The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 18, 1915, Image 6

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    rntrxm arm
JUvstef II
1 '
-; i
o r
- Netis a.
Vt Ma, 1 Wi
. bar avtasa east arts. a W4 at tM
tVarbwt Halt la eai4 Itses. Ftstrlet Na.
fc Waaalasjte! CNM. Oeja, Ik
ITta ear KNMtar, A. D, Itls,
I n km af t t'tlKk F. M. eat MM
I . iiiiw aai tk MtlMM
I aalla4 aa th MlHMf kwtt.
Itua Metrict No. H WaealBetoo
Isantv. Owwi MlMM th ftmoudl
. . raL eaa Hk aula at
t M nlMi ror ta fallow l year:
JW1 feet assrsssi Uajrt ml
a, M, aetlanatea, coat at wale la
LiMtM; 1XM ft Bsaraaaai oa Middl
. ra4 N. 4U astinsate eos of
v nk-a tm (; is sneata- aaaeaJasa aa
Kietrooa-Hlllabeee roe Na, At. U
t .sied coat at wklca ta ft.
Nambrr et aUlla raqatraa ta raise,
a, si mill tax
. etea thta tni ay at Snwir,
IK. 1Mb.
K. T. (MLR
J;.J Supervisor af Road District Na.
t. Waahlaatoa Ceaaty. Oiaaua,
J. R. Mortara. J. W. KtOreJ-, Feed
Banger. K. Lassr. H. F. CatkiiL A.
aiiipsrtl, U & MrOaarlU rv O. al
1 realh. R a Herey, O. Burehara, E. W
. ohniwa. I W. Ktsk. Wav U (tiatta, W.
.1. Weston, A. W. Rait. J. CknoMl
Joha Tale. J. R Katcat. A. R Slier.
T. Hall, W. Era. R Alt. C. R
rmlth. N. M. rtlch. M. aturalt. R P.
Vail. R Colfeit. Jaa. 1. Lm4 Wbl
p. Bores era. R J. Laurens,
Nut lea la aarabjr (iTva that a mmMbc
of tha raaMvnt tai aajrara af Road IH
trK't No. , WaahieKtoa Ouualr. lrrcoa.
is tmbf oallod aal will ka krM at tka
Kintoa Sctionikouaa la aal4 Road Dla
tnvt Na. k. Wuhtaloa Oouatjr. Orrcoa.
n th t?th lar of Norambrr. A. IX,
at tha hour af t o'clock. P. M, oa
Mil day ta diacusa and ta bdub tka
wi'.nutaa cooiaiB! la tha followiBC
Hoad rxntrict Na. t. tCaahlBCtoa
ounty. Oratroa. rtiaata tha amount
of vork. coat, aad kanbar at nilla of
! ta a raiaad for th follovlac raar:
-miU macadam aa road Na Stt.
tl:td coat at vklch 1IM: 1 mil
iu.t-adaai aa toad Na 4. aatlmatad coat
of whlck la tSM.
V lu of taxama propartjr la diatrict
ta lM,IM.
. Numbr of mills requlrad to raiaa, a
4 Mill tax.
latd thia tad day of November.
A. IK lili. -
li'Wil Suparriaor af Road Ptatrlct No. t,
ihlnitton Onunlv, Oregon.
N. a. Rlchanm. Flojrd C Blarljr. A.
B nint. J. C 8aldr. Perd Groarr, John
CkMwall. L. a Btcrly. H. U Flint. C.
VinKlrrk. J. C Aaderaoa. U U. Hraaa.
!. T. Haas. U C Htamaa, B. Karshaw.
