The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 11, 1915, Image 3

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    teiisMW AJMCS TftSMiaa It
iisincss aw nuwa
Meads. Mtw
Wro Commercial Ouh.
Wilting with the iwr-
I Iliiwuurv. -
L,rocative. hM wt a
Week, w w w0""
29, and to last until
will make specialties
mi for the entire week,
visitors will beenUr-
ih (mroHTil Club
The rm rnln M nf Jtr. L
tlge, lyl Ord.-r if
Tuesday evrnsmr. entertained
the ladu-s lt K 4 pnit-ratu and
lund.eon. tin 'iitlittifu doing
the serving. 1 In- uif.ur more
than BuiTimfu!. u tar: crod
in utt-rnUii'-'. I iicLutor
rmun v.nlur wHeoiru-il the
Uido. Mini V. d. Wart-, in Hi
mtMiin fend welcome, outlined
the virtue and worth of the or
der. Th Hillwlxiru orchestra
rendered Hfvirul huiuImtm. with
F. 1. Ihmelsori. viohn;0. rheljm,
trap and drum, and Clyde
Itruwri. piano; th) other mini
vrt being hoKh ly Art Mtlten-
berger; accordcm h. it Iy Mr.
Schafer; du.ce. Km I Bingle;
aoitgand piano solo. Mini Frames
Adam, song uicinpuhied iy
Ml! Certha Oito-n. The eve
ning rliwi'il with darning and
other amiiHi nM litH.
iIEi. JOS. 11DR0P
II. A. Wolford. of Huxtor.,
visited in the city yesterday,
The Sinclair yard, cf near;
Ieiay vitte. has beta Hhip.M.g,
hop this.
Trv our Turkish Cream Roll.
The Dorcas Society of the
Danish Norwegian Church mat
at the home of Mrs. Andrew
Pierson. at Reedville, on. Nov. 2.
Pastor Vereide. of Portland, met
with theaa. aad after the busi
ness oi the meeting was con-
Mysieiaaaai Mrgwa
Office CpeUIre ia BcUlaMrick
mmiOmmo ttautai
Ouartcr of a Century Ago
Wit IWOrful I'ulpli I'rcsthcrlThev are home-made atid hard to ,r: irinter namiiioa, m ,u"Jculed. ft delightful luncheon
was served, those present were
Meadames Pierson. Bock man.
JuHN MGUA GlILTY OF ASSAM ?enn' A110,!! Iv&.A";
ucraun. I ciiii, V(iauu, irjmiu,
Hoier. Hairir. J Johnson, Jensen.
Number l Crimi-ul Caxi Set Ut Trial
Wa P.lof a the Bjpil.t Ihttna Here
Tarea)ly-Si Vcart A
b-aU Kwber's toafectioii r.
ISjts forsale. Fourmil-!Jt!i;
of llilUtjoro,on I jrel n-a 1. -11.
Bnrk halter. "l
Stamped pillow siil. crd;
K cents per pair, at th ift
Shop. 3i ;
PtHMMa, ofio City a nmimm, Oky M
R. M. ERWIN, U. D.
y J-Mffc Baticy
To Kchanife: Nice hoin nd
lU-v. Joseph Waldrop, well known three acres in ilillsboro. f-ri
hi-re a i-iurU-r of a century aifo, home and acreage in the o-n-i
revisited llillnUiro. yefiterday. try. M. Miner, imisooro. w..
having arrived V-st from his The Social Circle of the Con.
Florida home on atrip to coast Church desires to most cordial!'
point-i. Mr. Waldrop was be thank all tr(w who in any wav
,i , . , ... assisted In the presentation of
wildered when he dropinnl olT ff",Bm, l..v evening.
ThrenhinK' outfit for sale - K'. the train so many are the changes j,y the Committee. -Mr?: Kuster,
II. r. rnuii.t. p int'.r, ,VJ inch, Kince he last saw thecity. W hen Chairman
with patent rn; liuy hur. Kjr Waldrop had the pastorate
cnntiMis. an i A.ii. r uck. an in
goxl co'ulition. Will Hfil
i hualneaa man cheap, or rotund. -r trade
that each and ev. -"7"- ! -
'to it
compensated for
U county seat
U in the nature or a
jie. "
it farmers, as well as
,mrn. that old IlilUbo.
i a host worth while.
w ill lie fu iw
jt.le prices, and the man
le to lliiisnoro
uKt a division or pro-
iitl make him feel that
well repaid. Commit
be appointed by the
. Ad-Argun,
A very pleat int evening as
spent at the home of ( h.n. Mar
tin, three inilrs Mtnth of IlillHlMi
rJ. The evening wan enjoyed in
munie. dancing ami conversation.
