vs'iwtiitttin cV.H - I, i fcaaaw aJaa fcWhii i It 3A THEATRE f oinorfow-friday Only TV 1 I. 4 l-j. t! .i ,; 1 : h J foUrf k tut rsM-orE at hi:Ct Offo aa aetfunl-tftaaa kul atalia.. A. Iau. Kdtto. County Official I'npcr Ataaariytioa tr Annuui. fc'erf Thrwlt -IT- Kinr Georce, who fell otT his horse while reviewing his troops in France, should make a trip to the I endleton Koundup and see how we ride them out in Ore iron." mi or tkpi eoo. The German and Turk, with the aid of the Kumars, appear to be holding a reunion down close to Constantinople-and the Allies are wondering whore the "en emy" will appear next live Acts of Superb Dramatic Acting. A . Paramount Picture Featuring H B Warner in his Original Role in a Thrilling Drama. Tte Ghost Breaker Usual Prices. 5-lOc . Extra Special Solos by RAY S1GLER. Coming next Monday and Tuesday THE BARGAIN Paramount Productions are Shown at the Grand Every Mon. Tues. and Friday With potatoes at a cent per pound in Germany, consumers in Oregon know how to sympathize with the housewives across the water. If Germany gets thnmgh to the Turkish capital ft will spell trouble tor the Sjox Canal, and that viaduct wi'l be closed for the first time in its history. C C Nelson, of Racona. was a cuy caiier yesterday. Root Hartramof is home Spokane this week. Theodore Vanderainden. of Rov, was an Argus caller todar. M. L Woodman, of tank. was in town today. L. L. Craw fori, nf Kwa Banks, was in town yesterday. Z. T. Cole, of Sherwood, was h U Mawy idmt aad fairc KIHM Pmr CM Ams Cupe iNxl il l, frotat W atop uauw h xujur with What ior l l.rr(vLiip? ' la lit IUl!nm of our IUrt.c. We tur made uula wur rltca a Kra-ru lm.n.e ibvtwf and tut hung the ainw In oor atatrtkMia a a rH'itvxl.il (rtrr thtt area eriatr and liar varkxia OMUjnpwiura rrum do a ICwvs ar uvt M th au.-rvd llh k tMit of iMr thouiihta, Indeed. Cai Aua la jM a amkia oer ttie rtkt a (he other rsp bt ami lrlat!jr Mtt-a It bad a Imltnr chsmv at tti- Mime, The nauw of Cajn Ann ).ru' uwaa anything ew. luilpir it ntv:n la the failifini nkntU h tirt aSked Ibe thea KhMi.tr h' on in o II. Ann iltwut kwk Ilk buntan foul la f t. It ilmu't k Hi lU h tf aiivitthiK Imt Cmii Ana. Tm fai ft. Willi It jtmK Its hanv t kti tonyi'.w an. .ts ilb.tlnrh. W lk ti j to liu lu lu A rrrtalu ktu4 rf atfct'r.- K n.imfil fr It tt tl Krt Uit.i IhvK mill tbt'B au tti iutilWnT, TW plkritu fathra taii.lil ihi It-ami Itx-e bati lb au irvui i.'"l la kh back to N Ntnt al hunt up Itrmoiith. tk-r iln-rx n h krcit a rk t a't hi tvrlo ffol uivn. ao that futurr rrn rralioti nikht rt l vG Mta vf ttta IT An Episode of Cuba fr Esnajt vAM)rtrR SQUINTING AT THE STARS. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ! uticb or ruiAL settlcmcst. I Niivi bycivta that i.tha nnir l!n own yesterday on road mat- B Hart D. L Smith, of above HinU V 1) tal aAkii k au. I a Att admlni(r!it..r that aaid t'ouri war. "Tmnbor , l:6. at th ha Hut nf Itrxmn ir U.kl..n oT, ioly appoinlMl adatintotnitor ot mw ol t'lMra K HaNr, dtouMl, bar qualtfiml aa aiich. I Banana havinc claims ami nit nLI a a a bambv aotiflad to Dnmt n, i lo M with to profwr Tonebcra at ibw uaum m w. b. turrctt, in tltlla Oragoo, within au ntontha from Um of thla noli ml lad October 7, 131i William O. nwr. lilalatralor of the aatato of Clcora K. IWa dcOMMrJi . . Barrett, AUonraT for taij mtate. Adminiatrator'a Kptiea i tiea ia hereby given that Uw I '(Jffned baa by an order of County t ol Waahinvtnn (Vmni, iw.n . mada and mitrad, lawn appoinuai ! v . . ul" "taia oi Jo tin i "tT Am IM..I Im,. riti ; - - I CountT Court of ll.a Ktatx of ).. ... I " "KUn lintr niT H alanur)t aal "f W If I hMM M . ouroi Oorl.k A. . of aaid da aa ii.i' k. .v " """" "n ko.mii In vrnin, aa Ui .f a-f for bMrnii oijNina t kuiI acrount anJ tti tinaj iawd Oouhr T, 1!I3. u.uiniroror lhrtalaor Anaa R. transacted business her v..ctor! day. Uartr, dromtwd W. N. lWn-u Uaior. AUorm-7 for Atlniluia aOTICE (too. la ' ? rta Uorfann. c)atard, ud ,, pr i Jak MOtK ' I haitK elaiina aninal mid aatata L,""! J f'rlct iia. I l ""iiu ana airorvat to pro- " o ln. V lha aame to liar. kthar with the ' yvt r. A. Ck laii, wTounMrauiorrror.M tna ottiea of Tonrua, In Hillahom, Waahinltnn ', IT, Oratn. wiUiin ai manlht (roai I i Mai IMrain . ! " HHWwro, Onicon, UiU lb ' ? : fOctobar. IBIV I . ! Lillian Joaaphlne Kinrara. , ' Adininistratris. 1 1 ToogtM, AUornar. ansa xt I Motto to Oedltora. i; I: ! I. hAVA haWH lt hat (knn(. i:tof Oigtrn fr Waabiiirto Vo . '"' ''.npoinUxl adini listraUr of tha .sJ , ' Rose I rWI. dxa-e.l, and hit5i' ' ' laalinud aaau'rh. AM pflMrwn hay I BKaina mi.ii rata! ara Uwei.y jid lo prrannt th rnuiia to me, wiih )r Tdurnara altanm at lha Uw.olti ft N Buret, in Hillaboro. Vrt-gnn, F 1 1 an moiiiha 'mm tn dais ol Utsa t iMtad una , lay of 0rto B K KOORI), iiiniHralor or the hIml. ,.r tt. i f. I. decease I. 4 ' t Karrett, Attorney for A.lmltUrra- 4 I , I i .1 . . aOTlCB TO CRBDITORa, ; e county court ok the ate of oreoon for wash- j iTON COUNTY. I ..Mailer of the Relate of AuKmla I - Ck, Ueneaaed. ia hereby given that the nnder .,; i haa been atiiaUntxl h -1 iiuran aa aimaamratr or the a 5 ! Awt'iate Wlenceka Unnaaanl, and . laftl aaaa.;t. an by law mrr.m til tlrtfore, all Daraona havltiv s t' acainat aaiil mi.i. .... i. 1 and required to prnwiit tha aatun OT SUTKICT axmia. NlHlra k hrrlv nun that f lha Vr.t ui layera of Koad In i. nunitiiiton County. (r- nerer.y call.l aad will be M.I 'eiwcer piai-e, in. said 19. WaailnKton the.' Tta day of 1 O'clock I'. kL'OB Uid Al,- Ai. J w .IH.1H, "P the rtiaiea contained - BUtKikJP. Road IHau1ctN.. ja, -..hlnalon