InlflLLSeeM ' 3U VOL. XXII HILLSBORO, OREGON, DECEMBER 2, 1915 a a u no. si rffl lO 13 r suraay. R MM :vhl Fred K. Coroellua lULL U L. w.-J gtturdsy, fron iJiil.CI.i-ACirtlllCA . Sean fM Wadke ,, . Taereref.. h ISst UwCafeaMr A. 3. Under, of below Beth any, wis a county Mat vli tor Saturday, was in the dty Saturday, from the iter trsiapi ranch, on Jolly Plains. Baow waa again reported In tha mountains of the coast ranee. There waa aome alect bora Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Adkina, of Portland, were out Sunday. Their Infant child died the laat of the week, and they brought It hert for btriel. Foe Rata Twentv.Ave head of thoroughbred Duroe pin, ready to wean. Address u n. Meyer, naar Rhefllin Station. Cornelius. Orefon, lUwta 1; Phone Farmer CM. 346 Laet week waa the banner seven daya for rain for the en tire plat year, and there is aome nigh water here and there aa a reaulL Farmer have been com pelled to slop plowing-and seed lagentiieiy. Wanted -at once: Young men for sutemoMle business. Big pay. We make you expert in tan weeka by mail, fry ua after wa ae cura you poaition. Century Auto mobile Institute, Loa Anelea. Cal. And thla is "the truth"-a Baker County man waa arguing heatedly with his mother in law, Sunday, when the womin drop imm4 dmd. There ia a moral to m (LOT, fJE Takes la Raid to Mack la Cart Partlaad ay the Datactlvaa TWO OTKEtS CAUONT ITM CSS ftWrcaatskie Stairs Frets May Ires. Here. Nertl Plaiaa, Feaal IUmw liquor tow. which e Into force Jsnnary 1 to fivl-a th users of thast.1 ees-lder-We apprabaajtofi V -a fiomeof the provttoot art Bsore ... r-iiAf. For lesiiset, the law preacribat M aSiarlt for common camera, ana w - likelf that they wtil isnort tht which lha carrier must utt. .itAwbleb tht eexcirsee most wear before liquor n ettlmtd, for there baoooktt'F fSty for violttios. . The) that one. btfuft recvii lutr from a cowmen eanrkr neat ear that "uU -tateot losd for sacramental pamcnooly. A little farther on tit law says L. au mm h Httsaeutad for ptrjury under tba central laws U he swears faleeiy. About the only way tht rtoer M 1 am -I "." tlwayt poaraa a row, ut: Udy'igoid waicn. wun drotofl the ground caa "lib.1 bird engraved on caae. Uwt Bud" toCJ godiCf ticirfxith. tomewhert between St Mat Altortl however, gsy that thewt church, Hillaboro and If thla pzcular put of tba law home 41 mtlea aouth of Cornell gore to U Suprcoo Court that m. Kinder plraaa leave at Ar tribunal will taka tao tiatuta by rua ofTWe and receive reward. all four cornera and decide go to 11 Etta Brock, Cumeliua, Or the Intent, which to dexrly that RouU 1 very four weeka paraona over. . i,. rrJM ntAi2 ft. who are not naUUai gniM. . . diwnel.f. fnca ralla. ard. can gal M quxra w-' d board of all kinda. Into -AlSXtw Willrointo Aftouw laawiwoi - contry. Writ, phone inai no mwapajwr o. Mil . m - Jan. 1, gdvaruat as liquor oua loeat, nor eta ur Cssr adtwr tments be tool lrti V , mailt op noted OA ttl bsxrda. Thin, however, will net keep out- CukteJ Ceatty laiget CHI taming Kauaaata tf tMtt rjipeadi taraa U Um Ytar 191. Not lea ia Hank? giwa Ibal oa FriUy IVCTibar iTlk. 1011. at la a. at., ia ib- CMt Cajut ajaa ia taa CUf ol llitk Oraajos,aatiM W thm Cuual Coawt will kt held U the pai poa of k ftg laaaa l aatt lb ntur af tl CMMty fat Um ymt 1916, ax) at mm Mm a4 aaact aa Ua pat aabjrcl t aara) K17 wan mmj tm acara Uat mt agaiaat amy poporJ taa Writ aa aauwa by the