The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 25, 1915, Image 1

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    pni -
NO. S3
D.I h.t
-I U lloyt of this city. t
whor of a -
I, no on pr ,H
lrt,n(i in Knglana.
p,h & Co.. or tweion,
-ill have the oooa on
anil iKa
i i . i. n nun
Ci ,ni th slorr it
. .i... ,umndatiOB of
ktni w
hare liOnesimUs,
C-.nHimr nature of sacred
C BornlnJoppa.eaptored
r.'.i. kw tha Uomane. and
l.wu,".:i'uJ Onesimu
" Tw.ntr.! na-ure in a
""it..! Uaaatirrbifesthe
of IWn 1 1 nr. uew aa
r. u ..I from cantivl
tha secret chambers
I L'-mii.n tahrvnth. at
L.aTth end then falls I
f.flri MfM Vwl I County JuJgU'an-r. sitting
I 1.111 I J L.J " a Juvrmb (-.H.rt.on Satur-
jjin " - -.mml0"'. Comniiiei rioyu Hammer
I'flUn li I L UVmna ijawrrnr layioriouteMaie
V I I lIlM II I ri.LOO Tnininir SchooS for at Ka.
U M"1 w lorn. aVhhiHKiri
thv have Ufn rtwdnt of
If ) 1 itfcftaV fkftttM IInHiiH.i ...
I HO VI Tf IlltlfUt'lV, -. I IMIIlll l UK"
13. ami Men ilammvr. sited 9.
I s,,y were nt to the (toys & Ctrla
I Aid Society. The Hammer Uya
l- crrma TIW Imlfered mail boxee between
here and Portland the other day.
and all thrv admits I they hat
artier! the Hweenev warehnuxi
and taken articles from the store
room. Iat July. The vldeat
Hammer boy had laki-n Herman
lUrker'a rherk bmk and had
drawn many rhecks, sinning var
ious name thereto. He tried to
eaah one In rurliand. and ai
blared unih-r arrmt while m tU-
Inir. The fe!Tal rharue will
douhtliHU not ! irewHl. The
amaller llammi-r l) may mum
be returned to thi-ir home, pro
vlded thy mend thnr wayi
Th father Uvea here, but at
breaent il workinit at Si-holm
Oineer Teuwher came out from
Portland. Saturday, and convey
ed the youniter la in to the Scie
tv while the elilff a!4 were
taken to Salem by Sheriff Heevea
Saturday evening.
For rent. Two farm - one of
ICO acre, ahout 135 acres in cul
tivation, one mile from r'orcot
lirove, bim room for atwut 20
eowa and 6 hore. city water.
Mh rnt:anJ other. 1 12 acre.
"fn. ,n.i . .....i. ..f if..U-iiu l-.nt
"'fi 'Twefor the wnan. one half In cultivation, ham room
Sta hia love for the woman. and i horaea.
iTL rhri.ii.n iwlia-ion. I'bone l-lly
i ui. nMimua frea. Later J K. Piea. the SalmonU-rry
Um la anain caolared and frontienman. wu over Friday.
"" . .. " I.L. "... M M I. .
forced into tne arena who with
vi taiiti. where hiaakUl wins 0ver
Lmm Aft
u.. .mr whlrh la inter- kim nice oicee of money, and a
Wed with the woof of ad-ynx that ia prune. He aluo had
Store it one that appeals to t new catch, and did not know
C kurt nf all and the book I whiihir il wan a martin, or a
llatamsi aeller. . iant mink. It wa too large
.Vre a fine portrayal or for the latter, uniew ne was
Kintr M hi clan. rc u one oi
themoiil tucceasful trappers of
the Tillamook and Salmon berry
wlldemeiw and he geU hunareas
of prlta each nean.
Mm. M. H. Stevenson
i in oi m
Will Conduct a Nine MontM
School t or Year ! 1915-16
EHUlracy ! HtlWtoa SckMla Waijkt
i.a ! Nearly AN
Ferd Groner, of Schollx, wax
city visitor. Friday.
Wm. Schulmerich went to For
est Grove, Saturday, to attend
a dairy meeting.
E. C. Brown, after several
weeks of visit here, returned on
the steamer. Tuesday, enroute
to his home at Santa Ana. Cai.