tounty. Oron. eaiimaaaa the amount 7. . r ' na " of m' of "'. raiBo ior tug tailowlnir ynr i iniiB nuioiiuam on rand No. lli-l-.l oatlmated cot of which ia IJ.OOO.OO; ioi .'Kim on roau Nil 1, eati Hiiru or wnirn la .,eo.0; ISO ru niarauam on road Xa 125, eetl ""x' nw oi wmcn ia Kiooo; 200 t.ij. mars.iam on rnaii xn. int .ri coai or which ia laaoa. aum or taahi pmnrrt in litri miiiriyo 01 rrmoraimnn. i s -. an .Miniiw-ai or miiiii ra.iuirwt 1.. 9 i 10-nilll tax. . Total. J :! OS 0.01. lated thla n.l lA.-U, 1915. , JACf'l! fil-KlVCKtc. r.rpcrvisnr of ftuml In.trlrt No. i. naHinriKton t'onnty. Ori-ntn ltiLS 1 1 KNT TA X 1'A V KJiH a. i. Kptinruy. r. v. All.n, AV iMaiaai, j. 1,. J,imion, S. II Darin . i IKL,.' f l. t ... 1 .nmeny, j.nm IJarry. tulaiin fw-flnifr, I- ay. ' nan. Hall, (. Carlwin, O, iW. Mfjer. U CUimsen, K. CritulKeortre S. W. Ulltt. J CmaHT. Mary Harry! '"nn 1. n iinama, A. A. Smith, M. A day of Novemlwr, 1 t . Wltl1 b proper f ouclKr ther. f-ue uuoeraiKtina ailiiiliimrator at h olh.wof Willianf O. Hare. Aumr I , JUional Bank Bulidiaa, Hillsboro. I , ., within tit mqntha roiu the time 1, J P 4 olOctebar, 1916. . ! Kjfc-m Weiuacta, .liuiiiiaTator of I ' )0. Hare', JiUn. ttmey for Arfajinig- OF riNAlHJHTtEMENT a leroi.y (vn ihat IS Uw under-. Uaui Jal. chLiii 'juirauir ot lha nutat ,.r yi1 !... ., s ; ladini I VOTTCE 07 SIBTSIOT BUDOST mvtvmm. Notlra ia hvraliy alv-n that a mwt fh(r of the resident ta payer of nad lUtrict No 47 Wasbinirton Vn., Oregon . "Pr"or "' nl will be held . IfJ -IdHlH School H'lDM In said nad Diatrict No. 4 -aunty, Oregon, on the nn uay-01 ftovemlier, A. I, 1915 at the hour f I o'clock P. M nn .i.i h. Uo fliiciiFB and vola untm tha nMn,,!.. "'jiuaiiica in m inlinwinir hmli-ot- S BUDUKT. - riaa Uialnct Ho. 47. Wahinirtnn ""imty, Oregon, eflimales Ih. of wnrk- roht. :,nI r,iiiiii,r r .. raiiMKi r.ir th following vir- 1 MW lent makm 011 R-ad Sn avi nuin 4mt of which iiil W: Wnoleelol ailam on Komi Na.li!! oaiim.ii .... ol which is m (rradinir C,K,tr Monn- niatwl poat of whiirh In $!2I0; km aiarf -la I ... . , t. " -""- ' ity (Wof tlvtBurt- UMHw . VaJaeof Uahle nwrti in Hlatrirt , 1 iuiikumi Counla. in. rinai account ejtclnn ItllMtraUkr n: i n baa act I (the liour, ii : 1 wotn in i r hearim , land tina uaUJiaLi Nauiilar of miiu if 10 o'clock A. M. of llfltad thia.tr.l .r'kj...... 1.. . iiiw and Um liniini irnr.. . ' . ... "' iiatrator iHboro, (H-fon, aa the aetllement of aaik Iin KoherU. the eatata of Marshall 1 ". t leceaf. : ill'.' H"nU''tomey for. Adinii,. yes of Ptjial Settlement I COUNTRY COURT OF THM TS OF OREGON ( Ai-UNGTON COUNTY. Ttle of tha Etuta of Ora, A -read, i . 1 w baraby irlyen that tha under Mlnlatrator of aaid mute, haa aa OotMty Conrt of tha Htate of ia flnaj amount and report aa alor thewwof, and that aaid conrt I and aptnintad Monday, the Hih !otreniber, lIS, at tha hour of 10 I kt,of aaM day, and the County ! pi of thia Court at Hillaboro. 