fc I . ... f-n . HILLSBORO, OREGON, NOVEMBER 18, 1915 NO. to HOB TO CE rOTilLEO Kee4 TWWS fcMi'T State M)CWTftl Wf El Hi tu.iaU.oiaf.s-ety tt Highway Commission noting, at Ealem. lait iy afternoon, and Waah- hunty n P" (j Ik cumin WW W " One mifht lat w4 the Turin- I ITH IWI f'""JI Ui. Orrittm Klectric train, -n- LU.ULIl LSI J LJai.-J route from Irtlanl to Tualatin. ftirurk a man on in wm b-- tww-n Hon its and Tualatin sta tions, maniflinif the My no that ' identification would have bwn almoat impoKniU. Th trestle it on a curve, and Motor man Peck did not the man, an the hvadliitht did nut throw a liiiht on the uluce wrx-re the tin must have ltn atandinir. The train was t(ti'd a few fwt pant wlnr the man laid, as hit body had turned an air-cock un derneath the ear' frame. He thought It mik'ht have been a ruck, and tr-xv-lrd to Tualatin. On the return trio, however, he diacovered the body. There was the com'nf runt Judas U. li ir waa present, and there u fluht on to cut out the .iinn for this county ne ward for tan thouaand tnd thara were eist or count representative Vom thn body of the d for a Una It looked a uaMnrk County me out of the welee in , .,. tit Tu board. . appropriated ta above tha aula nisnwny in nty.and it will be ex- on tneeireicn no ma-,-d between Witcb Hatel mvrinn. ThUL With a ilp from tha dlitrict. in- ill cloaa the gap ana nubile a rock road clear from tha Portland moun The following digest of Oregon activities point to better time ahead: nothing by Nch to identify the rigation ditch let Prospect arc man except a scrap of trench .... tnr tha .-tw. f th John Ennes. of South Tual tin. was in town Saturday. J. L. Barngrover, of near Var. lev. waa in town Friday after noon. E. C llulloy. of Laurel, and Jacob Schneider, of Uisvv.lie, wara county aeat visitors, btur day. Ur. and lira. EL W. Bay lee. of leaves note fcs a rasa utr weal union, were my visitor. ii. t..ji w. t. 1. 1 Saturday. " I . .. fr-.-i.t a. nennier. 01 notui luaiaun Plains, waa an Argua caller Sat urdav -.fLernoon. ' p iiArnb-r nf Wton who Roy Hill, ayoung Ticard farmer. is making a suceeas at corn shot himself in an Oreson tlec- raising. waa in town the last of trie car. Nov. 2. ISIS, while the DtaianEDun Columbia River AIm Dolaf Heavy Shlpplag Tkeae Days POttaAINO WITHHOLDS INVESTKSNT Bcller Thats j-E::sDrT::in Shots Himself la an OrsgM i3ae- trie Car. at Hee4 ami Parter Sfit tkc Oiri Frta OrcfM CMy tsst WtoSM aad Pafla Triaw "8i bki i " nw . i- . :; - . 3 YOU FVC I tka week. car was sidetracked at Hood and Judge Geo. R. Baxky will hold porer Streets. PortlandL The court at liliamooa. Deg.nn.ng k.. ... j,.. nn(;il wi mw m mm w -1 - stamp and the address of woman in France, which waa turned over tn the French con sul. at Portland. tv Coroner lUr- rett. No blame can b attached to the train crew, of which Con ductor Mormon wa in charge. It is thoutrht that the dead man was a dinvrter of a French ship ped to all which wan in port rendy to take oot a carco from Portland. For rent. Two farms -one of tivaii.in. one mile from Forest "? Gmve. Iiirh room for about 2U mra and'li homes, city water. rMh rent: ant other. 142 acre. U miies mmth of Ue'dvilU. about one-hut f inrukivation. burn room for 10 head cows and 4 horses. .i-wt well, and fair house: tenant or ht for the opening of the rt rlj,Xnr? aa not diaeovarad onUI Conner Creek mine. Two f .0,,,, court here Saturday, when a ear ra mils here will eipend $18.