St raved or stolen: Red and
white heifer; white face; about
18 months old.-B. A. Coldin,
tiillsboro. Ore., Route 1. Tele
phone. Frrmer, 49x2. 3fi 8
m eh.! im
Had Been Drapon'rot far a Year.
and toda Uf With Revolver
Ltim a Naakaad aad Fear CaEArra
Daatkicf ef A. J. KitUei
loaar w innnnniK,
i t... (..w.i A.,.,.t t hi., t ..,i,. mnA okirkpn mm in I Mrs. Kimer Lvda suicided smioay
the new chd buildinir last Sat- y nothinir of gastdom. has morninjr. about 60 while laying
urday afu-rnum wm almost ?" lw cm"r , ,n at tnwwo1 ner nvm"
, . .. .... I in the homes of Oregon. k,j u- t vi. Mwa h AiA nnt
unanimous ior me nine mm ua, I . . . -j i-
there keinir but a very few dis- L Money to loan , on firs -class hear the shot, but was suddenly
i arm iwunvj.--r'"'1"" awakened, and uoon lookinc at
miiiiK wm. A 11 rapt A lit e (m
Chairmsn Carrett presided,! . by EL J. McAlear. Mans
and lVter ltmcow. clerk, read eer. . 4tf
the notice of the call for the! ni.trirl Attorney E. B. Toneue
k-vv. and minute of tha ore I waa In Aatoria last week, attend-
vious meetinir. Mr. Garrett Ins: a lawauitwnere minions oi
,U,tJ tl,., .fW.crefu! co. ' K 'i
Biut-raiion ui an vne rxuensra.
IMLJ at: :
'3 YOU ElQ
Ln'! . to hla for 10 head cows and 4 horses.
'1' I u .nde starts can work out greater part of
&SJE 3fc. 'tfeJ&STK ranch, rash Wl.-UJ. IhrdaelU
that section.
Pop aale: House and three
loU in Hillsboro. Or will trade
for cleared acreage, bottom land
or swale, near Orenco preferred.
-II. Jeibman, Miiisooro, ure.
J. H. Haase. of South Tuala
tin, was in Monda). He says
that tbe potato crop is ramer
alim on tho hills. a though same
untouched bv frost
asked as to the parliamentary , . - .
correctness of a possible rullnir. ForSalei Twenty-flye head of
Mr. Ungheld that the meeting tnorougnireo uuroc
had a right to vote upon the w HWQ7"?. VJ ZZfCm
amendmenu and this could be near Shefflm
diMuoaed of bv another motion. Oregon. Route 1; Phone Farmer
I hat in lav the amendment on C51.
the table. This would give the Mrs. Dora Reed Barber was
down from Forest Grove, Mon
day, on official business. She
now haa an aDnoMimeni as oi-
and the contemplation of keep
ing the school standard, it would
require a nine mill tax. H. 1.
liagley moved that a nine mill
tai be levied. C H Wells sec
onded the motion. It. B. Collins
favored a aeven milt Lax and ud-
on this J. W. Shute amended the
motion to make it 7 mills instead
of 1). The Chair was inclined to
rule the amendment out of order,
J. K, IV, the Ssimonherry lhc uba ThU woul(1 the
ontlenman. was over rriday. gu,iporter, a chance to vote and
ith some fine fur pelts, caugh M After
ver In the mountains. He had a Becond tni a fw remarks by
ne fine otter, that should bring Chairtniin (jtrrctt as to the ne-
awakened, and upon looking at
his wife, saw that her eyes wero
open, and that she was staring
at the ceiling. He jumped ott
of bed, and upon investigation,
found that she had been shot
through the left temple, the bul
let passing clear through the
hfad. and plowing a furrow In
the Dillow. Miss Kate Kesaler.
a domestic In the family, and
two of the children, were sleep
ing in the room, and none heard
the shot A. J. Killin. the fath
er of Mrs. Lyda, and a brother
of the husband, were sleeping
upstairs in the room above the
tudmom where the tmredv took
place, and neither heard the
shot There wm a big gale
raging at the time of the shoot
ing, and this may account for the
iUiim nf heannff the reDorL
The Lydas, it la reported, had
been out to a dance the night
before. Mrs. Lyda haa been
more than despondent for sever
al months, and it is said this was
due not only to domestic trouble,
a a a l 1 a.lL.
but also to the neignoornooa u
is naturally something which ever new concern you deal with
i a .m. ' m wm . a . J a a
nas a ngw to asa ior. aiosi oi me successiui Dusiness
and professional men of this ton give this Bank
as THEIR reference, a fact which always gives
them a most enviable prestige, because it's well
known that only responsible people are ac
cepted as depositors here. The value of
being associated with a thorougly
dependable bank cannot be
I Many a Man owes his success in business to his bank's advice
4 Per Cent. I merest On Savings
American National Dank
stay 7aaf ffs..