4 laa lima and place for hearing I lo aaM final account and for ' tiaaeitof aaid rata la. JaWhdayoi (Jctoibe-, 1916. i Harry Cook, wavr wraauu iBia J V. fiara. Attorney for admiu K K VI 1 K u. Irict No. nunii' auiM-rvigor M Koad I j af WiHhtiiK'o'i '"iM.iiir Oro 11 ' -UKIUKNT TAXf'A VKHS. Win P l!r,K.I. John Itnliml B H floiieh L )l?.m.M- . Ay-ra, (1, K..H1. I'l-VL' 7, V J llcnr. Krai i v T' : hixnlmchlor. It Halpa Ka Aatrnamae In Calaulatiaa Thae Olktancaa. While ksturlnrf revuilr lo aa au.ll hmv nf otiiilrr ni tha llojal inatllu la.u, Ij ikIi.ii, lYofoaaor II. llv Turner iiiIinhI bow aKironoiucra moft'iir lh dil;itv of the aun. tmn and at tr The Importatirw of a aoulnt waa at (laitHHl with the ah! of a tuatcb and a rb;ar. I'ultlnc the rtpir In hta mouth ml llstittiiit the match, be told Ibrtn II waa b.r a)uliitlti that lie Jo.li.-cd tb dUtuix-e at hk b lu bold U. Ttnn, inklna auolber clitar. whkh waa about iWflta. Imbea In length, be ; eifdnltHsJ ni lb it caiw II aa not necvaaart to aiilut ao tnmb. aai lb lailnl of dUtam-e lo he tamaurrd b the a funlu-r away. Thla waa done to llluatrata lha fad that, just aa the brain rakulHl. the dltiincnt or tbliiM aevo by uenna of the nnitle of ilu aulut. ao aatrnaooM-rt tell Hip iliNtaui-e of the dart y m-kon liti! Ihe amount ut "atjulnf tnrolTvd when kaikltie a 1 tli.tn. Two tchn. o-a are .laid airt alia eta t(.r tucaaurcd tlNmn,. The aMrwo otricr then knAa throunh lha two lek t?tjiea attlie annie lline and. haln jpt them (o the ancle at whk h he ran at the twrtlt iibir war. Jui nrkona up the amount of "a.uliir aiHl mta It nit In million of mllt-a. Iloatoti Herald. Chas. True, the of Middleton. was Kreetinjf his mends here today John I. Marsh, of Center-viHe transacted business in tnurn t it- day. Alec B. Todd, of For.f n-m down to the city yesterday, coii' fernna: with the county court f. I Geiaer. one of the native sons of Cornelijis, was down to nuisDoro tnis morninjr: Nick Kemmer, of Cor-por aiountain, where he looks at'terl the roads, was up to Hillsboro today. Money to loan on farm ity. 1 represent three large fire insurance companies. . Give me a call.-E. I. Kuratli. P. J. Sonnen, of Gaston, was a city visitor today. P. j. j3 farm ing up in one of the rich valleys adjacent to Gaston. The first story of the Heaver ton new school building U well under way, and contractors ex pect to have the business finish ed in 90 days. Eerd Groner is attending the walnut meeting at Portland this weeK. and yesterday delivered' an address on walnut omuin,, i tie is one of the vice presidents! "T" "'" Manlai rxt 4L. - f. - . .Illlltl ITrtV Not What They Seamed. A marquis w ho .aa in residence for a f. w dra ttl a