ttraiiiait railoiatc 1 coaUaiplalad tapaaditatra lu ba ratat by Uaatfcai aa ada tr lb Ceaot Caart aa bllm -BaattraOAea Salary Bfcafig aalarv Ur0aty aoatdafrhaaMrs. Jail farai hiaaa aa4 aartlteal aid Ttlvf naalaf Lity hti..M. HiaU Ctata riavaliag Kipaaaaa StaaiM Ntatioaary aa4 ffiatlag The ofAcera have landed three bard character. Jack Cat tor, Earl Braun and Jimmy Sullivan, tha trio being picked up in a raid in East Portland, Thankagiving moraine:, bv Detective GotU T--L-i r. Q.AM nfllr.,ll.rll. ml tm Ll.ll... A MICa4lalaeollaBtt.aa iinici. r. wuMiaii. ia Taaal yio, the ihack. had reported mat anei Wfoee nan mil u-hi inn inu kuiik kiiu i "ii.rv - coming with tack. evideoUy filled with plunder, and the de I Haogtaiaf aa4 ao'i rit tectiva force planned raid Wedneaday evening. They con cluded, however, to wait until eariv monitnc When they rush ed tha attack they found the three men aaleep. One of them, however, bad a gun cloaa at hand and reached for it but It wa too late, aa the offkera bad them covered. The ahack waa investigated and the detective found a lot of plunder, a portion of which wa atolen from the May Brae. Store, on a week ago Saturday nleht. Juat M toon a Sheriff Reevea waa notified of the robbery fi.80 .5 tui S l. 7 7 S 11 .4 50. 1?" 11 I 1 I .(too I. MO Book a. atatloaar. priatiaf , wp- atMa, tic - so Ta'N IS.IM tieainai't BaUry Kaearoi Salary Utpaty 900 Salary ne naa bimer atajra 1 fmm wayaoaa I n t A.-i Joak. lUltnaery. aapplWa. etc Twe Btw aaak typiiieft. . Total. Tnaaarn'a 1 Malar Trraaaraf ., CWrkal Help . Booka.SutkiBery.eU .... Taw ijoo Samyoi'i Offcca Batinaie Mianea. -.iaMaaar'a Ortea M HIMItM a- Ma e a Mo hmieee from awnding liquor liata through tht mai, for that an inter-atatt matter. . When liquor la ahlr?d trough ipreea companies tho eoncianee can not irsnsrer nta nil 01 icainar, but muat raotipt hifluatf. No batik can bandit cay draft ac eompanying tht bill ef Icdlag, 10 thla makst It ta gtxiuttly rath buaineaa-a Ci2 for the Jiciuor lellert. ' Under tht new liar one can't keen anv Uatr in s dub room in locker, nor can ha givt It away. Liquor cxacsi ba erritd ta any dance or ctU n&siiits. It one dots kt to UillJ t) not atore thaa CXOftnacr Ocyi In the county jsiU Tt Btitatt nakea any eonsstt wkt ri late tha law ajao tztitH it pan Hty. One black tow, 2 CbUr White tow and 1 Chtxttr WtlU bear. Hun be sold Ieataa2cy. Un.17. HI. Witch llirci Eisa. Gabe Eatsar. of tbova Uoun taimiale, wit in town t!snd7. on husinati wltii tba esastjr court. For rent: lx txd csa-kilf teres. 6-rooea bn?. a. bra csi outhouaaa. ont c'.i tt ef HlliBboro. Per yrx,tz2i rsst, m. Addro a a btc:tr. OlKboro, Ort, VZt Write, phone or Mil mi m Tarl Skow. Hillebo- ro. Fhone. City 4S2, or call at Tualatia lawtak -- '- Ed. Schulmr rich, who with hia ir.. -....tiit Mturned from an WIIB lJ . ... , eitended visit in California. Bays that while California is a great tt he waa homesick for the first timtin his life. Hebada iImi via linaT With Old friends down it Psccrville, snd .k.... . . m knth Mir lain, ne iiici iwra . . aayt ha waa more than favorably impressed with San Diego, and predicts a great luuire iwr m- city. pn. Mn Tarn farms -one of 169 acres, about 135 acres In cul tlvaUon, ona nils from roreii nMM harn mom for BbOUt W uiw.v. . " - cows and Mrses. c.w l. . .mt ntKor 142 acres. 14 miles south or Kwaviiw,awu one-half in euiuvauoi hh a. ia Mtata ana nuraca). Kood well, wd fair house; tenant can wont ouv gre jr r ranch, caah rent.