it Keveejter 4 it i v ( r I I BEAVERTOMEEDYIILE ACREAGE Is the Finest Suburban Tract within a radius of "10 miles of Portland, with up-to-date car service Buy a Small Tract here and give yourself elbow room. Yon can buy an acre here as cheap as a lot in a small town and still have all town facilities. Will get you to town in short er time than cars from Port land's other suburbs. Why not spend your declining years in this Garden Spot? SHAW-FEAR COUPAHY I02 Fourth Street. Portland. Oregon tost Bargains HAS OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT linger Bros, The Reedville Store WITH AfSPLENDID LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERE YOU SAVE MONEY ALL THE TIME Reedville, Oregon fttanv Sawmill ) f I . - m . . , Win. mighea. of Oak Tark. was la town Saturday. tea. au un In Hillsrvim "iitnr. day. on road business. Wm. Hurler, of Virginia Plr was transacting busing in town i A i aamruay mornintr. Judre HoIIis, of Forest Grove, wis down to the county seat Fri day afternoon. , . Miss Janet Hotller. of Witch Hazel, was the truest of Miss Marian Lytic. Sunday. John McQaran. of Gales Crvek, Wld down til Hillshom vifnr,lav trettinjr his county seat frienc'a! A. ti. roilett has returned to SIMMONS. U ik Circuit CwMrt of th Stat of Orefvw for W aaJuag tea leoaly Rutwrt I . Buara, a at war, ky W tlliaat llaearleaaa. ki tiuardiaa, rtaialiff. R D. Kouada, To 1- IK Kouadw. the ab uw m-iriKiani; 1 TI1K NAUR or TilK STATt OF OKfctiON: You are hcrety r quired to appear and aniwvr thi coi i- entitled lour, and cause on or U-fore tn ,ru day or lcctfmUr, m. m.o i ...... . i . . u.c win auor me expiration 01 i Hki: fnm the dat of the first puH iiv.itu'ii of th, summon upon you;a:id 11 you lull co to auiMvir and aiuwo Villi &id tvinptaml. for want thciW, Ihc t u..n . 1. i .. . . T.n.m k-i.:: " .r" ..., mint htt niu iii.ikri tuu in mo Kura 01 10J w and lor lu of the engine yard for the K. R.I dudurcmeiiu herein in- & N. curred. and will aeeur an ordor ir. , (connection inerewito dirvrtirur the ' it. a. . itauey na Wll and 01 iK-raonai property bclonirini; to jrou n tiruce were out from Fort- 1IW 'tunt timn waahinirton toun- . J o J . . . I tv. tlrokTun. hvrvtnfM (Ii,-Km.I son land. Sunday, truest at the Bailey and Merryman homes. 0. B. Kraua, principal of the Tualatin schools, wat a rifv caller Saturday, on business at the court house. A. Zweiner. of near Ticard. was up Monday, interviewing the county court. He is super visor for his district. Julius Kintllo ami JanoliA Van. dervelden wer united in mar riage at the Verboort Cathtli.- Church. Oct. 26. 1915. Kev. Father LeMiller oflliciatinjjr. Chas. Stevens am) if nf Buxton, were in the eitv the Inst of the week. Mr.. Stevens has just returned from the Tilla mook section. Van Meade, nf CWnivk i nuK. lishinsr the "Walnut Rk ' horticultural digest, encourag ing walnut culture in this rh. Ition. It is a neat little mih. ncauon ana a credit to Van. COFFEE CLUB COOK fiOOKS I The second edition of th fYiir. Club Cook Book is on sale, at 60 cents. The books aro nn aaic hA following places: Vaught s Grocery. Hillsboro Mercantile Co. Donelson'a KnrnirnrA fitnra Grafirg & Powell Grocery. noss urocery. Rest Room. Sprnn St noar Morton Greenhouse " tV. Orviron. bvrvtnfnM alln. havl . bv th Shvrtff of raid StU and loutuy. at lh uiitanc of th plaintiff in tV abovo anutk-d action; huh iuiiJ pr- sonni prttperty la paruculariy 0f- cii'vl aa folluwa, to-wit : Ht bun!il oati. Tft hii kl bushel burlcy. 