V. C. Fluka, Joarf TubIw.
ihhi op
W. th UBdraicnd realdent tsx pay
ers of Road District No. I, Waahlnctoa
suty. Orecoa. torether compriaina;
knurs thsa tea per eeat. of tha resident
tax payers la said road district, hereby
r notice that meeting: f th real
drnt tax payers of aald Road District
Ko. t, Washinctoa County. Oreaoa. Is
hereby called, and will b held at Kin
ton Schoolhoaae la said Road District
No. , Washlnsoa County. Oretroa. ea
the 17th day of November. A. D HIS.
at th hour of S s'clock P. at, of said
any. to discuss th advisability of levy
Ing a special or additional road tax la
said district, to datermlaa what If aay
cvi tity roads or portions thereof In said
ro&d district shall b Improved, In any
special manner, and tha character aad
ettent of such Improvement or Improve
ments shall make tharaoa. aad to levy
aiiCh special or additional tax. not to
errsed ten mills oa th dollar, on all
la-cable real aad personal property la
aid road district, as a majority of such
i-sident tax payers of said road district
hall deem advisable for tha purpose of
l '.irtn money with which to defray th
txpens of such special Improvement or
improvements la said Road Diatrict Na
I. Washington County. Oregon.
Dated thta Ind day of November,
A. n lilt.
Boad Supervisor af Road District No.
S, Washington County, Oregon.
J. C. Anderson. N. 8. Richards, Floyd
Blerly. A. R Flint. J. C. SnMer, Ferd
fiioner. John Caldwell. U . Blerly, H.
1- Flint, U U. Hess, a VanKlsek. H.
f. Hesse. U C Hinmaa. R Kershaw,
1'. C Fluke, Josef Tannlar.
We, th undersigned resident tax
payers of Road District No. 1. Washing
ton County. Oregon, together comprising
mote than tan per cent of the resident
tax payers in said road district, hereby
Hive notice that a meeting of th resi
dent tax payers of said Koad District
No. 1, Wash i ok ton County, Oregon, Is
heieby railed, and will be held at West
falls Hall. In saM Road District No. 1,
Washington County, Oregon, on the 17th
lay of November, A. D.. 116, at the
hour of I o'clock P. It. of said day. to
discuss the advisability of levying a
special or additional rosd tax In said
district, to determin what, it any coun
ty roads or portions thereof In said
rued diatrict shall b Improved, la any
special manner, and the character and
extent of such Improvement or improve
ments shall make thereon, and to levy
such special or additional tax. not to
exceed ten mills oa the dollar, on all
tuxsble real and personal property In
sa.d road district, ss a majority of such
r.-sident U,x payers of said road district
roall deem advisable for the purpose of
raising money, with which to defray th
est Oargain
The Reedville Store
Roedvillo; ; Oregon
af . SBXla tkiftnMiU at
ta ta eaia rlj Dlatttct He.
i. Waahlacto CoM, Orsav
IM rat taa day a( Nbr.
A. IX. mv.
ctus. uKiitRnarjt,
Roaa VaaMTtaor a( Raaa tHatrtct Na t
Waantactaa Oaaty. inr
Lnll Jufaa, raa U. ScfeatokaV W
P. iWWrs. -4 U Brian, U aViaaH. R
H. Rabatna, C P. Cast Mi. A. tUaak. J.
Nraarc J. O. Tkeaipaoa. Jiaili IWU
J4ia R Hfdcva. 1. N. RoblaaoM. A. U
8aUth. A. P. Iti. J. R C. Taamtooa.
Uartia, tiraca H. Kobiaaua. Jua. R
Bkaataal. R C Pajraa. 1 Wara.
J oka Waara, D Oalkraata. J. C
Waaaiaa. nana t Crta Waa. lor-
U U WwtfalL .
Notlra hereby itb that a aMinc
of th rMMt tax payer af Koad ln-trk-t
No. U Wasklactua Oounty, ira.
la hereby called aad will be all at
th Weatfalla Halt la aaid Road PW
trtrt Na 1. WaBhiBta OMUity. Oreua.
a th tith day of November. A. IX.
1IV. at th hour of 1 e'clork P. at a
aald day to dwraas and vot apoa th
atlmates roauiaed ta tha foUoamf
Road litrkl Na U WahlBtoB
Osuaiy. tro, etlmala tha aauwBI
of work. coat, and aumbrr of aulla of
tax to be raised for th follow In year:
1 feet macadam ea road No. 14.
CVavetery road watt of preaeat rock.
estimated roet of whlck Is II t:e
feet macsilam or complete Boone Ferry
road south, estinwted cost af which Is
(e . balanc oa Paytoa rtmd. No.
4S. Went of prevent rock. timateil
cost of whlck Is l;..
Value of taxable property la diatrict
Is. excluan of corporstiona. 344,li4
Number of mills reiulred ta raise, k
t-mlll tax. fUMta.