-v. MS Seventh Strttt. nmsooru. Phone City Portland is Ulkinff of .again establishing the rock pile si Kal ey'a uutte in omw w --' ' criminal element. Smcathtrockpilehssbwnaban. th vonirv oi vau " C At .- H?S!!a a Jail seniencfl. " v....- jaiiaoHw ....... their to tne .V- khft roat to cap tumd, jnd th. hobo slament tieer rmri. btsn passing inrouan - tton. nhnna a liat ot missiag mer- rhandlie to him and be then nntiftott lha Portlano DOlice. Just as soon as shoes, suits and overcoats were seen by the de iKtivaa tKav maliied that they Kal mala MnttlrW WOTth While. Sullivan owns the shack, and waa providing tha "fence" for tha Blunder. He avers he was not at North FlslC snd it is probable that bis statement ia true, He will go with the buneb, however. Alt have unsavory ae i . Taa Rat ml autlaaary. rriatlae OpylaU, wrillag Taa Roll.... Kiwaatag rai ! Total 7,ijo Coaaty Coait awl Cunmlaalooe- Salary Jadea'.-. I, Ratluattd Halary CoaiajUaiooer Kail atad Salary CoMlaioaer Ktpaaarajadffa , KipeoaM CaUalanfr., . KiiitaaM ConaaUalaacr TaUl.lj.9Jo If lMUa ; Court UoaM eapteat, Jaaltora alailaa.Pat.liaa1.m)alr,tte ctrcait Loan. witaiiM. j plant employing tSt peraona with a osyroll of S167.CC3 snd sn annual output of S10,U3. IkiuiHaa County farmera get tan ooo lor 11700 turkem. The Southern Psctte asaca- clsred s dividend of tLU csr ahare on eommon BUCK. tSCt U tha rata nf CnerewnL This ia welcome newa for aranbaij in the etata of Orasoa I8T BO I TMnitPf anmida monev fxrtar tisa ooIm railmaH when it ia crnCSerOSa. 3i Palmur Ijtmher Concsnv. of f Rranrle. has awarded loesisg contracts totaling ll.CCa.CC3. Grants Past -Kails art oecag laid on the new railroad on to t ho fmt of HavahilL SL Helens Shtptmtuunx ua asked to bid on fire &.CC3 task vesstbi for Eastern firm. Knaprtuiw Catholics U SSV large church st coat of TCC3. n Salem ia to bars a cheese factory next Spring. iveiurna iot una iram uwu River valley will be over iCC3.- ooa Iia naturally something which ever new concern yoo deal with k.a i L.4 1 . At. - ..... Jl L iui a ikui w aim ivr, mublui ina aucceaatui uuaineae and profeaaionsl men of this town give thia Bank aa THEIR reference, a fact which always gives them s most enviable prestige, because it a wail known that only responsible people are ac cepUdaa depositors here. The value of -.being associated with a thorouglv dependable bank cannot be OVERESTIMATED Usny a lian owes his success in business to bis bank's advice 4 rr Cent. 1 merest Un 9avtna Aacrjcan Natibnal DanU 900 IJO tjo ftoa I.KO l.jt t.i5 Boa Me iV4e. aaaaaaaaa. aaa a a IJOO tm.mlm.rn A HMItf ttlA HUit takCH. iwuhiiibj - coroaer mA a rwM-iiliap collar mark at-1 forded easy identification by Mr. girctiooi and Ragiatmtioaa.. y Kttforcing Uy Law....- Castor to sn old offender, but -School Soperi.ukat his inclination doe not aa a rule wp"it r run to robbing stores of mer. g!-?1" !'""1Z chandise. Ha is sn tipert Bale Eip tm ,mi . . 1 . 1. IA mm.A K. mi. I .... Bmmmmm ' ooeraior. 