I1U W UN tad aarllUviw a - 1 avvta. aaiaw ww ww a aa
flclal on juvenile and other work over the Lyda case. State versus
from the unitea oiaies wjuru r. n. iyaa. in circuit
. .. lan4 that aha fait that DMDlel
. 0 A .aAamaa.vaa at Zfltrl from ail standpoints. U'wsKesa-
I'leruelty. and a flnteipo-
i la irreat conflict then
Stag bateeen heathenism and
k Christian religion. Many of
(pataagrs la the book are
"JiM. and the portrayal of
C3aW retiirious eonvicUons
j lis larrender to one supreme
Mtim make t a story oi
r. Hoyt wrote his story at
I (iates, and finished It within
In months. The book will
11 It fl.35.
cesaities of the nine mills, the
amendment was laid on the
table, and then the original ques
tion called, which carried, with
l.iit ta liaidnntintr VAt A
l,lv,,u,JID,v " ,V4V . Inn KattirdftV II L TO DOT. nu CVc I T . . a
. J'JLVA .d.e; niDec. llth. The place w Hi OT?"
lenaea w .V be announced Uter.
DUUKrl, BHU j. Eb now
that we could not do too much
a rinmti in tha houae for BCV
oral vpara and had her affect t : .i- r uArtk piaina I taken home the laat of tha week.
for our schoo:. J. W. Bhute -,M1 t0T?n Saturday. He says Mrs. Lyda was we aaugnwr
held there wss too much waste. tn-t c, u Berry, in a recent let- of A. j. Killin. anaj ine was mar-
f i- . tk qi- - .. . ..- . t . u moii tA i .vnft ner n ixk roar
One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A stock ol lumber so Urge and varied that you can
have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many
large dimension timbers, and can save you the expense
oi special sawing. When you want lumber, promise
don't fill yorft bill. Our specialties are quality, ser
vice, and courteous treatment You can do better for
less with this company.
idger lumkr Co.
Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. (Vs. Tracks.
Kvery thing in Building Material
return- T. II. Tongue Jr. held for the 9
.um ..f ik., from the mills, aavinir srood schools were
au nv iuv v, - i -----.,
a Vmmmmim kvir Rh riMwirt of autireme imDortance. ine
a very rough trip up on the mills mean a nine months school
steamer, and out of a Urge pa- and will raise money for the fol-
- i:.t 1...1 a four ri. Iivinir DurDOtus:
i.l fiiiiireakrast me snip icacnera salaries .. ...""".""
tVaJBkn rViaa tlaaaa WaftBlrtM
fa g AmiiiKT;i t vi lvaivwi
j id to the county seat Mon-
a ntra fine lot of fruit trees
(kand for Fall and Winter set
I. Also ro bushes. Mor-
Vi Greenhouse, Hillsboro. 37
jfinted-at once: Young men
TauiAmolMla lioainaaa Ilia nav.
I sake you expert in ten weeks
Ittil. Fav na after wa ae-
) you poaKion. Century Auto-
ue msutute. um Angeles.
John Vanderwal the other day
J Julius Meyer, of Galea
k. the sum of 1600 for fire
by reason of the destruction
M Meyer home, a few days
, Fire caught from a de-
-Ua All, Tk. U - ..tmrnm
.Unvsthe John McClaren home
popper Gales.
J gale -Two finely bred Hot-
2ta raii.n . . 1 1 i. i
mZiS ounn, rtKiaiarea,
Wng registered Holstein
-A.Bendler. Cornelius, Ore..
sAlelcPhone. Hillsboro,
atruck the tail end 01 the big furniture
gale that was blowing D00 miles Apparatus, etc
out and the way it maue minga uorary . . . .
plunge was not alow. repairs, muir. nC . . . .
For rent: ji !! ,
acres. B room rwuse. oarn an j . t , HejJ
n..ik.uiua one mile eaat oil,, .
Hillsboro, IVr year, casn rem.
$75. Address II. D. Schmeiuer,
IlilUlwiro. Ore.
Ervine Burkhnlter. of Suth
Tualatin, was in Saturday, and
left at the Argus some oi n
best prinluct oi home maue
aauHage." It no wonder that
Burkhalter holds ins nean
Light power,
water, etc
Clk'ssaland census..
