The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 11, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 34
Thirty road district met laxt
week and prepared ludgets on
which thev will vote for uerma-
Mitt road improvement Novem
ber 27. Th budgt-U ramre from
. three mill tot ten mill tax.
J and while it i nut expted that
oa INttrkt Attar I Ml will oU the tax it U thought
Ikil a mainrilv i.f Ihum hi
There were thirty. i-iiht ditttrirt
calling for the budget meetings.
la aone or the district a tax in
voted every year-notably that
of Tualatin anil (Vtlar Mill, ami
the have every year laid a con-
aideraWe mileage or rock road.
At liavville the meeting id.
. m mm . 1 1 . a ...lib .. . I
Attorney ..- -- - ,, -
C i v ItMvea llonday lh "" done In the llee
iff J. h. , eacker dUtrict. North Forest
lirove. ana also in the hernon
dietrkt above North Plains. The
Gaaton diatricta passed budgets
and the supervisor there think
the tax will earry.
ma cars
rs e INatrfct Alter
aa Sheriff Rtevea
4 m WnWfUa tas
Wm. Hurley, of Virginia Place. H
was in town Saturday. 4(
..a . . it
Fninr u rranKer 01 Dwen. w
liflSr a civ visitor the last of the
k unuk
Woman lUd Sue J Him fur S7.5JS
Damage fur Atlack hy IVt Deer
E. B. Tu(M. of HilLaore, One at
Ceaasct Far Sthntracrkh
were rrved.wlth ra
order signed by Judge
of the United State
Lurt ordering, tham to
Vyember l-nst won-
how cauae why a per-
. Ill 4 t.
ijuf.ctwn anouiu no w
nut their anreat of any.
might keep open Sun-
in the purview of the
the tate which cloaea
You and your children are
. i i
10 omciais
U. 3.
A answer the caae.
f . L.I.... M.auful.
n ion wiiil.ii nwii
if you wear )r
Lowe's superior glajuea-rye
safe and price safe. cunt you no
more than the inferior kinds
usually sold and you have the
benefit of hi skill and more
than 28 years experience as an
will appear ttseluslv optometrist When
court. net.r ?!!"
tin wtuuiut-u kiiiic ui luc
trained eye specialist and scien
tific optician. One charge covers
Ika .kIIm ml tit acaminatiiin
, It'll " - ...vr . . 1 1 . t v. "
table, furniture, etc , frames and lenses. Dr. Uwe
iplainant, and the rasa ' Mtiaf action whether they coHt S2
tht In Multnomah Coun' or more. if. you nay more you
the arreata were maua pay too much. If you pay less
r. the ffrocer, and ail you do so at the sacrin.e of ma-
- I . i. I. 1 . ! . . I I
ii nameu uj nw . leriai uaea ana wrvu-i? renuemi.
re notirted to close. lr. bow ) be st Hotel Wah-
iler went out in Waah- Innton. Saturday. Nov. 20. till 4
nty. and has ben unl o'clock only. Ilemember.
yeJ juoae ffuiTrr- .
Mlte th. cm and I. "'
dision wuitin aanori wmwhw. ...y ,-. . -
. -in itb.iH ninv. about ail o clock. Mrs.
in runs wm iauv . " . 1 c
Sihrouifh to the United Brown was just arriving home
reme Court, for ther wn iwihjw u,olr. ...
l,i interests on tacn aoiaie. nuininw -
Hetail Growra'Aaso. ,Mve. inere was aome inaur-
I I'ortUnd. Is for ob-'nce. 4ne iwh in -L,
iK-.i.i whii. i ha . to Mr. and Mrs, IJrown. Mrs.
rrturin company holds 1 Brown ta one of the UKhmin
k.. (ha 111 ahoro achoo Is. Ihe lose
. ...dnr Bahhath IS Hiiujaieu at irum i,tnfu .u
Geo. Schulmerich. of Creswell,
is feelinkf a Kreat dfal k'tter,
thank you. and he is entitled to
cvlvbraU'. A jury, at Eune,
lant Thursday, returned a ver
dict in his favor in a damage
case that involved $7.1135. Geo.
had a et doer a year or so ago,
on his ranch, a few miles out of
Creswell, and he had a tenant
on his place, who was entertain-
Just what the local
rs and confectioners
In Washington UMiniy
to be seen, but it la
they will observe th
f the county authort-
Judge Wolverton aV
wsy or the other.