1 aaju, mu ir .Mla nrvaratM alone. CSBtOT .Una mit alone, walka to tot town hs wishes to. operate In. Miaohaa it after dark, ana wen blows tht safe in some store or postofnee, after which At mates his getaway in we It ia thought that be was the Mitui blew the Grertrson ft irtlhar aaja at BoxtOO, S few months aso, and also tht Cherry ice. ne Pttattai ami Sutioaery Teatpa tak! tank ft-......... ...... m. . Ubraty Fa ik! Taackirt Kiamlnatkm.. Bigktk Gnula Eiaailaallaaa... Facaltart aad Kepaiia....... IaatUale . Toul 4,eBt Hick Sckool Taitkoa lase Waakiagtoa Crvualj. Hlgk Sckool Tuittea fcaa fee other counttce...... - School te. f Pr N Traanl otnear.. Haallk Ofacer . -ktoadaaad H itkaaya- 8.00 1,500 $1100 6 o 40 jo I F r-mmmmtm In the noat offlct. a... mmmmmA Hma. and ia known b nam wa um . ' i hbh m oa" crackers. Tht fctsctirer lonoa c,, RoBd FoDa s lot 01 aoup, wokb w .uM l . mrrect tUUKS. Tku ia thaatuff used by Baft A Mies aw ow- WThtiahoet wert found to tally with tht list of plunder Uktn from tht a tore and the idanUScs- . .I.. mm nnaihlaL Sheriff Reeves quick aendiBf I Fo births snenu -I aad daatka ..................... Of SIUW Oi ins fiu... iBptctor. master ttrone, tor n saoiw detecUves something to act up- in MiHlHlWMMmMMtM. M . 041 ......... .... Bfachlaoty ...........i. .. BjebaMiae road hetwan K:3o wm mmA Mnmt flrlMM. and httweea Hillaboratad Btaear toa with oil boaod icaeaai Total iJ7oa MiacellaaT' 1 Maaaaaew on. PvaaklBa. roor, Poor Fatal Aad ladtgiat Sohlicr - Ta UehnM. Scalo Snatiet KMttiiiittl shewe All three men sre now iall. The goods recovered were 18MerweihMaadHeaMnja... nairt Shots. 2 SUltS, 3 OVerCOStS, street aad Hewer l in mi lata, pnireanwn, . m.irm I wmi. Hillabora - ..... aVSBJiBIJ T " 7 I KnajU SWJlfWI naaajaaaraw ing. and tha burglara were wesx-i Vctt(lMry ggeo. ud Ing undtrwesr, snoes anu ovr-eosta. ORSOON tXECTKtC TRAir3 900 Medford-To insure a million tnllat aurar faetorv. the mer ?Z chanU of this city hart deckled J l . . 1...,. . 1 - - nv.1 10 raise wkv isiB v a thai atinnlv Baker has voted S12S.CC0 bonds tnr nam hicrh aehooL New bridge will bt DOiitscroaai tht Willamette at, saien. City Dec L . I Lebanon paper mm starts witn full crew, first time ia over tl air The Banaon wita tuiee of lumber jtst left Totsdo for n n.z.aa. uiaan r ranciocu. . I'Munwv ar 1 am iai cro- doeed 187.&23 pounds of baUarl the past year. to "M lfthn ft WilaiMI. a tJoile9P ttf S a -1 r - - t . Hav at Sherwood, att&ft noira fit hia tannhf a Ura Mc'.ia - I St BBS uwvaa ammvaM m-w-wmwm--r v laon. He was SS yean old. I Mr. Wilaon waa horn rr a" I . v ... . aw 1 ltttanrMMr t csn ra cr u El icoicraeseu toe wouont .j homeaeekera snd tstUai tX tJltr I a. .a a Three years i&ttr ta arct us tyooalto his old bocMBad trorrtt lOJOOIf. ) nnt tn DfwaMi ff Ka. . I TttM titiveMa acrora taa iaia 10,000 1 . ; . OI raUKSS. AS B 'rURSKT M Baker, Ur. Wilson baUt tla CM mmmm Iimiu in tha mwk!rliaat nl arhLS ka am I " a. arai .a . W a . very proud, ue eonexssa its live st Baker until five jrers tz whan he moved to ShaTTfMi ta . I live with his dtuzhttr. C.ici 6,000 1 lira. Johnson, two othtr ctL'rta anrvivA The an JeJ&n D." WLl- Boo. and William V.'xa. cf Baker. yes! ue hive rr i;i sra One f.!i!!ion Board (est of Good Lunrbcr A stock of lumber so large and varied that you can have prompt delivery of sny order. We carry many large dimension timbers, and can save yon the expense of special sawing. When yon want lumber, promises don't fill your bill. Our specialties are quality, ser vice, and courteous treatment You can do better for less with this company; TTT i mm-d Ifain St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co'a. Tracks. Kverything in Bnilding ilaterial Uillsboro Auto Livery Feed end Boarding Stable Pricws Ceatonable DAV AND NIGHT SEDVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176 It jo I 80 1 Chris Grand, of West Uisica. dVat ace waaaa v evw was in town Saturday. Is aa CU CitiabU lncUn-tion with Rcscurcwt ofovwr If you m cct hsttbr with banking methode call asd txlk It enr with u wd we wUl gldiy " clve yn aay Irfonnation desired. All 'rbusliti ttrktly confidential. Ac ccuitid Vcstn tud Child r.rea tsllclted 4 Pat Ccr.i. in Saving D.potlti. A.Mc4.11,Prts. lIahn' A. C. DU VioPrt.. W. V. BergeAMt, To Portand-K minutes. .... . a bb ; an 7:W I8:i3. 