larUlan hold dlatw erel. tluit hi-r mri net-klaiv. worth It. .", had dKippcarvd from her nvnti. Siispk kn fell on a meaarnKer toy. ho ndinlfti-d hN pilH. but de- tlan-l limt ) uecklare had been taken fiotu blm by bla mother. The mother iorr....nttil her aoo'i auta nient. exjirtaiu aaMulihtiH'iit that ao much troulile ahonlJ ha niada about -a tniKhy little trinket." which, aba Mtulnetl lkfl ao rheap and tawdry that she hsid given It to her daughter lit luw. Thla yoims woman. In her Icena, dlaplayeil an equal rontetnnt for the "hlla of thliijf-,- She told tha po lk thtf he bad Blven the neiklare to ncr mile jriri to w.-nr. but be bad n-movetl nlniut hnlf Hip IhhuK All tha mlInjr .firN were found In a hot aiiionK buttnna am hi)ki and eyea. The Lilita. Two thnnsnnd yonra tiif.. It waa aun that water Hllc ckiaed their flow.-M ni nlftht and reirenliHl far un dt-r wilier to viiHra nualn at aunrtae. una na rilov a r U-w and u ... iHirtng that -rd la t'ulia when the mre ander the Iml of fnVilu General We)k la )M . J llmara and klaum-t Kurt ado. oe the am of a Ur Uwler, the tUUrt a laa jec a ho huul.il up eaea of Saw of j lllle. then kted blatkataU '8 Ihi' bohh-r of the lH-'.. ratu Into euMI akm. SenorHa Inea kl i.tera, Ihe daaehtn ot a SpanUh rtamk ho had riul (rated frow hpala auitiy )eara la-fore waa one of ttv aoullxra la-aulK-a Ihm dark eca. uirr whk k !' laahea. rcu-U-r them rultao. lnii Sue and llcrrara met al a lali (Kru by a rUhy 4aitter. and Ihe tun-tlu retultisl lu a Mi aitulr. At Ibe time lienor Madera. ho h.t.1 auuk a fortuix tu t'lalu U-f.Mw ciuluit to I'uIm iI h.id KllK Ut UI-. UllloiLV bad Uvn a.HAu. lull by Manuel I ur la.lo t"t the h:tld of N'ti.lli lm The Kramk-e wu al hrl di-l i rivurd Ihe alk-tilk a au luuit. I ui ab.-o r'urta.kt auuouu.vl tint be kid accumulated a rouktrralk I.niub. and auuld aupl'ly Die ok tuaa'a a.tni ihe latter luru.il a ll-ienlii ear The rhtraucv of ll.rrarj Into Ihr (day made a great illff. ren.v to I'u tad.k. What tiillil .r.' al.'v bate r ulled ltltil bU lniMfcicie j now niaellde. Hut lie did td tcl Ue thla. He hid lrn uitrlunl l femortla lui-a by bet faih.-r. and ! bad retviied blm irrtl. kMily. Then ram to the lawyer a trmplaik to put bla rival out of the way. TU..crr ttmea when peratMia lu t'ulva were Irrj eaally mt out of the war. The npt.ilti cenernl aa an autorii hh nrd.-t would aend any tuati to pilxni or he fore a flrliitf atia.1 rurtado kU-c lnf.irttintkit at IK palace thai Joe llrrrara e n4 aol a r-volulkilill. bill hal be aa I'M tllil( to Mini ttlte.1 SI iti-a irv.