Attorney Tongue
it the injunction will he
bv him until the court
the application. While
IT is not Interested in
but pool and billiard
e law in Its entirety
bin the scope of the
If the federal court
incoiMtitutionat then vi-
n be Droaecuted. Just
no restraining order
granted. It Is general
that th confection
in this county, will
law until tha Issue Is
d by Judge Wolverton.
store Is kepi open and
sav the law is valid.
in could follow If viola
mod. even while the In-
was In force.
Sahnow. of Shefflln.
iwn Monday.
Pautmeier, of Farming
I greetins friends here
)f the week.
Vhitten. wtvn la mit nn
Union ranch for a few
me in Saturday, on
For rent. Two farms -one of
160 acre, about 135 acres in cul
tivation, viie mil from Forest
Grove, bftra room for about &)
cows and 6 horses, city water,
cash rent; and other. 142 acres.
14 miles south of Reed ville. about
one-half In cultlvstion. bam room
for 10 head cow and 4 horses.
good well, and fair house; tenant
can work out greater part of
ranch, cash rent. C. J. Birdseii,
512 Seventh Street, llillsuoro.
Phone City 320.
Ail air. l.ave eve troubles,
but all ages need not hsve them,
if parents and teachers would
but eiercise strict ana proper
care of the eyes at the proper
time. If in doubt about your
eyes consult Dr. Lowe, Saturday.
Nov. 20, to 4 o'clock only.
For sale: Registered Holstein
hull calves, for service ran oi
1916,-Gerhardt Goetze. Urne-
lius, Oregon, Route L weii-
us Telephone.
j f. nrrv and Harriet Ayde-
lott, of near Forest Grove, were
rr.ntl marriage license vy
Clerk Luce, the last of the week.
r.-i ur.kt f Itlimminff. pass
ed through town Friday evening,
enroute home from a iwwuic
meeting In Portland.
Claud Green, of Mooming,
visited In Hillsboro the last ot
Geo. N. Hathorn, of Laurel,
was a county seat visitor Satur-
Mrs. K. E. Ling, of Corvallis,
visited friends in the city last
II. II. Boge. of Farmington.
transacted business in the city
Jan. II. Jack, of near Scholia.
was greeting friends in the city ;
r nday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wenger, of
Helvetia, departed Friday for a
two weeks' visit at the San Fran
cisco Fair.
I). M. McLauchlan. master me
chanic for the branch 8. Y. lines.
with headquarters in Albany,
was over to visit the 1. II & N.
branch, the last of the week.
Here you are Mr. Farmer-7
and 8 per eent money see me.
K. L. rerkins. Itoom 1 Commer
cial Bldg.. Hillsboro. Ore.
Kmil Martv. who lives ud on
Huit Mountain, was in Saturday.
He has seven seres of potatoes
yet to harvest, and he says the
vines are as yet almost untouch
ed by Irost
For sale: House and three
hots in Hillsboro. Or will trade
for cleared acreage, bottom land
or swale, near Orenco preferred.
-II. Jeibman, Hillsboro, ure.
Mr. Joaenhine Chanev. of
Portland, was a guest of Mr. and
Mrs. O. S. Combe, at their resi
dence "Tualatin Villa." for the
week end of Saturday, Oct. 30.
Money to loan on first-class
farm security. Washington
County Abstract & Title Com
pany; by E. J. McAlear, Mana
ger. 4tf
Sunday wss the first chill day
of the Fall season, and on the
higher elevations it threatened
snow. There was some snow-
fall in Portlsnd, but it melted as
rapidly as it struck terra firms.