Int on bonds
Sinking Fund
l'ostagc& stationery..
! aava that Montana Is now in
the "freeze-up" time of the
year. '
I Tha anrial circle of the Chris
tian church will hod their next
tea at the home oi Mrs. r. a.
Heidel on Wednesday afternoon,
iwomhor 1. All friends are
ir.ii ml onniiailv invited to attend.
JUU.VW WW.-.., . ."v.:
4G0.00 ur:,k th- rloain of the deer by liking poison, snoruy aiwr
600.00 LBY rhina aensons the hunters the Lyda trial was staged in ar-
M nuttinffin their spare time cuit court.
knntimr for ducks. The irame is
II U II ..M. . . "
fairly plentiful. Gaston lakes
the favorite grounua now.
ried to Lyda. Oct 23, 18CS: Four
children have been born to the
union Tha Lvdaa lived on UD-
per Gales Creek, at the Lyda's
mill site, near Bateman'a.
Coroner Barrett investigated
tha trairad llondav.
This is the second suicide in I
tha l.vda familv. Mrs. W. H.
Lyda killed herself last Winter I
miv . - - . ... :
and since the water is up a nuie
the birds are coming in at a live
ly rate.
I saw cord wood, poles up to 12
inches in diameter, fence raus.
, , . eotwoft and boards of all kinds, nto
Total ..2J'307: 00 !,Lwnod lengths. Will go into
it Mittwnia imnnuvin h 1 1 vva. as i .
180 00
good crowd of voters out to the
i. n vMa nrineinal of the school meetings, me ma..
uslatin i
Ot p - 1
Saturday. Mr. Kraus, nas oeen i M as Helen C
the country. Write, pnpne or
call on me.-Carl Skow, Hillsbo-
Fhone, City 4b or can ai
- - a a m-t :a.oAas jaaatvavva
. . ...a. j M a.aA ia anuon mim ha n i .nriHii'iise .uauKii
months caused the attendance to ter of Mr. and Mrs. Chrw Urn
teaching In our county
for over 12 years.
itl. r...u: lli.fh SihiMl Itas-
ket ball team defeated SherwcxHl
High In a fast trame, rriuay. ai
anerwoou, w... ou--. utdta
. n.i! .r thfmneniacK bow, . vii, .......
. iriaiiinHiiii. mir ,
be as large as it was.
pioneers of the W"JJgj; JJ Mut be "old immediately,
tion, was up to the city batuniay Mr8 Wt B Bolton.
aaaaalnll I . . a It I OiatiM
sows and 1 Chester White boar.
r m tlnlakntmnr. of LI-
monies, wwin the city the first
of the week.
Witch Hazel Station,
Card of Thanks
fte Shutc Savings Bank
la an Old DelisibU Inatltutlon with '
lsouroea of over N
j $aoo,ooo.oo
you are not familiar with banking methods call
; Md talk it over with us and we will gladly
give you any Information desired. All
business strictly confidential Ac
counts of Women aud Child- solicited.
r Cent. Fald on. Savings Deposits.
A. McGUl, Pres. ' -Shute,
W, Mnhon, Cash.
W. V. Bergen, Asst.
tensen, formerly of near. North
Plains, now of Humboldt lowa,
.-;. kn hir narents Still
wnvn . - -
klnk Wash nirton lx)untv is me
Hill" W ---- ' ,
mAmn mnnt" n( the earth.
XIIUCII Dim. w - .
i...i.i..un aava that the 10 wa
H,h Schools are very good, but
that the rural schools are not up
u aan.tard of our. county
schools. The Humboldt scnooi
naoer gives Miss nrisienocu o
averages as very high in exams.
pooi'a bb non was roo-
AUK. W" " . .. .u-
ua laat Thursday mgnc, me
Tha iindoraicrnad will Bell at Dub-
lip aala at tha Jobe Dlace 1 mile
West of Hillsboro at ten a. m. on
SATURDAY, NOV. 27, 1815
f raah in Snrinff. 1 fresh
g Vf mr'mwmmi mm a WW
unur & 2.vr heifera frMh in the I
. , I
Spring, registered Jersey mil z
heirer calves, ail stocsiuoercuiini
tested: 2-yr colt wagon, bum,
drill, mower, disc, cioa erusner,
Karmara. 2 nloWS. CUltiVStOT.