Fatad this tad dsv af November, A.
D, tll.
Road Supervisor of Koad lMiirtct Nik I
WashinKtoa iounty, Orecon.
Oh as. mchmokel. V. F. Bobenr. L.
Junrvna, J. U Byrom. U 8aert. R H.
Kobblna. C. F. CasteeL A. Hlaak. J.
Nyberc, J. Q. Thompson. Joseph Perl.
John R Hedrea. L N. koblBSoa. A. IX
Smith. A. F. llel. J. R C. Thompson.
Mabel C. Heimhach, Chas. Roberta, ties.
Martin, a. H. Robinaoa. Joa. H. 8ha-
moal. R C. Payn. Fred Wesch. Joha
each. Geo. Gajbreath. Joha C. Wans.
man. sfauda IX Crlm. Wm. Jurgana, U
IX WsstfBlL
Notice Is hereby givra that a meeting
of th resident tax payers of Road Dis
trict No, . Washington County. Oregon,
is hereby called and will be held at the
I. IX O. F. Hall la said Road District
No. . Washington County, Oregtta, oa
t.le I7ta day of November. A. Du HIS,
at the hour of 1 o'clock P. U. on said
day to discuss and vole upon th esti
mates contained In th following bud
Road District No. . Washington
County. Oregon, estimates the amount
of work, cost and number of mills of
tax to be raised for th following year:
mil grading or macadam oa rosd
Na S47. lv; repairing road Na AJV
140; mile macadam oa road No.
Alt, estimated cost of which la 5S4
.4 mile macadam on road No. AH7,
estimated cost of which is 1400: mile
macadam on road Na ISI, estimated
cost of which is 1150; I S mil ma
cadam oa road Na 1 estimated cost
of which la 4; 4 mile macadam on
road Na Hi estimated cost of which
is !!s; 4 mil macadam on road No.
17. estimated cost of which la I5
mil macadam on road Na AS. est!
mated cost of which la $J50; mil
macadam on road Na AM. estimated
coat of which Is 36; mile macadam
on Walnut Avenue, estimated cost of
which la lis. -
Value of taxable property la district
is, exclusive of corporations. I471.44S
Number of mills required to raise, a
j-miu tax.
Total. II4J5 00.
Dated this 2nd day of November. ,
D, tl.
Road Supervisor of Road District Na
f, Washington County, Oreaon,
C. F. Tlgard. Clyde L. Leedy. R F.
Stelnhoff, A. Zimmerman, J. J. Younc.
C. Shamburg, R Hoffarbsr. John
Gaarde. It. Frtson. H. R Tlgard. Fred
r earm, w. u Palmer. It. U Hayes, O.
H. Johnson. L. R. Jfiner, R R Nobbss,
H. Kehberg, Herman .wiener. Qeo. M.
Christenson, H. F. Bonesteele. O. Z.
Smith. J. 8. Smith. J. C. Jones, J. W.
Hummers, W. &. Steele, R Maty, H. W.
Huslsge, j. F. Stedman. C. R Organ.
w. ampler. Tom Kessler. J.
Scbeehla. Lydla 8. Steel. Fred
Let 'er Rain!
, If YOaVrl I
work to do, wear
Towels roam.
out a the rain. Kt
JltxEJgnttoftmy drop from running
in at the front
Protector Hauls
a"ascaoaC,.mt.. wma
boston arretffr
er Bros.,
Adam BViL of Ont-rriU. m
pting friends in th ctunty
Nit the last of th week.
E. BurkhalteT. of South Tuala
tin, was in the last of the week
getting- ready far an old-fashion
ed butchering; day.
Rodell Maiteson. of Forest
Grote, was down Monday, con-
femnfc with the othr two mem'
bers of the count board.
lioney to loan in any amount
at 7 and 8 per cent on accepts
Me farm properties. Bake ap
plication now and have the
money when you want it. Long
terms if desired. E. L. IVrkins,
Uillsboro. Ore.
The Christian played at the
Grand Theatre, last Friday eve-
nine, was pronounced by attend
ants to be one of the finest reels
ever on the screen in local theat
ricala. Years ago the Baker
Stock people played the Christian
at the Crescent, in legitimat.
and the play last week, for
photoplay, was as good as the
original in many ways -and tne
Baker Stock was hard to beat.