Light rcfrenlruenti r- nerved
at midniv'ht, after which the
gUettts departed, wbhing tlie
hiwl and ll: ( i.appy re
turns d the dav. Tl o.e present
were Mr. and Mn Marhn. Mrs,
F. F. Nelson, of American
of the UaptiHt Church it was a Kalis. Idaho, was in town ye-
favorite place for those whoap- terday. the guest of W. V. Wi-
both fervid y- an oin-ume irieni. ..jr.
Nelson isanromeroi ira .-.ei-
of McMinnville. tormeriy
ir'Ciateil a sermon
and replete with power.
as -k.9 m iw a J I.
uooy. isora. uonman, Aaamj, snrKaa &r.r. 14 1.1.11,
Johnson and Tollason. The soci- In.
ety ia planning to give a Harvest Pffi ' Taan. nock. TaiHaa4
Faatival haWf dmnP at Alnha
William Hall, of MeUger. was hll, on iue9iay, Nov. 23. Ev-
found guilty Tuesday morning erybody is invited.
of assaulting one Hamilton with For nni: pj 0f 57 acre3
an ax. Hall slashed Hamilton 4) miles & W. of Hillsboro and
.n the shoulder, and alleged on S miles S; E. of Cornelius; 10
the stand that Hamilton had acres in culUvation; 15 acres in
1 . , Uk . ik TK stump land pasture, balance in
truck at him with 1 ft club. The tfBb cut f ree, int.
evidence showed, however, inwijQQ fani Small amount of coo
ilall had Called Hamilton out ori.tV nH implpmenU to go with r -,rnrtrfir- rj- irj1
the house and that when he did place. New house and first-class
he had Ukenthe precaution barn ana ouiDuua.ngs -ror . . vj. rxjdo, IX. V.
m B . - -kas MfmeAaci kv vi. lur. 1
Ua StrccU.MiUaboto Ongaa.
Office Hoara to i a. at.: I la t -k. t
va-iv unnta oay or alglit.
on- oref uiUNw-ro Hat
vmuinir riniwm,
till be left undone to
nn feel at home.
of the Club are more
k.miaatie over the evrnt
faiwert that we shall en-
ore visitors than in any
history of the cit
ii' . . 1 .nelson in a uiuiuvi
was a smucni cu me ocnpiures -v. mi ., riu-i.
and hisuiry, and every sermon H" "
Kcir.tillated with points and dra- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Imbrie ami
matic quality. daughters. Mrs. E. H. Smith ami
His family i now irrown. and Miss Clair Imbrie. are over at
he is enjoying the evening of hU thei'- cottae at Ilockaway, this
life in the Southland. week. They write that the dam
When he left Hillsboro there age by the sea at Barview is
were no brick blocks, no paved nuite extensive, but that the
directs, and no cement walks. I Uockaway property has not bt; n
But one railway graced the molested.
Uockman. Mr, ll-i ks.n; Misse. t'"" fc , " C II. Wheeler, who ha, big
Celesta iM-kman. Manly. ,n .Her ' - "1! timber interests in the CUhran
m.n.KHtella Asbahr. l.ylah Ma; -,r Z:Z. section, on the Tillamook line.
CHI IIMHBlll .1 IIIWIV w-wi I A J A la-f-iM ff
inhed at the changes time has wU 1 rerir.,r-1 " . ... "XI
live inousanu uuun in-r.-n..ii- m
to have his "little hatchet
him. The court find him $150
and costs, but suspended judg
ment on the fine provided Hall
.halt in time Dav the costs. The
j ury : WE Crosby. J R Hayden.
0 Griebler. J B Bartlett. G A
i'lieth. G W Miller. C Blaaer. D
Rain water. A H Thomas. Thos
Connell. Geo Galbreath and J T
John McGill. of Beaverton,
was found guilty of simple
OFFICE: UDttlii-lIn Sthalmr-h ttiAm
Hennr Hesse was in the posi- pMO!ita oaic. citwis: ro. ak.
tionol tne legenaary man wno uujusBoao, . OftKOON
"naid for a dead noss." mis
Ira . Dsrrtt. M. D.