Wan!w!-at nnA- YAnnar man
for automobile business. Big pay.
in i . : i.. l.
lamuy wwn uumi mi, ve mase you expert in t.en weeas
Buck. The dog enraged the by mail. Pay us after we se
deer, and the animal got out of cure you position. Centory Auto
the enclosure. In trying to mobile Institute, Los ' Angeles,
drive him back the two women Cal.
'w i nit. I . . .
Suit Heard la Circuit Cmirt
of the Week
A good longdistance photo of the
Schulmerich deer which caused
ing a relative, by the name of
Mrs, Althea Moxley. Mrs. Mox-
ley wanted to see the pet deer.
and although the tenants had
been warned to keep away Irora
the animal, particularly if they
Fire Taak Piatt is
Says Slartel by Esffktt
Circuit Court was engaged Thurs
day. Friday and Saturday in
hearing Edw. L. Naylor's suit
against the S. P. Co.. for 1564
to cover loss by fire when the D.
Rode warehouse burned on the
early morning, July 31. 1913. at I
Forest Grove, allegicg that
engiae sparks from some loco
motive .had set the structure
ablaze. The prosecution wm
conducted by H. T. Bagtey, and
E. B. Tongue, assisted by Paul
P. Fanrens, defended the action.
The jury: Arthur L. Thomas,
P. H. Schmidt. Jacob CoonelL.
John T. Martin. Thoa. ConneJI.
Daniel Rain water. Geo. Galbreatb
Jame K. Harden. Ben Day. G.
A. Plieth. John L Uarsh. Her
man Collier.
The ease waa fouarht bard and
the company contested every foot
of the ground.
The iunr found a verdict for
the defendant
Alfred Jeff enr pleaded not
tmiltv And trial aet for Nov. 13.
: . . - -.
Chaa. Cssig pleaded not guilty
to a statutory charge.
Frank Smith, indicted some
months ago for selling liquor to
minors, pleaded guilty and was
fined $50. payment of 15 to be
oaid monthly.
Jas. Hill, indicted for illicit
handling of boose, also for
sault oleaded not anility.
Arthur Johnson pleaded not
guilty to giving liquor to minors
and put up 1100 to appear at
E. J. Bondshu arraigned Sat-1
urday on charge of rape on 12
year old Violet Bondahu. his1
adopted daughter. Pleaded not
guilty, Monday.
SAFETY: Your money i3 safer in the bank than in 'your cai
PRESTIGE: Your prestige in business is increased greatly! by
being able to give a bank reference.
niSPniTMTO- KnfH mav ha Hiimnntiul and Irian a nflfln ftk.
tained. if you have a commercial bank account
CONVENIENCE: You have the great convenience of.'paying
bills by check, which is a receipt for the amount paid.
There are only a few advantages of a bank account; enme
and see us and we will tell you more.
At Pair Cnt. lntrtt On S vi nrfi
American National DonK
yaw st..
One Million Board feet of Good Lumber
A stock of lumber so large and varied that you can
have prompt delivery of any order. We carry many
large dimension timbers, and can save you the expense
of special sawing. When you want lumber, promises
don't 11 year U. Gr spaaisrltiaa are quality, ser
vice, and courteous treatment. Yon earn do Wter for
less with this company.
Gkdger Luiife Co.
.Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks.
Kverything in Building Material 1 "
U.....1 tar. nn ll.l li)A ftnrl Ko
V vwiw wi -' . a a .
gored Mrs. Moxley. for which , bunt . B. w. uarnes is receiv
she claimed damages. George ing a big shipment of books for
paid the doctor bill, just to show the county school libraries, this
he was a good fellow, and to his week. Law requires a ten cents
. . . - .... .. . l. ta for each nuoi of school aae.
surprise, a lew hiuuhio iwi- - r - -- . ov.
ward, Mrs. Moxley demanded for library purposes, and as there iarge
compensation, schuimericn re- arc o,a :...... .. ...v...-
fused to listen to her attorney an expenditure of $849.80. The
.mi.nit wnn then filed in circuit court setout the amount at its
. I . I. I , L. A ...
session lasi weeK tur ms
ment of the bills.