All confectioneries kept closed
Sunday, in obedience no the law.
none of them taking chances on
Gantenbein's decision, or the re
straining order of Judge Wol-
vertm. served on the district at
torr.ey and sheriff, who went to
Portland. Monday, to have
hearing on the proposal for
permanent injunction again&t ar
J. N. Gardner, who lived here
for a number of years, when he
was engaged in lumbering on
the Butler donation, came over
the Siletz. Beaver Creek, last
week, and spent a day or so
greeting friends in Washington
County and Portland. J. N. is
in a coming country, and it will
blossom like a rose as soon as
railway transportation reaches
the Siletz and contiguous valleys.
Spirella CorsetsNot sold in
stores. A question and a sug
gestion. Have you any corset
troubles? If so. let Spirella ser
vice cure them. Over three mil
lion satisfied Spirella wearers
testify to the ease, comfort and
perfection of style produced by
Spirella corsets. Many exclusive
designs from which to select the
corset best suited to your indi
vidua! needs. A Spirella rest
denee corsetiere in this field.
My advice, experience and train
ing are at your service, without
obligation. Appointments by
letter or telephone given prompt
attention. Phone Main 384,
Residence. Fifth and Jacks in.
Uillsboro, Ore, . 33-46
The second edition of the Coffee
Club Cook Book is on sale, at
Pie btoks are on sale at the
following places:
Vaught's Grocery.
Uillsboro Mercantile Co.
Donelson's Furniture Store.
Gragg & Powell Grocery.
Ross Grocery.
Rest Room. Second St. near
Morton Greenhouse
To Portland 55 minutes.
...a m
..a m
.--a m
.. pm
..p ro
9:58 ..
5:43 .
8:10. .
p m
9:S (Sat only)
From Portland 65 minutes.
a m
.a m
a m
6:25 .
a ,,
p m
9:12 (Sat. only)
a m
Estate of Owen Kppley, ftflrmued.
Notice is beiehv slven that tha urwlar
nKt executrix of tbe estate or Own
Kppley. has tiled ber final account In
said estate, with tha Clerk of tha oountjr
court ol tbe Htate of Oregon for Wash
ington County,, and that tha Judire of
the said Court lias sppoiii ted Monday, tha
Knd day of November. IMS, at 10 o'clock
lnth forenoon of said day aa tha time
" mstrms; unjeciinni ro aald nnai i
oount and tha sMtlamant thessnf.
All hairs, creditors or other persona In-
wrssiaa in said estate ore bsratiy requlrad
memoir objection to said estate are
hereby required to die tboirobjectlona to
said final sooo'int In said Court ami
oaoas on or nerora the said lima appointed
for hearing the same. -
bated at Hlllsooro, Oregon, thia 18tb
day or October, l6
Mlm le Knnlev. Kxacutri of the su.
itaUjofOwen Kpplev, Deonaned.
rfm puniinatlon uctobnr set. 1015.
Ut! publication November 18. Will,
Bxaeutrtx. '
Tbe Mint makes It and under the term of
tbs Continent a ii sioktoaok co.
ou eau secure it at 0 per cent, for any
leva purpose on approved real estate.
Terms easy, tell us your wanta and we
will co oparale with von
IX Itaatkaas Bid , Denver, Colo,
fittron UndeiiaKin
O. A. Patterson, Mgr.
PraiiAt, DtBcTOM and Kmbaliikks
Pre Chapelt IMr AssisUnt
Over Hillsbero Furniture & Hdw. Co.
Kighl and Snaday Phone Main i77. Day
Phone Mala 773
sal BTAA bVA aBk 4k s
. rinrkit Cmut .v. guu w
Or raw far WaaaiBitaa lewatj.