Otac Talopbooa. Maia 1SS
milou IviapboD, Maia 104
i nun. i
iwr "'"J hney. Kathryti. i:!i.altl ami
Bsrtiara llilleeke; Mc wm. Henry
tn-at'ey. Win. snd f arl Asbahr,
Otto Steinke. Carl, lleurye and
Wm. Wienecke. Willi Maloiiey,
lan Mmrirk, IvUurd Freuden
thal and i ritz liintharL
He was bating himself in in one of f"yhe.ft
front of the Hotel Tualatin, and fing ou fiU this side o th Co
remarking to himself that this urob' K!wra"iS.p" l;
mlttee will irf to get
Iihl but whether soc-
not the sacrifice prices
r anion will make rare hMMy invit.i!
nuiileration. I ..
Wrchant will slaughter O. O. wiijes
r.i.. ...-.,- tA Ka- ihi trtnton ami
L.k njttand nleaaure. Harry im
'Ihe Wont- ut), Woit-l-raft will
ifive an all iiikiht lai Nv. l'J.
at the W. 1) W. II ad, li miles
wet of (Vil.r Mill. Chicken
supper and ml iti'iik', hvcry.
i a : . j
was one place ne recognizee
when he was approached by J.
K. Keeves. who knew him well
during his pastorate. Mr. Wald
rop was the guest of Mr. anu
Mrs. Keeves while in the city.
I or Sale
ull bltttkled
hhiiiiH-il a sliil'
n oi "re drum toi
. w ' t lives at
North Rend. ai.- ' mr.truments
went down on tne ;:nta t'lara
wreck. At least, to ii i sup
psed. a.i they lo not arrived
-N-uUtori-d I at North Bend, ai d llo-y were
CHANcmoa cEonce m. brao-
One of l ft aBiil eiiiwn-nrr.
t ... . i ..ia-. ..n. lu i .iiiittiiwi n ill. ur ii ut in ii r
l a, aervicpa-m-r, "t t " ' . . , ,-. inflafBi.
f. and the others are 2- sailing of the v?,, tnat we , ',(.fC
C Will sell cheap. eewn oU i. . I he valm ,J? rtlrwlir)y ,
I M. Kehrli. "f the horn and drum wu-i about lif hu
llilla.lale. Ore. IjO. and 0, t!. ii wondering to i ala..-rt
-t.MlMil na.t H" -rirrh-a In
wtne-Kr fliiirar M. n"i1f'l
Mlh.IIM rllerir "f oaunoou.
Ill 1.1-tiipp arc full of llfititlit and'-i, ntnl It wmil.1 l-f ttoeWm to
an,.i,it.t to a'nf iiualo Hio imwl-rr of
iiirii ami wouieii io baw Aio grmt
at pti't Mirr llilii afipr coming na-
week. When he oaid his taxes
last Soring heoverlooked the tax
on the little bay mare which
hauled the mail wagon o long in
Hillaboro. After March I Henry
nve the animal away, and she
died of homesickness during the
Summer. The animal was taxed I AMtiaaaikMyia
u found guilty oi aimpie s. ne received notice I m m . .
sauit. me suie the other day that he owed 42 ' "
had struck Oscar Johnson with nn 'na, t-- H went B AO LEY A HASH.
Anton zr"T:"i-nA
,, TT;, J ATT0BJlftY8-AT-LAW
explained that he had overlooked . u .
the Ux on the equine paid it iooass 1 aad t KhaU BalUiftt
with the remark that it was not hillsboro. . . ouaoi
the first time he had "paid for a v
It HUC SALl! ,
. 11 -ll .A ..1.
ignea win aen av ju
the Jobe place 1 mile
iltaboro at ten a. m. on
DAY. NOV. 27. 191&
freeh In Spring. 1 frfsh
if h-Mfra fresh in the
WisteretT Jrrsey bull. 2
!ve. all atock tuberculin
vr colt, wagon, buiigy.
kcr. disc, clod crusher,
i 1 nlows. cultivator.
Sparator, and about 16
lieo. ii. croxioro,
tcrei-K'-nn vviiiioii.
m In li nl Una
wiilml)- wlihtntilm-
Mr. Tkt laa-eaotrifi Pt' W wvre
n U iVcvoipatwl wllh Uom of tha
n.h..ihi'r or not he f ail coil. Ct
from the expre company.