The Oregon Nursef Conpaay
court for the above nmount
I' It Tnnirue. Hillsboro's dis
trict attorney, was retained by
Kiilmirich. and Attorney Bry-
jnn nf Kiurpnc. assisted him in
defending the ciise. Tongue hi Argument Wednesday
night, and came homo Thursday
mnrninff. Late Thursday eve
ning he received word that the
jury refused to give the woman
At Orenco. Oregon, now has an
exoerienced and practical land-
acane man connected with its
. 1
Nursery. Any one de
siring to improve nis nome-i
grounds by the planting of treea,
shrubbery, etc.. will find it con
venient and helpful to get his I
ailviee and autrarestiona on anT
1 saw cordwood. poles up to 12 Plantings contemplated. This ia
... t. ainnpoiv t i-saaa
inohna in riinmftpr. fence rails. I ",'v'
and boards of all kinds, into
atovewood lengths. Will go into
the country. Write, phone or
call on me. Carl Skow, Hillsbo
ro. Phone. City 462. or call at
I Tualatin Hotel.
"Finest Fall since 1895." said
the oldtimer, the other day.
"That year, there was some scat
tering rains, but much sunshine.
and the good weather kept up
Those who have ever stopped
off at Orenco and gone over their
large acreage of ornamental nur
sety stock, need not be told that
it ia the largest and most com-
nlAta on the CoasL If VOU have I
nnt un it vnu ahonld ajranm to
do so at your earliest convenience: I
If vou are contemplating met
tha nlantinir of an ornamental
stock, you should endeavor to tetl
it this Fall -so that it may Ret
the benefit of our Fall and Win
ter rains. .
Hillsboro Auto Liver;
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
and & Washington Sts. ' Phone, City 176
.. . lanu WIW KUW wcohivtl av up
The Progressive 'W Club was unti on(f about Thanksgiving,
royally entertained when 11 mei when there was a little rain,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs: F. xhen we had clear weather until
H. Kearney. Saturday evening. city election, the first Monday In
Oct 30. The occasion was an December, when the rain's start-
unique affair, honoring the Dirtn- ed for keeps." Consulting the A t th p w & N.. trains
day of Messrs. Armur aorensen weather bureau reports it wasi - trj. Md tiai)t thede
and Austin Simma. also cele- foud that oldtimer had the dope! I'fVfVr.rf
brating the twenty-seventh wed-1 fairly well.
ding anniversary or but. nu n.
Marsh dronnd in from
11.1 Ino. ... .L .-J
niv ti rr. uiu was 1 .
on the jury in the case "I , wa
wayioryerius the 8. U uegnnger. 01
I in town caiuruay.
,he Shotc Savings
Is an Old DellabU Institution with
' IXeaouroes of over
you are not familiar with hanking methods call
and talk it over, with us and wc will gladly
give you any information desired. All
business striotly confidential. Ac
counts ol Women aud Child
creo solicited
. ii'
Per Com. Palcl on Savings Deposits.
tj ' . ,
McGill, Pres. !. ' W. Malum, Cash.
C Shitte, Vice-Pres. W. V. Bergcu, Asst.
. Cashier
u'numnv A an endid dinner waa
enjoyed at seven o'clock by the
members and friends. Cards
featured the evening's amuse
mont fallowed bv vocal and in
strumental selections. Miss Eva
Ingram and Arthur horensen re-
naivnd thA honors at caras. nai-
. v
Mrs. W. A. Sahnow. of Shefflin.
died at the family home, Satur-
day, Nov. 6, 1915. after an ill
ness of four months. Hr. and
Mrs Sahnnw returned from a
lowe'en stories and reminences two monins inp w ui
finished the evening enjoyment Saturday prior her death. Mrs.
The next meeting will be held at !
niiiin., anu oa wi - j"
Ska tuna married ta Mr. SahnOW.
June 28. 1903. and they moved
to Oregon in 1907, arriving here
nn thA anniversary of Mrs. Sah-
nnnt'a lfoathNnV. 6. She iS
Thirty head of high-grade dairy survived by the husband and one
p ur Paniira is hpnrf of ann Ttpr. Of her immediate
dune-. .,"-"7 --".v" . w v...