- i",, tha Wth. pairerwant to tha plaea tore- rock road between here Grove, and other por V ik HLa will be re 1 and work will begin the spring, inua com C f-.mrihifi haa been ac Neil, to any the least, and matter of frauaeation 1 liDroDriauoo waa made. inia eoniDiewa w wm ... L. f..i- iti. . p.mm (iiencoe nil uaivw vrw. vi. 1 will hf eonsieeted k with a fairly good 1 well as the Gaston aae old sawmills here will expend 118.- th; .Sy, I pairer went to tha plaea GOOonfourdrykilna. . .. Joair the eoaab. Whan haastar- North Bend-Cu, Umbard. ed the vestibule h. foond HiU Portland capitalist, planning fnr4., r-. tottom land I with a bullet holethrooch tha electric line to Sanaet Bay. or awale. near Orenea preferred, forehead. Tha body waa ra- Siuslaw salmon are being ship- H. Jeibman, Hillcbcro. Ore. moved to tha morgue, and a let- Hiioaii paru 01 racinc uoaat. riarene Yoans. raenntend-Iter was found on tha TnleHn I.umhee steamer. Fi-lent of th enuntv fcfm. was in addressed to Ifka Gertrad field, left here with 650.000 feet town Saturday. Uateports fif- Smith, of Oregon City. Tha of lumber, and steamer Bandon teen inmates at tfca county in- missive had been dated aa Oct. is expected ina few days for a stitution. 28. but that data had bean I i I . . .... . w. milsrload. . 'v.? . scratched paruaiiy oat ana not 1 !....... t q..h. n.,1 Money to wan 00 nrst-ciass U .k.:-j 1.IIIIC IIIUUBIIJT VI kWIIWIU V. " . . - , W..ll.... lfHWW. egon boosted by shipment of 1W J r .HairST Tn8 ,etter howB tb tons to Lane County for fertiliser. County Hill had received a letter from Salem -Mott farm of 64 acrea. PDJ DT B- J BcAwar. Mj Smith, but ita contents do south of the city, to be planted aer. 411 I not show why suicide was his lit ttennerminL I C P. Grahel. of Bartiew. came last act in life. The letter: l a aCitv n annlnir to eitena I nr thwlaatnr trim week for a I Dear (.ertrad! 1 MMIfM water supply. few days stay. Ca says that your letter and was giad to hear Pendleton -Macadam roaa loiutrvlew had quite a stare wnen that you are au ngnu iTUiy WanMnirtfwi alalw lir. In hlikMMfit hiarh Hit struck that I maw tha I Aril hitm van. I have uvM from destruction bv being I hMeh. Several houses were dona wrone and can't ret rtrht hard-surfaced with Warrenite. I moved Just In time to escape be-1 again. Remember what I told 1 -ohannn Itiir stAel bridffe -1 inv wravlrad. I vou. I loved and eankl have ingup. I . . . 4. made good for you, but it ia too Une County builds another . jflff,!? f?:,1,2 late, and do your bast, for jaa .,! Inchea in diameter, fence rails, AltooA ittim -j-i (Wd MvrtKj Po nt to have new post " v r: offiei building. . !reI6n.W"Lgl,n" in the plateau region. They, rum ic wor aaas, . j "r kef EkoT. Hillsbo- have leased their place up there to nnaiaua W . A 1 City 4S1 or call at for the com ng year. Mr. un- purna nu Vrvwm vt w. iir- . H , -Znt in Portland last week W. It & N. railroad connection Tualatin Hotel land bouKhtaui team for the aii in eany any. j. H. Goar, who la travenng ... - 11 . ...... t,.i I latnria l.S iilK (IK) leet lUm-1 tk.. knmA SJ wheat on hi Montana place went ber shipped from 1 lower Columbia 0YOT Sunday. He says that at a ru 1 1. .. a 11... a.M ouun ar. uwmi in imiuuvr. 1 afuwi intn tA KamMiM wian . " ST-T iw . Cen r.1 Oregon railroad con- HEE Tk., lnmne7 ;r I Sam Moon, of CenterrUle. was 1ST IB. 1 1 IS1 Wril IBIlviiu I . a m S UV awwcww wmmw wwam ' is naturally something which ever new concern you deal with I t-. if. . . 