For rent: .i und one half
acres, G nHiin ioue, barn und
outhoiiiiert, -lie Vii.M ia?t of
lldlsUirit. lVr ear. cash rent,
rrr. AddreiiM II. l. Schmeltzer,
HitlsboM, t)re. iJBf
An explosion of CM of
dynamite nt Butt-tur other day
killisl H men. Bert Hager, of
..;.. .iiu f.irni.-rU'. Wllhttl 8
thouonnd f.- t "I tlo .tanr
when it ii-niied. and the gnniml
for a uuartir ol a mile
.-...l ll.ii-..r writes that !'
ni i'iiiiu. - . .
hnd just b'fl th i''i;hlH.rhKHl
of the explosion b it a few min
utes prior.
K.-thniw t'.rnnire will give an
all-night dance l'hanksi.inif
eve. Nov. 21. 4 ;'" mm'
mnmiifemenl HUtl a gooi
Every Innly come nnd helj
.k.. nnd liUW a L'OO.
Tickets, including Hupper. $1 oU
i! non-ill law of
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cral.tree. or
Forest Urove. and brother-in-law
r v M t'rabtree. of Laurel.
v .. ..I , t
and Mrs. J. uav Vl ',va'
Scholls. di.'d suddenly lute rues
dv" evening, at his home n
Wper. of Oregon City, Carlton, lie is urvived uy ue
Ity caller. Tuesday eve- widow ami one cmm.
For Sole: l'weiity tn'o liea.l ol
Charlotte Kelllngton. of thoroughbred V"Vl"
is visiting her slstsr, to wean. Amiress v.. u. " ',.vi''
n . kt. WAAlf I - ciuoiii,- Station. Cornelius,
hum viin-i, ni nv. iiivoi -: . l,',iinrl "'.".
A U.nn f.-.m aeeur. Oregon, KoUlC I . V - u0" TW' "
erman Glaske place. 1
of the Frank Imbrie
r Orenco. on Thursday,
vlnir Dav. Live geese.
'seese and young beef.
tk and trap shooting,
it 10 a. m.- Lunch at
1 34 D
lies of the M. E. church
a Parcel Poat Social In
I future.
te nhintiinur from 4U lo M car
loadaof loirs daily, to Portl3n
firm The eouiDment will he
mrwtprn in all resDecti. and w i
mean a bia- saving over the old
way of transporting logs on the
ground by cables.
Hugh Rogers, timber scaler for
the S. P. shipments, says that
the logging and sawmill bualness
ia lookini ud wonderfully, and
he predicU that by Spring ther
will be one of the greatest re
vivals in this line that the West
hnj exnerienced for many years.
TlmWmen evervwhee have
been booking orders, "asd the
brasca lines of the railways are
aattiag ia orders far for
Spring delivery. This will mean
a great amount of business for
the Willamette Valley othu. ana
Wasnisgton . County wfd cor
responJngly prosper.
Whereas, it has pleased Almighty
r.nA tn Uka from amongst us
our beloved sister and coworker.
Mrs. CShn Swalley:
i;vm1. that we. me mem
Iur4 nf the Keedville ' Aid and
Missionary Society of the Reed
ville. Ore.. Church, do p'ace on
.ir twnnis resolutions of sym-
nathv and resDect. and to send a
copy of this to the family, and to
the Hillsboro Argus lor puonca
lion. !
By Committee:
Mrs. Taylor,
Mrs. Perry,
Mrs. James.
a. handle. Theiury:
(prmena. Jacob Correll. U A
I'lieth. Perry Miller. John T liar-
... . . . n STV 1 U
tin. Wm Pricnett. uen uay, d
t'irtiPtt W Crosby, u Kain-
water. J 11 Hayden. A Grieblet
State versus Bonasnu oona
reduced irom aouw w u
hail, deposited and released.
Attentton-The Coffee Club
iwioMia all nersons having in
Joseph Charles ind liettie their possession books belonging ATroiiaiiT-Ar-wiw
Wills pleaded noi gum? W wiaM f ree Itesi noom vo reiuru 0co aiiauira is ScholaMrijh BUek
sawiui conaoiiauon. , , i same w nesi nwm h meir e
J Iorsung Jr released rromiiieat convenience.
blii?ation and judgment reqnir-1
ing support of child.. . . .AVIUTZ
Maroh v GOWSnlOCIC. SftlS DJ aaauu v.