1 black hor, 10 yrai old, weijrhl iiVS. 4 old gray hurt, weight 1.1K) each; 8 lona out hay, 1 niowi-r, i na raw, 6 old wagon, 2 old di:4t, t two horw ci ltivaur, 1 prunj tooth barrow, 1 thr avctirr. imrf w, 1 hay tedder, old, X loir chain. 1 !.! t im..j nl.l 6. ... .1... ...I 1.. w ti - vi v.. v vtu iuii-ii n( iiii h id'lu.on to wild pcraonul propirty lh 714 onprui naa mum mo Hum ol usuid in tho abov entitled Court and w nt tiio tnaUnca of th pUntur, which said mm m due and owir.f t you from tUo facifie Coa.t CondvntJ U.I . . vonipany, a corpora uon. Tin Summon! ia acrvrd upon Vu by r.ublication thereof in the IlilliUro Argus, pursuant to order of tho Hoi orable J. U. Campbell, Jui!r of th above entitled Court, made and datetl un the Sth day of October, lV15,hwh laid order precrlle that thi in mon shall be publkhcd in the Hillv boro Arsrua for six succesaive and cop-ect:liv-e wreks, beeinninp with th kue thereof itd the 2Ut day of (VtoLer, 13i5, and ending with the iuo thereof dated Itnvmkr 2nd. un, and that you appear rnd annwer Vid complaint on or before December WM. G. HARE. Attorney lor Ilalntiif. .onci or sHKtirrs sat U Ike Clrcalt CH of lk PUU rf tlreci far H aakiaftwa i'wialy. The. M. Uarr. liaiatiff. . World fcre-fr C. a tornorauo. IVfeadaaC Nolle kerehy jivrn that by tr- . . i . .. i.l.inuiHl MM.I .tFlicr lue VI a STf,,i ;mfc"t " of aal dated lh 7th day of Scplem. iwr, 114. In h Circuit Court of lh State of Oregon for Wahnftn CoU'i- . i . . v . . a a.u.a tk a. THE HILLSDOCO SUMMONS. 0REUON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32 7:18 8:28 9:58 12:43- 3:58...; 5:43 8:10 9:Ji8 (Sat only) From Portland 55 minutes 7:54 m 9:20 am a m a m a m & m pm p m pm pm pm 11:25 2:05. 4:27. 6:25. 17:13 a m p m pm p m n m 9:12 (Sat only) pm 12:25 Im NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Katate of Own Kpplny, nuiiraiiorifiiy KiV'n lint H e under ign1 exrntrlx of llicnuit 01 Owon Kpply. baa till ln-r Anal aenmnt in aaldcwtaU arllh th. ..i .1.- .- I court of the Hlawt of Ort-gnu lor Wah- iiukhio uinnir, ami that the Jmbr ol 1 9 ",. L ' ' ', "''". 'oif cnairw, . the nai'l Court haaaiiintd Mon.Uv. th 1 , f . njrnc'"'. "Id, 6 old collar, and in Knd day ofNoTmUr. WIS, at 10 o'clk a'Wit'on to raid personal property the I ill I ha fur.nrvin nf ..1,1 .1. - .1.. I ivil.l K.;fr u.l j . ' ' " la the Orcuit Coort of the SUte of .. tw 0, W"W"flow County. . William Hamrlnun, i'laintiff, v. E, I). Kounda. Defeadaal. IN TIIK NAME OF TIIK STATS- OF OREGON: You are hereby r- i" u appear ana aniwer the com plaint filed atcninit you in the above entitled Court and cause on or beofr the Srd day of December, ISIS, atd oato bemjf tfter the expiration