-t Ibe Hand In e-l Ihe KMiiljrd Hue ercuhur alicu llrrrara j i.i- t(j 1.1 raU on Semirtla lnl. r he did l4 ar rle. On lha aay lo b-r boute be j a) In id by onli-r of the Koemr and carrk-d lo rr iu o one knew of hi arreat. Kurta.lo had rc4l.M that If 11 were iiioau thai acre a inHI li woukl e'ien,le bl frb-mU and tlri ecv auiil.hnily inimcn.n. 1,1 mi,kr trouble. Ho i.U irwt waa kcj t vn-t N'n after thia route the Hiul.h AiiM-rknu war and the hindu of t i.lt ed yitttea lu full. II. rrara kn In prltou till ihv war ewlct then raim forth. b4 batlui: ln betird from u-r bnrliiK rotiimuiih-nled a aide bl Jul! dutltitf the learmM lh.it Memirlta uit mm to la- dead, waa u mooruiiu for him. He knew tlml Mi one bi l pr.a ured bla irtni and fMifln. in, ni, out UIU lo klMw bo thai la raoti a . uerore nuking hlmreif tix.au to auv ... i. . . loaiituii-u liMiiirl.-a a lo hu a. euM-r. aud alm-a the rnvrd ete u.. on to blm be aooa b-arm-,) tha b bad been lwtraye. by Maiim-I I'uriado Joae di-liruillittl to punidi la- in ducer U fore making blntr'f knott iu the Klrl be k.cd. KlllM-r he or Mjihi.i hmai ilk-, ami If it m,-n J . H a. better that be alu.uld hd route to in to be mourne. a a.x..u. tin i lu weak from connuciiM iit ami Kae l.hn elf a brief respite I. f .re ia. kiluu hh enemy. bo h.i.l ini.d in tutor f ,w re.,utk.i,bu Jum ,. , ,.. , lbf w uiilhg .HB,, MUttll rw K ii(i blerable uiu lo )m rniM. t), ,( () or ami . ,p H, A . N AAMAN Th3 LEPER V. rear e Hi I DAY. NOVEMBER 5ik. 8.15 1. M. S.k il Cirrle of th (VwirrvrnUoMl Church trreti(M iTinot-M lUhm HaiJer. Author Overture.. Egyptian lIUH ACT I SCENE I Jn the Urvd of Syria 1 - Veiled Mohanmedaft womn ur,t u Itath. w :' S.-hiaJ ilMter and Brhoul rh,i .. Strwt S en J panainf in rvvlsar. 1 3-WalerfarrVf, 4 -Street dandnf. &-l,'uet from falNt ol Ilta Haded sVliNK II -Interior of Naamart'i Filct ACT II SCK.NE I - Interior I'lWt of Ben lU, SOKNK II - In th Und or lartvl (Interior t'a!ar of Jehoran) Old Mi W ical OancH"-dbkali.M Snan Itiatrumenli- IV?r Uveal Uef.rg Air III SCENE I -Horn of Elbha. CAnT t)K CHARACTERS rrinrmtllahnie, if of NaamiR L.Prinrsw lla,.( Naaman. Ihe 4-T Lm iVrai. ' n. Ihe ije , Captive ilebrew Maid. Jdilah. Servant, tlrdrew CajiUv,. Iln IUled, King of hyria. .tettCt Weath Prank lUiiina .Menrr KuratH U .... Not.leUd.e.lWtoflWnllatW mIT u V .. r faafa. D. W. llartvM rPaul liarria Millard Caua rKranrta Unklata. Jt horsm. King of Israel.- : - CaSavtM 'nuat Stkitha)ers Attt-ndt-nta. Kliaha. 1 he l'r.hrt Cahkii, Kliiha'i Servant (Vurtiers, Court of Jehoratn. W.N. H.mi K. K. tasur Attfndants . I lancers iWada Killea .fCtay Flahtr (Carl P. liunsen - fCharWa Usher ftlinie Mary lleidel. Oda Srhulmrich, UUtla Imhrk renm-Mat Wrathrrrrd. Helen Cass. EdnaGilkev. Mrsars Vsul Ilailey. Verne McKlnnsf. John Encvtdingtr. lail h ilium, IJy run Carrvll. Sam Uentley. Mu.tiral Viniia. Oirecior. Hlaye Itirt rkiK Jitmnans lirtrkir. .Bra. P. J. SeweU Carl liuntia Un. raaaor Caaford Urgs bias a. v. Nona heud from tr I U Hh any otic out I Vv b.llllk. ll.j-J Mailer a. Hiltn I IC. , Ctwtumes furniahett