iiriffronfirmel figure, 1 have moved my grocery
Rosa MerE Saded not guilty toc to this city, and by doing
.."lrii.S f!2iSnJffl sstricUvcash business, with no
m"-u delivery will have the
aukii. --.IrlrfiL Come in
las Hill Dec T; SUti vTchu yourself how we a.e going to do
& iLMSS 28; State ffine- rtk f f no
WabfeTSded S
-Judg JBJ Jlcl reuon you can huy jo ajpjr.
csturday. F.,lfB.BS,r L -i ...i.:nt the better
,,.wQ tn h ro owmir. ine na-i" " - --
i'ul"--" . . ifatinr m we meet ai man
ar a, w ai nmiiTon i ntm a a u aui wa, -mw -
uviiv oi Hie . nrieea.-Renolds Hard-
a . Aasn niiiirHnL-juuii i viwi ar . .
v .
see for
t'-MUus, A. C Shalt Bld; Mala A tai
aiuwH0. - oftftooi.
Ornoa: Mala 8uaat, ope. Ooort Bowat
uuui f-i-
lker. Orenco. Austria; ana -
UaDDen. Orenco. Swiss; Jonn,
Sam and Fred Schmidt, brothers. I ror gatc. Qne acre ot cleared !ox, opaiaira ia Sckaiawrich
Cm Mike waener anai. y kom r,-wi i
Alirea uueroer, neiev, """-'weii chicken ars. jusi outsiaei-""-''i - -
Michael Neumann. Blooming. cit Or will trade for
German; Jonn rarsona, oi wy. amtji D,ce n city and some
England, and Rev. L. J. bcneiai, ca,h.Address Mrs. Susan Mil
l'hillips, German. tenberger, Hillsboro, Ore.
Leslie Moore was today con- ri,,,k
victed of an attempt to burglar- Services at Baptist Church,
iza the Aug. Rossi saloon at Bea- Sunday. Nov. 14th. E. A. Smith.
verton. The jury: wtvJrosoy. putor. aunaay bcooui i. -Anton
Hermens. Ben Day. J B m.. Lesen the Unspoiled Boy.
Bartlett, D Rainwater. Geo W Preaching at 11; subject A
I'lieth. J R Hayden, J T Martin. Lover and a Goer.'' Young Peo
..iaei.h Correll. Orton Griebeler. pie's meeting at 650.. Preach-
tieo uaiDreatn. ling i -v. "J 7, r reoeriCK
Joseph Charles, charged wim est imngin me nonu. "v
unlawful cohabitation, releftsed J. L Whirry will be with the
deposit of $100 cash bail. Putor tne remainoer oi
wee woriinK ui
.hnnl interest. He will speak
UNION STOCK YARDS I Wednesday and Thursday even-
ings. Everybody invited.
ci'ircrciit Miro laiRv m i - . (,
n.-i p. u. m Tk i.w. u stairs 1H. Wi,
lUllluaillVB, ' VJI T V inv w I iirein.. . I!i.,a
1 knr.HI oVn OVCr SOinO "I Hie pimm-
i mm aa wi fi a m.a ...
rial Circle
nil meet
taken over some m
of P'vmouth of Ihftlate 1Uvimt State insiir
Lv Pim t anco Policy holders pay n d f
TVZ;!' ?!StW. w&chwill lex,,la.n.
Th Oremvn Association for the
Prevention of Tuberculosis, with
hendnuarters at 503 Cortett
Bldg., Portland. Ore was or
ganized, during July, for the
" w a. - L. ' l.i4
purpose oi rrevenuve, c-uut-tionftl
and Relief lines of work.
The Objects of the Association
l! Dissemination of knowledge
iMinf, i m..i I tko onoapci treatment
oilncntloiittl coumM'iora. no .an(1 prevention oi igiicaunn.
.,r iho nntlimnl wlucntUmal boorU o lnvefltiffation of the prev
..f.i.M..tli.HllHtKil!eopttl Church, ami , f tuherculosia in the
. . ..-...,..!.. n.l BdllcatOf De I . V. j .1 )!.,.
a n iwiun-r. istatn or iireiron anu me toucvi.
ingand publishing ot useiui in-
Chancellor Bradford I will at fornfton
n'VTo .ITVh" DoUo't riiss tion for thereliet a,d prevention
. 11 L O tOIR.
Monday, woveiroer o, i . tor sale cheaD-
This morning's market opened I Pigeons tor saie. cneap.