Koorrt C. Baara, naar.
by William UaaatisMa, bmo
f U lUaaaK
Ta IX IK lUaWaW Ue ab aasna
OK OREGON: Yati tw h.rby r
Hu;rvJ to appear anil answer thj cot
plaint filed against you in th above
entitled Couri ami cause on or beforv
tha 3rd day of lkcmbtr, 1)U saU
date being after the rxpiration or ti
mki from the dat of th frrt pu!
licatKm of lk.4 turemons upon you;anJ
u you rail so to appear ana answr
said complaint, for want thereof, the
PUintirr will uk luiUrmrnl irtlmi
you in th sum of $103.00 and fr ais
cost 4 and umlarcmcnU herein in
rurrtsL and wtU .wcurt bl. order if
ronttevtioa Iherewilh dirvvtine th sale
of personal property bojuntcini; to you
ana situate within w ashinicton loun
ty. Ore iron, heretofore attached by
th Sheriff of said Stata and t'ouniy.
at tli instance of th plaintiff tn tl
abuv entitled action; which said ?r-
tonni property la parUculariy Oct
cti'icvl aa follows, to-wit:
6 itf busaol oat.i. 75 bu. hrl 2o
bti: hel barley, 1 black horse. It) year
old, weight 127S, 4 old gray
wcint l-iM earn: 8 tons oct hay, I
mower, t ha rah, a od wairons.
old dhkv 1 two horso cv lUvator.
spr ue tooth harrow, I three sectsT
narrow. 1 hay teihirr. old. 2 lo rhains.
: cot harness, old. S olJ collars, and it
alilit.on to said personal property the
mij nenrr haa acited the sum ol
loj5 tinder the writ of atUrhmmi
Lsuod in th abova entitled Court and
rnuj at the insUnc of the pUntnf,
wnun aakl sum wts due and owir.c tr
you from tlie lartf ic tel Comlcnsr i
Milt Company, a corporation.
iiiia iiunmona U served upon v-u
by publication the roof in tha llillslwro
Arxrua, pursuant to order of th Ho i
orable J. U. Campbell. Ju.'. of th
above entitled Court, made and dnteil
on the 3th day of October. It5,hi -h
aii ortior Prescribe that thia lum
mo-is shall be Dublu.hed in the HilU
boro Argus for six turreMaive and cop.
ecutive weeks, besrinninir with th.
ianuo thereof Uated the ZUt day of
Octoker, 1915, and ending with th
uwu thereof dated IVcomUr 2nd
1915. and thai you appear rnd answvt
aid complaint on or before December
3rd, 1915.
. Attorney for Ptaintiif
la Ike Clrreit Cmui ef tke Stale a(
Urrgoa far Waakiaitoa Coaaly.
Wllliaat Hasselasaa,
Ta E..O. Uoaaaa. tat above aaatJ
OF OKLUON: Tou art hereby ra
qoired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed arainat you in tha above
entitled Court and cause on or beofre
the 3rd day of December, ltf 15. saiii
date being tfter the expiration of at
week from the data of the first puu
lication of thia summons upon you;
and it you fail so to appear and answer
said complaint, for want thereof, th
plaintiff will take judgment against
jrou in we sum or aztu.uu, with inter-
eat l nor eon from th 2nd day of June,
1915, at the rat of 8 Per cent oar an.
num and the further mm of $3&.00
attorney's foes, and for his costs and
disbursements herein incurred, and
will secure an order in connection
therewith directing the sale of per
sonal property belonging to yon and
Biiuui wiinin Washington County,
iirenon, heretofore attached by the
Sheriff of sa.d State and County, at
the instance of tha filalntiff in the
above entitled action; which said per-
son-ii property la particularly des
cribed as follows, to-wit:
5;;i bushel oats, 75 bushel wheat, 25
buhhel barley, 1 black horse, 10 years
old, wcijrht 1275, 4 old gray hones,
weight 1200 each; 8 tons oat hay, 1
mower, 1 hay rake, 5 old wagons, 2
oiu nix, i two horse cultivator,
Miring tooth harrow. 1 three section
harrow, 1 hay tedder, old, 2 log ehain.ii.
i nets harness, old, 0 old collars, and in
addition to raid personal property the
sai.l Slioriff. has seized the sum of
$15.1.85 under the writ of attachment
issued n the nlvo entitled Court and
cause at tho instance of the plaintiff,
which said sum was due and owing to
you from the Pacific Coast Condensed
Milk Company, a corporation.
mis summons Is served noon vou
by publication thereof in the Hillsboro
Artrus. pursuant to order of tho Hon-
orable j. U. Cnmpliell, Judge of the
abot c entitled Court, made and dated
on the 20th day of October. 1015.
men said order prescribes ttlat thh
ummons shall be nublished In the
Hillsboro Argus for six ouccesive ami
consecutive weeks. beinning with the
isr.ue thereof dated the 21st day of
j 1 . tm a as . a w iiMD. ana encmr wita ue
issun thereof dated December 2nd.