12:43. V Stack In.nactor Ckttte la 'aajnlty ........... ... Mia.cll.ocoa and aaforaaaa aiaaSlinarSaaCiw?al ... inm nil Aartikfn and pabllahlaf Panatv Caatt BfOemieta. Haw Flit Proof BaiMiag Bar CXaaty root ratai..... Anililae Coaat r Bookt...... .. linridu dallaaaaal taa liat Caaatyaad Stele tiAn,... B,ooo Me st. an mm . . S:C3. 5:48 18:10. : in am pm pm l Hi .p n m (Sstooly) ...... ......P I From Portland minutes. LIU..... " 9;20 nn li.oe . BB U.mV . . .. 0.1 . P an. aaja 6:25 V...VF- 7:13 P10 o.o iffla onlv) 'Pm ......" m . I hvMn HM.I T . . . a - -J 1 f OT cats wu - . iirrade HOIBieina, maw aeney, gtein Freaian bulls, reMSiertw, , , j)k fln mlker 5 yetr. Sn Oia I una; neiierai reniawreu uwwwh . Mil . 1 mtatm V Emm Ika Yaar w " aii'0 BatiaMtM fcea now Cwrka and Raaotdct'i oltett......... tooo tlcaataa.DrtMUta......... 1.000 Bnaeiai achool. City Mt road taatt to L.. mt tmm Onaaa Caatt af Waah taataa Cdbdit. Ortfoa, raate aad datft Noytwbtrij, tt$. ' D. B. aaaaoaef, Oowaty Jadge. . Mattttoo, loaaty vuw ' mmm a a a aa " . 1 rSgimZZiiam"- c:?ir.k- Pjfi.ifar- I tionev to loan on R A nprinsrton. of EL--'a Valley, waa in town tht k-U cf tht week. 3 P. RpaeFTand J. L. GnS. of near North naina, wtrt in town ISonday morning. FA. fl-for. ef Edh. tilt L -1- . "- tV. Sao I yfaan., w uutawxv soelruest of ner mouer, urs. a. J. Purdin. Wanted: Four cream tertra tors, in Rood condition. SUta price. Adlrtts B. Ucuum, lloi brook, Ure., Box a. Walter Weber and VtlaBsTueh ar were united in marrrcrt at Forest tirove, Nov. ZX -lA Rev. J. A. lioore odxi. Straved or atolan: Cii and white heifer; white fata; tbstt 18 montht old.-D. A. Cc'lla. Hillaboro, Ore., Koute L. Tt'. 13 ' BWavavaan. Otagan TVU m.mi-u lattaltan. vAadatcJ b the Slatata of 8t. Mar. aantrkw edeeattoaal adaata-a, eombiaed with the Inflatocaof a rtaaad aea. It w daligkuaUy wtaated ta Uta aaaitaiai Taaiaua vauaj, anij Um froaa rortbUKl mm tat aoatacra racioc ear nse. rmiyrm ajadlatt, Qnuaajat aad Elfh Scboal CoaraM. Separata lUpa' HUtgirU. Taoat wwo with to prtpait fcatht toachlai prola taa Taaehan' Tralalag Coarat amply equipped aad prcparad k ( work. A r.ra aatt rroai UMOOaraa ttcaret a itacoara vai iac wftaoat tkAai'aaUoau Bsctptioaal opportanitiaa (of taoroacL j la Maaie, Art ad BaprtaHoa. A Mtly orgaaiaad Ooiuamc' J C- .1 corcrt a pertod of two yean tna UM lor any pomtion oi ravonaj&.,-. i i . u farUMff lafotataltaaj. or aroaptctaa. AdJresa Cffwt CCT J 1 i lionev to loan on firrtcfeza County Abstract a r.'Ja Csa piny; by K. J. csAlsir, cr: For sale: Howe cad tirrsl SslecuXmas Free We kave.a sphndid liri cl Jtxtlry fc . Chrbtrs Prtrscts.- l!ibsy:rttlctthr. now and we wd put titn cy .kryc. . . Absolutely tbt trst stc.i ia thsjeity. dainty and timetable glTa. two young, ijgflJWSfc bull. yrar All tata ban Ltubtr. orl S Route aVTeiepnont, nwaiaww. ip wfs (3; for cleared acrecrs, tcttn Lr i I orBwtit, ncir urrrto r;r;.: I. I- t