.Kn,mor uJs-.m- i. Homen. Carneaux and Crosses.
wiin aooui ivjw nc.u v-. ------vr. k,.j. ,uit.h on Uk n
the pens. The market on pnm T,VT "hk
Telephona ofice Mala Ml.
Ihtaia te3
Succeaaor to Dr. Uaklatar
Office orer Delta Drag Stott.
aueline, between 5th and 6th SU.
Hillsboro, Orejm
Amterssa. M. D.
Successor to Dr. CunniiKham.
Office and Drug Store.
Orenco. Ossot
TleiUon oonnwtiooa.
urent nmjorlty ot young men nnd wom
en loony. N" PW M e!" ,n
..ih.I nor riivh him a liluh wlartcd po-
a ! fiL.iii . tl I iwrn
Nil loll Bfll KniUUIIIKUl
Twlny, altltoucn in mo in i
ght steers went 15 cents over account
1st !
top 7.
tue jr.. at iter nome,
Nov. 18, at 2:30 p. m.
s is getting brisk on
line of the S. P.. these
d train men are in
mand. ,
eal Estate aecurily of
loans at 7 and 8 per
All and look applications
L. Perkins, liillaboro,
authorities, state ana
ed bv Jo in Vandor wat. HAT SAI.B AT mks. umin 1 p of Health, the national
The Social Circle 01 w e v. Sun nf Tuberculosis, med
1 ..1. 111 1111 I aii hnta irrnBiiv rruiiLUUi wmv 1 civuw v.
Kregst.onH. c.. they are picked over, ical societies, and other organi-
their annual U jrls J J9 Jje'. be 8hapeshigh Uations in approved measures
on Saturday :atlen 'on anu . AU in i mii,im Lw-rf tor the prevention of
nin.r n..i iim. in" i,l"vv crown-, ,w v.w....- ------ -------
a,t..r . , .
be announceu iaiei.
mi.- uf:ii. Ihiol sehoo w
Goodwin and wife, of
former ' residents of
. were out to Hillsboro,
I evening, attending the
eception. ;
id-fashioned milk shake
I up to date with an elec
n makes a mighty swel
isuy them at Koeber s
mncry. , - ;,
Rotiks, of above North
as in town yesterday.
I farmers are beginning
t their potatoes up his
SG500 or 17000 ' that I
like to place in one loan
u ... . i.
warm ianas. w no winw
J; Perkins, Commercial
BC"VI. 7' : leading colors are repre-
...Un tni-hnns. nacK I riiHPPJie.
CTOwnnBoii-i-, .... --. .. , IV,-
. rniia - pte. rraciicaiij i o. rroiuuu"" ".:-
UIIU ----- . . f 0!1)h orn Bfi.
a. a
ska 1
V1-H' I Ore., or call at - ----- - - - - -
ast Nonaaya vyp. T?iz um.u. i .all
t 1 k a. t 4- rnai-L-t am 1 laaaaaai i r a v a
fsonoesenp. . 34tf
ury ij ue are iiuumiuh 1 - ;
in ia itutOM i
tattS aa
intmiaanm. uo
ettff(n am
ments win 1 e. : V FOR SALE
All are inviveo, . -
....... .f iiiv.M'o Norm
Wm. uareiy, "V rt . u. onu, o Cheater White
.una nr iv tituti jr1. me u m - 7. .7 . .
Pining waSOCliy Clliiei une uiue "y"' i,
div Mi I" Kot his bird 80wa and 1 Chester White b
& whTl. imd connected with Must be sold Immediacy.
the Hillsboro city pound.
the Hillsboro
United livangelicnl
..a .j .j iraaniiiiH.
Tiiira "o. Kohmil
oil uin J
N. W
.ne:r..T l'.rn ehing. by tho
p.stor, mwninx and evening.
Wanted -Neat, rcliablo girl
forwneral housework in family
of five. German or hwws
ferred, Phone
H. V
years, will take up
(a HilUboro. .
Witch Hazel Station.
Pigs for Sale-J. D. Bergen,
Wanted: To buy some young
i,nna white or brown Leghorns
or Minorcas preferred.-C.
Lard. Argus office.
i.,:i rvalir. of Kansas City,
visited our cny ia.
Hon and work of such local
cieties as may be needed.
6. Encourgement of adequate
provision lor consumpuvca v3
the establishment of sanatoria,
dispensaries and otherwise.