of ait week from the date of th firt puo- ,,"uu mi lummons upon you; nd il you fail o to appear and anwer wid complaint, for want thereof, the liatllllji will Luk. ....I... you in the gum of f.'70.oo, with inter et thereon from the 2nd day of June 1915, at tho rate of 8 per cent per an.' nam and the further um of $35.00 attorney'! fees, and for his ronta and diHbumcmenU herein incurred, anJ will aecur nn ..r,u ; ' therewith direotinif the tale of per- dint a I rtp- i4. 4 L i .,l wiunginjr to you and mtuate within Washington County Oregon, heretofore attached by the Sheriff of sa;d State and County, at the inntanre of the plaintiff in the al-ovc entitled action; which said per wil property U particularly de 'nlxil a follows, to-wit: o-w !.uhel oaU, 75 bushel wheat, 25 b'lHhcl barley, 1 black horo, 10 yean .... eucnj o ion oat hay, 1 mower, 1 hay rake. 6 old waifoni, old di,ks, 1 two horse cultivator I Slinnt.' tooth harrnw I lk arrow. 1 hav tm h r nl.l 9 i.k.:... y, tn that certain uu wnrrem imi J lUrr wa fUiutiff and the World kecpfreih Company, a cortH.ratwu. a .kfendant. there waa duly tued out of the tircuit lourt ana to tne ;m.bTiirned Sheriff of Waohinifton t'ounty. Urrn, diluted, a writ of tUecution, 14 nn dl of tMolr 1. I1M5, and which aaid Writ commanded the undcriirned, Sheriff of aaid t oun tv to U all of the following de- crtbed real property, to-wit: Ul. Five 15) and !m (l in llo-t f 'lfht .tf. A.LI.Ii. IK. Till,! of HilUIoro, Waahmjton County, tr . . . i . , . i Con, WHICH Ukl proprny in the notic of mhanic"a lien, fdl ...Ik Ik. I'miMlw I'l.rb tf 1'uUHtV. , .'I. ... J i. m . - - " f ' in lh. L'tith ila of SrDtrmlwr. Itl. and which aaid notice of lien ha Iwvn and t in full force ! effect from aaid 2Hth day of September, 11-. That all the riirht. title and Intcre t which the aatd defeinlant had in and U L.l U-l 1. U ,k. ..1.1 tfl'.lk M(U ml .'il ... wm'- .v... day of September, 112. the date of .!.-. ...H. ..I .k.iiU'. Ii.n 1. Mill MU.IIV W. .. - and utaeuent to the Mh day of Au.' ut. lfl.', the date upon which th aaid plaintiff biit to fumih Ubur .Ill, IIWiriHIl Ml III ivii.ii H. ..l v, drier upon aaid premuea aid rrfcrred to in aaid notice of mechanic' brn, and referred to in aaid Wril of Elo cution, or which the defendant ha ainc actiuirvd therein, will be ld in oHcr to aatlafy th Judgment and de rree of th above entitled court, rcti dered on th aaid 7th day of Septrm her, 1915, which Mid judgment and deer waa rendered in favor of aaid cmi afaniit in Uerenuant lor Ik. .nm r llll?nr ...I Ik. , um nf f "ml Ml .Inm.v'. mn.l I k.. um or lULaa, coat in the Suprvni I'.iir .ml ia -K h. Ik. . I v I m ' III auv I . . Court, and St fa the eoit of thi Writ. NOW TIIEKKFORK in ounuanm of aid ludrtncnl and order of aal-J aforeaaid. 1 have duty levied utxm and eiud tho whole of the above it.--rnlwd real property, and notice h hereby riven that on the 22nd day if nvm)r 141.', .1 tk. ki ..I l l..i- . O'clock fti th forenoon of aaid day at the front door of the Court ilouie of Oregon, in the City of, wdl It . i I . i. . ... ... eu ai public auction, io ine niKne.1 hillllMr fil r..K in k.n.l .11 Ik. .... kl I . . - . Ill . 