivunwiau.ra' "I .! 1. 1 I- ' c ) ftnemU b' bg to-1 i- !; " I i tit, ,t ml . -.i f.'-ol Ihnl I dM a.-t. "Noter mini W hefw we th ikl. IKlttl' K "It i.t, I ill to th rhihU Mlltug In iicroj "l.ii.i-a, ',' Mr "Wor-e" l "m ii-y wrtt, )u eprak la rbl- ,t e: !'! cxpirtht" The t .li . Intic d t!ie eub-t. he mi tiisiiirf t-i-i- "urUliy M re to m-i -in itip iuliiiw I bad f rnwl 1 i -l I ni.t' I crurtaiHi to rail I' it H) a f lira w ti lit hii that at t'e fine. V id. Is iui iniah worried, I f tied tii ami! Kicai tf of lb amta s hi cran r I l illi-ea Went from lnd t worac wit It tin- The frtt B wbt I reil HtxNit ttmt I ,waa In Dtmaelal r? fiicul'r. ai it f w aa prvwae-t every S le for p;llik i,t. f aiVMOnU fur whk b t! ere to fttiU roidv lh t -nut i" t'-e ini't 4 rotntht tiie a teller f -.in a Im fini;ia A a 6 rut do- I g t! e i"W tUid t'f luMlliea that I 0 -t, sin'ii.i: th.-t tint' h.id twn aunWt atar- liul I ln--tNl fliula t Ible toe er dUVtittha and that they would l. I; 11 l i !. nin wht I tiutred. It U ii-itW to Mi that such gr enmity aiirf i1rd ii. I hitd known and d-me lunim-wi with th ruaevrn. but hid tui titct thiit It look any bt li-n-it In hie I called mt ll r Mimaai I'll lie -il of ! -ii,ttt. and offrted to 6mke ti ilu-wi'iij .f niv ufTtlia with to I'Mitua tnt a Imu f l.iMat f a ) r -.r w.il. ail lue ttyuugti liul 1 ii'tiU f-irit-.li tin aecuriiy I wna tnfuniiiil tt.iit f would hear from him wiihlti twt-nt) -four h.ita, ami tb neit tniKitins'a tn id l-miigtit m a i heck fr !n a.iti.iiint I nettled Ko rm-eiiit lu l nm-d was ftH-liip., not Ins wna .i! I sUnit a ala.wtng up of piy nrcMiti; im nine waiPapecllWd fi paynient. Tnty lli.ntAinl dolMra were hitiihd t l ie jut a If they tw- lonjretl t tin. 1 .title.! mt Mr. tUmpa-on at otni fir iiiiiri.!,iu;tu.in, but g-ut no satlaf; iiii "Von co ai tl.rtnu Ixiaiuea," be aaht "Vnu luivo tn i- will of your mm KtHois tin.) l-ii-liii-aa iih-ii e-nerally I Hml ibtber ' your henj about Ihe liwncy advam-d. Arw u ur It Is plenty r j aauuriit hi 1111 that ll was. Pi-liii I up on my feel, my mlml was 1 iiiro iif c t., nu l I rcaitmed my siMi.tl 'inn i.tii fine luorttltig I was pnaairiit a tdwp where women txnU nre m Jtit nn a lady alighted from an wuti. 1 n-rii.'iilici Mrx Car tiUHly. t!ij ludv wl, temrmlvrrtl me, but wh-m I hid fuile.1 1.1 rcmcinln-r t'uiKtc'lmisi f my ii,-!.i pf her er tiilKalnti t .-ill nj.,1, b.-r. I felt emlutr- rawict; twit. t.ii!'na mrwlf liHti-thcr. I ipkp to her, fold her lml a premurn of afTulh. hint prevente-l my availing myself oft he hinnr she had don me. etc I left her, ihfiiklii of (hp mystery roncpnibig her. One thing e(wlnlly pmtxliil me. When In, I furetlonaly sucatol thai n inli-Jd bate ,m-t ,,,, In tho utr !m hrt-l replied. "Worn than ilmt" Wlmt ,, 0,1 ,,, j r. solved In ret it out i.f her nnd lo call upon in-r t ,i,, ( pi,r(MW -w, I s, tl her mlieii we were umleil f-t,Mi leie in her iltawlug ru" 'onrtfoi in.it J citiuot remem iier ymi nt nil, I nMt y , Hcve my cmliatiiy r.y explaining whnt you bu iini ,y mye ti,.lt 0 ,, 111 n W'orw p!