The Oregon Association is a
K-anoh nf the "National Asa n.
i,. - ---- . .
for the Study and rrevenuon vi
Tuberculosis." This branch is
at present planning two cm-
,oa nnd it is no wonaer mnt ownri nraeram naa oeen pre-
un f of irood Quality and feeding Inared for the exercises at the M,
command a premium. Cowsare Sunday SchoM, to be given
holding steady at o s ana aiiinext Sunday morning, at iu:w.
other lines respectively tollowing I xhis is an observance of the
thia range. , , it World's Temperance aunaay.
A new record maae in we I Everybody Isinvitea w iuena
1.' k a iL . a . .aW ft. si
3wine aivision. oevni.jr-Biiui.ian(i enjoy tne nour mm iuc
hundred head were unioaaeq iorichiidren and young lolka.
drop in prices was not as neavy tr -----
as expected, top nogs nn K V"" r":.-
.... Ia.ii tT:il. Aba P 1
Monday seems to be last losing neia, nniv, .
ts popularity as a sheep market Lent Bauer Ball is suing
day. Only 411 head were oner-ixjar for divorce, iney
ed. One load of choice wethers I were married near Beaverton,
were Bold at 6. Demand ia ex- rj t 1909, and there are two
cellent for good lamba ftnd jtye girfg, 0f whom she asks the
yearlings. Good lambs will bring CMtody. She alleges, that the
7 Vi to 7 25; ewes 6 to 5 60, husband deserted her in October,
vearlings 6 to 6 25, wethers 1914 She asks for no alimony.
5 50 to 6. I If vnli want home made candy. Trmleaie Bid.
" T .. . I mt t
taafaual r- !-,
tnrral-ltKttatinai, S-W.ia , aa- f-
maim. Atnamtm. unwia hi
ll4a annftflJ aaaufttUI. Mft' - i
1 am aatttaa tmmm
IVMbvCC wtth4 BSaBBwBBjV bW PawBBBalBVIt BaAaW
omoe up-ntalrs DW HUlabwo National
. Bank. .- .
Gates, who h-snni M of hi9 famouB
HILL8B0X0, 0X3.
atatn aad Third.
. vt 1 .. inn nnaarvnna
0 and th; ! to onty seat friends.
.... 1 . 1 I oyster cocktalla, or sweet appu
.1 B. McNew. of the HazeldaleLf,... Mt it . Kneher'a Con fee
store, was in town today. lonerv. 32tf
John Lippert, of Banks, was! The weather this Fall has been
town today. I exceptionally dry ana miia, ana
.... n .j D- las aresut The tiuisooro mer-
Mrs. M. M. Bndges. of PortJ" fld not mU m much
home this week. Md !itheir im- ...uV ... r,
TKna w Sa n. of Oaaton. was mense stocit tney win give 10 6, .
down to Hillsboro today, greet-lyatda for $1.00, up till Nov. 15.1 Hillsboro
Strayed: Two Jersey yearling
dr. c. h. roixocs,
ihoi to huv them. No locality
is too small to take part B very
one help. Each community
aKmiM have a suDuly. Order
. " . . - n . . -1 1 . k. aniuul tnfl
now. The sale begins STJ2;' r thB eiit
rininir Christmas EVe.-3!Juie W prfrt of the cut
Portland for Mvem - -illttboro Mercan-1 closing Christmas -.e
his resiueii w je, to be sold at wholesle. Orr uunoarr oy., k...m,
nmMMl Rale. It is theerw- nHoaia. vnrt aacka fiamet I heifers. Any information lead
- 1 ui di.iv. 'j . ; 1: . . . , - .mi 1 1
est desire or tne yregon potatoes forseed.-John Lehman ing vo weir recovery wi o re
ciation to put seals within the Beaverton .Ore,, R. 2; phone warded. Notify J. H. Hanson.
reach ef everyone in uregonw no - - og-o. 34.5 Route 8. box 111. or can ieuswo.
.m... thLr"at the thtougn UHiaDoro.
ronnt loaf Pridav evenintrl Hodb had a better tone the
well attended. The play middle of the week, there being
a well balanced ana we greai-iaome uy"a WA,?-.
was locaii cents, risxin, 01 Bear uiiibdo-
ra, bsU t Btf Ki essa.
lam now propaiad lo Una T-Xy
caaea,$M4npwwaak. PhOMt JTSI
Mrs. A. H Cm:
. . . alu Hi aa'aawaal f laV
RooaiOuaiawailLi: M J
: Hiur c 1
Hisooro, .