1 .1, IV ' 1 title and interval hth the aaid do fendant had in and to aaid real btnt- erty on th Kth day of Auifut. 191 L and on th '.'Gth day of September. 1912. or which it ma have aniuim.1 therein ainc aaid date. In nr.Ur I., Mtify the um aforid, and the coat and accrufna- cou upon th n nt and nurh tale. WITNESS my harul and eal, th 19th day of October. 1TI5. J- K. REEVES, ; Sheriff of Waahinton County, j tlreuon. i Br J- Al W EfUTF, Deputy. ! JEFFREY A I.ENON. 1 Attorney for I'laintiff. Firat Inaertion October 21, 1915. 1 Lat insertion November 18, IS 15. j C0MMA1 Mil CAPITAL 050.COO SURPLUS nd PIOriT3 CC3.0OO An tUi, afc al rooacfvttivt Iktak, Lv-ttcil in the. IrilUboro CbmnercUl M.H-k, S, V. orucr Main ted Second trr?t. HiIlsl)oro Commercial Bank. Hoffman's Sanmill , i" ink' from I be bctt tiaber io WliiuKtou lottntjf. The fiottt Rough and Dnxd lomber KILN DRIl-I) IUX)RINC aod RUSTIC always on hand. Kiticsttt on IiuiKlinKn, Mourioir, Rustic. Cell iti; all kindi ol fiaUbed lntabrr fur hotmc material We delirer. I hone: Vac. Slates, Glencoa Central, j; PETIiR HOFFMAN. Crna, Oregon XX . Com m m 1U the lormiaiin nf ulrl H. n.. bearing objection la aaid linal ac count and tbe wAtlement thereof. All hir. erwliuimor other fmnton ln tornatjMl In h.uIri.i. n. i-. 1. to file their ohjortiona to nul mtaui are hereby required to file thairobjiwtiona to aaid rinal acoounl in nirl .... Dimension Lumber and Timbers ' Rough and Dressed Lum . ber of all Kinds. Mill i miles from B. P. Cornelius' Place. Will Deliver. Lumber delivered to North Plains A. E RlfXtMSEY canae on or before the aaid liiiieaiooiiitl lor hearinif the rhiiib. Hated ml MilUhum ri. n.. ..... day of Oetnber, 1915 Mini M Kpp ey, Kjeentrix of the Ka ate of Ownn ir.fii.i ii..! First piinllratiiin Oetolmr 21. i!.V I-at publication Noveiniior W. IWIS IjlttntmllM A I jitm.,,.. A.. ' e ExecmnxV " """ ui.i niicrnr hn kiH lh. .t.op . ' " Mi. nun, ui Jliw.85 under the writ of attachment " '"c niiove entitled Court and cauxe at the instance of the plaintiff, which aid Hum was duo and n.; Insures Full Milk Pail te fnnfff mK ! inty talrt ami w -m . . Mnrrtfj ti Isnrn ftf H lutf W-tH 4amt br ia,r4 irwi mvh Conkey'i Ry Knocker r(Uinimillln.lf,r,,s,M an comkxi Umi kwi ( luM M Kccpi Flic Awiy From Cattle and Hone a ti)l J mm, MirriK, pAtx Try It IS Day Money Back If Nol aatulaclory you hWo "MONEY" The Mint mkw it and under th t.,n,. r me MJW n MENTAL ilORTOAOK W. vou eau secure it at 6 per cent, fir any loee.l pnrptiM on annroved rel Term easy, toil u your waiiut and -P will corHwrate wn,, ,m PCTTYi COMPANY LIS Denham l,ig Iienver. Coin niiinmnn m acrved upon by publication Ihorenf in lk ll:n A-- me ,iiiiniii r)fua, purnunrit to onbe nf Ik. ti. orahlc J. U. Campbell, Judice of the (I rvro . ni.lii .. J.. i ,u .. . yAntri mai nd dated which au pnlcr prescribe that thh .... ,. naii no published in the HillKboro Argun tor nix nucceaive and ;...m...uwve weoKH, heinnin(r with the .