( a tlmu up In l,e ar. nn 1 you tnu, K of a tviir- place I llll II Hill I . "No" ' , ''iNnvii under tin. wntpr,-' The i-vpremiloii on ,(ly f1rB ranm Mirnt of liuinhler Unit wna laith 1 .111 lnllzlti nml Im- oniliiff. "Veil nit I," fir. contliiiied. "were n uonru lite TKui.lc to?elher 011 her trip. We ,tti went down or ero sin uen ,! W, (, t . pomp "in' miller water It wa ym When we tnm t)1 , w bereft of my aenaea. Von idiatrappixl . ,i,e-.erv.r nnl nvp It mo. I Hung to It till I vv,ia ,,U kMt liii" In lm I ... . . " 'i'"ni"i inn Widow, who waa wenlihy. ntut afie turned ' to . . ic mumipement ,,f l(,r alT((n, Out' flay while h.oking over some old for rWMK. linvnhle f 1,.... u..... . TIipii I knew who burl ndvnneed tht c 11 , "',V", UW (r,m '" tirrtred i,Pr nm1 r(H,l,.i,tl , lHja. HM wiHi,wJ ma 10 pS.i m, 1 , ." ,m'1 u 'lihl,,,idlng BiynowlorlKenf Mmi liPi k, - Easily Explained. irr;:,",""1,"," "zzr-- HlsfHa4 la Ctawty C.a.i kf ,b . m lot ahi.. la the aaaltas uf ika .-.... Notice b kteb4jna .k-. ta the .. eallii.4 1.,, tteJ M d at tbelMMM f W a'cMtk A ul!i . aad lb Cewt k 'M day kt tMVatt la llillatM, liaae aad sbMb. k .. ' . r. ss . . " IDal -a . ia i.Tdir.r ,t tksttd tab Mb day af Nov.a.ht, a ,0siv kt I'lecalat 44 RaUlt alott ,j wuiksaia iut. Auu.... - CWUW. ... . ' " STATIC or OkKUtlN UH WAjS? INUTVN VUUNTT. " II a acoBakl, ILiMtitr. vs J t Ut.a.Uat.r J C lk.a.14. I iba aaaae of it tu.t. j .... "T"t a,eb.,.byr,u,..r;d;TPr.a7 wvt Ik caiptalB! lie a.ii..i ,.!" t Um m lm .Mil. mI Aula . . . ' ' aj wrtka, Ittas la date ia, . ...... m k.. f . . . .... . . r ..... -' 1 s at tafta. w irtk lum tbe d dav if U,flliJ wij. fcd! t.a m UUmi iU iuI, Z. ,1 j.i-ui, .a-t il i , k ' waf, M weal tU... it,, pu,Lui .III el dy M Ihe toa.t , -eaMh4 la lb n-inid.iH 1.. lm lb a-iUMiga ailestd t4 coait aa bt etaaulved aad lb I lb e autia k. . tetewsed a. d dt-rka v4 ,JZ -ay aud ad 1 bltaaU aa aad UaiaavaaT tug I'otts MHI WaiiiBna at i Ma, jig rtlwi aad laitber relief tu th ,'" m'f r-wi-ei ta ta m. aiLMra. Tula .1.111.... . , tow hy ldleallu w..kr aMl y ,25 if aa SMtlet at tb L'ue.it 1 .. 7: Stale -l Urrr-a. Cuaaty ol Wathaa. I., mute aad taleitd Mi.ia M X (i d day of sawvashet, t,, 4imitm puhhcaluM IN the llilial. ,u AraaTa ewtpaiarf JLo. fed la Wakialkai v'oaaty, UMrtoa, owe each artk f t a eekJL aad ittat lu. ...... ... e a r brfot weks font lis, dak) of tbt 11 pauiwatsua theiif . r. llHSae, Allosavf t -i rutanf M paulMralloa, Ike. . tv,s ! " Ja li. ndiwinMtalat'a Nil c hi C sdllatt Notice r arrebf give tbl iU tads. t. oa tb and day uf I vcvauan 11 J. was bt IheiWaly lean , ( UaaV -ugtPU Count v, Uifgoai, Hog., j. t-polated MailalHialot of in rww tf ltiaw-a ftabl, derewatt, n tWw lue, all ffMM latieg t,tm, sgslasl aiid fatal era aertby t-t-.d M an. taltbeastM wltb ptoHt v-tkbrr the ttadetstgiwd al tbt law bc of hkt H. Walt, al I initiate, II r( a, allaltl atottiba fiant data kwrtof . It ud Mat lad day of Kreai a-r. A I', 191). J. II. fiwl.Blkl. AdmlaMraloe la K-Ute ol llrraaa li ah I, drteeaed Job II WaU, Allatwcy f t Rsialt, atitt , " IV THE CIRCUIT Culfltf Of TUW STATU Or 0aX.as. run WAIT inuton couNrr. A(e Walkae, flaUUt. . Kmnit U Ikarn and W. II a. taw nntiaii,.). ami w 11 nr. an si.