1915, and that vou annear and answer
said complaint on or beofre December
3rd, IU16. .
WM. 0. HARE.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Pacific States
Pire Insurance Company of Portland,
Oregon. The only Mg Oregon Old
Line Company. Ijotttt Promptly Paid
John Vanderwal
Agent .
plant mskas the
latlon Ibefip
or bodr Ion
canccr; It I
raiK, wjouo
monlals, arassiasaaT
rnor cured st ball prp II eancsr is vt
i a.
kmOLf kAlk TMi kaaasiia
BB4snltBXnrBMaBSaaSw4saa-aaaaS- f
SSSMffSN l) Special 18inchoslrichDlUme.
On woman InevertTalesoieaBOBT CJ. reseMrl
Ws reluss many who wslt too Isaa A Masfdla
Nmc or iMKirri iaia
la the ftreell l"H af lk
Ureta lar Waaaui,taa laswi.
1W M. Hair.
wares keepire C'av.
V...i.s. U herehv IVB that l' vir
tu ..r a reruin iudBsrnt and orkr
A sal daled th :th day of Septem
ber, tvlS. in th Circuit lour is
i.t- ..r itrrAia for WaaBtnftoa I oun
ty, in that certain suit akwrein The a.
H. lUrr was plaintiff and th WorU
kecffrvh tompany, a rvrHra-i.
as Ut fi nJanU thct dtaly sssbvaI
out of th t.;lYUll Vr ami t v
uaJorsiirnt'd Sh.rirt or waninr;iMi
dirttrL a writ of
" - V" . ..... ,.ta i
l.xpcuuiin. brartiiaT uate oi ww"
l15, and BhHh said writ cwmmamitM
th undersnfiird, Sheriff of aanl Coun
ty to sell all of th following des
cribed real property, to-it: Ui
ri-e (51 and .sit tl m luoca
(HI Kaicvirw A Allium to th Toaa
af IlilUboro, Washing-ton finirity, Ox-
pn, whiVh said property la described
in th notice of mechanics lien, iiivu
with th County Clerk uf said County, I
on the '.'lUh day of S-I'temtwr. 1U.
snd which said notice uf lien ha lva
and I in full fore and effect from
said "tUh day of September, IVU.
That all the rt-ht, title and IntereH
which the said defendant had In and lo
said real property on th said L'l-th
Jay of September. V)Vi, th dale of
filing of said notice of mechanic 'a lien,
snd Butaetcnt to the Mh day of Aug
ust, 1 I -, th dat upon which the
iaid plaintiff heran to furnish Ulwr
snd material in the construction of the
Jrier upon said premises sid rvforred I
to tn said notice of mechanic s Hen,
nd referred to in said Vj rit of I U
cution, or which the defendant tu acuired therein, aijl b sold in
order to satisfy th jihlement and tie
ore of th above entitled court, ren
dered on the saiit 7th day of Septem
tier, litis, which said Judgment and
ierre was rendered In favor of said
plaintiff end against the defendant for
.he sum of f Jt7J7, and th further
turn of t.DO.tH) atornry's fee, and tho
um of UUkw costs In th Suprvnw
Court, and sU-Jf, costs tn the t ire j I
Court, and $1 Ko th coat of thia Writ
NOW TIlKKKrllKK in pursuance
of uid Judement and order of sU
sforesaJd, I have duly levied upon and
eixed th whole of the abave d..
rribed real property, and notice is
hertby given that on the find da i f
Novemiwr, 1U12, at the hour or l.levvm
O'clock tn th forenoon of said day at
th front door af th Court llout of
th County of Washington, State t-f
Oregon, in the City of Uillsboro, I will
en at public auction, to the highest
bidder for cash in hand, all the right,
title and interest which the said de
fendant had in and to said real prop
erty on th 8th doy of August. 191
snd on the L'lith day of September.