1 X , 1 oaa nxai vo aa ur. aiosi 01 me successioi Dussineea and professional men of this town give this Bank aa THEIR reference, a fact which always gives them a most enviable pres tige. because it's well known that only responsible people are ac cepted aa depositors here. The value of being associated with a thorougly dependable bank cannot be OVERESTIMATED ISany a Man owes his success in business to his bank's advice 4 ret Cent. Interest On Savinge American National Danll aw aaaaf rasf fs.. CTTaa . Oee . emi work out ceau'r Dan I,. Yamhlil Countv line. I ranch, canh rent.-C. J. Htrdsell. 1,.. m.iemtlli. the dream 612 Seventh Street liillsboro. phone City 820. Clyde Lincolr- nn 1 family have tLrZ. ! returned from thf'r Inverness. vm rv'i , .....1, ,J .nn,an nn nuni-i laiivn. ii"i wi.i the Lincoln place, at Glencoe. until next Fail, whin they, will r " u until next 1 inesccuon return in time to put in a crop JllllVfl, sww . VI it will tenter of U ..1 ... be a big hwneflt tha county, aad tUnulua for mre ?'?L , the laterals runaing fiain artery. ill- with luck. I die. Your Only Boy Mill" Walter Zetzman. of North Tua latin Plains, waa in towa Satur day. I. U HaaM. of Scholia, waa greeting friends here the last of the week. .ill umj .U- 1 .a.. My. nHffn inmnAP nr - - - - r. . - . I UI IWHU Ulll IWUH . I . I - - -. L.n v .t J around urucuon mav nave wwuunm mm uw nmrwr. at m urmi it. 'V 1 nan mhhi. t --- j I w- rittia rrant hnnaai him went from 20 to 52 bushels in san rrancisco. nnawi "r bad increased ?z.wper tnousana. 1- YES! IVEIIIAVE IT 1.1 STCO One Million Board feet of Good Lumber A stock of lumber so large and varied that yon can have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many large dimension timbers, and can save yon the expense of special sawing. When you wast lumber, promises don't fill your bill. Onr specialties are quality, ser vice, and courteous treatment. You can do better for less with this company. Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks. A D SO L U T E L Y Everything in Building Material antm4f flin .w-iAt from 2U 10 ItfnuJnfll inonrnBnwif. jj uw I nBO increaseu ww per miwubwiiu, i tin-ttv god fvw that italisu are not reaponding with over thlt wty but aaya that L ... . Ii fianoon iwufal tn build the I in l. - - ! lUce. of Varlev. ning businaastn the city IVmmln. of South Tuala- a county seat caller Mr. and lira. Ben Sahaow. of mill vim have net adi an if Haaipa. wareia tiaaeity satur I U1MV. " I.I..H I I IWJ . U. r. nesse. 01 ovnuii. wT... norn oners to raise irom iwrw .. ; u t u... . u- l!.i.,Uu I H hft : . :- I..a I lOB HHUIIOV UlUWl iuiiiuiihi u. t.uwHi inC CUV v. . 1 BIX (UIIIIUIIB III HIV l-wov. i. . j fT. W k... I D ...1. a . . i. i i nrnnn nrrn bjiu xiuiucr uh nwcuura ihi w. hiiw wa' m 'rrTrV" . .mak.n aod a showing case in tha Douglas Count dr fffiiiia i niijrn main r ri n i iirr nan i a aiajiirnnar a nw a www w mix ... WtUUIW AnnincRAi lk.. It MM liValv mi II Ka p-tain. on OrtiirL nrokherei and tlauniea ior a ....m. - - good many jcars. Pr. Erwlnl ti J " J! A. C Shute and Wm. Nelaon rem n ed h m that tne cnar.ire nne oi tnemosi enjoyauiv vt?