.nH hPirpm; Heimoouirn. airamuv ane is aurviveu u u
nnt nn If in atreeL
To Portland
Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m.
McMinnville Train 7:38 a. m.
Sheridan Train ........10.02 a, m.
Forest Grove Train 12:60 p. m.
McMinnville Train 2:15 0. m,
Forest Grove Train . ..4:10 p. m.
Eugene Train 4:53 p. m.
McMinnville Train 6:40 p. m.
Forest Grove Train..... 9:60 p. m.
Prom Portland '
Eugene Train arrivea8:15 a. m.
Baa-sarton. Or.gon
! Dmy Softool for
This popolar InatitaUoa, conducted by the Sistert of St. Mary, aflbrda
aperior adaeatiotial adr?aatagea, combined with the influence of a refiaed
hoaae. It U delightfally titoated In the healthful Tualatin Valley, only !
mile from Portland on the Southern Facific car line. FalUPrimary, Intar
roadUte, Grammat and High School Courses. Separate depaitsxnt for
tttla (lilt. Thoaa who with to prepate for the teaching profession can find
tht Teachers' Training Coarse amply equipped and prepared to do strong
work. A gra luate from this course secnrei a Teachers One YearCrtifieaU
without exnm nation. Exceptional opportunities for thorongh instruction
la fctnsic, Art nd Bipression. A ae.y organized Commercial Coarse
covers a neriod of two rears and fits for any position of reaponaibility. For
farther infoinuuon. or prospectus, Address 53s fM .
h home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor
. tat. n
Oahl, Saturday evening, inov. ia.
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
All trains,
9:45 a. m.
..11:13 a, m.
.3:15 p. m.
..4:80 p. m.
. .6:40 p; m.
. .7:15 p. m.
...9K)0 p. m.
.12:15 a. m.
on fits at
Select Xmas Presents
lamilv Bile is auryivcvi li J "w i '"
head: W. E. Crosby, 2 bead, and parents, two sisters antra orotn- sixtnana main; ac
13 e Crosby, 10 head or high- er, of near St. raui, Minn., ana
grade Jersey cows and hellers, a brother, Edward Wendt, of
will be sold at public auction at Leisyville. . L
. . t V W Panlba 1 1 Tha fnnaral tnnkr fllace VfiSter-
miles west of Scholl's, beginning day from the German Lutheran
1 1 .a ...ii, n m nhniink nanr RhAtfl n. and inter-
WEDNESDAY. NOV. 17 ment was in me luoiauu
- 7- .-ia lieo. Biersaori. Cirneay TTicuuiu,
Or Ulllicii """I " " -'" y." A... Kfth fl K.
..jjl . 1t mnnlhi knnlrahlo I AUg. XVaillU.
crumb ui
note at 8 per cent, interesi.
lil livwa
Srhwanke. Her
man Kamnaand Walter Zetzman.
Lunch at noon. All stock tu
berculin tested.
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
of Vinelands,
the last of the
Mm P.. M. Wise, of near
Blooming, is convalescent from a
surgical operation perrormeo oy
Dr. E. H. Smith, r riaay. sne is
doinir nicely and will soon be
and Fir streets; at Sixth and Mr
atrtMta and at Tenth street
Steam Service Old Depot
To Portland
, P. R. & N. Train -4:39 p. m.
From Portland
P.R.& N. Train 9:12 a.m.
Loop Special, due at Hillsboro
at 2:00 p. m. from Portland
Saturday and Sunday only.
Forest Grove SpedaMSatar
days only)
From Portland -10:23 n. m.
To Portland -11:15 p. m.
E. L. Naylor, of Forest Grove,
waa in the city the lest of tie
We have a splendid line of Jewelry for
Christmas Presents. Make your selection
now and we will put them away for yon.
Absolutely the best stock in the city for
dainty and serviceable gifts.
MlUaboro. Oregon
" 1 1
Geo. Lennen,
was in the city
I able to return home. ,