1912, or which it may have aciuirwi
therein since said daw, in order U
satiefy the sums aforesaid, and the
costs and accruing costs upon this
Writ and such sale.
W1TNK.S my hand and seal, this
19th day of October, 1915.
Sheriff of Washiagton County,
By J. C. AI'ri.Kr.ATK, -Deputy.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
First insertion October 21, 1915.
Last insertion November IS, 1915.
Full Milk Pail
i it stoft smIs sn4 ssase
aaarf Mwi mtm
SMhtrss sn Silun s, Ft klan
Ihnt salras by tptjjirn ihrni sSia
Conkei Fly Knocker
Don noc tainl milk sndinnnllv stars
aa4 ceaaMi Omi man a hiU sulk ssA
Keeps Flies Away ,
From Cattle and Horses
Oa eases lent. ( snaoal. iMI
vtaai. Mcrtaan sfis.ll.
Try It IS Days
Moaey Back K Not
Trv s na ml., rt. It. '
Hillsboro . . Oreiron
Bay Direct Fram Preearer
This magnificent French Ostrich
Plume is full 17 inches long and
SfJs1 .? n,K.ne8t Krade hard
floe Ostrich, selected from the
""V very flossy
fiber and is extra. wM. ,.
SSI' dMn,r hec?d' 'Black.
WhltO and COlOni. Sonrl 1 nr.
.. i, . . ea.w
rii re waV; .er.n y p" post,
this beautiful Plume and if Vou
do not think it is the most mar"
velous value you ever nam tr
can duplicate of your dealer for
t2 98
- wurtn 90.UU
Special 20inchostrich plume.S6.00
. worth $10
f5f. .HlPiete, ,lne of trch
isoods send for free catalog.
1841 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Hi;
The NMrtlsMrafr ' UAiJ.1'
hold their annual sale et fancv
if X BhiauM
i r
w m w J mi
CAPITAL 050.000
SURPLUS ..nd ptxoriTs
Aa tli1, ufc nl rooaervativt Unk,
l.v tictl in the HilUltoro CotutacrcUl
lUk, S.W. corner Main tad Secoivd
lliilslroro Commercial Bank,
(te eeeo ea aass nmmmSmQjmmi
fiaiiss iaa . to tiaaass faUs...
J Itsun aaswaaa veaatca asw Tiaa at s sasai isiTi I
Irfwst s ao. asi vvsissv affturii-i I
ea sam it vea j I "lit. Tasssta sssSi-
ASK your dealer fcrW-S Cut
Chewinfi Tobacco. It 13 the 1
nrtn Ti.K.trw. iW'Lasi !, I
nrw "Kcal tobacco Ghsnr w czt hx?
skrta-or tenj 0o in tsmpi to a,
wimw ttUTOW CCAJfT, SDssllTes4Cl7
Hoffman's Sanaill
is sawiu from the bet tiober ia
WnshiaKton county. The finest
Rough and Dressed Lonbr
always an baud. Estimates oa
iniildinK, FUwrinK, Rustic. Ceil
"K all kinds of finished Inober
for house uuterial. We deliver.
Thonc: Tac. States, Glcncoe Central, J7 ,
PETER HOFFMAN. Dacona, Ort-on
Ye Want Everybody to Koou
That wc will, beginning at once, give Cash
KeRistcr receipts with every ctsh gale.'
snowing amount o gale, date tsd wlw
1111.1c ihc sale. Wc will ask yon to keci.
thcc receipts as wc are going to jive
back to cur cash customers one day's ctsH
saks each month. Wc will select es day
cadi month ami will nunounce In our win
dow on the 5th day of. each montlutlie"
date wc have selected, and then all yoti
will have to do is look over jour Caslj
KeRistcr rcceipia from us aud see if yot.
have any learinj; that dale, if yon have
)'i't bring them to us and we will refund
your mm.y, There is uo trick to this
Vaught Grocery Co.
Second Street Main i n Hill.
I r
M TV n
m the
come packed ia a JtsISTs'P
cracker box? "
At your dzzltfi. Ito tcsCCs
o in 10c and 23c pxOza tzl titzZ
imm aSjig ajsjsjj aaM
..w.w, r-m-
new r