-i -v r-' iv-m the limit of dueka down made him look dintangy." and 0f the week was the charming WWn r v thm-nnon cone tided to let d nner given inursaay evening. w.w-nww u'.uK"i' mallarHa with th. Axeen. JNixfien and daughter. i were city callers the the week. hL Flint, of Ceholl8, ws the city conday. driving neof the heavy rains of Wn. . . .', ,tei-at once; Young men lomohll bu-Jnefi. Cisnav. .keyouaipeniBian weess II. Fa? ua srtar we se- iu position. Century Auto- Institute, Los Aaareiea, iter Alexander, engineer Dtorman. waa In town Sat Cheater tayi that the )rn Faelfle men are nil at ; these days, as buslneatis double that of last year J time. Hale -Two finely bred Hoi Fresian bulla reeiatered. I enough for service; also oung regiatered Holatein n bull calves. 6 and 3 weeks i. Rendler. CorntMin. Ore.. 2. Talerhcsa. IliUsboro. 0f!ti.e thinK grow from this on. v. ki t... u ft Mra Samuel I a breakeven, next summer it Y, ioe T-.iwa Av . lahiMild mi a sood dividend each . i i iir. ail vju a aa v. a a -w wm v Johanna York has smd the the event being their paper wed-imontn. . . d tMi rA. i -. aa . nu. i Southern! acme lorw-Luw . . dinf anniversary, a.ri. w.. w . f . w . the Uiaaor her husnana. a :u.M formerly Miss irein ;.. r" :nfv "h way lalwrer. who was an ea on Wa:ker. of . Wash iBEton.yoaaw. -Y'i?;"T. IK. Tlllamnrtlf I ne IflSt MSrCn, 'I'knon who eniOVeU Ur. anu W"'" K'-f - w uiuivukui; mimm w I.'"" i!kiu Ln Mffine wu making a MrVffi.hMDitalitv ware Mr. tion following the sale of a hun- for effective plowing. ffbHa a two children to suppuru were mallards, with the ezcep! tion of.rour. it wu tne oan dav's hunting of tha season so Ur. FoDithe first time this Fall the rains have been heavy aaousa to thoroughly soak the frotad liillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reeaonnble DA Y AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, City 176 iLvonnrl F.A-ert 28. of Fort- a Mia. r.iadvs Uurgett. lauu. BUM " - , 18. of Cornelius, were married st Vancouver, lasi inurauuj. Nov! 11. 1915. W. E. i'urkin. aged 36. and Mrs, Julia Harris. Forest Grove, were married at Vancouver. Wn., Nov. 11,1915. L';lt and li InroncA UCF.irOV. iwvuuu wf vu iVTcr wiibu ws www wm 1&SSWSmfk: FOR SALE soon I in music, Kamea anu wn- im giaun ureKvunui vernation. Mra. Vanonadau ur. .-A Mm Will Anderaon and lira Thna Harris called later in thaleoldar Winter than usual this ..Anin I vase Ha nointa to the heavy The guesta departed at a lata foliage on the trees, which this u... wtah nir hott and noBtass I aMMn haa been mucn more nnnA inok and harjDineas andlhaw than usual. He says the w ...a . a. a i a a a I sows and 1 Cheater White boar. ,w Yi" I. VT I""' : " sows ana i inescer wrmie d Irs. VanonedaU Mr. his ideas on history, appeara to uu8t be sold immediately. Anderson and Mra think that wa shall have a trifle wu" 06 Mrs. Vr R jSton. called later in tha colder Winter than usual, this wU Hai Rtitio Witch Hazel Station. S. P. AND P. B. 4t E. Harry Smith, airrd 42. of Hills or rorunno. . ? -- V thai iney nini uvww kT na'"" " r."'. ...liL" -i .ii. T. v. r ...,- Wih . NOV. 11. IWiu. I j:. .J nu44int in KailWOOOL I wiitrar fnllAWtM. ana Uvl inai 1 ans Ticvn iw, ww uw- v 1 1 1 ill v i I . - - - iiiimiiiunu nvuM.Mw ... .m.. . ... . . - ' ' I " . . . 1- - I . I . . . .11 I m. am wlin ...A.r i i.uiwmv where they nsve.won we ttia legena general ij carat- vrue. . Dwiuht i omeroy, Wllt,f , i u:- en k Knl To Portland "ri.ood so w iv". . M.tt:..uu Tmw T-n at tn kuHiAta ata TnrmaF vanrai i aauaaiiiiiviiiD aiauuiiniiiiuii -aaar. aaaaw PUBLIC SALE E. Klinger. of Tualatin, wno Fope-1 Grove wt,..,.. ij w naa oeen in cnrK i MeM nnvil Train. Ma ttnt Mra iuu - ... .... .