. . . mm l
iroam aanarator. ana aoout 10
tons hay. Geo. E. Croxiora,
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Price Beaaonable
and & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176
Snnnni. Oregon
Cay Somool ff Oto
- aaaa aImAAM
desire to express mjr v - -." aHintf ,!x
and heartfelt thanks to ail w tio ouot ot ..-.-
iAiiaMn alii and BVmDeiny uur mouars in u ...
ncr mv recent KreMnMi -,
S. P. AND P. E. A E.
All, except the P. K. ft N., traina
are electric, and stop at tne ae
pot on Mm street
mmm a ft M
to roniina
Forest Grove Train......6:C0 a, m.
MoMinnvilla Train 723 a, m.
ShorlHan Train 10.02 a. Dt
Forest Grove Train 12:3) p. in.
MoMinnvilla Train 2:15 n. m.
Forest Grove Train. ...4:10 p. m.
Eugene Train 4."C3 p. m.
McMinnville Train o:i p. m.
Thta popular iutitoUon, conducted by the Sister of St. Mary, aabrda
uperior edacational ad vantagea, combined with the Influence oft refiaed
hoaw. It la delightrully titualed in the healthful Tualatin V allay, oaly It
aillea from Portland on the Southern racidc car line. FulUPriBMiy, Intaf
mediate. Urammtr and High 8chool Courses. Separate department foe
Ittle firlt. Thoat who wish to prepuc for the teaching profeaMoacaa Sad
tha Teachers' Training Course amply equipped and prepared to do strong,
work, 'Agra nate from this course secures a Teacher One Year Certificate
wttaont eam nation. Exceptional opportunities for thorough Instruction
la static, Art ind Expression. A ae'y orgamxed Commercial Coarse
nmitmn of resnontibllity. Par
CQVan a " 7- - .-
farth. lalnimatioa. or Drospectus, Atidress ""
Select Xmas Presents
recent bereavement tne I ties OI wniaxey uwur . -- HCHiDnrura u " Tl " "
line wmuuw, "uv. - ---
wife. ... .
Wm. oannow,
Shefllin, Ore,. Nov. 20, 1915.
From Portland
ine winauwi wv.v - i rruw ruruauu
been broken in order to remove Eugene Traj trrivea...8:15 a. m
the fastening. Whoever robbed Mcjnnvme M . 9:45 a, m
. n WlAtS Tlaat I AT lM . SS ).? . asm.
the place wore "v7 " ores t urove
rubber boots. 1 he officers are Fore8t Qrove
investigating. i"'a,8""Vu "'3 Sheridan "
i i... mA no thAPA are many l..i
. only ciue, su - ; r, i mcminnvme
a m Pairs, of new rubber booU aut j, q
a m this time oi vb j . .., roresi urove
I - nnSdrable uncertanty about MeMinnville
am the identification of the intruder. Al, trin8,stop
To Portland 66 minutes.
3:68 ."aViE V t Moun
5:43 ...-. Vaafafiad. Sat
,rt v "M tain, oui uu i -
8:10. . . . ; m ,i nr Lowe arrived
9:li8 (Sat oniy I rorL,,V., Acting to meet
From Portland-! minuie.. v?""' the iurv. Mil-
" " .m lor 'however, hsd Rone in to
? nSl:i.nn the early morning
. .3:16 p. m.
..4:33 d. m.
. .6:40 D. m.
.7:15 D. m.
...9KX) p. m. I
.12:16 a.m.
on ffag at
I n a a -r , . -
a-x . -i nr . j aa a MAawaa. kbhitbII
a . -1 Aaaa air . arm . a ti vrra aaraia iu mi ai am a. iiin aau Mwaaaaana.v a
! S liS Etas 1 5h5 to Tmwt VIS: at Sixth and Fir
. . ..p m Lowe has peen w ji. a
Steam Service Old Depot
To Portland
P, R. & N. Traln ........4:S0 p, ro.
Prom Portland
P.H4N. Train 9:12 a. m.
Loop Special, due at HiUsDora
p. m. irom roruana
We have a splendid line of Jewelry for
Christmas Presents. Make your selection
now and we will put them away for yon.
Absolutely the best stock in tbe J city for
dainty and serviceable gifts.
" EE-Sh- hirewinomeet. .Uop
l:Srii.::.::::::::::,:ppS y y" SA. a a.
j. i
8:26 (Sat only) fie yean ago.