by l'rinci KahoM Balder w Inauguration of Motor Car Service iWtmcn ihto and Uti Hillslajro aud Timlier ami KtWMn IIIM xtuu ott the following schedule. of the association: Dr. and Mrs. VV. H H Spokane, are guests of J.'c Hare and wife, of I'orf hmH t hi! week, and came out to see Hillr. ooro and vicinity. Marriage licentei in day's OreKonian of interest to this county were; Simnn II Cook. Forest C, rnvp nnrl Pail. a'?lneA-Itoeder' Portland Hotel; Albert Dimbat, Sherwood, and Miss Frances Hawkins, of Mil- waukie, ure. The Ureifun Eleetrie Kaa n ... time card, e rectiv nyi n Millsborois efTecteH nni in t,. afternoon train arriving from 'ortland at 2-a; ,iii f2:10. . The main changes are on the main line. Spirella Corsets Nnt on!, I ;n stores. A question and a mr. rVabtinN If . ? "ave yu ar,y corset troubles? If so, let Spirella ser vice cure them. Over threo mil. ion satisfied Kniroiia ..... III M ' S lirxt ilouhte.1 tta mm. rarity. The r.nt Illy of Zaiiy.bar. on of tlie KrttndiMi of the Illy fm.illy, open Ita ItoMi ra, ten In, hea wble. between II In the rmirtiltia nnd .1 In ibe after noon. They ure of he rk-het royal blno, h Hh fnim -,o to 2tv Ki.din ata nieiia In tlic .rnt.-r. and ther remain a.n four or live d.iya. It U nut gvUr ally kiioivn Hint there are III lea that lime iKHtiiriml Imlili.-nlKhl blnomera aa well ns d ly li.Miiiiera. They are ery I'Uiirtiml tliiii-kwivra. (.ni. oNiilng Hnd rlotilntf with roitinieiiilalile reKiilurlty. Poor Loaar. fli,o( mnrnliiL;, rwHlawnlte." an I.I th. flrat .Ltiiiniilcr nfier he hnd aetfled lilnwlf lii n aont mid mrtly reeitltml lil brenlli M.irnlii, tlmlaoii." afli( aeeond rniniiiiiter fiiinewliiit" almrtly. "Voo ili.n t aociii .ihk mm "I alMiiild any not. When I aaw you rnniiln Juki now I inn.0 n Wj Wtn the Lrcniiciii,,,, niy . w.MiliIni entct, tills trtii,,. IirHt tfle I'Kk! I've knt r, -rimii, Herald. roTbkiiml uiunavciu'.t.i rurtnulo wa ,hvii,.ii,h vt,1lir mf , ,"u"' ""f i'sdcra. n,.,.ita "-" um; hut. U l , in hip injiii. Ik i, k,.l i . . . "Uil ll(, , . ". . ,,,,rri,r- fii - """S "7 III wait for ,la etny. wm runmui waa aloiw, olie wlm I.I...L...I ... l a li.i.l l..l..V.j ""l r"""" .... ..gvini, "You don t rvriH-niiar Ulp ram. akl Her In JJruwsts here and there are busv these days explaining whv nreserinrinna inr.u;n,v.. FOR 3 -""loiiiMiK iaruo ic .u o:iu inline are so much more expensive. Carbolic acid has risen in value 10 times, while quinine gives it a close run at 8 tirnfs. Glycerine is another ining mac nas soared SlRht. out of ' ForSale-feam.of horsrs. one 4 years old and the other 10 yrs old; weijrht 1000 lbs. each; harl nessand wapon. All forllOO Otto Wohler, Hillsboro, ihe R. 4. Uox 11. " Located 1 1 . r.i, . i . """I f . leiepnone, Far irterg&ttl. . . v 32-4 icaiuy io ine ease, comfort and perfection ot