-,u n.rrcoi n:iica tn zist day ( l'lrii l in e j .n ... " ", "! una cncinir with thereof rw t... i!M.-, nr.d thnt ;V , ',0,iP:"''t on or beofre DeccmlMr WM. 0. HARR Attorney for Plaintiff. of th 2nd x I Ml A.J.HARTRAMI'T I IliltKnr I m uretron mT SUMMONS. Patterson UndertaKing vompany G A. Pitltrru-.n t... rOWFRAtPiancTOKS AND KMBAr.MUBI rree Liiai-ein iri. 4..; Over Hillsboro Foruiture & IMw. Co eon ourway j'hone Main 177. Da x uune main 773 I WILL riiUiP innn If I FAIL to CURE nr CAKCR tr TUMOR i twi SMS50? .' wm iiMiRailleTrm W rT Wrti CURED WalTTIIJ WAMMTIE No X Kay or otbvr i i. nn Mianq In.WnalL . Any TUMM, tUM ori hi uu me ii, ia or body lone la CANCra- it rlnuntllnrttiiirij WW nt moniMbi. aa,i. w "w veiiaffivi CANCER !"'',,r7"lw!,n'''lcpprm. Onewomaniiieviiry7.1i.ofraiir!H"7j,! Br.t&ilr.cdkntCILrf'rri ,..1 In th Circuit Court of th Stat of -""Bon rJf ,h, cunt, of Waehlnaton. Joiifijililne C Oakley, I'lalntlir, .... vs John Ilci.ri II.LI- ...,.. i" J'ltui llenrv (iaklnv. Ii.r...i...i. In the name of the State of Oreeon you are ,ri.hy required to appoar anil r the complaint flM aki.,H,m l if 1 I'"", v"11"1 ' o? imam the th (Imv of Ni.vHii,!, .1... j. I V1" ir ,k. ''.,'r"''".,r,."""w!", "ii wt, rtfr. . . ":""" "iraot MaintiH .. .. .7e ? rt.n,aii.ff0r tho ciwutd if thai..' HiirHjr I'liiiiifun a .t uu th ; w "uon ouiftr iUf ou hv ,...hi, "" ipiin ni-.i... . 1 .1 ,. " " Hurauanoe 01 an r 'tin,, JJlm v ntltloJ Court? dl- i 1" ' i"""anoii in the Areua a ro. Ori.,,,. ..v.;.'. . i. " L". ""'." ""'io- tiva 'oraia aonaenu- ne WiMilfd. th ut niikii.u.i. ...... v"'lwr, 116 ' "" M" " K 11 r.,....ik ... . . . land 11." ' vt on matt, Port laud. Oregon, Attorney forPialnUff, With every cash pur chase of $1.00, I w iH give a ticket on prcni nuuof po-picce alum, inu in set. E.I. DONELSON Furniture Store Ve Want Everybcfly to Knoa That wc will, kenning at once, ire Cm h KckMMcr receipt with every ctah aale, MluwltlL' Oinotltit of aaU datai mnA .1,. ma.le the .i!e. We will aak yo to keep hee reteipis as we are goiag to give Inuk to our casih rustosiers oes day's raah sales each tiionth. We will ttlcet oae day eac h month and will announce io our win dow on the 5th day of each month tbe Utc we hate selected, and then all you will have to do in look over your Cain Ke-Hter receipts from us acd tee if yon have any wariuK that date, if you have jtiM htiug them to us and we will refund your money. There U no trick to thU proposition. Vaught Grocery Co. Second Street Main nt HUlshoro. 03; lg? TO Tf aaawleyT) AVlllai I Pacific States I iVumAy 'd John Vanderwal Hlllalmm. Ajnt OreKon ASK VOUr innlrTV-Tlkft (ftcwinrt-T. i It fad:" W "Ron! Tk rTZlM vUkmJ 4 j , SECOND S1KLEF Barber Parlors courteous Treatment Capable workmen JAMES ANDERSON iur uinii in. r Have them during'' me whole 111221 t SNOWFLAKE CODAS trf 'l,y howe nt the tnsst elikborsU banquet or tho tiirtl oeal. A.i.?ro,"dilWr wtajta Ali to co tho Nw Famy Tla PACIFIC COAST HMOTT CO. v 'aj,0 s an 'u are and tal 8ve ,! Per C McGiU C crc;.':3, Ore., Route I .1 1 The NpPfll ,rTri.,, kftu 4i . -"- teuj79 Will hold theirannual sale of fancy -2m L. ... r J i ' J