- of Lfinyville. visitea w m rc.- Uvea In Portland, jsaiuruuy. John M. Brown, of above Banks, was in town rnday. ST. LOT'S INSTITUTE Bvrtotv. Oran ' aMfcijiajajSTr" ' wu!?-!? Thla popular ioatitnUoa, conducted by the Sister of 8t. atary, aSbrda auperior edaeatkmal ad-mntagea, combined with the iaflotnet of a nlaeS hoot. It U dellghtfally titnatcd in th healthful Tualatia Valley, oaly II aaila from Portland on the Southern Tacific cat line. Pall)PriaBwty, law mediate, Qrammar and High School CoarsM. Separate d?artatut for ittta girl. Thoat who with to prepare for th teaching pfofcattoacaa tad th Teacher' Training Conra -amply equipped and prepared to do strong work. A gra oat from ihis course secure a Teachtr On Tear C ;rtlficat wlthoattaam nation. Baceptional op.-wrtunirie for thorough instruction la atasN. Art nd Bspreesion. A ne. ;y organized Commercial Court covert a Dcrtod of two rear tnd 6ts for an position of iepowioillty. For farther information, or prospsctut, AMre 7arf fTho S&Qtc Savings Bank fa mtk Old CayUable Institution with Rwaourcwe.of over oapb.ooo.oo If vou are not familiar with banking mcin. and talk U over with ua and wc will glnjly give you any inforntation desired. All business strictly confidential. Ac-1 counts of Vometi and Child r.cn solicited 4 Per CMV.r-.ld on Saving Deposits. A. McGUt, Pres. ' A. C. Shute, Vlce-Prcs. W, MaHon, Cash. W, V. Bcrgeu, Asst. Cashier 0.11 at M The underaiKned will sell at pub- in qusrry, alnce las : April, wu r t Qrove 4:10 p,, lie sale at the Joba place I mile up Uonday.eonl rrinfc-g Eugene Train 4X3 p,o. o:w p. ra. .-8:15 p. m. ..43p.vtn. . .6:0 p.m. .7:15 p. m. .&!C3 n. ffi. 02:15 a. o. atoo on tri at cow Spring, heirer caivea, wi ,t a ,ua nere, u,e quarrj h s, t GM tpid!2.vr colt wagon, bum,lnrniBhal enoush material for or8?rroT' .a s -a. -.- v . a . a i KnannBn drill, mower, m o o ,m 7 m lea i or rjei roaos. " Minnvllla . harrows. ma wll wraw a . jew w-y.u w sr G(0V. cream Beparawr, -r, w wtna up a iew onrer. ior w p tons hay. ueo. a, rwioro. plteea. 'McMinnvilla vWlltl I . r.Ul.l. jw.it,ift.i nn 1 ... t. !- W. ( IWuVillBl vwu-w.' I All USHUW, BW VU H J, SMOOTINa MATCH . d J Saturday, coming, here tpfMj Fir atreata; at SUth aad lir I turn nn excumiuu acreew ira avowi brought tha Salem football team steam Service... Otf Dcct to Forest Grove, to play Pacific. , Xo to farm, nearorenccon inur-ay, j. u. rtrnameu. o pa, m Train 43 P.O. Thinkagivlng Day, Live geesa, hours, and thiawM h n lonwat ft i J" dressed geese ana y0n. via.L w JTK t. R. 4 N. Train fcll a tn. Blue K0CK nna - u,,,: t cw.l ,.., n!!- u.na at ill a. m. Liunca iviaic.nna miru uiibwiv w mwm, . noon 84 6 than favorably compares with at 2:00 p. m. from waJ no?n I!". U. mmilitbm In thn fiatitmlav and Sunt! Onl. v - nr I.nwe. at Hotel Wash- Wfilsmatts Yallay, Ha li run. , Forest Grove jeeis.-Utuf. I i , u-..4.u nntii ilntno nn tavmsln line, on the I days only) W mnw". ''"'-"rr:..: . ou. MMlwMrt of aWt Pnrt1snd...:.....11l21 a. m. StT wf VV n a. m wwai www I We have a splendid line of Jewelry far unnstmas rresents. Maae your seiecuoa now and we will put them away t?r you. Absolutely the best stock in.iit'lty ior dainty and serviceable gifts; ,$v Hoffman Jt 1 1 .4 llilltboro. OH o'clock, only. "Xou wu. Six -. lilWfi--Uil3ai VU IIHI1J. -