stvle nmrft Spirella corsets. M.n 11V OVA llull.r. deHiurns from which tol select 'the corset best suited to your indi vidual needs. A Spirella resi dence corsetiere in this field. My advice, experience and train ing are at VOIIf Hnrvi.o ..,Ul..,..L u..Kuon Appointments by letter or telephone civpn r.en,,.t. riuine mam 384. For Sale or Trade ft PJ acre, the N. W. i of N. E. i, Sec. 33, Tp. 3, It. 4 VV Has over 2 acr eiOD-j. a ' S i; ?ma11 houses; 500,000 teet lumber; cedar enough to make 10.000 fene no.., " Hia 8tanJard. rim lm-cr (l.riti,.i,K ,n k hla pur. elms,.,:TI.I Ih , at ferock.il. U'list I ever ciim.. nc-nma. and you anM he wna mx ircm,. na a womnn. Healer In (milnea-Thnfa Hlnilslit. My wlfog ..... woman I know ntiythlug alwut -tlilinmi llernbl. The twenty e,,r old dai.Kliter or tn "Hldem of one 1)!lllk. aCtnZSZ iirtn mr fflil I.. Three men. cm, . m, , ., . Her f.,il,pr rnt ,nw.nr,,y tnm. ne mil., while lllmr,,,, llm.nM. lat. tera rcmiiln,,,! mir,.., JrnlyWlw DniiHed until .y c.,,,,.1 t,e Kiveu out rw MTrinla, lenvlnB Ihelr morn. A'ld Hie clri cnii,i. ,... ' Hmar. un-t mff r...r. ; ""- pP". n "I do not" red on thk. ,y H y,M1 hMt M.r..,.rlal a,(l fl,r , m. ol Ibu a.roiiut la-tw,-ii ua." Ara you Ku,u ,., mr(l.r nwy, a Ar you unarmed r 4, kVe,!,'t,?0T b " M-Mkiilfe - "I l.r..f , , . . ,V M ,1"l'll't." ! "Nr I. Um. na to fir .,!, Wlihln ten miiiiiina n . "J.ikut" .1 . . . ,.wlrciiiiM(.,L ... Ihoqnk k or (h d.., r i um quk-k; I hnf the dend." na luKtwari H.., S.5j .5S 9.t .j U5 r.M.9.7 '31 l.4H '51 207 2.H. 912 9.15 9 t) 9 2., 9 i-H 9 31 9 3s 950 955 I'or further " i'nl apent Stations A. M. Ttiufkcr Cantor Creek Siraincl Sttificld Wirf Hares Hiixlon ft a Manning 1x4 Carttcns 1.0a Iavi 1 3-57 Inks 13.5a kly ia.47 Schcfllin ta.41 Ha'lcy la.jy Main Si ia.a8 Hillbbtiro la.aV Writ ward 6. top.!. 604 5S' sat 1. 10 P. if. 5.16 59 S7 5.0a 457 45 4.46 4.4a 4-33 4.30 information a.i to htt. etc., call en SOUTiqjRN PACIl'IC MlH M- M011't"4 Pw-ft Aftal, fertlMt Of. J'l"t lef mont he h.,,1 re.vlv.Hl t ,' r' "' ""taynuiathy V","'"y A Chanca to Save EJoney ,ve,n lian ii!.- f..h....f . ; t mint ..I.HJ- ..; ''iing ariicies iui t Hi 11 l hiiNlneaa let. lha work en arp,u.f " married Henorlm RflFMnniUiailt.. t Madera nni aa a A O,.... ... "Indeed I n.,M tb. aand."-Exrhne 'Vn,t Th Haaviatt Meal. When ,1 y,,,, UlUe ,e bt,nvht I f Ihodnyr aaktai n l-iehHur of a atar ' liailklla. ... Marnla,-" ''"- Way. a.i " lo nanian a aermt , una fold um m "'Phar 11 11 11 uw SrcA.l Iwttarnatlonal Manure Spreader No. 8;,,llthcrtt " m.'.tifl yM0!,e ' a6.x t 1 Kl, harrow .ii.i 'Roods are nil new .d i. firalass U'WIl.L K!M,lar1 i some tre salt; coHt. Come in and MeforyouP Pecy Long " wa a illCftlw COIldil,v.. ... 1 "-'I IIIIIII. "Wbiu my wife CfMlk)l WDlf. H camatka r,nuraa ira "..Hlarao, ruware store