-t Nroaa. bar wife. A. aa.uk. WMoumn, aM Jitamua) 4iihM v. inimatm owner IK-leu iam. Tor:mma I. In 00 and r, W. atsa, two ut tb auuveaawwd .iUa.ia iir In the nam of u nui .4 mt yaa are herahy eotwManded and lomiraa ft eprar In to ,liiil ewrt tad raua and answer ll r- a-l'la-MI lad staluat you harelu ou or lluia lbs ! pliatinaof at a weeks fpiwu Ihe flisl swk licatma of 1 bis summon lu iha HUlaasea Arsua, the rlalpnl ih Rial i,blKallsa hrf l-Mh hmsMilar KikI, tvl a4 la date of lb tart pal.iscaM.ai ih.i -of ketaf tu 3ih day l Jaouarv. m.n, sad ss a III plMae lake notle iat the plataiat ha fU.l a muieiaint la saM murt tM ruling that earlaln nionsg tieratti ami ilallvefad b lb abut naioM W lendaaut W, H. Ilruwu and kmni arewa 1.1 Ih rlafap.laol A W rl,nilB. la I nh day of Xovawiber. tail. Irk aai monmiawM reartrded la Hotit '" sa patt ai .4 Murtnaaa Kinh, da id WtaV ingioii I'uiiuly, Orgi", and whirh faaf iiiorlgaaa waalbellr, town, oa Dm otber Wih, tail, duly sold, iraasfsrita, aMigioal and tat over by tha d.iauuaat A WHitiiihk its aaor earned plaiaaa Kis4br with ta aote aerared i)wst buih aaid aaaigasHwwi ta rannttkal Ibaik a.i of Murusa Kecordt nt aaM eaaaty. lb taiui tastata Uaaartiwal aad latoltea) la tin suit bataj mora particularly dawtriias aa lollewt, hiwitt ' ' I Wmmtring al a poiai To ini ( 's" tas aniilbol th Wi-rtheaat eorner ut saeUaa runen(lti,Tuwahip T wo Hi Mutia Katign tiiw ill weal ol the ttiilaiassW Mereulant Thane Weal 61 and Oat Thud rods Ui aUke, Ihance ulb at roila to a atakei ibaaoa east al and tat : Unrd nala 1.1 a atabai then. north at Mat Ui lb plamof bealanlng, eouialnl f t scrca, more or lews, Ahwall ihe graoiata right ami intartat lu and hi a pubiw maa w.y ou and ovel tbe following laud, toe" :nuiuieueing at a asunl IhfV.i rat of Mat hnrtlu-aat miuitiif ku.tll.in II lota lnp Iwol'JJHonih, Kanga On HI Wart of tbo Willataalla Maredian, Maaat . niih on a Una lasrallal with tharaM Ha of said saotiiia 14, 1'.U rodai then sastrf , iM.ll 1 bene north aa a Una parallal waa the said east Una of semlon 14. li thmuai wast au ftaH to tha plan el taupe l"K. : I l.Ht ,.l.l...lNr III .....I.. ... rh. Cnttl f- n. a.i, will .f'" . . (or a jiidguieat againtt you and a ou I ir lit aum ol lariat UU with lutaraa therton al tha rata ml aeveu (71 ir ja per annum train January tin, imI, aaa ii.m ........ . as mw 1 M, 1 11. r null, Of ,-w-W .IW""-'I . i ud for tha auaia aud dlaburaeuieMi, aal.l siilli i rooinlt titt a danrse foiel lit l'' tin's aaid mortgagtaiid au order "'" latng tbe sale of aaid premise and Ka prone! applied tt tb aMlsfaailon at plaiutirl'saaMl imi-liienk . M Thltdt 1 Vor v ajere foralr barrajj yon and eaeti' bf ou and all par I'laiuilug under you ol any right. MtlaaT lute real la ami to aaid arniiii. IliaaUtubiryrlahlayrtdanipiio"-, rounh, Audauuu otner aiid mriaar deftreeaa may bt proper and nm eaawy at .nn pro 1 nana w .'tiiiasuuiutonataaarvail iimu u W biililiii..... lu te uiii. ..,... A run oar r i nr fM.-..-" 'i4a auani to ami ny v.rlur ut an umar ..n. , rin. wj v.rturw w. - .1 . Mounrable lieu, H Hag ley, -MM "' 1 irmm Hour 1 o the m aw of i"f"A'!l Waabiiuibi.. f intuit v. ma-la and data ta 'he !SWt day of November, Ittlft. . 1 hat fulilliUun Mm. (ml, !" , . I'libllnallon January tain, .11.11 M Wall, p 'irWiw-v tjir PiahiilJ NOTtCB : 1. it.. ,.r tha Stata . vi'HHlf eaa w " 1 Oregon for Washington Count)'. j in tha Mailer ol , int Uontnl Binltl, lreeod ' . Kollna U l.p.l.a alawn that lh j alitm.il. tlarolln Hmlth. ha "j imliiied Kinnutrll ol the li " '"-T C Inaiauieifi of lainnard (tmlth, lrl 1 All imraona having; elalma agataaia . fiatHia art mqueatad Ut preae'd Wjaa j ) law tftiuirad ao tha uui IcMlgnja 5 Tuitlailu, ore-on, or W lnf NweekANItalnii,e t.umlirminft J Portland, tiregon, atlornays fnr a-- iwanllna Mmlta. ' ' I Km-aVrln(Uaalt. . aaisaa,., - - 1 -an